Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 12, 1923, Page 5, Image 5

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    medfotw matt; tutbtjne. MKTii?OTtTi, oreoos. modav. march 32, mn
'ASHLAND. March 12. Three im
portant evonls ore a. ho,lul..,I f.
Tunulnv of ilil. .,., .... .,.....
nurilcimunu, tho wi-oild ooml.iliilit;
business with pleasure, nnd tlit third!
lH-lnir puruly social, 'rho first refers) Offhers or the Wcstiiilnster fiuild
to a frulturowir's RaihtrliiK at Ucy of tliu I'rvKlyterian ihunh, rU-ctr-d
hull nt 2 o'clock, when (.'. I,. Lone recently, Imlude .Mrs. I'iiuH. Uobort
of Oregon Agricultural t'ollese will ran pro.iiilrnt; Miss Eva l'oloy, vice-
flddreKil fhn nn-li'intid.. ....... .....'.!., ,. fn. . f . .,. K ,..,.
ni.-emi.nt. f,.iii,.,,i.'. ' ..... ',.,',"
. . ...
.uum ient t.ate win talk on or- has made some notable Kifts In ik
chard raro in peneral. also sprayinR. half of both home and foreign mis
and plant dlseass. 'ah interested fdonn, the women's colleRea of the
(iro urtted not only to attend, but to orient having been donated $10 In
advertise the meeting by informing memory of Mrs. Martha Gillette; 135
their neiKhhors. (aaa pledge iu naming Mrs. Ella Onr-
The second event, heretofore an- rett a life member of tho women's
nounced at length, is' another re-j
minder of tho annual gathering of
the ChnmlxT of Commerce, at the
Civic clubhouse on Tuesday evening.
Annual reports, announcement of
newly elected directors and tnlkfests
on "The Needs of Ashland," will af
ford a veritable symposium of inter
esting activities during the dining pe
riod. And by tho way, tho dinner
wilt be served by Minimi und Tay
lor, of the l'laza Confectionery, who
have made it a special order of busi
ness In catering to a number of both
public and private gatherings. Tho
committee in charge is President W.
11. MoNuir, F. (!. Homes, J. II. Me-'
Ooe, V. O. N. Smith, II. G. Enders,
Jr.. J. W. McCoy, F. S. Kngle, Irving
B. Vlnlng, H. 13. Detriok and A. C.
Nlninger. The foilowing committee
will assist In the decoration and the
social part of tho- program. Mrs. W.
H. McNair, Mrs. F. C. Homos. Mrs.
O. -B. Butler, Mrs. J. H. McOee. Mrs.
J. W. McCoy, Mrs. V. O. N. Kmith,
Mrs. F. S. Engle, Mrs. C. H. Pierce,
Mrs. Umil Pell and Mrs. J. H. Fuller.
ine tmra entertainment of the day
will be a purely social one. without
any routine business developments. It
being a traditional observance of tho
43d anniversary of Alpha Chapter,
"r ol l" "' lslcrn "'r
h j.,,., v,iti,tK. ,v "c
program will be presented under aus-
Pices ot past matrons oi tne local
chapter, while the refreshments serv
ed will ho In keeping with precedent
established on - previous occasions.
These throe events, though occurring
on tho 13th of the month do not hap
pen on a Friday, consequently the
ultra supersiiiious element uoes n'u,
apply, and all three gatherings could '
be attended on a "progressive" basis, j
Athletically, Ashland girls beat'
those of Grunts Pass last Friday
night, at basketball, tho score being
17 to C in favor of tho home players,;
Forenslcally, Ashland debaters won
over Medford on tho same date, by
a 4 to 2 decision technically, having
previously won honors hero on tho
same question, viz: "Resolved, that
the government should own nnd ope-
rate tho coal mines." In the Jied-
ford contest local speakers nnother
contingent including .Mario Prescott
nnd Bernard Joy argued from the
affirmative standpoint on a co-edu-
cntional basis throughout tho series
of debates.
A gay social event will bo tho Elks
anniversary ball, to occur on Thurs-,
day evening, March 15. i
Odd Fellows, including Rebekahs
nnd families, are invited to attend a
social at Odd Fellows hall on Mon-
day evening, March 12.
Mrs. George Stevens and Mrs.
Newton Harrison will be hostesses of
the Art'club, which meets at the com
munity house on Monday evening,
March 12.
Tho Thornton property, corner of
Itfaln and Manzanita streets, Is being
- I
Pimples Quit
Willi S.S.S.
Why? Pimple-Poiwn Goes WhenfUi-Blood-Cell
Increaie! S. 3. S.
Build TheuRed-Blood-CtU.
Ton con be lure of tbii. mture bus no
ub8lltote for red-bloU-ll. Plmple
poKon can't lire to tbe red river, of year
blood long as tben p,"'KB
nd.blood-ccUa la It, More red-Mood-Ul
e shame.
of a blemishedfacej
;. -ha Atl ftd When TOO SfSf
.7"' .. nMA when TOO SW !l3
pt itarlnd ot yoa Jn the
-!fr. r,tl Vou on try rrytbiu onr
He '-rti'll f'od.fnf"
h .mi rnu'ii fiad only one smw
.y.-b mtii.fintrpr in Tour uiwt - - - - -
lopti'loiis ruxuits,
in rfd-blod-cells
of uicutrol 1
clear-pure rloh
ruilily. lovnuie "'V'L""m- "
nitwer. b,cue nil your nr r
f 'i W ...1 : blood. m mn freeaom
forerrr from plmpln, from th bUtkoMC
iniptlnnii, from rtaamtim laP""f
froii that tlr'd. h,d;Jal-?lw,1Li:
i,..i.i.ia.mii, ,p, tb moat fmpor
tan't thin In the world t '
hum tn ho Id tbfm ror too.
baa brrn iinowo amre 15-0, j
grmtest blood-bui!lra, Mooi
n.t .vaf.m ,tronettinrs evar
s. !s a. ta aoiu ai an "--"-i,..
Tho Imrear alia bettl la U
" i'V A BU; compared to $237,495,503 during e- M.. red iir f5 M.: 8fc t, ; 8 H ye"" J , ''i;.,,"?)!,," ,SL.riy ?o5,,.( r..n. Ie lnd AneritH. "
wood. They na tiaar, ecrnber, 192 1. For the cnlendar jear P n . , 62fl fjj. f(l i Rfl'"nns ..wV.tnW' n. vl, r-K .1 it.fer.i.
lii. Tho Urcer
economist 4
wywwif om
oocupltd by the IK-nry Epnrr family.!
Spnrr in employed In a Itunber of
fice at Medford, making the round
trtii dully by his osvn privntft jitnoy,
conveyance, j
A session of the Ashland unit of
the Oregon State Normal school is ad-;
vertised this early in the season, the!
extond from Juno IS to July
ft month devoted to regular 1
normal courses and practice
H' hoot. Ail nrenent touchers und:
high, hi hoii fjratiua tea will ho ad J
loid.'il. Vntlion. th MiMnnMo OOfi
of onlv Kix dollars. Hunt. llrixron is
tiiroulor to whom uuulv fur infur-
iiiatlon. 'or address Ashland Oharnbor
J. H.
Fuller, secretary.
UI -oiimii.r-u
board of foreiun missions, and $20 to
llraiutreo Institute In the south, in
memory of Mrs. If. 12':- J!adrer. Mrs.
Fred Wilson and Ruth Ostium are
tho retiring president and vice-president
of the Guild.
Jtoy Dehb, formerly with the
Tidings, will have charge of the me
chanical department of that paper
during the .absence ' of Foreman:
loung in Southern California on a
vacation speih
Tont Hill has disposed of the rark
gwery storo to It. O. Wallsteo. The
eu;nl,llshlnlnt Ti-iil li i.nlrim.,1 In
keeping with meeting all demands of
the tourist trade and alterations, also
additions nrn heinu m.idn in rn.ii1iM.HS
for the opening of "navigation" in tho i
near future. Tho establishment is
very conveniently located near
entrance to auto camp grounds.
