Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 01, 1923, Page 8, Image 8

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    " race trnnt
nroroin) scat tribute. 'tedford w.oon. TrirftsruY. mai?cii i. ras
lh scenery and baptagf to predate
for th two performances litre.
Through Stage
The Intero-baa Auto Car cocirnr
iUTJ on titir new time jciedate
Jits mornins. They are dot man its
throca etare to PortUci making
cocnetttons with ail slice line to
; Coca Ear. Seattle all way points.
Folowine t;r tro performance : T - ,,,ow .towjver trir-
tsere. and Tuesday night, at ;: jj, in Roebors. Ecgene. and Salem I
Yrtka lift Saturday night, and la j a desired. The stages for the present !
twot at oranti iw. toe Ji;B-j.m ooe roaad ,uiiT
ttrels will Ml today aod toatorrctr , charsiaS nd taking oa paanger at
---.11 resume t-rir tarnr-orming oc- , ...t noim, tetvees Vedfcrd and Port-
of the provtn:2i. Last nifhti rt
formanre at lie "Jia-ihe-Clinsau."
city vas the best one that has ytt
N--n cirea oy ire local Thespitcj.
anJ a presented ue'ore 3 ap-pr-iatiTe
The fifty minstrels will Wro to-j
ipojtow at 9:17 a. ta for K!aj:ua
Fa, where they fiTe two perfcTni
la that city at the Pine Trv
opra hoie on Friday ana Saturday
EiS-if. rLd next day will s.v-
I .ru-ncr oce at Wd. CaJ.f.. :('."
lhb aid rrenice- The eoai ja:r wij!
i:ritA about a m. Mo"-'t ,
The .ip to KUnuta KV!j art j
W-d an-1 back home will n-.ade-In
style, and will cost between i
:.',h and 15i. as it will he made'
!n two special Pullman sleepis tars, exercised by the defense wben they
-nicb hare beeo chartered from the excused Fred Wahl. C. a Newhal!
!t.'tera Pacific, and will S3 was uresed after qaMtlonine by tle
tVir Wome from the t;n of their ' Mrs. Mvjde Beelor of Ash-
WM.lure ontil their rr'r.-. Ther,na " M eicusea.
Farm Bureau Week
March 5th to 12th
The week of March 5 to 11 has
l-een designated as Fana Bureau
Week by the Jackson County Farm
Bureau, during which time they will
conduct a campaign of Information
, regarding subjects in which the
farmers are interested and also a
drive for membership.
The new venire, drawn this morn-
trday and Sunday nKhrs. but of term.C s r, bank clerk: Wm.'
course wm take their meal at Ma-E- N- Hfnrv larm. g.. j. Merrick.
iS FaOi and Weed resiaorants. 'housekeeper: OUver M. Goes, farmer:
John Scott, the genera: p?sen;er Trowbridge, housekeeper; Irene
aini of the Southern Fa.i.'rff has w. S'f!:its. housekeeper: Mattie
m..-e; frcm Portland to Mark Mint- Lowe, housekeeper: Marshall I
rj.nery, tie local agent, to chap?ron Baldwin, farmer: Beulah J. Neil.
ib. miastrela all throach tl-c trip, housekeeper
tt lnk afer thir fflmfrr an-- Keeper: In'-
that all the railroad arrangemeau
are perfect, P. P. Bingham, the
stage director of the company, left
Ibi moraine for Klamath Falls wi'h
of bead or throat is DsaaBr
inwiiifu oy tne vapors cs
Om 17MJ&mln Ihci Ytak
C?nned Foods
March 3-10
We Offer You
1 Now that tens of thousands know
that Moone's Emerald Oil will reduce
C&I1 prlCOtSf feaClleS I ugly, dangerous varicose veins to nor-
(mal. we want them to know that thlf
wonderfully effective agent will dry
r-l -":up eczema eruptions In a few day.
f .'and cause the scales to drop off and
uuAcn cui or assoriea
food purchased.
Hall & Hall
Cash and Carry
318 E. Main St.
coor.ecteJ with this necktie party
ought to be hong."
O"onte 1- TreK"hlT, auto dealer.
Molford. N. B. liildreth of Butte
Fal-s and Jaiul Firestone, farmer of
To Portland fr1-"
cant chairs la the box.
