.i.i, . MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OK'IXiOX, "WEDNESDAY. lAIfOlf 7, 15)2:? iwoe Fivrrc v BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus ' T I? A DETE1CT,v 11 'LUFVOO I If A.H". IT fb MARVELOOfc ( oLUY- 1 feliWu- ' 4 "OWIU-ROK A "V 7 H. , 1 I, t rOLLOVflN -MrT-SO I OP t0 YOU NO ONE WOULD EVER. OOTMX M OVER. TO OINTVfj iT nE-LLO OlQV " . WKHMK CiT ADltXiUi'oE WON'T LOOK KNOW -00 ARE. VAR. , UKEMV IMIR AN' THEN THE V .WT DOWN AM I bO THACT NO ONE. UKEANT- CT JW-NOW OU LOOK k WIFE- pur awc-o . V? vSlJSf t PIP ''U C'.T tf THE. fSfl ' LIE " ' " ' '" " ' . 193 by iNT't Future Slrvice. Inc.. 11 'T ' ,' ' ., i . ' 1 i ' 1 1 - ' ' ' - f-j sjmsm I in mi 'jin n jjl FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOUND FOR RENT APARTMENTS BUSINESS OPPOiit'UNITHCS j FOR S A LIAJTOIOIU LBS f rlukVi S2 I tLw 'i FOR RENT Ranch near Eagle Point. FOUND On the street, two keva. FOR RENT Modern furnished apart-1 GOOD BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 1 . f yCjIftrr-TTCTb ftjjffi?X.aLi F- p- Farrell, Juckson County Hank Owner get same at this office bv nients, reasonable. 632 S. Ivy St. at No. 15 N. Grape St., Phone 405-J. ' ' j JrtTfJ WS4 Kll UluS. 29S paying for notice. t'f 300 1 tf j .'! Uvestoclc ' ' . ) TORTLAND, Ore., March 7. Cat tlo nominally steady; no receipts. Fair to good feeders $4.50 5 00; heavy calves $3,505(5.50. J Hogs , nominally steudy; receipts 111 (contract). Smooth heavy 300 lbs. and up $8.00S.5O; rough heavy $G.008.00. ! Sheep nominally Bteady; receipts 275 (sold to arrive.) ' - ' Rutter ;' &. PORTLAND, March 7. Butter un settled. Extra cubes . 43c; undor grades 4041c; prints 48c; cartons 48c. Dairy buying 3234c. Butler fat 49c. ,s' 1 San Francisco Markets SAN FRANCISCO, March 7. (U. S.- Bureau of Agricultural Econom ics ) Eggs, extras 27c; extra pul lets 24 c. SAN FRANCISCO, March 7. But terfat 48&49c f. o. b. San Fran cisco,. SAN FRANCISCO, March 7. (State Division of Markets.) Hens 2028c. HELP WANTED Male and Fcmal. WANTED Married couple for ranch work; no children. Box C, Mail . Tribune. . tf -' 'HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Good bookkeeper for lum ... ber yard. Mail Tribune, Box J. . tf WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Laundry. Special care . given to fine clothes. 600 Beatty .. 29:. WANTED By lady, cooking, ranch or caihp. Box J T S Mall Tribune. 29" WANTED By experienced ranch man Job, as foreman or ranch hand. Phone 7-F-4, T. W Finley, Genera! Delivery. 295 ' vWAXTEli .MISCELLANEOUS WANTED One wagon, Iron wheels, 28-inch front, 30-inch rear preferred M. B. Chase, Central Point, R. 2 .. . . 297 WANTED To rent enclosed pasture, small or large, anywhere. Frank Handler, Jacksonville.' 29C WANTED Small Incubator in good condition. Box 28, care of this office. 295 WANTED Two or three room fur- . nlshed house. Telephone 4d-k, . inquire for Mrs. Williams. 296 WANTED 250 lawn mowers to shar , pen. Liberty Repair Shop. tf WANTED Veal, must be good qual ity and nave liver auacueu. ouun son Produce Co. WANTED Furnisned apartment, small furnlBhed house or bungalow, or part of furnished home. Refer ences exchanged. Phone 148-Y. WANTED Good 3 and one-quarter Inoh wagon. Valley Fuel Co. WAjVTED Cash paid for pells, hides. wool and rurs s joouauu rmum-o " CS 241 N. Fir i P Phone 97. tf WANTED Howie wjnrjg and repair ing. Plioue 41-31 or iw-a. you kknt uniMSHi.n koums FOR RENT Well furnished sleeping room. Tel. 905M. 299 FOR RENT Room and board, men Terms reasonable. 