Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 07, 1923, Page 3, Image 3

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    OnFiClN", WEDNESDAY, fATK'TT 7, 102.1
: r- A - j tt
tlio stalwart Infant fiml.s himself to
day much ni'aivr pluyint; form than
ho was at this Www lant yvur. AVith
Kuih thiiarfH also Mi-Nally ami
t'olouol Huston who assi'rlui.
niKht that huth these flayers aie in
splendid condition.
Hush und Khawkey; the colonel
said, will fctuy hero until timidity.
XKW YOUK Frank Gonaro, re
cent winner of tho ' American fly
weight t luifiipkmship, defended the
title by knocking out Frankie VU
liuma tji tho third round of a sched
uled ten round bout.
CHICAGO Kd "Strnnsler" Lewis
retained tho world's heavyweight
wrest ltntr title by defeating Allen
Kuutaco in two straight falls.
; MOSCOW. Idaho. March 7. This
;null university town took time to
'turn to earth today, following- two
:iys in tho cloudy, climaxed with u
btous celebration last niglit when
lo University of Idaho Vundula won
io Pacific, coast conferenco basket
ill championship lor tho second
lccesHivo Kcuson, defeating tho Vni
?rsity of California Hears 2i to 25.
Last night's game was the second
a series to decide tho chumpion-
hip, tho Vandals previously having
ken the Northwest championship
pom the University of Washington in
I post season game. California in i
ito meantime had won tho chum-j
ionship of the southern half of the j
onst from Stanford and had-sent her
earn north to meet tho winner of the
V'ashington-ldaho game.
Monday night tho teams met and
Uaho won 2S to 20. Tho Hears went
nto lust night's gamo bent on re
vnge, and, they got it for ono half.
Vhen the fight ei'H stopped to rest
faiifornia was leading 15 to 1 1.
!ven lnthe first part of tho seeond
jnlf the Hears were lending, taking u
even pomt lead at their high pdnt in
he game, four minutes after the
pening of the second half.
Then, with the score at I'J to 12 for
:alifurnia. the Vandals started a
omeback. A field basket and two
oul conversions were followed by the
prking of Helasco, Hear guard, on
iersonal fouls. California got one
leld basket from a long shot by
)'yeil and Captain Fox of Idaho fol
owed it by two field baskets of his
iwn, plus a free throw, tying the
core at 21 .all.
Hut California once more took the
cad on a foul conversion, lost it on
, field basket, followed by two free
hrows, and again evened tho score
vith three throws from the foul line,
caving the score 25 all with . four
hiuutos to play. In those four min
ites Idaho converted two more fouls
ind made a field basket, then passed
tie ball'iimler the Hears' basket until
he gun ended the battle.
CLEVELAND Jack Dempsey, the
heavyweight champion, has been of
fered a guarantee of $1U0,000 or the
privilege of 3"a l'i cent of tho gate
receipts to meet Tommy Gibbons of
St. Haul in a twelvo round bout July
4 or Labor day.
Mr. S. SI. Woods' house, moved a way:
and M ill Winkle moved into it. Mr.
John L. liobliison, Jr., moved out of
the Jiev. Simmons home into his own
home that lie bought of Charley
rainier, now of t he state of Wash
ington and Mr. W, L. Hurst moved
from l he Hobiusou house hit. tho
CummingH house (Wamsley) and J).
A. Schiblcy moved from the James
J onion house into tho Simmons
In my rounds the other day I met
one of tho members of tho council,
Mrs. W. II. (Mattie) Urown and she
and our townsman. John Miller, tho
carpenter, were putting trees along
tho sidewalks from Main street to tho
railroad. If the other five members
of the council took as much interest
in beautifying our town as Mattie
does, wo would have on of tho most
beautiful towns on tho Pacific coast.
Our mayor also takes n great deal of
pride in beautifying our town.
uror'8 electric bill -
A. C. Walker, treasurer's of
fice expense
Home Tel & Tel. Hervices
treasurer's offico
Glass & rruUhomuiC Co.,
treasurer's supplies...
Mod ford Hook Store, sup;dles
treasurer's office -
Postal Telegraph Cabin Co.,
telegrams treasurer's office
4. SO
County Court Proceedings
The following is a schedule of ex
penditures of Jackson County, Oregon,
together with a list of the claimants
vp' iiAVFV f'onn Johnnv ' ariicies oi service lor wiuca inu
Weissmuller of tho Illinois Athletic , claini" s made and which were passed
club, broke by U seconds, the world's ".Mm by tho County Conrt of Jackson
record for the 40-yard swim in a uiuum """.
foot pool with a time of four minutes
57 seconds.
Detroit Halting Hounds.
