RINGING HELLO - Jl - I HAVSLN'T "OE.ETN TWO -YEARi -HOW'l I HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Experienced chambermaid . at Hotel Holland. 297 WASTED Good lady canvassers; , , can make $5.00 per day. See Guy .Hudglns, Hotel Medford, this even ing. 297 HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Two salesmen, cither box. Also county manager, A-l proposi tion. Hudglns, Medlord Hotel, this evening. 297 WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Job driving Fordson, four 5 .years experience. Call 970-Y after ','b1x p. m. 298 WANTED By lady, cooking, ranch or famp. Box J T 8 Mail Tribune. 297 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED To buy Royal typewriter, j late model; will pay good price. ','( Phone 959 after 6 o'clock. 298 WANTED Bring us your eggs and poultry for tho higheBt eaBh price. ,1 poultry Producers Ass'n. 299 WANTED We will sell your dressed i hogs and veal for the highest cash 3 price, charging you only cent per " pound. Poultry Producers Ass'n. 1 299 WANTED Hauling and storage tny A kind. Medford Transfer & Storage. ,Guy Cox, Mgr. 301 I ; jV ANTED Guernsey bull calf. F. a Helmroth, H. 1, Medford, Ore. Phone 1 867-H. 298 $ ?Y" ANTED One wagon, iron wheels, J28-lncn rront, 30-lncn rear preferred. M. B. Chaso, Central Point, R. 2. -i 297 iJWANTED 260 lawn mowers to shar pen. Liberty Ropair Shop. tf WANTED Veal, must be good qual ity and have liver attached... John l, son Produce Co. I RANTED Furnlsned apartment, B- I artinll furnisher! house or bungalow. or part of furnished home. Refer ences exchanged. Phone 148-Y. WANTED Good 3 and one-quarter inch wagon. Valley Fuel Co. ANTED Cash peid for pelts, hides. wool and fun. Johnson Produce Co., Ml N. Fir 8t Phone 97. tf W ANTED House moving and repair- In)!. Phone 4R8-M or 48S-X. )R RENT- -FURNISHED ROOMS ZFOR RENT Desirable sleeping rooms, new paint and paper, bath and shower. Phone 612-H. 222 8. Holly. 299 TFOR RENT Furnished room, furnace I heat, hot water. Close In. Phone 322. R RENT Well furnished sleeping room. Tel. 906M. z'J r)R RENT Room and board, men. TennB reasonable. 406 8. Riverside. Phone 646-W. 208 1'bk RENT Sleeping rooms, bath; men only 245 N. Grape. 300 FOR RENT Rooms, $2 per $2 per week; men only. 445 8. Front. 314 FOR'RENT Well lighted trout sleep ing room, with bath privileges. 325 So. Riverside, Phone 701-J. tf FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT FurntBhed men. 445 S. Front cabin for 201 FOR RENT Ranch near Eagle Point. F. P. Farrell, Jackson County Hank Bldg. 298 FOR RKNT 8o acres or tand nnder water. 2 miles of Medford. good house. Address Bert Anderson, room 302 Liberty building. tf FOR RENT Oarage at 1103 W. Tenth St Phone 82. tf FOUND FOUND Man's black glove. Owner can have same by calling at this office and paying for ad. 297tf FOUND Pair of spectacles. Owner can have same by calling at this office and paying for nd. FOUND On tho street, two keys. Owner get same at this office by paying for notice. tf PERL FUNERAL BOMI At Your Srrvlrc ! or Nlglit Information Cordially Given Cor. 6th and Oakdale Imbalance Service. rhune 4T UP FATHER Li I tsrrr sr ) I ri I forfeit XOOR TRooeLE:"b -1 f I II are. vou a. If i t'RE am -i'vf RtrKi to! I T 1 OLD TrtO XOO FOR FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Modern furnished npart ments, reasonable. 