PAGE TWO MEDFOT?D MATT j TRTBTJXE, MEDFORD. OTJEfiOK, MONDAY. MAPCTf Focal and Personal Medford people arose this irornini? to find that the stretch of fine weath er for the past two weeks was at an end with a half inch of snow on the (.round that had fallen during Uie night, and with it still (mowing. The Tine snow melted last and at times turning the day turned to mist The precipitation at 8 a. ni. today for the past 24 hours ending at that time was .09 of an inch. Rain is tho prediction for Tuesday. Inaure vour livestock against death from any cause. Holmes, The Insur-j nnce Man. We are now delivering slabs from the hig mill. Hy ordering early you will secure better slabs, mostly fir, and you will soon have dry first-class wood at the smallest possible cost to you. Valley Kuel Co. Phono 7fi. tf Every farmer, stockman, poultry raiser as well as all others who have anything to sell or want to buy any thing should nso our classified col umns March 3 to 12, as the Mail Tribune and Sun will be sent to prac tically every , farmer, stockman and fruitgrower in the county. 294 Word has been received from Mr. and Mrs. It. F. Antlo who have boen sojourning in southern California for weeks last that they will not return homo until April 1st Writing to friends from Pasadena the local bank er and theater man says: "We are cer tainly enjoying the land or sunshine and flowera.'1 Crescent . orchestra danco, Eagle Point, Sat, Mar. 10, 297 Genuine Bouch Magneto parts and repairs. Electric Shop, Eighth and riartipTt. M" Velie Salos & Service, 118 S. Central avenue. Phono 7G9-J. 29C Most of the officers or the Cnlifor- nla-Oreenn Power company left this morning for Klamath Falls la which city tonight a mooting of the com pany's stockholders of that district will be held. , i This is Canned Goods Week. tf Famous Federal headsets on sale Monday 9 a. m. 0.50 while they last. Virgin's Radio Service. 293 The Elks lodge minstrels arrived home early this morning from their barnstorming trip to Klamath Falls and Weed. Last Friday nnd Saturday nights they had largo and appreciative audiences in Klamath Falls, and the , next afternoon at Weed played to only 25 people, due to the Tact that a Sacra monto nowspaper, which has a large circulation there had stated that tho show was "rotten" and that the weath er was exceptionally nice too fine really for most people, to be indoors, lowover tho minstrels gave . their good performance to thlB small audl- " once with the result that at tho night V))erfofmnnce they had a capacity liouso. This is Farm Ilureau Woek. tf Velie Sales & Service, 118 S. Central avenue., Phone 7C9-J. . . .,. .296 Closing out all our mrm machinery, ' several good buys. ration & Hobin son. Inc. tf -. "Walter J. Jones, tho former forest ranger who resides In Medford was a week end visitor at Grants Pass. Advertise in Mall Trlbuno nnd Sun tlila iroak nnrl reilMl PVfiPV farillOl In ' Jackson County. tf If you want to reach practically ) every farm home In this county, a ma jority of the homos In Medford nnd the other cities of the county, as well as a largo number of people In sur rounding counties advertise lit tho Mall Tribune and Sun during March 3 to 12. 295 We will loan you money to build or buy Holmes tho Instiranco Man. The regular meeting of tho Parent Teachers' council will be held at the public library Tuesday arternoon. at 3 o'clock. All members are urged to attend. You can got It at IJeVoe's. tf My In time take Kif Dr.KINGS NEW DISCOVERY Iht family cough syrup The Washington school pluyshed. completed some time ago, was used for the first time this morning becauso of the inclement weather, and the hundreds of pupils romped and played games on the dry ground in the Immense CO by 90 feet shed, which will soon be equipped with basket ball baskets. The bin Lincoln school