V. . r. ; - H V I r Livestock PORTLAND, Ore.. March 14. Cat tle steady to strong; receipts 50. . Hogs steady; receipts .54. . Sheep steady; receipts 11. - ' Butter PORTLAND, Ore., March 14. Butter steady; extra cubes 3940c; undorgrades 3738c. Prints 44c; cartons 45c. Dairy buying price Nominal; buttorfat 44c. Portland Eggs and Poult ry PORTLAND, Ore., March 14. Eggs, selling price, case count 21 22c; buying price, current receipts 20c; honneries 23c; selling price, candled 22ifT23c; selected candled in cartons 252Cc. Poultry, mens light 1718c: heavy 2182c: broilers nominal, springs 20c; old roosters 10c; turkeys nom inal: geese nominal; ducks 2527c. Wheat, cash $1.261.27; options $1.171 35. Barley $33.00034.25; oats $36.00; corn No. 3 yellow ?32.0032.50. . MIllBtuffs, mill run $30. 00031. 00; middlings . $43.00; scratch feed $40.00; Hay, buying price, timothy $23.0025.00; alfalfa $22.00 $23.00; grain $22.00; clover, $20.00 a ton. Portland Wheat PORTLAND, Ore., March 14. Wheat: Hard white, bluestem, baart $1.35; soft white $126; western white $1.25; hard winter, northern spring $1.18; westorn red $1.17. Today's car receipts Wheat 10; flour 4; corn 6; oats 2; hay 5. Han Francisco Markets SAN FRANCISCO, March 14. (U: S. Bureau of Agricultural Econom ics)'. Eggs, unchanged. Notice of 8ale of Government Timber General Land Office, Washington D. C, 1923. Notice is hereby given that subject to the conditions and limitations of the Act of June 9, 1916, (39 Stat. 218). and the Instructions of the Secretary of the Interior of September 15, 1917 (46 L. D., 447), the timber on the following landa will be sold April 30, 1023, 10 o. c. a. m., at public auction at tho United States Land Office at I-akevlew, Oregon, to the highest bid dor at not less than tho appraised value as Bhown by this notice, sale to bo subjoct to tho approval of the Sec retary of the Interior. The purchase price, with an additional sum of one fifth of one per cent cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be (Unturned if sale is not approved, otherwise patent will issue for tho timber which must be removed within ten years. Rids will be received from citizens of the United States, asHOCia tions of such citizens and corporations organized undor tho laws of tho Unit ed States or any State, Territory or District thoroof only. Upon applica tion of a qualified purchaser, tho tim ber on any legal subdivision will be offered separately before being includ ed in any offer of a larger unit. T. 40 S., R. 7 K.. Sec. 31. NEy4 SW14, yefiow plno, 645 M red fir 75 M.; frl. HWVt SW14 yellow pine 490 M., red fir 80 M.: frl. SWH BWM yellow pine 610 M, red fir 65 M. ; 8EV4 SW4 yellow pine 645 M.; red fir 165 M.; NW SBtf yollow pine 520 M., red fir 60 M.; 8W4 SEW yellow plno 530 M., red fir 110 M.; noue of the timber on these tracts are to bo sold for less than $4.00 per M., for the yellow plno and $1.00 per M. for the red fir. T. 40 8 R. 6 E., Sec. 1, Lot 3, yollow pine 040 M., red fir 40' M.; Lot 4 yollow pine 500 M., red fir 40 M., sugar pine 20 M.: NEW 8W yellow pine 800 M red fir 160 M. white fir 150 1, NW'4 8W4 yollow pine 480 M., red fir, 60 M., sngnr pine 10 M., white fir 70 M.. BKi 8WV4 yellow pine 540 M.. white fir wo M.: SWVi SW'4 yellow pine 400 M red fir 150 M., white fir 20 M.; none of tho timber on these tracts to be sold for less than $4.00 per M.. for the yellow pine and sugar pine and $1.00 per M., for tho red and white fir. WILLIAM SPRY. Commissioner, General Land Office. . .. P9tf PERL FIT5ERAL HOM1 At Vour Rervlre laj or Night Information Cordially Given t Cor. 8th and Oakdale ImholanfQ Service. P&one 47 BRINGING UP FATHER iTl-N GENTLEMAN 16 S I ( NEED A LOT I MAKiNc the: arrange- I' of help: FOR THE , S. J - .If I 1 -jriLJLJL- I I s T :V J WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Washing to do. 357-W, 304 WANTED Sewing. ' 827 W.. Second. 