532 S. Ivy St. 300 FOR RENT At once, furnished apart ment in Mail Tribune building, hot and cold water, steam boat, other conveniences. No children. Call at office. tf FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Two room furnished plastered house, modern. Phone 593-L. 297 FOR RENT OR SALE Small new house, east side. Phone 951-L. 296 FOR RENT Seven room house, fur nished. 2G3 Boatty St. 297 FOR RENT Modern tiouse. .Phone R-13-R. 298 FOR RENT Five room bungalow; also 10 acre garden tract. Phone 317 day time. 318 FOR RENT 122 Portland Ave., a six room modern plastered house, new ly papered and painted throughout. Good fruit trees, a chicken yard and garage on place. Call 68-R. tf FOR RENT House at 1239 West Main, 7 rooms and garage. Not for sale. C. A. DeVoe. tf FOR RENT OR SALE-"? room house. East 9th St, easy terms. Inquire Jackson Co. Dldg. & Loan Assn. tf FOR RENT 7 room bouse, furnished, or would sell on payments like rent. Gold Ray Realty 8o., No. 16 N. Grape St, Phone 4G5-J. tf FOR RENT Houses Brown & White. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN Loans city and business properties. Building loans. W- O. Wright, 701 W. Eleventh St. city. Phono 445-Y. 304 FARM , LOANS Medford National -Farm Loan Association. F. P. Far rell. secretary, Jackson County Bank Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN on improved ranch security. $5000 or less. 6 per cent Interest. O. C. Boggs, Attorney for State Land Board. Jackson County. Choice of 3 Good Cars $150 Each We have cut the price to the quick to move these cars early in the season. A real opportunity to save. Terms to responsible parties BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. Used Cars 1918 Ford Touring $15(M)0 Fiuc Rubber. 1922 Dodge Roadster 9650.00 Lots of extras. Buick Six Chassis $325.00 Overhauled complete Medford Auto Co. Buick Dealers Cor. Main and Holly koOO I'M. n fft -T CO PLAX AAME fTM 2rW DETECTIVE' LOOKIN' FOR XOO FOR fi fej to YOG'RF THF I rfe, ' JH c ' 'CwlBtV, OF POOL, AT DiNTt- thrTvTTk . U . ... .4 AWEEK TO omKsaOTWsQ ISJ GUV That WAt, t?C3sf S ) WORRIED- R..... m-taTTl f . . h ( M U TE.LLVOU &3.IKWmm 6KSfeS w .SF aK-J .4 MEDFOKD MAITJ TRIBUNE. MEDFOltD, OREliOX". FRIDAY. MAK0T1 !). 192:1 FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING FO R RENT Sliigle"hoUKekeeping room, nicely furnished. 232 E. Main St., over Palmer's Music Store. Hath and hot water. 29S FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms. 435 S. Fir St. 301 FOR RENT Housekeeping room. 310 N. HurtletL 298 FOR RENT Modern bousokoplng rooms, steam heat. 249 S. Riverside. Phone 292-H. 302 FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms. 511 S. Central. FOR HALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Seven room modorn bun galow, furnished or unfurnished, 3 bedroms, harwood floors, laundry room, largo enclosed back porch, fruit room, garage, largo shade trees; best residential Bection, on paved Btrcet. Terms. Phone 3 I3-.M. 302 FOR SALE 150 acres mountain ranch, four miles oft Crater Lake highway, 1G acres in cultivation, good wator right, house, barn and outbuildings, Vj mile to school. Plenty of outrange. If Interested communicate with 1 W, care Mall Tribune. 298 FOR SALE OR RENT 40 acres, six miles north of Eagle Point on Cra ter I-ake Highway; good buildings. W. H. Crandall, Eagle Point. 