Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 13, 1923, Page 6, Image 6

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192.' , . .. - : . -rr- "
s NEW YORK, Mar. 13. Luis Ansel
Fnx was established today In the
front rank of heavyweight titlo con
tenders. The big man from Argentina
last night hurdled the first obstacle In
the path loading to a match with Jack
Dempsoy, the champion, when he
knocked out Hill Ilrcnnan, scarred
veteran of the ring, In the twolfth
round of a spectacular flftoon round
match at Madison Square Garden.
' Bewildered by a stoady flow of
blood from a gash over his loft eye
and hold at bay by Bronnan's crafty
defensive ability and ring generalship,
the South American staged a furious
come-back In the twelfth round to end
the bout with dramatic suddonnoss.
It was but tho third time In a long
and embattled career that . Hrocnan
has been knocked out. Both previous
.knockouts woro administered by
Dompsey, once in 1013 and again in 12
rounds In 1920.
Klrno was today regarded by critics
as tho most formldablo henvyweight
contender discovered since Dempsoy
fought his way to tho top. Though
still crudo and unpollnhed in his foot
work, boxing ability and ring gcuoral
ship, tho South American demonstrat
ed that he possesses courage, stamina,
ability to absorb punishment and most
important of all, a terrific right hand
ed punch.
The South American's next engage
ment according to Promoter' Tox
Hickard, Is likely to be against tho
winner of tho Floyd Joiinson-Joss Wll
lard match, to take placo at tho Yan
kee stadium May 12, with the prob
ability that the winner will moot
NEW YORK, Mar. 13. Only by a
marvelous comeback In tho two re
maining blocks of GOO points each can
Wlllio Hoppo retain his titlo of 18.2
balk lino bllllardlst against tho assault
of Jake Schaofor of San Francisco. .
Tho challengor easily won tho first
block of tho title tournament last
night COO to 277.
Young Jako had a lead of 223, aver
aging 41 8-12 with high runs of 139
and 100, compared with the cham
pion's avorngo of 23 ft and high runs
of 94 and 44.
I1UEN03 AIRES, Mnr. 13. (By As
sociated Press). Buenos Aires wont
wild last night when tho nows was
rocelvod that Luis Angel FIrpo had
knocked out Bill Bronnan in Now
York, Thousands of persons marched
through tho streets of tho city, shout
ing, singing and hailing Flrpo as the
world's future chumplon.
Wlllio Kauini HltH the Walt.
CHICAGO. March 13. Wlllio
Kamni. tlio 1100.000 "boauly" of tho
Chicago American Iimiruo club, up-'
peartnK for tho first tlnm in a hltu
Box uniform, almost knocked tho
cover from tho ball In practice
' lilb Falk announcod lie would sign
hie 1923 contract.
. Cut This Out It li Worth Money
Cut out this slip, enclose with Go
and mail It to Foley ft Co., 2835 Shef
field Avo , Chicago, III., writing your
namo and address clearly, You will
receive In return a trial package con
taining Foloy'B Honey and Tnr Com
pound for coughs, colds and croup;
Foloy Klilnoy Pills (or pains In Bides
and back; rhoumntlsm, buckucho, kid
nay and bladder nldments; and Foley
Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and
thoroughly cleansing cnthartto for
constipation, biliousness, honducho,
and sluggish bowols. Sold ovorywhore.
Says His Prescription
Has Powerful Influence
Over Rheumatism
. Mr. .Tames II. Allen of ltochontor.
N. Y, suffered for years whit rheu
matism. Many times this terrible dls
caso left him hvlplcs and unable to
' Uo finally decided, after years of
coasvless study, that no one ran bo
froo from rheumnttnm until the
accumulated Impurities, commonly
called urlo acid deposits, were dis
solved In tho Joints nnd muscles und
expelled from the body.
