Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 12, 1923, Page 6, Image 6

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quarter on
Portion 24
Township 39
Smith Tlfuiro 1 West of tho Willamette
.Meridian In Juckaoti county., Uru(uu.
Amount $42.47. -
Name of owner, H. 8. Hultlss. Oer
of leu to So, C174&, north womi tuaru-r
of northwest quartet of Section 3S?,
'lownshtp 39. lUiiiKe 1 Wem of the
WUlainetts Meridiun In Juckson coun
ty, OrwRun. Annul nt $7.49.
Name of owners. John Arnoll find
Oscar Johnson. Oertlficnlo No. C17fr8.
ono-thlrd Internet In HoolhwcHt quar
ter of northeast quarter nnd north
west qunrter of snutlieaHt quartor nml
north half of southweHt quarter and
southeast quarter of northwest quar
ter of Section 2U, Township Smith
Run Re 2 Went of the Willamette MitI
ill an, Jack Hon county. Oregon. Amount
Nume of owners. Lpxlnirton Ileal I v
Co;, ami A. K. H tunf, Certificate. No, i
C1T71, lot I and wont half of south-l
oast quarter or Hection o, Township ;w,
ttouth Kuuuo '4 West of tho WlUninc) to
Meridian In Juckson county, Oregon.
Amount $27.30.
Namo of ownor,' J. V, Ollbert. Cor.
tlflcutn No. C17S3. Iniul doncrlbed tn
,I)eed Records of Juoktom county, Ore
Rin, in Vol. 85, 'Jhiko 41i, containing 8
ucrcs, situated In Section 1, Township
38, South itiinRo 2 Went of th Wll
lumctto Meridian In Jackson county,
Oregon. Amount $12.21.
Nums of owners, J. A. Rone nnd
Ina 14. McKlnsle and L. A. MeKln
sii"; Certificate No. CI 787, Government
lxt 1 in Section 11, Township 38, Houth
Range 2 Went of thu Willamette Mori
dion In Jackson county, Oregon.
Amount $1.29.
Numen of owners, Fred fiwnrts. ot nl.
Certificate No. (.'1802, north went quar
tor of northeast quarter, cam halt' of
northwcHt quarter and northwest fU al
ter of northwest quarter of .Section 24.
Township 34, South Itunieo 3 Went of
the Willamette .Meridian In Juckson
county. Oregon. Atnouut C?.0r.
Numo of owner, I-'. M. Andernon,
Certificate No. C1819, land described In
Teod Records of JaekHon county. Ore
gon, In Vol. 75, pane 76, containing
nno-fourth ncro. situated In Section lfi.
the Willamette, Meridian In JucRhon
county, Oregon. Amount $1.07. f
Names of owners, Prudential Mining
Co. nnd W. I. Donovan. Certificate. No.'
C1S27, southwest quarter of south
west quarter of southwest quarter, lean
land described In Deed Records rf
Jackson county. Oregon, in Vol. R3, i
paico 32, situated In Section 24, Town
ship 3$. South Hung 3 West of the
Wlllaroe ttn Merhlian In Juckson coun
ty.' Oregon. Amount 12.
Name of owner, Lexington Realty
CO., Cert If ion to No. C1S37, east half of
southeast qunrter of Section 10, Town.
phlt,87, South Range 3 Went of tho
Willamette Meridian In Jackson coun-.
ty, Oregon. Amount $n0.30.
Nnmo of owner. Ix-xlngton Realty
Co., CiM-tlficato No. C1S41, south half
of southwest quarter of Section 34,
ToTvnahin 37, South Rangn Went of
th(V . Willamette Meridian In Jackson
county, Oregon. Amount $13.9.r.
Names of owners, A. P. I-'loroy nnd
Lexington Realty Co.. Certificate No,
01S43, northeast quarter of northeast
quarter of Section 1, Township 38.
flnuth RaiigA 3 Wmt of the Willnmette
Meridian In Jackson county, Oregon.
Amount $9.25.
.NHme of owner, William IT. Sherkl,
Certificate No. C18fil, southeast quar
ter of Section 12, Township 41, Houth
Range 3 Went of th Willamette Meri
dian In Jaekaon county, Oregon.
Amount $48.41.
Name of owner, 1-exIngton' Realty
Co., Certificate No. C18r2, north half
of northeast quarter of Hection If.
Township 33. South Range 4 West of
the Willamette Meridian in Jackson
County, Oregon. Amount $30.89.
Name of owner. Lexington Realtv
Co., Certificate No. CISfiB, southwest
quarter of northeast quarter Sec lion
22, Town ship 35. Sou t li of Ra ng 4
West of the Willamette Meridian In .
Jackson county, Oregon. Amount
Name of owner. Farmers A Fruit
rowern Bank, Cert I f iente Cl 3 1 3. lot
block 1 of Crescent Subdivision to
tnn City of Med ford, Oregon, as de
Ncriped In Registered Titles of Jack
son county, Oregon, Certificate No.
5B7, mount $0 90.
. Nnme ' of owner, Farmers ft Frult-
frrpwera Bank, Certificate No. C16H,
ot .2, Mock 2 of Crescent Subdivis
ion 'to tho City of Med ford, Oregon, aa
dMorlbert In Registered Tllles of Jark
non county, Oregon, Cerclflcato No.
SGf, Amount $9.9tl.
h Name of owner, Farmers & Fruit
growers Rank. Certificate CIRIS, lot 10,
block 3 Crescent Subdivision to the
Clt of Medford, Oregon, aH described
It): TReglsteJod Titles of Jackson coun
y; - Oregon, Certlftcato No. 676,
Amount $12. K3.
Name of owners, l"nvls A Miller, Cer
tificate No., lot 3 and west half
of, lot 4, block 7 of Medrord IMghts
Addition to the City of Medford. na
ttescriDei in i(oginwrcd Titles of jack
on county, Oregon, Certificate No.
124, Amount $10.fi0.
F&mfi of owner, A. TT. Miller, Certif
icate No. Clf52, east half of lot 4, nnd
nil of lot B, block 7, of Medfnnl Heights
Addition to the Clly of Medford, Ore
gon n described In Registered Titles
of , Jackson count v, Oregon. Certlfi
oate No. 1293. Amount $19. 61,
. Name of owner. James O. Smith,
Certificate No. CIBB3, all of block K of
Medford Heights Addition to the City
of Medford, Oregon as described In
Registered. Titles of Jackson count v,
Oregon. Certificates Noa. 833 and 2863.
Amount $73.40.
.Namo of owner, C. 1!, Corey, Cerllfl
oattf No. CU89. lots 18 and 19, block 1
of Tuttles Second Addition to tho City
of Medford, Oregon, us described In
Registered Titles of Jacksou count v.
Oregoo,- Certificate No. 1010. Amount
Name of owner, Rena W. Rarr, Cer
tirlcftto No. Clf90, lot 13, block 2 of
Tuttles Second Addition to the Ctty of
Medford, Oregon, ns described In Reg
lutervd Tltlea of Jackson eountv, Ore-
fon, Curtlflcatu No. 1737, Amount
Namo .of owner, Idelln Cordon, Cer
tificate No. Clf.'.H. lots 11 and 12, block
1 of Tuttles Third Addition to tho City
of Medford, Oregon, ns described In
Registered Titles of Jacksnn County.
Oregon, Certificate No. 1707. Amount
Name of owner, I. R. Samuels, Cer
tificate No. C1R92. lot 17, block of
Wnimit Park Addition to the City of
Medford. Oregon,- ns described In Reg
istered Titles of Jsekson county, t re-
fm, : ucrimcaiu iso. uu:, Amount
T.3G. :
Name of owner, F. R. Merrick, Trus
tee. Certificate No. CU93, lots 14, IS.
lfl and 17 In bloek 1 of Westmoreland
Addition to tho City of Medfnrd, Ore
gon as described In Registered TltleM
of Jackson county, Oregon, Certificate
No. 1719. Amount 13.96.
Name of owners, J. O, dwell, Alfred
A.' Coles nnd A. (?. Flero. Cei tlfleato No.
C1M0. lot 3. block B of Hlgbcmft Ad
dition to tho City of Medrord, Oregon,
as: 'described In Registered Titles or
Jurkjion county, Oregon, Certltlrnto No.
1879. Amount $2.86.
Numo of owner, Alfred A. Cowles,
Cerllftcnto No. t:tfl1l, lots 4 nnd f,
block B of lllghcroft Addition to thi
Cttv of Medford. Oregon, us described
In Registered Titles of Jackson county,!
Oregon, ccrtincatu ko. Amount
94. M.
Names of owners. M. and K J.
Adams, Certificate No. C1612, lots 1
nnd 2, bloek 1 of Mountain View Addi
tion m the City of Medford. Oregon,
as described In Registered Titles of
Jackson county, Oregon, Certificate No.
S0A4. Amount $181.
Namo of owners. M. and Vi, J.
Adams, Certificate No. CI6I3. lots 1.