"Ijiy on, Macduff,,' will be dra
matically visualized here March 17,
with I'rnf. PenMitt Archihttlri Pedrtio
in thn tulc rol. Tne ,.0narlo will be
mnged as a reading before the Ash-
lanU Slu,ly ciub presumably at the
Clvl(, outhouse, "Macbotti- lM-ing tho
dramatic treat. Tho professor is at
the head of the dramatic deportment
of the state university. A nominal
numission fee will bo charged in
or,,,.r, contingent ex
penses. '
The ratrick family. Almond street
residentr, are receiving a visit from
Mrs. Margaret Xewcombe, of Port
Connie Tatmadge, Page
At the Page theatre yesterday the
audience simply howled their delisrlit
over the many amusing scenes in Con-
nie Talmatlge'a latest picture, "The
rrimltivo Lover," the best of which is
nerans (hat. in which "Connv" is
treated to a good old-fashioned spank
ing by 'the man she divorced. This
I and several other bits have been ad-
... .. , , . ... .
niirably directed by Mr. r ranklin and
exceedingly well played by the star
and supporting east. 1
Tho story starts off by appearing to (
be a very mellow melodrama, hut soon
develops into a howling farce that pro-
vides laughs right up until tho verv I
finlBh. It shows how a bashful sort of
a stick In the mud husband gets some
primitive ideas about the handling of
womon from an Indian chief and pro
ceeds to try them out on his recently
divorced wife.
Miss Taimadge Is at her very best in
"The Primitive Lover." Prominent
in her support Is Harrison ford as tne
uninteresting husband. Kenneth Har
lan is excellent as the man who be
lieves ho loves the young wife and
hastens her divorce so he can marry
her. The others are Chief Dig Tree,
Joe Roberts and Mathilda Brunadge.
Hoot Gibson, Rialto
Tho mother who harms her son with
too much lovo and care, nnd the son
who fails to do tho manly thing in a
crisis because he is afraid it will not
salt his mother, are satirized in the
play starring Edward (Hoot) Oibson
at the Rialto theater.
"Rtdln' Wild" opened yesterday. It
presents the dashing western star in a : the Limed States iana wu
story of the west. With different set-; Lakeview, Oregon, to the highest Wd
tlng and incidental details the story dcr at not less than the .appraised
wou.d be the same, for the theme is .as ' JUX
applicable to only sons of tne city r6tarv of the interior. Tbe purchase
as it Is to pampered children or the jripe( Wth an additional sum ot one
country. I fifth of one per cent cent thereof,
Opposite Gibson is Edna Murphy, a being commissions allowed, mast be
girt alive w ith personality and very deposited at time of sate, money to be
promising In her work. returned if sale is not aPPreV';
Though its locale is the west, it is othflwiBt,tenSUm within
not a "western picture" pur. and s,mJ
pie; even with a riotous punfight and cU(2'en8 of the united States, assoeia.
a desert chase, it might, by the mere 4(onn n B(irh citizens and corporations
chnnslng of scenery to that of the organized under tho laws of lha Uuii
middle west, become a story of any et States or any State, Territory or
American small town.
w T, March 12 lm -
WASHINGTON, March 12. lm-
irts Into thn United States daring
Twpmber wero valued at $297,000, -
000. according: to nrellmlnary esti-
IVii, total imports wero tuiueu .1
.-. nf
J.iio.Kv """ ;
$606,906,000 over 1921
Bishop Tuttle Near Death
ST. LOUIS, Mar. 12. The Riciit
l?ov. Dnnlel S. Ttiltlo, Sfi, presidln
' said to bo the oldest Episcopal msnop
in the world. His diocese is that of
t... ..-nr. ..n rt min ( : t rt ? frf Sif .V i. ,i VCllOW 1HS1R 1" 1 r,'n..f p!h BlliniH. (r lmf'1,'1 1T 3rt 1! - trim in. WT--i(i-i m "
... - .. , a -a . ,L. ,ntlntt l.iflli hflO M.. TOlt liF 1'f M U;r , "i " ...'I, . ' ' ... ti..criai Af f'Vcta mn,u Jra.
Flaanaart , , 7 1,,. ill vlih ! Pine 20 M.S NSS '4 PmP-' of Janttum Count . Hint of r., lo (on, Vol. MS, iwij.; " ''V,?
MS H.".!?,: ?V re,! flr.180 JJ.. white fir l-" ko",JtA,A.!S flUfS
ha F tbal hlahnn rr . tin K.flltfniifll eniirtTII Ili tfltS jru" ia- ..... . , ' H7I. ItV etlPTill f"J I X tln:i' . - - -
i man in a. rrlt cal cond Hon today. H , ,Br nlim Irt M.. whlto-1 !. ,! l..ii.;r,':. ,i , I .V. i ..,,! Nain of on-r. O,o. f. tiorn-H. fr-
A lftnrt. RUi!in''0 WI1H present lit
tho J-lrat liaptixt rhunh Sumla-
vvenlnif to hilir the ropart of Hv.
F. It. Iwh of tho rwnt rorifwrne
of lb" ituptist ministers held in i'ort-
iarni on ttie uivine jteaimg move
ment. The speaker began by stating that
he did not want any person to think
that tho ministry today did not be
lieve in healing through Divine
asney. as prayer in
the sick room
is a power today, as much as it was
(on onv lOOitV.
in the days. of Christ, but the so
called heating movements are of a
different nature and are attended
with many unseriptural practices,
which has brought ihcH! movements
In disrepute with the great txidy of
Christian believers. Great desire
was manifest to know tho position of
Dr. V. It. Hinson of the Bast Side
Daplist church of Portland, on ac
count of his high standing as a lllbte
student and a great Hlbte preacher.
Ho ranks high not only among llnp
tlsts. but among all the denomina
tion:!, and his word mi a movement
pertaining to tho biblo is taken oy
many as final.
t A Wa ftf IhA PPtWlrt. AIT.
JjMU:tl annoUnced that Dr. Hinaon for
tho flrst tinw made n pu,,H0 on-
nouncenient of hia study of the tiues-
,ton visited Albany when Ur.
PrU,0 was there, went Into the "tarry
mix'tlngs," and watched the Boating
and interviewed a number of per
sons nnd then went home nod made
a prolonged study of tho movement.
ir. Hinson then announced that
ho was oonosed to tho movement In
Hevlng it was not according to the
liible teaching. Among other things
Dr. Hinson said In his address to
ministers. "I visited Albany.' 1 saw
things there which I did not like,
.. ,iliuuv)ar nnti iSrnnnn.
strtUion. I did not like them. I do
not look back with any degree of
,i,nkful.,eM to what I saw. 1 went
thft -tarry rn-tlngs.- and tiy
impressed me very little. The dm-
on.-tration accompanying the healing
1 did not like. God moves in i
highest demonstrations noiselessly.
Dr. Price took more strength In hi!
healing than I use In working my gar
'jden. The pressing down and falling
imnrecsed me as being of tho ufn
i believe in Divine heating, mit i on
not do it as these people do it. I
pray God for healing and believe lie
will do it apart from demonstration.
A follower of Dr. Price told me that
thev expected to raise the dead. I
told him they never would. I look
upon this ns the greatest menace that
has ever come to Oregon, if it escapes
sane leadership. My church will never
Hut illstnrliod bv tliis movement, leu
'need not bo to Albany or- Ashland
Cod is in your own bedroom. The
1 best place for a 'tarry meeting' ia in
vour own little room. Utile use to
'hV(i lh(S imi,ijc one unless you do
j ,n not want any one to come to
,,iv church for physical healing.
am sent to preach the gospel to Inst
men. I am moving along in my
church on conservative nnd old fash-
loned lines. 1 have never lort a single
member to Christian Science."
