SfEDFORW f'MTWNW. MKUPOftH ()R.;C;(-)T, FRIDAY. M.VL'CH , isfctfl Farm Bureau Week SPECIALS Dairy Salt 50 lbs...:. 75 3-4 around Walt, 100 lbs..... $1.25 1-2 Ground Salt, 100 lbs $1.00 j ' :, Loss Sc. sack in 500 lbs lots or move. 'OystcrShell, 100 lbs i.Eavly Seed Potatoes, 100 lbs :,Burbank Potatoes, 100 lbs i:;l)i'irted Snoy Flower, bbl $1G5 $1.25 $1.00 $S.70 ORANGES 'Is ice, ripe, juicy fruit, priced from 23 doz. up, according to size. By the Case . . . $3.25 Boost the Farm Bureau and Help the Farmer. LOUIE'S Free Delivery Phone 271 it N. XV STAR MEAT MARKET SATURDAY SPECIALS Choice Beef Roasts 15c per lb. Choice Beef Stew 12 l-2c per lb Fresh S.ide Pork 20c per lb. Shoulder Pork Roast..., 20o per lb. . Pure Home Rendered Lard 17 l-2c per lb. Fresh Smelt, 3 lbs , : 25c Phone 273 Free Delivery The REASONS Why We Like to Sell , WHITMAN'S CANDIES . We think they are absolutely the nicest candles we know of. . They have the largest assortment ot packages to select from. . They come direct from Whitman's to us, to you no jobbor or middleman to hold them a week or two. . Always the same, fresh, good and pure. . They aro a business people, with business methods. If at any timo you should happen to get a package that for any reason does not please you, they back us in making It right. . Wo know you aro better satisfied when you get a package ot Whitman's.- ...... . ,! Last, but not least, they aro the makers and wo aro the sellers of the world's greatest package of candy THE SAMPLER. Heath's Drug Store Phone 884 109 East Main Street "We are as near to you as your phone Phone Us Your Wants. We Pay Postage. "A delegation of about 10 Stanford alumni and former students with their wives or husbands will attend the organization mooting of the Stanford uluiiuii in southern Oregon, on Krlday night In .Medrord," sun the (irants Pass ("ourler. "It is estimated there will !o about 20 members from Jackson county present, the meeting , belnd slated lor the Hotel Medt'ord." Choice everbloomlng roses. Eden i Valley Nursery. Phono CSO J-2. tf Ithubarb and asparagus roots. Eden I Valley Nursery, Phone 6S0-J-2. tf lloost for the Furm Bureau. tf Auto Insurance, Brown & White. The fashion ot wearing a silk ban dannn, started yesterday at the high school by n senior girl, brought out n flock of cotton bandnnntis on the heads and shoulders of about 25 high school boys yesterday afternoon. Sat. night dance! Oriental Ballroom 298 Canned Foods Week March 3-10. When better automobiles are built, Bulck will build them. tf lloost for ti8 Farm Bureau. tf This Is Farm Bureau Week. tf Miss Grace Chamberlain of Ashlffnd was in attondnnco at the local cham ber of commerce forum on Wednes day. Grafting wax at Monarch Seed Co. 302 We vdll loan you money to build or buy Holmes the Insurance Man. You can got it at DeVoe's. tf The D. A. R. will hold a cake snlo at tho Public Market and at Hlbbard's Grocery Saturday, March 10th. 29S High school affirmative debaters. Fay Uragg and Frank lluchter, met an Ashland debating team at I lie local high school building at 2:30 this after I noon while tho negative team, Owen ! Donovan and Eddie Soderstrom mado tho trip to Ashland and met the Ash : land affirmatives at the Ashland high school at 2:30 Oils afternoon. Oriental Ballroom! Sat. night! 298 All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Woods, phone 108. 711 E. Main. The Medford Vulcanizing Works will give a steel tiro tool with each new tire. 299 Get your brooms Saturday. Satur day onjy 49c. Hutchison & Lumsden. 