BRINGING I II II II I OINC TO CET A ' 1 I I IU I ( NOVJ JUT PUT XOUR If W DTHER MCCl T AJI- TEKCHEI? OF LITERATURE k. S THIN HE.RE WHILE I I I'i) LOONEY OR MY Mi WLFOfS: OO-'VOU ALWS ITELLMXHUNO . rM LUCK HA. CHANCED- AMDRED THOS)E UOW-BROW Tiik ' HI TEACHER INHERE- I I M I 3 ""''Mt.u H "'hT detectiworik- - rnwrnmrvr i s r W ' 111' ;"xlt i ME 'ooNtaiEwiN- u '. IF?- r V r hr If, J: r ' tm vv ,'; . 'Livestock PORTLAND, Ore., March 15. Cuttle, top grade 10c higher: rest Stea'dy receipts 1SD. Choice steers 7,5.08.35. '.';.'lfdgB top grade 10c lower; rest iteidy; receipts 137 1, 1033 direct.) "Prime.: light $9.25g9.50. . j,; Beep steady; rocelpta 243. Butter PORTLAND, Oro., March 15. tatter, extra cubes 3939c; un- !lergwidc3 3738c; prints 44c; ear- IMI rtuc. Dairy buying price nom Ina; -butterfat 4 4c. fr v f -'V Portland Wheat .. PORTLAND, Ore., March. 15. Wheat: Hard white, bluestem, baart f 1.35 ; soft white $1.26; western whRe $1.25; hard winter, northern pHng $1.19; western red $1.18. f i .Today's car receipts: Wheat 14; flour C; corn 5; hay 20. v.M. Son Francisco Markets ;;!tSAN FRANCISCO, March 15. (U. 8. bureau of Agricultural Econoni Jca.j: Eggs, extras 27 Ms c. p-f'tAN FRANCISCO, March 15. Butortat unchanged. 'i'fAN FRANCISC, MARCH 15. f:' , State Division of Markets.) Dress- (- VI...., n n S.t, n ''A:TJotice of 8alo of Government . ' i : Timber ft. General Land Office, Washington, JR'.C. 1923. .;? Ifotieo is hereby given that subject tq-ithe conditions and limitations of i the' Act of June 9. 1916, (39 Stat. 218), X Sod thor instructions of the Secretary T,;n n o Knu ir miT ? HO L. D 447), the timber on the y following landsiwill be sold April 30, ; 19i3, 10. o. c. a. in., at public auction at f the United States Land Office at .? Lakovlow, Oregon, to tho highest hid '.f, 'der at not less than the appraised lvalue as shown by this notice, sale to y bjb subject to tho approval of the Sec v rotary of the Interior. The purchase 'j bHco, with an additional Bum of one- Hjtth of one per cent cent, thereof, '' being commissions allowed, must be '; deposited at time of sale, money to be . ; .jtaurned If sale is not appiweil. ; otherwise patent will issue for tho .- timber which must be removed within ten years. Bids will be received from - citizens of tbo United States, assocla- tlons of such citizens and corporations ; organized under tho laws of the Unit- ! ' DiHtrict thereof only. Uiion appllca-'r'-'Uon of a Qualified purchaser, tho tim- J ber on any legal subdivision will be y-j offered separately before being includ- ed in any offer of a larger unit J T. 40 S., R. 7 E., Sec. 31, NEK SW'A, : follow pine, 645 M., red fir 75 M.; frl. NWy, SWV4 yellow pine 490 M., red fir 80 M.: frl. SW V SW M yellow pine 610 Mm red fir 65 M.; SH SWVi ynllow ipbio 545 M.: red fir 165 M.: NWVl VBBVi yellow pino 520 M., red rir 60 1 M.; 8WV4 SE'4 yellow pine 530 M.. V red fir 110 M.; none of the timber on these tracts are to bo sold for less , t'lun $4.00 por M., for the yellow pine ,nd $1.00 per M. for Hie red fir. :' "V' T. 40 8., It. 6 E., Sec. 1, Lot 3, yellow pine 640 M., red fir 40 M.; Lot 4 Yellow pine 600 M., rod fir 40 M., sugar . rlne 20 M.: NEK SWV4 yellow pine .'; S00 M., red fir 160 M., white fir ,160 WANTED SITUATIONS fW ANTED Sewing by the day. Mrs. i Thornton. Phone 344-L. 304 .WANTED Washing to do. 367-W. T 304 WANTED Sewing. , 327 V. Second. i' 304 HELP WANTED MALE iJVANTED Man with gasoline drag y saw to cut wood on contract M. D. i Olds. m