2, 3 and 4, bloek 3 of Mountain View
Addition to the City of Medford, Ore
gon, as d"Scrlbod tn Reg t sirred Titles
nf Jackson county, Oregon. Cvrtlficute
No. 2060. Amount $7.10.
Names of owners, M. and K. J.
AdaniH, Certificate No. C1H, hns 1
and 2, block 4 of Mountain View Ad
dition to the City of Medrord, Oregon.
US described In Reulstered Title. nf
Jackson county, Oregon, Certificate
No. 2004. Amount $1.00.
Names of owners. M. and K. J.
Adams, Certificate No. Clflin. lots r.
and 8, block 4 of Mountain View Addi
tion to the City of Medford, Oregon, as
described In Registered Titles of Jack
son CiMiMty, Or.'tron, Certificate No.
504. Amount $4 no.
Nn mes of owners. .T. 1 f. Cn rkl n a nd
R. W. L. Carkln, Certificate No.
jnhd situated In Section 12, Township
37," Houth Rnnge 2 West of the Wll
lamettn Meridian in Jackson county,
Oregon, described In R glstered Titles
ot- Jackson county, Oregon. Certificate
No. 1h2. Amount $t.9'i.
Name of owner, .1 K. I.nsham, Cer
tificate No. CI778. land In Seellon 15.
TonHrnshlp 3", South llnnge 2 West of
ih Villanie1te Mertdhin In Jaeksnn
eountv, Oregon, described in IteglNteredi
Title of Jackson county, Oregon,. C'ur-I
tlficUto No, -Mil. Amount $U.t, h
That the said several sums her ln-
abive set fortli bear interest at the rate1
ot twulvu ill!) per cunt per unnum
from tho datu of the Issuanco tf said
Certificates of I'elinquency, to-wil:
from i ho 1st day of Junuury, 1921.
Ann you anu eacu ot you as suvn
owners, claimants or holdera of an lu-i
t crest or cKiuio In and to the herein-
abuve described real property and each I
and every person, firm and corporation j
named in tho foregoing llsta as being i
the owner or owners, according to the!
tax rolls of Jackson county. State of
Oregon, of tracts and parcels uf land,
tots and blocks above described and I
1 olio wing your respective names and
eueh and every person, firm or cor-j
porutlon owning or claiming to own,
or having or eluimlng to have any in
teres t, lien or claim therein and also
all other persons or parties unknown ,
claiming any right, title, estate, lien ot i
Interest in the real properly nbovo de-
scribed aiui nil persons imcresieu
therein are hereby further notified and
summoned to appear within sixty days
after the date of the first publication
or Oils Notice and Summons, exclusive
of the day of said first publication,
and defend the action or pay the
amount due, all as shown above, to
get her with accrued Intel est l'rojii the
dutu of the Issuance of said Certifi
cates of Delinquency at tho rate of
twelvo (12) per cent per annum and
costs, nnd you are further notified to
serve a copy of your appearance, ob
lectlons or answer on the undersigned
attorney for plaintiff at hlH resident:
ami post oiiico uuurcsa uereinuouvw
And you and each of you are fur
ther notified that in case t.t your fail
ure so to iio Judgment and d.-cn-o will
ho rendered herein In tho above enti
tled court and cause foreclosing the
lien of said taxes, Interest, penalties
and costs against each tract nnd parcel
of land, lot and block of real properly
above described for the sums and
amounts duo upon and charged against
the same, for ssiitl taxes as hereinabove
act forth, with Inlerest and accruing
costs, and ordering the salo of each
traet and parcel of land, lot and
block of said real property for tho aat
Isfactlon of tho sum charged and
found agnlnst it respectively as pro
vided by law and as prayed In pluln
tlfrs Complaint and Application for
Judgment and Decree mm on file in
this cause and court and refcrencu to
which is hereby m i Jo.
You are. further notified that the
plaintiff will apply to tho court for
such other relief as may b just,
proper, meet attd equitable In tho pro
mises. Tills summons Is published pursuant
to the provisions of law and the
statutes of tho Htato of Oregon and an
order of publication duly given and
made herein by the Honorable C. M.
Thomas, Circuit Judge, and judgo of
the above entitled court and dated and
entered herein on the 2nd day of Feb
ruary 1923, and tho date of the first
publication of this Summons Is the
19th day of February, 1923.
All processes and papers In this
proceeding may be served upon tho
undersigned attorney for plaintiff re
siding within the State of Oregon n
thu residence and post offlco oddrcaa
hereinbefore stated.
JACKSON COUNTY, ft Body Politlo
and Corporate of the Stato of Ore
gon Plaintiff,
By C. K. TKRRTIX. Sheriff and Tax
r'nllActiir nf snhl CountV.
RAWLBS MUORFl District Attorney
for Jackson County. State of Gm- j
gon, and Attorney for Plaintiff.
Residence nnd Post Office address; tug to own or having or claiming to
Medford Building, Medford, Jackaon have an Interest therein, aro hereby
County, Oregon. I notified that Jackson County, a duly
- . - - I organized county and body politic and
VOTXCH AND BtnCMOVB. i corporate under and by virtue of the
IN THF Cl llOCIT OOCBT OF THE constitution ami laws of the State ol
STATE OF OREOON, FOR JACKSON Oregon, the plaintiff above named is
'OUNTY ' tno owner and holder of certain Ocrtlfi-
T.-uunM pn.,vTv n(, tmiimh nnd eates of Delinquency numbered as set
JACKSON COUNTY, o pody Politic- nnd ,out , (ho comItint on fllo herein. 1s
Oornorfifo of tho Slato of Oregon, Hy)jd 0M tno UIIV of jummryi 192.
Plaintiff, I by tho Sheriff ami Tax Collector of
t .... r r ti t it n n Jackson County. State of Oregon, to said
Kenneth McRen, O. n. Little b. g. county, and bound In book form aB re
Heart, .James R Orleve, C. 1 lwy, 011 ulred by law for the delinquent taxes
der Hellen and Brown, Lance A: t o., for the ypiir 1017 u,,on lint inciudlni;
8. Lauyr. Thos. Cam ron. I-rancls I-or- (h nrm),.rtv on the tnx rolls In said
rest, l enry Mar zlorr, 1 neouorn sllP.lfriJ antl tax Collector's offlco for
m'.n' J '"iners & Fruitgrowers Rank (J n whlcn m, Ci-rtificates
and T. L. IVvore, Luke Ryan, Cale of neiiniuency have prevlouslv been Is
M,rlK,Lr ftnlrt T' L,t l',1;v5'U A' ""T ""0" or issued nt all. and whlri said
W. D. 8 tend man, J. I-. Kel y et nl.. A. ,vrtifcates of Delinquency so issued to
Y. Lintlsey, Geo. Truschol , Mary mia county were fiied by said Sheriff
Knutsscham, I-red H. ok. Est. Li - and Tax Collector in the office of the
i'llaUKllne and A rv 1 1 hi L. Corletl, rounIy Clerk of sahl county on the 23rd
II. C. Stoddard, M. M. Company imil day of January. 1922, ami constitute and
clly f.,MVd.f"r'1'. ,F'rt.15- ,MVi'rlf:l r' are public recordH of said county ami
and C. W. McDonald, Claude L. Atcher- oppn to tho npection of all persons in
son, H. B. Rumsey and William tf.rep(d therein: ymi nnd each of you
Stnlley, William O'Hurn, Ellzaboth H. arQ f,utiu.r notified that the descriptions
TouVellc, Lou F. Knowllon, Amelia ot tn0 property Included in said Certifl
Toft, L. B. Kent, Kate Stino and Otto catrH of UoUnquency, the name of the
Sohrader, Com M. Amann. J. O. Brown, person or persons appeurlng upon tho
P. J. Hailey, Bert Anderson and City I,UeHt Tax Rolls In the hands of the
of Medford, L. Kami A Co, ami Alfred sheriff and Tax Collector of Jackson
Ling A Co., Lena Schui, and John County, State of Oregon, at tho datu of
Beeaes, Ann (J. Andrews nnd A. . (,, nrHt publication of this Notice nnd
Llndsey, M. E. Cary, F. H. Cook, Summons as the owner or owners V said
Luella 1). Kline nnd Arvllla L. Cor- propertv, nnd If unknown, ho .nated, and
lett et nl., C. H. Ausslrker, J, M. the total tax, Interest, pennlty and costs
Keen nnd City of Medford, Myrtlo due to January 3, 1922. the date of the
Blackburn, Knte Billings, D. J. Mull, laHtinnco of said Certificates of Dolin
10., A. Wilson, B. D. Hcnson and Oeo. quenev are as follows:
O. Virion, Cathrlno Clark und C W. Name of owner, Kenneth McRea.
Sutton, C. J. Pfrnng, J. A. Perry, . Number of Certificate, C20U8. lots and
Blanche McCray, H. C. Martin, T. W. 10, block 4, Town of Centrnl Point, Jack
McCann, H. L. DeArmond and V.- S. BOn eountv, Oregon. Amount $12.78.
