I PACE TEN MT.PFOTJT) MATTJ TTITTITJNT!. rftDFOTiD'. (DTJEHONT. FUTDTY. MATJCIT Irt. TEN YEARS OF TROUBLE END FOR MRS. WINKLER Still Another Esteemed Portland Resident Gives Tanlac Full Credit for Re markable Restoration to Health. "Tanlac is certainly the Meal treat ment for stomach trouble ant a run down i-ondition," is the enthUK.:.s-ti-mutement ma.t rerently .y Mm. Nel lie Winkler, a hiRhlj- estee:.M resi dent ot 2040 Clarendon St.. Portland Ore. Mrs. WinkU-r lum a htt-i vi friends In Portland win vi.l n-nd her statement regarding Teniae with deep interest and share with irer the yry sho feels at her recovery. "For ten year said Mi.h Winkl'-r. V! .suffered so badly from :.;.mnch trouble that 1 wai in mimry i.ihm n.l the lime. I went down in wt-iiit from on hundred and twenty tit a hundred and thrc pounds and win iU.ueh a weak, run-down enditiun It was alt I could do to keep en iny ei. It seemed to make no diff-r-f-n how cnrf'ful 1 wn r hi iv )inr- injr'y I ate. niv fxd nlwav dtatireed ! Willi me and nver Hf-emed to dise: J .a iiil. My Klomii' !i wn ir an arid i onilifion ail the time and I suff'-rvd ir-:tdt ully from huh , ItluMii.x ; nd h-;.i tourn. Why. the Has wmj so bad at t Unes it would almost choke ine and many a nitflit I wua in smh dis trty from In tic stion and' nervous ness th:tt I f-oultlnt sleep a v.'ir:k. "W'fll. Tunlar was twini'iM-ndf-d very highly to my husband, bo h brought a botile homo and aked m to try it, and 1 muft Kty the treat ment h;t been just wonderful for me. I down to the table now and eat heartily of anything I wint and my disestiun 'i'1? that I newr IVeJ the If'a.st touch of wiurii1K. ?as or any of the old troubled. My nerves are mudi better, too, and I am sleep ing peafully every niht. In fact. I'm f feline Flronser and betUfi in wry way and now when I uo fthoct 'my housework and ie how much ;isi-r it is for me, I can't W-Jp but f i el very ffniwful to this grind .n-dl-einr. I can sincerely reoornnu-ud Tan la e to anyone." Tanlae is for Halo by pit i?ood drupKiHts. Over 35 million bott'es solit. Adv $300,000 picture on the efficacy of un known players whose names in them selves mean nothing to the public. mp- I 4 W Ma MPS! I 'urfaces ACME QUALITV Paints and Varnishes Vi;h peasant days comes j the will to make home and a!l about it fresh, bright, spick and span. Acme Qual ity Paints and Varnishes will help. The exterior can be . repainted: floors, doors, casings ?nd baseboards var nished; walls decorated; chairs and tables stained and varnished; fences, barns, sheds and strj: i given a new appearance all with littltf elTor:;uiJ eyc-plcasing rcsul's. W'c have Acme Quality Paints and Va.iiisht.-3 fcr every pur pose and surface. No trouble to show yuu colors, estimate ijujutity, cost ar.d tell you. a;l about it. Cumc in and talk it ovor. Crater Lake Hardware Co. If You Buy GOOD Farm Implements, Why Buy a "Cheap" Piano? ' Successful farmers have long ago learned tliat !t pays to buy good tools, implements, machinery, tractors yes, and good automobiles. In the end they are less expensive than the "cheap" trash which did poor work and which would have had to have been replaced. The same is true with Pianos a good, dependable Piano which will give satisfactory lifetime service cannot be made today to sell at a ridiculously low price. Any thing offered at such prices aro "near" Pianos, made to catch the unwary, once. It has no mu sical quality of tone it gives out within a few months it sounds tinny the woodwork warps the keys stick it won't stay in tunc it is worse than no Piano at all. A good, reliable dealer carries Pianos only of true musical worth his prices are consistent and his terms of payment are so reasonable that you can buy a good Piano just as easily as you can a poor one. Dealers In Stclnn ay anil Olber Pianos, Pianola and Duo Art Pianos, Aeolian Player Pianos, Player Rolls, fc. Sherman, ay & Go. weeks & ORR Complete House Furnishers COI.VMnrs, Ohio, March 16. Th ft rat full 'ft f i iisi-inw In rt-t II rn ever filed hy a president of the Unit ed Stat t-it wmm in the local Inti-rnal rcveriuw office today President iiardiny's it port for 3922. An aim!idinint to the income tax law. making the president's salary taxable went into effect when Mr. Harding lam year covered only nine months 01 ins salary. U i "" v "Under Two Flags," Rialto Ouida's "Under Two. Klass," with Pri.scilla Dean as its flashing heroine, the vivandiere of the French troops in Algeria, is at the Kialto and is provinK especially attractive to patrons of that house. The story or Cigarette's romance and sacrifice is a fascinating one anil Carl Ijiemnilo has Riven the picture a wonderful production witli Tod Drowning as the director. In the cast besides Miss