With this Idea In mind be consult
ed physicians innde experiments nnd
finally compounded n prescription
thnt qulrkty nnd completely banished
very nlKn nnd symptom of rheuma
tism from bis rystem.
lie frewly Rnve his discovery, which
he . called Allenrhu, to other,, who
look It with wbut mifjlit be cnlled
1 marvelous hucoosh. After yenrs of
urging ho doclded to let sufferers
evorywhero know about his discovery
through the newspaper. He has
therefore. Instructed ilnn:illH every
where to dlspeiim, Alknrhu with the
understnnfllntj that If the first pint
bottle dooa not show tho way to com
plete recovery he will gladly return
yniir monoy without rnmment.
All druggists' can supply you. Adv.
Med ford cue fanu nmong the mem
bors of the Elks club will bo affordod
a treat Thursday noon at the club
rooms when Ralph Oroonlenf, world's
champion pocket billiard player and
Clayton liyers, Pacific coast champion
will appear In exhibition games at
pockot and threo-cuHhlon billiards.
Oreeulcaf will moot Ilyors In a 100-
point rack iwul mutch after which both
players will entertain with fancy
shots. Grcenloaf will moet Armstrong,
tho locnl three-cushion star in a three-
cushion match. After this , match
Dyers will deliver a lecture on the
diamond system usod by the three
elision champion and tho loading
Groenleaf lias held the pocket bil
liard championship for over four yours
and holds all world's records. His
high run is 2C5 at rack pool. He has
played and won 29 titlo matches and
is the most brilliant champion In the
history of tho game. liyers has held
the coast championship for a number
of years and was formerly playing
partner for Johnny Layton, world's
three-cushion chumplon.
Tho exhibition Ramos will be played
promptly at one o'clock Thursday
noon and will bo tho only games to
be staged here.
By A. O. Ilowlett
K. D. Henson and son. James Hen-
sun wero here for dinner last Mon
day. They are in tho employ of Foh-
ter and Kielscr In tho advertising
business. They were out with their
now auto, all equipped for tho busi
ness. In commenting on their new
rig, Mr. Henson remarked that the
company hnd had two otherB of the
same kind put up nnd that all three
of them wero kept busy posting ad
vertisements. They havo now six
advertising, or bulletin bonrda In our
llttlo town nnd about flvc-slxtlis of
tho spneo Is used In advertising to
bucco In its various forms of put
ting it on tho murket.
Thomas Hlley, una of our prosper
ous young mechanics, was hero Mon
day und reported that he was turning
his attention to painting, as ho had
tho contract to paint John Rnder's
house nnd W. C. Daley's houso and
tho bankers', H, 10. Campbell's house.
Ilosldo painting, Mr. Hilcy works nt
the carpenter business considerable
of his time and during his leisure
hours has helped Ills brother-in-law,
George 13. Holmes, put tip a radio
system at hlH rosldenco or rather
over It, nnd they have Installed the
machinery nnd havo it in operation.
They wero assisted In putting It in
plueo by one of our high school boys,
John I'hllllpB, who has been taking
a coui-Bo in that branch of science,
and has so far proceeded In his stud
ies that ho has Installed a radio of
his own. doing nil tho work himself,
except tho part that Is manufactured
In ilia factory. ' '
Frank Bmlth, who lives ft short dis
tance frorn town, told mo n few days
ago that ' ho called and listened to It
and heard a woman preaching in Los
Angeles, Calif., heard a busketbnll
game going on In Seattle, Washing
ton, could hear them clap their hnnds
and cheer, and also heard from Den
ver, Colorado, and ho thinks thnt by
tho tlmo Johnnlu graduates, that he
will bo compluto mnster of his pro
fession. After Mr. Holmes hnd hi
radio Installed, ho Invited In a num
ber of his neif.-hbors and they wore
delighted to hear tho different kinds
of songs, music, speeches, etc., that
wero caught on the wire.
