4 CTEnrOTTO MXTC TTtTBtflTt!. WEfiFOfttV OTF.(ioy. TTTDAY, MARCTT 2. -?fl2n ; SPECIALS FOR .Canned Food Week, Mar. 3-10 Mission String Beans. Xo. 2 Can Doz. $1.40. Case of 24, $2.75 Dew Kist Peas, Xo. 2 Can Doz. $1.75. Case of 24, $3.35 Solar Peas, Xo. 2 Can Doz. $1.65. Case of 24, $3.25 Down East Corn, fani'v Maine, Xo. 2 Can Doz. $2.10. , Case of 24, $4.00 Apricots, Xo. 21. Can " Doz. $2.10. Case of 24, $4.00 Cherries, Xo. 2'. Can Doz. $2.10. ' Case of 24, $4.00 Peaches, Xo. 2i.Can "' Doz. $2.10. Case of 24, $4.00 Plums, Xo. 21. Can Doz. $2.10. Case of 24, $4.00 Blackberries, Xo. 2 Can Doz. $2.35. t Case of 24, $4.50 Buy by the Case and Save Money C. E LOUIE'S Free Delivery , Phone 271 Candy for Particular People One sure sign of culture is the ability to disc riminate to distinguish between the good and the near good. v . . In cur candy department we offer WHIT MAN'S in such a variety of packages and as sortments as to suit every taste and every purse. All these packages have a list of contents on the bottom for the convenience of the buyer.. . ' . t - Heath's Drug Store Phone 884 - . AYc arc as near to you as your phone STAR MEAT MARKET T SATURDAY SPECIALS Beef Pot Roast 12 1-2 to 15c per lb Beef Stew ; 121-2c per lb Fresh Side Pork..... 20c per lb Pork Shoulder Eoast .....20c per lb Good Bacon 25c per lb Fresh Smelt ......'.3 lbs. for 25c Phone 273 We Deliver Three ycurs uko the American City liureuu wns employed at a consider able censo to reorganize the Med- I ford chamber of commerce and as a I majority of the memberships then secured will expire on April 1st the , directors- decided to put on a cam palKii of their own and not employ an outside agency and thereby make a 'good saving. The board and the com i mittee ou committees have spent con- siderablo timo in selecting those who j will conduct the campaign. '. The members selected are Paul D. 'McKec, O. O. Alouderfer. 11. A. Thier olr, U. I,.' Walther, John 11. Carkin, C. C. I, (.'Million, lilen Kubrick, A. L. 1 1 ill. I'aul Janney, Hamilton l'atton, U J. Schade, James Taylor, John It. iTomlin. Kmil Molir, 1'. 11. McDonald, , W. I). Cole, lid. M. White, Mrs. Rose 0. Schierfelln, licit Anderson, It. W. : l'aul, Louis'Ulrlch, Alex Sparrow, H. E. Harder, Kred L. Hoath, C. W. Mc ' Donald, C. E. Gates, W. n Speck, John 1 C. Mann, George II. Ilowitt, John S. ' Orth, K. E. Wilson, Aubrey G. Smith, D. K. Wood. Thomas C. Beckett, A. C. i Hubbard, Carl Klchtner, C. A. Swi Ifiart, II. O. Krohbacli, It. W. Ituhl and C. E. Wuful, Jr. OE tlioso appointed,-Paul D. McKee, vice-president and general manager of tho California-Oregon Power com pany will direct the campaign which is to take place this month. Ileforo assuming this, responsibility ho carefully studied tho situation and after conferences with many of the leading citizens, who pledged- liim their enthusiastic support, ho decided that lie would be willing to assume the chairmanship of this important j undertaking. ; j At first, Mr. McKee was reluctant to accept, because the Power com pany had tho first right to his time and he was exceedingly busy with company affairs, yet after due reflec tion lie recognized tho duty lie owed to the community in which he lives and that, moro than anything else, ' was the actual reason why he con sented to serve. Another feature which appealed to , him was tho fact that an immense saving to the community could be made by conducting a campaign of our own instead of employing an outside- agency. Tho only cloud that seems to dampen tho enthusiasm of tho workers is tho fact that not all of tho present members have paid