304 HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Man with gasoline- drag saw to cut wood on contract. M. D. Olds. . v - 306 WANTED Steady men for ranch work, Box L, Mail Tribuue. WANTED Capable bookkeopor lor Modford firm: good Balnry. Soe . OWN, Medford Business College. 301 HELP WANTEI FEMALE WANTED Experienced girl for gen eral housework. Apply 1009 S. Oak dalo or call 619-M. 302 WANTED Confectionery girl at ' Crowsou's. Must be experienced. Apply at once In person. 301 WANTED Experienced Medford Hotel. waitress, tt WANTEli MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Corona typewriter. Phone 816-R. 303 WANTED Having just completed a buying arrangement with one of the largest wool and Mohair buyers in the Btate we expect to pay more than anyone in Medford for these commodities. Johnson Produce Co. Phone 97. tt WANTED To buy Ford cars, any model. Dox ABC, Mall Tribune. 305 WANTED-r-Wool , and mohair. Osenbruggo. J. J. 201 WANTED 2000 feet 2 Inch pipe. Box H H, Mail Tribune. 303 WANTED Hauling and storago any kind. Medford Transfer & Storage Guy Cox, Mgr. 301 VANTED 250 lawn mowers to shar pen. Liberty Repair Shop. tf ''ANTED Rcnse Tioinng and repaii ,ne Phone 4R8-M or 48.X Send your automobile to the cleaners. Run the car you have in cold storage upon our racks and we will clean the Crank Case and Transmission without charge, except for the oil used. JONES & KIRKPATRICK , Next to Nat. A Real Service Station Join the Chamber of Commerce Choice of 2 Good Cars Reduced in Price to $125 Each We have cut the price to the quick to move these cars early in the season. A real opportunity to save. Terms to responsible parties BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. Join tho Oiambor of Cnmmeri-o MEDFORD MAIT. TT?TBITNTT, MEDFOTCD, OftEnON. AVEDM-ISDAY, MAKCU 11. oh: fb THIj TO BE OCR OTFICE? E3-FlRoT OF I ALL- Ve. MEED SOME TXPEVRITER HELP WANTED Male and Fcmulel WANTED Young man or woman law stenographer for Klamath Falls. 0. W. Newberry, MUC 301 FOR RENT APARTMENTS OR RENT 3 room apartment. West Tenth St. 6u4 tf FOR RENT At once, furnished npart ment in Mail Tribune building, hot and cold water, steam heat, other conveniences. No children. Call at office. tf FOR RENT HOUSHKEEPINO ROO.MS FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. 221 N. Holly. 302 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping room. 146 S. Holly. 302" FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms. 435 S. Fir St. 301 FOR RENT Modern housekeping rooms, steam heat 249 S. Riverside. Phone 292-H. 302 FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms. 611 S. Central. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Well lighted front Bleep ing room, with bath privileges; also garage for rent. 325 S. Riverside. Phone 701-J. . tt FOR RENT Nicely furnished and heated sleeping room. Phone 905-11. 305 FOR RENT Rooms, $2. per week; men only. 445 8. Front. 