Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 02, 1923, Page 10, Image 10

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    rX6E ?m
IS yea are a constipation victim
yoa need Braa that is ALL BRAS
td. it SO dtittifCJ ul iBViling IkLt
tbotm&ds of fiKi; toe it coafan j
to fcili entkirg tikerr bitti-. f i-t
li braa mufijw, pt&eii. rjiifia
t U. ; titer ess sus oer!, axd tmiy
Huiikie it cm their favorite eereii, i
ai.l-iae Sstot bivicg a j;al.
X!iE.r mar? th&asjui&s of pwpje ei
SLuCoh:' lima every Oar of iiir
Jitcj (euw n has jv. ii-."-at'y r
lrt4. tiM if c-t-itircitka ml tht
OLfcrt bf C Madid Llki till:! ecn-
tiis.t Vad Ix. If ywi ire etfTcr
bsg w.lii Kiur.Ipka ia nfi ALL
l kAX Krfkfrg Enn With iu
Immanent emtit osaiities. Fxi
are icjt bria eui iwtit give tb
lnin4 rrikf bwause tbty 60 not etm-
ut i'-Et tf tbf kSit-Jr:S tiiit
X.cCi.xt Lr.s raunii? txa- irn
Wle vta fcaew that eMurupa:ia
heta cirutxiy t BrigM ' dn.e iA
friir snf-Et, there i Xto ra&e t
1 iart in ex; riatfi'.ixg. Kfkre '
Hna, d-i!kM i its jK.?es?d ut-4
icl krambled form. bfiws as j
BHiitt u'xei:r. L? it i eaten r-gp-iir.y
rvo 7i rfL'rt iia.'T; ia
;i.!-w. esrs wish I ttte&li it
T-Lvfi-ika Ti l TME3W4 Kriicrg
iirx. It nil! free yoa irvm -t'.t-
liTT J.liit Si! estbarticS vLilh U
JfyfrlUB-I-Srfkiig AilXiOft ftjt &-X-P-
cms to iiuthb 2 roaAtipiii itseit !
Rsrrs Etsgj's Bm regabriT.
Wilei lie buUUi uf yoar fisiir
: ;it4. It if wolidrrfw! fr ehiidrc.-K(--ic.fg
iir ere priEtd cm dt
fckage. All fro".r ttil KtiU-tj "
I Hand -Tailored 1
For Spring and Easter Wear
Easter Special
Do not wait! Give us your measurements H
. now for your spring suit
0 Springer & Lee
"Duds for Men"
Opposite Eialto Theater 1
For Ford son Tractor
Kdcntiflcallr built to met all modern requirements. Handle
eaily, alwara lift 6 lnche above ground lor turning or tranaport
ins. refrardlcia of depth of plowing. Vnusually Rood penetration.
Fractlcallr all atoel tonttruction. Friction safety release tractor
hitch. Encloee positive power lift. Shares chaaged with perfect
case; eliher standing or sitting.
Apirored b- Ford Motor Co., for Ve with the Fordson
. The 'o. 26 Tractor Plow i the embodiment of modem Ideaa and
nn-tolale manufacturing methods Into a superior Implement to
fill a necessary present day farming need. This plow has required
two years to perfect. It has withstood every severe test Our ap
proval haa been put upon it and our guarantee goes with it, because
It has made good.
221 Xorth Fir AGENTS FOH rhnno T77
"Friend" Kpraffsa .Mollne Farm Machinery (Belro) Lights and
Pomps Wood Pipe for Irrigation Simplex Silos Simplex Cream
tvpanuors rar Cutters.
By Mary O. Carey, Phone 34W-1.
Szniy eveticR wli!e the fasnL'y were
oat from lt house for a short t'.tae,
the bouse beioclE to Mrs. XeliSe
Newbary Jonfs and occupied by Sir.
West in Phoenix, caught fire inside
the cloth ekiset and burned inost of
their clotting. The fire was discov
ered and pot oat before great damage
was dose.
Fraci HcMrMse has sold his afij.!es
to the cansry at Vfford, and is hav
ing Wai. High taI them dom-n to the
cannery this week. The price was not
bis. bat Frank says be knows what he
1 getting, which is more than some
of tie orchard men ot the valley
Mrs. JL S. Furry accompanied her
daufhier-in-law. Mrs. Ted Furry, over
to the borne of Mrs. Donna Graffes
last Saturday.
Mrs- George Morris of Oakland, Ore.
is visiting at Ashland with her sister,
Mrs. Carter. Both ladies attended the
Aid meeting at Phoenix last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Earneburg of
West Mod ford were visiting Mrs.
Barnebarg's mother, Mrs. T. J. Bell
of Tant. Tuesday.