Dr. Hinson pleaded for charity and
unity and asked that the churches
unity anu ,ie uwi
kpp tORt.lhw. an,i not be divided by
ts movement.
j;,.v. Loach reported that great
good was done by the conference and
will do much to keep tho churches in
line' with the old-time teachings,
Very few of the Baptist ministers
have taken up with the movement
thus far and will bo better equipped
to meet It on account of tho con
ference. '
New life!
-no mm biliousness
or conslipaiion
Notice of Sale of Government
General Land Office, Washington,
D. C, 1923.
Nni lea is hereby given that subject
to tho conditions and lltnltatlons of
the Act of June 9, 1SI10, (33 tstat. ztm,
and the instructions of the Secretary
, ,,, ,,. r sontembor 15. 1917
tic i, n, 441), the timber on the
(following lands will be sold April 30,
J 1923, io o, c a. m., at public auction at
District thereof only. Upon applica
tion of a qualified purchaser, the tim
ber on anv legal subdivision will be
' wly b,,lD tartaa'
fin olfpr Qf a ,argcr ,mit-
1 , a u 7 s ai. KB SWa.
1, .'. B4S M.. red fir 70 Si.; frl.
kV i SWL yellow pine rt M., red fir
.-- - - . ....... rt
. 'avvt Rl.' vellow !lnn
M.: b Vt &n jeiiow mnn
these trarta are t lm W
i an i4 m nw M for thfl VelloW pillQ
than J4.(l per Al. w ut yi t
and $t.f0 pef M. for the rod flf.
n m ts u ! W Coo 1 tvit 3, VtliOW
plno 640 M
rrrl fir 4 At; tt
P fir 70 M SK4 SWV, yolliiK plno BIO
nf 1 ' toft 1 mVlt SSVi
',M., white lit 1M M., ! V. V
yellow pioe 400 M., rca Iir v
' yeiic
I white fir 20 St.; liono of the ti-atjer on
those tract to be sold for lea than
, 14.00 por M., for the yellow pine and
KUKwr pmf aim at.ov ir iw tut
red and waits fir.
Comroisstoner, Geanral Land Office
aortice ins cayzzan.
JACKtsoN COVKTV, n haily point afivl
Vorooroi of tho IMale ot Ufctuh
- VS.
.Clara 51. Howk .Mrs. Hanna FUiw.i;,
i:n'S IS. jvti ttfrswn. . ti. i,u,s t
I. Litlif ttni iicniainin anrt Aim iU-ut'
Ivun Aluj?fUdr S. K. 1'rUv jm K.
an-l V. tK Hinu, Tim! i.
itrown n Ur H ih-n and A.
Hutoiit-r un4 H. U. IMwU. M. U. Hr-i
C, arrft, A. Soimi!fm Jtth'i
Thompwn, jt 1'oim-, Ham Waish, Mm.
ttHT, irtc- A. lalhron, lanll Wil
liams, t llg3-:-, Nii PHmsn.:
iJtiMtnia iiru f'otnpanj', Laurn
faritn mni A. J. Tsum-r, HtjtJtiiii
A. i'onrad and Anna Oonraii, t.
1 nimt?i-t vi iixt J, i.. iH'iESmj' ami
Cllv of Miioni, Go. Hrh Jaiufs 1
Var, nx, St. M, Tft smJ fi!? r
Medford. K, K. OuthiV, N, U To--t
A. Knluhl and iC. 3. U!.ti,
Urt And-rsn nd M-iry Akh" T.Vfr
tt, MtTrt It. HmiUi, It It Toft. M.
I, Ifaurhy H, 1. Uumtiitt Vbr -fiartit'-s,
U. U. Ithis, S. i Hirk.-it
and Alx Sjarrw, Eiia Ittis,
A', liii&is ana Tirt iiusftong, IK CM
Vhitf, SylHvun, t,!a A4i ivn-ft.j
i rd K. r Waii-r 8. Martin, Hw ;
tl, nwtli'tr, K. Antfmy ami:
Ttlmr i-. Hill. it- AlJjtmy inc.,
It Ihivis, A. it MUlr, City nf
forti aaa lm!!1 Savings Ilaiik ami:
Tryst Omnvunv, Ora.- ami itv.
of MSfd, iJ Ctn'hvan, iX Trfi
Hd Vlty Silford, U i, Crawford,
City of it-dfrd d T. xl. t?arny,
)iasffU 3. iiuteli-r, MoUie T. Hiack,
Jlm R. listwm It S. inia W. A.
Jtnt-tt, 31rt?ft I. AitTJ ami It. It
Toft, T. It Taan-r, J. T. Ounon ail
First National Hank of MHiiifi( Jalm
W, KSUaa and It K. rio lpxtnsioa
IlUiv Co., aiwl Frank R l--s, C U.
inrum, J. W, Ktftu.y 't us, ixinK-tn
Itvaiiy fft, and W. Isrshw
ton luaUy C. and Asw U. Crun
ciHlt i. H, Stewart and Htt-watt laml
Co., U I, SJafch, Vnlur Swar.t
Ann IiutW, H. C. Htimson, It O.
8iliisnt tvwirf fjijT ukU iistac.4tla
Ainu- Hank- iL K. OUr. J. W. IMll
and Mary Kilicr K. J. Wpson tui'i
Ixin?ioa Hfalty Co., 8. K, HJlltH,
Joba Arnrll and Oscar Julmatm,
inton Haity Co. antl A. K. liwiiiK,
J. F. Gilbert. 3. A. Ilos ami t-im SI.
MrKinsin and U A. ,MKnsi't Fr-i
H warts pi si.. P, At An'l rs ITa!
tiiii Alining Co. nntl W. i. lH.notin,
t(-iiriKtnrt HtUy Co., A. I. ru-y
and ljrtclnstoa HwtltT Cn,, Viiiiain t
MltrEtif KitniKTS A Fruit growers litnl,
Imls & MUivr, A. It MllK-r. Jamn
O. Hiniii, C Ji. Cfn--y, fu-tsa W. liarr,
l.ili!t 0iont V, It Suniyi, 3 li.
M.rrick, TntHt. J. O. JlwviI, Aifrti
A. Vohn and A. C Vin-n. AitrvA A,
Cwlst St and K, J. Adorns, It
Cat-kin and IX W, t. rhsnf J. K
lisimra, itn3 ftu-h and V(ry prwn,
firm and corporation namvd in th& fftl
lowinjj lifiis an foitt th twjr or
PWBfm Sf'eordinn t tfc ins taUn of
frftfts and onrei tt iansi. iois nnu
liiork tm'Evin dtm'Hl'd ami following
Mwir rrsptiv numa and pah anti
' rv w t Hon, ftrm and eoiporalMm
ownisi? tir laimlnc fo oan or having
or oiKfmtnsr (o R.v any tmetvwi.
ur claim iiitrin ami a.iwo i-M niht-r
$wrons and jtrtitH un1sv:i flaittuir.
any riieht Uti. ffttui. lira or nntr it
In the real -stut tWsc-.! in th
Compiaint and ApplicatHj firJuda
mnt ami Itr )tr it itrtmittts.
Ta flanU IUk. Sirs. fZanra mUw'it
Aks I. Sandfrnn. i. I. idiiit O.
li, i.lUl ami lifniKmln and Ani isali.