297 Tho D. A. R. will hold a cake sale at the Public Market and at Hibbard's Grocery, Saturday, March 10th. 29S I P. P. Hassler, formerly editor of tho Central Point Herald, who has been running a paper at Turner, Ore., since 1910, is in Medford on his way to California. I Genuine Bosch Magneto parts and 1 repairs. Electric Shop, Eighth and I Bartiett. tf I Gago hats Just arrived. Millinery Dept., 2nd floor, Medford Center Store Thove was some blustery weather ' for a short period early last oveulng, during which tlioro was a full of .05 of an Inch of snow and rain mostiy rain, which melted the snow fast. However, considerable snow fell in the mountains and high foothills hist night, especially to the east and south east in which section the full was visible today from the city. In Ash-1 land there was u light snowstorm yes-1 terday afternoon, and more snow fell ; there during tho night. A railroad man arriving from tho south in the city this morning snid that there was j four inches of snow on the ground In Ashland. . This report could not be verified. Dance! Sat night! Oriental Ball room. Admission 10c. 29S" j Remember the opening of tho Ore-1 on-Callfonila Auto Distributing nsso- j elation, successors to A. W. Walker Auto Co., tomorrow. There will be. a big parade of Maxwells, Chalmers, Hudson and Essex cars at 11 a. in. All tho new model cars will be on dis play at this opening. First-class real Japanese crepe, all colors, 25c a yard. Jap Art Store. 29S Take your kodak films to Palmer's studio. First class work and prompt sorvlce. tf During tho rogulnr meeting of the Medford Elks lodge last evening, after remarks had been made by several members regarding tho drive for new members which will bo made by the chanibor ot commerce beginning March 20th, the lodgo went on record with a resolution endorsing tho Med ford chamber of commerce and pledg ing their support In making tho cam paign of tho chamber for new mem bers successful. This Is Canned Goods Week. tf Agent for Alladin 94 per cent air lamp. Orrln Wakefield, Phoenix, Ore. 299 Hot tamales and chill con came ni De Voe's. tf Crescent orchestra dance, Eagle Point, Sat., Mar. 10. 297 Tho building committee of tho now Baptist church nnnounces that bids will be received for tho new structure. Plans and specifications for samo can bo seen at Marsh's grocery storo. The date set for opening bids Is noon, March 24. Bids will bo received from local as well as outside contractors. A fur scarf or choker is necessary to make your spring costume com plete. All kinds at Hartletfs. 297 Afier the fire it is too late to Insure. See Redden & Canaday now. Oriental Ballroom! Wed. and Sat. night dances! 299 Advertise In Mail Tribune and Sun this week and reach every farmer in Jackson County. ti A business show given by the school of commerce of the Oregon State Agricultural college on March 30-31 for high school students in com mercial courses and for business men of the stato is to bo ono of the fore most events of tho college year pro ceeding Junior Week-end which oc- 297 ! curs In May. A number ot high school CaBhior, expert bookkeeper, open students and business, men are oxpect for temporary or permanent engage-'ed to bo tho, guests .ijC.tlia colleso nt ment evenings; small sets books, . that time. Selling Fairbanks-Morse Pumps and Engines and Hayes Sprayers Williams Implement Service 8 So. Biutlett Phone 205 am chung China Herb Store rhiB is to certlry that Olm Chung of Medford, Ore. has cured me of goitre fend stomach trouble. S. M. Leonard, 609 J St., Grants Pass. I This Is to certify that Olm Chung ol Medford, Ore., has cured me ot rupture of four years' stitndtng. F. G. laham, 418 ti St., Grants Pass, Ore. , I Medford, Oregon, Jan. it, 