It is reported that Mrs. John Norton
of Ashland, formerly resident of
Phoenix, is very ill si her home in
Wm. Carles of Phoenix went to
Britith Columbia, presumably on a
short business trip, bht writes his
wife that be may be detained all sum
mer. Mrs. R. E. Dale of Powers. Ore,
arrived at the home of her sister. Mrs.
Jack Allen of North Talent, to remain
lor some time.
J. M. Rader was called on the jury
this week, and is at the county seat
each day. Lloyd Colver is feed ins his
cattle while Joe is away.
The Pioneer store in the north end
of the town of Phoenix baa opened
again for business, and haa a good
supply of everything in eatables.
Mrs. Wm. Carless will sell all of the
fine White Leghorn chickens which
her husband was keeping, on account
of Mr. Carless being detained away
from home, as Mrs. Carless does not
care to handle them.
Charlie Thurston of Talent, sold his
bouse and lot, and he and his mother
have gone to California to reside.
Jeff Bell of the Bell House in Tal
ent has been under the weather the
past ten days with the flu, but was
aole to be out Tuesday.
Henry Helms and wife came In from
Dorris, Calif, one day lact week and
are In Medford visiting Mrs. Helms'
mother, Mrs. Anderson. The Helms'
were former Talent residents.
Mr. and Mrs. Coblelgh of West
Phoenix were visiting Mrs. Cobleigh's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ditsworth. of
Talent last Sunday.
There was one of the government
men at the Talent Cannery last week
taking data, on the floor space and
capacity of the cannery. This work
is done In order to be able to deter
mine the extent of such work thru out
the state.
Mrs. F. E. Furry of Phoenix, went to
Central Point Monday to visit her
daughter, Mrs. Ernest Reames.
J. E. Roberts of Phoenix, has a let
of the new land on the tract which
be purchased of Louie Colver last fall,
cleared and is having it plowed.
Fletcher Fish of West Pboenlx pur
chased a setting of Light Brahma
eggs from Mrs. C Carey this week.
His specialty, however, are the White
Mrs. J. P. Denham and her daugh
ter, Mrs. Wesley Drtskell of Talent,
were pleasant callers at the home of
your correspondent Tuesday.
Mrs. John Roblson of Talent, re
ceived several hundred White Leg
horn baby chicks from California last
week. Mrs. Robison is going into the
chicken industry quite extensively.
Spring Is
Nearly Here
' Von rfO bo wanting to clean
' the old car up and make it look
. like new.
Wo havo a floe assortment of
poagof and chamois and an as
, Ktrtmetu of the br4 auto clean.
Prm pollxhm, auto paint and
' bniKlics to bo had.
r Auto Supply Co.
Jnxt around the corner
31 X. Dartlett
Doe Wright
Babbitting and Welding
Crater Lake Automotive Co.
Place Voor Order Son tot
', Quirk Delivery
Hansen Coal Co.
(Successors to Lads)
M H. Fir St. I -hone 2TO-J
I The Truck Man"
1 SO X. Holly
Phone 3X6
I Mr. Johnson, superintendent of
Hill's Construction company, haa
been her for a few days greeting
his many friends in this community.
He will leave soon for Klamath
I county where he has charge of some
; work.
j Mrs. S. Gcarr and daughter Clara
and grandson limmie of Canada, are
: visiting with ffrs. E. E. Ash this
James Wilson's father has arrived
from Tortland. to spend the rum
mer with his son on the Bar-Eight
Mr. E. E. Ash and C. Owens, also
Mr. Mechem, were Medford visitors
YS enuescay.
Mr. and Mrs. It. L. Ash and little
daughter Betty and son Gene, Mrs
I". E. Ash and daughter Irma, Mrs
Ceary and Miss Mordoff were pleas
ant visitors at the Hows home Sun
Mr. and Mrs. George D. Saltxmaa
of Medford spent Sunday visiting
with Mr and Mrs. 8. W. Hutchison.
Mr. Charles L. Philips, who hat
been spending the winter In Los An
geles, is here viiiting his brother.
L. M. Philips and family. He will go
from here to his home in Montana.
Mr. Dave Lynch ot I'pRer Trail,
was a Trail visitor Wednesday.
There was an error In the items of
lait week. Instead of Mr. and Mrs.
S Houston" it should have been Mr.
and Mrs. lJ.iUb.ison" Tisiticg t
1'rank Houston s. t
H. U. Iawoa Is working ca the
cruiicr tbii week.
TABLE ROCK. The latest real
estate deal la this district was the
transfer last week of the Lorn Cre
gory ranch to F. W. Croft and G. C
Nieewood of Camas Valley. Ore. Mr.
CrofLia taken pot.seAik.-n and is
busy putting in the crops and level
ling caite an acreage to be seeded to
alfalfa with the idea of making the
place into a model dairy farm.
