MEDFORD MAIL' TRIBUNE, -MEDFORD, ORECJOX SATURDAY, MARCH 10. 1.023 Medford Mail Tribune AN lNDEPENDKNT NEWSPAPER PUliMSHKi KVKHV AKTEItNOON JCXCKIT SUNDAY, UY TMfcJ MEOKOItU i'illNTINO CO. The Medford Kundny Morning Hun la rurnmneu auuiicriiif m desiring a seven day dally newspaper. Office Mall Tribune Building, 25-27-29 North Kir street. Phone 76. A consolidation of the Democratic Tlmra, tht Mtxlford Mall, the Medford Tribune, the Houttiern Oregon. nn, The Ah)und Tribune. HOHKKT W. HUHI,. Editor. B. 8UMPTEH SMITH, Manager. -r- BY MAIL. In Aibtunae: ' Dally, wlili Sunday Hun, year....f7.50 Dally, -with Sunday Hun. month. . .75 Dally, without Sunday Hun, y-ar 6.50 Dally, without Htuulay 81111, mouth .65 Weekly Mull Trlhun. untj yfar.. 2.00 Hunday Hun, one y'ur 2.tH) BY CARHIEH In Medford, Ashland, jacKsouvnie, central t'oint, I'uoenix, Talent and on KiirhwnvH: Dally, with Hunday Hun, month 76 Daily, without Huuday Hun, month .6 J Jail y. without humiay Hun. yar.. 7.f Dallv. with Hundav Hun. one voir 8.f All terms by carrier, caHh in advance. FIGHTING NAUGHTY BOOKS. The only panr between liuKpn, Ore, and Haoraminto. Calif., a l. ovor 600 iiillf'R. having leased wire Asso ciated t'rosH tservtce. Sworn dally average circulation for six months ending April 1. 112:, 3S..8, more than double the circulation of an other paper publlHlted or circulated In jacKson uouniy. Official paper of the City of Medford, urriciui paper or jacKHon county. Entered as second emu matter Medford, Oregon, under act of March 1879. M KM BE US OF TIIP1 ASSOCIATED rHEHH. ' The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled .to the una for renubiicntlon all newtt dlstiutrhefi credited to It or no otherwise credited In this (in per, and also to the local news DiitHlHhcri herein All rights of republication of special GfspatcnttH nerein are aisp resorveu. Ye JSmudge Pot i By Arthur Perry. REGARDING KING TUT When a Ilody, long deserted E'en when Cleopatra flirted With Mark Antony upon the sluggish Nile, Is brought back to human knowledge I)y some high-brow trained at college I, for one, wouldf like to gaze at It awhile! Fain I'd stand beside It, gazing Overwhelmed by thoughts amazing Of the days when Tut-ankh-Amen , rilled as King; Was life full of love and scandal Did he find It worth the candle . In that far-off day in which he had bis . fling? ' Ere death changed him to a dummy Was bo debonair and chummy,. And his transmigrating soul where Is It now? Can It be that It's surviving And In Lord Carnarvon striving To get back Into tho Game no matter how? Surely Fancy Is a laggard Nowadays In Rider Haggard When he dubs his disentombing dire disgrace. ;t After centuries of zero " Tut-ankh-Amen's now a hero Having won the Marathon endurance race! Having graced a splendid exit, Tut-ankh-Amen surely recks It Great to occupy such Journalistic space And since tombs are dark and gloomy And museums light and roomy, He will certainly prefer - the latter placo. I suspect that In a chorus Rescued mummies praise great Horns, Who restores thorn once again to suu and sky. Tntrankh-Amen will bo happy Yea, and find It pretty snappy When ho occupies once more the pub- lie eyo! Vivifying the lost story Of an age remote and hoary Is a role to Btlr tho haugbtloBt mum my's breast And the cynlo Mind confesses That when once It evanesces Archaeologists are welcome- to the rest! Recrudesconco so uncommon May well startle Tut-ankh-Amen Dut since Nature was the same long years ll.C. He'll be proud, though flabbergasted, To perceive how well he s lasted For his renaissance In 1923! (New York Tlmos) Everybody Co-opornto XOTIIKR crusade ntfniiist nuiiclit.v books litis been liumclied. It XV. is proclaimed from the front -pape of Now York City news papers Hint tho five liiiuphtu-st books are Sclinitzlcrs' "CusuiiOva'i Homecoming"; 1). II. Luwreiiccs 'Women in Iajvc," "The Diary of n iouiiK Girl, "Petrnniotis Siitryrioon," ami "Jiu'en." 11, i ... vte neanny commend the movement as Jar as its purposes are eon corned. Hut its methods are ridiculous, (living front page publicit, to i nose oooks, lar iriim leading to tneir suppression, will .merely re suit in larger sales. Ihe lorbidden is always attractive. Curiutisity is the corner stone of depravity. I'nlcss we arc much mistaken this crusade will lead thousands of people to read these books, who without the publicity would jievor have thought of wasting time on them. There is unquestionably an epidemic of pornographic excess in the literary world today. The best way to check this neurosis is to leav it alone. Attempting legal suppression 'merely stimulates the public imagination and extends the poison. ii iiurgen and Lawrences women in i,ove are lair ex iiinples of the others, then none is dangerous. For they are extremely tiresome. They would appeal, in our judgment, to no normal mind ('ne or two chapters would be enough. For just as there can be too much of n good thing, so there can be too much of n bad thing. "Jur- gen" and "Women in Love" are nothing but supremely nrtificia litorilry freaks, interesting technically to the literary expert perhaps. but a bore to the average reader. 1 his sex spasm will pass, just as all other spasms pass. The pub lie will soon tiro ot it and when the public tires, the harvest ceases, To start n newspaper crusade, will merely prolong the disease; whiol Nature, if left alone, would soon conquer. Quill Points German history, 1918-1923: Reverse; adverse; perverse. Contentment is just mediocrity with the swell head. The French policy won't work unless Hemic will. Freedom is merely the privilege of affixing your own chains. The "undeveloped peoples" are those that have undeveloped oils. Hcinie.says this invasion is without precedent. Mr. Ruhr, meet Mr. Shantung. . The harshest condemnation of the Turk is the Armenian's willing ness to accept asylum in Russia. Correct tins sentence: "I can't understand,'.', said the woman, want enjoyment men 1 nul m loalmg clown town. .' "Christianity' condemned," says a headline. handed procedure. It has never had a fair trial. This is a high- Homo is a place where you can park your foot on another chair. Where the roads are hard-surfaced the scenery may be common place, but the car ahead can't throw it in your face. A critic charges that our age is more interested! in property than in men, and there really are more garages than emergency wards. RippIingRhuraQs WdttMafon WILHELM'S WOE. perfidy of certain notorious members of the socHlled Klu Klux. There Is not a scintilla ot evidence In tho hands of any official to prove Simmons ever manufactured a drop of liquor and I challcnKe S. li. Sundifer to face the Issue. This charge was placed against Simmons for the purpose of holding him In Jail until he saw fit to produce evidence to incriminate Sheriff Ter rlll; Bald evidence to be used In In dicting the Bheriff In an attempt to force him out of office. I was per sonally requested to secure this evi dence from Simmons last spring when Howard Hill, E. A. Fleming and my self made u hurried nlcht ride to Camp 2, Weed, Calif. Tho Ins and outs of tho game will be given a thorough Investigation later at which time 1 dare say some mighty Interesting facts will be aired The malicious report that Simmons' services with Weed Lumber Co., were not satisfactory and that ho "was bootlegging while In the employ of said company, can be clnrlfled best by letters which were obtained by my request through Sheriff Terrlll. If there is any refreshing consola tion the local Klan can assimilate from this evidence I proffer it gratu- Itlously. It might bo Interesting to some to know that District Atotrney Ilawlcs Moore promptly dismissed the charge of manufacturing liquor made by S. D. Sandlfer. Also that Simmons plead guilty to the charge pf selling two bottles of liquor last Bpring by my request after S. Ii. Sandirer and I had an Interview with Judge Calkins and Sandlfer himself plead for a sus pension of sentence, and afterward at the court house promised Simmons in my presenco that in case a flno was Imposed ho would personally assunio Its payment. It Is unnecessary to state that tho ? 