297 FOR RENT OR SALE Twelve acre ranch, situated three miles south of Gold Hill on Pacific highway, suit able for chicken or small dairy; a good proposition to reliable parties. AddreBS Box W, Mail Tribune. 297 FOR SALE OR RENT 360 acre ranch 100 acres in cultivation, good water right. See W. E. Barber, Nash Bar ber Shop, or Herman Messinger, Provolt, Ore. 298 FOR SALE Lot o&. Ross Court be tween C. M. Kidd's and Swem's residences. A. V. Carlson, Central Point , 297 FOR SALE: Cheap, 5 room house and 15 acres on Spring St., in cultivation J. N. McCune, R. 3, Box 39. 311 FOR SALE, RENT OR TRADE Alf alfa, grain, stock ranches, orchards, also city property. Gold Ray Realty Co., No. 16 N. Grape St., Phone (6frJ. tf FOR SALfc DOMES FOR SALE) Account leaving town must sell 8 room bungalow, fire place, hardwood floore, sleeping porch, garage, east front. 69 N. Orange. Phone 447-R. Terms, tf FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Home In Ashland, three acres -of fine fruit and berries. Brown & White. 29S FOR SALE Modern home, new. j Terms on part; will take, car in ; Oakland or Dodge class as part pay i ment, if in good condition. 408 ' Edward St. 297 FOR SALE New, modern house, lot 60x116. Reasonable payment dowq, terms on balance. 408 Edward St. 297 FOR SALE Six room houso on Crater Lake Ave., oast frontage, every modern convenience; garage, Address Box W, Mall Tribune 297 FOR SALH! Homo on Geneva Ave. 8ee R. 11. McCurdy, Phone 123. tf FOR SALE Modorn four room house and good lot; assessments all paid; easy payments; room No. 4, College Bldg., 31 N. Grape St. - 2Sltf FOR SALE Houses and bungalows, furnished or unfurnished; aloo acreage. Insurance. C. S. But terfleld, Medlord National Bank. Phone 3. OWNER SAYS SELL PART ' Garden Lund unci Pears 1H Acres $3200 , Talent District,. Just off Highway. 6 acres Rose and Bartlott Pears, 9 years old. ft acres finest Bear Creek Bottom, loam soil. 3 acres beautiful building spot, nice oak shade. or Will Sell 20 Ai re Orchard. $0000 14 acres In 9 year old poors, 3 acres Newtown Apples. 3 acres Alfalfa.- 'Talent Dlst: irtr. One of the best locations for a pear orchard in the Rogue River Valley. Lies perfect for Irrigation: 700 feet front age on paved highway; city water. Ifern Is a chance to got something that can bo developed into the very best. See J. C. BARNES Phono 781-L New Location, 411 Center Building TRUCK GARDEN DAIRY llOTTOM LAND 35 ACHES AT CITY LIMITS We offer, what we believe to be, the only large tract of BEAR CREEK BOTTOM LAND real close to Medford THAT CAN BE BOUGHT AT ANY SUCH PRICE AS WE OFFER THIS. Only one mile from Med ford, stone's throw off Paved Highway, good groveled County road, fine shaded pasture, abundance of water and excellent building site. WE WILL TAKE PROPERTY AH PART PAYMENT. SEE US TODAY. FOITLSITE REALTY AGENCY Rooms 400-HO Modfortt Center Bldg. Ral Estato ' Builnofs Opportunities exchange LOST LOST Hrown leather purse contain ing $5.00 bill, two silver dollars and chango. Call at Solby Cigar Store. Reward. 298 LOST Shamrock brooch set In pearls Reward. Return to 402 W. Third. 297 LOST Diamond ring. Liberal reward if returned to Mall Tribune office. . 298 FOP. SALE POULTRY AND KGGS FOR SALE Hanson-Tnncred White Leghorn hatching eggs, fnrm range, vitality unsurpassed, largo eggs. Mnplohurnt' Poultry Farm, Jackson ville, Phune 354, ovonings. 298 FOR SALE Eggs, from high quality dark Ilnrred Rocks, tho kiud that lay, weigh and puy, $1.50 a Betting. Mrs. t.'liaa. Lamniey, Central Point, Route 2. 