Barnum, Annlo L. Tanner and T. R. ( Name of owner, O. B. Little, Number
Tanner, W. S. Crowell and Theodore; of Certificate, raoiq, lots 1, 2. 3. 4 and
Karhuranra, Gold Ray Really Co., ' f,, block 6, Town of Central Point, Jack
Frnltgnwers Trust A Title Co.. His- nop eountv, Oregon. Amount $2.41.
klvou Heights Co., A. Smith. Jt. N. . Name of owner. B. O. Peart, Number
Lhmberger, Lizzie E. Dilweth.r, H. S. nf Certificate. C2022. lots 1, 2. 3. 4, 6,
Bullls, F. A. Narrcgan. Eugene S. 6. 7 and 8, block 2fi Town of Central
Jenks, A. Walker and H. A. Walker, point. Jackson county, Oregon. Amount
Q, P. Onuld, Oscar Johnson, Real ha $59.85.
Fowler and J. D. Kelfer, W. E. Pear-i Name of owner, James E. Orleve, Num
son et ux, John Coleman Hays, J. C. ' her of Certificate C2029, all of block 36,
Hays. Charles Pennlnger. I. J. Hansen Town of Central Point. Jackson county,
and Fred Pennlnger, Bank of Jackson- Oregon. Amount $1.60.
vllle, et al.. Lillian May Gluck. A, A. Name of owner, Jnmes E. Grieve,
Baker, Waller Buckminlster, H. L. ' Number of Certificate C2070, lot 3
White et al.. I. E. Shaw und C. Frank Constant Tract, Town of Centrnl Point.
Rhodes, S. McClintock, L. J. C. John- j Juekson county, Oregon. Amount $17.6fi.
son, L. J. C. Johnson and C. E. John- Nnme of owner. C. Florev, Number of
son et til., I''. W. Snider anil Mrs. Oolda Certificate C2173, lot 30, block 7, Cen
Snldcr. T. M. Nelson et al., L. Amnion, I tral Addition to the town of Eagle Point,
Ouy Harm-It, II, L, Howard, Charles J nek son county. Oregon. Amount $"i.20.
L. Chnrletnn, Belie Nickell, Cathrlno, Name of owner, Von der Hellen nnd;
Little and First Nutlonsl Bank of Med- Brown. Number of Certificate C2210 j
ford. C. W. Ashpole, Wm. M. Mnthes hta 12 to 27 inclusive. Von der Hellen's
nnd Wm. It. Brumbach, George .Morse, Kxtcnstou to Central Addition. Town of
Sam McCllntock. William Davis, and Kngle. Point, Jackson county, Oregon.
Marlon Trent. Emll C. Nelson and D. Amount $11.08.
W. Lovttnii, Pearl Callahan nnd R. II. Namo of owner, Lnnee A Companv,
Coshun, C. R. Cannon, C. B. Cannon j Number of Certificate C22H7, lot 2 hlock
and C. W Parks, A. Creason, F. E. I a. Kelsey's Oak Park Addition to the
Merrick, Mrs. M J, Kubll und Stnto, Town of Gold Hill, Jackson county, Ore
of Oregon, . Luella Hwagert, If.1 Von,goi, Amount $0.73.
Hovenburg' and Horace lVlton, Name of owner, H. Inuer, Number of
Thomas Kelly and Horn no. Pelion, E. I Certificate C22K2, 33 feet at the corner
A, L. smith, l-red ouy, goui ihm no-iof
hcmlan Mining Co., Mary A, Price,
Unknown Owner. H. Andrews. W. W.
Webster and R. H. Coshan, H'imuel
McCllntock, Lexington Realty Co., A.
O. Frell. H. E. Exhy. F. Harrison, C.
' Florev, E. C. Richards et al.. Ma L.
Scott and Portland Trust Co.. V, J.
ICmerlck et nl., Joseph 10. Chumna nnd
Constantino G. chumos, H. L, White.
W. Moore ami J. K. Header, F. W.
Moore et ux., Jules Cole and Geneva Name of owner. Francis Forrest,'
W. Allen, Admr.. W. H. Ifosley and J. Number of Certificate C2310. south 4
P. Hendricks, Congregational Church f,vt of lots 1 nnd 2, block 39, City of
Parsonage, V. J. Einerlck. J. U Pagett Jacksonville. Jackson county, Oregon.
Estate, B. F. Reeer, A. O. Martin and Amount $V73.
Ouv M. Martin, F. K, Mtirtiu, Win.- Name of owner, Henrv Mnrlaloff.
Hall, F. 11. Cortk, Jackson County Number of Certificate CHlt'lfi, lots 3, 4,
Building Loan Assn. nnd Helen M. G nnd fl In bloek 62, Cltv of Jackson
Conroy, Homer B. Taylor, Arthur vllle, Jackson county. Oregon. Amount
Chase. J. O. Harrington! J. E. Watt, $L't.09.
Fred B. Stewart, J. S. Quarlos, Mary Name of owner. Theodore Cameron,
10. Herrlu, Mary F. McDonald and Kit- Number of Certificate C23W, all 'ol
wnrd Kru.ger. L. M. Plitman and block f.4. City of Jacksonville, Jackson
Catherine Van Hovenlwrg. and each eountv, Oregon. Amount $3 94.
ami every person, firm and corpora-. Name of owner. Farmers & Fruit
Hon named In the following IIhIm as growers Bank ami T. L. Dt Vore, Num
being the owners or owner uccording hor r Certificate C2H1N, lot descrlbetl
to tho lax rolls of Jackson Countv, in Volume 7(1, page 200, Deed Records
State of Oregon, of tracts and parcels of Jackson county, Oregon, being part
of land, lots and blocks therein rte- ,,f lot ;t, block Clly of Jacksonville,
scribed ami following their respective Jackson countv, Oregon. Amount $lf.3.
nnnus and each and every permt, Nume of owner. Luke Rvan, Number
firm nnd corporation owning or claim-! of Certificate 0232n, part "of land de
Ing to own or having or claiming to scribed In Deed Hecords of Jackson
nave nny.MUieresi, lien or cnum mere-.
In and nlo ull oilier persons and par
lies unknown claiming any right, title.
estate, lien or Interest in the real
estate described in Oh Complaint and
Application for Judgment and Decree
hio-idn. Defcndnnta.
To Kenueth Mcllea, O. R. Little. R. O
1 vn 1 i. u 11 1 1 11 -n i-,. iim'm-, . i- en i' , Kim. n iiiouui fk.flQ.
Von dor Hellen and Brown. I-nneo A Name of owner. L. A. Rose, Number
Co., S. Laucr, Thoe. Cameron Francis of Certiricnte C21.i2, all nf hlock 17
Forrest, Henry Martsloff, Theodore jvlng west of Cnlver's Dountlon Land
Cameron. Farmers - Fruitgrowers cllm In Township 3S Snth nf Bnnge 1
Bank and T. L. DeVore, Luke Ryan, West of the Willamette Meridian, being
Cale Springer and T, L, DeVore, L, A.I ports of lot 2, 3, 4 nnd nil of tots 6, 6.
Rose. W. D. Sieadmnn. J, F. Kelly; 7, and three-fourths of lot V block 17.
et al A. Y. Llndsey, Geo. Trnschell, ! Town of phoenix. Jackson county, Ore
Mary Kuutxsrham, Fred II. Cook. Est.: gon. Amount l.'tl.fiO.
Lucjla D. Kline and Arvilln T. Corlelt, Name of owner, W. D Hleadmnn N'um
H. C. Stoblard, M, M. Com putty od er of (Certificate C2:h7. lots and 3.
Cltv of Medford. F. E. Merrick Tr. nnd block 3r. Town of Phoenix Jackson
C. W. McDonnbl, Claude K. A'cher-1 county, nrcron. Amount 12 4
son. H. B. Rumsev nnd William Name of owner, L. A. Uns Numtwr
Htsiiey. William U H.tri. KiinaiMqn it. or (Vrtiriciie cm:., lots 7 x 9 10 amif
TouVellc, I.011 F, Knowtton. Amelia 11. In block 3iJ, Town of Phoint'x Jack
Toft. t. B. Kent. Kate Stlne and itto son countv. Oregon. Amount $S0d i
Schrader, Corn M. Amann. J. C. Brown, Name uf owner, J. F Killy et'al,'
P. J, Hailey Bert Andersen and City Number f Certificate- C23M Waiter tots
of Medford. L. Kann & Co. and Alfred 13 and Hie s.mii, two-thirds nf Water!
Ling A Co., Lena Hchuls nnd John lot It. Tun 11 of Phnem. Jackson county
Ikcuvt, Ann U. AhUrewii and A, Y, Oregon. Amount flO.W J
T.lndsey, M. P., Cary. F. TT. Cook, tu
ella D, Kline, and Arvllla L. Corlctt
et al.. C. H, . Ausslcker, J. M. Keine
and City of Medloid, Myrtlo Black
burn, Kate JllllingN, D. J. Klull, K. A.
