MEDFOTJT) MATTJ TUTBTTNP!, MCTTOTtT). ONT, THURSDAY. MARCH 8. 192:', 15(013 TITREE "V 4- NOW PLAYING! RIALTO LON CH'ANE Y .j-with all-star cast, including: Malcolm McGregor, Billie Dove, If Robert McKim i real whales, in , 'i "All the Brothers i! Were Valiant j from the famous adventure story by BEN AMES WILLIAMS . SUNDAY i HOOT GIBSON in " 'eidin: WILD" j Mary Carr Moore Recital Presbyterian Church, March 9th and 10th ; x Program for Friday at 8 p.-m. 1 a: May Text, William Cullon Bryant Op. 28, Xo. 1 b: A Itoa Sour .Mary Lowell Op. C3. No. 1 c: MidBummcr John C. Underwood ...Op. 63. No. 3 (I: The Call ot the Open Sea Daisy ItineharL Op. 0(1, Xo. 1 - t Mary Carr Mooro 2 a: To Mother rna Huple Hoyd Op 79, No. 4 b: Tho Itrooklet Harriet Kimball - Op. 11, No. 2 c: The Rockabyo Lady Eugene Field ,.....Op. 6G, No. 1 Mary Carr Moore 3 Barcarolle (Piano) Op. 75, No. S . Samuel McDonald Scott 4 Scene, Act III, "Narciasa" Sarah Pratt Carr Op. 71 5 a: You George Mellen ..Op. 77, No. 2 b: Shadows Fay Jackson Van Norden Op. 81, No. 12 c: Winter Fay Jackson Van Norden:. : Op. 81, No. 14 d: Song ot a Faun (Flute Ob.) Fay Jackson i ' Van Xordcn .Op. '81, No. 13 . ' Mary Carr Mooro 0 a: : Itomanza (Violin) ; ...Op. 72, No. S b; Komuiizii (Violin).. Op,,75, No. 7 '-'- ' w. t'urlolon Junes 7 a: Dweller in My Dreams KabindrauaUi Tagore..Op. 81, No. 10 b: Dawn Mary Carr Moore Op. 77, No. 1 c: Mysterious Power Mury Carr Moore .....Op 7fi; No. 1 d: The. Tryst Winston Churchill Op. 47, No. 2.... Mary Carr Moore Mr. Scott at the Piano Program Saturday Afternoon at 2:30 : MOTHER GOOSE PAGEANT Mary Carr Moore, assisted lry a number of children in costume "FOOT FITTERS" ' Tort, Dick and Harry Fit All Feet Just tlm-o of tlicm, "Tom," "Dick," ami "Harry" all In tlic snmo leather. , Hut they fit all fn-t all over. .Solid leather nil tlio way tlirouKh! IMc nty of ball room, RlvliiR absolute freedom to tliei toes! UmiR nlove-liko fitters around ankles anil instep: lllKher and narrower nivli keeps foot, from slldlns forward. Narrow and shal lv heel scat and counter follow natural curvn. turo of foot, tluiM holding It In position, lletten filling nml . nentrr apiM-ariiiR than any shoe of Its price. . Featured at $8.00 a Pair - Yon can't afford to uilss coming liero It value in shoes and In service appeals to you! . ' G. M. Kidd & Co. NOTICE 40-8 . There Will Be a Meeting Saturday, March 10, 1923 at 9 pm. THE REGION HALL 9 pm. Remodeling operations ou the fire truck were completed much sooner than expected and the machine, was ready to run at u : :i0 last evening after a tryout. New 3(xG tires have been put on the rear wheels, which wore cut d( wn from a size intended to use 40x8 tires, no longer manufactured. Canned Floods Woek March 3-10. Jlahy announcement cards. Handi craft Shop. .' 29?, Oago hats tells sty.e. Millinery Dept. Med ford. Center Store. 297 The work of preparing the site for story concrete building at North Cen tlie construction of thq new Noff one tral avonuo and lfcnst Sixth streets. Is now fast progressing. The concrete store building on the north end of the site is being moved away, and the other small business building of con crete and glass, and the old dwelling house, will be razed juid hauled away. Lime and sulphur barrels must be returned at the plant wlthlfr-tho 30 (lay limit for the $2 refund. Pear Creek Lime nnd Sulphur company. 2 We have good values In used cars. Patton & Ilobinson, Inc. ' tf Newcomh Is now dolivorying IB-inch green slabwood at $1.75 per tier In four tier lots or more. Place your order soon for early delivery and have cheap wood. Also dry mill blocks. Phono 631. 296tf The Jacksonville gasoline car which has not been in operation for years made a trip in the direction of the county seat last evening. Mechanics have been at work for some time over hauling the car and getting it In shape for operation. Auto Insurance. Brown & White. Colonial Garago for tire sorvice.319 " Vclie Sales & Sorvlce, 118 S. Central avenue. Phone 709-J. . 29G AA tailored suits, Medford made. Guaranteed to fit and satisfy, $35 to $50. ftloin the Tailor, 12S East Main. Upstairs. 