PAGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCIT 2. 1923 ocdl and Personal Tlfo Hrownli'e mill roHUinod Uio cutting of timber yesterday mornliiK und the whistle of the mill which blows regulurly at 6: SO nnd 8 u. in, was heard by the majority ot tho populace of the city or .Medford. Logs in -sufficient duuntity to keen the mill In steady operation are now beliiii brought down from Ilutlo Kails over the jBrownloe-Okls logging railroad. The mill is not yet running at full capacity howover. Wo nro now flullvuring slabs from the bis mill. Hy ordering early you will securo better HlubB, mostly fir, and you will noon have dry first-class wood at the smallest possible cost to you. -Vulley Kuel Cu. Phone 7U. tf 11. L. Neis, of Portland, district supervisor for the Maxwell Motor Sales Corporation, Is In Medford trans acting business with the new California-Oregon Distributors Corporation, (successors to A. V. Walker Auto Co. The new coriionition will have au opening in tho near rutiiro. .March came like a Iamb yesterday nt least up uiitll noon, after which there was alternate sunshine and cloudiness threatening rain, which did - not come, and uccordlng to the old adage the month will go out lllto a lion. Oenuine Hosch Mrignoto parts and repairs. Electric Shop, Eighth and Karciett. tr' Goodwin Corset Shop. 20 8. Fir. 29G Everybody goos! Where? Oriental Dallroom Saturday night. " 292 Mrs. George Poake returned to Croats Pass yesterday following a week's visit In this city. "Stick with Gluey." 291 Walk-Over shoeB tor men and wom en sold In 102 countries. Now modem in Oxfords and boots. Price $7.50 to J10; none higher. The Hub Shoo Store. 291 Closing out all our rarm machinery, Bovoral good buys. Patton & Robin son, Inc. tf "With good weather continued for another two weeks tennis and base ball enthusiasts will be unable to re main Idle. We will loan you money to. build or buy Homes the Insurance Man. Millinery that shows distinction at reasonable prices. Second floor, Med ford Center Store. . 291 ' Fresh smelt 3 lbs. for 25c. ' Star Market.' ' 291 Passenger traffic on tho 'Southern Pacific road Ib very light ut present and has been for some tlmo past, with the lieavlor travel In the north bound direction. - Sliver crepe yarn .for sweaters. Handicraft Shop, v ; 291 You can Ret :it hi HeVoo's tr Miss Elsworth may be late however, but she will be there. 'Where! At tho High School, Mar. G. 291 t ?UT CREAM IN NOSE ' ' ; T AND STOP CATARRH i Tells How 'to "Opon CtaBRoa J Nostrils and Kntl lltMul'ColilH. You feci fine In n fi'w moments. Your clogged nostrils will 'open. The air pnsHtigeH of your head will elenr and 'you can breathe freely. No more dullness, headache; no hawking, snuffling, mucous discharges, or dry ness: no struggling for breath nt iilglit. . , Tell your druggist you want n small bottle of Ely's pi-cam Halm. Aplily n little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream In your nostrils, let It penetrate through every air passage of the head; soothe anil heal , the swollen, Inflamed mucous membrane, and re lief conies instantly. It 'Is Just what every cold and ca tarrh sufferer needs. Don't stay Htuffed up and miserable. Adv. Handicraft Shop, ' Hemstltohlng Plcotlng t Ho per yard Rnttnni eovftrftit ' ' A fair sized crowd of young, people of Medford and Ashland attended the Do Molay dance Inst night at the Ma sonic hall. Music was furnished by tho Imperial Trio and dancing was enjoyed from 8:30 until 11:30. ft Is planned by tho local De Molny chun ter to hold these dances the last Thursday In every rnoutli from now until July. What did you say about Eza Wll lliuns' He will bo looking for Miss Trot and Miss Moran at the High School Mar. 0. 