302 FOR SALE Puro bred Buff Orping ton cockerels, Illinois strain. Mrs. Frank lipswlck, R. F. D., Box 176, Ashland, Ore. 2ii FOR SALE Strong healthy chicks from best of stock: satisfaction guaranteed. Square Deal Hatchery. Phone 961-L. 296 FOR SALE Light Brahma eggs and birds. Mrs. C. Carey, Talent, Ore. Phone 341-J-l. FOR SALTS Oregon Agricultural Col loge Barred Rock hatching eggs, $1 per 15; $5 per 100. Phone 23x3, W. M. Tethorow, Central Point, Ore. 298 FOR SALE Baby chicks and hatch ing eggs from 2 year old Hoganlzod hens. S. C. Rhode Island Reds, win ners and layers; won & firsts Ash land show, and 3 special ribbons from Rhode Island Rod club of America. 8. C. White Leghorn pure Tancred strain. Red Wing Poultry Yard, phone 866-Y, Medford, Ore. , 309 FOR SALE Hatching eggs. Dark Barred Rock, $3.00 for fifteen. J. W. Cook, K. 3, Box 48. Phone 969-R. 311 FOX SALE Hctchlng eggs $6.00 hun dred, from Single comb White Leg horns. All breeders selected by use of the trapnest. No pullets or low producers used. Dr. C. A. Winans, Phono 344-M. 200 FOR SALE Barred Rock eggs for hatching, O. A. O. .strain. Phone 201-J. 298 BARGAINS For the Rancher Huwthorno Oeam Separator $15.00 Old Trusty Incubator and Brooder, (123.00 Prunin Hooks, long handlo....81.50 Cross Cut Saws ; $2.50 Buck Saw, good as new $1.05 Dlston Hand Saw, Uko now $2.50 Used Axes from $1.00 to $1.25 Crowbar, lonR hnndlo $2.00 Used Picks from BOc to $1.00 Stump Powder Augur, 2 In $1.00 Victor Trnps -25c, 85c, 50c Pair No. 8 High Top 8lioes........$1.00 NEW GARDEN TOOLS ' New Oardru Hoc, each...,..........5c Now Garden Wcodor..: : ..$1.35 New Sqiuiro Point Shovel $1.75 Now Garden Hoso, per foot 14 5c The Medford Exchange 211 West Mm In Phono AS1 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ol)ODBUSINESSOPl'ORTUNITIF.S at No. 15 N. Grape St., Phone 465-J. tf FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE Ford truck for duiry cows. Phone 788-R-l. 299 FOR SA'LF AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Dodgo roadster, 1920 model, 1923 license, cord tires, other extras, good mochanlcnJ condition. For quick salo $350. Can be seen 136 N. Oakdnlo. 29S FOR SALE A 2-lon Alterbury truck In Al condition, ready to go. Will sell nt very low figure. Can be seen at Colonial Garage. .29S FOR SALE Maxwoll touring $175. Cadillac delivery car in good me chanical condition, just been over hauled. Victor Doulolson, 113 N. Central. 299 FOR SALE. Vnusual bargain in 1-ton Ford truck, motor overhaided, in splendid condition. Call 202 or sen It, 123 8. Front St. 28Stf FOR HALF MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Seml-Deisel engine typo . Y, 25 h. p., tine condition, run only 90 days, good as new. Addrees G. R., News Review, Roseburg, Ore. 298 FOR SALE Cori, on King's Highway Phone 26-J-l. t 302 FOR SALE Dry lime sulphur, Bardo, arsenate of lead In small packages for the home owner and gardener. Monarch Sood Co. tf FOR SALE Baled liny. Inquire of I F. J. Newman, Medford, Oregon. 299 , FOR SALE Largo dlningrootu tablo and Ice box, new; some other pieces. I 220 Bliss, just off Narregan St. to I right. -298 FOR SALE Lnrd barrels Dough troughs, can bs used for watering stock Flour sacks. Pullman Baking Co. FOR SALE Progressiva Everbearing strawberry plants. F. 1L Dressier, Vhono 951-L. 298 FOR SALE Early SunriBe seed pota toes. Phone 1S9-W, C. M. Parker. 