300 Dance! Wed. nnd Sat. nights! Orien tal Ballroom! ( , 299' The Dalles high school defeated Redmond high school in n basketball game last Monday night and will rep resent the Columbia River district at the state tournament. The game was won by The Dalles in the last few minutes of play the score being 24-21. Salem and Dallas high schools meet tonight to decide the championship of their district. Newcomb is now delivering 16-inch green slabwood at $1.75 per tier in four-tier ' lots or more. Place your order soon for oarly delivery and have cheap wood. Also dry mill blocks. Phono 631. 296tf First-class real Japanese crepe, all colors, 25c a yard. Jap Art Store. 298 Take your kodak films to Palmer's studio. First class work and prompt Service. ; ' ' . tf ,' This is "danned Goods Week, "."tf Agent for Alladln 94 per cent air lamp. Orrin Wakefield, Phoenix, Ore. . 299 Wm. Simpson, well known "whole sale drug salesman with headquarters in Portland, but who made his head quarters here for several years, is in the east because of the death of Ills sister from pneumonia at Sterling Colo. , Hot tamales and chili con carne at De Voe's. "H Crescent orchestra dance, Eagle Point, Sat., Mar. 10. 297 A fur scarf or choker is necessary to make your spring costume com plete. All kinds at Bartlett's. 297 After the fire it Is too late to insure. See Redden & Canaday now. "W. P. Baker, familiar to every one along Sixth street on account of his frequent visits down town and his active interest in the events of the day, passed away last Sunday night at the Sacred Heart hospital in Medford. Mr. Baker was 96 years ot age at the time of death, havjng been born in Kentucky in 1827. Ho lived in Ken tucky for many years, mjved later to Snohomish, Wash., and came to Grants Pass 12 years ago, and has since made his home in this city. Mr. Baker was a member of tho Ma sonic and Odd Fellow lodges." Grants Pass Courier. Oriental Ballroom! Wed. and Sat. night dances! 299 Advertise in. Mail Tribune and. Sun this week and reach every farmer In Jackson County. tf Dance In Oriental f Ballroom Wed. night. Admission 10c. 295 The Weed girls have won the bas ketball championship in basket ball for Siskiyou county this year. In the 13 games they have played they have made an average of 68 points to their opponents' 16. During the season they have defeated the, following teams twice, once on tneir own noor and once on tho Weed floor: McCloud, Dunsnlulr, Slsson, Tennnnt, Etna Mills, nnd Medford, Oregon. In a practice game on the Ashland floor the Weed girls lost one gnme by a score of 31 to 29. Yreka Journal. Noel It, Ersklntf gives plnno lossons at pupils' homes. Phono 720-W. 299 Blng cherry trees. Eden Valley Nursery.. Phono 680-J-2. tt Notice Members of De Molay Jlcgulnr meeting Thursday night nt 7:30. All patrol members bring back uniforms. Prevent Flu and Qrippe For a few cents you can ward oft Flu and Grippe by promptly checking your coughs nnd colds with Foley's Honey and Tar. Also gives quick re lief from coughs resulting from Flu, Grippe, Whooping Cough, AKlhma and Bronchitis. Forty-eight years of satis faction to users has made Foley's Honey and Tar the world's largest selling cough medicine. Contains no opiates Ingredients nre printed on the wrapper. Refuse substitutes. . In sist upon Foley's. ' Sold everywhere. Adv. . DETROIT, -Mar. 8. A baby was I born to Mis. John Cairns today in the midBt of a motor car accident. Mrs. i Cairns was being driven to a hospital : by -Morton Kllsilonli, a neighbor when tUo automobile collided with that of, Dr. Thomas Starrs. Neither car was able to proceed.' Dr. Starrs attended 1 Mrs. Cairns. Tho baby was born In Kllsdonk's car. Mother nnd baby are dolrfc well. OBITUARY TWOGOOD l)aniel 1'. Twogood, lately of White Bird, Idaho, but for merly of Ashland and Talent, passed away Monday the 5th, leaving a wife, Anna, one daughter, Mrs. E. E. Foss of Talent, one son, Harry P. Twogood and five grandchildren of White Bird, Idaho. The body is' expected to ar rivo in Ashland Saturday; tho funeral services to he held at the home of the daughter, Mi's. K. E. Foss. near Talent at 2 p. m. Sunday, interment in Sterns