Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 16, 1923, Page 4, Image 4

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Hedford Mail Tkibune
The Med ford Humlav Mornlnn Sun 1
furnish-.! mibHcrlhera dcairiutf a tuvea
uy uauy nwipupr.
Office Mail Trlbuno Ilulldinff. I6-27-2&
norm i ir 8 1 ret i. i-none io.
A consolidation of the Democrat lo
Ttmea, tho Mi-.lfonl Mall, the Med ford
Tribune, tli Southern Oregon ian. The
HORKItT W. TtUHU Editor,
a Hl'All'TlCH SMITH, Manager.
BY MAIL In Advance:
Iinlly, with Sunduy Sun, yiar..w.7.R0
Dally, with Kmulny Sun. month. .?&
Dally, without Sunday Sun, year., fl.f'"
Dally, without Sunday Sun, month .fif
Weekly Mall Tribune, one year ., 2.00
6-jnduy Hun, one year 2.00
BY CAKHIKH In Medford. Aahland,
Jacksonville, Centra) Point, Phoenix.
' Talent and on Hlghwaya:
Dally, with Sunday Sun, month.... .75
, Dally, without Sunday Sun, month .6ft
Pally, without Sunduy Sun, year- 7. BO
Dally, with Sunday Sun, one yeur 8.60
All terms by carrier, cash In advance.
The only paper between Euueno, Ore.t
and Sacnun'Mito, Calif., n distauco of
over f-0-J miles, hnvlug leased wire Asso
ciated I'roHB Kervtee.
Official paper of the City of Medford.
Official paper of Jackson County.
Kntered aa second ciasb maer at
Medford, Oregon, undor act of uarch 8,
The Associated Preas Ifl exclusively
entitled to the use for republication of
all news dlripatches credited to It or not
otherwise credited in this paper, and
also to t tin local news published, herein.
All rlKhts of republication of special
dispatches heroin are a mo reserveu.
Ye Smudge Pot
By Arthur Perry.
"Tlio Public DofohHB Lorigue of
Oregon" in belne suod for a legnl fee,
nod nil will recall that the public Dure
ncedod It.
A pipe used by King Tutanklinmcn
Is lu our mldut, and in full iosseBlon
of Its youthful vigor.
Gray ladon skies,
It In a rainy day,
Ilut I am a sundlul, '
only record tbo sunny hours.
; ' Masefield.
The Hon. Jack Dcmpsey agrees to
maul one Luis Flrpo of Argentine, and
tho latter, unllko moBt of Uie former's
proBpoctlvo victims,' seems to have a
chance, and not completely ovorcome
with tho Infirmities of ago.
(Siskiyou News)
: Irfr. Turnor of Yreka was In
' Dorris tho first of tho week look
ing aftor the undertaking business.
W.. P. Sherman will act as his.
' iiKenf In Dorris. Wo have soon
Park lay out a doad man for tho
foundation of a building. Ho did
"a good job, too. Thore aro few
' deaths In Hutto, Valley. Our cli
mate Is too healthy.
.Groat joy Is boing manifested thru
out tho length and breadth of tho
valloy at being able to pay tho fodorul
Income tax. The enthusiasm is undur
control, however.
The prosent output of democratic
candidates for the presidency In 1924
is composed largely of cuIIb, and not a
man possesses all tho virtues of all
the great mon, from John thu Baptist
to i neouore iioosoveii.
, Let us Bing No. 23, and see if the
holes on West Main Stem will' not
ohlitornto tliomsolvos of their own
fmo will and accord.
. The country Is swinging back to
uormalcy again after convicting four
homely women of tho murder of their
spouses, or near-spouses, A striking
ly, or to be exact, shootlny bountiful
lady was acquitted yestorduy. (
(SF. Chronlclo)
Ifo ordered James Ilogun. Ouk
land, to tho curl), when Hogan
1 drovo up in nn nntomobllo with at
tractive Miss Zolla Collins, "9, of
tho same address.
1 Does anybody know the whoro
abouts of tlio slick, glib crusaders for
tho right, and tho dollar, who corralled
tho latter, and loft the community to
swoltcr in the misery they brewed
without tholr cheering presence?
