flrcrronr matt, ttctp.ttxk MTitFbitfl, oftftrif), FttT'DAV, rATrrr n, 1 i yum ur u: FOR EASTER In our Spring exhibit you will find almost every available pattern and tex ture of cloth. And each pattern is "in " your size." Easter is early this year. Make ycur se lection and be measured for your Spring Suit today. DRESS UP! New Ties, Shirts, Hats, Caps, Hose, Underwear, Pajamas are now on dis play at SPRINGER & LEE "Duds for Men" Opposite Rialto Theater It Builds You Up,! Keep your blood pure, your body well nourished, the powers of resistance strong it is your surest protection against germ-infection. Take the vitamine food -tonic- to help keep your body well nourished and to build up your strength. It is the food-tonic that helps build strong bones, enrich the blood and body. Bay a bottle of Scott's Emulsion todav! ticoli & Bowne. Bloonificld. N. J. - 22-7S TRY THE DRUG STORE FIRST AVE CARRY THE FINEST LIXE OF DRUGS MONEY CAX BUY Prompt anil Courteous Service Good Mercliaiulse A Complete Stock Free Telephone, Rest Room, Etc. Theso are some of the services wo offer those who buy what an up-to-tlatc drug store carries. Main and Grape Quulity and Service First Phono 1874 ARMY STORE Herman's genuine officers' Dress filioe, plain toe $5.50 AliKat.or Kain Coats, guaran teed not to leak ; $3.03 Gas -Mask Rain Coats, a dressy looking coat 4.85 Army Rain Coata, reclaimed, $1.00 and $12.00 Hi Top Rubber IJoots 4.85 Short Slicker Coata and Pants, per garment 2.50 Now Regulation Navy Pea Coals 8.33 Wool Army blankets, in per fect con'dition 2.05 Now 0. D. Wool Army Shirts, regulation 3.50 lllack Sateen ShirlH . H Blue Chambray Shirts 83 Pancake Griddles for camping '-0 Velvet Tobacco 11 Seo us for Touts and Tarpaulins, guaranteed for all kinds of weather. TRADE AT THE ARMY STORE AND SAVE MONEY United Army Stores 32 CENTRAL AVENUE, SO. NOTICE 40-8 There Will Be a Meeting Saturday, March 10, 1923 at 9 pm. THE LEGION HALL 9 p.m. WITH MEDFORD TRADE IS MEDFORD MADE.' HAS BEEN GREAT HELPTOFARMER Lest we forget a human trait that la altogether too prevalent with many of our good American farmers let ua recall some of the worth while aecom pliahuicnta of our Farm Bureau work ing through our local institution, tho Farm ilureau Exchange. From nothing in a low years our Farm Uureau Exchange lias gown to an institution that can bo considered an institution rather than a feed store and its benefits to the couimuuity and to tho farmers in general of tlio county cannot be estimated in dollars and cents. It acta aa a stnbllizor for all farm products and covers a wide flold. Hh trade actlvitiea for the past year and business handled will amount to over $180,000. Farmers have been benefited in many lines including livestock, both beef and feeder stock, hogs, mutton sheep, breeding animals of all kinds, wool and mohair, poultry, including turkeys, chickens, eggs, feeds and seeds of all kinds, spray materials, fertilizers and many other articles. Space will not permit mention of all benefits derived. Only a fow will be covered In this article. Wool and Mohair Marketing ; Tho Farm Bureau and the Ex change have always worked to encour age tho wool and mohair men to Join tho state-wide organization and mar ket their wool and mohuir through tho state association. There are still some farmers who have small amounts of wool and mohair who do not belong to the association but can, through tho markoting connections of tho Farm Bureau Exchange, receive n premium for their products by dealing with the Exchange. During the past and present seaaons a very substantial margin is paid to tho small flock own er by tho Exchange over what lie could receive from independent buy ers. Marketing of Wheat For tho past few years the wheat production of Jackson county has Just nbout equalled tho consumption in the county but until tho Exchange came Into tho field a large quantity of wheat was shipped out each year and about an equal amount of wheat or its by products were shipped back into the county. Through the efforts of tho management of tho Exchange the far mers, for tho past year or two and at present, are receiving about 21c per bushel moro for their wheat than thoy would If they sold to outsiders. About tho only whoat that is shipped out of tho county tit tho present time is off grado stuff, with smut, or low grade milling wheat that cannot be handlpd to ndvantago in the county. On ac count of tho Exchange the farmer re ceived the terminal price plus the freight for their products. A year ago 33 cars of wheat were shipped out of the county and about 33 cars of whoat or tho equivalent were shipped back into the county at a loss of about 40c per bushel to this community. Why not give the Farm Uureaii Exchango the credit for this saving which is be ing mado at the presont timo. Tho