cemetery. Canned Foods Week March 3-10. Baptist apron nnd food sale. Liberty theatre, Friday, March 9th. 296 Kidney and Bladder Troubles Conquered or Money Back For 40 years, said Dr. Cnrey, 1 have prescribing my Prescription No. 777 (known for yenrs as Marshroot) for kidney and bladder sickness nnd now that I have retired from active practice I have made arrangements with leading druggists to dispense this wonderful prescription nt a mod erate price, on tho money back if dissatisfied plan. Beware of kidney disease thous ands die of it every year who ought to bo enjoying the blessings of life and health. Watch tho symptoms. If you-have specks floating before the eyes, puffy eyes, clammy feet or moist palms, backache or sldeache. 3ou ought to get a bottle of Dr. Carey's famous Prescription No. 777 right away. It has wonderfully benefited tens of thousands of cases of kidney and bladder troubles and is the medicine you can always depend upon. Re sults nre guarantoedi NOTE Wr. Daniel G. Carey was a practicing physician for many years and his groat Prescription No. 777 aided thousands of, sufferers from kidney nndv bladder troubles. Here after you can alwas get this effec tive prescription In 'both liquid and tablet form nt Heath's Drug Store and West Side Pharmacy und all re liable pharmacists tho country over. ' Adv. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK In New Offices Is Better Than Ever Your Convenience and Protection Will Both be Served by Use of Our New Facilities We pay 4 on Savings i Let -us show you our safe-deposit boxes, $2.00 And up ' T T ? T T T t r ? ? ? ? ? t f T t y T New Spring Dress Goods We are showing a complete new stock of Plain, Printed Satine and Lucille Voiles. White and colored Organdies, Pongeline, Ratine and Brilliante Tissue; also a beautiful assortment in all kinds of Wash Goods. ' . Mothers, as Spring advances and changes nre necessary for the Children, call and examine our Hosiery, Underwear and the famous "TINY TOT" soft sole and first step Baby Shoes. OUR PRICES will interest YOU. We are Exclusive Agents for the Baby Boudoir line of Semi-made Garments for Infants and children up to six years of age in the finest fabrics and most beautiful designs and colors. Packages can be inspected before purchase. Ask to see Fleisher's W0NDERGL0W YARN, the latest for siip-over Sweaters. . Our NEW SPRING HATS are really KEEN in style. If its new we have it, at prices always the lowest. . EXCELLA PATTERNS EXCEL IN PRICES AND SIMPLICITY. 222 W. Main SHIELDS Medford THE Truwauk Ox ford is claimed to be the most comfort able shoe in the World. If this is true, you cer tainly want a pair. You can prove its truth by trying on a pair without obligation to buy. The Bootery 1 Medford, Oregon Bed Spreads ' In packages made up ready to embroider. Others stamped on differ ent materials, such as needle weave, etc. We. also have the material and will stamp any design of your own choosing. Personal attention given to selection of threads and free embroidery- lessons. at the Handicraft Shop 300 POUNDS PRESSURE 20 Cents Per Foot We are closing ou our entire stock of triple Dianjond and Hercu- . les 7-ply Spray Hose Hi-Pressure and three hundred pound test. This price, in the face of an advancing market, offers the orchard ist an opportunity to save from seven to ten dollars on a hundred feet. This price is subject to stock on hand. Come Early s No Reservations CRATER LAKE HARDWARE CO. Sprusteel Orchard Ladders Maytag Gyraform Washers r: --; T-T-: ; :. , -.-'J T T t ? T ? T f t f T t y y y f f y MR. FARMER: Do you know that, we can save you money on Poultry-Supplies, Grain and Feedsand we use your wheat to make Vilmo Flour Rogue Valley Milling Co. Phone 84 So. Front St., opp. Freight Depot "uirkct nH . now i . low to t "'t-ii f,,.-,. .rr-nd, ' ttul,,' ',""' boot Jim MACHINE WORK Repairing ' Babbitting and Welding Crater Lake Automotive Co. HEAT WITH COAL Place Your Order Now for , Quick Delivery Hansen Coal Co. (Hucccason to rida) 84 8. Fir Ht, l'bono 230-J WATCH YOUR' BATTERY I'REfiT-O-MTK BATTERT , STATION Far Oniric Service Fhme !! :.( Picture Framing J at - Swem's Studio