Ivan Mnsrud-r. V. K, FriP and Jv
K. itrttwn -Vn d.r lhnn.
It Hnmloh, T. K. iflohnla nd J'rv'i
I, HcnEii, Brown vm dr IWica nnd
W, C timnt, liruwn A Von dr 1I--3-1
II i t Ml Carl W, liinst-r,
Jt A. and l J, SpraK!u Floyd i,
Snrna lirown & V d r H l-
ln iind A. J. rtthr and It .
livlwiir. M. O. liarnum, it C. 1111-dn-tii,
HMsi1 i-J. flarnisn, Fim KvJ
Isaac HoufWitdd-r. h o. C iinr
r'tt, A. Srhmitii, Ntte ThwupHMi,
Fop, Ham Walsh, Air. 1, Appt.--patf
and Jfdm IiHi, Si- Mi!ir,
rtw A. Itl,rHi. i;inid WHUms,
J, V liassdfti.', N. ii f'itnmn, Califor
nia fic Snrav rmniiany. lsnra Law
rni& John J, Viklin, . Carit
ton and A. I. Tntwr, HUdalph A.
Conrad, and - Anna f vnmd, Joisa I.
lttinnrf'r ft- nxt .t t, Immfr and
Cltv f Mdfrd. lfO. tiHd. Jam it
Ward, t tx. It. It Toft awl City of
Medford, K. F. )luthrk K U Town
hnd, "C, A. KnlRiit. Ai, AVilson,
nrt Andnon and Mury Amis Kv
rrtt HrrtN-rt It.Hmith, It It Toft
At K. Ihiuchy, it B. Jturollrtl, Kloru
V. r-',irn, 1. Xf ?tht-Kl. 14. F. Ulek-
-rt and Ai t-irrow, Kiiia twis.
1.- AI. lihwij-s and Tom Hushrtnse. It V
Whiif. J. T. Sullivan, trfia Ada
TVtrh. FfH V.. Kr. Wait-? R atartln.
IIeln K, ,Sndivr, Ki. Anthony Inc.
and Arthur L.. Hill. H(. Antmmv. m.
K. It. latvtM.' A. . If; City
of Aifwrd, tamoilif Savings lak
and Trust - timnyt ir&?t oii,
and CHv of Mdfrt lfeH ohran,
J. R Tifl and City of Medford. l!.
Pnitrftiftl 'lV f HtfrfftlTfl and T. J,
f'arnt-y, SiagfiW M. Hutchr, Molli T.
nituk. Jtdm J'.. I ,jif mm. it K, ludly
W. A. Jnm , H rirt U Aifard and
St H. Tdt, T. H. TnnT, 3. T, Oxnoti
itnd First Nation;.! iUmto. of AtUfortt
J.rtm W. KEdon and It K. Oordon(
itttftnn . lifaitv Co. ami runts if,
JfHf C t( Ilurfon, J. W Kiny -t
ux, tfxinston Haliy Cn. and W. C,
FtHtr, L-ii.i?t'in lifnlty 0. and
An- ft CrandJtlt 1, fti. iwart nd
Ht?wnrl Unnd Co., t, J. MnrHs, waftor
M. HI ward, Anna iK-lude, H, C Stimi
rion, Ji. C. Htoidard, IwSs Ugw and
KHtttOadA Htai Hank, it K, Oliver.
,t W. vnt and iiaiy Kiire, 3.
i.tnann ami lhii;ton lEt-siitV Co.. .
S. UyiliH John Armil nnd iSscar John-
pon, A. C, Taiiivll and , e. tarofii,
!nfftn li-aliy Co, nnd A, !3.
J V fiuf-rt. J. A. K and
I.-na U. MrKfnai-, and t, A. AJrKin-
Fio, ,Frl Bwarts t at, K, M, Andtr-
vmt Irulnita! .Miidna' Co, ami W. I.
I(Movun, txiti(;ton ItiHy l., A. 1.
Jlor"y find Lvfnjftou li-sity Cit.,
IVfiHitrrt 1. Khtrlft FriM & Fruit-
rrmv-r Bnnk. I'avJs & Alill-r A. tt
Mltlvr. i. Hmtili C. H- Cir('.
5i.a W, ifarr, Iddi flordon, U. It
f. Olwvll, Alfr"i A, Coi if aad A. C.
I'tcrn, AKrH A. rowlrn, M, nd C, J., it Carkin nnd K. W,
Car-kin, ' t ti, iMttimm, mu wwh a ad
rvry jMrs?n, firns and nriwmititm
named in tfs inotn timn a wnm
Hn flwatr or ownM, affirddff to ih
tnx rsdlH of &irHmn Cmnty, Bini of
r'iroti. of inj(t and pamdf of,
ld and idorka fftr. diasrild and
Jollowlop ti-ir r-firiiva nsttw-s and
'arii and vry i.-rittti, firm and w
fHtraflon ownit'R or rlaindng to own
r imvinK or ffiuminB to nsv nny
t.rl. ltn T clulm thr-tn n,l lm
nii oliwr rx-ntona un.l imrlitii unoonl AllHloa so in Town oi Mgia roini.
clalinlntT y nlu. ill!-, -sn, lln j tit-on. Amount ), ;.
or IniMMrt in Ok- real at -vr!,- of pwwr. hujl h.- llarawn,
Kl In i rompluliii am! AlMlcHlinrfrilfinii! ftn. l it:.., land In Jit Town
for .tmiiimni biwI f.' frm, turriii, t1iIf lsr)- INiiiil,. mit p1alt, t;-in tot
lv t-MOvA 1 f'.n.tnim. i d IW la ol. tS, twjsj- SIS, fUM-il
2fotte and SummoBa. " j ttf .lackivni couoly, Or.f.
IV TUB K,tllB tF TltK tiTATH OI'I Amount ft.S5.
OltKOON: Vu oml oach of jo m
Cm I 1 Rtlntr tn intuit tit.-n-irl. H.I Cil fllV.
politic arft rorivira'tn under and hy vir-l l'i f Jnekntm &nn$ pft gmA H&m of owner, T, C White. Certift-
. of the constitution sd Isw of thej Vot K pago 2.2, lm part of lt Ufiw CUM, lot . idS S nf
ttfn, the phtitiff tnv Work 2t i-kunv Atm ndd Addition tojnrov Addition to the City of Medford,
named in ih- (.wiw and hhir f cr-Hh Tows of MJ ti9f. lutHifHifn, Amunt X3S.
1 .,,.,.-,.,. - i,....(t.....- ........
( 'T-rr
Hlorirf a an.t Tii i'oilrtn- offlo lor
imM 5r, upon whtrh no irtlf)fa of
' tvinquonVv hv,. pn-vlmnlv lamM.1
1OTuea at, H, una r SMtU aula Cvr-
tifici &t iviiittuu-ncy ta t
said caty re fik4 &y said iMiritfl
n4 Tas CoUvir in th erfic th
Cuuntr Ch-ife at Haiti county en fh S3rt
i Janottfy. ti.';, anS rsmJiiute hih!
r punik Tr?rni if Jid esitsniy and
i to lb." stTfr-.4-s.'tio of ail irswr:s n-trtst-4
titr&'Vi: vuit fitid v-ni'H you
r f jrttr oatifitsi thai fiu lsert!-
pfiTrnn or p-rOfi apr afiS niw iite
at Tait iiil Irt the tuu&ta et th-Sis-riff
sd Ta t.jiitH;itr at Jm-kson
Otniiiv, ft Ort-iton, nt Urn dt uf
lh first miitUratUifi tit this Xti.'
SujHtom fit tho wmt or &wn-ri f
sjid ftriipfrty, and if unknown, .tati,
nnd thi' total tax. inlft'St. ssaliy and
i"st ttiit3 ti jajiimry t I'J'li, t hti iiil" wf
tht ixsusjH' ur sstiti tvrtijai.-s or i?o
iiinyy ar at foiktw;
S"rtni rf a n,-r. t'taia At laWii, iVr
tfrtaMtt No. CiUO, lts 2. 3 and 4( Tan
! of tVnirn! J'wint, iH-itoau Amount
Nam-nf owot'f. Aff. Hansa Stilwt'lt
k at th- Town of Central Fointj
Ort'gtm. Amaunt $5Mt
Ntm tf iH-r, Ajns It Handrso?v
CfrttlU'uio No. CSSI3. iot t block 12 of
th Town f CvntritJ lat urfon.