'Tho Gnlshcvlkls aro designating
their spring huts, and nre slower in
making n final selection, than the
supremo court in handing down a de
cision In a suit for a wator right on
the Ltttlo Applcgnto.
K. Forget, poHt office employe, has
returned from a short biMlmuu trip lo
Portland (Ashland Tidings). Whoro's
my lettor?
(Yreka Journal)
' Mrs. Dan Kvans has had a birth
'day party. She celebrated her
''? t ! ? birthday. Those present
. After horolcally listening to the
lawyers for n fortnight, tho Jurors at
tho Ffeb.' term of court have boen
granted a slight resplto.
Andrew Jackson JYost writes that
he will bo hero early In April for tin
annual ruination of the fruit. Jack, as
he la familiarly known, expects to
Work on the almond blossoms first,
and they nre coming out In anticipa
tion of his visit.
Tomorrow Ib tho 17th of Ireland.
The hs. feminine hoopsliM-ettes have
finished the season, and only In the
first gnmo dirt a player st.ip In the
midst of combat to fix per back hnlr.
TUB NIGHT rider trials uru over. Evtryono is (.'lad of it, in
cliidinj; the iiiuht riders. Everyone also regrets the disturb
ances which have ujrituU'd this county the past ycui1 and culminated
in the ti'iuls at Jacksonville. Hut like most misfortunes, some bene-1
lits may be derived.
The principal benefits arc :
First, absolute confirmation that these ' nightr-iding cjii- j
sodes occurred. Smie (,')i)d people doubted them. The testi
mony of Thomas E. Goodie, however, one of the defendants,
absolutely confirming the "hold-up" near Yot'rhcis Crossing,
as claimed by the state, removes all reasonable' doubt.
Second, A general erystulization of public sentiment in
.Southern Oregon against any organization or any group of in
dividuals who attempt to take the law into tlieir own hands.
Hy u tremendous majority the people of Jackson county be
lieve that this sort of melodramatic, foolishness is as impossible
' as it is dangerous, and must stop.
The guilty parties in these various night-shirt excursions are un
known. Probably, as far as the law is concerned, they will always
lie unknown. But whoever they are, we believe, they too, have
leu rued their lesson.
This must be a country of law and order, or it can be no country
(it all. If it is proper for a group of "leading citizens" to take the
law into their own hands, then it is proper for any group otf citizens
to take the law into their own hands. And that means just one thing
What this country needs, what the entire world ncedK, -particu
larly at the present time, is discipline. Discipline means restraint;
discipline means respect for law and the courts; discipline means obe
dience lo established authority.
Call the order what you will, if that order seeks to usurp the
authority of the government, local or federal; if it seeks to usurp the
authority of the courts or peace officers; if it seeks to' deprive Ameri
can citizens of their constitutional rights, the right of trial by jury,
for example, then it is a bad order, a dangerous order, and if Ameri
can institutions are to survive, it must be put down.
The agitation of the past year, culminating in tho trial, has done
great harm to Jackson County, but it is harm for which only those
.who instituted "lawlessness" in this community are to blame. Now
there is reason to believe that even those who first thoughtlessly wel
comed a "clean up brigade." are convinced of their error, and of the
great danger of any such "ctrn-legul" proccedure.
If this is true, and we believe it IS true, then all the mess and
agony the past year has been worth the trouble. For it means that a
dangerous and prevalent tendency in these disordered times has been
eradicated in this valley at least and it also means that as far as
Jackson county is concerned, this nightriding foolishness is over.
Quill Points
SASKATOON, Sask.. Mar. 16. Carl
Lynn, world war veteran and ono of
the best known trappers In the North
country, is believed to have lost his
life In a fight with a pack of timber
wolves, two hunters reported here to
day. They suld they thought his body
had been dovoured by the pack after
he hud killed six of the hunger-crazed
Shreds of clothing and a gun, Identi
fied as belonging to Lynn, surrounded
by the carcasses of the wolves were
found by the. hunters near Creelak,
200 miles north of Ilo-Ala-Crosse, but
trace of the hunter's body was lack
ing, i - 4j
Lynn was an expert rifleman 'and
during the war served us a sniper.
PATHS, March 10. (Uy tho Asso
ciated Press) Tho preliminary con
ference among the allies for exami
nation of thu Turkish counter pro
posals to tho Lausanne draft treaty
will open next Tuesday In London,, it
was indicated here today in an an
nouncement that the French govern
mental authorities were engaged In
preparatory work for this meeting.