Dean, who is especially well suited as the fiery trignrette, are James Kirkwood as the Impertiirable Victor. Kthel Grey Terry us the woman he loves. John Davidson as the Sheik, Robert Slack, Burton I.aw and Albert I'ollet. Screen Courage, Rex Ingram Rex Ingram is not a screen hero he does no acting nowadays but for all that he lis the very embodiment of screen courage. There are many kinds of courage. Battlefield courage, which may cause the most faint-hearted of men to for get their fears temporarily, is th"; most common. The best is that kind which is operative 24 hours a day, based upon self-confidence anil inde pendent judgment. Screen courage is the courage to follow one's own course in production disregarding big reputations and all the "don'ts". Rex Ingram has this kind of courage. He has shown it in each of his productions, from "The. Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" to "Trifling Women." In each of these massive, spectacular productions he assigned the leading roles to players then unknown. Haraon Vovarro and Barbara La Marr are winning honors in "Trifling Women," at the Page. It doesn't re quire much courage to offer a leading role to a player who already has won his or her laurels. Hut it does require courage to stake the success of a. Summons for Publication In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Jackson County. The City of Medford, Oregon, a munic ipal corporation. Plaintiff, vs. wm. Hittlo Wells and .Viable Parker Wells, husband and wife; Scott V. Davis and Ida H. Davis, husband and wife; O. M. Wells. Richard Williams Florence West; the unknown heirs of the above named defendants if deceased; also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in Hie real estate described in the com plaint herein, Defendants. To the above named G. M. Wells. Richard Williams, Florence West; the unknown heirs of the above named rie fendants if deceased; also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or Interest in the real estate described in the complaint herein, and each of them: In the Name of the State of Oregon: You, and each of you, are hereby re quired to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled Court and cause, on or before the last day prescribed in the order for publication of summons herein, to-wit: on or before the expiration of six weeks from the date of the first publi cation of said summons. And you, and each of you, nre hereby notified that if you fail to so appear and answer said complaint or other wise plead thereto, within said time, for want thereof the pluintiff will ap ply to tho Court for the relipf demand ed and prayed for in the complaint, succinctly stated as follows, to-wit: For a decree of tho Court requiring tho defendants, and each of them, to sut forth the nature of their claims in and to tho following described real property, situated in the County of Jackson and State of Oregon, to-wit: An undivided fire-sixths interest in and to lots numbered One (1) and Two (2) of Block number Twenty threo of the Original Town (now City) of Medford, Oregon, as the same are numbered, designated and de scribed on tho official plat thereof, now of record: ' And that oil adverse elaltns to said premises may bo determined by decree of this Court: That by said decree It bo declared and adjudged that plaintiff is the ownor in lea of said premises; that its title bo quioled and declared good and valid: and that the defendants, and each of them, bo adjudged and do creed to have no estate or interest whatever in or to said premises, or any part thereof; That said defendants, and each of them, be forever enjoined and de barred rrom asserting any claim what ever in or to said premises adverse to the plaintiff: That plaintiff have an order of the Court directing tho Registrar of Titles of Jackson Countv, Oregon, to cancel the outstanding certificate of title to said premises, and to transfer said premises and Issue a certificate of title thereto to the plaintiff. This Biimnums is published 1n the Medford Mail Tribune, by order of Ibmorablo F. M. Calkins, Judge of the ahnve entitled Court, dulv made and entered on tho 4th day of IVcember. I9I2. The datn of the first publication of this summons is tho 2nd day of .Match, l'.iil. JOHN' il. CARKIV. Attorney for Plaintiff. Address: no"ius 201 -lot;. First Nat'l Uauk UUIg., .MeUford, Oregon. EAGLE POINT EAGLETS By A. C. Hewlett W. H. IUe, Benjamin Brophy and wife. .Mrs. Waller Marshall of Hrownsboio were among the farmers who were patronizing out popular merchant, Fred MeIheron tho last of the week. J. Frank Guerin of Portland, a nephew of the three brown brothers of the .firm of Geo. Brown and sons, wa here" the last of the week viBiting the three brothers