Clrich, Cathrine Clark and C. W. Sut
ton, C. J. I'frang, J. A. IVrry, Blanche)
McCray, H. C. Martin, T. V. McCanmj
H. 1. DeAr round and W. S. Uaruuin.j
Annie Ij. Tanner nml I. it, lanncr.
W. S. Crowell and Theodore Kurhura
ara. Gold Ray Realty Co.. Fruit
growers Trust & Title Co., Siskiyou
Heights Co.. A. Smith. H. N. Ldna
harger, Lizzie F. Dltweiier, H. . S.
Hullls, F, A. Narrcgan, Fugen,. s.
Jeiiks, A. Walker and if. A. Walker,
i, J Oould, Oscar Johnson, Beat ha
Fowler aud J. IK Kelfer, W. R Jear
sou et ux, John Coleuuin Hays, J. C.
Hays, Charles Pennlnger, 1. J. Hansen
uiid Fred I'cntiiuger, Bank of Jackson
ville, et al., Lillian May Cluck, A. A.
iiaKer, finer jiucKiuinisier, n.
While, et al 1, K. Hhuw and C, J'rnnk
Rhodes, S. .Mct.'llntotk. L. J. C. John
son, L. J. C. Johnson and O, K. Jotm
Hon et al., F. V. Snider and Mrs,
Oolda Snider, T. M, Nelson el nl., L.
Auiidnn, Guy Harnett, H. L. Howard,
Chitrhs L. Charleton, Belle Nickell.
Cutlierlno Little and First National
Bank of Medford, C W. Ashpole, Wm.
M. Mathrs and Wm. R. Briunhnch,
Oeorgo Morse, Sam McCllntock, Wil
liam Davis, nnd Marlon Trent, Kiuil
C. Nelson and D. W. Levltun, Pearl
Callahan and R. H. Coshun, C. B. Can
non, C. B. Cannon nnd C. W. park.':,
A. Creason, V. K. Merrick, Mrs. K. J.
Kubll and State of Oregon, Luella
Hwagert. li. VonHovenburg tmd Horace
Pel ton, Thomas Kelly and Horaco Pel
ton, K. A. L. Smith, Fred Guy, Cold
Hill Bohemian Mining Co., Mary A.
Price. Unknown Owner. J I. Andrews,
W. W. Webster and R. If. Coshan,
Samuel McCllntock, Lexington Really
Co., A. O. Frell, 11. 10. Kxby, F. Har
rison, C. Florey, K. C, Richards et al.,
Ida L. Scott and Portland Trust Co.,
V. J. Kmerick et al Joseph R Cliumos
and Constantino O. Chumos, H. L.
White, W. Moore and J. K. Bender. F.
W. Moore et ux, Jules Cole nnd Geneva
W, Alien, Admr.. W, H. Hoshy and
J. P. Hendricks, Congregational
Church Parsonage, V. J. Kmerick, J.
L, Pagett Kstate, U. F. Rucser, A. C.
Martin and Ouy M. Martin, F. 10. Mar
tin, Wrn. Hall, F. H. Cook, Jackson
County Building Loan Assn. and
Helen M. Conroy, Homer B. Taylor,
Arthur Chase, J. C. Harrington, J. 10.
Watt, Fred B. Stewart, J. H, Quarles.
Mury R Herrlu, Mary F. McDonald
and Fdward Krueger. L. M. Plltmuu
and Catiirlne Vanllovenherg and each
and every person firm and corpora
tion named in the following lists us
being the owners or owner uccording
tn the tax rolls of Jackson County.
Stato of Oregon, of tract a and puree In
of land, Iota and blocks therein de
scribed and following their respective
names nnd each and every person,
firm, and corporation owning or claim
ing to own or having or claiming to
have any interest, Hen or claim there
in and also nil other persons and par
ties unknown claiming any right, title,
estate, lien or Interest in tho real
estate described in the Complaint and
Application for Judgment and Decree
herein, the nbove named defendants.
Notice and Summons.
OREOON: You ami euch of you as
owners, claimants, or holders of nn In
terest, lien, claim or estate In and to
Hi a hiiridiinl'Ler described real nrooertv
situated in Jackson County, Stale of
' Oregon, nnd all persons owning or claim-
Main and Oregon streets und running
niong Main street 132 feet, being parts,
01 lots .', 3 and 4, luock t, deserltted in
Volume, 4, page 12, Deed Records of
Jackson county, nnd situated In the;
City of Jacksonville, Jackson county 1
Oregon. Amount IS.99.
Name of owner, Thos. Cameron, Num
ber of Certificate C2302, lot 0 block 30
In the City of Jacksonville, Jackson
cmiiit v. I Iroiniit A 111,111 it t 17 7 3M
county, Oregon, volume ft. page 3fiS, t-
, ing pari 01 iuock bi, city of Jackson
vllle, Jackson county, Oregon. Amount
3 h
Nnme of owner. Cnlo Snrlnmr nnd T.
L. DeVore, Number of Certificate CS332.
lot 8, block 3. Lewis Subdivision, City
of JaekMonvllld. .l:nkMmi i-.wtwtv Ore-
Vsme of owner, A. Y. Lindsey, Num
ber of Cei tlficute C'-Mtu, part of block. R,
Town of Talent. Jackson county, Oregon,
described in Deed Records of Jackson
County, , Oregon, volume 93, pugu 47.
Amount $Di.40. r
Name of owner, A. Y. Llndsey, Num
ber of Certificate C2372, southeust cor
ner of blovk T, Town of Talent, Jatk
son county, Oregon, described in I teed
Records of Jucksou county, Oregon, vol
ume 92, page 475. Amount $24.08.
Nume of owner, Oeo. Truschell, Num
ber of Certificate Ch3, lot 11, block 1,
earner Sohlns Addition to thu town
of Woodvllle mow known as Rogue
Riven, Jucksou county, Oregon. Aiuuuni
Namo of owner, Mary Knutzschnm.
NumtMT of Certificate C23R9. north hall
of northwest quarter of Section 10,
j owimnip .10 nouiii iiuiige 1 ov ui
the Willamette Meridian. Amount $1'.70.
Name of owner, Fred H. Cook, Est.
Luella D. Kline and Arvllla L- Curb-it,
Number of Certificate C2390, lots 9, 10.
11 and niocK m. Town (now t;uy
of Medford, Jackson county, Oregon.
Amount $139.40.
Name of owner, TI. C. Stoddard. Num
ber of Certificate C21U), lots 1, 2 and 3
block 74, Town (now City) of Medford,
Jackson countv. Ore con. Amount 2L1.30.
Namo of owner, M. M. Company and
city 01 Aieuioru, rumijer or centrical
C2103. lot 2 block 1. Anderson-Toft Ad
dition to tho Town (now City) of Med
ford. Jackson county, Oregon. Amount
Name of owner, F. E. Merrick. Tr. nnd
O. W. McDonald. Number of Certificate
C240t, 90 foot front described In Deed
Records of Jackson county, Oregon, vol
ume 1U3, page 312, pari uf lot 1. block
;;, uarr s mini nun 10 im Town mow
CiVy) of Medford, Jackson county, Ore
gon. Amount $14.10.
Name of owner. (Maude E. Atcherson.
Number of Certificate C2411, lot 11,
block 5, Carlelon's Addition to the Town
(now Clly) of Medford, Jucksou county,
Oregon. Amount $2.24.
Namo of owner, H. R. Ramsey and
William Stalley. Number of Certificate
C24 23. lot 21, block 4 Crowell's Amended
Addition to the Town (now City) of
Medford, Jackson county, Oregon.
Amount $12.37.
Numo of owner, William O'Harn,
Number or Certificate C2426. Lots 4
and 5 Emlg's Addition to tho Town (now
city) of Medford, Juckson county, Ore
gon. Amount $27.79.
isume 01 owner, i-Jiiznoeiu u. iuuvbhu,
Number of Certlflculo C2430, lot ,
block 1. Highland Park Addition to the
Town (now City) of Medrord, Jackson
county, Oregon. Amount Sl!i.32.
Namo of owner, Lou F, Knowlton,
Number of Certificate C2437, lot 7. block
1, Highland Park Addition to tho Town
(now City) of Modi'ord, Jackson county.
Oregon. Amount $7.01.
Name of owner, Amelia Toft, Num
ber of Certificate C24f.4, lot 5, block 7,
Imperial Addition to tho Town (now
City) of Medford, Jackson county, Ore
gon. Amount $7.04.
Name of owner, L. R. Kent, Number
of Vertificato C2I01, lot IS, block 1,
Jackson's Addition to tho Town (now
City) of Medford, Jackson county, Ore
gon. Amount $7.32. .