their dues to April first. This will make tho campaign doubly hard, but in view of the determination with which tho workers have entered into this cam- I Medford Center Sanitary Market !i nil iGE Mi IS 001 OF The proprietor of the ltohinsou garage is "mil" $700 as a result of his endorsing a cashiur's check. T;ie Pupur was offered to obtain cash needed. The stranger, who recently came to Ashland, presented an order bill of lading and represented hiin-si-lf as ready to go into busine? in Hie city and rented a portion of the Kill-age building. Ilo stated he had a carload of supplies and household goods on the way. Two cashier's checks were -held by him, one for $1-00 and the other for $S."0. I'pon obtaining .Mr. Itobinson's endorse ment, he collected at a bank, leaving $ 1 T 0 on deposit. The. bill of order, fjrgcd, looked to be correct, and as a lesult of no investigation tho $700 must he met by tho victim. Ashland Tidings. " ' None But the Butcher im toll which cut you receive, tf'oil if lie chooses to deceive you, '! "'ay I"1.1' nr o cut you did not .'el. wu nave tmiii up a spiriiMMi msiuess because we always scud ur customers the cuts they ask, uid pay for. Ou that basis we "licit your trade. .Just call 2.V. SPECIALS Morrell's Hams, half or whole, 28c jgMorreH's Bacon, half or whole 29c jgBacon Backs, half or whole 28c ;Picnic Hams 18c jipckled Tig Feet 2 for 35c WPnre Home Rendered Lard 35c WASHINGTON'. March 2. The army appropriation bill which car ries an appropriation of $.")G,r)X0,000 for river and harbor projects was signed today by President Harding. paign, they are confident that those members who nro not fully paid up can ho brought to realize their Individ ual responsibility to Medford, and that they will. do their part. LI The all day meeting Thursday of tho Phoenix Aid society resulted in some much needed sewing and the re-election of tho following officers: President, Mrs. W. II. Frame; vice president, Mrs. J. S. Bonar; secre tary, Mrs. E. E. Littlefield; treasurer, Mrs. Kred Kurry. Business of iin-, portauce also was transacted. Sunday evening, March 4th, the C. E. society will begin a series of popular studies and discussion meet ings on "India on tho March," in cluding brief talks, papers, reviews, music and special features in cos tume or otherwise, of unusual inter est to all. Song service at G:,10 llrict devotional service promptly at (i: l."i, followed at 7 by the exercises, of Ihe evening. Everybody invllod. Special music and sermon at the morning scrvlco at 11. liiblo school al 10. Our Sunday school is growing steadily in attendance and interest and is worth whllo to any ono who possibly can to attend. EVANS-VALLEY GOOD CIGARETTES $.& GENUINE MlWt BULL VlYfS niiDMAM k TOBACCO Sherman Estoll is carrying the mall on tho Evans and Pleasant crook route tills week, whllo Mr. Mur tin Is off on his annual vacation. It. E. llichman was a visitor In tho Applegate valley last Sunday. S. II. Mooro and E. E. Dlmlck are serving as Jurors at Jacksonville this week. Tho road crew in tho Rogue River road district are doing a llttlo grad ing In this locality this week. I. L. Weldo was shopping in Wi nter last Tuesday. The children of tho Mayso creek school havo been qulto busy tho last few weeks, with their school work and the program for the entertain ment which they aro planning to rIvo Saturday evening, March 3rd. The entertainment will be followed liy a box social. Mr. Dougherty, salesman for the Itawlelgh Medical company, was call ing on his customers in this locality last week. Frank Neathamor was a visitor to the Applegate valley last Tuesday. Mr. De Shazcr was delivering goods to his customer- In the vicin ity of Wimer one day this week. Mr. Do Shozer is agent for the Watklns line of goods. 