400 S. Riverside. Phone 645-W. 29 FOR KENT Sleeping rooms, bath; .,, men only. 246 N. Grape. 300' FOR RENT Rooms. $2 per week; .. men only. 445 8. Front. 314 yOFpRENT Well lighted front sleep- 'Ing room, wun imtu inniichv,. i' So. Riverside, Phono 701-J. tf PERL FUNERAL BOMI At Vor Stt1c or Xlhl InfortRatlon Cordially Given Cot. Otn and Oakdale LSjnlanc Serrlci i6uM T !:.r ii in in ma I FOR RENT 28 acres of 20 year old Newtown apples near Med ford. Mrs. T. J. Williamson, 315 S. River side. 290 FOR RENT 80 acres or lnnd nnder water, 2 miles of Medford, good house. Address Bert Andoraon, room 302 Liberty building. tf FOR RENT Oarage at 1103 W. Tenth St. Phone 82. r i tf FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Four room furnished house, modem.. Tel 647-W. 297 FOR RENT OR SALE Small new house, oast sldo. Phone 951-L. 29(i FOR RENT Six room modern house. Phono 938-M. 290 FOR RENT Five room house cheaply furnished. Valley Fuel Co. Phone 7C. . - . tf FOR RENT Seven room house, fur nished. 2fi3 Beatty St. 297 FOR RENT Modern Louse. R-13-R. Phone 298 FOR ' RENT Five room bungalow, also 10 aore garden tract. Phone 317 day time.' 318 FOR RENT 122 Portland Ave., a six room modern plastered house, new ly papered and painted throughout. Good fruit trees, a chicken yard and garage on place. Call 58-R. tf FOR RENT Two roonvHouse, 519 S. Holly. 295 FOR RENT House at 1239 West Main, 7 rooms and garage. Not for sale. C. A. DeVoe. tf TOR RENT OR SALE 7 room house. East 9th St., easy terms. Inquire Jackson Co. Bldg. & Loan Assn. tf TOR RENT 7 room house, furnished, or would aell on payments like rent. Gold Ray Realty So., No. 16 N Grape St., Phone 465-J. tf FOR RENT Houses Brown & White. Choice of 3 Good Cars $150 Each We have cut the price to the quick to move these cars early in the season. A real opportunity to save. Terms to responsible parties BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO, Used Cars ' 1922 Dodge Roadster $650.00 Like new, $180 worth of v . extras. 1915 Dodge Touring $200.00 Good mechanical condition. 1921 Ford Touring $250.00 Starter and shock absorbers. Medford Auto Co. Buick Dealers Cor. Main and Holly FOUND On the street, two keys. Owner get same at this office by paying for notice. tf F-STRATED STRAYED Eight head hogs marked swallow-fork right, underbit left. Reward for information. W. U. Dennis, Eaglo Point. 295 MOXKV TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN I.oans city and business properties. Building loans. W. O. Wright. 701 W. Eleventh St.. city. Phone 445-Y. 304 FARM LOANS Medford "National Farm Loan Association. F. P. Far roll, secretary, Jackson County Hank Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN on improved ranch security. nooo or less. 6 per cent Interest. O. C. Boggs, Attorney for Mate L,ana Hoard. Jackson County. FOR RENT HOUSKICEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT Two large houBekooplns rooms, $11 per month. 