L i BRINGING WHAT DO OU THINK OF 'THE NE.W PLAX 1MB PIP- PVA-rtrO II. , , LONDON, Mar. 13. (By Associated Press). A Reuter dispatch from Hel i . slnsfors today says Premier Limine of : soclet Russia had an apoplectic stroke , yesterday. His condition, the message adds, is said to be serious. f. ' 7 Livestock PORTLAND, Ore., March 13 t,lo nominally steady, with calves at advanoe of $1,0011.50 late yester day! receipts 12. Choice steers $7.50 (B8.25; medium to Rood $6 751?7.50; fair to medium $6.006.75; com mon to fair S5.25ifJ6.00; choice heif ers $6.2S6.50; extreme $7.25: choice cows and heifers $5.756.25; ( medium to good $5.005.75; fair to ,,medium $4 50(g5.00; . comirhn .cows $3.504.50; canners $1.50 VS. 50; bulls $3.004.50; choice feed ers $5.00(9)5.50; fair to good $4.50T j?5.0;0 common cows $3.50 lO.OOrd S5.00: choice dairy calves $9.00(fJ VlO.00; prime light $9.0010.00: medium $7.509 00; heavy $3.50"r C50. ) TToga nominally steady; receipt" '.i-1279 (direct). Sheen nominally steady; receipts 290 (270 contract. ' Butter f PORTLAND, Ore., March 13. Buttor steady; extra cubes 3940c; under grades 37 (S3 Sc; prints 44c; rartonB 45c- Dairy, buying price Nominal. Butterfat 41c. !''" Portland- Wheat ' ..' f-wf PORTLAND, Ore., March 13. Sr Wheat: Hard white, bluestein. - Paatt $1.35; sofe whtto $1.20; wfi i 'tern white $1.25; hard winter north s' (cm spring $1.18; western red $I.i7. 1 i Todays car receipts Wheat 20; i flour 3; corn 6; oats 2; hay 10. San Francisco Market. RAN FRANCISCO. March 13. (U S. Bureau of Agricultural Economics) Eggs, extras 26 He; extra pullets 24c. SAN FRANCISCO. March 13. t Butterfat, pound 45c f. o. b., San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, March 13. (State Division of Markets) Broll era 354c: hens 2329c; squabs dozen $2.753. 3 Grain Supply Report. NEW YORK. March 13. The i'. visible supply of American grains. . shows tho following: Wheat decreased 1.020.000 bushels Corn increased 2.201,000 bushels. Oats decreased 1,475.000 bushels. Rye increased 1,351,000 buBhels. Barley Increased 3,000 bushels. '.'. Real Estate Transfers Rankin Estes et ux to George E. Corey, part of lot 5, blk. 1, i LuniBden's Add. to Medford....$ ' 10 ii Knte Young, ex., to R. B. Ham- 4 mond, hi Int. in of SW sec. 5 33, S. 5 acres of KM of SW sec. 33, tp. 36, S. R. 1 W.... 1285 v. Alice Foley to Frank Foley ot al, I land in sec. 20, tp. 36, S. R. 3 W. 1 ' George R. Carter et ux to Henry B. Carter et ux, int. In land f on Mountain Ave., Ashland 1 Henry B. Carter et ux to George R. Carter et ux, M Int. In land on Mountain Ave., Ashland 1 "jackson True et ux to Carson i Fowler Lbr. Co., Nty lot 9, H. IS B. Carter Add. to Ashlnna 10 ' T. W. Oruet'jr to Mrs. J. C. i Clark, lot 7, blk. 24, Medford.. 1629 PERL FU5EHAL BOMB fjKW'M . f f "i.vl4 At Voar Service Way or NlKht Information Cordially Given Or. Otn and Oak dale lJubulMKQ Strvioi Pfeone 47 UP FATHFR WE.L.L-FIR'bT THEY ARE NOT UPLIFTING AND INtTUCTlVE." Vena C. Sprague to Emogono Charley, NV of NW, of , NW, SW of NE sec. 4, tp. 38, S. R. 2 E 900 DAMAGE SUIT DISMISSED BY JUDGE FROM BENCH TACOMA, Wash., Mar. 13. Upon the ground that R. T. Brlttaln had not shown sufficient evidence in his suit against Major Joseph E. Carberry for $10,000 damages for alleged alllena tlon of his wile's