Amotmt $,so,
Numt- of nwnrr. O. B- Ott3, Certifi
cate No. Cll-f lot? i and i.iOik 31 of
th Town of Cntral rrat Oregon.
Aniouni i-35.
Ndf;,r of siwsrM, O. B. Little and tfcn
jarn.n and Ann noit frijrsai-! St.
Uds J and , Mock 3i of tho
Town of Ct'iitrai Ftilnt Oregon, Amount
- Nam of owner, fvas Aiagra?r, Cer
tificate Sa Ciia:. lota 1 and 2, til'tefc 3
wf iii Tiwn of CvutrtU 3Ndntf Oros'-".!
Amount .00. 1
N;unt of otfisfW, W. and Jo;
K. t aid, iVrtiflcat No, Ctt3S, lt t
tdock 9. of th- Town of tVnlraU Iiriuf.)
On-Rim, Amint
Namo of uwjm'W Hrown S Vm ori
itdU-n, at vmftrt No. CI?i. lids
7. S and bik 3 of thr Vntral Addi-;
tion in th- Town of Eagle Jnt rrgaa.
Anomnt .t
Sam nt uft'inm. jifoa v on r
lt,dln , J al Crlifliatf No. Ciik. lota
3 and 4 of him-k 3 of Ui Cutnti Addi
tion io tm Town of Kagio iHit orvgn.
Amount $5.12,
Nam oi stawm nwa n
It-lien, -t 1, CTtlficatf No. lota
7. fc. 3 i and 11. hlock 4. of iit Ontntl
Addition to Uo? Town of Kani I'uini,
Or-m. Amint Ut4t
iVi. (tt ttwrur!L anmn wi
Hll'n. ct nt Cvrtlftrat.;, la
1? " 13 and 14. Idork 4 ?f iU cVntral
Addition to the Town of Kasle I'oint,
lr. f tin. AHiomst 14.0s
is,in!o or iwnt-rn, jrown
If Bl. CwtlflflBt Na, Ci2&t lrti
U, IS, 13, Hit and ti, bioefe 4 of $n Cot
trai Addition to th own of Kagte lint
i iTfvr-. Aastiunt til 4.V
rw&mct' or awwrH, i.rown is on wr
H-iHn, -5 tvrtinent? jo, t M, own
;6 and 2T, Uook 4 of th Central Addi
tion ta tin Town of liagta Iiat Ons-
Hii-R. -t at Certificate No. lots
t 2, 3 and 4, block 6 of tm Central Ad-
duum ti ta towu or i-mgia i-oim v
Bun a a-nifit a as.
Nfljju of owitTt, Brown S Aon dr
Holicn t at, vVrtJfiraip No, lt
5, .nd iiock s or th o-nirai
Adnitnn tin i own oi Mg i-m,
)nera. Amount 114.10.
Nam of owners, Itrown S A'on lr
ffih-n, i t at tVrtificat- fSa. C;, ils
I T and is( biock of tne veotrai Adi
lion to tin Town of Kagi Foiat.
Amount $14,64,
N"ni of tiwnr. it St 3Jamljh. CVr
tinrat No, Cirt lota 3 and tiljck
tj of tho Central Addition to tiw Town
nf Kxititt Oraii,m. Amonnt lis.
Name of Owners, lirown Vm der
!t)len, t at Cvrtlfleatw No, C1t&, lot
t'l, t'S, tiit 21, 23 und 2 Hock of the
Central Addiiion to tin Town of tingle
Point, Or-eon. Amount 142.12.
Nanio of sfttwrn. T. H, Hiehols and
Ui SO, hlot'k 6 of the ttriil Addititi to
th Town nf KuKia ioiat uretfun,
Itrowa & Von
Hviien, t at Certificato N. CISC, lota
St 32 and 33, blttek ti of th Central:
Addition to tlit Town of Es-glo Folnt;
Or-Kon. Amount $lt2S.
Nam i-f owners, jrswn & von ar
itdin and W, t'. CWmnt Cfrrtificat
No, C12SS, lit 34, 3.', 3ft, 3?( 3H Him
to, iiiock S of the tVntmi Addition io
Urn Town of ;;ijilv. i'oint, Oregon,
Atnnant $2t.3t
Km of owners, llrowe St Von dr
!llhii, et t .r! If irate No, C139. lotB
41, 42, 43 Htwl 44, Mock nf the Central
Addition to th Twn of iiKla Joiiit,
Oti'pid. Antoant i.2.
Nisn e of onn-r, t art ttinsr, -r-iificfiie
No, C12JU, hda i ml block t
of the-CVnirl Addition to tho Town of
INijts!, r'ton. Atnount $.3i,
Nam; of owm r,. Pruwn Von dr
ffdk-n t al( tVrtificate K. CIST I.
lits S, ?, ft. 9. 1 and St birk 7 of
tio tVntral to th Twn of
Kaffh Foint, Or K'i. Amount $24.21,
Nftme of ownTK. Itrown Se dr
ff-M-iu at Crtificat No, ('1'.';.', JotHi
If. IS. S4. IS und IS. block 7. of th:
Orftrai Addltloj to the Town of &igl?i
Fotit Wrgoa. Amount
Nam-' sf wn-rn, it A. and F, IVs
RnrairuM. Certificate ?io. Ci?73, iotn 3
and i hitrk 1 of the Central Addition
to the Town ur hAittiQ i'otiEt, (jrcroii.
Amount 3o,2S,
Nam wf owbt, Floyd Tit rajruc,
fVrtincatti No. C12?t lt 3t hiock T
of th Central Addllios t the fia of
Nmi- of awiKTB, Tlrowo Vnti der
IC.itrn and A. J. fluleiw-r and II. .
Itlwig, ft-rtiflcat. No. C!57, lata 2,
23, Si, Si, 23 nnd Wock J, of tbe
CVntral Addlthm to (hi" Ttnxa of lvilu
ff,im, r,n. Amount tg.t2.
Nitint. uf owmr. M. tt.. lisruioii, fVrllr
lcu No, ISIS, lot 31, Mifk 1 f til
fvutmi Addition io lli Town of Eagle
Iliiitl. IJrviKH. Amount aT.f
Nme or ffwwtrf tirows & Von r
fWib-n, JVrltflcala tini tul
nl 34 of WwS I, of (b llmtm AHill liw Town of Bagls iotiit, or?-
non. Amtl!lt tt4.i4.
Naino of tmm-rn. lirown S. Vu5 d-r
H.IUB, i at, f vrliflcal Ka CISM, latx
it, IS Kiwi 13, Mock ll f th rJwund AU-
dHloll lo tho Town of Eol$ I'oifli, Ore
utt Aoioool lr, 23
Nam1 of tiwiivr. Brown & Von dor
li.-ib-n, Certtftcato '. CKX3, lota ts, la.
Is. 1 it. Sit. ?1 anil 2. f,ioek K of th,'
CVntnd A4,iition to th Town of &tll!
I'oiot, Or-soii. Anlouni
Name of own-r, ilrown & Von dir
t!.-ibn, it al, tVrtlficulu fin. C12S, tol
23, Si, SS, n, 2J, Ii and S3, block r
tliv Cfjiilrai Ali!l!n to INo Town of
P.aclf Jolot. 4ir,ton. Amoiiijt $23.1.
Nam; of own,r, Itrown & Vtm d-r
Hciin, 5 at, tVniflntt Ko. tjl, tout
22 4nO S3,. isofit b ui isif oirnl aooi
iob lot th Town .if Bagis loit, Ore-
Son. Amimst fK.SI.