It was expected, it was added, that
the examination of he Turkish pro
posals would conlnuo unil he end of
Medford Must Co Ahead
To the Editor: Word has just been
received that the petition of tho Cali
fornia public service commission for a
rohearing In the famous .Medford
Klaiuath Fulls Northern California
freight rato case has been denied by
the interstate commerce commission,
and tho new rates will go Into effect
on April "4th.
This ends a long drawn out fight
j that has been carried on for years.
The contention of the traffic depart
! ment of the Medford chamber of com
merce has been uphold In every partic
ular and the benefits to southern Ore
gon will be far-reaching, maintaining
as It does Mcdford's supremacy as the
Jobbing und distributing center of a
territory reaching from RoBeburg to
Dunsmuir. :
If our chamber of commerce had
done nothing else for the community,
excepting to fight this caso, It would
have been worth while. Without a
chamber of commerce It would not
have been possible.
If tills community Is to go ahead as
it should. It must have a chamber of
commerce that is properly and amply
financed In order that those In charge
can devote all of their time to con
structive work and not be hampered
by tlio lack of a few dollars that are
required to carry on the work Join
the chamber of commerce! :
March 15, 1!23.
No more
Home is u place where there is jelly on the piano keys.
A Woe is just an appetite with the courage of its selfishness.
Science can devolop horsepower, but horse senso is n gift of God.
Worry will make you thin, unless you are worrying about your fat
After all, a ho man is just it eako cater with benefit of hard
It may be added that man's efforts to reform man make count
less thousands mourn.
- In the good old days when nighthood was in flower, motherhood
was in flower, also.
California grnpn growers remind us that history repeats itself.
When Noah found dry land, he at onec planted a vineyard.
Correct this sentence: "You brazen thing," cried the flapper;
'how dure you try to hold my hand?"
Uncle Sam can take care of his enemies; hut he grows a little
weary of taking euro of his friends.
Europo reminds us of those, neurotics who always attempt suicidt
when somebody is neor to snatch tho gun uwuy.
A hick town is a place where every other woman tells her how
well her frock looks since she made it over.
Perhaps congressmen would feel kindly toward n bonus if some
body would tell them it is against the law.
Europe is reminded that aula Clans gives to good little boys, not
to those who threaten to bo bad if neglected.
An old-timer is one who can remember when the drug liabit
wasn't so expensive and movies could be seen for a nickel.
rnta hoi acme
m fattre, mother!
S. S. S. It lbs Great Builder of Red-Blood-Cellg
and Rhcunrztm
Mutt Go! Just Try It!
"Rheumatism? Me? No, Indeed. It's
ill gone, every bit of It I Ifi sunshine
and Joy for we now for the first tlm to
years. I feel a nuuUerful glory again In
the free motion t used to have wLsn my
dsys were younger. 1 look at my hands
nd think of the twists nnd swellings tby
used to harp. 1 bent'Chvay over to the
floor. I haven't beeu uole to do that in
many years. I cou thuuk S. S. S. for it
slit To me It was a rising bud of Joy and
liberty. Brothers and sisters in misery,
do not rtose yntir eyes and think that
health, free motion and strength are cone
from you forever! It is not so. It is here
and now for all of you. S. S. S. 1b wait
Ins to help you." Thero Is a reason why
S. & 8. will help you. When you Increase
the nuuiher of your red-blood cells, ihe
entire system undergoes a tremendous
chance. Kverythlnc depends on blood
strength. Itlnod which is minus sufficient
red -cells lends to a lone list of troubles.
Rheumatism Is one of them. S. S. S. is
the crest blood-rlenuser, blood-builder,
system strentithener. urve Invinrator. It
stops skin eruptions, too, plmplfs, black
heads, ai-ite. bolts, eczrma. It builds up
tun dowu. tired men and women, beauti
fies rumples. tons, makes the flesh ftrnnr.
Start S. S. S. today. It is sold at all drug
tores In two sizes. The larcer size bottle
Is the mors economical.
CCS rnahes you feel
7 tCtKtLuuiaff m .
For infanti.
invahdt &
The Original Food-Drink for All Anea.