100 flno is yet unpaid. Although Simmons was jailed Decem ber 27, last, on a false charge and San dlfer made a night visit to the home of Judge Calkins his parole was not sought until after oxplratlon of Judge Calkins' term of office. Why? Please pardon my Intrusion upon your courtesy in behalf of justice and fair piny. L. M. SWEET. Boaglo, March 5, 1923. ' OREGON AGGIES DEFEAT EUGENE in her re COItVALLlS, Ore.. March 10. The Oregon Aggies won a dual Bwlnimlng meet from University of Oregon here last night, 49 to 19. Fred Baxter was the winner's star performer and high man with 1114 points. ConVALLIS, Ore., March 10. Mat men of Oregon Agricultural col- lego will wrestlo tonight to retain the northwest collegiate championship which has been theirs for the past two years. They aro to met tho Wash ington state team on the local mat. CHICAGO, March 10. Frnnklc Oarcia of Memphis, Tenn., earned a slight shade over Kddio Anderson of Mollne In a ten round boxing bout hero last night. Ono morning paper gave l.arcla four rounds, Anderson two, and called four even. Tho other morning publication called tho con test a draw. Poor Support Deplored. To the Editor: It was the pleasure of the writer to attend the concert, ot the Presbyte rian church last evening, given under the auspices of the Greater Medford lub, nt which Mrs. Mary Carr Moore. assisted by Mr. Scott and Mr. Janes, ably rendered a program of ex ceptional merit. Tho synopsis of the opera ".Narcissa" composed by Mrs. Moore, was well worth the price of admission. . . After having read the notices and heard .the announcements, at various gatherings, . and knowing the cause was unprcpnred to see the lack of in fer .which this concert, was given, I torcst taken by tho public, as was evi denced by tlie very small gathering, to hear so meritorious a concert. Thero is n movement on foot in the churches, and schools to ..further .a better film showing,! I .won.dor If it would not bo well for some of tho very public spirited , organizations of tho city to sponsor and patronize something of a high-class nature A NEWCOMER. PORTLAND, Ore., March 10. Tho annual Oregon stato swimming championships will bo run oft In the Multnomah pool tonight under the auspices of tho Multnomah A. A. C. and entries aro expected from Ore gon Agricultural college, University of Oregon, Knights of Columbus, the i-oriiana I. m. v. A., the Portland Natatorium and the B'Xal "Rith club and Multnomah club. llnbe Still AVenk NEW YORK, March 10. On his first day In uniform at the Yankee camp at New Orleans, Babe Ruth, out to regain the home run crown ho lost last year, failed to lift the ball over the fence, but did send one of his typically hard drives near tho wooden wall. Critics who Baw Ruth in his first 1923 performance teleeranhed home that he was still weak from tho at tack of influenza which seized him when he was getting Into condition at Hot Springs, Ark. At his first few times at bat he lifted pop-ups. The Brooklyn regulars beat the Yannigans in a practice session at Cleauwater Fla., yesterday 4 to 0. D E SANT DIEGO. Cal., March 10. The arrival here of Oannn Walska, opttra star, has attracted much attention In the winter colony of Coronado, where her husband, Harold McCormlck, has leased a largo resldenco. Mr. Mc Cormlck has firmly declined to talk with reporters and according to resi dents of Coronado, has remained most of the time since his arrival hero so vera 1 days ago, cither Indoors or on the large estate surrounding tho residence he has leased, lie de clined to see reporters last evening buf his wife Intimated that today she might possibly give an Interview re garding lior concert planB. Boost for Dairying R, R. Earnings Doubled WASHINGTON, Mar. 10. Tabula tion of lntor-state commerce reMrts show rnllrond earnings during Janu ary, 1923. wore twice those of January. 