PAGE FOUH MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEPFORD, OKEGOX, MONDAY, MARCIT 19, 1923 ttEDFORD Mail tribune 1 AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER K V Kit V A KTB HNOON 7 JHfdfoM Sunday Morning Sun 1 gy oii)r newspaper. Offlc JkUU Tribune Bui Ml o. 16-17-2 ftorm rv street. i'iion jt. A eene I Illation of the Iemocratlc 1m, te Aledfort Malt, th aleUford Arp'"" Tribune. Southern Oregoaiaa, The KOBERT W. RU11L, Editor. B. tfUMrfKR SMITH. Uanagflf. MAIL In Advance: liy. wftji HunOay sun, year 7.6 itljr, without Sunday Run, year. .t0 illv. Without KundtiV Bun. month .45 vejily tall Trlbunf, one year.- nour Dun, urur y-ir. . . .vv liAHHien in Aieorora Aaniana, Lfltaohvllle. Central Point. Phoenix. alent uod on Highways: uy w in aunoay nun. monin..- .id ally, without Sunday Hun, month .65 ally, without Sunday Sun, year- 7.60 diy. with bunaay hun. one year a.av Jl terms by carrier, cujth In advance. Qf flcLU paper of th City of Medford. pfflcl&l paper of Jackson County. Tt only papr between Kuftvn. Ore., aj Karramento. Calif., a distance or ofvfr 600 mile, having leased wire Asso ciated Pre Service, worn dally average circulation . alt months ending April 1, J It 2 2, 3i mare than double the circulation of i ether pa pr published or circulated Jaekson County. PUT IT OVEE! 1ti1tA mm HMnd ciih matter Mvdford. Oregon, under act of March I, MEMBERS OK TUB TREWS. ASSOCIATED ' Tw Aaaortated Prnw Hi axeljaively Mltl4 to the uh for republication of ail nttrs dlapatchea credited to It or not OirrwUe credited In thla paper, and aiao to tha local newa publlahed herein. '.All Hhta of republication of apeclal uapalc.n nerein are aiao reaerveq. Ye Smudge Pot , By Arthur Perry. It U about time the use of cool tar products In lemon pics, In this vicinity ceased. Mr. Harding will run for the presi dehor again In 1924, and will try and moke It, without sponsoring a single nutty notion, or cussing the papers. BUT HE FRIED 'i? f ("Eugene Register) V ! This will bake It plain that Mr. . Anderson made- partial arrange menu with Mr. Jordan and then on March 4, he refuses to stand by bis own challenge. - The federal government had the braxen gall last Friday to Implicate a brother and sister of Mary Pick ford In a violation of the Volstead act. Astoria,' swept, by fire last winter, is now being devastated by a full- grown community fuss. ' The. Massachusetts sheriff, who is trying to niake an anarchist-murderer on a "hunger Btrike" eat. Is apparently taking no Interest In his work. 'c A HUMAN MINORCA (Cblco Enterprise) NOTICE Why worry with old hens and small incubators when John Gray, East Dooneville, will batch your eggs for you at 6 cents each? Gentlemen of the jury: This has been a long and tiresome trial, and yon will pardon me, if I say anything 1b my closing remarks. . WIND BLOWS FORD CLEAN OFF ROAD (Hdllne Pendleton Tribune) Don't believe either allegation. .! .The Portland ball team may amount to 'something this season, as all the Portland press predict It won't - TWO CAN8 TALL MINCED CLAMS FOR CENTS (Ad Corvallts Colette-Times) The short and unminccd art best "Mme. Cecilia Meadow-Lark, a noted singer of the Rail Fenco Lyceum cir cuit spent Sunday In the city, and gave two 'concerts. A small but apprecia tive audience was In attendance. Mme. Meadow-Lark rendered, "O! Let I'b Fly!",' F. major (Opus 56.) Strauss with great feeling, and trilled her bearers through and through. For an encore she executed, "I Dulldcd My Nest On Yon High Limb." The rendi tion of the first part of the program Was -disturbed by hoodlums, who the police allege, are mombers of the no torious Sparrow gang. They blowed their noses. Invariably, as the artist was making ready to vocallio. This shows poor breeding, and Is not cute, as the malefactors seem to bollovo. The management Is to be enngratu lated on bringing Mme. Meadow-Lark to the- local music lovers, and an nounce the coming of Robert O'l.lnli. the eminent Irish tenor on the -7th Inst.