PXGE SEVEN terns of Interest From the Rogue River Valley MEDF0RH MAIL' TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREGON. FRIDAY. .MA'ROTT 2. 192.'? L E OPENS MARCH 8 1 CGNTItAL iMarob eighth tenoning duto Oioatrc. Mr. Kvlfc returned roiNT, March 1. lma been set as the of the. "F and E" F. V. Sonbream and from Portland Sntur- .. day after attending to business in . "teroatit concerning tho theatre.' Two "i'owera Oil machlnoB wcro purchased. Kild to be two of the latest and best Viodols 0,t ,nu market. As yet they Jiavo not arrived, but nre expected In about two or three days. A velvet 'fold screen was also procured and Is DOW belUK prepared for uso. Tho oneratlnc room Is now being lined with metal to make It fire proof and to comply with tho stato law. tuc ftliniWff ana uuuuruwiiK a i-um- iiluted Tuesday muklnc !t very at tractive, and Improvjns tho appear " 4nco of the corner very much. The lnti.rlnp in rihcorntprl iinnronriatelv. L Tho prico of admission is placed nt r. th(fty cents. Performances will be r; irivan seven niuhtH a week, a new hqw every other nlnht, consisting of (he latest films out, probably a se rial will run with tho regular show en Thursday and Friday nights. The Jllrst feature film to he shown on VXUnrch 8. will be jne wneiK. siar f lAlnif Rodolph .Valentino. Matinees i VI1 not bo run, except on Saturdays. I On Monday nights or somo other i specified night a country store will be run. That is, on those nights prizes consisting of foodstuff will be ( Riven to tho person in tho audience f . holding a number given to him when j ho bought tho ticket, corresponding to a duplicate number drawn from I n box holding tho same amount of i' numbers as mere arc iu-ki-ih. 11 ui number matches with tho one drawn. ' the prize is won. This plan Is used t in the theatres of Portland.' Seattle (."-, nod other cities. The opening of the I ' "V and E" is being looked forward t .jby all tho theatre goers of this city : jand community. , . "jj Mr. Edward is now in full charge Zot tho confectionary store and lunch -.counter formerly managed by his brother Albert. This change reopens ithe lunch counter discontinued a 1 short time ago. This will be a great I benefit to those who want to eat away Miss Joy Hamrlck Is efficiently taking enro of tho storo while Mr. and Mrs. Paxson are confined at tho hospital. Tho work on the new central phono offico of flTe Central Point Mutual Telephone company Is proceeding rapidly under or by tho efforts of Mr. Frank Miller, nichnrd Hay and O. It. Pnnkey. The building will be ready for occupancy by April 1. It will bo made strictly fireproof on the out sldo by putting on asbestos shingles all around. It Is understood the structure will have eight rooms for the occupancy of tho operators of the offico, who will live there. Mr. J. O. Isaacson, who hns been confined to his homo on account of illness for the past two weeks is now Improving. Tho Epworth league will glvo a party tomorrow evening at the home of Mr. Clifford Boswell. Members of the league are cordially invited. A formal dancing party was given nt the Oregon Dnncing Academy Sat urday evening. Many young people attended to spend tho evening joy fully. They danced till a lato hour and left for their homes, regretting that tho evening had passed so quickly. Mr. Oeorgc Marii.e has followed tho example set by several other young men, that of marriage. Last week he took as his bride Miss Freda Stevens, a charming young lady. They have established their home In tho house formerly owned by Mr. May. Mr. Marine formerly resided hero last summer with his parents who are now living nt Canada, Is well known among tho younger people. Ho was n student of the local high school last year. Ho has always been known to be hard working and Industrious, always attending to his own business. They wore duly chlvarced by the younger portion of the town who went away satisfied with tho treats given out. A party was held at the home of Mrs. Denton Monday. Dainty refresh ments were served after tho enter tainment. Many guests woro pres ent to partake of the refreshment and spend tho afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Kelso gave sup per at the dance given by the "Peer less Four," however, they will not re peat the performance nt tonight's dance. The orchestra Is beginning to give dances out of town. Tomorrow night they journey to Murphy to stage a hardtimes dance. Miss ' Velma Thurber well known young lady of this city, but now of Weed, was married to Mr. Nathan Greshnm also formerly of this city about the first of last week at Yreka by tho Reverend Hubbard. These two young pcoplo are well known to all of this city and their friends -wish They