290 Saturday and every day next week wo shall have In our store demonstra tions to show you why the Selby Arch Preserver shoo makes the feet happy, why it keeps feet healthy and vigor ous, why It will make your foot a real help instead of a handicap. The Hub Shoe Store. 291 The girls basketball team of Talent will play ut Grunts Pass tonight against the girls team ot that city. Prospects of better business during the coining year are In sight for resi dents ot southern Oregon, said J. A. Onnandy, usHistaut general passenger agent of the Southern Pacific, uHn his return from a trip to Itoseburg, Grants Pass, Medford, and Ashland, trull production has a promising out look and inquiries indicate that a heavy tourist business Is coming. Portland Journal, i Velio Sales & Service, 111 S. Control avenue. Phono 709-J. 290 Canned Foods Week March 3-10. . There wnB born to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Motternlch a girl, Friday, March 2nd at the Community hospital In this city. i Dance Jackson Hot Spring, Sat. 292 Dance! Dunce! Dance! Oriental Pallroom Sat. night! " 292! E. (1. Domergue, the local Insurance superintendent has been spending a day or so nt Grants Pass on business. Big dance! Central Point! Friday, March 2! Peerless "4"! Tickets 65c! 291 Arch Preserver Shoos. Get acquaint ed with the shoe that gives perfect satisfaction in style and comfort to women of all nges. The Hub Shoo Store. 291 . Of Interest to local Methodists'-Ib tho news wired from Honolulu on Wodnesdny tolling of the sufo arrlvul there of Bishop W. O. Shopard, who lias gouo to tho lslundB to preside over the annual mission conference held there and who will make ad dresses at the various mission sta tions before returning home. i Canned Foods Week March 3-10. ' "Stick with Gluey." 291 , Blng cherry trees. Eden Valley Nursery- Phone 680-J-2. tf The now Rod and Gun club at Ash land will hold a meeting in that city tonight to organize on a permanent basis. i.llss ElBworth may be late however, but she will bo there. Where! At tho High School, Mar. 0. -.. -,; 291 New patterns In lace for your spring dress. Handicraft Shop. 291 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Luy, Jr., have Just returned from a week's honey- ! moon In Portland. They wore mar ' rlod last Saturday night, Feb. 24th by ; Rev. Wni. II. Ilfltnlltdn. Mrs.- Luy Was. ; formerly Miss Dee Hnlley. Sat. night! Oriental Ballroom! Big dance! Legion nianngomont. 292 i Does your grocer pntronl.e homo ; Industry? Ask him for Stewart's i honey. Our phono is 9G0. 34, After tho fire It Is too late to InBiire. i See Rnddnn & Cnnndny now. Thoro was only five-tenths of a de gree of difference between the mini mum tomperature ot today and that of a year ago. The maximum of yes- tordny was G0.5 and that of a year ago today was 59 degrees. Tho predicted rain for today had not materialized up to oarly this afternoon, and tho -prediction for Saturday's wonther Is generally cloudy. M'cca, of nil dancers Sat. nights Is the Oriental Ballroom. 292 Canned Foods Weok March 3-10. ROUGHS Apply over throat and cheat 0 swallow small pieces of Vapo Rub V Oir 17 Million Jan Uui Yearly A rnilllnory or clothing school Is be ing held today by the women of Cen tral Point under the guidance of Miss Oruyce Telch, tho home demonstration agent. Hutchison & Lumsden offer for sale on Saturday only ladies' silk hose nt 79c pair. ; , 291 Medford Auto Painting, Call and see our work and get our prices. All work guaranteed. . 127 N. Riverside, opposlto tho Nat, E. O. Bradley, prop. Phono 2,0. 290' Mr. and Mrs. S. M, Bullls leave Sunday morning by motor for a visit in Portland and Seattle. In the latter city they will visit with relatives. Cuijned Foods Week March 3-10. 