Knmf of onrB, flrown Sc Von tit-r'
Hi-ii-n, it l, rvrtlflcnt K; C1SS5, lom;
T. l, 9. tit, 11, 12 uiKl ta, hlm-H of llm
C-Ural Aildllloil lo Ilia? Town of ifilKlei
I'ntni, flrwMi, Amount I
Kami! of owrra, liro-n & Von dr.
tMtvn, et at, rrtlflt No. t. t
H. J. 15, if, i, 19 and S, t.ik ,.of
tlto omii Addition of ihv Town ot
Ktisl 3oiof, Orfruon, Amtmni 3.1,1$.
Nma of nwnjr, lirown & Von dcr
IMlo-n, t HI, Orlf filial fin, ftSs;.
loti 21 fittd ii, tiiock s of to C-nr;ti
AitiJIlion to tin? Town of EbkIo lo!iH,
Oroofl. Amount -
Nuioo o ranfl., H. f1,U!tdrHh, Of
tlrtcato So. ISmi, lot S3, Mock ot Mm
f'.nlral Aliltio), to tin- Town ot lSHlo
Potisi, 3r,-oi. Amniifii f 7.11, ,
Nam ff ownt-r. llrown & on iter
ft lln. -t al. trllfical S. tj)i. lotn
J. SI, S3 snii S3, Nix-k . of t!w 'jntrul
M iiit, fl'M Kw?, inin
J t i 5!i
tifi.nto M., i ts, a t
fwt i tun4i-t on th
. rlehl of way. on (
atreet; wtt ilia ut t-I
trart of land 60
tho aouifl t,v n,
ilsf noun m i
laad a. tctiUJ In
5is t&uniy Owgon; and Sin iai;
by tht south ii of ScSiori 1 in "!
kum AwsiHi Addiiioa ?y Twn at;
Nnit? of owwr, Flora A. K lsy( CT
iflitssif i- airt-j if iand
M'f iin-d in 1 H-itl i ;Mtrds ftf J Hkt
Ud S4d,. m:t;un ts Tyi3?4H H-wih
jf iiiiwg' 3 IVcM tn Wili&mtsy
in j,ti'ku;i taaMy, Orjwn.
N'anw ef o nr, A. He-hmHilns, Cr
t1tU4U St3. C14ii. S ti ftti XittM
fr-t n n4 fM-t on ursm str-v, in
sr-riid in i-d lHNrfds Jrkn
part f lutu i ami 2, Mwi S7 f thttjaiul Arihur t
Sitfiis iff oA-f.r, ixtii "?iomfion,
tVf-tjfkrat .So. CI41S, Jots t arU 3. tlM'k
34 of tJs City wf Jack,itiic, Ui
on Amonnt i.i.
Kn of uw r. r. Net ti Thomprto.
Certifitnte No. CI 41?, iots 5 nnd t bpch
35, of the CHy of Jaeio vUi . Orfcon.
.N'ttiPH? jf ovriuT, NtUe Tnompson,
Cerliilcai No. CI i?i. brt It and i:.
tek 35 of th City ef 4coaviiU
Sam f trwwf, j Pix4, Crtin
cxte No, C14SS, t:H --i on tne Appleat
Itosd in block tt, "f t' -'ity J'ick
n.iii OrctTitn. d"3CiIinid S3 follows;
iHamofig fit a im mi tis u-t 3m of
hh Ui rfd fv-t -mth :f the nrt!iai
ernfr if said hjock; thence northerly at
riRht sn It tn Aitpiegat' ruad 1S
ft; th-n j-outha-astriv at riRht anst-i
ii& fd; tb;ce -atriy at liiia! anslfH
ISA ft-! to fh ,V3et iiljf Of 3fcJd fd :
thace mirth 41 d-j;res st lS fwt t
piac- of i Jnnl"(, Amount f
iSsn5e of owner, e jss, t wtiiw--
Kd. t't143 on She AtpJeKato
rtass, sHif ;ut " ?
of jicismiM i'r-es sea st-scri?iei ;
s fMHtws: t'jinioe the mtlwaat;
cm-r of said ii3ek t rmnina thenco
north .41 dfFee eKt 3 ifet; tiwnc
westerly fcv. shnf nstiiriy 2,
fe-t 4hs plac of besiwnint. Anuuat
Naiw or owner, rin waisa, urmv
raie No, C3 if' i and bitc!t fc. oi
ih cit fr jaeKs.Hiii.(t tm-Ron,
Amount i3.T,
Kim f DWtwr. Util Nettie Thomo-
son. tvrtlfiratr No. C1437. bits 1. 2. 3, t
5 block 1 of lw-wts 4abdlvJSi W
th CJt of jaekifejflvjlftfc tir-jtfi
nf fiwrwr. Mrs. Ntti Thomn-
ssfi. tWtlficate No- its S. g ani
and 13, bioek 3 of Jcwis ddivishm to
CUv Jackonviii u-gon, Auaoum
?ame or owner, sets, -ii?n j mij
and 13. idyck 3 of Uirtr vision i
the t'ity of Jaekssosliie Mregoti.
Amoni f S,32,
NEim of owtwr, ?tlrs, Nettl Thomp
34on CertifirBte Ni. i'iliS. hn t 2, 3.
4 and biok 4 of Lewis utdtviUm
to tha City of 4acksa ill.-, Orejiuti.
Amount, $1.S2,
Kame of owners, Mrs. It Aiiplrgstft
and John Jiocho, tVrtificiat Ku, CUSJ,
lti4 d(-HcriKni in Icci ltir4tt of Jack
son count v. Oregon, Vot liS, jsane 4JS,
csnt of biock 82 f th City tf Jackson-
viiie, Oregon, not pm&&&.
Name of vv, t H. JBHhf, Certifl-
son, Certirtcatf No. OIt btt S, Wjtlftrftt C1S7, lets 1, U art lu
Town or JhetiiJt ihjsn. AnwuntJ J,VJ. f?
(3 lest No. t lot Ss hUcH hESt
Nsnsf nf wot. time A, tthropJ oa HH?htP Addition to 'f
Certificate No. C14SK its 13 ami iSwd. rjr-m. Aosnf 11.11
hiock33f the Town of Fhoenis, tinswt. Ef
jt.,,Bl tt c, cate Nrt, I54, iS IS, SA, 21 an SI
NaS f owner, IanM William. yf 5 Aitton t
Crtificaie No- Ci4i. hn Uck S8 City of Affor urgu, Aniounv
J T Aa,WUSt. Kkn of ownm J, H.Wt A CM
;S'H0Mi t owner, X F, Itadalc, (Vfa -Hff,Si1i'J l
tiftentft No. CHS?, Iota 14, tS and iS( H.H LefW!i'r l? -Ct
block 32 th Town at Tolo, Uren. of M?dford, Oreos Amoant f'S.-
' ifi, f -3 . ' Kstnv of owner, W, ?t Joru, CortER-
NaSi of owner, Netii Pitman, Cer- f JM 4'?"
tlflcate N. C145;, h IS and IS, felwk Adsiition io lis .y f SKdfurti, Otv-
8 of Corner nnd tUblA Addition to th Ammmt 3.3t '.ij
. . . tMw;. t?., ts fisi5 fMtt in tVf af tctutb Oitli-
lraiijaftv vnlficisl Ki. fisSO. Umt
gKfSrt U "ul Tj anS f lh Aa4t-
Hi to h ny MiTra. uiw,
Kor!i r Jak county. On-.
EonT Amount !..
Same of wwt, iJHtra Iwnnta, Cor-
lfipKl Sa lIi" ts S an4 C bbctc
I l orlitl;! iSn tS cttyi f
tificatff Ks. Cites, low f . Il
3 of ih Original Tn tow city) ot
MtfnS, Or..oii. Amount 1S.9S.
Ktaw of nr. John J. Wtiklrfn!
forlHi-tf So. fi;, of 5"t 1, bbx-U
3. Barr-o At!ltlm t h tMy "i M.-
ford,, d.riM in Volum
count v Orison Amount S S.