RichMilk, Malted GrainExtract in Pow
der&Tabletforms. Nourithing-Nocooklcg.
MS" Avoid Imitations and Substitutes
Babbitting and Welding
Crater Lake Automotive Co
CAN lit KtlWltu ai numt
Heart Its 111"' ' Vt'l,ls 1 luus
11ml Wuy.
Hub (Jenlly iml I !'"' nmafu , sm-nKlh) ami apply nlRlit
anil imirninif lu tin- swollen, onlawd
vi'Iiih. Sin .vu "'I11 notice that tlu-y
a Blowing smalliT and tin- tli-at-inint
should 1"' continued unlll tho
vi-ina an- of normal tssi. So pi'liu
mitinK and iiowi-i ful is Kim-rnld. Oil
it .liHKiilvvs eoiln and wens and
i lo Ki-i i i''- t '- .
. . i i...i.i 1 1. .1 .-.iinoi-iti. It can be
linyi-ii'iuna mtra. .. .... .. V..T... u....- ,.,i
Ipri ul l'il in .1111 f . n j....
friend If
veinis. or
If you or any relative 01
. .if vnrfeofi
worrieu iie.u"-
bunches, the best advice that anyone
in thin world can ive i io n-i in
scription thai many
now nrencriijinc
our ilrunulst tor an "n
iulniil i West Sid- Pharmacy.
. In a "Buyer's Market"
Why Not Reach the Buyers?
How Many Do
You Need?
You can reach 14.000 of tlicni daily in Southern
Oregon and Northern California, through the 'col
uinns of the
The Mail Tribune
and Sunday Sun
And you can reach the majority of these through
no other medium.
Headers of these papers are the prosperous class.
They can buy if you make them Want to.
Phone 75 for our Ad-man's ideas
on getting business this month
More than Double the Circulation of any other
paper in the district.
like yourself again
Tweed and Worsted
Suit Patterns
$10 a Suit
While they last
Gus, The Tailor
419 Medford Center Bldg.
SAY "BAYER" when you buy Aspirin
I'nlmii toii er llio name "lltver" on
prl;r! or on tablet you it not get
ting t)n genuine Httj-ir product pre
scribed liv phyMcinmi' over twrntytwo
yeari ami nroved iwfo hv milhnna for
coldn. hfnriiiehp. tnothaehii, mrarhfl, iwn-
rmgii, iidiImi ilioiiiuiitinii, neurit U,
nnJ for puin in priirra.1. Accept only
"lUyor" p:tckj,'e which oontin proper
direction!. Handy boxes of twelve tab
lets cost few centi. Druggists ftlno neil
bottlm of 21 und 1(KV Aspirin ii th
tnwlc mark of Itrtyer Miuuittctmr of
.M.'iuMivlicaculivter i f Slir liem-id.
Whatever Is now nnd
approved in bath fur
nlshltiKs can bo bousht
hero at prices that aro
inurked to securo thu
attention of hiimhle as
well aa proud pocket
Modwn Plumbing
& Heating Co.
Spartn lllilg. riione 020
J.JWy.!. SlvliplUl
"'(-. V ' J dolhas
Schoble Hats
RanW Hats
Xew Spring Styles ,
The right, hat is an important item
to the well drcsed man. "We have a
largo, well chosen stock to select
Styleplus Clothes
Vogue Clothes
$25 to $40
Because Young Men, especially, like style, it is al
ways a pleasure for a good merchant to show
plenty of it, not forgetting the conservative men,
who like style, too.
New Spring merchandise models, fabrics, tailor
ing to please the most exacting tastes a strong
guarantee popular prices. Come andsee these
new suits.
Our new Spring Stock is here
Most aristocratic and cultured Boys'
Clothes we have ever shown
$10.00 to $18.00
The Extra Pair Doubles the Wear
for Spring
Mann's Department Store
The Store for Everybody
Medford, Oregon
and Shirts
. , , 85
. to
l - -f
l.i . - rT
Jewetts Moving Fast
Initial showing of Sedan wins many friends. Orders are being
taken now for all models, and fairly prompt deliveries can be made
on most models. Place your order now to insure early delivery as
we have many orders booked ahead.
Crater Lake Automotive Co.
Address 123 So. Front ' ' " Phone 202
Paige and Jewett Dealers