i WANTEDSteady men for ranch it work. Uox Lj Mall Tribune. HELP WANTKtl FEMALK J WANTED Experienced girl for gen- i oral housework. Apply 1009 S. Onk- dale or call 619 M. 303 W ANTED B.Xierrt!nced - waitress, I Modford Hotel. tP PERL FTJKEKAb BOMB At Yonr Sorvtce IJ or Night Information Cordially Given - Cot. nth anil Onkdnle 4 "j?wnrn't--sy' screwy ''. UP FATHER M., NWVi SW'Vt yellow pine 4S0 M., red fir, 00 M., sugar pine 10 M., white fir 70 M., SEK SWK yellow pine 610 M., white fir 100 M.; SWK SW'A yellow pine-400 M- red fir 150 M-. white fir 20 M.; none of the timber on these tracts to be sold for less than $4.00 per M., for tho yellow pine and sugar pine and $1.00 iter M., for the red and white fir. WILLIAM SPRY, Commissioner, General Land Office. 299tf WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED A dozen stands or nioro of bees. Xavier Widmer, Jeanette 10, R. 1, Medforc 303 WANTED A loan of six thousand dollars; will pay good interest and give good security. Address J K, 160 Fourth St., Ashland, Ore. 308 WANTED Corona typewriter. Phone 816-R. - 303 WANTED Having just completed a buying arrangeuiont with one of the largest wool and Mohair buyers in the state we expect to pay more than anyone in Medford for these commodities. Johnson Produce Co. Phone 97. tf WANTED To buy Ford cars, any model. Dox AUC, Mall Tribune. 305 WANTED 2000 feet 2 inch pipe. Hox II II, Mail Tribune. 303 WANTED 260 lawn mowers to shar pen. Liberty Repair Shop. tf WANTED Honse Tioving and repair ing Phone 4KS-M or 4S8-X. FOR RENT HOUSKKEEPINO ROOMS FOR RENT Two furnished house keeping rooms. Apply 323 N. Front St. 304 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. 221 N. Holly. 303 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping room. 146 S. Holly. 302 FOR RENT Modern hounekoping rooms, steam heat. 249 S. Riverside. Phone 292-1L 302 FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms. 511 S. Central. Send your automobile to the cleaners. Run the car you have in cold storage upon our racks and we will clean the Crank Case and Transmission without charge, except for the oil used. JONES & KIRKPATRICK Next to Nat. A Real Service Station Join the Chamber of Commerce Choice of 2 Good Cars Reduced in Price to $125 Each We have cut the price to the quick to move these cars early in the season. A real opportunity to save. Terms to responsible pnrtieJ BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. Join (ho Chfim!wr of Pmnnirrr-o H'ip'i'nim.T'" mwf'twwu' vwr mm w'iwp' mm mwl!'j-w,Mnwwi"wv',wMMi'..s. M"ET")FOT?D AfATT.. TTUniTNTF-. MEDFORD. ORKC10X,' THITRRDAV. MARCH 1.). FOR RUNT AI'A RTMEXTS TOUREN TonTortaliiy Yurnished modern apartment, two or three rooms and Bleeping porch. 603 N. Uartlett St. . 303 FOR RENT 3 room apartment. 601 West Tenth St. tf FOR RENT At once, furnished apart ment In Mail Tribune building, hot and cold water, steam heat, other convonionces. No children. Call at office. tf FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Newly furnished room. 625 N. Rivorsldo. ' 304 FOR RENT Well lightod front sleep ing room, with bath privileges; also garage for rent. 325 S. Riverside. Phone 701-J. tf FOR RENT Nicely furnished and heated sleeping room. Phone 905-.M. 305 FOR RENT Rooms. $i per men only. 445 S. Front. week ; 314 FOB RENT ROUSES FOR RENT Two furnished houses, modern. Phone 593-L after 5 o'clock. 304" FOR .RENT 999. -Furnished house. Phono 301 FOR RENT Modern 6 room hous9 one mile from Medford, $12 a mouth. Phono 7-F-4. . 