1922, amounting to ti0,Dl,"00 and 129,486,000 respectively. ARK is tho path Old Bill is treading, tho lights aro out, his bearings lost ; his recent widely tooted wedding turns out to be a bitter frost. As wilted as the bridal lilies aro Wilhelm's hopes of peace and bliss; his bride confesses to the willies, and cold and clammy is lier kiss. Tho halls of Doom arc bleak and dreary, and spectres walk at midnight black; the bride admits that she is weary of keeping house in such a shack. Strange shapes aro flitting in the basement, strange voices echo to and fro, and ghosts aro waiting nt tho easement, and say to Bill, "I told you so." Tho rain is wet the winds arc tireless, and dismal winds forever blow; and to old Bill thero comes, by wireless, word from his sons, "I told you so." Bill looks around, in hope of winning some sympathy in his dismay, and finds the whole blamed world is grinning and grinning harder every day. Oh, any other husband living might find some pity in his woe, hut to Old Bill the world is giving that bitter wheeze, "We told you so." From any orticr mortal feller we would not coldly stand aloof; his bride is weeping in the cellar, her children weep upon the roof. COMMUNICATIONS Itcgardlng Mat')- C, Moore, To the Editor: Tho City of Medford Is to havo as a visitor this week, Mary Carr Moore, tho noted Pacific roast composer This will give to tho people of this city nn opportunity of hearing a wo man of nntlon-wido reputation as a singer and composer. Mary Carr Moore while a natlvo of the west, Is known In all parts of the country and In eastern musical Circles her compo sitions are well received and have been favorably reviewed by musical critics of the metropolis. Mrs. Moore has written nn opera that has been produced In Chicago and Seattle. The fame of Mary Carr Moore has not been confined to Amerl.-i for In many foreign countries tier compo sitions are being sung and "he is rec ognized by tho lovers of good music everywhere as ono of America's fore most composers. Many have classed her with Charles Wakefield Cadmnn and Carrie Jacobs Bonn, stating that these two, tocether with Mary Carr Moore, comprise the tltrco American composers of recognized musical fame. On Friday evening, March 9th nt S p. m. nt tho Presbyterian church In Medford, Mary Carr Moore will slug a program of her own composi tions. 1 his Is an opportunity to meet nn unusual personage and to listen to a splendid program. It Is hoped that everyone, Interested In music in the valley will attend. On Saturday afternoon nt 2:30 Mrs. Monro will give a concert for i lie children. In this concert she will delineate Mother tloose characters In a way that Is entertaining as well as delightful. Altogether tho entire visit will be a treat worth while. El). ANDREWS. Regarding Simmoni Cass To tho Editor: Kindly allow mo a little space In the rolumns of your paper to make a brief statement re garding tho Elmer Simmons case which has attracted considerable at tention for several months. The false rumor that Simmons was jailed for bootlegging Is a malicious and pre meditated lie. and circulated for the purposo of covering up tho infamoui Farm Bureau Criticized To the editor: In today's Issue of your paper I notice you speak of the poultry dopartmento , the Farm Bureau." This was .mentioned on page 4 In regard to the Crater club. fhe Farm Bureau has no poultry do pnrtment; they quit tho poultrymen V4 years ago and forced the poultry- men to form an association of their own and finance same, which is tho Poultry Producers of Southern Ore gon. Wo aro pleased to hear that some one Is willing to help tho poul trymen and they surely deserve Borne holp if they stay In the business. The Poultry Producers Ass'n deserves the credit for its success and not