-"' THE MEDFORD C'hnmber of Commerce has everything but membership. It lias splendid organization, a fine enthusiasm, a good record of accomplishment, a high grade of ability in its execu tive und administrative departments. Hut it hasn't the membership nn organization of its kind should have. Tomorrow the drive for increased membership starts. The preparations for this drive have been skillfully conceived and most capably carried out. A drive has never been started in an atmos phere of greater enthusiasm, and self-confidence. The preliminary! generulship has been faultless. Everyone is rarin' to go from the eommander-iii-chief to the worker in the ranks. ' Nearly everything that can be done to make this drive a .access as far as leadership is concerned has been done. It is now up to the people of Medford as a whole, as to whether or not this campaign is lo be the success, that (he excellence of the preliminary work jus tifies and that the constructive development of this community de mands. , We venture to say there is no district on the Pacific Coast where opportunities and intrinsic values have been more consistently under estimated than here in southern Oregon. For years now Medford has been the victim of a bear market. The time has come to throw out he bears and bring in the bulls. Not the bulls of boom buncombe, but the bulls of hard work, the bulls of enthusiastic effort, the bulls of a just appreciation of what we have here, and the necessity of tell ing this to the world. Let's put this thing over with a bang. Let's revive some of that old-time Medford spirit. Let's proceed to create the largest and best Chamber of Commerce on the Pacific coast in proportion to our pop illation. It can be done. For a multitude of reasons this is the psychologi cal time to do it. The Medford Chamber of Commerce has everything but an adequate membership. Let's give it that membership and put over 1923 as the best year for Medford and Jackson county, in the present decade. GIVE LIBERALLY EXIDE BATTERY Quill Points The most difficult place to balance a budget is on the point of a bnyonct. All four banks In Medford have no cep;'d the UKft'stlon for thtir sub Korliitlons to the publicity -and wr- vice fund. of the Chamber f Com merce for tho next three yours, ac cording to a report of the commit -ti.-e, headed by II. E- Harder, which prepared the fund. The combined subscription of the four ban kit amounts to $10."0 annually. The publicity and service com mittee compiled n miRKfsted lift of subBerjptlons wHlch it believed that every corporation nnd business house in Medford could afford to pay to the fund and which would he wilting U; jdo so by reason of the fat that the wiiuiu uo especially Deneiuieci oy me activities of the chamber. The bank ers are tho first to approve offic ially their quota and have stated that the publicity and service fund com mittee has made very etjuitahln esti mates for subscriptions from all the busincKs men. Chairman . Bert .Thierolf of the committee on relations with other or ganizations, announces that on Sat urday night the flvdmen's lodge g'tve unanimous approval to the .Yiemher ship campaign and appointed a com mittee to co-operate with the cam paign organization. The full list of endorsers of the campnign now is: Tho Craters, tho Klks. the Presbyte rian Men's club, the Stanford club of fiotithcrn Oregon, the Copeo Koum tho IIokup Klver Valley '.'diversity club, the i:ictrical Contractor deal ers, the Knights of Columbus, the Knights of Pythias, the Odd Fellows the Oregon fi rowers, tho American Ieglnn. the Ministerial Tnion. the1 Woodmen of the World, tho Masons, I and the Ucdmen. Jtcsides thew, nil of the women's) organisations in tho cicty have prom ised to co-operate with tho campaign committee according to Mrs. Host; (i. Schieffelin, chairman of. the commit teo on relations with women's clubs