322 S. Central 295 FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms. 611 8. Central. FOE SALE POULTRY AND EGOS FORSALE Strong healthy chicks from best of stock; satisfaction guaranteed. Square Deal Hatchery. Phone 951-L. 296 FOR SALE Light" Brahma eggs and birds. Mrs. C. Carey, Talent, Ore. Phone 341-J-l. . FOR SALE Oregon Agricultural Col lege Barred Rock hatching eggs,' $1 -per 15; $5 per 100. Phone 23x3, W. M. Tetherow, Central Point, Ore. .298 FOR SALE Jure bred Barred Rock hatching eggs $1.00 per setting 16. PRone 987-J. 296 FOR SALE Baby chicks, White Leg- horns, from Hoganized two year old hens bred to trapnest cockerels. Healthy, vigorous stock. Can take orders for 600 chix on April 17 at . 16c, 4000 on May 10th at 12o, and 4000 on June 1st at 10c; also book ing to sell 1000 10 weeks old pullets at $1.00 each. Why send, away for baby chicks and pullets? The best stock to be had can be bought nt home. Advertise your needs. Rogue River Poultry Farm, Jacksonville Road, Phone 201-W. 298 FOR SALE R. 1. Red setting eggs, $1 00 for 15; $5.00 a hundred. Phone 8-R-2. - 295 FOR SALE R, I. Red hatching eggs 7o each. Phone 969-R. 315 tOR SALE Baby chicks and hatch ing eggs from 2 year old Hoganized hens. S. C Rhode Island Reds, win ners and layers; won 6 firsts Ash land show, and 3 special ribbons from Rhode Island Red club of America. S. C. White Leghorn pure Tancred strain. Red Wing Poultry Yard, phone 865-Y, Medford, Ore. 309 FOR SALE Hatching eggs. Dark Barred Rock, $3.00 for f'.fteen. J. W. Cook, K 3, Box 48. Phono 969-R. 311 FOS SALE Hatching eggs $6.00 hun dred, from Single comb White Leg horns. All breeders selected by use of the trapnest. No pullets or low producers used. Dr. C. A. Wlnnns, Phone 344-M. 200 FOR SALE fiarre't Rocx eggs for hatching, O. A. C. strain.. Phone 201J. - 2a8 r OR" SALE R7T. Red hatching eggs. Phone r.7;t. 296 ' .HOUSE SACRIFICE ' ' Snow Storm Gives Owner Cold Feet Says Reduce . Price $1000 New Price $2000 Terms to Suit. Beautiful Ilnmfl on mm of hv.t street In Medford. Couldn't build house for 93ftOA. Tho Rronlost bargain In a house I linvo been uble to offer In two years. You must not today If you want this. ' Sec J. C. ' Phone 7HI-L FOR KXCIIANGF, , FIXE HOME AXI) OXK ACHE IN AHHLAXI . More fruit on this acre than any other acre In Southern Oregon and Is of the very best varieties, also lots of Almonds, English Walnuts and Butternuts. House Is 8 rooms, exceptionally well built, large sunny rooms, all plastered, stone foundation. There Is sbrubbory and roses. THIS PROPERTY IS PRICED CHEAP. ALL CLEAR. Will trade for property In Valley or elsewhero, acreage or town. WHAT HAVE YOU? FOUR-SITE REALTY AGKXCY Rooms -I0IM1O Medford 'enter Bldg. Real Estate Business Opportunities Rxchangns FOR RENT Modern furnished apart ments, reasonable. 532 S. Ivy St. 300 FOR RENT At once, furnished apart ment lu Mull Tribune building, hot . and cold wator, steam heat, other conveniences. No children. Call at office. ' tf FOR 8AI.E "REAL ESTATE FOR RENT OR SALE Twolve acre ranch, situated three miles south of Gold Hill on Pacific highway, suit able for chickei or small dairy; a good proposition to reliablo parties. Address Box W, Mall Tribune. 297 FOR SALE OR TRADE 20 acres 14 milus Medford. 50 acres cultiva tion, 15 irrigated, house, bum, lots pine and fir saw timber. Good high way to box factories. Write K I, Tribune.. . 295 FOR SALE OR RENT 360 acre ranch 100 acres in cultivation, good wator right. See W. E. Barber, Nash Bar ber Shop, or Herman Messinger. Provolt, Ore. 298 FOR SALE lxt on Ross Court be tween C. M. Kidd's and Swcm's residences. A. V. Carlson, Central Point. 