299 FOR SALE Beardless seed barley. Jas. Campbell. 297 FOR SALE Quick Lunch seed pota toes, mountain grown, specially selected, best quick growing early potatoes. Distributed by the Farm Bureau Cooperative Exchange, Medford. A. D. Moore, Persist, Ore gon. 299 FOR SALE Dry wood $3.25 tier. 235 N. Ivy. 299 FOR SALE Progressive Everbearing strawberry plants. W. T. Jennings, 1023 E. Main St. Phone 913-R. 297 FOR SALE 1 disc ptow, 1 John Deero binder, Van Brunt soedor, Big Six , mower, .doublo A harrow, spring tooth harrow, 3-sectlon splketooth harrow, sulky plow, hay fork and carriage. Call 565-J-2, FOR SALE Baled hay. Phono 317. 31S FOR SALE Strawberry nnd rasp berry plants. Phone 2S6. 304 FOR SALE Hake-Rite electric shelf oven, capacity 120 H4 lonvos, 4 shelves, whlto tile finish, good con dition, a good baker, $500 f. o.b. Portland. Portland Gas & Coke Co., Portland, Ore. 297 FOR SALE 8'4 tons first class grain hay, bnlod, $20 per ton. Inqulro II. A. Fergus, R. 2, llox 110. 297 JUST RECEIVED Another shipment of those celebrated $12.50 Cords Crank Capos and Trans missions drained free JONES & . KIRKPATRICK Next to Nat. A Real Service. Station By George McManus FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Shouts. Am booking orders now lor weaned pigs. Also fourteen II. P. Stover engine, pump and piping complete for Irrigating. Leonard Ooithuys, TulouL 29S FOR SALE Homo, or will trade for cow. Phone 8-R-l. 297 FOR SALE! Fresh milk goats. Phone 12-F-32. II. Jl. Fox, Luke Creok, Oregon. 298 FOR SALE Three or 4 good teama. Call 1U-J-2. 301 FOR SALE Good work horse, sound and true. Also Vtille hack nnd double harness. Phone 2S-R-1. 298 FOR SALE Work team weight 2200. price reasonable. Also heavy har ness In fine condition. Phono S16-X. 301 FOR SALE High bred Jersey cow. . two years old. J. W. Fish, one mile south Phoenix. 300 FOR SALE Registered Hereford bulls priced reasonable. James . Campbell, Route 4. Box 25. 30U FOR 8 ALE Grade, pure bred and registered Biiroc Jersey sows, to farrow In March and April; also one prize winning registered Duroc boar Call Bort Anderson, Modford, or Mlravlsta Orchard. tf FOR SALE 95 head ol ewes with 80 lambs. E. L. Becson, Talent Phono 372-J-4, Ashlund. 29S FOR SALE One fourteen hundred pound team, wagon and harness, $225. T. A. Stevens, near Griffin Creok achoolhouso. 297 FOR SALE Milk cows, calveB nnd freshening heifers; nlso baled grain hay. Fred Puhl Ranch, Inquire Hubbard Bros. 305 FOR SALE Work team, well match ed and true. Phono 23xx2, Central Point . . 29S FOR SALE Cows Just fresh, select, federal tested. M. Wnlsh, one inllo NE of Medford on Crater Lako road. 307 FOIt SALE Work horseB, small and , large, single and double. Phone 691-R-l. 299 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorneys 0. C BOGGS Lawyer. Specialize In Real Estate and Probate Law 30 North Central Ave. A E. REAM ICS Lawyer, office Id Liberty Building. Chiropractic Physician ' DR. HARVE. P. COLEMAN Chiro practic and Electro-Therapy 427 28 Medford Bldg. Phone 966. tf DR. A. R. HEDGES Neo-Eclectic Physician, DR. LOUISE E. : HEDGES Naturopathic Chiro practor. Machano-Therapy, Rpon . dylotherapy, Food Sciences, Chlro practice. Office: Stewart Bldg.. 235 E. Main St. . Phones: Office 170; Ree. 170-J,2. DR. E. W. HOFFMAN Chlroprae tic Physlclanl Office hour 9 to 12. 