Jn- ifrom home. Tho new proprietor took c them a happy married life. imossession the first of the woek. Sue-1 tend to mnko their home at Weed I cess is wished to him by his many w-here Mr. Oresham is employed. Mrs. friends of this city. Oreshnm was present at the cere- Mr. Burchill and family moved his mony. , ousehold effects to tho Willow Mrs. Frank Cochran and mother, Brings district. --Ho has l-esided in M rs. Wright; ' returned from niver- the house belonging to Mrs. Alexan der for tho past several months, side, Calif., where they spent a short but happy visit with relatives.. Mrs. Crosson moved back to this city from Medford tho first part oi this week to continuo her dancing It was indeed a great surprise to hear that Mr. It. H. l'axson was taken 111 last woek with pneumonia, tnat no was taken to the Dow hospital at j academy. Class dances are given Medford where ho is now resting every Tuesday and Thursday evening, easily, and improving slowly. Ho J Tho other nights are set aside to be has been missed from his drug store, i used for lessons for those who care where for so long ho hns attended tolto lenrn to dance, the needs of his many customers. lt Mr. Wesley Kelso was a visitor in is hoped by nil that ho will again be I Gold Hill, driving a new Star car back among his townspeople soon. ' bought by his brother Frederick. More surprise was shown when It was Miss Martha Murray and Miss learned that Mrs. Paxson was taken! Ruth- Newman, of Medford were Sun to the hospital whero she is, as re- j day visitors at the home of Miss ported, threatened with pneumonia.! Annavelle Walker. Try it Hot ' as a porridge For a quick, hot breakfast that's all . nourishment do this: Put two Shredded Wheat Biscuits in a small saucepan; add salt and enough water to cover the bottom of the pan; stir and boil , until thick. Then serve with milk or cream. Or, to preserve the crisp golden shreds of the biscuits merely serve with hot milk. You'll never know the real delights of a hotxereal until you've made a whole-wheat cereal from Shredded Wheat. Shredded Wheat is 100 whole wheat,' ready cooked and ready-to-eat.' A per fect, delicious food for any meal of the day. Serve it simply with milk or cream, or topped with berries or fruits. Con. tains all the bran you need to stimulate (bowel movement. It is salt-free and un sweetened you season it to your taste. Triscuit is the Shredded Wheat Cracker 'a real whole-wheat toast. Try it with butter, soft cheese or marmalades. Shreclclcd Wheat The perfect food in Biscuit form General Mill Work TROWBRIDGE CABINET WORKS Windows and Doors Window Glass Door Frames Window Frames All Kinds of Interior Finish ELK CREEK STABLISHED nOOUK 1UVEU. "March 1. Mr. La Sallo of Portland, Oregon will be nt tho Community Hall next Saturday evening and discuss tho feasibility of tho installation hero of a fruit and vegetable drier. Mr. l.a Sallo comes well recommended for promotion of industry along this line and wo hope all citizens Interested In tho up building of tho community will be present and hear what he has to say. Tho Hogue ltlver high school team left Hogue Ilivcr Wednesday morn ing for Arcada, California, at which place they will stay about three days and piny in a basketball tournament In which ten teams will participate. Tho winning team will receive a sil ver cup, and wo aro expecting our boys to return with it. Mrs. Jano Smack, Who has been visiting relatives in Southern Cali fornia for tho past two months, re turned to her homo In Rogue Kivor on the morning of Fobruary 19th. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jacobs of Med ford, former residents of Iloguc ltlver, spent Sunday afternoon of February IS with Judge O. H. Olll more of thlB city. On February 18th, Mr. James Mar tin of this city was called to San Jose, California, on account of the serious Illness of his father, Itev. James Martin. Tho lnttcr, at the ago of 93, passed away last Saturduy morning after an Illness of about 10 days. Ilcv. Martin, whoso custom it was to spend his summers with his son at ltoguo ltlver. had been feel ing so well up tn the timo of his ill ness that ho was making plans for his yearly trip north, but Instead, he has taken the trip thnt all must take and to which he has been looking forward with great pleasure for many years. Tho Civic Improvement club met at tho home of Mrs. Will White last Fridny with a goodly number of mem bers present. Matters of importance to the club and community in general were transacted, followed by a very pleasant social time during which the hostess served dnlnty refreshments, and the ladles roturned to their homes fooling that tho afternoon had been well spent. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. liyers, who have been residents of this city for tho past year, aro moving to Grants Pass after having traded their placo for that of Mr. E. It. Webb's of Oregon .City, tho lntter with his family expecting to mnko ltoguo River his home.' On the 20th of this month, Hills Military academy baskotbnll team played tho Roguo River high Bchool team at Roguo River, tho locals win ning by a score of 23 to 44. The Portland team showed lack of train ing and woro very much out-classed by tho Roguo River boys. On the 2Gth of this month our boys played n return gnmo with the Medford high school team nt Medford, tho latter winning by tho score of 11 to 35. Tho unusual largo floor at Medford. together with tho fact that tho local boys had played several hard games previous to their meeting Medford. resulted In their making a poorer showing" than ordinary. Tho Medford team, while entitled to credit for good avorngo playing, has tho advan tage on their own pocullar floor over any outsido team. After tho basketball gamo between Hills Military ncudomy and tho Roguo Ulver high school, Mr. Fred erick Fismann, Sr., our successful orchardlst, demonstrated his usual generosity by taking nil of the bas ketball pjlayers of both teams to Julian's confectionery and treated them to Ico cream and other delica cies, which was much appreciated by tho boys. Arllo Hatch, n student at Albany college, Is spending tho week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hatch of this city. Mr. Charles llorton. our genial school Jnnltor, hns been very sick for the last two weeks with dlabetis and thero is apprehension among his many friends that tho disease may provo fatal. However, wo are hoping for his speedy recovery. On tho loth of this month, Mrs. IJoykln, wife of Engineer Robert IJoy kin of tho Ancient River Oold Min ing company, arrived here with her littlo daughter and young son, coming from Joplln, Missouri. Mrs. Boykln Is .becoming acquainted with the people In this locality and expresses herself as being very much plensed with everything In genernl and Is especially elntod with our excellent cllmnto. Wo hopo Mrs. Hoykln will continuo to bo favorably Impressed nnd stay with us permanently and Identify herself, with tho nffairs of tho community.'.; Tho Schoolmasters' club, composed of tho superintendents nnd principals of tho schools in tho county as well as tho high school toachers, held a meeting nt the -Roguo River high school Inst Saturday. Interesting nnd Instructive speeches, given by busi ness and professional men, were en Joyed by all. At noon a most calio rnto banquet, ever? dish of which was prepared tn such a way as to tempt tho most critical of epicureans, was served by 1ho domestic science department under tho direction of Miss Ireno Anderson, tho domestic science teacher of tho Roguo River high school. Tho funernl services of Mrs. Mary Frances Burkhart woro conducted nt the Hopn Presbyterian church In this city on Monday, Fob. 26, nt 3 p. m., hy Row Wm. Ixo Gray. Mrs. Burk hart was 67 years of age nnd a resi dent of Albnny at tho timo of her de cense, she was formerly a resident of Evans creek and lenves n dnugh- tr. Mrs. Charles Williams of Kvnns creek nnd a husband, Mr. Frank Burkhart ot Albany, to mourn her The homo of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Stewart was the Fcone of n merry gathering last week, to celebrate Washington's birthday. Characters, readings and a play was given by the children of the school and mi.ncrous games played by all wero much en joyed, nfter which generous relresh ments were served. At a late hour the guests departed, expressing their pleasure ot tho evening's entertain ment. Wo are glad to announce that the Infant daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Snndherg. who was operated on at the Granite City hoslltal In Ashland last week is rapidly recovering. A very pretty wedding was solemn ized Saturdny evening at eight o'clock when Rev. J. E. McDonald united in marriage, Mr. Jay Simmons, and Miss Olivo Lane. The young couple have tho best wishes of many friends for a happy future. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brown nnd Master Harvard. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Howell, accompanied by 'Mrs. J. E. McDonald and Miss Gladys McDon ald, enjoyed a very pleasant motor trip to Tablo Rock Sunday nftcrnoon. Work on tho Elk creek bridge Is progressing rapidly. Mrs. Thomas Todd. J. E. and W. O. McDonald, wero Medford visitors this week. Miss Bernico Fhllllps called on friends nt the Roguo Elk Sunday. Miss Gladys McDonald entertained her schoolmates and friends at her homo Inst Friday evening, E and music wero much enjoyed nnd dainty refreshments served. Mrs. Stuart chaperoned tho pnrty. Mrs. T. Fosgren spent Saturday afternoon at tho homo of Mrs. J, E. McDonald. Mr. H. Van Scoyoc, who hns been spending a part of tho winter here, departi'd for Modford this week. Ralph Watson is sawing wood for Todd anc) McDonald. Mrs. Ralph Watson and Mrs. How ard Ash called on Mrs. Thomas Todd Monday. ASHLAND, Mnr. 2. Mombors ot 484th conip.ni' and the newly organ ised Rod and Gun club will "collabor ate" In selecting a permanent Bite for a combined range nnd shooting ground The mutter Is not yet definitely set tled, as several localities nro avail able tho sportsmen's element pre ferring a location with n northern skylino exposure, tho bolter to mnnlp ulntu trapsliootlng nnd other 'activ ities. In tho main tho military contin gent requires ample, target rango ns a first condition. This bolng secured, other requisites cnu ho mutually agreed tiion to the end that ideal privileges may be nt tho service of both tho military and their sporting allies. "Safety first" will bo in order, re gardless of the site chosen, and in the spring It Is expected that tho grounds will be in readiness for either rifle or trapsliootlng at the hands of keen contestants both military und civic. - Word from Los Angeles announces the death In that city, after protracted illness, of Mrs. Archie Million, local Games ; resident here for years. Sho was tho A. F. & A. M.. Medford Lodae No. VI 0.1 Special communication on Friday afternoon and even ing, March 2nd, commencing at 2 o"clock. Work in M. M. degree. Supper will be served at 6:30 p. m. and a cordial Invitation Is extended to all members as well us visiting brethren. By order of the W. M. 291 O. E. FRAZEK, Socretary. Orchardlsts Take Notice Bees In your orchard during the blooming period means more and bet ter -fruit. For a small consideration we will place them for you during that falling against a baggage truck. time, now. Make your arrangements right Phone 960, Stewnrt. 34 wlfo of tho woll known Southern Pa cific trainman, nnd had been In vari ous localities of California In the hope ot securing relief from an insidious malady, Iler remains will be brought hero for Interment, 'probably arriving on Saturday. Dr. William Keeney Towner, whom advertising placards announce as the pastor and co-worker ot Madame Mc pherson, will begin a series of meet ings at the Baptist church on March 7. exemplifying further manifestations of tho divine healing cult Tho annual Inspection ot 4S4th com pany will be held at tho armory, on Monday . evening, March 5. In the meantime tho men held a special drill on Wednesday evenlng-of this week, preliminary to the inspection ordeaj, which Is a rigid one held under direct auspices of a regular army officer duly assigned. Many hereabouts will rememher Chas. Bnrnuni, old-time Southern Pa cific engineer, now located at Oak land, Cal., and concerning whom word hns reached hero that he sometime ngo lost an eye as result of accident, He Shasta division, with a residence nt this tunnlnnl. Another old-timer who formerly lived here Is P. II. Kltzpnt rick, now employed on the Stockton division of tho Southern Pacific, with hondqunrtors at Htvorbnnk, Calif, The chamber of commerce Is onjoy lng a renainsanco as to mnnibortililp Increase, havlug added a lot of new names to Its roster of Into, all active workers In hohnlf of tho various Inter ests In which tho organization Is en gaged. Tho list Includes doctors, preachers, business men In general, and quite a tow enurgetlc women who lend In all matters of civic uplift. Apples are much In ovidence this week, bushels nnd bushels being re quisitioned from storngo places. The popular fruit Is being dished up In a varloty of menus universally, not to mention tho amount ground up into elder. Nearly 75 members of tho Eastern Star ordor locally visited Ileames chapter, of Medford, on Wednesday oveulng this week, conform! tho work upon a couple ol their own candidates, and had a royal good time at the social which followed conferring ot tho degrees. Funeral Borvleos of tho lato George Kotclium wero hold nt the Elks temple on Wednesday, the Maccabees also participating In tho final token ot respect. After an extended visit with rela tives In Washington, Mrs. Nora Wal rad hns returned home and Is with her daughter, Mrs. Walter Frelau, her resldenco bolng rented to other par ties. Otto Rolirke former shopman In Southern Pacific yards here, Is now nt Auburn, Calif., In like employ, having been transferred to a lower altitude on account of health compli cations with which ho was afflicted In this locality. Judge and Mrs. Calkins aro now at FOR GOLD HILL GOLD HILL, Mar. 1. (Spoclnl). Tho