CHICAGO. March 7. A lineup
vith a .300 or better hitter in every
)osition is one of the things other
merican league teams may have to
lontend with when they meet
his season. On the basis of 19 22
iverages, Manager Cobb will be able
o put a team witli a grand batting
iverage of 320 on tho field, with none
)f the players batting under the
leveled .300 mark.
Babe Ruth Takes Trip.
HOT SPRINGS, Ark., March 7.
la he Ruth, king of distance sluggers,
9 leaving this resort today for New
)rleans and his Yankee clubmates in
ield training.
Still further reduced in -weight by
ihe attack of cold and fever which
Prostrated him for a day last wcekV
Sure Relief
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
2St and 75t Packages Cverywhero
China Herb Store
Thm is to cortlrr Mint Glm Chunf? of
Medionl, Ore, bus cured me of goitre
mid stomnch trouble, tf. M. Leonard,
fcoU J tit.. Grants I'aen.
1 This Is to certify that Glm Chung oi
Medford, Ore., has cured me ot rupture
Of four years' standing. F. U. lahaiu,
i3 ii rit., Grunts i'asa, Ore.
JU.uforu, Oregon, .Ian. IS, 11117.
I This is to nortify that 1, tlia under
signed, had very severe stonch trouble
(ind had been bothered for several year
fnd lust August was not expected to
Ivo, ami hearing of Gun Chung (whose
Herb storo Is at 214 South Front street,
Medford), I decided to get herbs for my
Stomach trouble, and I started to feeling
better ns soon as 1 used them and today
Bin a well man and can heartily recom
mend ttnvone afflicted as I was to e
Glm Chung and try his Herbs.
Win. Lewis, Eagle Point.
W. L. Childroth. F.agle Point.
M. A.' Anderson, Aludtoro.
H. I. Holmes, Kafeje Tolnt,
r. k. Moore. Eairle Point.
J. V. Mclntyre, Fagle Point.
Geo. Von der Hell en. Eagle Point
By A. C. Btowlctt
1 1!)3.
The folIowinK bills were allowoil as
follows with. the exceptions showu:
County Court and Commissioners
Victor llursell, county commis-
sionor's salary and expense. .$130.02
G. A. Gardner, county judge's
salary 1CC.GC
James Owens, county commis
sioner's salary anil expense..
James Owons. county commis
sioner's expense
Home Tel. & Tel. Co., telephone
calls county judge
Home Tel. & Tel. Co., telephone
bill county judge for January
G. A. Gardner, traveling ex
pense Homo Tel. & Tel. Co., telephono
calls county judge
Postal Telegraph Cable Co.,
telegrams judge's office
Circuit Court !
l' Itoy Davis, salary court re-
IMJiter $116.CG
A. K. Thompson, circuit court
crier 24.00
Edith H. Hunt, meals for Jury.. 7.00
Home Tel. & Tel. Co., telephone
j cans January o.ttf
c. .M- l nomas, circuit court ex
pense. - 00.00
Mr. N. I!. Stoddard, the hardware
merchant of liutto Kails, was a pas
HL'ngi'r on tho stage on his way home
last Wednesday- morning.
Dick Daley und little son ot Fort
Jones, Siskiyou county, California,
was over hero visiting his relatives
Sirs. Charles Wilkonson, who
spends the most of her time Willi
her husband, who has to stay tho
most of his tiino at tho Head Indian
Soda Springs'on account of his health
came out on the Lake. Creek stage
Wednesday and went out to her farm
oast of Medford to visit ono of her
sous, who is running tho farm for
Among other . callers were Rubo
Johnson, a retired capitalist anil his
nephew, Alex Mathews, John Minter,
who came in with his gang plow to
have it fixed by our blacksmith, W.
I.. Childroth, who was off to Jackson
ville on jury duty. It works a groat
hardship on our farming commu
nity to have to come in from ono to
twenly-fivc miles to havo work doiv
and find that our blacksmith had
been called on to act us a juryman
when a large community like this nro
depending . on him to do tlieir work.