The senior partner, Mr. Nieewood
and family will arrive in the early fall
and in the meantime Mr. Gregory and
family will probably remain on the
The pleasant weather is much ap
preciated by farmers and orcnardists
in this district and much activity is in
evidence, the bark of spray engines,
the roar of tractors, and the dank of
machinery tell as that if the fine
either continues for a few weeks a
tremendous amount of work will have
been accomplished.
As the days get warmer and the
grass shoots upward the cattle in the
feed yards are becoming more and
more restless to get back to their pas
tures in the mountains.
Roy Stanley of Medford was a busi
ness visitor in this section last Wed
nesday. Mr. Stanley is buying sheep
for California parties, but says that
sheepmen in this section do not seem
anxious to sell.
H. T. Finley of Medford, has com
menced pruning operations in his
pear orchard in this district.
Ed Houston was down from Trail
for a few days last week and did
some branding ana vaccination work
among his cattle which they expect
to move to the range in the near fu
ture. Mr. Norman, the poultry man. has
traded his ranch on the west end of
Table Rock for property at Myrtle
Creek and will move to his new pos
sessions early next fall.
There seems to be a scarcity of hay
on this side of the river as our far
mers, many of them already sold short
are turning away prospective hay buy
ers every day.
C. Dunlap is in Portland for a few
days where he shipped a carload of
fat lambs.
M. R. Harper and son have com
menced the spring work in the S toner
orchard which they have leased in the
Sams Valley district.
The Mayfield cattle which were
wintered here are being moved to the
home place near Agate.
E. H. Webber ia busy putting In the
crops on the rach he recently
L. C Schafer who is employed In
Portland spent a few days last week
with bis family here.
Philip Gordon who has been makins
his home with his sister. Mrs. S. M.
Tuttle for the past year is visiting
relatives in California.
Taxpaying time is here again and
there is no noticeable shrinkage in
the amount asked for to maintain our
county and state governments, and
the reduction claimed for the next
year will probably be offset for the
average man by the added gasol:8e
ihe entertainment given last Thurs
day evening by the ladies of the
Parent-Teachers club was greeted by
a full house, there being people pres
ent from many different sections of
the county besides practically the
entire population of our own district,
and all agreed that this was one of the
best social events from an entertain
ment standpoint held here for a long
The masculine members of the club
who gave the last entertainment were
all present and proved themselves
good losers, good-naturedly conceding
to the ladies that they had them beat
a city block, as entertainers.
All those taking fart in the program
showed the effects of much practice
and drill, all carrying their parts In a
creditable manner and while . some
had more difficult roles than others
we do not feel justified in making spe
cial mention of any performer as each
one seemed to have a special niche to
fill in that was essential to the sue-1
cess of the evening.
H is rumored that another impor- j
tant deal in ranch property may take
place in this vicinity in a few days. j
Say "Bayer" and Insist!
t'nleu yoa see the name "Bayer" oa
parkace or on Wbiet yoa are not ret
ires; the genuine Bsyer product pre
xtiW 1-v phyiariftns over twfwty-iwo
vears and pro'vnl safe by millions for
Coll. HArh
Tnoiharke Lumbago
Karscbe r.beun--tm
Xraralp.a Pain, Pain
Accept "BaVer Tablets of A.pirin"
only, liacli unbrofcta package rontaim
rmsr ttirertx.- Hanc.v bove of
tele tHH. rmt few rent. Drur-
ritt 1 ! kittles of 2 anil ltt.
Apirm tbe rmde irark of Byer
MaTt-if-ttire of Mincareiica"riie,er of
"Better Homes" Mean Labor
Saving Home Kitchens
- and Laundries
Curiously, with all our American ingenuity and resourceful
ness we have overlooked the laundry and the kitfhen, and thrown
the bulk of om- effoi-t in directions other than those designed to
make better homes by adding to the facilities of our very habita
tions. If, in other words, the family is the unit of modem civiliza
tion, the home, its shelter and gathermg-point, should, it would
seem,' warrant in its design and furnishing quite as large a share
of attention as the power plant or the factory.
Herbert Hoover.
Thor Washing Machines
Westinghouse Automatic Ranges
New Home Sewing Machines
Royal or Hoover Vacuum Cleaners
Properly Installed Will Make Modern and
Better Homes
For Sale By
Peoples Electric Store
Phone 12 212 W.. Main St. Medford, Ore.
A. B. Cunningham 0. 0. Alenderfer
Blow 'em out
for less money!
NOTHING easier when you use Pacific Stumping i
the new du Pont explosive. We know because
other farmers around here have done it.
Stick for stick, Pacific Stumping gives you Yi more
sticks for each dollar with approximately the same
strength as any standard stumping powder.
Clear your land with Pacific Stumping. The result is
lower cost and better results and it's non-freezing and
Just consider our store headquarters for information on
du Pont dynamites for land-clearing and ditching work
and let us take care of you. We'll give prompt service
Medford Furniture & Hardware Co.
H'WIW,.-)t.Ma.i ..jisy tray;