305 FOR RENT Six room modern house. Phone 93S-M. 302 FOR RENT Modern house. R-13-K. Phone . 304 FOR RENT Five room bungalow; I aleo 10 acre gardon tract.- Phone I 317 day time.' - - 3181 FOR RENT House at 1239 Wosl Main, 7 rooms and garage. Not for sale. C. A. DeVoe. tf FOR RENT OR SALE 7 room house, East 9th St., easy terms. Inquire Jackson Co. Uldg. & Loan Assn. tf FOR RENT 7 room house, furnished, or would sell on payments like rent. Gold Ray Realty So.,- No. 15 N. Grape St., Phone 465-J. ti FOR RENT Houses Brown & White. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Garage, $3.00 per mouth. 325 S. Riverside. tf FOR RENT 40 acres of alfalfa in Klamath county. For further infor mation address. M. J. McMillan, 133 N. Tenth St.. Klamath Fulls, Or. i 305 FOR RKNT So acreo or land under wator, 2 miles of Medford, good hoUBe. Address Bort Anderson, room 302 Liberty building. tf FOR RENT Oarage at 1103 W Tenth St. Phone 82. tf MONEY TO LOAN- MONEY TO LOAN Loans city and business properties. Building loans. W. O. Wright, 701 W. Eleventh St., city. Phone 415-Y. 304 FARM LOANS Medford National Farm Ioan Association. F. P. Far rell, secretary, JackBon County Bank Uldg. MONEY TO LOAN on Unproved ranch security, $5000 or loss, 6 per cent interest O. C. Boggs, Attorney for State Land Board. Jackson County. BUSINESS OPlOKTUITIKS GOOD BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES at No. 15 N. Grape St., Phone 465-J. tf OWNER SAYS HELL PART Garden Land and renin 18 Mtvh $3200 Talent District, Just off Highway. 6 acres Bosc aud.Bartlett Pears, 9 years old S acroB finest Boar Cre?k Bottom, loam Boll. 3 acres beautiful building spot, nice oak shade. or Will Sill ao Acre Orchard, $0000 14 acres In 9 year old penrH, 3 acres Newtown Apples. 3 acres Alfalfa. Talont District. Ono of the best locations for a pear orchard in the Rogue River Valley. Lies perfect for irrigation; 700 foot front age on paved highway; city water. Here is a chance to get something that can bo developed into tho vory best. See J. C. RAItXES Phone 7S4-L New Location, '111 Center Ilulldlnpt . TRUCK GARDEN DAIRY BOTTOM LAND T ACRES AT CITY LIMITS, We offer, what we bellevs to be, the only large tract of BEAR CREEK BOTTOM LAND real close to Medford THAT CAN BE BOUGHT AT ANY SUCH PRICE AS WE OFFER THIH. Only one mile from Med ford. stone's throw off raved Highway, good graveled County road, finu shaded pasture, abundance of water and excellent building site. wk will take property as part payment, ski: is today. four-site realty agkn'cy Rooms 4011-410 Mn dford Center Bldg. Rcul Katate Unainnw Opportunities BxrhanRoa lost LOST Quo small fox toi-rior, white with brown striued head. Please I notify Dr. Kresso. Reward. 302 FOUND FOUND At Jacksonville a few days ago ladies' brown silk glove. Owner get same at tliia office by paying for notice. 302tf FOUND Ore. 1923 license plate No. 9661 0. Owner cau havo same by calling at this office and paying f r ad. i . , tf FOR SALE IOCIA'llY AND EGGS FOR SALE O. A. C. Barred Rock eggs for hatching. Phone 201-J. 327 FOR SALE 124 Leghorns from heavy producing Hoganized stock, 10 mouths old, no culls, 85c each or will trade for same value in markel 'ablo chickens. II. M. Work, R. 1. Uox 17, Talent. 304 FOR SALS! Mammoth Dronze turkey eggs for hatching. Phone 12-F-3 after (p.m. 304" FOR SALE Turkey eggs. Joe Met ternick, R. F. D. 3, Phone 671-J-5. 