20th Century Grocery Store Formal Benefit Opening at Medford and Ashland Saturday March 3rd At 9 o'Clock i ' . These stores represent a new and imjiortaiit u ill it ion to the Food Consumers Life. Closely associated with and a part of these stores, is all the buying pifwer and merchandising experience of 23 other stores. Immediately you enter one, you become impres.sl.'d with the neatness of the store, the courtesy of the clerks, and an unusual reflection of honesty. 1 The management of these stores has been quick; to realize the fact that the combined intelligence of the buying public is far superior to the wisdom of !any one man, or group of men. So these stores set out to succeed with the latter idea uppermost in mind. That they have been successful to a wonderful degree will be attested to by thousands of careful buyers in Oregon. SATURDAY IS TO BE BENEFIT DAY A DAY OF MANY BARGAINS READ EVERY ITEM Pure Cane Sugar, 11 Pounds for $1.00 COCOA Guaranteed positively pure 9 the pound 3 pounds 25 PEPPER - - Bulk, Pure, Black Pound 25 CREAM OF TATAR Golden West 2 ounce Cans 2 Cans 25 Crystal White Soap, 6 bars Fels Naptha Soap', 4 bars .... 25c 25c TISSUE TOILET PAPER 3 Large Rolls 25 Best Grade KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES' Packago HEAD RICE Blue Rose Variety 10 Pounds 69 Royal Baking Powder, large can 40c, 2 lb. $1.19; 5 lbs. $2.29. RAISINS Bulk Seedless, Pound 15 25 Pounds $3.50 CRACKERS Snap)', ,Crisp, Fresh Pound 15 ; L4- RED MEXICAN BEANS 3 Pounds 25. FREE From 9 o'clock to 12 o'clock Saturday morning, we will give each child accom panied by either parent, one large Orange, free. FLOUR Some extraordinary low benefit prices for this day: Anchor Brand Made of 70 hard wheat and 30 Bluestem. A very satisfactory . Flour. 49-pound sack . ' $1.78 Snowy Butte Flour All Bluestem Wheat, 49-pound sack $1.59 10 Pound Sacks of CRATER LAKE PATENT FLOUR 45 10 Pound Sack of BLUE STEM PASTRY 39 10 Pound Sack of ' GRAHAM 43tf Prices arc good' only, for Saturday, but should our stock become exhausted Saturday, wo 'will fill your orders at the above prices the folio wing week, if placed on Sat urday. PASTE GOODS Vermicelli, Noodles or 'Spaghetti made from the hardest of wheats; Pound 10 CHOCOLATE Why. pay for the, can? 20tli Century Benefit Price 17 1-2? 3 Pounds 50 . PEABERRY COFFEE The kind with the kick. . Fresh Roasted Pound 29 20TH CENTURY COFFEE has few equals and no superiors 3 Pounds $1-00 CRISCO Most excellent shortening, 1 lb. can 25c; H lb., 37c; 3 lbs., 72c; 6 lbs. $1.35; 9 lbs. $1.96. IVORY SOAP "With a copy of this ad and 2"5 cents any person can get 5 Bars Ivory Soap for 25. Absolutely necessary to have the ad with you when making purchase. Only one ad accepted from each customer. " NATIONAL CANNED GOODS. WEEK EXTRA March 3rd to 10th is National Canned Goods week. AVc arc offering extra attractions: Domestic Sardines 5 Can Del Monte Oval Sardines Large Cans 15 New Pack Shrimp Can 15 . 12 Cans $1-70 Silver Strand Salmon Tall Cans 2 for 25 Del Monte Catsup Pint Bottles 25 SPINACH Large Cans ; , 22 : P. S. Telephone Peas 21 can 6 ens 70 Standard Corn can 11 G cans 60 Standard Tomato Large Cans 3 for 40 Value Cut Stringlesa Beans ' Can 12 1-2 6 Cans 70 Bantam Brand Corn : Can 21tf 6 Cans $1.25 GENUINE WHITE STAR TUNA FISH Prices unequalled anywhere. Remember there is none "Just as Good." Quarters 15. Halves 25. Large 48 Ashland 374 E. Main St. 20th Century Grocery MedMtc.Sdtag s V7