1 Flowering shrubs and evergreens. Edea Volley Nureery, Phone 680-J-2. Leon Leonard left yesterday by rail for Fresno, Calif., where he will Join his father, S. L. Leonard and motor back to tills city, 8. L. Leonard und S. Mj Leonard have been In FVesno for the past tea days having motored duwn. S. M. leonard will remain there for a month. Oriental liaUroom! Saturday night dance! Admission 10c. 292 Voile Sales & Service, 111 9. Central avenue. Phone 7C9-J. 290 Frank G. Lowm, traveling freight and pnsso'nger agent of the Southern Pacific railroad and whose headquar ters ure in Eugene was a visitor in tho vulley towns yesterday and today; Solby Arch Preserver Bhoe the shoe that keeps the feet happy and well groomed no matter where you ore nor how much you stand or walk; the shoe that eliminates all the little aches and pains and makes your feet a help Instead of a handicap. The Hub Shoe Store. 291 "Com'pare the work." 291 Let's dance, Jackson Spring Sat. 292 The new section of reserved seats Installed tit the Nat went on sale at CroWBon's this morning and Bold speedily. There were, however a few good seats left In the new section for tonight's game between Medford and Roseburg at noon today. I Home made sorghum 10c per lb. Hutchison & Lumsden.' 290 Canned Foods Week Mnrcn 3-10. All klnda of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Woods, phone 108. 711 E. Main. - I Mrs. Omar Porter who underwent a serious operation at the Medford hos pital gome time ago, is now convales cing rapidly. I Dance! Sat. night! Oriental Ball-! room! , , . . 292 "Compare the work." 291 I Milk and cream at DeVoe's. tf I The Dixie club will give a party at the home of Mrs. Rose Schieffelln at 835 East Main street. Twenty-five cents admission will be charged and ' everyone is welcome. The money de rived will be used to entertain dele gates to tho meeting of the Oregon Federation of Women's clubs who will meet hero in May. I Grafting wax. Eoen Valley Nursery, ! Phone G80-J-2. tf ', Ladies' Bilk nose on sale for Satur day only at 79c pair. Hutchison & Lumsden. ... 291 Sandwiohes, , saladB, cake; pie and ! coffeo nt all hours. Crater Lake Ice Cream Parlors, Modford Center BIdg. . 3n7 !"' A number oT Medford and valley members will attend the meeting to night of Hlllah temple, Mystic Shriue, ' nt Ashland. . National Canned Foods Week is an ovent of Interest to evoryone, for we till ent canned foods, March 3 to 10. ! Beads for bags and embroidery. ; Handicraft Shop. 291 Special for Saturday only, ladles' silk hose, 98c valueB at 79c pair. 1 Hutchison & Lumsden. 291 I A banquet for the Roseburg and Modtord basketball teams will be given tomorrow afternoon nt the Hotel Modford at which tho players will be the guests of the high school. Tho Fan Tnn orchestra will turnish tho music for the affair. Just received a fresh lot of Rogue River sorghum 10c per pound. Hutchi son & Lumsden. 290' Owl Confectionery, IB N. Central, F. M. Wilson. Everything new. tf For sale Oooa repacked NewtowuB. Inquire Sgobel & Day warehouse, South Fir. Phone 172. 293 I National Canned Goods Week 1 March 3 to 10, inclusive For the last several years, the "National Canners' Association" has set aside a week to be known as National Canned Goods Week. This event is observed very largely among all distributors of Canned Goods throughout the United States. , We will, during this week, allow a very liberal discount on all canned goods bought in dozen lots. x " You will not be required to buy all one kirid, but can assort the dozen to suit you. We handle such well known brands as, PREFERRED STOCK, S. & W., 'ROYAL CLUB, RED RIBBON, DEL MONTE, SELECTED STOCK, and .it. ' ' SEE WINDOW . Personal 'Attention Phone 252 H. E. Marsh GROCER Prompt Service Phone 252 Carl Tengrvnld, who recently pur-' chased the Frank P.:Farrell residence on Ulm street near the end of West Muin street, will move his family from his present residence oh Ross Lane to