314 FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Modern 6 room house ono mile from Modford, $12 a month. Phono 7-F-4. 305 FOR RENT Six room modern liouse. Phone 938-M. 302 FOR RENT Modern house. R-13-R. Phone 304 FOR RENT Five room bungalow; also 10 acre garden tract. Phone 317 day time. 318 FOR RENT House at 1239 West Main, 7 rooms and garage. Not for sale. & A. DeVoe. tf "OR RENT OR SALE 7 room house, East 9th St., easy terms. Inquire Jackson Co. Bldg. & Loan ABsn. tf FOR RENT 7 room house, furnished, or would sell on payments like rent. Gold Ray Realty So., No. 16 N. Grape St, Phono 465-J. tf FOR RENT Houses Brown & White. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT -Garage, $3.00 per month. 3 8. Rlvorsldo. tt FOR RENT Furnished - men. 415 S. Front. cabin for 201 FOR RKNT 8o acren or land under wator, 2 miles of Medford, good house. Address Bert Andorson, room 302 Liberty building. tf FOR RENT Oarage at 1103 W. Tenth St. Phono "2. tf MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN Loans city and business properties. Building loans. W. O. Wright, 701 W. Eloveuth St., city. Phone 445-Y. 304 FARM LOANS Medford National Farm Loan Association. F. P. Far rell, secretary, Jackson County Bank Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN on Improved ranch security, $5000 or less, 6 per cent Interest. O. C. Boggs, Attorney tor State Land Board, Jackson County, OWNER HAYS SELL PART Gnrden Land nnd Pears 18 Acres $.1200 Talent District, Just off Highway. 6 acres Bosc and Bnrtlott Pears, 9 years old 8 acres finest Bear Creek Bottom, loam soil. 3 acres beautiful building spot, nice oak shade. or Will Hell SO Acre Orchard, 96000 14 acres In 9 year old pears, 3 acres Newtown Apples. 3 acres Alfalfa. Talent Dlsttict. One of tho best locations for a pear orchard In the Rogue River Valley. Lies perfect for Irrigation; 700 foot front ago on paved highway; city water. Here is a chance to gut something that can be developed into tho very best. Hce J. C. RARXEH Phono 78 l-L New Iocatlon, 41 1 Center Building TRUCKiAlUHCX DAIRY BOTTOM LA XI) US ACRES AT CITY LIMITS We offer, what we bollevj to be, the only large tract of BEAR CREEK BOTTOM LAND real close to Medford THAT CAN BE BOUGHT AT ANY SUCH PRICE AS WK OFFER THIS. Only one mile from Med ford, stone's throw off Paved Highway, good graveled County road, fine shaded pasture, nbundance of water and excellent building site. WK WILL TAKE PROPERTY AS PART PAYMENT, SEE t'H TODAY. FOUR-SITE REALTY AGEXCT Rooms 400-tlO Medford Center Bldg. Real Estate Business Oppoitunltlea Exchanges DOT - UIT ME TELL, "TOO v ,, T I I Ml I If 7 1923 by FOR EXCHANGE TO TRADE Equity of $200 in 12 aero tract 2 miles from town to trailo for J...- ."V .,.... c r.,." Pierce or phone 10C. 301' iOST LOST Ono small fox terrier, whlto with brown Btrlucd head. Please notify Dr. Kresse. Reward. 302 FOUND FOUND Ore. 1923 license plate No. 96(110. Owner can have samo by calling at this office and paying for ad. tf BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GOOD VlVsiNEsTTPlJ0RTUNlf IKS at No. 15 N. Grape St., Phone 465-J. tf FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Cheap, 6 room bouse and 15 acres on Spring St., in cultivation J. N. McCune, R. 3, Box 39. 311 KOR SALE. RENT OR TRADE Alf a! fa, grain, stock ranches, orchards, also city property. Gold Ray Realty Co., No. 15 N. Grape St., Phone (65-J. tf VOU SALfc HOMES FOR SALE 7 room modorn house 4 blocks from Nash hotel; paving as sessment paid; houBe newly painted. Price $2100. Vory easy terms. 