297 FOR SALE Cheap, 6 room house and 15 acres on Spring St., in cultivation J. N. Mediae, R. 3, Box 39. 311 KOR SALE, RENT Oil TRADE Alf alfa, grain, stock ranches, orchards, also city property. Gold Ray Realty .Co., No. 15 N. Grape St., Phone 16S-J. . tf ' FOK SALlfc HOMES FOR SALE Six room houso on Crater Lako Ave., oast frontage, every modern convenience; garage. Address Box W, Mail Tribune. . 297 FOR SALH; Four room hoiiBe and I one lot 60x100; some berries, good garden land, plenty of water, price $1000. Terms on some. 1004 May St., or P. O. Box 930. 296 FOR SALE Home on Geneva Ave. See R. H. McCnrdy, Phono 123. tf FOR SALF1 Modern tour room house and good lot; assessments all paid; easy payments; room No. 4, College Bldg., 31 N. Grape St , 281U FOR SALE HouBes aqd bungalows, furnished or unfurnished; also acreage. Insurance. C, S. But terfleld. Medford National Bank. Phone 889. ' BARGAINS For the Rancher ' . . Hawthorne Oream Sepantor...$I5.00 Old Trusty Incubator and Brooder, -'. - S5.00 . Pruning Hooks, long handle..i.ljll,ttO Tross Cut Hows a.50 Buck Haw, Rood as new.s '. $1.0fJ Dinton Hand Haw, like new $2.oO Used Axes from.,.. $1.0Q to l.2S Oowbar, long liandlo.....!...'. li.O() Used Picks from ....BOc to SI.OI) Stump Powder Aogur, 2 In $1.00 Victor Trajw tilic, Wio, BOc l'oir No. 8 High Top Shoos.,... ...IM.OO NEW GARDEX TOOLS . . Now Gulden Hoes, ench OBc New Harden Wecdor.........'..., $1.!1."S Now Hqiiuro Point HhovoI....;...l.7S Now Guidon Hose, per foot...... 11 c The Medford Exchange 211 West Mnln Phono SI KARNES New Location, 411 Center Building GOOD BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES at No. 15 N. Grape St., Phone 405-.I. tf FOR EXCIIAXGF, FOR EXCHANGE Furd truck for dairy cows. Phone 788-R-l. 299 FOR. BALK MISCELLANEOUS FOlTlTCLEtiadio A batTory, volt. Good condition, ?8. Call 712 W. Eleventh St. 295 FOR SALE Progressive Everbearing strawberry plants. F. 11. Dressier, Phone 951-L. 296 FOR SALE Early Sunriso seed K)ta toes. Phone 189-W, O. M. Parker. 299 FOR SAIJi llonnchen barloy for seed, pure and clean, $2.25 per cwt. Phono 4-F-13, Eaglo Point. , 290 FOR SALE Beardless Jus. Cumpbell. seed barley. 297 FOR SALE Quick Lunch soed pota toes, mountain grown, Bpeclully selected, best quick growing early ltatoes. Distributed by the Farm Bureau Co-Operative Exchange, Medford. A. D. Moore, Persist, Oi-e-gon. -299 FOR SALE Dry.ood $3.25 tier. 235 N. Ivy. 290 FOR SALE Loose and baled alfalfa and grain hay. Phone 500-R-2. 296 FOR SALE Progressive Kverbenrllig strawberry plants. VV. T. Jennings, 1023 E. Main St. Phohe 913-R. 297 FOR SALE 1 disfl p:ov, 1 John Donro binder, Van Brunt seeder, Big Six mower, double A liurrow, Bprlng tooth harrow, 3-Boctlon splketooth harrow, sulky plow, hay fork und carriage. Call 565-J-2. - . FOR SALE Buick 4 light dolivery, $75. 2V4 h. p. -Fairbanks-Morse engine. Phone 927-M. , 295 ! FOR SALE Yuba 12-20 tractor com. pletely overhauled, suitable for orchard, farm or road work. Tel. 611-J-3, F. C. Konly. . ;. 395 FOR SALE At Three Oaks, 468-jTT Alfalfa hay fed out, $15; 2sectlon springtooth hurrow, $20; typewriter good condition, $16; extra good violin, $50; very good banjo, $16; Avery tractor, good condition, $100; also work camp outfit, as follows: Bed Bprings, each, $2; spring cots, each, $2; mnttreBS, $2; cook stove, $5; chairs, 60c. 296 FOR SALE Baled hay. Phone 817. 