Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 06, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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ocal and
!cal baskets! rant wM be disap
pointed to learn that the proposed
Vnlverslty ot California vs. University
or Oregon basketball game, which It
was hoped would be played here this
wik-end has been definitely called
oil". According to Principal Campbell
or the local high school. California
refuses to stop over enroute back to
Berkeley from the Pacific Coast con
ference championship contests at
.Moscow, Idaho. . . .
' Advertise In Mall Tribune and Sun
thU week and reach every farmer In
Jackson County. , ' tf
All kinds of rongh and dressed lum
ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108, 711
E. Main.
Splendid famished apartment in
Vail Tribune building lor rent at
once. tf
Mr. and Mrs." Geo. It Kstep of 8.
l:cason street, announce the birth of a
nine pound daughter In Friday, March
Owl Confectionery. 15 X. Central.
. M. Wilson. Everything new. tf
Meet your friends at Central hall.
Central Point, Friday. March 9th.
Peerless "4." ( 298
Colonial Garage for tire service.819
Walter Merrick arrived home this
morning from a several days business
visit aj Los Angeles.
Furs for spring, all kinds of chokers
at Bart'.ett's Fur Shop. 115 West Main,
Medford. 297
This is Canned Goods Week. - tf
Thornless blackberry plants. Eden
f alley Nursery, 'hone 680-J-2. U
f " from the . 1
Iv factory j
I i" FRESH a !
now 15
RbS la Croix Vmptrm AMmhmi
A sale of clothing and shoes will be
conducted by the Salvation Army at
their hall. 320 East Main "street. Wed
nesday and Thursday from 9 a. m. to
Sam. each day. Those unable to pay
i tfrir nrtliM fiAAiltwl will Afliurwluii
provided lor. '
Fresh "Hot-Shot" Batteries for your
spray riggs. Electric Shop. S. Dartlett
street 319
Crescent "' orchestra dance. Eagle
Point Sat. Mar. 10. 29T
February 7th Lucky Day at Deuel's.
Corporal C. Allan Nave of the 1'nit
ed States infantry who Is stationed at
Fort Lawton. Waslt, near Seattle,
arrived in the city this mornins to
visit his sister, Mrs. F. D. Fry and
family. Today was the first time they
had seen each other for sixteen years.
The Ashland lodge of Elks at their
annual election la&t Saturday night
elected the following officers: Exaited
ruler, E. C. Payne; J. H. Mattern.
esteemed leading knight; Millard
Grubb. esteemed lecturing knight:
John Flnneran. esteemed loyal knight:
J. E. Thornton, secretary; P. Provost
treasurer, and E. E. Miller, tiler;
three-year trustee, F. F. Whittle; two
year trustee, Andrew ). McCallen.
Colonial Garage for tire servlce.319
For sale CKxx: repacked Newtown s.
Inquire ' Sgobel ' & Day warehouse.
South Fir. Phone 172. 293
Let the Hartford pay your livestock
death losses. Holmes the Insurance
Man. 298
Following the snow of ' yesterday
morning today was almost like sum
mer with its mild temperature and
sunshine. The maximum temperature
or this morning was the highest at
38.5 degrees above that It has been
for two weeks. Rain Is predicted for
Stone marten and fox chokers all
the rage In the clUes. Get yours at
BarUett's Fur Shop. 297
The White Booth restaurant and
Lunch Counter, two blocks north of
Talent Confectionery on highway. A.
Manna, proprietor, . regular ' meals,
lunch counter serves from 1 a. m. to
10 p. m. The best coffee and pies
served. Try us. - 2S4
Crescent orchestra dance. Eagle
Point Sat; Mar. 10. . 297
Pete Ord. the Crater National park
ranger with headquarters at Anna
Springs camp who Is In the city enjoy
ing a vacation, will return to duty In
the region of deep snow in a day or so.
A fur scarf or choker ts necessary
to make your spring costume com
plete. All kinds at Bartletfs. 297
This Is Farm Bureau Week. tf
Grafted Franquette walnut trees.
Eden Valley Nursery, phone 680J-2 tf
For sand, gravel, sediment and team
Work. See Saml. Bateman. 302 Maple
St.. Phone 912J.
City Street and Water Superinten
dent Charles Davis and several mem
bers of the city water department
started work this morning at the city
park Installing extra taps on water
pipes In the park so that Caretaker
Antle . may water the lawn without
using hoses more than 50 feet ' in
length. Piping In the city park, ac
cording to V. J. Etuerlck. is so de
signed that an automatic sprinkler
system can be Installed easily. Dur
ing the last year of his administration
as mayor, says Eraeriek, a sura of 4'0
was apportioned in the city budget for
one Installation of such a system and
former City Engineer Olen Arnspiper
t made plans for it. which are doubtless
still available. The system's installa
tlon'was deferred, however, with the
advent of the world war.
