'i . ' 1; v, ! J 8. BRINGING I FOR HEAVENS A;EMA.CC4lE AM I ) "I I DEAR -7f VO U WILL FILL THE -bME.UUIN CORNED BEEF AN CABCACE. PLATER -ll.L bER;VE THEM AT .au jtSTT9 '' Ji" t THE kitchen-door ( rlrY'B ( TE j J r WMMNCEAT The benefit dance to bo given un der the auspices of the Woodmen of the World and scheduled for Wednes day night in the Oriental ballroom promises to bo the most largely at tended social and community affair of the season. , The Woodmon of the World boasts .an active membership of ovor 500 and the responso of all of these in support of the plun by which funds can be raised to build a home for Merrit Charley, besides the coopera tion of hundreds of other persons in terested in this worthy cause, is most gratifying and, Judging by the rapid sale of tickets, a tremendous success is already assurod. Notice to Creditors , In the County Court of the State of ' Oregon, for Jackson County. In the mattor of the estate of William B. Blddle, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that tho undersigned has been duly and regu larly appointed Executrix of the above entitled estate under and by virtue of an order of the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, duly. made, rendered, and entered upon March 12 1923, and all creditors having claims against said deceased are hereby noti fied to present the same duly verified, and with vouchers thereunto attached, and all persons owing said estate are notified to pay their said Indebtedness to me at the office of O. M. Roberts, my attorney, In the Medford National Bank Building, Rooms 201-2-3, Med ford, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Medford, Oregon, this 12tli day of March, 1923. ...... 1 . ELLA FROST RIDnT.H. ' Executrix of the Estate of William B. Blddle, Deceased. HELP WANTED- MALE WANTED Man with car to sell com plete line of low priced tires and tubes. $100 per week. 3677 Sterling , worth Tire Co., Sterling, E. Liver ; pool, Ohio. 299 ." HELP , WANTKIV FEMALE WANTED Experienced waitress, ': Medford Hotel. tf WAITED School girl or ono employ ed short hours to work for room, board , and small wages. Phone 982-J. 298 v' WANTED MISCELLANEOUS AVANTEroTndohlur7rj. Osenbrugge. . 201 WANTED 20 tiers of wood cut. Phone 539-J-3. 300 ; YvANTEDv-Two or three children who need a good home and mother's 1 'care, farm life, close to school. Call T 437-L or address Box 49, It 3. 299 ; WANTED 2000 feet 2 inch pipe. Box '; 11 It, Mail Tribune. 303 WANTED Bring us your eggs and poultry for tho highest cash price. oultry Producers Ass'n. 299 WANTED Wo will sell your dressed hogs and veal for the highest cash .1 price, charging you only V4 cent per pound. Poultry Producers Ass'n. 299 WAN'XED Hauling and storago any kind. Medford Transfer & Storage. : Guy Cox, Mgr. 301 WANTED 250 lawn mowerB to shar pen. Liberty Repair Shop. tf WANTED Veal, must be good qual ity and have liver attached. John- son Produce Co. WANTED Furnlimed apartment, small furnished house or bungalow, or part of furnished home. Refer- ' ences exchanged. Phone 148-Y. WANTED Good 3 and one-quarter inch wagon. Valley Fuel Co. WANTED Cash paid for pelt. hides, wool and fun. Johnson Produce Co., 241 N. Fir St Phone 97. tf WANTED H"oe novtng and repair Ing Phone 4RR-M or 48R-X t : PERL FUNERAL BOMB At Vour Scrvtr. Im or Night Information Cordially Given Cor. 6th and Oakdale ambulance Service rfeuna 47 rV,t . UP FATHER FOR KENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Furnished cubln lor mon. 445 S. Front 201 FOR RENT 8o acren or land nnder water, 2 miles of Medford, good bouse. Address Bert Anderson, room 302 Liberty building. tf FOR RENT Garaxe at 1103 Vv Tenth at. Phone 82. tf FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Comfortably furnished apartment for adults, two or three, rooms and sloeping porch. 603 N Bartlett St. 29S FOR RENT Modem furnlBhed apart-' ments, renBonnblo. 