1917. This is to sertlfy that I, the under, stened. had verv severe stomach trouble and had been bothered for several years and last August wan not expected to Uve. and hearing of Olm Chung (whose Herb store Is at 214 South Front street, Medford), I decided to get herbs for my stomach trouble, and I started to fiellng better as aoon as I used them and today am a well man and enn heartily recom mend anyone afflicted as I was to set Olm Chung and try his Herbs. (Signed) W. R. JOHNSON. Witnesses: Wm, Lewis, Eagle Point ' W. L. Chlldreth, Ragle Point M. A. Anderson, Hertford. S. B. Holmes, Eagle Point. C, E. Moore, Eagle Point. J. V. Mclntvre. Kaale Point. I Geo. Von der Hellcn. Eagle Point Medford Center Sanitary Market Order Your Meat From a shop like ours, where every article is kept at the proper tempera- tire and where cleanliness is o rule. It is such n satisfaction to. know that our moat is clean, pure tender nn.il wholesome, and thnt our shop i.s dependable for quality and prompt service. Just call '!i. I Our Classes ronililno comfort nnd looks. I'er feet flltlua, correction, reasonable) prices. financlul statements, etc., books op ened. Charge moderate. It. W. Fenton Phono 1C8. 201 This is Canned Goods Week. tf A danco given by the Chesterfield Quintet, a high school orchestra which opened a series of dances last Friday night, will be given in tho small hall at the Nat tonight Dance! Dance! Dance! 'Where? Oriental Dallroom Sat night! 29S Hoost for the Farm Bureau. tf Flowering shrubB and evergreens. Eden Valley Nursery, Phone 6S0-J-2. tf This paper will be read by 17,000 to 20,000 people every day this week, in cluding Sunday. Better carry an ad in the same. - 290 Canned Foods Week March 3-10. W. J. Virgin, local radio dealer is In northern California busily engaged in tho installation and adjustment of radio reception apparatus recently sold there. Roduced prices on fancy combs, baretts and hair goods, March IDth to 17th at the Marinello Shop, Hotel Medford. 302 Gago hats tells sty.e. Millinery Dept. Modford Center Store. 297 We have good values In used cars. Patton & Robinson, Inc. tf Nowcomb Is now doliverylng 16-inch green slabwood nt $1.75 per tier in four tier lots or more. Place your order soon for early delivery and have cheap wood. Also dry mill blocks. Phono G31. 296U Auto Insurance. Brown & White. J. P. Doyle, a dry goods merchant of Grants Pass and A. B. Cornell, also of the "climate city," were Medford visitors today. AA tailored suits, Medford made, Guaranteed to fit and satisfy, 35 to $50. Klein the Tailor, 128 East Main. Upstairs. 300 Dance! Wed. and Sat nights! Orion, tal Ballroom! 299 Nowcomb Is now delivering 16-inch green Blabwood at $1.75 per tier In four-tior lots or more. Place your order soon for early delivery and have cheap wood. Also dry mill blocks. Phono 631. 296tf SPECIALS Mbrrcll Hams, half or wholo 20c Morrell Bacon, half or whole 20c Picnic Hams lc Bncon Backs 28c Pot Roast of Beef 13c to lUc Hamburger Stenk, 2 lbs for (Kir Homo Rendered Lard, 2 His. for iV I'irklcd Feet, tender, 2 His, 3.",i Pure Pork Sausage. SERVICE WITH A 'SMILE Clean cotton rags aro wanted nt Mall Tribune office. tf Dance in Oriental . Ballroom Wed. night. Admission 10c' 295 Noel h. Ersklne gives piano lessons at pupils' homes. Phono 729-W. 299 Bing cherry trees. Eden Valley Nursery. Phone 680-J-2. tf Much Interest is betug shown in the game Monday night, at the Nat be tween the first nnd second teams of tho high school basketball squad. Coach Durno is giving tho second team somo special attention and the game is expected to be as close as any seen this season with the possible exception ot the Roseburg contest. The public will be admltod free. Canned Foods Week March 3-10. Baptist apron and food sale. Liberty theatre, Friday,-March 9th. 298 This is Farm Bureau Week. u Engineer Bromley of Grants Pass, Inspector Nick Drew ot Salem ot the highway department, and . Contractor Logan, were In Medford today, con ferring with Contractor K. M. Hodg- man. Hemstitching at Deuel's. 318 Good clean rags wanted at Medford Printing Co. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTKl) 2000 feet 2 inch pipe, llox II II, Mail Tribune 3M FOR SALE Ono ton Maxwell truck 1918 model. Good mechanical con dltlon. Was taken on debt: will sell cheap. Box 11 H, care of Mall Tribune. FOR RENT Two largo housekeeping rooms. $11 ner month, 222 H. t en tral. 298 FOR HALE 28 White Leghorn hens. Spring Bt, near Crater Lake Ave., C. F. Monnich. 298 FOR SALE Heavy team, wagon and harness. Phono 311-11. " WANT to sell thnt timber claim? Will consider a reasonable offer. Box J L W. Mail Tribuno. 29S f from the factory i" fresh. I Vtobacco JJt I ROLL YOUR OWN WITH I I RiiXt Crol Pper AIIkM I 20th Century Grocery Stores SATURDAY AND MONDAY Some Real Smacky Prices on Real Smacky Goods VAN CAMP'S BEANS Look for much higher prices 13- can; t for 75tf L SHRIMP Now pack, finest quality. 15 can CORN Sweet product from Mary- DEL MONTE SARDINES land , 11 can Large Ovan Cans 6 cans 60 15 can MILK Tall cans, 2 for 21. Your choice, Federal, Carnation or Borden's SLICED PINEAPPLE Preferred Stock can 30 CAMPBELL'S BEANS can 12 1 12c CUT STRINGLESS BEANS Value Brand, 2 cans 25 SEEDLESS RAISINS Either 15 oz. package or one pound bulk 15? 2.r pounds bulk $3.60 CORN STARCH Full pound package 10f OLIVE OIIj FratellL Calvo, virgin, pure im ported, quart 95 GOLD DUST Large package 27 DEL MONTE CATSUP Pine bottle 25 CRISCO 6 pounds $1.35 ROYAL WHITE SOAP, 6 bars . 25c 20TH CENTURY COFFEE Better, that's all, pound .... .35c 3 lb.. $1.00 CORN MEAL Nebraska, 9 11). sack 30 FLOUR Hard Wheat, Anchor brand. 49 lb sack $1.78 DRIED , CHERRIES Pound .............. ..15 BLUE ROSE RICE 10 pounds 69 JEWEL SHORTENING 4 lbs 82 8 lbs ........$1.57 KARO SYRUP Blue fs, 35; 10's, 65; lied 5's 3S; 10s 73 POTATOES Yakima Netted Gems, inspected stock, per 100 pounds ! . . $1.05 Medford Center Bldg .'! North Central rin,, r.n.rtr Ashland ICIUUiy y 374 E. Main St. USE CHERRO Poultry and i Stock Feeds ! They are a balanced ra- j tion that keeps your j stock and poultry in a1 good healthy condition,; and encourages the; maximum production, j Cherro Poultry andi Stock Feeds are clean, J pure and - wholesome : and recognized to be the lowest fiber feed. Carried by . Most Feedmen fllll 1 THE PEERLESS1 BAKERY Makers of the famous BUTTER-NUT ; BREAD The Next Time You Order "Ask Your Grocer" 606 East Main St. Phone 503-J' OPENING Medford Shoe Shining Parlor SATURDAY MARCH 10 424 West Main St. between Hotel Medford and De Voe's Confectionery. New Equipment, Medford Made. First class work only. Your patronage solicited. TT) I7T? To each customer purchasing one or 17D I? I? t1 CVHIl . more dollars worth of our J IvILil QUALITY GARDEN SEEDS WE WILL GIVE FREE AN ALL STEEL GARDEN TROWEL This trowel is not a cheap piece of hardware, but h solid steel trowel stamp ed from one piece of heavy steel. No wooden handle to break or conic off. One trowel to a customer, mid only where a dollar's worth or.inorc of seed is purchased. Only a limited number on hand. MR FARMER: We sell our Feeds and Poultry supplies at the right price, because we buy in large quantities. Gat our prices. Monarch Seed and Feed Co. 317 E. Main. Bring this ad with you Phone 260 -