Wc wish they'd build these political fences strong enough to keep the bull in. Another Egyptian characteristic that would help the world just now is sand. Suspicion is just a private conviction that you would act that way if you were in his place. Tho American army never will be reduced below the number re quired for un interesting crap game. " About all that is needed to make the early spring suits comfortable is a good heavy overcoat. Correct this sentence:- "Whistling merrily, the pokerplaying husband entered his house at 2 a, m." HOHMAN GIVES TANLAC FULL CREDIT FOR HEALTH Considerable attention was at trciMed during the day by the appear ance on the streets of Pilot "Al" C. ttced seated in his Texas "Tiger Shark, "a Ilukk with a large shark's head on the radiator and a long tail attached to the n-ar. Pilot Heed is un tht third and last lap of a 4U0.000 mile international en durance ime and hopes to win the 125.000 wager which is offered by the Kevel Athletir association of Paris, Frame. j Among the many well-known resi- He Klarted out in 10IC, hut was j dents of Portland. Oregon, who have layed by the war nnd made a new . recently spoken out in high praise of start on March 26. 1922 m having com- j Tanlac fur the benefits they haie pleted 335. 078 miles to date overing j derived from its uk'. are llenjamin F. 37 foreign countries and 4S states n j Sullivan. 313 lMss S:.. prominent niil the V. H. To check the run nnd , ,.0ll(1 L.0nti aetnr; Mrs. Agnes Greens milenge. his motor is sealed in three 1 ja,r. 5901 D4th St.. S. K.; J. P. Strahl. places and watched by timers trom cll 8Sth St.'. and Mrs. Nellie Wink America, France and Italy. Accord- 204O cUirenden St. while other. Ins to the rules he must carry a party j do not hoKitftlo to endu'rso the mcdi of four including two officii. 1 timers. . ... . Rf ((f its powers are made. back on my fee, feeling fine. When I say I suffered with stomach trouble yc.Tr it's easy to realize the who send and u recording secretary in reports twice weekly. His car has regular equipment, in cluding an Kxide battery which is now 7 years old and still giving ex cellent service. When in Kan Fran cisco, recently. District Manager Mur-j phy of the Kxide factory checked and! verified the battery age and found It operating in first class manner in spite, of the fact that the car has been In all climates and traveled through , desert sands. Peeil nl thn I'-iftoi-i- nnd K lee trie Shop, Kxidc battery dibtribii-1 tors here for service nnd C. A. John son, tho manager, found it working nicely with Its original pep mil power. "This Is not nn exceptional casi of long life for nn Kxide,' claim? John son who stated that a great many Exides have been in constant usej right here in Med ford, which ore over seven years old and ns-j stili giving good service." Well-Known Portland Citi-j zen Declares Famous Med-: "rdr ,oinch. icine Completely Over- j troui.u ro mine ni hore about came Stomach Trouble ox ,.,,. :imi ,,:1S nia up in u,i iul- Oft Vonrc1 'St-inrlinc "'""n'' m a-ount ut my nil-. m i ears btanaing. m, nts. ;.i-tooii fuiioi to diet snu I did me lut little Komi, my Kiomuch j sw-nw d stiiir as could bo nil the tlnix. and I liloutrd with K-'iu until 1 mm in hil.scl'y for houii. TIutp Vtll;o timt'H when 1 cnt for wi-tks without hiinij' aide lo rt-utin a l-ite of Kollrt food on ' ir.y Hioiiini-h und would be so wwtk and faint I had to htop work and lost. I just kept pntlinK worse and 1 was no played out and run-down I didn't know what to do about-It, until my friends advised mo to try Tanlac. "It was rifiht after I was ublc lo Bel out of bed that I started on tho lanlae treatment and tho result is One of the l.-ilesl to testifv is John that I now have a perlecl tllKcsllon. Hohman. well-known resident of na:i my food all aurees with mo und I B. 10th St.. N., who says: always feel sironu and well. Tanlac "When 1 bcc.