affections, to war rant tne case being continued or go to the jury, Judge M. L. Cliffbrd dis missed the action in superior court yesterday afternoon. HKLP WANTED Male and Female WANTED Young man or woman law stenographer for Klamath Falls. G W. Newberry, MBG 301 WANTEli MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Having just completed a buying arrangement with one of the largest wool and Mobalr buyers in the state we expect to pay more than anyone in Medford for these commodities. Johnson Produce Co Phone 97. tt' WANTED To buy Ford cars, any model. Box ABC, Mail Tribune. 30 WANTED Wool and mohair. . J. J. Osenbrugge. 201 WANTED 20 tiers Phone 539-J-3. of wood cut 300 WANTED 2000 feet 2 inch pipe. ,B H H, Mail Tribune. 30a WANTED Hauling and storage au kind. Medford Transfer & Storage Guy Cox, Mgr. 30 : WANTED 250 lawn mowers to shar pen. Liberty Repair Shop. ' tl WANTED Furnlsned apartmoni small furnished house or bungalow or part of furnished home. Refer ences exchanged. Phune 148-Y. VANTED Good 3' and "one-qunrtei inch wagon. Valley Fuel Co. ' 'ANTE!) Rum mm-Tiie anil' repot ' .nc Plume 4M-M or 4.X Send your automobile to the cleaners. Run the car you have in cold storage upon our racks and we will clean the Crank Case and Transmission without charge, except for the oil used. JONES & KIRKPATRICK Next to Nat. A Real Service Station Join flic Chamber of Commerce Choice of 2 Good Cars Reduced In Price to $125 Each We have cut the price to the quick to move these cars early in the season. A real opportunity to save. Terms to responsible parties BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. Jo'n thn flinmbor of Coninicnv ho-hum: I MEDFORD MAJT; TRIBUNE. CO OH- secondut'thev uack. I DEPLORE. THE TENDENCY OF THb CENERATlGr TO SEEK CONSTANT AMOIaEHENT V WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Washing to' do. 357-W. 304 WANTED Sewlug. 327 W. Bocond. 304 HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Steadv men for ranch work. Box L, Mail Tribune; WANTED Capable bookkeeper lor Medford firm; good salary. See OWN,. Medford Business College. 301 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Experienced girl for gen eral housework. Apply 1009 S. Oak dale or call G19-M. 302 WANTED Confectionery girl at Crowson's. Must be . experienced. Apply at once in person. 301 WANTED Experienced Medford Hotel. waitress, tf FOR KENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Modern furnished apart ments, reasonable. 532 S. Ivy St. - 300 KOR RENT At once, furnished apart ment in Mail Tribune building, hot and cold water, steam heat, other conveniences. No children. Call at office. tf KOR RENT HOCSKKEEPING ROOMS . FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. 221 N. Holly. 302 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping room. 146 S.. Holly. 302 FOR RENT Two housekeeping rooms close in. Apply 323 N. Front St. 300 'OR . RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms. 435 S. Fir St.' 301 'OR RENT Modern houseiteping rooms, steam heat. 249 S, Riverside. Phone 292-H. ' : ', 302 OH RENT Light housekeeping rooms. 511 S. Central. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Modern 6 room house ono mile from Medford, $12 a month. Phone 7-F-4. . 