Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 16, 1923, Page 8, Image 8

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Balsnng Powder-
that's the big thing in
- successes baking
It determines failure or suc
cess in baking, more
" than any other ingredient.
If you do not always have
satisfactory bakings, change
to Calumet for just one trial.
Jt is pure: containing only
such ingredients as have
been officially approved by
U. S. Food Authorities.
Within the Calumet factor
ies the largest and most
sanitary on earth hundreds
of skilled workers clad in
white are busily engaged in
producing the baking powder
that is used by millions.
Human hand9 never touch it.
Its sale is 2 times as much as
that of any other brand. Pure in
the making-pure in the baking.
A pound can of Calumet con
taint full 16 ounces. Some
baking powders come in 12
ounce instead of 1G ounce
can. ' Ra Mlir. vir trf r.
pound when you want it. ' BEST BT TEST
' n akI a POWDER)
The Economy MjxiiMn POWDER
e ..--, v- , t I - .
" ' - m
15c per lb.
.. 12 l-2c per lb
....20c per lb.
20c per lb.
17 l-2c per lb.
Choice Beef Roasts
Choice Beef Stew.:.......
Fresh Side Pork.'.:
Shoulder Pork Roast.:...:
Pure Home Rendered Lard.
Fresh Smelt, 3 lbs ...:!....:.'...
Phone 273 '
Free Delivery
General Mill Work
i Windows and Doors Window Glass
Door Frames Window Frames
All Kinds of Interior Finish
Effective March 1, 1923
Change in Schedule of Stages
With through
;ervice to Portland and way point3
daily '
NOttTII i'.Ol'NP leaves M.Mlforrt dully H:I3 a. in. for Grants Viwh
iinrt ltH, huiC Willi direct cnnnt-rtlon (n Portland; oIko 2:H0 and wnn
p. m. for OrnntR I'nim only.
HOl'TH I'.OI'Mt l.piivp l!osliiir dully 4:20 p. in.: OrnntH I'nss
IBs 00 noon, 4: (10 and H:0a p. in. for Medford ami Ashland.
KAItTvH Mi'drortl-fi'i'iitx l'n.s, $1.13; Mrclford-ltosrlMiri;, $l.lfl;
Mmlfoitl-rorllaiHl, $7.H1. .
VK 8.WK YOV MOXF.V Siopnvpr pmiiittcd nt ItosiliiliK, Kneno,
Snlrin If ill-aired.
Tiekrts on snip nt VXIOX ST.AGK DKI'OT
Snub Hotel IHiIr. ' I'litSnr !
Standard Incubators
1 W
1 iwi i ivvas,"1
u i
Rfnndjml lneiilmtor nnd llroodora nro iiumIo In nil hlra, Klectrlc
or Hot Watnr heat i pntpiilod feature found only In the Standard.
Mmln In flic Wont for 'Wmli'ni romllllon.
Practically every luruo poultry plant In Southern Oregon equip
ped with Standard Machine. Tlicrv'g n ltcnMin. lt un show ym
how to nmkc 10lr'r profit imt year on Hie cost of an Ineulwitor.
What other business can show inch retuniB?
Standard Manufacturing Co.
No. 1 Mitchell Way Tel. oilH-H-.l Medford, Ore.
News of Jackson County
GOLD HILL March 1 5. (Special)
Tho women folk who have been
hold-Inn nil the offices in the Parent
TenchfTH nruioctntion tho past two
yearn, turned the tables on tho men
folkH laHt Monduy evening at the
regulur monthly meeting by electing
aeveral men for tho -ensuing term.
Ij. 1,. Biiilth was elected president,
Mrs, M. KHtua, first vieu-presldont,
Mi Maudo Coy, second vice-president;
I'rof. W. M. Wright, necrotury.
and Mrs. A. E. KpIIokjj, treasurer.
Tho principal spoakor of lite evening
wn Mrs. HuhIg Holmt-s Cartor, our
county Hrhuol hiipffintendent on the
aHHoclation problenm. After tho close
of the iiu-t'ltnK, lunch was served in
the dofiimtir science room of the
school building by tho refreshment
committee. Tho next regular meet
ing will be devuted principally in ap
pointing new committees nnd plan
ning for tho coming years' program.
Walter 1 Hhutt, who is operator
at the depot from midnight to tho
8 o'clock shift in tiie morning, was
visited by bis wife nnd daughter from
Heott Mills last week. The visitors
returned homo Monday. While here
they visited with tho family of Ira
Keltiorn at Jacksonville. Tho two
families wero formerly adjoining
farm neighbors out from Scott Milts.