2 to 5. Suite 203-04-06-06, Lib erty Bldg. Office Phone 680, Re 1027. . . Chiropody CHIROPODY At office or Dr. Hal stead, Electro' and Mechano Therapy and the Burdlck Deep Therapy Light treatment for acute and chronic dlseasos. Phlpps block, 225 W. Main, Phono 6G3-J. 1920 Oakland Completely! '., Overhauled . Good Tires $350 i See tills before buying. Terms if desired C.E. Gates Auto Co. 1'AQE FIVE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstractors MURRAY BROS. & GREENE Abstracts of Title. Rooms 3 and 5 No. 32 North Central Ave., uf stairs. Jackson County ABSTRACT CO. The only complete Tl I tie System In Jacksoa J County. Abstracts of TItIo and Title Insurance. . WATSON ' & KELLOGG Reliant Jackson county abstractors of t ties. Gold Hill, Oregon. Building Material MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK A BLOCK WORKS Specialize In all kinds of cement building products. Cor. Fir and Tenth Streets. Dentists DR. O. J. JOHNSON Dentist, 228 E. Main St.. over M. M. Dept Store, Medford, Oregon. Phone 669; Res. 10O2-Y. Office hours B a. joj 6 p. m. Evenings and Sunday by appointment. Expert Accountant WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. Wit son, C. P. A. Attention given to anything In accounting and In come Tax requirements. Look Into our simplified accounting method. Liberty Bldg.. Medford. Phone 157-R ' Money to Loav J. R. ANDREWS Buys and sell mortgages and loans money Oj good security, 81 N. Grape St Phone 63-M. S4$ Ksnumenta THE OREGON GRANITE CO.- Monuments. E. A. Hicks, general manager. P. M. KerBhaw, sale manager, 103 E. Sixth St., Med j ford. ltit Osteopaths' '.'' DR. F ' gTcARLOW, Vr. EVA MAIn2 CARl.OW Osteopathic Physlclanl 4 16-4 IS Liberty. Bldg. Phoni 904-J-3. Residence 28 Soutfc Laurel 8t ' . DR. W. W. HOWARD OBteopathl Physician. Special attention given to eye, ear. nose and throat 300 Liberty Building. Phone 496. ' Physicians and Surgeon. DR. WM W. P. HOLT PhyslCttB and Surgeon.. Office Medford Bldg.. Phone 166.' Residence 118 Genesee St. Fbone 166-J-2. - ,.' DR. A. BURSELL Physician end Surgeon. 312 to 814 Medford Bldg. Entrance 86 N. Central. Special attention to spine. Phone 88. - Piano Instruction STUDIO OF MUSIC Mr. John O. Cupp, 913 N. Central; private classes in piano, harmony, counterpoint, composition and history of music. Phone 1018-M. it FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher el Piano and Harmony. Composing, Arranging. Studio 818 . Libert) Bldg., Phone 73 i ' JAMES R. FISH Toucher of Piano. 208 WeBt Main St. Printers and Publisher MEDFORD PRINTING CO., has Ue best equipped printing office . in Southorn Oregon. Book binding,' loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc Portland prices. 87 N. Fir 81. Rug Weaving MEDFORD FLUFF RUG WORKS make fluff rug from old end worn carpets and rug Phoni 610-M 706 Pine St. Transfer EADS TRANSFER STORAGE CO Office 42 North Front St. Phone 816. Prlees right Service) guar nteed. DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. Anything moved, i day or night Service guaranteed. 29 8. Ornpe. Phono: Offlco 644, or ret deuce 1060 or 206. - tf , Upholstering J. WEIS Upholstery, Manufactnrer of overstuffed furniture. Fall line of material. Draperies made to order. - We do sll kinds of uphol stering. We deliver nnd will enO and . show sample Phone 801 V.nnwllls o SAuilltiivg, O AeeouMtnft " CTEIlXERVICElft livaursAce gj Irvvestnvttfa; H, P." 8CH.HITT ' j "Si