305 FOR RENT Six room modern house. Phone 938-M. 302 FOR RENT Two furnished houses, modern. Phone 593-L after 5. 200 TOR RENT Modern house. R-13-R. Phone 304 FOR RENT Five room bungalow; also 10 acre garden tract Phone 317 day time. 318 KOR " RENT House al 1239 West . Main, 7 rooms and garage. Not for sale. C. A. DeVoe. tf '"OR RENT OR SALE 7 room house. East 9th St., eaay terms. Inquire JackBon Co. Bldg. & Loan Asan. tf FOR RENT 1 room house, furnished, or would sell on payments like rent. Gold Ray Realty So., No. 16 N. Grape St., Phone 465-J. tf FOR RENT Houses Brown & White. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Furnished men. 445 S. Front. cabin for 201 FOR RKNT So acres or land under wator, 2 miles of Medford, good house. Address Bert Anderson, room 302 Liberty building. tf FOlt'llKNTOarsse at 1103 W. Tenth !il Photin 2. tf OWNER SAYS SELL PART Garden Land anil Poors 18 Acres $.'1200 Talent District, Just off Hlghwny. 6 acres Bosc and Bartlett Pears, 9 years old S acres finest Bear Creok Bottom, loam soil. 3 acres beautiful building spot, nice oak shade or Will 8ell 20 Acre Orchard, $0000 ' 14 acres in 9 year old pears, 3 acres Newtown Apples. 3 acres Alfalfa. Talent District. One of the best locations for a pear orchard in tho Rogue River Valley. Llos perfect for Irrigation; 700 feet front age on paved highway; city water. Here is a cnanco to got' something that can be developed Into tbe very best. See J. C. RARNKS Phono 7R4-L Ner Location, 411 Center Building TRUCK GARDEN DAIRY BOTTOM LAND 3.1 ACRES AT CITY LIMITS We offer, what we bcliovj to be, the only large tract of BEAR CREEK BOTTOM LAND real close to Medford THAT CAN BE BOUGHT AT ANY SUCH PRICE AS WE OFFER THIS. Only one mllo from Med ford, stono's throw off Paved Highway, good graveled County road, fine shaded pasture, abundance of wa'nr nnd excellent hulldng site. WK WILL TAKE PllOTT.HTY AH PART PAYMENT. SEE 18 TODAY. FOUR -KITE REALTY AGENCY Rooms 400-4 10 .Me ilfnnl Center Iildg. Real Edtate Business Opportunities Exchange MEDFORD. ORKOON. YOU ARE PERfECTUY 'ffOll RENT FURNISH Kn HOli.MSl FOR RE-NT Nicely furnishod ami heated sleeping room. Phono 906-.M. 305 FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, bath; men only. 245 N. Grape; 300 FOR RENT Rooms, $2 per week; men only. 445 S. Front. 314 FOR RENT Well lighted front sleep ing room, with bath privileges. 325 So. RlversiiUi. Phone 701-J. tf MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN Loans city and business properties. Building loans. W. G. Wright. 701 W. Eleventh St.. city. Phone 445-Y. 304 FARM LOANS Medford , National Farm Loan Association. F. P. Far roll, secretary, Jackson County Bank Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN on Improved ranch security. $5000 or less. 6 per cent interest. O. C- Boggs. Attorney for 8tJite Land Board, Jackson County 111 SIVEH3 OPPORTUNITIES GOOD BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES at No. 15 N. Grape St, Phone 465J. tf FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Sow and pigs. 857-H. Phone 301 FOR SALE Jersey cow, 5 h. p. Fairbanks-Morse gas engine; 250 feet 2-Inch pipe. Phone 61W-4, Foot hills Orchard. 