plnyshed will bo fin ished and all ready for occupancy some time this week. Father Ablo will be there, too. Where? At High school, Mar. Clh. 293' Velio Sales & Service, lis S. Central avenue. Phone 7ti9-J. 29G ' Canned Foods Week March 3-10. Rhubarb and asparagus roots. Eden Valley Nursery, Phone 6S0-J-2. tf Arrangements now nearlng comple tion promise this community Its first auto show room. Palton and Robin son, of Medford, have leased the ware room of Geo. Wolf who Is e.Xjcted to put a new front of glass onto the building, ir the Wolf deal goes thru II. E. Wharton will accept the man agement and the Chevrolet sales room at Gold Hill will become a fact. Gold Hill news. Livestock life insurance in the Hartford Insurance Company. Holmes the Insurance Man. 298 The Mail Tribune and Sun will reach 4317 families in Jackson county every day during the week of March 3 to 12. Nuf sed. Advertise. 291 Voile Sales & Service, 118 S. Central avenue. Phone 7C9-J. 29C Hot tamales and chili con carno at Do Voe'a. - tf Another band of gypsies, which is working north, was in tho city the latter art of last week and moved on immediately in accordance with or ders from Chief of Police Adams. Crescent orchestra " dance. Eagle Point Sat, Mar. 10. 29 Sandwiches, Balads, cake, pie and coffee at all hours. Crater Lake Ice Cream Parlors, Medford Center Bldg. 307 Call at Hotel Medford Beauty Par lors nnd see tho latest In cornet braids. 29: I Take your kodak films to Palmer's studio. First class work and prompt I service. tf Mark Montgomery, the local South em Pacific agent who piloted the Elks minstrels' two Pullmans and baggage car on tbo Klamath Falls and Weed trip arrived home with the entertain ers this morning and left immediately on tho northbound Shasta train for Cornelius, Oro., as ho had Just re ceived word that the condition of his mother, who had been seriously III for weeks past had taken a turn to tho worse. I This Is Canned Goods ,Weok. tf We have good values in used cars. . Palton & Robinson, Inc. tf I Velio 8alcs & Service, 118 S. Central ' avenue. Phono 769-J. 296 Milk and cream, at DeVoe's. tf Grnrtlug wax. Eaen 'Valley Nursery, Phono 680-J-2. Mrs. Goorgo Hunt of Medford and Mrs. C. W. Dunlap of Grants Pass lenvo tonight for Portland to spend a week. Thny will attend "Tip Top," the big musical axtravagunza in which Fred Stono Is starring, also Julian Eltlnge's appearance at the Orpheum. Mrs. Hunt will also attend U business In connection with tho Medford thea tres. This Is Farm Bureau Week. tf This offlco is prepared to print ledger sheets, bills, etc, used on the your orders to traveling men and have thorn printed out or Medford. Phono us and wo will call. tf February 7th Lucky Day at Deuel's. 301 All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108. 711 B. Main. Tho Klamntli Falls baskotball team accompanied by Conch Nash arrived yRHtorday and registered at tho Hotel Holland. Tho Klamath Falls team has defeated every basketball team it lias met this your nnd claims tho southorn Oregon championship. Tho Klamath challengers will meet Medford at the Nat tonight to docido the question. Advertise In Mail Trlbuno and Sun this week nnd reach evory Tanner In Jackson County. tf March 1st, ttho MaTinollo Shop will start marcelling at their former prices. 293 Father Ablo will 7.o there, too. Where? At High school, Mar. 6th. 293 There's n busy business College In your homo town. OWN. Fruit nut and shade trees. Eden Valloy Nursery. Thono CS0J-2. tf Handicraft Shop. Hemstitching Plcotlng No per yard. .. Bnttoni covered. SSL SPRAY RIG REPAIRING Williams Implement Service !2H 8. TUrtli-tt Phone 2(1,1 Hurd Land & Investment Co. aiur vn Kim isi:i to iw.iv yov, IX yoi'll IXVI'STMI.-NTS. If you wisli to IncoriHirnte, St'.