and their sisters, Mrs. 8. B. Holmes. Mrs. I-ottie Van Scoy and other relatives. Mr. Guerin is in the employ of the Southern Pn cific company and makes his head quarters In Portland, but travels a j good part of his time. i Sergeant I... Richardson of tho V. j S. Marino corps of Seattle Washing-1 ton. and Theodore It- Florey of Portland, son of our lato lamented ex-postmaster. J. P.. etc. A. J. Florey, ! also one of the veterans of the civil war and Theo's sister, Mrs. Floy Von der Hellen and her daughter Miss, Joyce at the Sunnyside hotel last Saturday. Mr. Florey is agent for the1 Commercial Co.t Portland. Harold Anderson of Medford, Oscar Hansen! and h is brot h er, Ca rl Ha nsen , were also here for dinner and remained for supper, bed, breakfast and din ner Sunday and at noon were joined by two of their neighbors from Cli max at dinner, Mr. Walter Charley and Ed Holman. Mr. Charley and the Hansen brothers are interested in the sawmill business near Climax and -are putting up a new sawmill and report that they have, a contract to cut two hundred and fifty thous and feet of lumber for the Hart man company, who are developing a shale minHig proporty a few miles above their mill. They report that the shale is very rich with petroleum, that they have already two steam shovels on the way and have a Quan tity of pipe and two retarts on the way and are planning to lay pipes from there to the nearest- railroad. They seemed to think that tho ter minus will be about 'Agate or pos sibly Eagle Point, as they can pro cure a water grade from the mills to the railroad here. They already have a small forte of men at work opening up the mine and getting ready for the, steam shovels. Speci mens of the rock are at the store of George Brown & Sons, and those who have tested it say that it burns quite freely. If it proves to be as good as the three men. the Hansens and Walter 'Charley, seem to think it is, it will be a boom for Jackson county. Among others who were here for dinner Sunday were Earl Miles and George Albert of Butte Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Nate . Bates. Mr. and Mrs. J-nn Haskins and daughter Jeanette, and Elma. Iteid, nil of Ashland; Mr. and Mrs. Percy Haley and his brother. Glenn and wife of Gold Hill, Mr. and Mrs. A-; C. Speck. Medford, besides several of our neighbors who call In fiuito frequently. Fred-J. McPherson reports that D. L. immerly and W. S. Smith of Trail, A.C. Kadcliffe, Eagle Point, Jasper Hnnna of near Trail and Herb Carl ton. Wellen. wore patronizing his store Saturday. , Among the business callers Mon day were J. H. Steele, who has moved into tho James Jordan house with Mr. nnd Mrs. Cahill. A. G. Bishop, one of our leading orchardists, part owner of the celebrated King- wood orchard, west of here, K. A. Petty who is on tho Vermeron farm John Norris. the foreman on tho J. M. Wilfley orchard and Miss Inez Wilms of Persist, ono of our popular school teachers. : Moses D. Vimard. agency managor of the American Central Life Insur ance company, nnd C. O. Thomas, as soriate representative, with offices in Medford. Oregon were hero for din ner Monday. Among tho business callers Mon day were C. E. Bellows, wifo nnd baby and Mrs. Robert McCnbe Mr. Barney Goade, who has a homestead on Reese creek. Ralph Belbersteadt was In with a team, getting lumber of George Brown and sons. "Wm. Wm. Prultt of Wellen wns getting gas of our popular hardwaro mer chant. Ashpole and Nichols, and Roy Ashpole reports that Frank Hill of Derby had been in trading and also Pete Betts nnd wife. Charles Fallon and Charles Dexter of Trail; Wm Merrill of Reese creek; Chris Edler, fMiko Creek; I,on nnd Henry Torne. Thomas Vestal nnd family. Mrs. Boyen and Wm. Massiar of Reese creek. Mr. H. G. Smith, proprietor of the Holland Hotel. Medford. was a busi ness caller. I met him in the Browns boro store nnd later he called on business at the Sunnyside. hut I wnr out trying to rustic Eaglets for the renders of The Mail Tribune. Tuesday morning" I met Oscar Hicinbotham of Gold Hill in the Mc pherson store and nbout th4 same time I met Kubo Johnson, one of our laud owners nnd capitalists, nnd Mr. K. W. Ruse of Medford wns a bo h business caller- H. C. Galey of Ashland ngont for tho Mutual Life insurance Co., came in Tuesday for dinner, canvassed om town, took supper, worked until bed time nnd then went ; home. Mrs. Israel pntton and son, Harold of Butte Falls came out on the stag, took dinner at the Sunnyside nnd went on out to Ashland, Custer Brown of Derby was also hero for dinner nnd went out to Medford. H P.. Shelby of tho Raker-Hamilton nnd Pacific Co., nn Francisco, Cnl., and M. M. Willits of the Union Oil com pany. California, were here for din ner Wednesday nnd so