303 FOR SALE Hatching , eggs. Dark Warred Rock, $3.00 for f'.fteen. J. W. Cook, R. 3, Box 48. Phono 969-R. ' '' 311 FOR SALE R. I. Red hatching eggs 7c and up each. Phono 969-R. 318 FOR SALE Jiggs for hatching: Unrrod Rock. O. A. C. strain, $1.00 for 15; $5.00 per , hundred. C. E. Gates. .. 306 BKIR SALE Eggs fijr hatching from Mammoth Bronze tiirkoys; geese, crossos of African-Toulouse; ducks, Rouen, Pekin and lloscovy. Phono Central Point 18-X-3. 303 FOR ' SALE Indian Runner duck eggs. W. H. Arnold, Route 1, Box 31. 302 FOR SALE Mammoth Bronze turkey eggs. Phono 373-R-l, Ashland. 304 FOR SALE Eggs, from high qunllty dark Barred Rocks, the kind that lay, weigh and pay, $1.50 a setting. Mis. Chas. Lammey, Central Point, Route 2. 302 TOR SALE Light Brahma eggs and birds. Mrs. C. Caroy, Talont, Oro. Phone 341-J-l. KIR SALE 13aiy c:tA;k8 and hatch ing eggs from 2 year old Hoganized hens. S. C. Rhode Island Reds, win ners and layers; won 5 firsts Ash land show, and' 3 Bpeclal ribbon ' from Rhode iHlnnd Red olub of America. S. C. White Leghorn pnre . Tancred strain. Red Wing Poultry Yard, phone 866-Y, Medford, Ore. 309 FOR SALE One of tho best small ranches in the valley. mile south city limits, 6 ncros fine alfalfa cut last year ia tons should cut 40 tons this year; 3 acres 25 year old fruit trees, straw berries and garden land.. Ranch con sists of 10 acres best land in valley. A 6 room houso, modern, sleeping porch bathroom, closets, woodshed, garage and barn. All in splendid or der, (iood well and pumping plant All under Irrigation. Priced at what tho improvements are worth; good terms. Would take house in Medford or Ashland as first payment. P. K. WYNKOOP . Bargains in Houses. fl W 3 H FOR SALE AUTO.uOlllLlCS , FOR SALE liuick four light dolivory.-j $75. Phono 927-.M. 3U2 ' FOR RALE Olt TRADE For horses I or small place In town, Oakland S.r; car In gol d condition. Call 437-L or address Uox 19, It. 3. 302 FOR SALE One ton Maxwell truck, j 1918 model. Good con dition. Was taken on debt; will sell cheap. Box H II, care of Mall Tribune. ' 3U3 FOR SALbViniHiinl bargain in 1 ton Ford truck, motor overhauled, in splendid condition. Call 202 or see it, 123 S. Front St. 28Stf FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Small acreage and cheup houses, good terms. See me at 51S Realty St. 3U7 FOR SALIC Cheap, 5 room house and 15 acres on Spring St., in cultivation J. N. McCuno, R. 3, Box 39. , 311 rOR SALE. RENT Oil TRADE Alf alfa, grain, stock ranches, orchards, ' also city property. Gold Ray Realty Co., No. 15 N. Grape St., Phone (65-J. . tf FOR BALM. HOMES TOR SALE 7 room modern house 4 blocks from Nash hotel; paving as sessment paid ; bouiio newly painted. Price $2100. Very easy terms. . 1 acre of tlno soil on oast side and close in. Coiners on paving. Price $1200 for quick sale. Single lots within two blocks havo Bold for al most this much within last year. Phono 105 or 617-L. 304 FOR SALE-r-Modern, convenient bun galow. Phone 532-X. 300 FOR SALE Seven room modern bun galow, furnished or unfurnished, 3 bedrooms, hardwood floors, laundry room, largo enclosed back porch, fruit room, garage, largo shade treos; best residential section, on paved street. Terms. Phone 343-M. 302 FOR SALE Home on Geneva Ave. See R. H. McCurdy, Phone 123. tf FOR SALE Modorn four room house and good lot; assessments all paid; easy payments; room No. 4, College Bldg., 31 N. Grape St. 281tf FOR SALE HouBes and bungalows, furnished or unfurnished; aloo serfage. Insurance, i C. S. But terflolf! Medford National Bank. Phone 389. FOR HALF LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Good work horso; ono 3 wagon. G. L. Schormoihorn at Ranch. 