1 aero of fine soil on east side and close in. Corners on paving. Trico $1200 for quick Bale. Single lots within two blocks have sold for al most thiB much within last yoar. . Phone 106 or 517-L.'.',. , . 304 FOR SALE Modern, convenient bun- j galow. Phono 532-X. 300 j FOR SALE Sevon room modern bun-1 galow, furnished or unfurnished, 3 bedrooms, hardwood floors, laundry room, large enclosed back porch,. fruit room, garage, large shade trees; best residential section, on pavod street. Terms: Phone 343-M. , . . 302 FOR SALE Account leaving town must sell 8 room bungalow, fire place, hardwood floors, sleeping porch, gnrage, east front. 59 N. Orange. Phone 447-R. Terms, tf FOR SALE Home on Geneva Ave. Seo R. H. McCurdy, Phone 123. tf FOR SALE Modorn four room house and good lot; assessments all paid; eaay payments; room No. 4, Collego Bldg., 31 N. Grape Bt 281tf FOR SALE Houses and bungalows, furnished or unfurnished; alio acreage. Insurance. C. 8. But tnrrield, Medford National Bank. Phone 389. 1 3D FOR SALE Ono of the best small ranches in the valley. V4 mile south city limits, 6 acros fine alfalfa cut last year 35 tons should cut 4 0 tons this year; 3 acros 25 year old fruit trees, straw berries and garden land. Rnnch con Bints of 10 ncros best land In valley. A 6 room house, modern, sleeping porch bathroom, closets, woo'dshod, garago nnd bam. All in splendid or der. Good well and pumping plant. All under Irrigation. Pricod at what tho Improvements nro worth; good terms. Would take hotmo In Medfofd or Ashland as first payment. , P. K. WYNKOOP Bargains in Houses. 3D DON'T TELL NE U HOTHIN - I'LL 41T THE. TVPE WRITER SUPPLIES! t INTX Feature Service. Inc. j FOR SAL!-: AlT():.:OItII,i:S r"ou SALE lluick four light delivery, i $'5. Phone 027-.M, 302 OH SALE Oil TRADE For horsen or small place in towu, Oakland 8o- cur iu good condition. Call 437-L or address Box 49. R. 3. 302 FOR SALE Chevrolet bug c-.iupe, new body, guaranteed lo bo in A-l shape mechanically, tircB almoin new. Can be seen at 30 N. Orapo. Medford Auto Top Co. 2U1 FOR HALE Ford runabout, wall tont 8x10, good as now. I', 11. Hohmnn, R. 1, Modford. 301 FOR SALE-rOne ton Maxwell truck, 1918 inoiloL Good mocuanical con dition. Was taken on debt; will sell cheap. Box 11 II, euro of Mail Tribune. 303 FOR SALk Vrniisual bargain In 1-ton Ford truck, motor overhauled, in splendid condition. Call 202 or see it, 123 8. Front St. 288tf FOR 8ALE LIVESTOCK FOR 857 SALE II. Sow and pigs. Phone 301 FOR SALE Jorsoy cow, 5 h. p. Fulr- uanKB-Jiorse gas engine; ieei 2-Inch pipe. Phono Cll-J-4, Foot- hills Orchard. 3U5 FOR SALE Heavy team, wagon and harness. Phono 311-R. 302 FOR SALE Work team weight 2200, )nce reasonable. Also heavy har ness in fine condition. Phono 816-X. 301 FOR BALE Registered Hereford bulls priced reasonable. James Campbell, Route 4, Box 35. 300 FOR SALIC Grade, pure' bred' and registered Duroc Jersey sows, to farrow iu March and April; also one prize winning registered Duroo boar Call Bert Anderson, Medford, or Miravista Orchard.' tf SAt.t.-r MnlT -, ,v f-h,n ,,,.. i ,,. hay. Fred Puhl Ranch, inquire Hubbard Bros. 305 FOR SALF, Cows Just frosh, select, federal tested. M. Walsh, ono mile NE ot Medford on Crater Lake road. 307 FOR SALE Work horses, Bmall and largo, single and double. Phone 591-R-l. 825 FOR SAVjK POULTRY AND KflGS i"OR 'SALE Eggs " for hatching: Barred Rock. O. A. C, strain, $1.00 lor 16; $5.00 por hundred. C. E. Gatos. 