Exchango provides a bonded ware house and wheat should bo hold in tho county either on the farms or in warehouses and fed to the consumers as it is needed, theroby stabilizing tho markot and at tho sanio timo provid ing a much higher prlco for tho pro duct. Barley Situation Duo to tho efforts of the Exchango In building up a feed business, prepar ing various kinds of foed mixtures, all of tho barley grown in tho county can bo used at home. During tho past year over six hundred tons of corn were shipped in from oastern states used to tulto tho lilaco of barley which should bo grown In our county. Over a thousand tons of corn wore shipped Into tho district between Grants Pam and Ashland. Tho Exchango is rapid ly gaining tho ropututlon for mixed feeds and with the proper support from the farmers in a short time will bo supplying the bulk of tho balanced dairy, poultry and hog feeds of this district and northern California. Why not have this kind of institution hero at homo instead of having those same products manufactured and shipped in from Portland? Fruitgrowers Benefited Hut very fow of the fruit growers rcalizo the saving that has been brought about to them by the Farm Bureau Exchango In tho matter of spray mnterlals. In 1921 the Exchange saved a number of fruitgrowers 4c per pound over tho established price of arsenato of lead on a hundrod thou sand pounds. On this order alone over four thousand dollars was saved to tho growers. In 1922 Be per pound was saved over the established prico and again one hundred thousand pounds of arsenate of lead went out to tho growers. Tho growers receiv ing this lead wore not tho only ones benefited as this deal brought down the price of lead to many of tho other growers in the county who were deal Ing with other concerns, but tho Farm Bureau Exchango should receive the credit for this wort Livestock Profits When the' Exchange first took up the work of handling livestock for the farmers, independent buyers were working on a margin of 2ViC over the Portland price and the Farm Bureau Exchange at that time charged 25c per hundred for hondling Jiogn. At present tho Exchange charges 10c per hundred and the average oxpenso for handling in only 90c per hundred and for the past year or more, local butch ers have been paying tho Portland price for hogs and beef cattle. Give tho Exchango tho credit for stabiliz ing this market. ' Improvement In Seed Grains and Grasses To ftnyono who has watched the de velopment of better grain and grass seeds, a common improvement ' along this line can bo noticed. The farmers now are able to procuro the highest typo of sood grains and grass seeds at tt much less cost than they did In for lnor days and this work Is only start ed. Thla year ninny of tho fanners uro planting certified seed grain and in a short timo Jackson county may bo noted us n source of certified seed of many varieties to bo shipped Into lar ger grain growing districts. This institution belongs to tho far mers and should bo supported by the chutnbers of commerce of tho county and must bo supported by lis farmer members. Everybody Co-operate club teams. 1 was ono of the U.';iu, It j In competition with tho lioi l.shlrj this year I hope to do bettor and will being comiKjsod of three members. i breeders. havo four or five hogs to work with. Wo all took our pigs which then Our stock Judging team won second I aurely do like the club work be weighed about 220 pounds, t: the place and was awarded a trip to the, cause It helps you mako money and county fair. I won tho bluo ribbon in state fair at Salem. We took our trip I learn morn things nnd have a lot of tho Borkshiro club division receiving j to Salem and had a good time. j fun besides. FRANK DUNKIN. $s.00 as a prize and won third place. j That was what i did last year, and Talent. Ore. Story of Talent Pig Club Told This Is a story about my clubvork I am a member of tho Talent Pig club which la mado up of flvo veteran members, ono now ono and four or five now prospocts. I took up tho clubwork last year along with four othor boys thus form ing a standard club. Tho club mem bers all finished their project, which is raising tho pig, keoping reports and exhibiting at tho fair, and received a gold seal for their charter und a cer tificate of achievement for doing so. Tho club members nil took the Blrk shire broed of hogs to raise. We all obtained registered pigs at the "River Banks Farm," paying $15 apiece for them. Tho club elected mo for presldont and hold meetings about every three weeks through the summer and fall. Each meeting was about hog raising and they surely were all interesting. At the club picnic in Ashland park we held a model meeting. During one of the meetings we selected a livestock, judging team which waa to compete against other INDIGESTION, GAS, UPSET STOMACH Instantly !