301 FOR SALE! Heavy team, wagon and harness. Phone 31 1 11. 302 FOR SALE Jersey cow, 5 h. p. Fairbanks-Morse gas ongluo; 260 feet 2-inch pipo. Phono 611-J-l, Foot hills Orchard. 305 FOR SALE Milk cows, calves and freshening heifers; also baled grain hay Fred Puhl Ranch, inquire Hubbard Bros. 305 FOP SALE Cows just fresh, select, federal tested. M. Walsh, ono mllo Nii of Medfo. & on Crator Lnko, road. j-J7 FOR SALE Work horses, small and large, slnglo and double. Phone C91-R-1. 325 FOR SALE GrndOj pure bred and registered Duroo Jornoy sows, to farrow in March and April; also ono nrlzo winning registered Duroc boar Cull Bert Anderson, Medford, or Mlrnvlstu Orchard. tf FOR SALE Registered ... Horoford bulla priced reasonable. Jumns Campbell, Route 4, Box 35. 306 Used Cars 1918 Ford Touring $150.00 Pino liubbor. 1922 Dodge Roadster $650.00 Lots of extras. Buick Six Chassis $325.00 Overhauled complete Medford Auto Co. Buick Dealers Cor. Main and Holly 102:1 By George READY I I iHAL.t. LI'iTEN IMPROVE NY I MIND - lOK SALE LIVESTOCK ! FOR HALE Hay Hliy, , weight 1600, $125. S. A. Nyo, ojip. I Experiment Station. 303 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS I TOR SALE All klndsof "household furniture. You can savo big money. ' Mrs. . t'h:is. Kni;;ht is here via. ting her daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Rc-..ei'; I -y.ibody. Why? To sell her furniture on account of a separation and immiBteis, Will allow at Davis Transfer daily from 2 p. m. ta 3 p. in. except Sundays, 30; FOR SALE Valuable registered .lor sey heifer; fresh. Address Box 273, Ashland. Orugou. 30S TOR SALE Good repacked New towns. Inquire Sgobel & Day Ware house, S. Fir. Phune 172. SOo TOR SALE Wood saw, Bpray rig. plows, gaa engine. M5 ti. Oukdule. 300 FOR SALS; Evorliearing strawberry . plants. 7oc a 100. 25 Park Piaoe. J. 8. Wolfe. 301 I FOR SALE; Simpson tractor, John Deero plow. E. V. Dnhack, Euglo Point. 306 FOR SALE Strawberry plants. Pro gressive everbearing; Gludiola bulbs assorted colors, 50c doz. Orders de livered. Phono 7S4-M, evenings. 303 FOR SALE Alfalfa hay, $14 ton. 8ee Miles Cantrull, Rnch. . 203 TOR SALE lUtioslem wheat two cents per lb. Bring your sacks. Chas. Dtinlap, Table Rock. 30j FOR SALE 5-tou pltless scales fcr $100. Mrs. M. 10. Mlddlebushor, Trail, Oregon. -4U4 FOR SALE Corn, on King's Highway Phone 25-J-l. 30J TOR SALE Dry lime sulphur, llardo, arsenate of load in small packages for the home owner and guidcuor. Monarch Seed Co. tf FOR SALE Uird barrels Dough troughs, can bo used for watering stock Flour sacks. Pullman Baking Co. FOR SALE Bulod hay. Phone 317. 313 FOR SALE Strawberry and. rasp berry plants. Phono 2S0. 301 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorneys O. C. BOG G& Lawyer. Specialties In Heul Estntu and Probate Law 30 North Central Ave. A. E. REAMER Lawyer, office iu Liberty Building. Chiropruilc Physician Dll. HARVEY P. COLEMAN Chiro practic anil Electro-Therapy. 4 27 2 8 Medford Bldg. Phono 065. tl DR. A. It. HEDGES Noo-Ectectlc Phvslclun. DR. LOUISE 1 E. HEDGES Naturopathic Chiro practor. Mochano-Therapy, Spon dylotheiapy. Food Sciences, Clilro practice. Oftlco: Stewart Bldg., 235 E. Main St. Phoues: Office, 170; Res. 170-J-2. DR. E. W. HOFFMAN Chlroprac tic Physician. Office hours 9 to 12, 2 to 5. Suite 203-04-05-06, Lib erty Bldg. Office Phono 680, Ros ' 1027. Chiropody CHIROPODY At office of Dr. Hal i stead, Electro and Mechuno Therapy .' and the Burdlck Deep Therany Light treutmont for acute ' nud : chronic diseases. Pbipps block, 225 E. Main, Phone 503-J. USED CARS The best values in used cars in Medford C. E. Gates Auto Co. Join tho Chamber of Comuicrco M.l . 