Name of owner, Kate Stlne and Otto
Schrader. Number of Certificate C2464,
lot 2, block. 2, Kendall's Addition to
tho Town (now City) of Medford. Jack
son county, Oregon. Amount $9.9.
Nume of owner, Cora M. Amann,
Number of Certificate C2465, lot 10,
block 4, Kendall's Addition to the Town
i now City) of Medford, Jackson county,
Oregon. Amount $12.9ti.
Name of owner, Cora M. Amann,
Number of Certificate C2467, lot 0,
block 8. Kendull's Addition to the Town
(now City; of Medford, Jackson county,
Oregon. Amount $7.02.
Nume of owner. J. C. Brown, Num
ber of Certificate C24S6. lot 7. Levis
Addition to the Town (now City) of
Medford, Jackson county, Oregon.
Amount $16.53.
Nume of owner, P. J. Hailey. Num
ber of Certificate C2495, the South 5
feet of lot 2, Morcy's Addition to the
Town (now City) of Medford. Jack
sou countv, Oregon. Amount $4. 6a. .
Name of owner, Bert Anderson and
City of Medford, Number of Certificate
C2497, lots 1 and 2, Myers Addition to
the Town (now City) of Medford. Jack
eon county, Oregon. Amount $17.12.
Namo of owner, L, Kann & Co., and
Alfred Ling A Co., Numbor of Cer
tificate C2498, lot 6, hlock 3, Nnrre
ean's Addition to the Town (now City)
of Medford. Juckson County, Oregon.
Amount $7.03.
Name of owners, Lena Schitltz and
John Becaes, Number of Certificate
C2f.10, lot 7, block 3, Page Addilion
to the Town (now City) of Medford.
Jackson county, Oregon. Amount $9.41.
Nnmo of owner.; -Ann G. Andrews and
A. Y. Llndsey, Number of Certificate
C2512. lot 14. block 7, Park Addition to
tho Town (now City) of Medford, Jack
son county, Oregon. Amount $16.3.
Namo of owner. M. 10. Cary, Number
of Certificate C2518. East half of Norta
half lot 7. block 9. Tnrk Addition to the
Town (now City) of Medford. Jack
son county, Oregon. Amount $13. rG
Nnme ot owner, F. H. Cook. Luella
D. Kllno nnd Arvilln L. Coriett, et al.
Number of Certificate C2521, lot 0,
block 10, Queen Ann Addition to the
Town (nmv City) of Medford. Jackson
countv, Oregon. Amount $9.41.
Namo of owner. C. II. Ausslcker,
Number of Certificate C2CS3, lots 12,
13 and 14, block 10, -Queen Ann Addi
tion to the Town (now City) of Med
ford. Jackson county, Oregon. Amount
'"Name of owner, J. M. Keen and City
of Medford, Number of Certificate
C2&23, Northwest half lot 8 hlock 1,
Riverside Subdivision of the Town (now
City) of Medford, Jackson county, Ore
gon. Amount $fi.36. ,
Nnme of owner. Myrtle Blackburn.
Number of Certificate C2624, Southeast
half lot 8. hlock 1. Riverside Subdivision
of the Town (now City) of Medford,
Jackson county, Oregon. Amount $f.36.
Name of owner, Kate Billings, Num
ber of Certificate C2R27, lots 6 nnd 7.
block 2, Riverside Subdivision of the
Town (now City) of Medford, Jackson
countv, Oregon. Amount $20.69.
Name nf owner. D. J. Stnll, Number
of Certificate C3B31, lot 3. block 1.
Rose Park Addition to tho Town (now
City) of Medford, Jackson county, Ore
gon. Amount $4.07. m
Namo of owner, E. A. Wilson, Num
ber of Certlflculo lot 8. block 2,
Siskiyou Hclghla Addition to the Town
(now City) of Medford, Jackson county,
Oregon. Amount $4.00. 1,
K'uniA nf owner. 1L T). TIenson and
Oeo. C. Vlrlch. Number of Certificate
C2B47, lot 1, block 3. wskiyou Iieigmr
Addition to the Town (now City) of
Medford, Jackson county, Oregon.
Amount $10.60.
Name of owner, Catherine Clnrk nnd
C. W. Sutton, Number of Certificate
C2R73, lots 10 nnd It. block 1. Walnut
Park Addition to the Town (now City)
nf Medford. Jackaon county. Oregon.
Amcunt $.46.
Name of owner, C, J. Pfrang. Num
ber of Certificate C257J, lot IS, bloek 1.
Walnut Park Addition to tho Town
(now City) of Medford. Jackson couuty,
Oregon. Amount $10.01.
Name of owner, J. A. Perry, Num
ber of Certificate C2SKI. lot 2, block
1, Whitney Addition to tho Town (now
Clly) of Medford, Jackson counlyt Ore
gon. Amount $MV97.
Nnme of owner, Blanche McCray,
Number of Certificate G2K89, the North
100 feet of the East 34 feet of lot 12.
In Wormian Addition to tho Town
(now city) of Medford. Jackson county,
Oregon. Amount $ t6.ii3.
Nnme of owner, II. C. Martin, Num
ber of Certificate C2Ji90, land described
in Deed Records of Jackson county,
Oregon, volume 4 page 133 ; 10fi 14
feet front on 4ih Street, West N. side.
Town (it'Av City) of Medford, Jackson
coun t y. Oregon. A mount $31 .97.
Name of owner. T. W. Met ""anu. Num
ber of Certificate C20fi. lot . block
S. Berrydato Addition to the Town (now
City) of Medford, Jackson county, Ore
gon. Amount $0.97.
Name of owner. H. L. DeArmond nnf
W. S. Barnum, Number of Certificate
11. Ooltego Hill. "Town (now City) of
Aiedtnrd, .i-ichson county, vrt'son.
Amount $5.39.
Name of owners, Annie L. Tanner nm'
T R. Tanner. Number of Certificate
C2624. lot 12. Francis Addition tc the
Town (tmw City) of Medford. Jackson
countv, Oregon. Amount $l.fi9.
Name of owner. W. H. Crowell and
Theodore Kurhurnara. Number nf Cer
tificate C2s3r,, lot 17, block 1. Laurel
hurst Addition to the Town (now cityi
nf Medford. Jackson county. Oregon
Amount $1.75.
Nnme of owner, Gold Rnv R-mRv
companv. Number of Certificate C.R4S.
lot 1, block 1. Nickell Addition to the
Town now Cltv) of Med ford, Jiek
on coun t v, Or gon . A mmi n t $ 1 3 , 1 7
Nime of owner. Fruitgrowers Trust
A Title (V, Number of Certificate
C2IU2, South part of block S3, Siskiyou
Heights Extension, Town (now Ctty)f
t.t Medford, Jackson county, Oregon. I
Described In Deed Records for J.ickson
county, ( M-egnn, volume yz, page Jl
Amount $14.39.
Nume of owner, Siskiyou Heights Co.,
Number of Certificate C2053, Jots 1 to
11, Inclusive, block 25, Siskiyou Heights
Extension, Town (now Ctty) of Med
ford. .luck son county, Oregon. Amount
Name of owner,' A. Smith. Number of
Certificate Ci:ili4, lot 4. block 3, Sun
set Park Addilion to the Town (now
City) of Medford, Jackson county, Ore
gon. Amount $3.4!.
Namo of owmr, II. N. Llnnbargcr,
Number of Certificate C2C82, pan of
lot 3, block 9. City uf Ashland, Jack
son county, Oregon, described in Deed
Records of Jackson county. Oregon, vol
ume 108, Pages 427-428 und 501.
Amount $104.0;.
Name - of owner, Lizzie Ti. Dltweiier,
Number of Ci-rtiricute C2087, lot U,
Allendale Addition to the City Of Ash
laud, Jackson county, Oregon. Amount
Name of owner, Walter Buckminlster.
Number of Certificate ('2009. lots 1 and
2, block A, Fuirvlew Addition to the
City of Ashland. Jackson county, Ore
gon. Amount $9.fi4.
Name of owner, IT. L. White, et nl.
Number of Certificate C2670, lot 2S.
block L, Railroad Addition to tho City
of Ashland, Jackson couuty, Oregon.
Amount $15.57.
Name of owner. I. E. Shaw nnd C.
Frank Rhodes, Number of Certificate
C27u:i. Northeast quarter of Northwest
quartor of Section 1, Township 30,
South of Range 1 East of the Willam
ette Meridian. Amount $3.4fi.
Name of owner, H. McCllntock, Num
ber of Certificate C2704, Southeast
quarter of Northeast "quarter and
Northwest ouarler of KoutheiiHt Quarter
I of Section 20, Township 20. South of
Range l East of the Willamette Merid
lun. Amount $10.90.
Name of owner. L. J. C. Johnson.
Number of Certificate C2709, East half
of Southeust quarter Section 26, Town
ship 37, South of Range 1 East of the
Willamette Meridian. Amount $16.81.