Baptist aron and food sale. Liberty
theatre, Friday, March 9th. 294'
Gregg review and dictation work In
day or evening class; expert instruc
tor; special rates. Medford Business
College. GW.W 29:"
This Is Canned Goods Week. tf
The largest tourist business In Ore
gon's history is expected next summer
by Herbert Nunn. state highway engi
neer, who says that many will come
from southern California, as it is
getting pretty well understood that
the paving of the Pacific highway is
practically completed.
i Did you know that everything In the
Thrift Shop is fumigated before it
' leaves Die shop? Did you know that
all kinds of garments are needed at
the Thrift Shop, and In order to fill
that need, we are going to have a big
drive, beginning Wed- Mar. 14, bo if
you will please look through your
attics and closets and make up a bun
dle of what you don't need any more
and have It on your porch on Mar. 11,
it will be called for. Did you know
that you could get good magazines at
Thrift Shop for 1 cent apiece? 295
The Mail Tribune and Sun will
reach 4317 fsmilles in Jackson county
' every day during the week of March
3 to 12. Nut sed. Advertise. 294
Veils Sales & Service, 118 S. Central
avenue. Phone 769-J. 296
The regular meeting of the Rogue
River Ministerial association was held
yesterday at Gold Hill and was attend
ed by pastors from this city and other
parts of the county.
First-class real Japanese crepe, all
colors, 2oc a yard. Jap Art Store. 29S
' Oriental Ballroom! Wed. and Sat
night dances! 29S
Fancy stock and poultry raisers who
have stock or eggs to sell should ad
vertise them In the Mall Tribune and
Sun this week as these papers reach
every fanner In Jackson county and
' cover the cities thoroughly. 296
: After the fire It Is too late to Insure.
See Redden & Canaday now.
KENTUCKY DERBY" - . ' .' ,
This adaptation of "The Suburban" shows BOUND 3 v
the real Kentucky, the Derby crowds, the ' "THE "Vr)k '
race. In toto, and even close-ups of ; rviTurn I V
GET READY ! for all you can ?Ww U SM
K think "of in'DAEMA, HEART 3VJWu W
TOMORROW! . (gf llll
will. ' I f k-JU.
" r lA Vi fM kWi 1
A large Monday night audience!
heard Dr. Wm. IL Huff at the First
Methodist church last nisht Of the
; out of town people the greatest num
ber were from Ashland. Interdenomi
national interest was evidenced by the
presence of several of the pastors of
other churches. Delegations from
Talent and Gold Hill will be In atten
' dance tonight There will be after-
Boon services this week at 3 o'clock
each day except Saturday. The hour
of the evening services is 7:30 o'clock.
Advertise in Mail Tribune and Sun
this week and reach every fanner in i
Jackson County. . tf
Nursery stock, abso'-nly aecllmat- j
ed, ' guaranteed. Guaranteed. Fran- !
quette selected walnut trees, finest
home grown grape vines(Tokays. Mal
agas. Emperor.- Muscat Concord,
Black Prince, etc.). fruit trees of every
variety, largest Glad tola field In Ore
gon (bulbs at 11.00 dot., blooming age) j
thornless blackberries, raspberries, j
Logans. 7 varieties stra berries, rhu
barb, asparagus, fruit trees every de
scription, blight resistant pears, Bosc,
Banlett Cornice, D"AnJou. We pay
charges to you. The Jordon Nursery,
Grants Pass, Ore, at N. Tenth street
Baptist apron and food sale. Liberty
theatre, Friday, March 9th. 296
"Chick'" Hawk and Charlie Farmer
spent yesterday afternoon fishing on
Rogue River and report poor luck.
Farmer brought home one fish while
Hawk was entirely unsuccessful.
Auto Insurance. Brown & White.
Noel L. Erskine gives piano lessons
at pupils' homes. Phone 729-W. 299
Canned Foods Week March 3-10.
This Is Farm Bureau Week. tf
Blng cherry trees. Eden Valley
Nursery. Phone CS0-J-2. tf
The flrBt annual interscholastic
track meet for high schools held In
this stale will take place at Corvallls
during the O. A. C. Junior week-end.
All high schools in Oregon except
Portland will probably send their
track men to compete. Invitations
are being sent to high schools through
out the state and in adjacent states.
Dance in Oriental Ballroom Wed.
night Admission 10c. 295
Oriental Ballroom! Wed. and Sat
night dances! .. 299
Advertise in Mail Tribune and Sun
this week and reach every fanner in
Jackson County. : tf
This Is Canned Goods Week. tf
Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Hodgman have
returned from a business and plea
sure trip to Portland.
Agent for Alladin 94 per cent air
lamp. Orrin Wakefield, Phoenix, Ore.
Hot tamales and chill con came at
De Voe's. tf
Crescent orchestra dance, Eagle
Point Sat. Mar. 10. 297
The city council will hold Its first
meeting of the month tonight at which
time among the other business under
consideration It is expected that
action will be taken to govern the
policy of the city auto camp this year.