305 FOR SALE Heavy team, wagon and harness. Phone 31 1-R. u 302, FOR SALE Work team weight 2200, price reasonable. Also heavy hur- ness in fine condition. Phone S1B-X. ,301 I FOR SALE High bred Jersey cow, ! two yeurB old. J. W. Fish, one mile south Phoenix. ' 300 FOR SALE Registered . Hereford bulls priced reasonable. ' James Campbell, Route 4, Box 35. " . 303 FOR SALE Grado, pure bred and registered Duroc Jersey sows, to farrow in March and April; also one prlzo winning registered Duroc boar Call Bert Anderson, Medford, or Miravista Orchard. tf FCR SALE Milk cowa, calves and freshening heifers; also baled grain hay Fred Puhl Ranch, inquire Hubbard Bros. 305 FOR SALE Cows juBt fresh, select, federal tested. M. Walsh, one mile NE ot Medford on Crater Lake road. 307 FOR SALE Work horses, email and large, single and double. Phone 591-R-l. 325 DC in FOR SALE One of the best smill ranches in the valley, 'i mile couth city limits, 6 acres fine alfalfa cut last year 35 tons should cut 40 tons this year; 3 acies 25 year old fruit trees, straw berries and garden land. Ranch con sist of 10 acres bent land in valley. A 6 room house, modern, sleeping porch bathroom, closets, woodshed, garage nnd barn. All In splendid or der. Good well and pumping plant. All under Irrigation Priced at what tho Improvements are worth; good terms. Would take house In Medford or Ashland as first payment. P. K. WYNKOOP Rftriralns In Ilonscs, DC 3 a TUESDAY, .MARCH 1:1, FOURTHLY AND FIFTHLY. THEY ARE LACtONti IN THM" MORAL. UPLFT WHICH ' FOR SALE Al'TO.-.iOniMCS FOR SAI.K OR TRADK For tmrmw or small pluco in town, Oakluud S.; car In good condition. Call 437-1. or address Box 4'J, It. 3. 302 FOR 8AI.E Chovrolnt ling coupe, new body, guurnntmid to bo In A l shupe mechanically, tiros almost now. Can bo Beon at 30 N, Grape. Medford Auto Top Co. 201 FOR SALE Ford runabout, wull tent SxlO, good aa new. P. H. Hohman, R. 1, Medford. 301 I FOR SALE Ono ton Maxwell truck, I 1918 model. Good mechanical con dition. Wus takon on dobt; will I sell cheap. Box il II, caro of Mail Tribune 803 FOR SALb Unusual bargain in 1-ton Ford truck, motor overhauled, In splendid condition. Call 202 or see it, 123 S. Front St. 288tf FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Cheap, 5 room house and - 15 acres on Spring St, in cultivation J. N. McCunu, R. 3, Box 39. 311 rOR SALE. RENT Oil TRADE Alf alfa, grain, Btock ranches, orchards, also city pruiierty. Gold Ray Realty Co., No. 15 N. Grape 8t., Phone I66J. tf FOR SAI.K llOMEft FOR SALE Seven room modern bun galow, furnished or unfurnished, 3 bedrooms, hardwood floors, laundry 4 room, largo unclosed back porch, fruit room, garage, large ' shade trees; best residential section, on paved Btreet. Terms. Phono 343-M. i 302 FOR SALE Account lonvlng town must sell 8 room bungalow, fire I place, hardwood floors, sleeping porch, garage, east front. 59 N. Orange. Phone 447-R, Terms, tf FOR SALE Homo on Geneva Ave. Seo R. H. McCurdy, Phone 123 tf FOR SALE Modern four room house and good lot; assessments all paid; easy payments; room No, 4, College Bldg., 31 N. Ornpo St. 281tt FOR SALE Houses and bungalows, furnished or unfurnished; alco acreage. Insurance. C. S. Bul terfleld, Medford National Bank. Phono 389. FOU SALE ItlCliYRY AND EGGS FOR SALE Turkey eggs.. A. E. Uaii? Griffin Creok, Phone evenings S57-X-2. 301 FOR SALE Indian Runner duck eggs. W. H. Arnold, Route 1, Box 31. 