306" FOR SALJC-rrEgga for botching from Mammoth Bronze turkoyB; geeso, crosses of African-Toulouse; ducks, Rouon, Pekln and MoBcovy. Phono Central I'oint 18-X-3. 303 FOR SALE Indian Runner duek eggs. W. H. Arnold, Routo 1, Box 31. 302 FOR SALP; Mammoth Bronzo turkey oggs. Phone 373-R-l, Ashland. 301 FOR SALE Eg','8. from high quality dark Barred Rocks, tho kind that lay, weigh and pay, $1.50 a setting. Mrs. Chas. Latnmuy, Central Point, Routo 2. 302 FOR SALE Light Brahma eggs and birds. Mrs. C. Carey, Talent, Ore. Phonol-J-l. j7)RSALE UaLiy c.icks and hatch ing eggs from 2 year old Hognulzed hens. S. C. Rhode Island Reds, win ners and layers; won 6 fimtH Ash land show, and 3 special ribbons from Rhode Island Red club of America. 8. C. While Leghorn pure Tuncred strain. Rod Wing Poultry Yard.1 phone 865-Y, Modford, Ore. 309 Used Cars 1918 Ford Touring $15000 Fine Kubbcr. 1922 Dodge Roadster $650.00 Lots of extras. Buick Six Chassis $325.00 Overhauled complete Medford Auto Co. Buick Dealers Cor, Main and Holly littf. By George FOR SALE LIVESTOCK VALETurkly""g!.," X."E7Tiail? Griffin Creek. Phone evenings 867-X-2. Sol ! Ino Vet- tarniek it P. !' :t Plmnn fc7 1 -.1 ..1. I j . .. 3U3 j FOR SALE R. I. 7c and up each. Red hatching cites I Phono 969-R. J1S TOR SALE Hutching cgss. Dark Barred Rock, $3.00 for fifteen. J. V: Cook, R. 3, Box 48. Phono 909-R. 3111 FOR SALE X'all Ul-J-I Tlii-oo or 4 good teams. 301 FOR HALF M ISCK LL A N EO IS fTRSaTeWoT s.-i v, spi ay TbT plows, ga" englno. 815 S. OuUdttle. . . . aim FOR SALE Everbearing strawberry plants. 75c a 100. 25 Park Place. J. S. Wolfe. 304 FOR SALE Simpson tractor, John Deare plow. E. V. Dahack, Eagle Point. 30ii FOR SALE Strawberry plants, Pro gressive everbearing; Gludlola bulbs assorted colors, 5oc doz. orders de-, llvercd. Phono 784-M, ovenlngs. 306 FOR SALIC Now Remington Portable Phono 292-Y. 201 FOR SALE Alfalfaliay7$14 ton. See Miles Cantrall, Ruch. 203 j FOR SALE Bluestem wheat two ' cents per lb. Bring your sacks, j Chas. Dunlap, Tablo Rock, 30 1 j FOR SALE 5-ton pitlOHa snilos for! $100. Mrs. M, E. Middlobuahor. , Trail, Oregon.,' : 401 FOR SALE Corn, on K.-;i s Hlghwav Phono 25-J-l. , ' . 30 FOR SALE Dry llmo Biilphur, llardo, arsenate of lead in small packages j for the home owner and gardener. Monarch Seod Co. tf FOR SALE Lard barrels Dough troughs, can be used for watering stock Flour sacks. Pullman Baking Co. FOR SALE Baled i . hay. Phono 317. 1 318 I FOR SALE Strawberry and rasp-! berry plants. Phono 236. ' 304 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorneys O. C. BOGGS Lawyer. Specialize in Real Eatato and Probate Law 30 North Central Ave. A. 15. REAM E8 Lawyer, office Liberty Building. Oliiroprarllo Physician DR. IIARVE P. COLEMAN Chiro practic and Electro-Tborapy. 427 28 Medford Bldg. Phone 965. tf DR. A. R. HEDGES: Neo-Eclectlc . Physician. DR. LOUISE E. HEDG "C3 Naturopathic Chiro practor. Mcchano-Therapy, Spon dylotherapy. Food Sciences, Chlro prBctico. Office: Stewart Bldg., 2 35 E. Main St. Phones: Office. 170; Res. 170-J-2. ' DR. E. W. HOFFMAN Chlroprao - tic Physician. Office hours 9 to 12. 