318 FOR SALE rStrawberry and rasp berry plants. 'Phone 286. 304 FOR SALE Bake-Rlte eleotrlo shelf ovon, capacity 120 lMi loaves, 4 shelves, white tile finish, good con dition, a good baker, $500 f. o.b. Portland. Portland Gas & Coke Co., Portland, Ore. 297 FOR SALE Drinking founts, feeders of all kinds for baby chicks. Mon ' arch Seed Co. ' tf FOR SALE 8H tons first class grain hay, baled, $20 per ton. Inquire H. A. Fergus, R. 2, Box 116. 297 FOR SALE Iowa cream separator, practically now. Phone Central Point 133. 296 FOR SALE Chick food of superior quality at $3.25 por hundred. Why pay more? Monarch Seed Co. tf FOR SALE Reliable Blue Flame brooders, 350-600-1000 chick sizes at reduced prlcos. Monarch Seed Co. tf FOR SALE Corn. Phone 639-R-4. 295 FOR HALE New Oregon strawberry plants Phono 403-11-2. 295 JUST RECEIVED Another shipment of those celebrated $12.50 Cords Crank Cases and Trans missions drained free JONES & KIRKPATRICK Next to Nat. A Real Service - Station FOR SALE Maxwell touring $175. Cadillac delivery car in go:d me chanical condition, Just been over hauled. Victor DunlelBon, 113 N. Central. ... 299 FOR SALE Oakland Six, 1919, new j license, new tires, repainted, over-! hauled, price S325 for quick sale. 1004 Muy St., or 1. O. Box 930. 295 FOR SAih, vr.iiiaual Dargain In 1-ton Ford truck, motor overhauled, in splendid condition. Call 202 or see it, 123 S. Front St. 288tf FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE High bred Jersey cow, two years old. J. W. Fish, one mile south Phoenix, . 3u0 FOR SALE Registered Hereford bulls priced reasonable. James Campbell, Route 4, Box 35. 306 IFOR SALE Two ! dollars each. Phone 17F-21. Tresh cows, fifty James Campbell, 295 FOR SALE Grade, pure bred and registered huroc Jersey sows, to farrow in March mid April; also one prI'.o winning registered Duroc boar Call Bert Anderson, Medford, or Miravista Orchard. tt'" FOR SALE for cow. Work horse or will trade Phone 8-R-l. . 295 FOR SALE 95 lioad ol ewes with 80 lambs. E. L. Beeson, Talent. Phone 372-J-4, Ashland. . 295 FOR SALEOno fourteen hundred lionnd team, wagon and harness, $225. T. A. Stovpns,. near Griffin Creek schoolhouse. 297 B'OR SALE Milk cows, calves and freshening heifers; also baled grain hay. Fred Puhl Iluuch, , Inquire Hubbard Bros. , 305 FOR SALE Young Jersey cow with heifer calf. Phone R-13-M. 295 FOR SALE Work team, woll match ed and true. Phono 23x.2, Central j Point. 298 FOR SALBrCowB just fresh, select, i foderal tested. M. Walsh, one nillo . NE of Medford on Crater Lake rpad.'i ... , i . - .... . 307 . FOR SALE Work horses, Bmall and large, single and double. Phone 691-R-l. , 299 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorneys O. C, BOGGS Lawyer. Specializes In Real Estate and Probate Law 30 North Central Ave. A E. RE AMES Lawyer, office In Liberty Building Chiropractic Physician DR. HARVE P. COLEMAN Chiro practic and Electro-Therapy 427 28 Medford Bldg. Phone 966. tf DR. A. R. HEDGES Neo-Eclectlc Physician. DR. LOUISE E. HEDGES Naturopathic Chiro practor. Meohano-Tberapy, Spon dylotherapy, Food Sciences, Chlro practice. Office: Stowart Bldg.. 235 E. Main St. Phones: Office, 170; Res 170-J-2. DR. E. W. HOFFMAN Chiroprao tic Physician. Office .hours 9 to 12, 2 to 5. Suite 