032 S. Ivy Sti 300 FOR RENT At once, furnished apart ment In Mail Tribune building, hot and cold water, steam heat, other conveniences. No children,- Call at office. tf FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Two furnlBhed bouses modern. Phone G93-L after 5. 200 FOR RENT Seven room house, ar ranged to sublet Inquire 803 N. Bartlett , 29 FOR RENT Modern house. Phont R-13-R. 304 FOR RENT Five room bungalow also 10 acre garden tract. Phone 317 day time. 31f FOR RENT 122 Portland Ave., a si room modern plastered house ne" ly papered and painted throughout. Good fruit trees, a chicken yard and garage on place. Call 08-R. tl KOR RENT House at 1239 Wes Main, 7 rooms and garage. Not fo sale. C. A. DeVoe. , tl OR RENT OR SALE 7 room houw .Fast 9th St., easy terms. Inquir Jackson Co. Bldg. & Loan Assn. t '"OR RENT 7 room house, furnishe' r would sell on payments like ren Gold Ray Realty So., No. 15 N Grape St., Phone 405-J. tf FOR RENT Houses Brown & White Send your automobile to the cleaners. Run the car you have in cold storage upon our racks and we will clean the Crank Case and Transmission without charge, except for the oil used. JONES & KIRKPATRICK Nest to Nat. A Real Service Station Join the Chamber of Commerce Choice of 2 Good Cars Reduced in Price to $125 Each We have cut the price to the quick to move these cars early in the season. A real opportunity to save. Terms to responsible parties BUSY CORNER " MOTOR CO. Jo'n lio Chamber of Cnnmiertv MEDFOIiD MATE TIHBJIXE. FOR ItENT -IIOUSKKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping room. 140 S. Holly. 302 FOR RENT Two housekeeping rooms closo In. Apply 323 N. Front St. 300 FOR KENT Furnished liousokomv ing rooms. 435 S. Fir St. 301 FOR RENT Modern housekoplng rooms, stenm heat. 249 S. Riverside. Phono 292-H. 302 FOR RENT Liyht housekeeping roomB. 511 S. Central. FOR RENT FUiMHHKI) ROOMS FOR RUNT Nicely furnished and heated, slooplng room. Phono 905-M. 30 i FOR RENT Desirable sleeping roomB, now paint and paper, bath and shower. Phone 612-H. 222 S. Holly. 299 FOR RENT Well furnished sleopmg room. Tel. 905M. 299 FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, bath; mon only. 245 N. Grape. 300 '-'OR RENT Rooms, $2 per week; men only. 445 8. Front. 314 OR RENT Well lighted front sleeiv ing room, with bath privileges. 325 So. Riverside, Phone 701-J. tf FOR EXCHANGE "OR EXCHANGE Ford truck for dairy cows. Phone 788-R-l. 299 MONEY TO IXAN (ONEY TO LOAN Loans city and business properties. Building loans. W. O. Wright, 701 W. Eleventh St. city. Phone 445-Y. 304 RM LOANS Mod ford National Farm Loan Association. F. P. Far . rell, .secretary, Jackson County Bank Bldg. ONEY TO LOAN on Improved ranch security. $5000 or less, 6 per cent nterest. O. C. Bnggg. Attorney for !tate Land Board, Jackson County. FOR SALE AUTO.--SOUILES TOR SALE Chevrolet bug coupe? new body, guaranteed to be in A-l shape mechanically, tires almost new. Can be seen at 30 N. Grape. Medford Auto Top Co. . 201 "OR SALE Ford runabout, wall tent 8x10, good as new. P. H. Hohman, It 1, Medford. 301 OR SALE One ton Maxwell truck, 1918 model. Good mechanical con dition. Was taken on debt; will sell cheap. Box H H, care of Mail Tribune. . 303 'OR SALE Maxwell touring $175. Cadillac delivery car in good me chanical condition, just been over hauled. Victor Danlelson, 113 N. Central. . 299 "OR SALfc tmusual bargain in 1-ton Ford truck, motor overhauled, iu splendid condition. CalL 202 or see it. 12.1 S. Front St. 288tf FOR SALE 50 ACRES WITH WATER RIGHT PAID IN FULL. Some fruit. Owner leaving for California. A bargain; terms. 50 acres H mile from pavod highway; good buildings; free soil; some fruit; land In same locality soiling for $350 per acre. Will gave attractive terms and take Medford home as part payment. Price $12,000. 