2 to 5. Suite 203-04-05-06, Lib ertv Bldg. Office Phone 680, Res 1027. Chiropody CHIROPODY At offlco of Dr. Hnl stead, Electro and Mecliano Therapy nnd tho Burdlck Deop Therapy Light treatment for iinutc nnd chronic dlsouses, Pblpps block, 225 K. Main, Phone 603-J. CARS The best values in used cars in Medford V ' ' 1 LCVtLX: Cz 7 I USED C. E. Gates Auto Co. Join I lie Chamber ot Commcrco . PA OR REVEST McManus BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstractors ; MURRAY BROS. & GREENE - ,-vobinicis oi line itooms j una o No, 32 North Central Ave., up "fA'r' Jackson Connty ABSTRACT OO. ' Tho only complete Ti tle System In Jackson County. i Abstracts of Title and Titlo Insurance. , WATSON & KELLOGG Reliablf Jackson county abstractors of t ties, Gold Hill. Oregon. :t Building Materials MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK & BLOCK WORKS Specialize In all kinds of cement building products. Cor. Fir and Tenth BtreetB. Dentists DR. O. J. JOHNSON Dentist, 228 E. Main St., over M ii. Dept Store, Medford, Oregon. Phone 669, Res. 1002-Y. Office hours 9 a. m 6 p. m. ; Eveniugs and Sunday b appointment. . Expert .Accountant WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. Wll Ron, C. P. A. Attention given to anything in accounting and In come Tax requirements Look Into . our simplified accounting method. Liberty Bldg.. Modford Phone 157-R Money to fjntf , H. ANDREWS Buys- and telU mortgages and loans money o.. good security, 31 N Grape Sl Phone 63-M. 246 , Monuments ;iIE OREGON GRANITE CO. Mnnuments. E. A. Hicks, general manager. P. M. Kershaw, sale manager, 103 E. Sixth St.. Med ! ford; tf Osteopaths il Lit. F G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAIM ' i CARLOW Osteopathic Physician! 416-418 Liberty Bldg. Phont 904-J-3. Residence 26 Sou W Laurel St, . .- DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic Physician.- Special attention given to eye, ear, nose and throat. 300 LIborty Building. Phone 496. - Physicians and Surgeons. , DR. WM W. P. HOLT PhyBicinn and Surgeon. Offices Medford Bldg. Phone 165. Residence 118 Genosee St. Phone 165-J-2. DR. A. BURSELL Physician and Surgeon, 312 to 314 Medford Bldg Entrance 36 N. Central. . Special attention to spine. Phone 29. Piano Instruction STUDIO OF MUSIC Mrs. John O. Cupp, 913 N. Ceutral ; private classes in piano, harmony, counterpoint, composition and history of music. ' Phono 1018-M. U FRED ALTON HAIOIIT Teacher ot Piano and Harmony.' Composing, Arranging. Studio 318 Liberty Bldg. Phone 72 ' JAMES R. FISH Teacher of Piano, 31 N. Grape. College Bldg. I'rlnters and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO., has the best equipped printing office In Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices, !7 N. Fir 8t. Hug, Weaving MEDFORD FLUFF RUG WORKS makes, fluff rugs from' old and worn carpets and rugs . Phoni 610-M 706 Plno St. : 1 Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO Office 42 North Front 8t. Phont 815. Prices right. Sorvlcs guar anteed. . DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. Anything moved, day or night. Service guaranteed.' 29 8. Grape. Phone: Office 644, or resi dence 1060 or 206. tf Upholstering . WE1S Upholstery, Manufacturer of overstaffed furniture. ' Full line of materluls. DraporleB mads to order. We do all kinds of uphol stering. Wo deliver and will, call and dhow samples I'hnn 102 'tl,.rtUlo rt-i- - . ' ' Auditing O Accounting YSTEilAERVICElO; ajf irveurarvcc ajf investments -af M. P. BC'IIMITI Snd Floor Modfnrd RMg, T- O on: - TTTrW 7TyVV'',!i,gy?''JJ'''W'M ",JWS'riF? j .!5.'"1 'i' 1,1 1 'yT