While Mr. Hhutt is employed at the
keys hero' in Gold Hill depot, the
wife and daughter are operating their
farm down tho Willamette valley
J. 1 Itowo the Rams Valley pio
neer farmer who leased his farm in
the valley last fall to "Brick" Mor
gan and, movld to Cold Hill to be
close to tils work at tho Highland
mine below Gold Hill, has purchased
the old C. W. Kennard residence
property on tho south side for home
purposes. This property was pur
chased by Fred Iv. Hickman early
last year and with but few Improve
ments was sold to Mr. Kowe.ut quite
an advanced price. While residence
property has been quite low In price
since the war here In Gold Hill, there
is a steady demand and prices are
ad vancihg.
Tho M. E. Church people of Gold
Hill have recently purchased the Mc
Intiro roncrete dwelling building op
poNite the church for parsonage pur
poses. It is at present occupied by
Walter H. Htiekel and family and
tho church will continue to let the
premises until the end of the confer
ence year in September. Pr. M. M.
Held, tho present pastor of the church
is now domiciled In other quarters
and will not bo disturbed tho current
year. This church Is a union of nil
the church denominations In Gold
'Hill and Is quite widely supported
by nil nnd -If plans Co not miscarry,
Gold Hill will have, a modern com
munity church building tho coming
The city council met In regular ses
sion Monday evening, March 12, nnd
after transacting the usunl routine of
business, discussed the matter of the
status of tho public library. The coun-
j ell decided that, from an ownership
standpoint, they hnd no Interest In
j the library whntovcr, but that the
! saiuo was the property of the Civic
I Improvement club of KoRue River nnd
that tho club should conduct the nf
falrn of tho library according to their
own dcBlres nnd wishes, tho city con
tinuing to donnto $10 per month to
said Civic Improvement club.
Tho present city marshal, Mr.
Blackburn, tendered his resignation
nnd the same wna accepted, and Rev.
Philip Arnold was then appointed by
tho mayor na city nmrshal and con
firmed by tho council, nt a salary of
$25 per month.
I The city council Instructed the
i street committed to at once make
; Buch Improvements of nil tho streets
: tit tho town as In their judgment was
; necessary.
( Tho city council has decided to noil
j fy nil persons owning dilapidated and
flretrap buildings to build up or repair
i snld buildings, or snmo will be con
' demned.
Tho mayor has declared the week
beginning Monday, March 19th. as
, clean up week, nnd it Is hoped that
i all persons In the town will comply
with this declaration and make all
places ns attractive and beautiful as
The city council authorized tho Civic
Improvement club to do such painting
of benches, chairs and oiling of the
I floor In tho city hall as they desired
ami ino city would pay tho expense
All day millinery rlasses wero held
en Monday and ' Thursday of this
week in tho Community hnll under th
direction of Miss Telch, county home
demoiiHtratur. Ahout twenty-five In
dies attended nnd were very much
gratified with the results attained, as
Miss Teich proves to bo a very cap
able Instructor. Two more classes,
which nro to be held Inter on in the
I month, ought to give each Individual
enough Information regarding the
making and trimming of hats to en
able them to do their own millinery
from now on.
A St. Patrick's "hard time" social
! nnd dance Is scheduled to take place
this Krlday evening. March ltth, nt
the I. O. O. K. hnll under the auspices
of the Itebekahs and Odd Fallows.
On S.Uurduy evening, Murch 17th, a
RIVERSIDE, Mar. 15. L. C. Elliott
has opened his new garage. This addi
tion to Riviera service' will be greatly
appreciated by 'the traveling public.
The garage Is equipped with the latest
machinery for general repair work.
Grant Neeley, expert mechanic anil
electrician will bo In charge. Mr.
Elliott has also completed his shower
bath and luundry house In his auto
park. It will be equipped with sta
tionary tubs and automatic pump.
Hot nnd cold water will be available at
all times. Riviera park should be
very popular with the tired tourist.
The Riverside Community club held
their regular monthly meeting Satur
day evening after which a dancing
party was held, there being a number
of Invited guests from Medford.
Mr. and Mrs. K. 1). Eismann were
business callers ut Medfurd Wednes
day. Mrs. Ella Short spent several days
visiting friends In Gold Hill last week.
The Rlversido Recreation club met
at the home of Mrs. Rose Gay Thurs
day afternoon.