M. E. church Sunday school program given by the school Tuesday evening to the parents ot the children was well attended. The program consisted of nn address by the pastor, Dr. Rold, music, songs, and recitations. After' tho program refreshments were sorved to nil and the hnlanco of the evonlng was taken up by gomes with the children and tho parents and teachers spent the time In general discussions and visiting. Plans are already underway hy the Sunday school for nn Easter program. " Plans aro underway to organize a Men's Community club, made up ot tho members of tho several churches In Gold Hill and on the plans of a like club recontly organized In Jackson ville and other points tn the valley. Its purpose Is to unlto all Christian men of the community, looking to the needs ot tho community, In a spiritual, moral and physical way and advanc ing the Ideals of the churches. Tho work of the club will be divided Into eleven divisions: Illble study, public meetings nnd publicity, Invitation, boys' work, ways and means, spiritual llfo, physical training, public welfare, membership, social and visitation. . The dwelling house question Is get ting more acute in Gold Hill with the revival of the mining, timber, and limestone Industry In the Gold Hill Pasadena for a time, having located district. Many families dally Is one ot the vetoran employes of tho company, employed years ago on the temporarily at S32 East Walnut stroet Before returning to southern Oregon, they will visit at San Diego for a time. Moose hall is to be the scene of a series of Friday night dances, to be given under Hot Springs management in addition to tho regular schedule of Saturday parties nt tho Springs pa vilion. '. . Shrine stated session, Masonic hall, Friday evonlng of this week. 291 Shrine Stated Session llllluh Tomple meots In Masonic Hall, Ash land, Friday evening, March 2. Special bus iness, hence full at tendance Is doslred. Refreshments. T.'H. SIMPSON, Potentate.' W. H. DAY, Recorder. turned from our midst who would set tle here. Good many would buy bouses, but the major part of the new comers aro seeking employment In our Industries and are renters. There are quite a number ot the employes at the local cement plant living at Central Point and make the rounds dally between the two points. . Tho Rogue River Ministerial associ ation meeting set for Gold Hill last Monday was postponed until next Monday on March 6th. The postpone ment was due. to the conflict of more important meetings of the ministers of the valley. Dr. Huff, the evange list now holding protracted services at Medford will meet with the associ ation next Monday and the local church officers are making an effort to have Dr. Huff deliver a sermon some time during the day during his stay In Gold Hill. NEW SUITS, DRESSES, CAPES, MILLINERY Extraordinary Prices on Lovely New M. M. Co. Sponsored Fashions A Fashion Event of Two-Fold Significance, Featuring the Best-Liked New Fashions at Special Prices Newest Gapes Special $22.50 (0 $45.00 .Cushion can't escape tho cape this Spring and Fashion , doesn't want to, but rather displa3's v greater fondness for this type of garment of which so many lovely exam ples arc featured in this specially-priced assortment. Suits Special $22.50 to $67.50 Lovely costume smts the latest modes. Beautifully tailored of exceptionally fine poirct twill and tricotinc, these would instantly com mend themselves to discrim inating women and misses, even at the notably higher price for which- they would oi'dinarily sell. New Springtime Frocks Second Floor Women who take delight in viewing tho early fashions will find much that will interest them in this notable display of Spring Frocks. A wide diversity of styles in Crepe Siam, Canton, Crepe tie Chene, Flat Crepe. Beads and gaily colored embroidery are much in evidence on the new frocks. Step in and let us show you our superb display. Special , , $19.50 to $65.00 in point of assortment, variety and quality, the BEST sale of ALL-NEW hats in years So fine the finalities, so amaziricr tho varieties, so diversified the trimmings, so numerous the new colors and so desirable throughout tho collection from the viewpoint of Fashion that the full record would read rather like that of hats to be sold at ten dollars and more. Solid straw hats, hats with silk brims small hats, nfedium hats, large hats trimmed with flowers, fruits, nacre and glycerined ostrich, laces, ribbons, pins overything. All the new colors such as Tarragon, strawberry, fallow, cork, ceramic, cinder, clover and, of course, lots of navy and black, also black and white combinations. A Typical M. M. Co. Sale 150 New Hats $5.50 $6.50 $8.50 PAY LESS DRESS BETTER departure.