3S acres Hour Creek, free Boil. Non-resident owner will give terms at $5500; a bargain. Will ,rade 20 acres alfalfa; good bungalow; large barn, for city property. Good ranch in Iowa to trade for valley ranch. C. 8. BUTTEHFIELI) OWNER SAYS SELL PART , " Garden Land and Pears 18 Acres 83200 Talent District, Just off Highway. 6 acres Bosc and Bartlett Poara, 9 years old S acres finest Bear Creek Bottom, loam Boll. 3 acres beautiful building spot, nice oak shade. or Will Hell 20 Acre Orchard, 0OO0 14 acres In A year old pears, 3 acres Newtown Apples. S acres Alfalfa. Talont District. One of tho best locations for a near orchard In tho Rogue River Valley. Lies perfect for irrigation: 700 feet front age on paved highway; city water. Hero is a chanco to get sotnotulug that can be developed into tho very bpst 800 J. C. BARNES Phone 784-L New Location, 411 Center Building TRUCK GARDEN DAIRY BOTTOM LAND 3.1 ACRES AT CITY LIMITS We offer, whnt we believe to be, the only largo tract of BEAR CREEK BOTTOM LAND real close to Medford THAT CAN BE BOUGHT AT ANY SUCH PRICE AS WE OFFER THIS. Only ono mile from Mod ford, stone's throw off Paved Highway, good graveled County road, fine shaded pasture, abundanco of water and excellent building si to. WK WILL TAKE PROPERTY AS PART PAYMTINT. SEE US TODAY. FOUR-HITE REALTY AGENCY Rooms 409-410 Medford renter Bldg. Dnslncea Opportunltlci Real Eatato MEDFORD, OHEHOX, MONDAY. MARCH 12. lira 1923 bv uw - FOUND FOUND On the street, two keys. Owner got sume at this office by " paying for notice. tf BUSINESS OPPOIITUMITIE9 GOOD BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES at No. 15 N. Grape St, Phono 46G-J. tf FOR SALF LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Sow and pigs. Phone 857-1 L 301 FOR SALE Jersey cow, 5 h. p. Fair-banlta-Morso gas engine; 250 feet a-inch pipe. Phono till-J-4, Foot hills Orchard. 305 FOR SALE Registered large type Poland China swine, Rhode Island Rod and White Leghorn cbloks and eggs. Ernost Weub, Central Point. 299 FOR SALE Heavy team, wagon and harness, Phone 311-R. 302 FOR SALE Work teamoight 2200, price reasonable. Also heavy har ness in fino condition. Phone S10-X. 301 FOR SALE High bred Jersey cow, two years old. J. W. Fish, one mile BOuth Phoenix. 300 FOR SALE Registered Hereford bulls priced reasonable. James Campbell, Route 4, Box 35. 306 FOR SALE Grade, pure bred and registered Duroq Jersey bows, to farrow in March and April; also one prize winning registered Duroe boar Call Bert Anderson, Medford, or Mlravista Orchard. tf FOR SALE Milk cows, calveB and freshening heifors; also balod grain ' hay Fred Puhl . Ranch, inquire Hubbard Bros. - 305 FOR SALE Cows Just frOBh, select, foderul tested. ...M. .Walsh, one mile NE of Medford on Crater Lake road. . . 807 FOR SALE Work horses, small and large, single and double. Phone 691-R-l. 325 c 3D FOR SALE One of tho best small ranches in the valley. mile south city limits, 6 acres fine alfalfa cut last year 35 tons should cut 40 tons this year; 3 acres 26 year old fruit trees, straw berries and garden land. Ranch con sists of 10 acres beat land in valley. A 6 room house, modern, sleeping porch bathroom, closets, woodshed, garage and barn. All in Bplendld or der. Good well and pumping plant AH under irrigation. Priced at what the improvements are worth; good terms. Would take house in Medford or Ashland as first payment. P. K. WYNKOOP Bargains In Housed. c 3D Exchanges IWIHIHAO f P3$!j c Feature Stuvice. Inc. LOST LOST Trombone between Medford and Jacksonville about 7:30 Friday ovonlng. Finder return to Mall Trlbuno. 298 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Cheap, 5 room house and 15 acres on Spring St., in cultivation J. N. Medina, R. 3, Box 39. 311 FOR SALE, RENT Oil TRADE Alf. ulfa, grain, stuck ranches, orchards, also city property. Gold Ray Realty 'o No. 15 N. Orape St., Pboue (05-.T. . tf FOR SALR HOMES FOR SArtrc New modem house, $500 down, bulnnco monthly payments. HIS Edward. 