Mrs. Striker, a former resident of
this section, now living In Saskatch
ewan, Canada, Is vlBiting at the home
of her sister, Mrs.' A. R. llrashear.
Miss Hernlce Clugston of Rogue
River, spent Thursday night with
Miss Muriel Mathews of Foots creek.
Mrs. M. H. Jacobs and daughter
I.yndell were business callers -at
Riviera Tuesdny morning.
Mrs. V. W. Dlrdseye was calling on
Riverside friends Tuesday afternoon.
A number of ranchers In this com-'
munity are doing their spraying this
week. -
Mrs. Rose Gay attended the millin
ery demonstration at Rogue River
Monday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Eismann were
calling at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
F. C. Elliott Sunday evening.
Miss Pauline and Chas. Champlin,
Jr., have ben confined to their home
for the past two weeks with the
Mrs. 'D.--H. Slead Is' having the plea
sure of Berving on the jury at Jack
sonville. '
-Mrs. Rose Gay and children, Miss
Alice Harper and Mrs. Chas. Gray
were picnicking up Foots creek Sat
urday. ' -i r
Fred Champlin of Foots creek left
on the afternoon jitney for Medford.
St. Patrick's social will be held at tho
Community hall. Elaborate prepara
tions are being made for a snlendld
program which will "be exciting and
amusing from start to finish. Admls
sion for edu'.'ts 25c, school children
10c. Appropriate refreshments will
be served free of charge later In the
evening. Don't fail to see the Indoor
track meet.
Tho Civic Improvement club will
hold its next regulnr meeting at the
home of Mrs. Reed Curter on Friday,
March 23rd. Election of officers 1'or
tho ensuing year will take place at
this meeting.
Last Friday night the high school
basketball team played the Talent
high school team at Rogue River for
the county championship outside of
the Medford and Ashland high schools
tho local team winning by the score
of 27 to 19. Tho game was Interesting
and exciting, nnd the only thing that
marred the enjoyment of tho game for
the spectators was tho attitude of
Coach Durno of Medford. Mr. Dnrno
made a posltlvo ngreement, without
qualification, to be on hand and ref
eree the contest, but tho players anrl
spectators waited until nearly 11
o'clock for him to show up but he
never appeared, and up to this writing
we understand, has not offered any
excuso for his delinquency. Wo do
not appreciate treatment of this kind,
especially from a coach with the repu
tation thnt Durno is supposed to have
In nnd around Medford. Principal
Forsytho of Ashland kindly consented
to referee tho game and ho did as good
work as could have been expected
from tho one who should havo offic
iated. Iist Tuesday evening Ashland high
school basket ball team played Rogue
River high school team at Rogue i
River, the Ashland team winning by
a score of 30 to 10. Two of the regu
lar players of the Rogue River live
were ill and could not bo present.
However, both teams played well, not
withstanding they were unevenly
matched, nnd the game was very in
Apply Sulphur as Told When
Your Skin Break Out
Any breaking out of the skin on face. 1
neck, arms or body is overcome quick
est by applying ilcntho-Sulplmr. The
pimples svtm to dry right up and go
away, declares a noted skin specialist. :
Nothing has ever been found to take 1
the place of sulphur as a pimple re- j
mover. It is harmless and inexpensive. I
Just ask any druggist (or small jar i
of Kowlci Mi'iitho-Sulphur and use it
like coM cream.
frn Don't Be Fooled
J Easter is April 1st
IE2C3I !!li!l!ll!ll!ll!l!lllj)l!l!lllllll
An Investment
In Styles and
THIS Lest describes the
purchase of one of our
Xew.Sprins Hats. They
are all that could be de
sired have all the Ear
marks of Up-to-the-minute
Style Dictation, and
are well within the fi
nancial reach of all.
$4.00 and $5.00
"DUDS FOE MEN".. . .
Opposite Eialto Theatre
On the ; Gen tlemanly Art
a r. a
pi amoKing
Men there are who smoke for pleasure
but most men merely smoke.
For the latter are made cigarettes with
out number their name is legion.
For the former are made cigarettes with
out peer their name is English Ovals.
Philip Morris selects the choicest tobac
cos, matures them to a turn and blends
them to a nicety in the good old English way.
Result ? Li- COM-pa - ra - bly fine !
$ CO. LTD.
Blended in the Goad Old--
in Bulk and Packages
General Line of Poultry Supplies
Watkins Feed Store
Phone 269
Free Delivery
397 So. F