Name of owner, L. J. C, Johnson and
C. E. Johnson, et a I, Number of Cer
tificate C2712, Northwest quarter of
Northwest quarter of Section 36, Town
ship 37 Houth of Range 1 East of Ihe
Willamette Meridian. Amount $11.38.
Name of owners, F. W. Snider and
Mrs. Oolda Snider. Number of Certifi
cate C2716, Northeast quarter of
Northwest quarter of Southeast quar
ter and Southwest quarter uf Northwest
quarter of Southeast quarter of Sec
tion 6, Township 39, South of Range 1
East of tho Wtllumctto Meridian.
Amount $24.94.
Name of owner. T. M. Nelson, et al.
Number of Certificate C272-3, North
west quarter of Section 20, Township
40 South of RangO 1 East of tho Wil
lamette Meridian. Amount $40.71.
Name of owner. L. Ainldon, Number
of Certificate 02730, land described In
Deed Records of Jackson county. Ore
gon, volume 1U3. page 322, in Section
2, Township 3d, South of Range 2 East
of the Wlllametto Meridian, 10 acres.
Amount $4.70. .
Nume of owner, Guy Barnett, Num
ber or certificate (JZ741, Northeast
quarter of Southwest quarter Section
24. Township 40. South of Range 2
East of the Willamette Meridian.
Amount $ T . C 3 .
Name of owner, IT. L. Howard, Num
ber of Certificate C2762, Southeast
quarter Section 30, Township 34, South
of Range , 1 West of the Willamette
Meridian. Amount 1-21.32.
Name of owner. Charles L. Charleton,
Number of Certificate C2786. Southeast
quarter of Southwest quarter. Section
in. Township 37, South of Range 1
West of the Willamette Meridian.
Amount S9.91.
Name of owner. Belle Nickell, Cath
erine Little and First National Bank
of Medford, Number of Certificate
C27S7, lot 4 Of the A. M. . Wilson
Estate in Sections 9 nnd 1G, Township
37, South of Range 1 West of tho Wil
lamette Meridian. Amount $47.54.
Namo of owner C. W. Ashpole, Num
ber .of Certificate C2789. land In Sec
tion 20, Township 37. South of Range
1 West of the Willamette Meridian,
described in Deed Records of Jackson
county, Oregon, volume 71, page 185.
Amount $I6.S.ri.
Name of owner, Wm. M. Mathes and
Wm. It. Brumbtich, Number of Cer
tificate C2791, Government lot 2 in
Section 2. Township 39 South of Ransc
I West of the Willamette Meridian.
Amount $6.70.
Niinit of owner. Oeorfre Morse. Num
ber of Certificate C2798, South half of
South half of the South half of the
Northwest quarier of the Northwest
quarter of Section ,28, Township ,
South of Range 1, West of the Wll
lametto Meridian. Amount $1.23.
Name of owner, Sam McCllntock,
Number of Certificate C2S0S. North
west quarter of Northeast quarter of
Section 29. Township 39, South or
Rnnge 1, West of Willamette Merldhm.
Amount $5.36.
Name of owner, S. fl. Bullis, Ce t ii
cate Number C2S09, Northweat q. ..
of Northwest quarter of Section 32.
Township 39, South or Rango 1, West
if rho Wlllametto Meridian. Amount
14.03. .
Nmno of owner. F. A. Narrecan. Num
ber of Certificate C2S17. West half of
Southwest Quarter. Section 15. Town
ship 8S, South of Rnnge 2, West of the
Willnmette Meridian. Amount $27,72.
Name of owner. F. A. Nnrregan,
Number of Cert ftcate C2819. south
east quarter of Southeast quarter. Sec
tion Hi, Township :u. noum or uange
2. West of the Willamette Meridian.
Amount $,
Nnme of owner. Euirene S. Jenks.
Number of Certificate C2S20, Eist half
of Northeast qunrter nnd Northeast
quarter of Southeast quarter of Sec
tion I'". Township :i ft. Mount or nan go
i, west or 1110 wmameuo Aieriuian,
Amount S17.42. -
Name of owner, F. A.- Narregan,
Number of Certificate C2S22, North
east nunrter of Northeast Quarter. Sec
Hon 21. Township 3."., South of Range
west or the wiiiameuo - jieriutan.
Amount 10.23.
Niimj of owner. F. A. Narregan,
Number ot certmcate csua,. isortn-
west quarter or worm west quarter,
Section 22, Townshln 35 South of Rnnge
2, West of tho Wlllametto Meridian.
Amount $6.23,
Nnme of owner, A. Walker nnd H. A.
Walker, Number of Certificate C2824,
Southwest qunrter of Northwest quar
ter and Northwest quarter of South
west qunrter. Section 22, Township 35,
Smith of Range 2. West of the Willam
ette Meridian. Amount $19.12.
Name of owner, G. P. Gould, Num
ber of Certificate C2825, the North 30
-icres of the Southwest quarter of
Southwest quarter of Section 22, Town
shin 3."i South of Range 2 West of the
WMInmetto Merhlian. Amount $6.23.
Name of owner. Oscar Johnson, Num
ber of Certlftcato C2S27, two-thirds
Interest In Southwest quarter of North
east quarter and Southeast quarter of
Northwest quarter nnd North half of
Sutithwewi quarter ami Northwest qunr
'er of Southeast quarter of Section 29,
Town shin 31 South of Range 2 West
tf the Wlllametto Meridian, Amount
Name of owner. Reatha Fowler and
T. D. Kelfer. Number of Certificate
'"'2S3L th- West 75 ucres of the North
half of Northeast quarter of Section
S, Township 35 South of Range 3 West
of the Willamette Meridian. Amount
Nnme of owner, W. F. Pearson, et nt,
John Coleman Hnvs, Number of Cer
tificate C2s:t3, West half of Northenst
qunrter of Northwest quarter and East
half of Northwest quarter of North
wet quarter of Seci ion 22, Township
!. South of Range 2 West of the Wil
lamette Meridian. Amount $12.L'fi.
Nnme of owner. J. O. Hnvs, Number
of Certificate C2S34. Southwest quarter
of the Northwest quarter of Northwest
nnarter of Section 22, Township 36.
outh of Range 2. West of the Wil
lnmette Meridian. Amount 3.4.
Nnme of owner, Charles Pennlnger, I.
T. Hansen and Fred Pennlnger, Num
ber of Certlficale C2S3R, the North half
of the Northeast nunrter of the South
ast quarier of Section 29. Township
36. South of Rnngo 2 West of the Wll
lametto Meridian, Amount $10. IS.
Name of owner. Bank of Jackson
ville, et nl. Number of Certificate
CS(9, undivided one-seventh Interest
In land described In Deed Records of
lackson eonnly, Oregon, volume 11.
are M?. less land described In Deed
Record of Jackson county, Oregon, vol
ume SS. pnire M. Heetfrwi 31, Townshtn
17. South of Range 2 West of the Wil
hioietle Meridian. ATPOIint fl.RO.
Name of owner. Lilltnn 'nv Gluck.
Number, nf (Vrtlffcnte C?4K1, land In
Section 10. Township yx. South of
tntieo ?. West of WIBsmet'e .Verldlsn
deacrlbvL in Deed Records f r Jackson
county, Oregon, volume S3, pago Slf.
Amount $i.t, I
Name of owner, A. A. Baker, Number
of Certificate (,'2803, South half 01
NOrilieiiSl quarter ui uitnt
ter, Section 17, Township 3H, Nmi.i ol
Range 2 West of the Willamette Mn
ridiun. Amount $3.09. .
Name of owner, William Davis and
Marlon Trent, Number of Certificate
C.HtM , South half of Southwest quar
ter of Noilhweht quarier, wtuyn .
cp of Not -til went quarter, heciitm -1.
owtiMhip 38 South of Range 2 vt est o
ie Willamette Morldlau. Amount ''.
Name or owner, .
D. W. Levllan. Number of Coi iif.c i p
C2fi4, Southwest quarter HecLon m.
Township 39. South of Range 2 West '
the Willamette Meridian. . Amount
Nu'ine of owner. Pearl Callahan and
R. H. Coshun, Number of 1V1 titlcute
C28C8, Northeast quarter of Southeast
quarter and South half of Southeast
quarter. Section 30. Township 40 south
of ituuge 2 West of the Willamette Me
ridian. Amount $40.S9,
Name of owner, C. B. Cannon, Num
ber or Cortiflcute CZ870. West half ot
the West half of Section 22. Township
33, South of Range 3 West of the Wll
lametto Meridian. Amount $12.2tt.
Name of ow ner C. B. Cannon and t
W. Parks. Number of Certificate C2H.1,
West half of Southeast quarur and
Eust half of Southwest quarter of Sec
tion 26, Township 33. South of Range
3 West of the Willamette Meridian.
Amount $12.20.. .,..'
Name of owner. A. Creason, Number
of Certificate C2S72, North half of
Northwest quarter and Southeast quar
ter of Northwest quarter and Northeast-
quarter of Southwest quarter or
Section 2H, Township 33. South of
Range 3 West of the Willanu-Uo Meri
dian. Amount $12.20.