Royal Neighbors will , meet with
Mrs." Robert Taylor on East Main,
Wednesday. March 7th. All Royal
Neighbors are Invited to be present
so arrangements can be made to at
tend meeting at Jacksonville In even
ing. ' 294
Sandwiches, salads, cake, pie and
coffee at all hours. Crater Lake Ice
Cream Parlors, Medford Center Bldg.
i Call at Hotel Medford Beauty Par
lors and see the latest In cornet
braids. 295
i The Klamath Falls basketball team
which arrived in Medford Sunday lert
this morning for Ashland where they
will play the Ashland high school bas
ketball team In the high school gym
tonight During their stay here they
were guests at the Hotel Holland.
Dance! Wed. and Sat nights! Orien
tal Hauroom: w
Take your kodak films to Palmer's
studio. First class work and prompt
service. tf
This is Canned Goods Week. tf
Of the 298 certificates Issued by the
V. S. land office at Roseburg for the
fiscal year ending March 1. 207 were
Issued to homesteaders, and. 51 for
timber sales or cash sales of isolated
tracts. These certificates. Issued as
fiual proof is made, are held as au
thority for title until the official pat
ent from the general land office is
received. Following are the counties
In southern Oregon' recorded: Jack
son, 45 homesteads and 8 sales; Jose
phone, 29 homesteads and 3 sales,
and Douglas county, 47 homesteads
and 2 sales.
Lime and sulphur barrels must be
returned at the plant within the 30
day limit for the $2 refund. Bear
Creek Lime and Sulphur company.
Wa hare good values In used cars.
Patton & Robinson. Inc. tf
Velle Sales & Service, 118 S. Central
avenue. Phone 769 J. 296
Miss Christine Heckman. sophomore
in the school of physical education of
the O. A. C. from Central Point, was
a member of the 8u8an Campbell Hall
women's swimming team which won
the championship of all women's liv
ing organisations on the campus. Ten
women's organizations competed in
the league and competition was keen,
the Susan Campbell Hall swimmers
finally winning the title by defeating
the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority
tank experts, 48 to 23. Miss Heckman
tied with Joy Johnson of the Kappa
team for second high place, each win
ning eight points In the titular meet
Oriental Ballroom! Wed. night
dance! 295
Flowering shrubs and evergreens.
Eden Valley Nursery, Phone 6S0-J 2.
This paper will be read by 17.000 to
20.000 people every day this week, in-1
eluding Sunday. Better carry an ad
in the same. '9
Handicraft Shop.
se per yard.
Buttons cor sred.
It' the steady, consistent saving that builds the bank account.
Economy prices are always lowest because we eliminate the cost
of clerks, credits and deliveries. It's because our prices are
always low that we have justly earned the reputation of price
makers of Southern Oregon.
Here are some of our regular all-the-time prices. You don't have
to load up, just buy at these prices any time' and remember this
our original slogan "You will always save at the Groceteria":
Silk Soap, 6 for 25c; 25 for '.$1.00
Polar White, 6 for 25c; 25 for $1-00
White Linen, 6 for 25c; 25 for $100
White Wonder, 6 for 25c; 25 for ' $1.00
' Large Oval Sardines,' can
Graham Flour, 9 lb. sack ........ '
Standard Tomatoes, selected stock, 2 for 25c
Solid Pack Tomatoes, extra fancy, 17c; 3 for .'50c
Standard Pack Peas, No. 2 cans, 2 for , 25c
"Standard pack beans, No.' 2 cans, 2 for . 25c
Crisco, 3 lb. can, 69c; 6 lb. $1.33; 9 lb. . . $193
Snow Drift Shortening, 4 lb. can 82c; 8 lb $1.58
Wesson Oil- quarts . 53c
Royal Baking Powder, can . .'40c
Calumet Baking Powder, 1 lb. can .' 28c
Schillings Baking Powder, 1 lb. can 45c
Oysters, good grade, can 15c
Shrimp, extra fancy, can 15c
Pineapple, grated flat cans ., 10c
Del Monte Spinach 15c, 18c, 22c
Citrus Powder 27c
Soda Crackers, in 3 or 5 lb. boxes, lb 14c
Bring us your eggs. We allow the regular market price, and you
get the benefit of these low prices.
Buy here and bank the difference
'Join the Farm Bureau "'V.'-f-.v.
Every Time We Sell a Car We
Make a Friend
The very definite progress which has marked each succeed!; a
year in Velie manufacture is more emphatic in this yea-
models than ever before not alone because of our own Ve-lie-built
motor, giving a degree of power and flexibili
heretofore unknown even to Velie cars, but also because '
the refinement of craftmanship in body-building and finishing.
There are specially-designed parking lights and drum-type
headlights of distinctive design. An interesting removable
tonneau light on a reeled cord serves as a portable light when
needed. Nickeled trimming adds a note of beauty to even the
smallest units. Beautifully-curved, full-crown fenders accen
tuate the lines of the body itself, adding greatly to the finish
ed effect. '
The Velie-built motor is as free from vibration at sixty miles
an hour as at six, is automatically lubricated, dirt and dust
' proof,' overhead valve gives maximum power.
The general sales manager for Oregon is in Medford with a
latest model Velie to establish a distributor for Jackson and
Josephine counties for these popular cars and is located at 118
South Central ave. Phone. 769-J.
Portland, Oregon