his new residence the first of the week. .. . ... i i Thornless blackberry plants. Eden falloy Nursery,,, hohe C80-J-2... tf Voile Salos & Service, 111 S. Central avenue. Phone 7C9-J. -290 The White Booth restaurant ond Lunch Counter, two blocks north or Talent Confectionery on highway. A. Hanna, proprietor, regular meals, lunch counter serves from 7 a. m. to 10 p. m. The best coffee and pies served. Try us. i!94 Sonta for the Klamath Falls-Med-ford basketball game Mondny.nlght at the Nat go on sale tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock at Crowson's. Tho Klam ath team has challenged the locals and claims the southern Oregon cham pionship having a record of ten games won and none lost this season. Gregg review and dictation work in day or evening class; expert Instruc tor; special rates. Medford Business College. OWN. 292 Plain Bewlng, button holes, reason able. Phone 740-J. 1205 E. JInin. 291 Take your kodak films to Palmer's studio. First class work and prompt service. tf Frod O.' Phelps of the Cnllforntu Oregon Power company, returned yes terday from a brief business trip to Portland. Just a line to remind you that I will gladly duplicate any bonafide order booked by a transient agent for the same or less money nnd give you bet ter Bervice. N. S. Bennett', prop. Eden Valley Nursery. Phone 680-J-2. tf Hot tomoles and chili con carne at De Voe'B. tf Rhubarb and asparagus roots. Eden Valley Nursery, Phone 680-J-2. tf Milton Schuchard left with tho Elks Minstrels this morning on their barn storming trip to Klamath Falls and Weed. Velio Sales & Servlco, 111 S. Central avenue. Phone 7G9-J. 290 Stamping done to oraer. Handicraft Shop. 291 For sand, gravel, sediment and team work. See Saml. Bateman, 302 Maple St., Phone 912-J. "The Consumers' Opportunity" is the slogan for National Canned Foods Week, March 3-10. Back of the slogan iB-co-oiieralion reaching from the can ners throflgh brokers, wholesalers and retailers to the end that special in ducements may be made to the con sumer to buy canned goods in quan tities at special prices during Canned Foods Week. Dance Jackson Hot Spring, Sat. 292 When better automobiles are built, fluick will build them.' tf Good clean rags wanted at Medford Printing Co. Ooorge Bohler, coach of varsity basketball at the University of Ore gon, . arrived . thiB morning from Eugene and will be the rcfereo at the game between Roseburg and Medford at the Nat tonight. . . A No. 1 alfalfa hay, delivered, $18.00 per ton. Phone 7-JiM. 290 . Call 'at Hotel ildford Beauty Par lors and see the .latest In cornet braids. ' 295 We have good valuos in used cars. Patton & Robinson Inc. tf D. E. Millard sold two lots In Edge wood Park yesterday to Medford citi zens. Mr. Millard says anyone who buys lots nt the present prices who are not satisfied tutor six months, the lots will be taken' pack nt prlco paid. Knife pleating for dross trimmings. Handicraft Shop. 291 This office Is prepared to print ledger sheets, bills, etc., used on the your orders to traveling men and have them printed out of Medford. Phone iib nnd we will call. tf Velio Sales & Service, 111 S. Central avenue. Phone 769-J. 290 John D. McKee, presidont of the California-Oregon Power s company, has arrived from San Francfsco to be present at the meeting ot stockhold ers of the company at tho Masonic hall tomorrow night. March 1st, tthe Marinollo Shop will start marcelling at their former prices. 295 All kinds of rough and dressed linn bor. Wallace Wood, phone 108. 