Mrs. G. W. Averlll of Uutto Falls
(Round Top) enmo out on horse
back, about the only way sho could
como comfortably, to do sumo trad
ing und took dinner at tho Hunny
side. Also Roy Htnnley and family,
who live hero In town, but Mrs. Stan
ley Is teaching tho Urownsboro school
although sho has beon so unwell as
to bo unabln to meet her school this
present week, so fur March 10th.
Georgo II. Holmes and wife, the
principal In our school and ev, J. VI.
Day of Uutto Falls were here for
dinner the same day nnd Mr. IS. Sum
mer, civil engineer, who Is In charge
of the construction of the Uutte
Fnlls-Kugle Point cnnnl, nnd O.
Adnms. also of Ilutte Fulls, were
hero over night.
Among tho diners here Tuesday
wero Mr. II. I.. Hcryford, flirts Henle.
Ralph CowkIII, chief engineer on the
cnnnl, Fred Pettygrew, secretary' of
the canal compnny nnd Mrs. Miles of
Unite l-nlls and M, M. Vt Hilts of the
Union Oil company. California of
Med ford. Mr. Wllllts is of the old
pioneer stock of Jnckson county
being a son of W. W. Wllllts of Per
sist, who has resldetl on his hnmo
stcud ever since he and his wlfn. nnd
I think thnt she was a daughter of
Mr. Wrlsley n pioneer of Central
Point, were married and they hnvo
raised their family and ore now
grand-pn rents.
f. It. Htewnrt, with J. H. Cult Co..
New York City, carbide lighting nnd
cooking system, and Henry Morgan
of Persist, ontno In and spent the
night nnd so did George Trusty of
Klk Creek. Mr. Htewnrt engaged
room and board und Intended to can
vass the country out east and north
of here, but was unexpectedly cnlled
Wednesday nfternoon to Grants Pass,
but expects to return the first of the
Tho following report was handed in
but too lute for my Wednesday's let
ter. Mrs. Mlttlestadt nnd Mrs. A. It
MacUonnld entertained twenty-three
of the members of the Civic Improve
ment club at the home of the former
Thursday, March 1. The fair com
mittee hnd a meeting following the
regular business meeting, nt which
It was dri liU-tl to fence tho city park
the park lommltU'q mnde a report of
tho work In tho park, nfter which a
dainty two-course lunch was served
by the hostess.
I,ylo und J. Harry Carlton. George
Daley, Jr.. and Sam Vested were busi
ness cutlers Wednesday, and Mrs. L.
H. Hwlnk of Uutte Fulls camo out on
the liutto Falls stage and took din
ner at the Hunnysldc the same day.
William H. Drown, one of our popu
lar merchants and Tl. II. Williams,
San Francisco, Calif., representing
Dlnkelsplel Co., Inc., nnd Earl W.
Moore, sulesman for Mason Motor
Co.. selling Star and Purunt cars,
wore here for dinner Wednesday. Mr.
A. Anderson of San Francisco came
in from Butte Falls Friday noon und
took dinner and no did Chris John
son, who Is working on the new
Rocky Hill road for Wm. von dur
Hnllen and reports that they are get
ting along very nicely with tho Job
nnd that it will be completed by tho
first of June.
In my rounds Friday, I met Mrs.
Frank Lewis, who was confined to
her room at her daughter's, Mrs. Ted
Wick, In Medford for Bevoral weeks
and was brought out home about tho
first of Janunry, and she said that
that was tho first time that she had
been out In town since she came
home, nnd she showed tho effect of
her long confinement, but says she
feels quite well now and her many
friends hope that she will soon re
gain her normal strength.
In my nieanderings yesterday, a
friend of mine, Mr. F. J. Mcl'herson.
handed mo a subscription to The Mall
Tribune thnt had been left with him
by ono of his customers, Mr. Huson
the foreman on tho J. H. Cooley or
chard for his father-in-law, H. W.