tho Farm Bureau. I think tho error should be corrected as it Is not justice to our members. E. C. LOCKWOOD, Phoenix, Ore., Mar. 7th. . Oct tho Pocket Gopher Prevent Flu and Grippe For a fow cents you can ward off Flu and Grippe by promptls checking your coughs and colds with Foley's Honey and Tnr. .Also gives quick re lief from coughs resulting from Flu, Grippe, Whooping Cough, Asthma and Bronchitis. Forty-eight years of satis faction to users has made Foley's Honey nnd Tnr the world's largest selling cough medicino. Contains no opiates ingredients are printed on the wrapper. Refuse substitutes. In sist upon Foley's. Sold everywhere. .. Adv. Got tho soft paper pencil tablets for school at this office. tf HEAT WITH COAL Place Your Order Now for Quick Delivery Hansen Coal Co. (Successors to Euds) M 8. Fir St. Phone SMO-J Why Have Protection rait Yovit lWnuso It will cost you less to Install a Itl'MPKR on your car than to buy new FKXDKHS or a IlADIAjron. The Auto Supply Co. Just Around the Corner 3t X, Hartlctt 'loc" Wright PITTSBURG.- Pittsburg defeat ed Dulutb 5 to 4 'in tHo'first gamo of i the closing two gamo series In the' I'nlted States amateur hockey asso-l elation. I BIG RIVER, Sask. Frank Schloe- gel won the Saskatchewan doe derbv. defeating Vernon Hanson's team over the 150 mile course In 20 hours and 2 4 minutes. HAMILTON, Bermuda. Miss Maymo MacDonald of Seattle, Wash., won tho Bermuda woman's tennis championship by defeating Miss Gladys. Hutchinson. Hlgliwt Qnsllty Jewelry Kecntrlnr Diamond Setting-, Watch Repairing Satisfaction Assured In quality and price. Mail us your wants. MARTIN J. REDDY Let us have last Spring's Suits, Gowns, Coats, Etc., NOW. Our Dry Cleaning saves I Money, WE ARE HOTVJXX SATISFIED , -CfVOU ARE7 UNLESS r CSS HoblManx Powell St. at O'Farrell, SAN FRANCISCO ?oss r"o Theares end Shopping District. A newly betutifi'd ;! Mcnt watts Ihe vtitr le Sen F,en ciwet New iuntiiHintt of ununiel charm and comfon. a loohy desitnrd le provide the atmosphere of a haauriotra heme and new Diniaf Room, considered one of Ihe most interesting in America all contribute, to TOM wrHfttel It is the only hotel with runnine. Ice Water in every room BUROPeANXrilc5s dates S3 Ywav IIARVKY M. TOY Managing owner ALIVE, ALERT, ACTIVE With excellent facilities, ample security and large capacity the, First National Bank offers an unexcelled service for the transac tion of every form of banking business. &w FtasT National Bank Mkdford Oregon NOTICE 40-8 . There Will Be a Mefeting Saturday, March 10, 1923 at 9 p.m. THE LEGION HALL 9p.m. Wonderful Home Bargain '' We are moving to Southern California and will sell our Beautiful Home on West 11th St., 4 blocks from Washington School at a great bargain. House all modern, 6 rooms and bath, breakfast nook, and large sleepiug porch. Built In features, fire place and garage for two cars. Lot 75x117 feet with beautiful shade trees, and side walks all in, and assessments all paid. Price for quick Bale S4.D00. Some terms If desired. -!""'f See Owner, 1). E. HILIAB, or phono 138. SPECIAL LOT SALE Beautiful Edgewood Park Moving to Southern California, April first, selling what lots are loft in Edgewood Park, on Rogue River and Crater Lake Highway at greatly reduced prices from 1 - ; ; March 1st to March 20th. ' Will sell lots at $100.00 each, terms if desired. ; Now is your chance to get a beautiful lot on Rogue River at dirt cheap price. First come first choice. Only 10 Lots Left Finest class of people now building cottages. These lots will positively be worth double the present price in three months. Act quick If you want one. I). E. MILLARD, Owner Phono 133 D ROADWAY AT STARK Portland, Ore. You Are Assured a Personal Hospitality and Individual Attention through the combined efforts of a staff, who after years of training, understand the needs of the traveling public. MUSIC, DANCING and the BEST TO EAT I - AT 1 Arthur H. Meyers m AN AG E R urn- T'