("Pape'sDiapepsin" Corrects Stomach so Meals Digest The moment you ; eat a . tablet of I 'Tape's Diapepsin" your indigestion is ' gone. No more distress fiom a sour, acid, upset stomach. No flatulence, , heartburn, palpitation, or misery-making gases. Correct your digestion for a few cents. Each packago guaranteed by druggist to overcome stomach trouble. Summons for Publication In the Circuit Court of the State of Orogon, for Jnckaon County. The City of Medford, Oregon, a munlc ipnl corporation, Plaintiff, vs. Win, Bittle Wells and liable Parker WellB, husband and wife; Scott V. Davis and Ida H. Dnvls, husband and wife; G. M. Wells, Richard Williams, Florence West; the unknown heirs of the above named defendants if deceased; also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, Hon or interest in the real cstnto described In tho com plaint herein, Dofondants. To tho above named U. M. Wells, Richard Williams, Florence West; tho unknown heirs of tho above named de fendants if doceased; also all other persons or partlos unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or intoreat in the real estate described in the complaint herein, and each of them: ' In tho Name of the State of Oregon: You, and each of you, are hereby re quired to appear and answer tho com plaint filed against you in the above entitled Court and cause, on or before tho last day proscribed In the order for publication of Bummons heroin, to-wif. on or beforo tho expiration of six weeka from tho dnlfl of the first publi cation of said summons. . And you, nnd each of you, are horoby notified that if you fall to so appear and answer said complaint or other wise plead thereto, within said time, for want thereof the plaintiff will ap ply to tho Court for the relief demand ed and prayed for In the complaint, succinctly stated as follows, tc-wlt: For a decree of the Court roquiring tho defendants, nnd each of them, to sot forth tho nature of- their claims In and to the following described real property, situated in tho County of Jackson and State of Orogon, to-wlt: An undivided five-sixths intorest In and to lots numbered Ono (I) nnd Two (2) of Block number Twenty threo (23) of tho Original Town (now City) of Medford, Orogon, as tho game are numbered, designated and de scribed on tho official plat ' thoreof, now of record: And that all adverse claims to said promises may bo determined by decreo of this Court: That by said decreo H bo doclnrod and adjudged that plaintiff Is' the ownor in foe of said premises; that its titlo be quieted and declared goon and valid; und that tho dofondants, and each of them, bo adjudged and do creed to havo no estato or Interest whatever in or to said promises, or any part thereof; That said defendants, and each of them, be forever enjoined and de barred from asserting ahy claim what ever In or to said premises adverse to tho plaintiff; That plaintiff have an order of the Court directing tho Registrar of Titles of Jackson County, Orogon, to cuncol tho outstanding certificate of titlo to said premlsos, and to transfer said premises and Issue a certificate of title theroto to the plaintiff. L This summons Is published la the Medford Mail Tribune, by ordor oi Honorable F. M. Calkins, Judge of the above entitled Court, duly made and entered on. tho 4th day of December, 1 1922. The date of the first publication of this Hummons is the 2nd day of March, 1923. JOHN' ri. CARKI.V, Attorney for Plaintiff. Address: Room 201-206, First Nat'l Bank Whig, Medford, Oregon, I jMmvwi' - 1 " wwii" mi i u i. ii mipu ml Ye Right Bland Blend Even as in the making of choice sherry, tobacco leaf must be matured and blended before it attains blandness and true virtue. Philip Morris blends mildest, time mellowed tobacco in the good old English way the only way to blend it for good old-fashioned quality. Tired of the present-day run of smokes? Step back a few years to English Ovals! In-COM'pa-ra-bly fine! PHILIP MORRIS B CO. ltd. I CIGARETTES 20br25c Blended in the Good Old : English Way .. t . , . ; . :- - . ' j "TCMSSKS) -a. WeSTIKGHOUSI"! i i Dorit be a Slave to a Stove When a woman finds that she can do cooking better than she ever did it before, do it with the utmost economy of fuel and food, and at the same time free herself from the necessity of forever standing guard over a hot stove, she is likely to do something about it. .."stiiigiiouse 3-19-B Automatic Electric Ranges are getting all these desirable results for thousands of women. They are the ranges that have really reliable automatic control, and this control is one of the things that makes them so economical to ur.e. Nor is their price as high as careless talk may hove led you to think. , More Convenience Outlets Make More Convenient Home's People's Electric Store if..