-in .Inking Tanlac 1 sels my unqualified endorsement." knew my can- was a stubborn one, so Tanlac Is for sale by all itood dnm-.. 1 keot rli:hl on Hiking it. and KcttinK gists. Over 33 million bottles sold. better all the time till today I am Adv. The fault of science is that it pays too much origin and not enough to our destination. attention to our Success is just n simple matter of struggling along until you hit upon something that has scenario value. Russia has served one good purpose. She has made us a little bet ter satisfied with our own brand of freedom. A philosopher is one- who observes tho Ruhr and reflects cheer fully that things always settle down in a basin. Franco is progressing. Once she needed wire fences to keep Ilei- nio 'back, and now the Poles alone are sufficient. In tho decorations on tho spring bonnets of the weaker sex, not a pro- duet of field or orchard, that conflicts with the fishing Industry Is noted. . 01 OET 80METH1NQ NEW j.! Albany Democrat) ' . Miss Mattke nnd Miss Kply call ad on Mrs. O. KolRiim Tuesday alter school to Invito thn latter to thn birthday dinner which had ln planned for tho past year, as Mrs. KelRum and Miss Mattko's birthdays were Monday nnd Tues day. Mrs.' FelKum was 111 and missed the whole treat. fUranite ss It may scorn a numhor or Oreffonlans have boon deceived In the latest pacific Const swindle Politics have rcachod such a low state that It Is possible to kill a ho without the deed having any political if Rlficanco. RippIingRhuns . ' ' i i.Ti . . .ka ft mm m i .i m w THE FLU. E LIGHTLY talk about thn flu, we treat it as n feeble jest, when wo nrc sound in bone and thew, our lungs all hit ting in our breast. AVc see the doctors scoot around, their coat tails flapping in the air, the druggists' clerks with pestles pound tho drugs that don't get anywhere. The undertaker fills his purse with goldeir doubloons shining bright, ami in his super henry hearse we hear him speeding day and night. But, being sound in wind and limb, wo view these things and scarcely heed; we swap old yarns with Sunny Jim, until the ailment has us treed. The flu is nn establishd thing, each winter now it sweeps tho land, nnd leaves us looking, in the spring, like something ready to be canned. Perhaps it's dodged you up to date, ami you may view it ns a joke, but it will get yon soon or late, anil then you'll marvel at its smoke. When onec its filled your head with ache, nnd made your bones nnd tendons sore, and shown n willingness to make your life n weariness and bore, you will not smile, but you will swear and have n tear and shed n frown, when says the sawbones, in despair, "The flu is headed for this town!" AH tho team workers in tho mem bership campaign of the Chamber of Commerce as well as new mem bers of the chamber will hnvo lunch eon at tho hotel Medford on the three days of tho campaign. Tho solicitinB teams will work from 9 to 12 in the morning and. will meet at tho hotel Immediately as guts of tho cham ber to give their reports. Tomorrow morning at 9 all the team tcnptalnp wlrl assemble their teams at the Chamber of Commerce building to receive thojr report sheets and to give to their men final instructions ns to the work of so liciting. "t Is quite necpssar" states Harry L,. Walther, chairman of the soliciting committee, '"that every one of the workers be present at these luncheons. We invito the new mem bers of the chamber to come nlso. Reports on the work for each day will be received nt that time and we will get an Idea, on what each team is doing-" rHEST COLDS Apply over throat end chest with not flannel doth. Vapo Rub Ova 17 Million Jan Used Yearly WATCH YOUR BATTERY PREST-O-LITE BATTERY STATION For Oniric Remrn Phone It USED CARS That have not been inisused Priced right Crater Lake Automotive Co ftnak. it with fni DnKING'S NEW DISCOVERY Atjamifyeahtyruf Wbrlds Statv&rd Cold Remedy (I r In diwemjliit WMtHrr afwjya awn lulls tunJv. SLindird trmedv wutld am tar twa e