Ward who Uvea above him on Butte
Creek nnd this Saturday morning I
met our blacksmith W. L. Chlldreth
nnd he renewed his subscription to
The Dnlly Mail Trlbuno for another
year and today wo had some friends
call and ono of them was from Port
land and ho remarked that tho first
thing ho looked for Id Tho Mail Trlb
uno wns the Eaglets and a lady asked
why I did not write oftener nnd I
referred her to tho editor nnd an
other explained thnt sho liked to see
the names of the people who como
and go, as she knew so many of them
although they came from the '-'four
corners of the earth."
T. Nichols, one of our popular mer
chants, Is having a radio put up in
hie residence.
Last Time Tonight
They aid thnt when Constance Tal-
madgo made "Polly of tho Follios" sho
oxhaustod all the humor that could bo
put into a motion picture; but the
statement has been definitely dis
proved by "Tho Primitive Lover," her
latest attraction which closes at the
Pago thoatre tonight.
Rex Ingram Picture Coming
Rex Ingram's "Trifling Women,"
said to bo the greatest picture Ingram
has yet produced, will como to tho
Pnge theatre tomorrow for a four days
engagement. ' ,
The cast is an important one, with
Lewis Stone, Barbara la Marr and
Roman Navarro from "Tho Prisonor
of Zenda," which Ingram niado; Pomo
roy Cnnnon, who was the centaur in
'The Four Horsomon of the Ppoca-
lypso," another Ingrain work; Edward
Connolly nnd Hughle Mack, with tho
addition of the giant upo, Joe Martin.
Oulda's Immortal Story
'Undor Two Flogs," the film vor-
sion of Oulda's immortal talo of undy
ing lovo, which hold tho stago of the
world for ninny yoars in a dramatized
vorslon of tho novel, preaonts one of
tho groat storloa of all times through
the superior medium of the screen. It
coinos to the RIalto theatre tomorrow
for a four days engagement. Priscllla
Dean Ib tho star.
Supporting Miss Dean are such stel
lar artists aa James Kirkwood, John
Davidson, Ethel Grey Terry, Stuart
Holmos. Fred Cavons, W. II. Bairt-
brldge, Burton Law and Bobby Mack.
Peoplo In tho United States sent
314. 4H4, 621 letters to foreign coun
tries in 1922. Tho cost of postage
was estimated at $0,433,000.
Notice of 8ale of Government
General Land Offtco, Washington,
D. C, 1923.
Notlco is hereby given Hint subject
to tho conditions nnd limitations of
tho Act or June !. 1918, (39 Stat. 218),
and the instructions of tho Secretary
of tho Interior of Soptembor 16, 1917
(4ii L. I)., 447), tho timber on the
following lands will bo sold April 30,
19J3, 10 o. c. a in., at public auction at
the United States Lnnd Offlco nt
Lakovlew, Oregon, to the highest bid
der nt not loss than tho appraisod
value as shown by this notice, sale to
be subject to the approval of the Sec
rotary of tho Interior. The purchase
price, with an additional sum of one
fifth of ono per cent cent thereof,
being commissions uilowed. must he
doposlted at tlmo of aalo. money to he
returned if sale is not approved,
otherwise patent will Issue for tlio
timber which must be removed within
ten years. Bids will be received from
citizens of tho United Statos, associa
tions of such citizens nnd corporations
organized under tho laws of the Unit
ed States or any State, Territory or
District thereof only. Upon applica
tion of a qualified purchaser, the tim
ber on nny legal subdivision will bo
offered separately before being Includ
od in anv offer of a largor unit.
T. 40 8., R. 7 K.. Sec. 31. NK1 8WVJ ,
yellow pine, 045 M., red fir 75 M.i frl.
NWVJ 8VV yellow plno 490 M red fir
80 M.: frl. SW H 8W ki yellow pine 610
M.. red fir 6S M-: 8K4 HVV yellow
pine 645 M.i red fir 1HS M.; NWV
SK'4 yellow pine 620 M.. red fir 60
M.; 8WVJ SK4 yellow pine 6.10 M.,
red fir 110 M.: none of tho timber on
these tracts are to bo sold for lens
than 14.00 per M., for tho yellow plno
and $1.00 per M. for tho red fir.