(TIU; Insurance) of any Kind, Make a loan Jinro your till" rvnmliml, C.U.I OX VS. 402 Medford Illdg. Tel. 43. PNEUMONIA Call a pliyaicinn. Then begin I "emergency" treatment with V a fo Rub Octr 17 Million Jan Utti Ycattg Picture Framing at Swem's Studio WATCH YOUR BATTERY PRKST-O-MTR HATTKRT STATION For O" Irk Rorvtro rhonr !! HEAT WITH COAL I'laco Your Order Now for Quick Delivery Hansen Coal Co. (Successors to buib) Rl 8. rir Ht. Phono B.HO-J MACHINE WORK Repairing Babbitting and Welding Crater Lake Automotive Co. Johnny Carlson, the boxer has left Gold Hill with his promoter for San Francisco, where ho will seek future boxing bouts. Advertise in Mail Tribune and Sun this week and reach every farmer In Jackson County. tf All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108, 711 E. Main. Owl Confectionery. 15 N. Central, F. M. Wilson. Kverythlng now. tf .Meet your friends at Central hall, Centnil Point, Friday, March 9th Peerless "4." 298 The Story -of a Steelhead," relating the life of n member of that particular division of the finny tribe, written by Hen Hur Lampiuan, former well known Cold Hill author and journalist, ap peared on tho front page of the Ore- gonlan magazine section yesterday. The story is accompanied by a picture of "Toggery Bill" Isaacs in a struggle with a Hogue Itivor steelhead. Crescent orchestra dance, Eagle Point, Sat., Mar 10. 297 Father Able will be there, too. Where? At High school, Mar. Cth. 293 February 7th Lucky Day at Deuel's. 301 For sale Good repacked Newtowns. Inquire Sgobel & Day warehouse, South Fir. Phone 172. 293 Frank llraymer has returned from Klamath Falls where he has been for the past lew weeks. Ho has accepted a position with a lumber mill at Hilt. Calif., and will leave for that town shortly. Let tho Hartford pay your livestock death losses. Holmes the Insurance Man. ' 298 ThlB is Canned Goods Week. tf Thornless blackberry plants. Edet falloy Nursery, 'hone 680-J-2. tf The White Booth restaurant and Lunch Counter, two blocks north of Talent Confectionery on highway. A. Hannn, proprietor, regular meals, lunch counter serves from 7 a. m. to 10 p. m. Tho best coffee and pies served. Try us. 294 Jack Hemstroct, who is caretaker of Crater Lake lodge this winter tramped through the deep snow to Klamath Falls to take in the Elks MinstrelB show at Klamath Falls last Friday night, and returned to the lodge the next day. Mr. Hemstrcet is a member of the local lodge, and says that 25 Klamath high school boys nnd girls last week walked on skiis over the snow to the lodge and return from Fort Klamath. Crescent orchestra dance. Eagle Point, Sat., Mar. 10. 297 This is Farm Ilureau Week. tf Grafted Franquette walnut trees. Eden Valley Nursery, phone 6S0-J-2 tf Gregg review and dictation work in day or evening class; expert instruc tor; special rates. Medford Business College. GWN. 292 For sand, gravel, sediment and team work. See Saml. Bnteman, 302 Maple St., Phone 912-J. , Fred L. Strang nrrlved last ovenlng by auto from Uoscburg and will spend several days hero with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. CharleB Strang and fam ily. Following his visit here he will continuo his journey south by ntito and will Bpend some time In San Jose and Sacramento on business. This is Canned Goods Week. tf Advertise In Mail Tribune and Sun this week and reach every farmer in Jackson County. tt Nursery stock, absolutely acclimat ed, guaranteed. Guaranteed Fran quette selocted walnut trees, finest home grown grapo vlnes(Tokays, Mal agas, Emperor, Muscat, Concord, Black Princo, otc), fruit trees of every variety, largest Gladiola field In Ore gon (bulbs at $1.00 doz., blooming ago) thornless blnckberrlos, raspberries, Logans, 7 varieties strnberrles, rhu barb, asparagus, fruit troos evory de scription, blight resistant pears, Dose, Bartlett, Cornice, D'AnJou. Wo pay charges to you. The Jordon Nursery, Grants Pass, Ore, at N. Tenth stroot. 