302 FOR SALE Mammoth Bronze turkey eggs. Phono 373-R-l, Ashland. 304. FOR SALE Eggs, from high quality dark Barred Rocks, the kind that lay, weigh and pay, $1.50 a setting. Mrs. Chas. Lammuy, Central Point, Route 2. 302 FOR SALE Light Brahma eggs and birds. Mrs. C. Caroy, Talent, Ore. Phone 311-J-l. rOR SALE Baby chicks and hatch ing eggs from 2 year old Hoganlzed hens. S. C. Rl.odo Island Reds, win ners and layers: won 6 firsts Ash land Bhow, and 3 special ribbons from Rhode Island Red club of America. S. C. White Leghorn puro Tancred Btrnln. Rod Wing Poultry Yard, phone 86G-Y, Medford, Ore, 309 FOa SALE Hatching eggs $6.00 nun dred. from Single comb White Leg horns. All breeders solectod by use of the trapnest. No pullets or low producers used. Dr. O. A. Wlnans, !hnne 344.M. 200 Used Cars 1918 Ford Touring 915000 Fine Rubber. ' 1922 Dodge Roadster $650.00 Lots of extras. - Buick Six Chassis $325.00 Overhauled complete Medford Auto Co. Buick Dealers Cor. Main and Holly I OT TO VA TAKE. A UffiJ By Geors'e McManus fiSr4!? U J' 1 "u MA nine i tui i r-ii 1 iSMfeSS y iver MF A STArkT AN' DEAL SRvWti 1923 v Int'L FOR RALE LIVESTOCK I rYiR SALE TurkayTwo!! JonMoT : ternick, R. F. D. 3, Phone 571-.I-5. 30.1 FOR SALli H. I. Red hatching CKRs ' ( 7o and up each, l'huno 96U-R. 3 is' FOR- SALE Hatching eggs. Dark F.urred Rock, $3.00 for f'.floen. J. W. Cook, R. 3, Box 4S. Phono 909-R. 311 FOR SA1.E Call 111J-: -Throe or 4 good teams. 301 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Everbearing strawberry ' plunt.i, 75e a 100. 25 Park Place, i J. 8. Wolfo. 301 FOR SALE Sampson tractor, John Deero plow. K. V. Duhack, Eugio Point. 300 1 FOR SALE Strawborry planta. Pro-1 gresslvo everbearing; Glndiola bulb assorted colors, 60c doz. Orders de livered. Phone 784-M, evenings. 305 FOR SALE Now Remington Portable Phono 292-T. 2Vl FOR SALE Alfalfa hay, (14 ton. Sea Miles Contrail, Kut-h. 203 FOR SALE Bluestein wheat two cents per lb. Bring your sacks. Chus. Dunlap, Table Rock. . 305 FOR SALE 5-ton pitless scales for $100. Mrs. M. E. Middlobusher, Trail, Oregon. 404 FOR SALE 3-Inch Mollne wagon. Phono 639-J-3. 300 FOR SALE Soft shell aimonds' 25 cents per pound. Phone 539-11-1. 300 FOR SALE Corn, on King's Highway Phone 25-J-l. 302 FOR SALE Dry lime sulphur, Burdo, arsenate of lead In small puckuges for tho home owner and gardener. Monarch Seed Co. tP FOR SALE Lurd barrels ' Dough troughs, can bo used for watoring stock Flour Backs. Pullman Baking Co. FOR SALE Baled hay. Phono 317. 318 FOR 8ALE Strawberry and rasp berry plants. Phono 286. 304 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorneys O. C. BOGGS Lawyer. Speclallzef In Real Estate and Probate Law 30 North Central Ave. A E. REAMES Lawyer. Liberty Building. office !' I Chiropractic Physician DR. HARVEY P. COLEMAN Chlro practlc and Electro-Therapy 427 28 Medford Bldg. Phone 965. tl DR. A. R. HEDGES Noo-Eclentic Physlcinn. DR. LOUISE E HEDGES Naturopathic Chiro practor, Mechano-Thorapy, Spon dylothorapy, Food Sciences, Chlro . practice. Office: Stewart Bldg., 235 E. Main St. Phonos: Office 170; Res 170-J-2. DR. E. W. HOFFMAN Chlroprac tic Physician. Office hours 9 to 12, 2 to 5. Suite 203-04-05-06, Lib erty Bldg. Office Phone 580. Res 1027. Chiropody CHIROPODY At office of Dr. Hal stead, E)octro,and Mpchano Therapy and tho