It does seem as tnough if our Hon. I $ 14.63
judge nut Knew, tlio number o. Sheriff's Office
farmers who are depending on him p, J. Newman, special tax
to ' do their work, so they could do agent $300.00
their farming that ho might excuse C. B. Terrill, sheriffs Ralary.... 208.33
him from jury duty under such cir- Geo. Ti. Aluen, deputy sheriff's
cumstanoeH. Hut 1 havo such faith salary 126.50
in his wisdom and justice that he' L. 1). Korncrook, douuty slier
will do what is right in such cases. I UTb salary 110.00
liert l'cachcy and family of Ash-'Geo. L. Howard, work ill slier
laud have boon hero for tho last week j ill's offlco 100.00
or so with Mrs. 1'eachey's parents. Aileeno McKee, work in slier-
Her fat her -forbid mo putting Iris iff's office 78.00
name in Tho Mail Tribune, so 1 with-.Edna Snyder, deputy sheriff's
hold it.- And Mr. I'eachey has been! Ralary 93.00
overhauling his auto in the absenco Palton Terrill, deputy sheriff's
of the blacksmith, as he is an unclol salary 80.00
Total 31 41
School SuporinU'iniont's Office
Elizabeth Iturr, school super
visor's salary r.$120.l0
Susanne H. Carter, salary
school superintendent lC6.Gti'l
Mrs. Jessie Davis, salary as
sistant superintendent 40.00
Minnie Schloichort, salary
stenographer superintend
ent's office 42.00
Elizabeth Iiurr, mileage 54.00
Patrick & Co., supplies
superintendent's office 12. 2S
Homo Tel. & Tel. Co., ser
vices superintendent's of
fice 7.07
Medford Hook Storo, supplies
supo-'lutendent's office 2.7."
Total $4 15.66
. Fruit Inspector's Offlco
A. C. Allen , blanks and tags..$ 14.00
Ashland Tidings, expenso
county offices 7.00
E. H batman, deputy fruit
inspector's salary and ex-
penso 19 00
Howard E. Warner, deputy
fruit inspector's salary and
.expenso 94.i0
Total $lG4.r.O
Assessor's Office
J. B. Coleman, assessor's sal
ary $ 100.66
Ray Coleman, denuty asses
sor's salary 1)0.00
Limilo Hanscam, deputy as
sessor's salary 110.00
Dnlnlm Coloninn Terrill. dun-
uty assessor's salary 75.00
Burroughs Adding Machine,
repairing, ussessor's office 2.75
J. II. Coleman, stamps, travel
ing expenso 0.25
Patrick & Co., supplies as
sessor's office 14.70
Home Tel. 4i Tel. Co., services
ussessor's office 3 9'i
Medford ltook Store, supplies
assessor's offlco 5.00
Total $477.31
Uoiinly .Ki-iit
Stato of Oregon, first pay-
nient 11)23 county ugent
account $1000.00
! A. H. Hnnglieriv. refund on
porsonal tax 1917 33
It. L. Howard, tax refund 2.31
K. W. York, tax refund 5.90
Butler Thompson Co., tax re- i
fund , 18.20
Total $26.79
(To bo continued.)
m mm
m wmm
Slmerica's Home ShocMish
Gives the shihe that preserves
leather and resists weather!
There's a SHINOLA. shine.for-every
Black, Tan, White, Ox-bIood,"Br6wn
For father, mother, sister, brother
'keep the Shinola Home Set handy I
The dauber, of genuine bristles, cleans
the shoes and applies the polish. The
big lamb's wool polisher, brings the
shine like magic.
7ke nifty, thrifty, everyday habit
- The SJiine for Mine"
Justice Court
Glass & Prudhpmme Co., jus
tice court supplies $ 7.63
J. 11. K. Morelock, justice court
fees 2.00
P. II. Meyers, justice court fees 2.00
A. J. T. Smith, justice court fees 3.00
at Mrs. I'eachey und bo has free ac
cess to the Hliop during Mr. Child
reth's absence.
W. t. Otcnglot and P. G. Kdsall
were here fur dinner Thursday.
I'oto Belts and wife and John
Howard an old veteran of tho Civil
war, (JeorBe Hanson und Frank Ny
;jren of Brownsboro; Carl Beiber
Kteadt, opo of our prosperous farm
ers and Htoekmon who lives on the
Katfle I'oint-Brownabor road; C. V.
Conn, who lives on tho Meadow
Lark ranch, were doing business here
Hoy Stanley, who lias been clown
in California fn tho Allures country
buying cattle for Pauley and Walker
of San Francisco, returned to his
home here a few days ago and re
ports that cattle are very low in price
that the bankers have advanced the
money for the cattlemen and ns the
price lias dropped, are demanding
their money and the result is disas
trous with Komr'of Ihem.
Henry Wahler. who lives out about
six or seven miles on Uiv - reek
came In Thursday to have his horse
shod, but had to go homo without
having it done.
As 1 was iiK'king my rounds Thurs
day I met Mr. Hoy C. Wilkensen of
Hlarriger, Norway, representing the
Morse Crown Cannery Co. Ho is
strictly a fish salesman and had his
sample on plates, spread on the
counter in Mcpherson's store und
they looked good enough to eat. I
also mot at tho same time, A. Ci.