Name of owner, C. B. Cannon, Num
ber of Certificate C2873, Northeast
quarter and Southeast quarter of Sec
tion 28, Township 33. South of Range
3 West of the Willamette Meridian.
Amount $24.02.
Name of owner, F. E. Merrick, Num
bor of Certificate C2876. East half of
Southeast quarter of Section 21, Town
ship 34, South of Range 3 West of ibe
Willamette Meridian. Amount $U.i9.
Name of owner, .Mrs. E. J. Kubli and
State of Oregon, Number of Certificate
C2879, Southeast quarter of Southeast
quarter of Hection 12, Township 35.
South of Rnnge 3 West of Die Willam
ette Meridian. Amuunt $;".-.'.
Namo of owner, Luella Swagert,
Number of Certificate C28SU, South h ilt
of Southeust quarter of Section 20.
Township 35. South of Range 3 West
of tho Willamette Meridian. Amount
Nome of owner, H. Van Hovenburg
und Horaco Felton, Number of Certifi
cate C28K3, 102 acres of land in North
east quarter of Section 25, Township
35, South of Range 3 West of the Wil
lamette Merhlian, bought of H. Pelton
and described in Deed Records of Jack
son county, Oregon, volume 133, page
24, volume 81, page 71. Amount $139.'4.
Name of owner, Thomas Kelly and
Horace Pelton, Number of Cerltflcate
C2884, 15 acres out of the Southeast
corner of Southeast qunrter of North
east quarter (known us the Warrull
Tract) Section 25. Township 35, South
of Range 3 West of the Willamette
Meridian. Amount $32.73.
Name of owner. E. A. L. Smith. Num
ber of Certificate C2888, land in East
half or southeast quarter, necnon o.
Township 30, South of Range 3 West
of the Willamette lerldian ond described-
in Deed Records of Jackson
county, Oregon, volume 55, pugo &S3.
Amount M0.26.
Name of owner. Fred Guy, Number
of Certificate C2889, land West of the
County Road In South half of South
east quarter of Section 8. Township 30
South of Range 3 West of the Willam
ette Meridian, nnd Norlh naif of North
east quarter of Section 17, Township
36. South of Range 3 West or the Wil
lamette Meridtun, Jackson county, Ore
gon (55 acres). Amount $11.46.
Nnme of owner, Gold Hill Bohemian
Mining company. Number of Certificate
C2901, West half of Southeast qunrter
of Section 21, Township 36 South of
j tango .J west or tno wuiamcue .me
ridian, Jackson county, Oregon. Amount
Name of owner, Mary A. Price, Num
ber of Certificate C2902. part of the
Northeast quurler of Section 22, Town-
snip .itt noutu or itnnge a west or tne
Willnmette Meridian: described In Deed
Records of Jackson county, Oregon, vol
ume 32, page 4(6. Amuunt f.iu.
Name of owner. Unknown Owner,
Number of Certificate C2909, Northeast
Quarter of Southeast quarter and North
half of Southeast quarter of Southeast
quarter ol Nectiou Townsnip j t
South of Range 3 West of the Wlllam
ette Meridian. Jackson county, Oregon.
Amount u. 61,
Name of owner, W. W. Webster and
R. H. Coshan, Number of Certificate
C2930. North half of the North half
and IntH 1. 2. 3 nnd 4. Section 10. Town
ship 41, South of Range 3 West of the
Willnmette .Meriuinn, jacason county,
Oregon. Amount $S7.85.
Name of Owner. Samuel MeOlJntock.
Number of Certificate C2933. lot 1 and
Northeast quarter of Northwest quarier
or flection au, jownsnin ii.i, noum 01
Range 4 West of tho Willamette Mo
rldlau, Jackson county, Oregon. Amount
Name of owner. Samuel McClintock.
Number of Certificate C2941, West half
of Northeast Quarter. Section 10. Town
ship 35, South of Range 4 West of the
Willamette Mcrmian, jackson county.
Ore gem. Amount $15.41.
Nnme of owner, Lexington Realty Co..
Number of Certificate C29I2, Southwest
quarter, Section 18, Township 35, Houth
of Range 4 West of the Willamette Me
ridian, Juckson county, Oregon. Amount
Nnme of owner, Samuel McClintock.
Number of Certificate C2944, South
west quarter of Southeast quarter. Sec
tion 20, Township 3 South of Range 4
West of tho Willamette Meridian, Jack-,
son countv. Oregon. Amount (10.44.
Name of owner, A. O. Freel, Number
of Certificate C2947. South ha'r or
Southwest quarter of Section 30,. Town
ship 35, South of Range 4 West of the
Willamette Meridian, Jackson county,
Ore con. Amount 10.24.
Nume of owner. H. E. Exhy, Number
of Certificate C296S, lot 19, crt-storeon
Orchard Tract in Sections 28 nnd 29.
Township 37 South. Range 1 West or
the Willamette Meridian. Jackson coun
ty, Oregon. Amount $11. 44.
Name of owner. F. Harrison. Nnnv
ber of Certificate C2975, part of lot 4,
block K. Rojfiio River Valley Orchard
Company, In Township 3S. South of
Ranico 1 Eust of the Willamette Mi
ridian, 5.55 acres, described In Deed
Records of Jackson county, Oregon,
volume SR. nn ire fit. Amount
Name of owner, C. Florey, Number of
(.criineate r:(f lot ihock v, cen
tral' Addftton to the Town of Eagle
Point, Jackson county, Oregon. Amount
Name of owner. 10. C Richards, et nl.
Number of Certificate C2979, lots 5 nnd
6. block 14, IVkum's Amended Addi
tion to me Town or wowi tun. Jack
son county. Oregon. Amount $2.41.
Nnme of owner, Ida L. Scott, ond
roriiunu Trust co., isumher or certtti
cate C29S3, land described In Deed
Records of Jackson county. Oregon, vol
ume 10."., pages 69 nnd 1 15, less land
described In 1 eed Records of Jackson
county, Oregon, voluhic 110, page 374,
on .Main iMreci, ;sorin, r;au sine, in tin
City of Ash hind, Jackson county, Ore
gon. Amount $20.99.
Name of owner. V. .T. Emerirk. et nl.
Number of Certificate C29R7, lots 23,
24 nnd 27, less South 50 feet thereof.
Ashland Homestead Association. City
01 Nn in on, .incason county, uregon,
Amount 394.25.
Name of owner, Joseph E. Chumos
and Constantino G. Chumos, Number of
Certificate C29RS. lots 1 to 8 Inclusive.
Chumos Subdivision, City of Ashland,
Jackson county, Oregon. Amount
Nume of owner. H. L. White. Num
ber of Certificate C29SD. lots f.6 1o 66
Inclusive, block 3, Eureka Addition to
die t-ity nr Asninmi. Jackson, county.
uieijon, n mount f.en.i I,
Name of owner. W. Moore and .T V
Reader. Number of Certiflcnte 02991
lot 7. McCall's Addition to the City of
Asnoino, .hick son count v, Oregon,
Amount $13.VS6.
Name of owner. V W Arnnrn e n-
N umber nf OerOflcate C2992. lots 1 nnd
s. -Miners AUiittinti to the City of Ash
land, Jackson county, Oregon. Amount
$148.03. n
Name nf owner. Jutes Cole nnd
Geneva W. Allen. Admr., Number of
Certificate 02993. p"H of lots 62. 63. 61
find 65 and tract adjoining Miner's Ad-
OMIon tn tlie C tr of Ash -in.l. .Fnrbmn
countv. Oregon, all describe. 1 In peed
Records of Jackson county. Oregon, vol
ume .04, pugo M. and 6 IS. Amount
Name nf ivwnee. IV TT TTasIav n.i
.T. P. Hendricks. Number of Certificate
t .:ii:i 1, iot 1 1 nnd KuTth half lot 15,
block A, i Ull road AuUUiuu to the City
of Ashland, Jackson county. Oregon,
Amount lK-M- .
Nrne of owner, .n? ?
Chinch Parsonage. Number U-'
cato C299;., - Asliuuid i'7varil. N
side. 50 foot strip runninic from Last
Vain Street to Boulevard immediately
West of hTt 1 Myall's Addition lo ilia
City of Ashland. Jackson countv, Ore-
Iht of CtrtirJeulu C3UUU. lut dwtrlwa
lu ItwwmiH of JKon w'fc
UivKu.j, volume I'K' .J,
ld'curds of jucksuti county, vol
ume 8, luKC- licInK t'l tvxml.
iar H,(.umi Stic.-i. Main nnv.t l-.ftst.
city of Asiilunu. Jiicksoii county, . iw
lion, only No. Ills. Amount ix...b.