was Mr. nnd Mrs. L. II. tin ink of Butto Falls. They came out on the stage nnd went out to Medford on their way to Yaki ma, Washington, where they Intend to moke their home. They will he K really missed from Butte Falls as they have been in the mercantile business for some time, hut sold out and went onto n homestead nnd now have sold out nnd nro leaving many warm friends behind them In nnd around Rutte Falls. Frank Lewis, our new hardware merchant, received n nice nssnrt-, inent of forks, rakes, etc-, Tuesday. J And now, in concluding this let ter I am sorry to have to announce to the many warm friends among the readers of the Eagle Point Eaglets! that 1 am forced to desist from being a regular semi-weekly contributor to ' The Mail Tribune on account of my, health, for it requires not only brain ' work, but a' vast amount of muscle I work, as well to gather, formulate , nnd write, as I have been doing now 1 for several years, about two coluins a week for the criticisms by the pub- j lie. And in concluding this letter I wish to extend my thanks to the' many friends who have, so nbly a- j stated me in my labors in that time j and also acknowledge the courtesies j and encouragement I have received., from the entire force connected with; Tho Mail Tribune office. In all of, my writing , now for almost pixty-five years as a newspaper correspondent, j I have scrupulously avoided writing j anything that would offend' anyone) or mislead any. That I huve fiiade j mistakes is natural, for they are un- ; avoidable, but 1 have caused anyone j trouble or pain pf mind. I ask them j to remember that it is human to err. j bu Divine to Vorgive. I don't say farewell for if my health permits, I j expect to write occasionally for the j readers of The Mail Tribune, for I , love tho work and realize that my work is appreciated, not only by thoj readers, hut by tho editor and pub-; Ushers of the paper as well. So adieu for the present. 'OUR WELCOME SIGN' is courtesy extended service well renderd. Y0UE HOME FOLK BANK The Medford National It's the little extra effort that makes our service just a "bit different." IS Ff " I . TllT. Vfl.L-KNOWN MttilCtMCSOP TUB Famous Rtctirr Book author Indigestion Unchecked Leads to Poisoning ! If you suffer from Indigestion It Is a cure in Xtfbt your system Is bring slowly poisoned by the fcr menttttoa in the intestines. This condition produce heartburn, chokioa; sensations In the chest, feeling of heaviness or drowsiness, irritability, discouragement and despondency. These symptoms call for Dr. A. W. Chase's K-L Pi I n, which, taken in time, will ofhet the poison in the syatem. Resl what one former sufferer Has to say j Mrs. Lottie J. Dewttt, No. 167 Pront St.. Port Jervis, New York, writes i "I sin glad to so jottr Medtela (wonderful. Korover ibre en t lisri Kidncr smt Bladder (nub! ,vid a Url wura nut feliii and I int hundred of dol.arfonrjmi6JiUiid 1 filrd kJ gvi nj relief "Wtifo I war ftiHr in th psiMtr I writ and rt br A W. Chad's K-L Pills aadlodtrl 'eel like u ' "Voor medicine ts wonderful and the tt in tho nut Id fur fcidoej aud BUddsr trouLie " You em buy Dr. Chase's remedies at all drug stores. To be sure of getting the genuine, see thit portrait and signature of A. W. Chase, M. D.. are on each box your protection against imitations Dr. A.W.CHASEMED1CINE CO. 257 Washington St., Buffalo, ! CO. JU N.V. f EGGS ARE CHEAP Now is the time to preserve your eggs for winter use with ' .i - WATER GLASS Main nnd Grape Qunlity anil Service First Phone 871 I IP PAV CHINA in 3r DAYS I MANILA in IS DAVS H TAKE A CANADIAN PACIFIC "EMPRESS" TO THE ORIENT Four Grant Empresses Largest, neuMt, fastest znd finest steamships oa the Piafic sail fortnightly Irora Vancouver, B. C. Ask about this service! : Get particulars fnm local steamship gesTf or W. H. Denron, Gen. Agt. Tssr. Dept. 55 Third Street, Portland, Oregon. Canadian Pacific IT SPANS THE WORLD The Coast Tire & Rubber Co. announces the appointment of Just received a large shipment of these tires. They are new in Medford, but an old reliable make. Prices are right. WEAR DEYlERS Coast Tires are manufactured in Oakland, California,' and are the highest quality tires that killed workmanship, a perfected design and the yery best mat rials can produce. Coast Tires can be relied upon to give TRUE SERVICE under all conditions. The non-skid tread eliminates side-slipping and skidding to the minimum. In public and private tests Coast Tires have demonstrated their durability and quality. NOTE -Before putting in our dock of Cout Cord and Fabric Tint ud Coait Tubal, teited tham eat ia arary pouibla mannar, and coavincad oaraaWaa that thar it na battar St ) mada anywhara. Armory Service Station Pacific Highway at Jackson