gmcrdtions. Tiafk and tlrpcnddbtc No hud bad aftrr effect Demand red box Ul 1 s ins i ,i Tasaasssssr MrjiiiiS jwsSJIy Selling Fairbanks-Morse Pumps and Engines and Hayes Sprayers Williams Implement Service 38 So. Dart let t Phone 203 am chxinq China Herb Store This ! to certify that Gtra Chung ot Meaxora. urn., nai cure a ine or gourt ana eioroacn irouoie, m. jo. ioaarcs 509 J St., Ormnts VtBU. This la to oertlfy that Olm Chung of Medford, Ora, has cured me ot rupture of four years' standing F. O. lenam, 41a 8 St., Qrante Pass, Ore. Medford, Oregon, Jan. IS, 191T. This la to certify that 1, the under Igned, had very severe etorDich trouble and had been bothered for several year and last August was not expected to Ilva. and hearing of Olm Chung whost Herb store is at 214 South Front street, Medford). I decided to t herba for m v tomach trouble, and I started to feeling better as soon as I used them and today am a well man nnd can heartily recom mend anyone afflicted as X was to mm Qim Chung and try his Herba Witnesses: Win, Lewis, Eagle Point W. 1. Childreth, Eagle Point A. Anderaon, Medford. 8. B. Holmea. Kacla C. B. Moore, Eagle Point J. V. Molntyre, Eagle Point Oeo, Von der Hellen. Kagle Point Fisk Tires 60 of all cars have Fisk tires as factory equipment, outside of Fords. Don't buy until you have isked us about them. The Auto Supply Co. Just around the corner 31 N. Bartlett Doc Wright Oregon Roses and other Beautiful Flowers Illustrated Catalogue Free upon Application Clarke Bros. , 287 Morrison St. Portland. Oregon. Choice accommodations are selected by early reservation. You add to the pleasure oi your voyage by booking pas sage now on a Canadian Pacific Empress or on one ol the luxurious Monoclass (one class) Cabin Ships. Direct Sarvica to Southampton, Liverpool, Cucow, Belfast, Antmtrp, Cherbourg and Hamburg. f" mfmrmmtumfimn HfM iMnlli ami, r , V. H. Deacon, Gen. Agt. Tass. Dept., Canadian TacKIc Railway. 55 Third Street, Portland, Ore. j by Canadian Pacific IT SPANS THI WORLD Wake Up! pvory morning with a f'oclins' that life is worth living. Every cent that you .save now is adding; to your future pleasure and making that pleas ure j-cally worth while. Don't "spend as you go." Kemomler the old saying that "a fool and his money are soon parted" and start that checking aceo.unt to-day. Conic i:i and ask us about it. Jackson County Bank Member Federal Reserve Established 1888 Join tho rtianiht of ('cmmejco Another Surplus Sale We just got back from headquarters with the good news that we had been alloted another $150,000 worth surplus Army Goods at greatly reduced prices, and for each one of our stores to get busy and let our patrons know so they could take ad vantage of these wonderful reduction. And here they are : Army Underwear, Shirts and Drawee, each 75 Spruce Division Shirts, wool $2.59 !r.'i.f)0 Wool Mixed Union Suits.. $1.89 Wright's Union Suits. 2-3 wool $2.29 Reclaimed 0. D. Shirts '. :.Sj1.39. New Wrap Leggins : 857 Campaign Hats 85 Mess Kits ..28 Jersey Gloves : 16 'Reclaimed-Army Overcoats $2.25 Aluminum Percolators and Roasters 89 All Shoes at reduced prices. Sale will close Saturday, March 24. United Army Stores 32 CENTRAL AVENUE, SO. General Mill Work TROWBRIDGE CABINET WORKS Windows and Doors Window Glass ' Door Frames Window Frames, All Kinds of Interior Finish Effective March 1, 1923 y Change in Schedule of Stages With through service to Portland and way points daily NORTH nOVXn Leaves Medford daily 8: a. m. for Grants Tarn) and Ilntoburg with direct connection to Portland; also 2:00 and 0:00 p. m. for Grants Taxs only. SOUTH KOCXn Leave ItowburR dally 4:20 p. m.; Grants Tass 12:00 noon, 4:00 and 8:0.-i p. m. for Medford and Aahlond. FAIUS Medfnrd-Grants I'aas, S1.1B; Mcdford-Roseburg, $4,131 Medford-rortland, $75. WK SAVE VOL" MOX EY Stopovers permitted at Roscbarg, Erjjfcne, Salem If desired. Nash Hotel nidR. Tickets on sale at VXIOX STAGE PEPOT Thone 300