317 Canned Foods Week March 3-10.', A motorcyclist crashed into the window In tho Battery and Electric company quartors at tho Nat. with his sidecar and broko tho plate glass Sunday. This Is tho second accident of tho sort to have happened in Med ford within tho past several months, a window in tho Crater Lako Hardware company having been smashed by a motorist who last control of his car some time ago. This is Farm Bureau Week. tf No better place to go Tuesday than tho High school and hear "Neighbors" a humoroiiB play and some fine music, all for 25 cts. Benefit new Baptist church, 293 Ding cherry trees. Edon Valley Nursery. Phono 6S0-J-2. tf Does your grocer patnmlzo home Industry? Ask him for Stewart's honey. Our phono Is 900. . 31 A delegation of Medford Dokles and Knights of Pythias will attend the I). O. K. K. ceremonial nt Grants Pass tonight, nt which Una Neese, tho Im perial prince of tho D. O. K. K. and his wife will bo guests of honor Mr. Neese Is making a tour of the Pa cific const, nnd stops at Grants Pass this afternoon for tonight's Ceremonial at which 45 candidates will be initiated. Advertise in Mall Trlbuno nnd Sun this week and reach evory farmer in Jackson County. tf This is Canned Goods Week. tf Afier the fire It Is too lato to insure See Redden & Canaday now. Canned Foods Week March 310. The capital stock of tho MedforJ Iron Works was recently Increased from 5000 to JJ5.000. according to articles filed wlih the state incorpora tion commissioner. Fancy stork and poultry raisers who have stock or eggs to sell should ad vertise them In the Mall Tribune and Sun this week as these papers reach every farmer In Jackson county and cover the. cities thoroughly. 296 Flowering shrubs and evergreens. Eden Valley Nursery, l'liona 6S0-J I. Canned Foods Week March 3 10. Alumni of Stanford university in the Itogue River valley will meet at the Hotel Medford on March $ at 7 o'clock lor a Founders' Day dinner. Plans for a permanent organization of Stanford people In the valley will be discussed. Wives and husbands of Stanford alumni have been Invited to attend. Those who intend pres ent are asked to write or phono their reservations to C. E. Blee, the Culifor-nla-Oregon Power company, Medford. Don't forget the card party and cake sale given by the social club of Iteames chapter, Tuesday afternoon, Mar. Cth. at the Masonic hall. Follow the crowd; you won't regret it. 293 ' Hemstitching at Deuel's. 31S All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Woods, phone 108. 711 E. Main. This Is Farm Bureau Week. tf The Elks minstrel show made a big hit at Klamath Falls according to the Klamath Falls Herald, which says in part: "The Medford Elks Minstrel show made a hit with the first night crowd at the Pine Tree theatre last night. The vacant seats were few and scattered, nnd the audience was given two hours of varied entertain ment that, judging from encores and applause, struck the popular fancy right in the midriff, fn spots the show went way above the best amateur standard and climbed to the top rungs of professionalism. It carries an ex cellent saxaphone quartet; a fine vocal quartet and a real orchestra. The latter dozen-piece aggregation does a lot of the lifting of the perfor mance above usual homo talent stan dards." ' A class In millinery will bo started Monday night at 7 o'clock at tho Y. W. C. A. by MiSB Booth of Mann's store. This will bo under the direction of the State Board of Vocational Education, and the co-operation of the local school. Miss Louise Wood, director' The course will consist of six lessons, one each Monday night, and a small fee will be charged. All interested are urged to be present the first night. 