Nm- of owimt. ti. Crt-ton and
X. I. Tanner. rairtnit No. CM4.
thr 'Ali. of MMfi!ii, firujeofl. Amount
itasw of,wn-r. O. t4. Ortifi-
ftia Ka tt.Jo, lot i?, ttfrk 1 of KrH-
nal Aiioitom ! tn- uiy or ata-ioro,
Orison, Amount i2,3it.
Nan-... of ownt-m. Jam O Want, ot
ot, Crljfi"te No. ClMt, lot I, Wiwlt 3,
of KrniuJaii AiWttton Jo tlx- r'ttjr of
SiiJforl, ir-Kon. Amount ai;..
SaSof o-?;:. It 3! ToK and ctty
I?, Iihwk of lrey Addition t.. tho
l i,Jw,',li.V!',1f Bi. nShAv
S, Mm . of rmlrtm'a Addition " iXi.iml Fr?oil ,i HfSr- irr V X ,
mi Anna ronr.i.1, i.Vjtiliral Ko. -f.l4, tJurt of WjHanwU SlrtiltalJ m
north M f Ar ttw aouttl tia f.i t of Jartoon rounty. .. Amount
lot , Work I of Colt-, AAHUon lo Ifrl " 0',,an S LSaoS" i
City of i.-Sf.r,i. tirxon. Amount l.3a.'- ? 'm' ''Sf '1
Nam, of ownora, John U 4mr.wr. i i" S,"l5i
we 'CerttftcRK No. cmn, lots I iwl i3. ?,? J,",,4 4lTfc2??S
Work 3, of rnirmoot Aiti)i to iho t?jw in gan a1- jdf
of MMlfaro, tr-Km. Al)WBt W3i. I HanK S hat of ttw jltainrtt,M
mSi Z& I ffttS,ttr lto Jack, ewlf, Orc!SUft. AmovaJ.
City of Mj-dfunl. Crrrtfiroto So. tJvt,j,,5,' ,
tlftras So. 'ii:.t, it is. Mock 1 of:I,,K
MtghJiMMi J'ark AiJilMi in h- city of
A.Uort, Or'ffon. Amoo?st ,n.
Kamo of ownr, fi. i JSoJorti-, fVrtjfl
cnto Ko. CMS I. lot ?, Mods 2 of Hljiu-
lajjd Jerk AdiiUn to the CH of Ail-
frd, thejron; Amount iJS,
Nttno of owner, K K luihri Certlfl-
iihiand Fark Addittoh to the Vity of
M?dfordt Ore(pn. Amount
Nme of owr, N, 1. Towatw nd, Cr
tlficate No. CIt2, lot S, ldnk 3 of
HiKhiand Fark Addition to the City: of
St?dfrd, Oivffon. Amfssst
Nttts of owner, K. F, OathHe, Certif
icate H. Ci ;.;?. ioa li, Up and Jt, blck
3 of Highland IStik AddMion to th City
of M-lfortt Of-eKon. &mmnt 2.tT,
Name of own.-r, K. F, t3uthri, Cr
tificato No, ClSJS, lot 4t ftiock 4 of
Highland J'ark AdtlUiM ti tlte CUy i
Nasne of owner. C, A. Knmhi and VI
At Wilson, Criificsip CiiXy, it 3
hlock 1 of Humphrey-Andrews Addition
to te City of aicdordf Amount
Kames ftf owner, ft It Tnfl Sfd City
of Mdfotd, CeOleJ Ni. Cf.St tM
T, block of lmprii Addition to tb
City of Aledford, rf?f?f, Anwstnt fSJS.
NanM f wwMar, fert Ander-n snd
S'srv. - Apien Kverf r, Certifieste No,
CL3fl. Jot 19, block s of imiteriiJl Addi
tion tn tho City , of 5idford, trsh.
Ammjnt $3.S3.
Kruno tf twnr 1le-lirt It. Smith.
crrtifict No. ci3s it i( hh-y of
linperial Addlthm to the trity tf Aled
fort 3rrftim, Ampunt 33,
Nufl of trtrner. H, It Toft, Cert1flckt
No. infill, lot t bioek 10, of Jtnjrja
AddJii to tl Ctty Aledford tro-
iN3to i fti. r ta -
t w f
Kewsd AddHloo 5 he CUy f iled
frt tmn. Ainonnt - i
Nanw nf.UwhfT, It U. fedh-t, fVr
tificat1 Ko. OIMI lot 2 block 1 f
Ki Addition t CUy ef Sleiford
Or-srnn. -Amynt -
N&me of own-', Flr Jt Barren.
f. lib!. H. K. 14N- and Aies
sparrow, C'rtif1ctf No, Ci'tS, iol 3 of
1-wis Addition to the City of M-dfrt
fJiet, Amount $18.3. .
Namt-f of wnisi, li? tewi, Mj
n Tn liMotf, Certifies t
Ko, CVtiK lois $ and F of tewin Addi
tion tet of Aiedlt UreiGt,
Asnnsns s,it
Kanif. of iwf. 5. T. ottivan. fr.
fir Ko, f5S,t, tot I, tonrk t f
(5w Utttvtton to Ctir f ltt
foi, Or-on. Amount ?M3.
Name f owner. Jt, Jt, Toft, fVrttfl
"il No. rut", tot , Morlt . f
rt- jttiMlon to in Vllf at it
fori. trrn. Amount
Nam of ownor. t.oia Ata rt?h, f!rr
tlficalt No. f'l&oaA. ioa 'i5 and iV
hiock ? f Oretiard Adtttiton to th City
nf Mdfnjo, lrfion, AnioBot
ats of owser, Trod t, dare Crttfi-
eat 1st 4. tocfc i of Pft
Adviutn to ths City of iifctUofd, 0i&
Crtifcst Sa, st hif f oitiS
hsJf &f iot . bfock 3 F&tlt AddHi
t tbe City of jdeifort Or-j(5i AeajtV
Kama f on'f, 1Ir?es J Sntlc
f.Vr -ji'- Ko. Ciiet 't naif of
nrth Jialf of lot kHt S i'Mtfe
Addition in th City of Mefojd, OrvtfoiA
Ag-Mftt iS,39.
of ftsnfr St Arth&y Jft
swsd Arthur i- iiilt CUl NA
Ctri, isa 3 nd t Wck. 3 f Uii
Ann A4diii'i to tls CUy el AlodJorvi,
Osion, Anwjunt
N'itru:' of uawfd Si, AnthafaT Irw,
Hilt Ofol ia
13S sd t3, Mock 3 f
Vus Ann AddHiwa to Cit tf Aii
imt tneji'jn, Aijyfx i,
KsgW ut own.- 341. An? f(ur;y IfiCL, Cf-
tine-sj K, C1SS4, Jots iS and bicfe
3 of 4jU4wQ Ann Addition ta tiM city f
Ant4 Arva, Amoest $i.t?5. . -i
Nsin if owners, ft it iijt A, H
Mliir. City of Aiftsrsi nsd l-amoiij
fuaik and Traf Cosspaay.
lificat Xo. t'JiS, hrf and $ hiorH
1 f 44en Ann Addition to the CHy frf
Al'dfofit , Amfu??t f3.St, -
N'ntr.t-s of owners, Htra Wdd ftOil
City 4,f Meift-rd, Certinett K. C5 rv ;
lt 11, hlock 1 of mvenOd Subtji vision
to the City of Aicdl'orst Otsem, Amowot
tiflt' "So, CJS lot 5 and f
h', of F?ivcrsid Sobdivision io th
City at Medfr4, t'gan. -Amount
Kstisw f owner. Caferat, Or
tifleat K, KS ? and
hJoeSt S of HlvrjJsds todivJalon to
ctv of AJrdford tfon, Ainount
lU.S. .i
Kams of ftwwft, 5V3i 4ochran, Ct
lflit N. f:if-M, lot t 3, 4 ud
in Nslc ? of fiiw-ff;M BatHlillmt o
h s iti ef Aicdt'3t4, treson, AjRottftt
Jem iWTAr, IM1e Cochran, Cer
tificate No. CUrt, its ? , 9 an3
in 'Mock of Kivfst4s Subdirtlm
o t? City of iSfr,i i5va ABMwnt
Nansp nf wrtm X C Toft find C?1
sf Mfrd, rrtifie- K. CiStS, hrt,
Mock 3 fiose Avs5tt Addition V
Citv Atifrt fsregon, ARiini 13t?fe.