299 FOR SALE Seven room modern bun galow, .furnisbod or unfurnished, 3 j bedrooms, hurdwood floors, laundry ! room, large onclosod back porch, fruit room, ' garage, large shade i trees; best residential section, on ; paved street. Terms. Phone 343-M. 302 TOR 8AIJ3 Account leaving town must soli 8 room bungalow, fire place, hardwood floors. Bleeping , porch, garage, east front 59 N. j Orange. Phone 447-R. Terms, tf FOR SALE Homo on Geneva Ave. See R. H. McCurdy, Phone 123 tf FOR SALE Modern tour room house j and good lot; assessments all paid; easy payments; room No. 4, College I Bldg., 31 N. Orape St 281tf FOR SALE Houses and bungalowB, I furnished or unfurnished; also acreage. Insurance. (J. H. but tori'lold, Medford National Bank. Phouo 389. FOR SAVjK POULTKY AN1 EGGS FOR, SALE Turkey eggs. A. E. Hall, Orlfflu Creek. Phono evoninss I 857-X-2. ' . 301 nTi .,1. n .,.. v vii. oaiju inuiuu uuuner uuuk eggs. W. 11. Arnold, Route 1, Box 31. 302 FOR SALE Mammoth Bronze turkey oggH. Phone 373-R-l, Ashland. 304 FOR SALE R. I. Red nnd Tartored Leghorn eggs; also hen and chicks. Phono 961-L. 299 FOR SALE Turkey eggs. Joe Mot temlck, R, F. D. 3, Phone 571-J-6. 303 FOR SALE R. 1. Rod hatching eggs 7c and up each. Phone 969-R. 3 18 FOR 8ALE Eggs, from high quality dark Barred Rocks, the kind that lay, weigh and puy, $1.60 a setting. Mrs. Chas. Lamnioy, Central Point, Route 2. 802 FOR SALE Light Brahma eggs and birds. Mrs. C. Carey, Talent, Ore. Phono 341-J-l. FOR SALE Baby chicks and hatch- ing eggs from 2 year old Hoganlzed hens. S. C. Rhode Island Reds, win ners and layers; won 5 firsts Ash land show, and 3 special ribbons from Rhode Island Red club of America. S. C. White Leghorn pure Tttncred strnln. Red Wing Poultry Yard, phone 865-Y, Medford, Ore. 309 FOR SALE I latching eggs. Dark Barred Rock, $3.00 for f'.fteen. J. W. Cook, K. 3, Box 48. , Phone 9C9-R, 3U FOn SALE lurching eggs $6.00 hun dred, from Single comb Whlto Leg horns. All breeders selected by ubo of the trapnest' No pullets or low protlucers used. Dr. C. A. Winana, Phone 344-M. 2U0 Used Cars 1918 Ford Touring $150 00 , Fine Rubber. 1922 Dodge Roadster $650.00 Lots of extras. Buick Six Chassis $325.00 Overhauled complete Medford Auto Co. Buick Dealers Cor. Main and Holly By George McManus S n TANK j tVt: S YCU- . I FOR 8A1.F LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Three or 4 good teams. Call 1U-J-2. 301 FOR SALF MISCELLANEOUS FOR S A LE NoRemlng'ton" Irtabio Phono 292-Y. 201 FOU SALE Alfalfa liny7 l7ton7"soa .Miles C'antrall, Ruch. 203 FOR SALE Uluestem wheat two cents per 11). Iliin? your Backs. Chus. Dunlap, Table Rock. 30.'i FOR SALE 5-ton pitlosa scales f:r ?10(. Mrs. iM. E. .Midillebuaher, Trail, Oregon. 411 1 FOR SALIC 3 Inch Mollno " was-)n. Phone Ij'J9-J-3. 300 FOR SALE Soft shell almonds 25 cents per pound. Phone 539-K-L 300 FOR SALE Corn, on KIng'B Highway Phono 25-J-l. .. 302 FOR SALE Dry lime sulphur, Bardo, arsenate of lead In small packuges for the home owner and gardener. Monarch Seed Co. tf FOR SALE Haled hay. Inquire of F.'J. Newman, Medford, Oregon. 299 FOR SALE Lard barrels Dough troughs, can be used for watering stock Flour Backs. Pullman Baking Co, FOR SALE Early Sunrise seed pota toes. Phone 189-W, C. M. Parker. . ...... ... 299 FOR SALE Quick Lunch seed pota toes, mountain grown, specially selected, best quick growing early potatoes, Distributed by tho Farm Bureau Co-Opcratlve Exchange, Medford. A. D. Moore, Persist, Ore gon, 299 FOR SALE Dry wood $3.25 tier. . 235 N. Ivy. .1 ....... 299 FOR SALE 1 disc ntow. 1 John Doere ' binder, Vim Brunt Beedor, Big Six mower, double A harrow, Bprlng tooth harrow, 3-sectlon splkotooth harrow, sulky plow, hay fork and carriage. Cull 665-J-2. FOR SALE Baled hay. Phone 317. : , . . . , . 31S FOR SALE Strawberry and rasp berry plants. Phone 286. 