293 Boost for the Farm Bureau. tf Canned Foods Week March 3-10. Reserved seats were selling fast this morning for the southern Oregon championship game between Medford and Klamath Falls to be played at the Nat. tonight. Should Klamath Falls win or should they think that they have a chance of beating the local team another contest will be staged on a neutral floor, likely Roseburg's to settle the question. Eddie Kdlnnds ' arrived this morning from Eugene to officiate at the contest. An evening of wholesome entertain ment and fun with a good program Tuesday 8 p. m. at the High school. ; Admission 25 cts. -for-adults and 15 j cts. for children. ' " 293" j Boost for tho Farm Bureau. tf Get an ad for what you have to sell j or want in the classified Columns of the Mall Tribune and Sun this' week as they will not only reach all our present subscribers but every farmer in Jackson county not now a subscri ber. . 29u TOO LATE 10 CLASSIFY FOR SALE Progressive Everbearing strawberrv plants. W. T. Jennings, 1023 E. Main St. Phone 913-U. 297 f! Mi FOR SALE OR RENT 360 acre ranch 100 acres in cultivation, good water right. See W. E. Barber. Nash Bar ber Shop, or Herman Messlnger. Provolt, Ore. 298 FOR SALE Cheap, touring car in good condition. Phone S20-R even ings. 294 If Mj,'. J " lVl f I t lid s . I I ill I VI 1 iCS-l ONLY 2 DAYS MORE "The "'Atta Boy!?' "Come on, Duke!!" Cheers nnd shouts i . wild) npplauso gi this glorious horse r. In WANTED School girl or one em ployed part of time to help with housework for room, board anil small wages. Excellent home. Call 9S2-J. 291 WANTED Two or three room fur nished house. Telephone 458-R. ; inquire- for Mrs. Williams. 295 1 FOR SALE Oakland Six. 1919, new license, new tires, repainted, over hauled, price $325 for quick sale. 1004 May St., or P. O. Box 930. 295 FOR SALE Four room ; house and one lot 60x100; some berries, good garden land, plenty of water, price $1000. Terms on some. 1004 May St.. or P. O. Box 930. 295 KENTUCKY DERBY nt every showing... You get romance, pathos and humor and yon thrill with, the cheering crowds with real thrills that Just tingle up and down your .nino. ' Wednesday ' "THE DANGEROUS AGE". Farm Bureau Week March 3th to 13th 20th CENTURY GROCERY STORES BENEFIT DAY BARGAINS CONTINUED Saturday was truly a Benefit Day at both our Medford and Ashland Stores. "There's a reason" as any one of tlie throng who crowded their way in can tell. This being Farm Bureau and National Canned Goods Week we will continue our Benefit Sale for four whole days. Tuesday - Wednesday -- Thursday -- Friday Pure Cane Sugar, 10 Pounds for 97cts STANDARD CORN Can 11 . 6 cans 60 . Case $2.35 SPINACH Large cans 22c EXTRA STANDARD TOMATOES Large cans 3 for 40 . Case $3-05 - SILVER STRAND SALMON Tall cans 2 for 25 ROYAL BAKING POWDER Large can 40$ NEW PACK SHRIMP Can 15 12 .cans $1.70 20TH CENTURY COFFEE Blended and roasted in our own plant, 3 pounds $1.00 PEABERRY COFFEE Always fresh roasted, plenty of kick, pound 30c COCOA Bulk, guaranteed pure, pound 9c; 3 pounds . . .25c f P. S. TELEPHONE PEAS 21 ean G cans $1.25 DOMESTIC SARDINES 5 can BANTAM BRAND CORN Can 21$ G cans $1.25 ' CRISCO Queen of all shortenings, 1 lb. can 25c; 1 lb. 37c; 3 lb. 72c 6 lbs. $1.35; 91bs.$l;96 ROYAL WHITE SOAP As good as the best, 10 bars .42c DEL MONTE OVAL SARDINES Large eans 15 DEL MONTE CATSUP Pint bottles 25 IMPORTED NORWEGIAN SARDINES in Pure Olive Oil, 2 cans 25 VALUE CUT STRINGLESS BEANS Can 12',:.. (i cans 70 MISSION BRAND ., , PINEAPPLE Xo. l's flat grated 2 cans 25 STANDARD PEAS 3 cans 40 . Case $305 GENUINE WHITE STAR TUNA Prices unequalcd anywhere. Kenieinber there's none "just as good.'' Quarters 15c; Halves 25c; Large 48c Should our stock become exhausted during these four days we will fill your orders at the above prices if , ' placed during this four day period. 374KMatSt. 20th Century Grocery N2gtaS4tag '".5