Knapp, distributor of the great Henry
CJeorge Cigar, two great, large husky
men, either of them would would p'
down ISO lbs., but they were riding
over the country In autos, while men
of near half their size have, to dig out
a scant living by the sweat of their
brow, simply because they improved
their time when young and secured
an education and consequently use
their brains instead of their muscles.
(This is for tho benefit of tho boys
and girls who read the Kaglets).
This is moving day in our little
town. Mr. Hush, who was living in
During the aftermath of influenza or its debilitating compll-;
cations, there is more than ordinary need that you
nourish and protect every avenue of your strength.
swrs MM)
because of its efficient tonic-nutrient properties, daily helps!
tens of thousands to renewed strength. Those who are
fearful, or rundown in vitality should use the means
that help build up a healthy resistance.
What SCOTT'S does for others it will do for you. Try itf
TliCPictiuivr emtlr of coMiirroU used in Scott' F-nraluoii Lthrfamouf
. U. I' in !r.-.v .tin t-'inMi in our MMAmfncin
Jlrutwlicit. it i. a uiurauter uf uritul lutilUiLiUt) uuutluil.
Sivl! & lluwuc, Dluouitidd, ti, ),
Hazel Tetherow. denuty slier
Ifl's sulnry 85.00
Geo. 11. Alden, traveling ex-
pense ; 15.20
M. L. Dally, taxi hire for sheriff 30.50
I. K. Drake, mileuRe and 5 Uuys
work sheriff's office...: 41.1S
L. D. Forncrook, traveling ex
penso 42. SI
L. D. Korncrook, finger print
work 15.00
Patrick & Co., shorifrs. sup
plies Peerless Handciui Co., sheriffs
supplies 25.00
C. J3. Terrill, supplies sheriff's
' office 2.10
C. B. Terrill, sheriff's travel
expenso -. 41.02
Homo Tel. & Tel. Co., services
sheriffs office 21.00
Medford Printing Co., printing
sheriff's office 112.00
h. I). Forncrook, deputy sher
iff's travel expense 00.01
.Medford ltook Store, supplies
sheriff's offlco 12.50
Postal Tel. & Cable Co., tele
grams county sheriff's offico 4.42
' $1774.93
Clerk's Office
Chauncey Florey, clerk's sal
ary .. S100.CG
Mildred Nell Florey, deputy
clerk's salary 125.00
John Harris, work in clerk's
office 75.00
Irnia Martin, work in clerk's of
ficio 75.00
Ituherta J'earce, deputy clerk's
salary " 90.00
Dan M. Peurce, doupty clerk's
salary 00.00
Delilia tSeyens, deputy clorks
salary 110.00
Mutt In Stevens, deputy clerk's
salury 75.00
Mary Truax, work In clerk's
office 75.00
Ashland Tidings, expenso
cloik's office 20.50
Class & Pruilhomnie, clerk's
offico supplies 70.51
Western Union Telegraph
Co., county clerk's ser
vices 2.25
Bushong & Co., printing war
rants 30.25
Home Tel. & Tel. Co., tele
phone hill clerk's offlco 11.55
Jacksonville Freight Lne, ex
press clerk's office 50
Medford Printing Co., print
ing clerk's office 9.51
Chauncey Florey, stamps
clerk's offlco , 5.00
Chauncey Florey, stamps
clerk's office 11.50
Total $1025.21
Tif'nMin-r'n Offlco
James M. Cronemlller, 2 days
work treasurer's offlco COO
A. C. Walker, county treas
urer's snlary 150.00
Verl 0. Walker, deputy treas
urer's Balary 90.00
Ashland Tldinps, expense
treasurer's office 475
Clarion Pub. Co., expense
penso treasurer's office 8.75
James M. Cronemlller, bond
for deputy treasurer 2.i CO
People's Electric Store, treas- 1
The Mail Tribune- and Sun
Will Reach 4317 Families and Will Be
Read by Over 1 7,000 People
in Jackson County
It has been arranged to send the Mail Tribune and Sun to practically every farmer,
stockman and fruit grower, who is not already a subscriber to these papers during the
This will enable advertisers to coyer this county thoroughly, as well as reach a large
number in surrounding counties.
Representative Medford Business Firms
Mason, Ehrman & Co.
Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes, Etc.
Medford, Klamath Falls, Eugene, Portland, Astoria, Seattle, Spokane, Lewston
We Guarantee our ;. .:
. work at all times
Experts in Cleaning -and
Sale Stable
111 N. Fir St. Phone 551
Automobile Springs
Merriman's Blacksmith Shop
20 South Riverside
Phone 279-J
Phone 315
for First-Class
Vilmo and Harmony Flour
Aik your dealer for one of these brands.
When purchasing any kind of products or havink any kind ot
work done, always insist on having home products or using hoot
labor. ,