T. 40 8., R. 6 K., Sec. 1, Lot 3, yellow
pine 610 M, red fir 40 M.i Lot 4
vellow pine 500 M . red fir 40 M . sugar
pine -0 M.; NEVj SW'J yellow plno
S00 M.. red fir 150 M, white fir 150 1
M NWIi SWi yellow pine 480 M
red fir, CO M., sugar pine 10 M., whlto
fir 70 M., BE SWV, yellow plno 540
m., wnito nr loo M.; swvi swy,
yellow pine 400 M.. red fir 150 M.,
whlto fir 20 M.; none of the timber on
those tracts to be sold for less than
(4.00 per M for the yellow pine and
sugar pine and 11.00 per M , for the
red and white fir.
Commissioner, General Land Office.
Summons for Publication In Suit to
Quiet Title
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon in and for the County of
City of Modtord, Oregon, a municipal
corporation, Plaintiff, vs. E. J. Bash
ford, widow of George W. Bashford,
deceased, and Mrs. C. A. Dlekison, '
Mrs. C. A.Wilson and E. L. Bash
ford, heirs of George W. Bashford, I
deceased, George E. Corey and Dora '
E. Corey, his wife, Max Huuschild, '
. Arthur J. Lupton .ami Clara M. Lun
ton, his wife, and Mrs. Kate Hills,
widow of W. J. Hills, deceased, and
Ford W. Hills, only heir of W. J. ,
Hills, deceased, and also all other
persons and parties unknown claim
ing any right, title, estate, lien or
Interest In the real estate described
in the complaint herein. Defendants.
To E. J. Bashford, widow of George
W. Bashford, deceased, and Mrs. C. A.
Dlekison, Mrs. C. A. Wilson and E. L.
I Bashford, heirs of George W. Bash
ford, deceasedGeorge E. Corey and
Dora E. Corey, his wife, Max Hnus
chlld, Arthur J. Lupton and Clara M.
Lupton, his wife, and Mrs. Kate Hills,
widow of W. J. Hills, deceased, and
Ford W. Hills, only heir of W. J. Hills,
deceased, and also all other poisons
and parties uuknown claiming any
right, title, estate, lien or interest in
the real estate described in the com
plaint herein, tho above named defen
dants: - ,.
In the namo of the State of Oregon:
You and each of you are hereby sum
moned and required to appear and an
swoar the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled suit within six
weeks from the date of the first publi
cation of this summons, and you nnd
each of you are hereby notified that
if you fall to appear and answer said
complaint, or otherwise plead thereto,
within said time plaintiff will apply to
the court for the relief prayed for. in
Its complaint on file in said cause, to
wlt: For an order and decree of this
court quieting the title in plaintiff to
the following described real estate,
situated and being In the City of
Medford, County of Jackson and State
of Oregon, to-wit:
All of Block number Five (G) of the
Town (now City) of Medford, Oregon,
as designated, numbered and de
scribed on the official plat thereof,
now of record.
Thnt plaintiff be decreed to be the
owner of said described premises and
that the titlo of plaintiff In said prein-!
ises is good and valid; that the said ;
defendants and each and every one of
them bo decreed to have no right,
title, claim, lien or Interest therein or :
thereto; that the said defendants and 1
each and every one of them be forever I
barred, enjoined and restrained from
assorting or isotting up any claim,
right, title, Hon or Interest in or to
tho said above described premises or
any part thereof, and for such other
further nnd different relief as to tho
court may soem Just and equitable in
the premises.
This summons Is published in the i
Medford Mall Tribune by order of the I
Hon. C. M. Thomas, Judge of tho !
Circuit Court of the Stato of Oregon
for the County of Jackson, and said
order was made and dated the 19th-'
day of February, 1923 and tho date of
the first publication of tills summons
is the 20th day of February, 1923.