of tiwflvrs, 1, .K O.wfof4a Ctty
of A-dfrd and T, i. Camy, Certifi
cate x. Cl,'.?r, tis J strut . M'Vif 4
of lir-iss Addition to th?? City of Aiofvrd
Or'Kim. Amount $3.17. -
SiiT! of ftwjirr, Magis H ButcHpr(
Certificate No. CtKSu lot t tduck ,
iioss Addition tc ih of ilvtitorA.
tl?on. Amount f'.S,
pvtm& or owjvir. ojsj? iaeH. vrf
bEock 5 of Kifcivou. JSeisbts Ad5ihn W
4 City of Aidfft Oregon, . Amouiit
Ssa nf owner, John tsham. fr
ifiicat No. CitTS, tt 5 and , nlock S
iff skivou IMhia AdditSen tn th City
of Medford, Oregon. Amount $14 t ,
Kame of fww, 11 it lMdlev, Crtffl
rats K?. C1S75. tots 4 5 and S, Idock 3
of glsklyiu IVaRhi Addsa a Shft
CHv of iiedfortt OrtrM&n, Amou&e
u.a, 4 -
- s&3t "of fiiipr. it R Idley, Oertifx-
fte Ke, CU-St lots t 3 fcod t in
.Wtc f Ktrdftvfm ftelffhts AtWUit .
to th City of iWtyrd, Oregoa. Auct
date arruin1 s d.scrt3pd in Voi. S. i,K.i
W f tt Krt J).J.W.!,
-'. " .
. 55ris A"Sill35
io !,,a W f MwItorO, Oregon. ABwasil -
, .
Jais nr nRn T. flsnnojl ams
FJ; Kaltonjl jf MrftoJ OrrSgJ
MIm 0li iSft
ff : r?,th,,i-'rt rirT,,X
aj'n'? xni ll- K1
W...'. . , i ,
Jjinl rf nwww. Sil
J! 5.wdon, C MIHmI N. CtSt.3, f
w' u!t'.", Jt!Kt. '"n Jl.
1 r SHsowl Mwldfan lo
Amm wwiny, On-soj. Amount ,.
Miwhi t .
Vmltfmtf No. Ct3, oMK !JifH
t rf nrthwvt quarter anil ?wjrtawe.;t
nusrl?r of -Tuthwst gs?lf of S-tKa
it. Towrmiiin 3? tiouiB KanRtj S Eaut
of l V, .tlmtt M-tHS.S! In 5i-fc5fc
eoisnJy. Ornon. . Amount a9... -
Kama1 of ownra, iEtnitton fien!t?
and W. C. rmim, rwiif)cat- W
rt$S, itriuih tiatf of ?iortottt ouartet
ooi ti?rta tinif of sostlsw! (jU,:F iff
SrVR Town-Wp 3. ttf of Sao.
iJ,"ra -. , .lowaail
Sowoa of ro; tt.lterito
AcmM f iSaAdAiL -CWiifiAm -
KcC CI 9J, jK.utbwt sarter ot efl&-
flsrter and -t hsJf r Ktiti
west -irter of 9tiin 10, Townthhi
3 of Itanire 3 JFft of tbn Wtf
is.Hiett AtedlHan la stekrwn tttnty,
teon. Amount f C ti,
Names nf owners, 1. m, Stwrf saMl
t?rnrt l-and Co., CVrJIflrftte No, Cl
sftlwast im.rtftr f lQilon 34, axr?
h 35, Ktfmth of Hiwute 4 Kt hf -th
Wilinmette Mertdlsn n J.tcKiU cuuniy
0rerm, Amount 4i,Wt -
Nat of weer, t,. Mfiri-h, frtlfl a
cts? Ko. 3? iand dcribed Ifl I wrj '
lEecrt e? Jckm eesnty, Oreisott .Vot
page JHnai i in oiith ha) f of
nortnesM quarter of iMtim 4,, Trtwn
?hdp 34, foth ttan 3 Wt of tn
Wiilameite Meridian, Jackson Huftty,
reisoH. contalnins ttrre-. - Aoumrst
t35 - - ' - -i
Nftmi rtf CfWfttf Ws'ttr if. sKr srs
ri-rnf'frft No, C!Ut, tsortn li&f
Honih'V't fliiPftef of BorihefeSt o.ur?rf
of lection 34, Twhht St tfiith liase
i West of WiHsmettg Metidin tnaJe
inon ?ot4nt, trejrsm. "Amnint tti. H
afse of owner Ann ! ;4" fHflf
eate No, Ci"12. oath half ef itHiAt
?5art-r f torthst ari-r .f - 44 :
3t Townslilp St. &f ftm$i 1 V?M
of ths Wiilamcttf M&ti&iitn i J&cUg3S,
eonty Or-)im, Anmiiit tA v
Kan? of owner, S, C Stiispson Cef
tlficata Na. Cl5, mrthcaat . dej5c-f l
ijthenst 4UHrtr nf -ction 34 Ttr
sbin .uth o? Banso 1 Wt of $n
Wiliamtt Mridis In J&cksun coasts
ta, Ammiiit $1.43. -. :
Kantn of ownrr. Si. f5toMavrl i
tlficate Nfl. C12 land d-rriheS ?a
Ji4 Hcrds of 4aj;kMja county Or?--son
in Vet S4 1 Is!
ArSlsd tn lee4 H5s Of -JaClfc
vstttity, Oreo, ta vt J t;c 4
1 ttWi f AVmmet
A Wian In Jtckuti santy, Ofpa
AnW3f 3.03. . . ' - 4 i
Katss -uf owsrr, Tari tr , n?
Fncada Wtst Hank. CertiHcaso S,
fllV dtCTibfd !c5 ftard
tf Jaskon cooaty jwrnn, is Vot
imgt' CCS, jdtU'liNJ i riiS Ji 33
i TWld 3S tfetith, Itaftiff 2 Wet
of th AteHdhjn In Jcfe
eon sMjstv. Oregon. Aslant . A
Kaii of sirvr. Jt JC, Otivee, "Cef-
tifirati No. C I 3S' 3nt flecrto
.4. ifior.i of 3neHon founty,
na, l Vot. SI, la s, in Jiwiion
TaltBrtiti 3, A)Uh lSaoK t W jxf
tih Wtttaoita . stHdia . In Jackson
fiMasiy Or-con, ai in tc?vi -Towo"tim
3s. ttnmti 1?aoj 1 -tv "f
Itlo SViilim-t JJ. rtsiian is ' 3-K5ti
rSUOiV, lT'Ttt, sooiaiiiifif t ' T.
Aom 0.f. , . - . ' - - .
Kn f own-, J.- vr. rttt j" ,
KHtrorn. rrriSnnati. Ifo. CT7,
oitha.t oartr of orlow..t " mta
tor of Vrtfo 3. Tuwoh'i S.S, SiosSJj
ttaoec t V.vt of M WiitaiMutte MrJ
Amooftt t.St. '
,N w'v tit ,wnr, f'.. J 1.on aM
Ijjoatn ItmSiv f's... -MifSr Ss.
rtTsi. ntf-r.1 half r-f norifswat iurs.r,
,oiiltci,t in,irt-r of norttwat fiar-tt-r
mtl iKntbcaa: nuufwr ot touthKtct