208-04-06-06, Lib erty.Bldg. .Office Phone 580. Res 1027. Chiropody CHIROPODY At office of Dr.. Hal stead, Electro and Mochuno Therapy and the Burdlck Deop Therapy Light treatment for acute and chronic diseases. Phlpps block, 225 E. Main, Phono 663-J. 1920 Oakland Completely . Overhauled Good Tires $350 ; See this before baying. ' ' f. ' Terms if de9ired ' C. E. Gates Auto Co. 11USINESS DIRECTORY Abstractors MURRAY BROS. & GREENE Abstracts of Title. Rooms 3 and 6 No. 33 North Central Ave., up stairs. Jnckson County ABSTRACT OO. The only complete Ti tle System In Jackson County, Abstracts of Title and Title Insurance, WATSON '& KELLOGG Reliable ' Jackson county abstractors of f ties, Cold Hill, Oregon. Building Material MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK ft BLOCK WORKS Specialize in all kinds of cement building products. Cor. Fir and Tenth Streets. Dentists DR. O. J. JOHNSON Dentist, 228 E. Main St., over M. M. Dept. Store, Medford, Oregon. Phone 669; Res. 1002-Y. Office hours 9 a. 6 p. m. Evenings and Sunday by appointment. Expert Accountant wilson auditing co.h. m. Wil son, C. P. A, Attention given to .anything in accounting and In come Tax requirements. Look Into our simplified accounting method. Liberty Bldg., Medford. Phone 157-R Money to Loan 3. a. ANDREWS Buys and selU mortgages and loans money oj good security, 81 N. Grape St Phone 63-M. 246 Konuments ?HK OREGON GRANITE! CO. Monuments. E. A. Hicks, general manager. P. M. Kershaw, sales manager, 103 E. Sixth St., Med ford. tf ' . Osteopaths , DR. F. G. CARLOW. DR. EVA MAIN! , CARLOW Osteopathic Physician! j 416-418 Liberty Bldg. Phont 904-J-3.- Residence 26 Soutu - Laurel St. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic Physician. Special attention given ' to eye, ear, nose and throat. 800 Liberty Bullfalng Phone 496. Physicians and Burgeons. DR. WM W. P. HOt,T-.Physlclao and Surgeon. Offices Medford Bldg. Phone 166., Residence 118 Genesee St. Phone 166-J-2. DR. A. BURSELL Physician and Surgeon, 312 to 314 Medford Bldg . Entrance 36 N. Central. - Special attention to spine. Phone 29. Piano Instruction ' STUDIO OF MUSIC Mrs." John" 6. Cupp, 913 N. Central ; private classes in piano, harmony, counterpoint, composition and history of music. Phone 1018-M. tt FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher ot Piano and Harmony. Composing, Arranging. Studio . 318 Liberty Bldg. Phone 72. Pi-Inters and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO., has tht beBt equipped printing office In Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, sto. Portland prices. 27 N. Fir St Rug Weaving MEDFORD FLUFF RUG WORKS makes fluff rugs from old and worn carpets and rugs Phont 610-M 706 Pino St. - . Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO r Office 42 North Front St. Phone 315. Prices right. Service guar anteed. DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. Anything moved, day or night. . Servlco guaranteed. ,29 S. Grape. Phone: Office 644, or resi dence 1060 or 206. tf Upholstering J, WEIS Upholstery, Manufacturer ot overstuffed furnituro. Full line of materials. Draperies made to order. Wo do all kinds of uphol stering. We deliver and will eaU and show samples. Phone 101. O , Auditing O AceouMlnJ SYSTCIlXERVICEla 0 Irvsurajvcc gj IrvvsjtirvinJasJ M. f, BCHM1TT Itnd Floor MedfcWI Bldg,