711 E. Main. There's n busy business College In vnnr home town. OWN. The Grants Pass chapter of the Order of Do Molny for boys will be assembled and their officers installed tonight. .. Spring is here! The faco should be protected again outdoor exposure and. dirt with fitting preparations at my Indies' service. .Medford Beauty Shop. Phone 191-L, Medford Bldg. 290 All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108, 711 E. Main. Fruit, nut and shade treeB. Eden Valley Nursery. Phone 680-J-2. tf "Ous" Gustine with his English, hull dog, Mike, nccompnnled the Elks nilnstrol8 this morning when thoy left for Klamath Falls and Weed, as Mike will appear In one of the specialty acte ot the show. Grafted Frnnquette walnut trees. Eden Valley Nursery, phone 680-J-2 tf Clean cotton rags are wanted at Mnll Tribuno office. tf Auto Insurance, Brown & White. Albany Postmnoter Named. WASHINGTON, .March 2. Post mnstdrs nominated today by Presi dent Harding inclmrh Alotuo E. Em erson, Elletisburg, Wash., and Robert M. Korhet, Albany, Ore. TOO LATE TO JCLASSIR WANTEIWTo buy iight car cheap for cash. 107 N. Kir. . 292 LOST Nurses' ring with cross on It. Reword. Call 674-W. 29:' WANTED Experienced porter. A ply In person. Hotel Medford. tf FOR RENT Three modern houses. Cull 333 S. Rtreraldo. 293 ECONOMY : THE HOME OF BREAD LIKE MOTHER MADE . The first of ike month and pay day againanother milestone in the family finances. Some pay checks go into saving accounts others into monthly bills. There is only one way to know you wdl own your check and tkat is to pay cs you go. You can save a lot too by cutting'out the non-essentials clerks, credits andjelwe ries and at the end of the month have the satisfaction of banking the difference. i Calumet Baking Powcler, 1 lb. can .28c , . 1 Calumet Baking Powder, 2 lb. can ; 59c Royal Baking Powcler, 12 oz. can 40c Large Oval Sardines, 14c, 3 for 40c Extra fancy Shrimp, per can .15c Oysters, very good quality, can 15c Finnan Haddie Fish Flakes, can 10c Mazola, pint cans 28c Mazola, quart cans 53c Roast Beef, 6 lb. cans 89c Honey, 5 lb. can . . .65c Honey, 10 lb. can .$1-20 Brussel Sprouts, No. 2 cans 24c Artichokes, 2 in can, No. 2 cans ................ 20c Hershey Bars, 10c size nut or plain, 2 for : . . 15c Crimson Rambler Cane and Maple Syrup, 5 lb. can 58c H. O. Oats, 2 pkgs. .... . .35c COFFEE For Saturday, G. & L. special blend, a guaranteed freshly ground bulk Coffee. Try it at our risk 3 lbs. 89c BAKERY SPECIALS Jelly Rolls, of regular size and quality, filled with pure jelly. Priced for Saturday, each .- . . 10c Cakes Regular 35c Mocha or Devils' Focd Cakes. Priced for Saturday, each r. , 23c ' " .'GATES Sl LYDIARD ; ::, Buy here and bank the difference Now Playing! Rodolph Valentino's most dazzling , success ' "The YOUNG RAJAH" Mr. nnd Mrs. Tubllc: This jrorjjooiis lovc-drnmn is the most exotic and color ful of nil Vnlcntlno's pic tures! It starts nt n Rny American coIIoro bont race nnd ends- In tin nmnzlng cli max in tho magnificent pal aces of India I t S3 Continuous Shows Tomorrow nnd Sunday J3 Also ... ! Si-cond Round of the ' I Thrill- -Leather .INisiiprs I "UK KA1SKI) KANK" I Coming Sunday " "THIS . KKXTl'OKY DKRHV" ono of tlio biggest racing Pictures ever made. y Before selecting Your Ha t elsewhere . . SEE THE SPECIALS at THE COLONIAL SHOP MISS TOWNE is showing for Saturday $8.50 and $10.50 AUTO SUGGESTIONS PLACE ORDERS NOW FOR Sherwin-Williams Dry Lime Sulphur Bear Creek Liquid Lime Sulphur Call for Terms and Prices Independent Fruit Company Phcne 226 Warehouse So. Front St. "Hullt In" features are very de sirable In a homo. Make 'the Jowett your outdoor homo. It has wonderful comfort, performance,' ooauty and long life "built In." They're there to Btay. Ladles who wish to "reduce" should drive a Jewett, for it is certain that they will thus reduce their worry, their operating costs, and loss lucky friends to a state of envious covetousnoss. Call 202 for a demonstration ot this wonderful Six. . Blue Front Pixit Shop, lit S. Holly 81. "WE FIX ANYTHING" I'hona IM liaxor Iliads SharpcnlnK