1023 of INTX Feature Service. Inc. 3"" VAOE -SKVES - McManus I 1-iNEW THERe'D e-E A CATCH IN IT SOME WHERE - BUSINESS DIRECTORY AlsfmctorH ', MURRAY.' BROS. & GREENE f Abstracts of Title Rooms 3 and 5 - No. , 32 North Centrnl Ave., up Stairs.. , Juckson Connty vi ABSTRACT OO. ' ' The only complete Ti tle System in Jackson (Niunly. : Abstracts of Title and Tit le lusunuice. j WATkiON & KELLOGG - Reliable I Jackson county abstractors of t . ties, Gold Mill. Oregon. Building Materials MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK & BLOCK WORi-.S Specialize in. all kinds of cement building products. Coi Fir and Tenth Streets. n Demists DR. O. J. JOHNSON Dentist. 228 K. Main St., over M ,M. Dept Store, Modford, Oregon. Phone 669; Res. 1003-Y. Office hours 9 a. D; 6 p. m. Evenings and Sunday b appointment. j Export Accountant rf? I vnllioTrTtTTNGa e. m. wii- i son, C. P. A. Attention given to I anything in accounting and In come Tax requirements Look into our simplified accounting method. Liberty Uldg.. Medford Phone 157-R .. ' , :J. IX. ANDREWS Buys and selU ! mortgages and loans . money o. I good, security, 31 N Grape Si Phone 63-M. - . S4 Monuments fl'.B OREGON GRANITE CO.- Monuments. E. A. Hicks, genera) manager. P. M. Kershaw, Balej manager, 103 E. Sixth St., Med ford. tf" Ostoomths hi til. V. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAIM O A RLOW Osteopathic Physician , 416-418 Liberty Bldg. Phont PU4-J-3. Residence 26 . SouU Laurel St. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic Physician. Special attention given to eye, ear, nose and throat. 800 Liberty Building. Phone 496. ' . Physicians and Surgeons. DR. WM W. P. HOir Physician nnd Surgeon. Offices Medford Bldg. Phono 165. Residence 118 Oencsee St. Phone 165-J-2. DR. A. BURSELL Physician and Surgeon, 312 to 314 Modford Bldg. Entrance 36 N. Central.- Special attention to spine. , Phone 29. Piano Instruction STUDIO OF MUSIC MrB. John O, Cupp, 913 N. Central ; private classes In piano, harmony, counterpoint, composition and history of uiubIc Phone 101 8-M. tf FRED ALTON HA1G1IT Teacher ol Piano and Harmony. Composing, Arrnnglng. Studio 818. Liberty Hide- Phonn 72 ' v'- JAMES R. FISH Teacher of Rlano. 31 N. Grape, College Bldg. - Printers and Iiibllslicrs MEDFORD PRINTING CO., has the best equipped printing office In Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose lent ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices, J7 N. Fir St Rug Weaving MEDFORD FLUFF RUO WORKS makes fluff rugs from old and worn . carpets and ; rugs ' Phon . 510-M 706 Pine St. Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO Of tied 4 3 North Front St. Phon 315. Prices right. Service guar anteed. DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. Anything moved, day or night. Servlco guaranteed. 29 S, Orapo. Phono; Office 644, or resi dence 1060 or 206. tf Upholstering J. WHISUpbolslory, Manufacturer of overxturfed furniture. Full line of materials. Draperies made to : order. Wo do all kinds of uphol stering. We deliver snd will call 'nd show samples Phono 10$ ...lru,.nvlllA n.r. Aujiflt4 Accounting AYSTEMAERVICE Insurance 0 1 ' Irve3tnwfal M. r, scmnn End Floor Medford IWdfr : tfiSfiSttSf