Burdlck 41eop Therapy Light treatment fur acute and chronic diseases. Phlpps block, 225 E. Main, Phone B63-J. 1920 Oakland Completely Overhauled Good Tires $350 See this before buying. Terms if desired C. E. Gates Auto Co. UJ ' RIMflJQU.ic PAflK SEVEN J ' D 3-3 Feature Service, inc. BUSINESS DIRECTORY ' Abstractors ,i MURRAY BROS. & GREENE Abstracts of Title Rooms 3 and 5 No. 32 North poutral Ave., u stairs. Jackon County ABSTRACT CO. ' " Tho only complete Tl' lie System in Jackson County. Absi raets of Title and Tltlo Insurance... - WATSON & KELLOGG RellabU .Inckson- county abstractors of t lies. Gold 11111. Oregon. Building Material MEDFORD CEMENT' BRICK' 4 BLOCK WORKS Specialize in all kindB of cement building products. Cor. Fir and Tenth Streets. ' Dentists DR. O. J. JOHNSON Dentist, 228 E. Main St.. over M. M. Dept Store, Medford, Oregon. Phone 60S; Res. 1UU2-Y. Office hours 9 a, m--t! p. m. Evonlngs and Sunday by appointment. - Kxpert Accountant ' WILSON AUDITING-CO. E. M. Wil son, C. P. A. Attention given to anything In accounting and In come Tux requirements. Look Into our simplified accounting method. Liberty Bldg.,- Medford. Phont 157-R Money to Luair J. It. ANDREWS Buys and sells mortgages and loans money o. good security, 81 N Grape St I Phone 53-M. 24 KLunumenta THE OREGON GRANITE CO.-. Monuments. E. A. Hicks, jenersj manager. P. M. Kershaw, sale manager,, 103 E. Sixth St, Med io -d. . . . , tf I Osteopaths &K. V. O. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAIN! caklow Osteopathic Physician! 416-418 Liberty Bldg. Phona ' 904-J-3. Residence. - 26 ' Sontk Laurel St DR. W. W.. HOWARD Osteopathic Physician. Special attention give to eyo, ear, nose- and throat. S00 Liberty Building Phone 496. '. Physicians and Surg eons. DR. WM W. P. HOLT Physician and Surgeon. Offices Medford Bldg. Phone 165. Residence 118 Genesee St. Phone 1 66-J-J. DR. ' A. BURSELL--Physlclan and Surgeon, 312 to 314 Medford Bldg. Entrance 36 N. Central. Special attention to spine. Phone J. Piano Instruction STUDIO OF MUSIC Mrs. John O. Cupp, 913 N. Central ; private classes in piano, harmony, counterpoint, composition and history of music. Phono 101 8-M. ' tt FRED ALTON HAIOHT Teacher ot ' Piano and Harmony. Composing, Arrnnglng. Studio 318 Liberty Bldg. Phone 72 ; '" JAMES H. FISH Teacher ot Piano. 31 N' flrnpe. College Bldg. Printer ami Publisher MEDFORD PRINTING CO., has tne best equipped printing office io Southern Oregon. Bonk binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems etc. Portland prices. 87 N. Fir St. Rug Weuvlng MEDFORD FLUFF ,RUG WORKS makes fluff rugs from old and worn enrpots and rugs Phon 610-M 706 Pine St. ' Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO Office 42 North Front St. Phont 815. Prices right, Service guar anteed. - .. DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE! CO. Anything moved, day or night - Service guaranteed. 29 S. Grape.. Phone: Office 644, or resi dence 100 or 200. tf ' - Upholstering 3, WEIS Upholstery, Manufacture! of overstuffed furniture. Fall line of materials. Draperies made to order. We do all kinds ot uphol stering. We deliver and will call and show samples Phooe 101 toxWnnvllt. "W O Aud!Hrl AeeouTvtma AYSTENXERVICElft ourjccylrve3tnvtila M. P. BIHM7T! Bad Floor - Medford Rlsfe ;