Nun.,, of owi.i.f. J. 1.. I'uKOlt l-.Biiil.',
X. I...- nr I rt II I. i.ft C3UU1. llllttl ill''
rn'riti.-u In Iwii lluoortlH of Jackson
county. oroKon, volumo t9. paK
imt 30T, 3.2 vliains front near South
ern i'uclflo llailtviiy Oompuny'B tnii'K,
.hiln Hli t. Uihi, In the City of Ash-
lantl. Juckson county. Orelion. Amount
Namn of onner. n. F. Reeser. Num
ber of Certificate C30U3, JU foot strip
of Inml ,lescrileU In lieed lt,'ords if
Jackson county, ftreiron. Volume 103,
pae Ti, and adjoining lots H, In. lo
and i3 to 26. Highland 1'urk Adilitlon
to the City of Asiihiud, Jackson county.
OreKon. Amount 13.83. '
Name of owner. A. C. Martin una
One .Martin. Number ' of Certll'U'lltO
C3O0K, iwO'thlnls intorOKt in Soulheast
(lliarter or Houlliwesi qunrier, neuiiuu
H, TownHhlp SI South of limine i West
of the Willuniotle Meridian. . Amount
Name of owner, l- E. Martin, Number
nf Certificate C2594 f'1.5 foot front,.
Itlversidi- Avenue North. West side,
Town (now Ctty) of Medford, Jackson
county, Oregon, described In tieed
itecon's of Juckson county, Oregon vol
ume li-, ,ane 337. Amount 6u.'i7.
Name ol owner, AVm. Ilali, Number
of Certificate Cl'SlO, Northwest quarter
of Northwest (lllnrter. Hecliim 25, Town
ship 32, houth of KuiiKe 2, West of the
Willamette .Meridian. Amount lii.10.
Name itf owner, II, Andrews, Number .
of Certificate C2II2S, Koltthwest fUarler
of Soittheii.-l tjuarter. Section 16, Town
ship -10 South of Uungc 3 West of the
WDIatiieite, Jackson county, .
Ori-Kon. Amount $24. U2.
Name of owner. !'. II. Cook, Number
nf Certificate C2429, Lot 3, block 2.
Crescent Subdivision,. Town (now City)
of Medford. Jackson county, Oregon,
leKlslered Tllle Certificate No. 572.
Jackson county,. Oregon. Amount .
Name of owner, Jackson ' Cottrity
P.ullilliifr A Loan Assn., and Helen M,
County. Number of Certificate ("."J'.'O,
lot 3, block 6, .Medford-Heights. Town
(r.ow City) of Medford, Jackson county,
Oretfo-n. Heulstered . Title, t'ertlflealo
No. 2302, Jackson county, Oregon.
Amount $3.47.
Name of owner. Homer II. Taylor,
Number of Certificate C2560,,
bloek 1, Tuttle's Second Addition to the
Town (now City) of Medford, Juckson
county, Oregon. Registered Title, Cer
tificate No, 1830, Jackson, county, Ure
gon. Amount $4.64.
Name of owner, Arthur Chase, Num
ber of Certificate C2562. lot 27, block 1.
Tuttle's Second Addition to the Town
(now City) of Medford, Jackson county,
Oregon. Itc-gistered Title, Certificate
No. 2037, Juckson county, Oregon.
Amount H.G6.
Name of owner.' J. C. Harrington.
Number of Certificate C2.1, lot l."i,
hlock 2, Tuttle's Second Addition to thu
Town (now City) of -Medford. Jackson
county, Oregon. Registered Tlfle, Cer
tificate No. 1723, Jackson county Ore
gon. Amount $4.06.
Name of owner, J. E. Watt, Number
of Certificate C257I, part of lot 3.
block 1. Tuttle's Subdivision. Town
(now City) of Medford, Jackson coun
ty, Oregon, described Registered Title
of Jackson county, Oregon, Certifi
cate No. 1569. Amount $31.97.
Nnme of owner. Kred H. Stewart,
Number of Certificate C2&72, lot K,
block 2, Tuttle's Subdivision, Town
(row City) of Mfriford, Jackson county,
Oregon. lieglstered Title of Jackson
county, Oregon, Certificate No. 10CO.
Amount $10.60.
Name of owner, J. J?. Queries. Num
ber of Certificate C2S76, lot 8. block 2,
Walnut I'nrk Addition to the Town
(now City) of Medford. Jackson county,
Oregon. Registered Title of Jackson
county. Oregun, Certificate. No. 1358,
Amount $3.4 7.
Nome of owner. Mary "K. llerrln,
Number of Certificate C26.M. loin I,
5 and fl. block 5, Oakdnle Park Amend
ed. Town (now City) of Medford. Jack
son county, Oregon. Registered Title
of Jackson county, Oregon. Certificate .
No. 2007.. Amount $4.12. ' i-
Name of owner, Marv P. . McDonald
nnd Kilward Krueger, Number of Cer
tificate C2793, Northeast qunrter of
Northeast quarter of Southeast quarter
and South half of Northeast quarter.
Southenst quarter. Section 12. Township
3S South of Range 1 West of Ihe Wll
lamettn Meridian. Reglatered Title, of
Jackson county, OreKon, Certificate No.
22,3. Amount $.1.20.
Name of owner. I,, if. T'lttinan nnj
Cutherlno Van Hovenberg, Number or
Certificate C2SS2. land described Itegls
tered Title of Jackson countv, Oregon.
Certificate No. 609. Hection 24. Town
ship 3:., South of Range 3 West of tho
Wllametic Meridian. Amount $24.23.
Hint the said several sums herein
above -set forth bear Interest at tho
rate of twelve (12) per cent per annum
J,""" ''lo. da'e of the Issuanco of said,
Certificates of Delinquency,' tow It:
from the 3rd day of January, 1922
And you nnd each of vou ns such
owners, claimants or holders of an In
terest or estate In nnd to the herein
above described real property nnd each
S2i-!i' ' fi1"1'"""' flri" and corporation
named In the foregoing lists us belns
the owner or owners, nccordlng to the
lax rolls of Jackson countv. stato of
Oregon of tracts and parcels of land,
lots and blocks abovo described and
following your respective, names and
each and every person, firm ami corpo
ration owning or claiming to own, or
f"1" ' claiming to have any ln-
alT ii,.'r"n r Cli,lm ,l"'r"n also
all oilier persons or parties unknown
claiming anv rlirhr i in.. ..., . ,.
or interest In the real orom-nv 'oi.....
described and
i im 1L V 1,er,'u- further notified and
summoned to appear within sixty days
of inii1 v "i11" "'i1"" flrst Puhllcatlfin
or Ibis Notice and Summons, exclusive
defend l'?' f ".'J1'1 """lll'on. . nil
i f. , iili '!r""n S "ny " amount
UUe. Ull as SllOWll lltinvn tntwH
,i reiswuii intenesled
accrued Interest front the date of tho
Issuance of said Certiflrotea'oV Ivlln!
juenry at the rate of twelve (12) D"r
cent per annum and costs, and sou aro
further notified lo serve n copv of yZr
"PPcnrnnec olectlons or mswer on
the undersigned attorney for plaintiff
nt 1,1s residence nnd postofflco address
llereinbelow stated.
And you and each of yon are further
notified that in ense of your failure so
to do. Judgment nnd decree will he ren
dered herein in the above entitled court
and cause foreclosing the lien of said
taxea. Interest, penalties nnd costs
bS' ? i V!0", lrnr.' nml 1"ri""1 of l'"u.
,.L " V1 "'J n!"1 r'nl lroierty nbove
described for tho sums and amounts
til' cllart"l against the same
for said (axes as hereinabove set forth
tin interest and accruing costs, ami
ordering the sale of each tract and par
cel of lnd. lot nnd block of said real
property for the satisfaction kf h
sums charged nnd found against It re
spectively s provided by 'law and as
!:rh.;'.",l,l"r""",nlTfl"R .Plaint nnd Ap?
pllenl on for Judgment and Decree now
on file In this cause and cou," and
reference to wMch Is hereby made
L i ' f, v'",. Vnyy ,n court Tor
such mimr relief H ,v h, JlIB, ' per
m- t and eqititabl,, m ibe premises .
i ih Published pursuant
In the provisions of law and the
statutes of the state of Orego,, and an
order of publication duly given a d herein by Ihe Honmbl. r: S .
Thomas. Circuit Judge, and Judge, of
!n7c?"'.T ?""" r,""n l"ted and
Lrnr"". n'1 In this pro
If . ,'y '" s,;rv"'' "e .un'ler-
wftV,' .i', I'."? fnrt""intlff residing
5 ..Ji" . V m"t" ,?f r"en nt the res"
below .'ted" ft'TO '"" herein.
JACKS-1N OOVNTV, n body politic nnd
f?"iu.ri'rf" of ""V s""" of
BV, TRnrtTI.I.. Sheriff nnd Tax
Collector of said countv
RAWI.KS UOORK,. District Attorney
for Jackson cnnnlv State of Oregon
nnd Attorney for Plaintiff lr'B,ln
Residence i,n pnstoffl,.,.' nd.lre...