304 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorneys O. C. BOGGS Lawyer. Speclallzui In Real Estate and Probate Law SO North Central Ave. A E. REAMES Lawyer, office li Liberty Building Chiropractic Fhjralclan DR. HARVE1 P. COLEMAN Chlro practlc and Electro-Therapy 427 ' 28 Medford Bldg. Phone 966. tl DR. A. R. HEDGES Neo-Eclectlc Physician. DR. LOUI8E E HEDO CS Naturopathic Chlro , praotor. Mechaoo-Therapy,' 8pon dylotherapy, Food Sciences, Chlro practice. Office: Stewart Bldg.. . 236 K. Main St Phones: Office 170; Rea. 170-J-2. DR. E. W. HOFFMAN Chiroprac tic Physician.' Office hours 9 to 12, 2 to 5. Suite 203-04-06-06. Lib erty Bldg. Office Phone 580. Res 1027. Chiropody CHIROPODY At office of Dr. Hal stead, Electro and Mochnno Therapy and the Burdlck Deep Therapy , Light treatment for acute and chronic diseases. Phlpps block, 225 B. Main, Phono 503-J. 1920 Oakland . Completely Overhauled Good Tires $350 See this before buying. Terms if desired ' . C. E.Gates Auto Co. -. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstractors MURRAY BR08. & GREENE Abstracts of Title Rooms 3 and 5 No. 32 North Central Ave., Uf stairs. Jnekson County ", ABSTRACT CO. ' The only complete Tl io System in Jackson (Niunty, . Alwiructa of Title and Titlo lusuranoe. WATSON. & KELLOGG Reliable , Jackson county abstractors of t ties, Gold Hill, Oregon. . : 1 Building Materials 'it MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK I BLOCK WORKS Specialize In all I kinds of content building products t-or. i' tr anu Tenth stroets. . 1 Dentists DR. O. J. JOHNSON Dentist, 228 E, I Main St., over M M. Dept Store; i Medford, Oregon. Phone 689, : HeB. 1002-Y. Office hours' 9 a. m.l C p. in. Evenings and Sunday by ! appointment. Expert Accountant wilson Auditing co. e. m wil son, C. P. A. Attention given to anything In accounting and In come Tax requirements Look Intd ' our simplified accounting method. Liberty Bldg.. Medford Phonl 157-R . . t 1 ;l Money to Loav , , J. 11. ANDREWS Buys and aoUi mortgages and loans money 0. good Becurlty, 31 N Grape Si Phone 53-.M. ;. 24 nCsnnments ' THE OREGON GRANITE CO.- monuments. E. A. Hicks, general manager. P. M. Kershaw. ale mnnagor, 103 E. Sixth St., Med ford. tf Osteopaths DK. F G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAIN! CARLOW Osteopathic Physician! 416-413 Liberty Bldg. Phonl 904-J-3. Residence 28 800U Laurel flt ; DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic Physician. Special attention give to eye, ear, nose and throat. 800 Liberty Building Phone 4. - Physicians and Hurgeoaa. DR. WM W. P. HOLT Phyilolan and Surgeon. , Offices Medford Bldg. Phone 166. Residence 118 Genesee St, Phone 166-J-2. . . DR. A. BURSELL Physician and Surgeon, 312 to 314 Medford Bldg Entrance 38 N. Central. Sparta) attention to spine. Phone 2. , ;.: Piano Instroctloa STUDIO OF MUSIC Mrs. John' O. Cupp, 913 N. Central; private classes In piano, harmony, counterpoint composition and history of music Phoue 101S-M. ' , tf FRED ALTON HAIOHT Teacher Ol Piano and Harmony. Composing Arranging. Studio S18 Llherw Bldg. Phone 73 JAMES 11. FISH Teacher ot Piano. 31 N. Grape, College Bldg. Printers and Publisher MEDFORD PRINTING CO., hoi th best equipped printing office la Southern Oregon. . Book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems eto Portland prices, !7 N. Fir 6t ltttg Weaving MEDFORD FLUFF RUG WORKS makes fluff rugs from old and worn carpets and rugs PBunt 510-M 706 Pine St. Transfer EAD3 TRANSFER & STORAGE CO Office 42 North Front St. PhOM 815, PrlceB right. Service guar anteed.. . . - DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAOH CO. Anything moved, day ' or . night Service guaranteed. 29 8, Grape. Phone: Office 644, or resl dence 1000 or 206. '. tl I'pholstcring J. WE1S Upholstery, Manufacture! of overstuffed furniture: Full 11a of materials. Draperies made to order. We do all kinds of aphoi . sterlng. We deliver and will call and show samples Phona 101'. - M. P. BCHMlTt ami Floor Madfwtf fUdBfc SAud-tltvl O Accounts iTmERVICE(ftl F Insurance jy irwestmatfaV ft I; B 5 V "ffif'