Attorney for the Plaintiff.
Address: 217-8 Liberty Building,
Medford, Oregon.
Summons for Publication In Suit to
Quiet Title
In tho Circuit Court or the State of
Oregon In and for the County of
City of Medford, Oregon, a municipal
corporation. Plaintiff, vs. H. 8. Stlne.
and also all other persons nnd par
ties unknown claiming any right,
title, estate, lion or Interest in the
real estate described in the com
plaint herein, Defendants.
To 11. S. Stlne, and also all othor
persons and parties unknown claiming
any right, title, estate. Hen or interest
In the renl estate described In the
complaint herein, the above namod
In tho name of the State of Oregon:
You and each of you are hereby sum
moned and required to appear and
answer tho complaint of plaintiff filed
against you in tho above entitled suit
within nix weeks from the data of tho
first publication of this summons, and
you and each of you are hereby noti
fied that If you fall to appear and
answer said complaint, or otherwise
plead thereto, within said time plain
tiff will apply to tho court for tho
relief prayed for In its complaint on
file In su,j cnttBo, to-wit:
For an order nnd docreo of this
court quieting tho title in plaintiff to
tho following described real estatn,
sltunted and being in tho City of Mod
ford, County of Jackson nnd Stato of
Oregon, to-wit:
Lot numbored Three (3) In Block
numbered Four (1) of tho Town (now
City) of Medford, Oregon, as designat
ed, numbered and described on the
official pint thereof, now of record.
That plaintiff be decreed to he the
owner of the said described premised
and that the title of plaintiff In said
premises Is good and valid; that the
said defendants and each and every
one of them he docreed to hare no
right, title, claim, Hen or Interest
therein or thereto; that tho said de
fendants nnd each and every ono of
thorn ho forever barred., enjoined and
restrained from asserting or setting
up any claim, light, title, lien or inter
est in or to the said above described
promises or any part thereof, snd for
such other, further and dlfforent re
lief as to the court may seem Just and
equitable In tho premises.
This summons Is published in the
Medford -Mall Tribune by order of the
Hon. C. M. Thomas. Judge of the
Circuit Couit of the State of Oregon
for the County of Jackson, and said
order was made and d vted the 19th
day of Fetirunry, 1923 and the date of
the first publication of this summor.s
Is tho 20th day of February, 1923.
Attorney for tho Plaintiff.
Addresi: 217-8 , Liberty Building.
Modtord, Oregon. 1
ni..i , wwrn i iii 1 1 mi ss rim- nm ttttti -s''- -
L ; I
Light on. a, pleasant so
And a
Blended in
MiMsltttffiirBfrflli'hrilMi) I in" ii 1 1 H mi iiimiiii i ii i i u ii m
-j j
tr " . i " - - r-. -r' tiarTBVMMtU
That flame which Hghteth your first
English Oval likewise lighteth the
way to a lifetime of pleasant smokes.
For English Ovals are just that
Mild by Nature, mellowed by Time,
blended by Philip Morris in the good
old English way, and pleasant!
More than that .....
In-coM'pa-ra-bly fine !
right goodly money's-worth
When Time
Means Money
DON'T slight the preparation of your seed-beds in order to
plant on time. Better, seed-beds mean more bushels
per acre. " , '
Fordson power and the Roderick Lean Automatic Engine
Disc, specially built to work with the Fordson, will get your
land into shape for planting in plenty of time. 25 acres a day
can be covered with this compact, one-man outfit.
The Roderick Lean Automatic Engine Disc prepares a deep
level and finely pulverized sed-bed in one harrowing. With the
Fordson it provides the most rapid, thorough and economical
means of getting your spring tillage done.
. We yWM "gladly show you the many advantages of thiss
efluinment. . . ' ,.m " . . ;
1 . x
meet i
the Good Old.. ....
Way .J
i ii.ii. m iiiiir-irrTiTranTnr-rfrff'i'''''
M l
C vanwm ' '