I TreK hlt-r was the first examined
!and said be rained his knowledge cf
the ease from lo-cfel and Portland
I' paper. H had -a fixed opinion "
and was excused.
James Firestone, farmer of Ash
, land, questioned by Attorney Bowff
i regarding his acquaintance with
grand jury witnessed. The talisman
said h had "a fixed opinion" and
"believed rmt of what be read in the
Firestone said he was not certain
that he eou.d dismiss bis views re
garding Hale, the chief witness for
the defense. After quetioning by the
court. Firestone was excused.
N. E. Hildreth of Butte Falls said
ke had read and discussed the cajse.
had formed "a fixed opinion, " and
was excused.
Geo. Beers of Wimer, farmer, said
be bad read and discussed the case
and bad no fixed opinion. The tales
man, under questioning, believed h
couid give a fair, impartial verdict
and said Evan Blames was bis coun
sel in a watrr right case. He said
this fact would not Influence him.
The defense continued its questions of
the first day relative to the effect of
pre accounts of the episodes on
Ques-Uoned by tie state Beers said
he bad not discussed the case, and
did not "believe in trying things out
of court." He said he was tolerant
on religious matters, and if the "re
ligious issue" was injected into the
case, he would not be influenced. I
Gordon Cox of Butte Falls, on re
sponse to a query by Attorney
Bogcs said he thought from what be
read In the papers that "something
had happened." After a series of
queries Cox wss discharged.
W. F. JjeFord cf Central Point,
stockman, knew Cob Kelly, Dr. Dow.
Sheriff Terri.l, C. E. Gates. Gus New
bury. Geo- A. Codding. Judge Gard
ner and Pat Daily. DeFord said he
had no opinion except that a "crime
had been committed." but the state
"would have to prove its case." De
Ford was challenged by the defense
and excused.
Al Packer of Gold Hill said be
knew J. F. Hlttsoa. defendant, and
J. F. Hale, star witness for the state.
A pioneer of the valley. Pankey had a
wide acquaintance in the est of grand
jury witnesses, and Attorney Canaday
went ' into exhaustive detail on the
probable influence it might have.
TH taleeman said he misoected
crime bad been committed
forcemeat, if they bid attended meet-! c-ired he bad no religious prejudices
Ings at which law enforcement was that would cause bias, was tolerant
dipc-jsfted. and if thy beUevrd in the ot aj janhs. and was neutral on the
enforcement of law, other than by jues involved in the trial,
the orderly channel. j Glen L- Haley of Gold 11:11 and for-
Xo Faith in Irc-- ! merly of EAgle Point was quirred by
Mrs. Loretl- M. Lindley of Jack- Attorne-y Canaday. and bad no opin
sonviile, mother of three ih.ldren in orJ formed from reading news
the Jury Box Tueseiav in the trial t'i p.Krj. He knows none of the d
the "defendants in the rishtriding; ftEajntj. Lut was a schoolmate of
cases now underway, "had no opin-one 0 tnt woman witnesses, ar.d a
ions because ehe took no interest ia !,,, vf pxt Daily, when the g-im
the matter." She said the newspaper i v lrJen was a teacher.
accounu she read in no wise influ-1 Venireman said he never had taken
enced her and agre-d with the de-anr vxn ja pUtlic discussions of ne
(Continued from page one.)
Minnie Ogg. house
Pence, rancher: John
IV. Stillman, farmer: Osaie Goodie,
housekeeper: A. H. Miller, merchant:
Riley H. Pears, farmer; Ed E- Jacobs,
farmer: Isaac Porter, miner: Dora
Eddings. housekeeper: Frank Oil
man, trapper: Jennie Merritt. mer
chant. The list was drawn in open court In
the presence of the clerk and sheriff
and count-! for both sides.
Many Are Kirwacd.
At the opening of the trial this
moraine Atlornt-T Vinilnw Asked tin.
! right to question Fred E. WahL
"Do you remember having a con
versation with Charley Farmer in his
j garage about these rases?" The Juror
said he did not- The talisman em-phsrir-nllr
denied be said "Every man
rerte when he raid. "VOU nave noi
per cent faith in the press." She
knew but a few of the list cf s wit
nesses to the grand Jury. In response
to a state query, she said she had no
desire to be a juror, and "would
rather be home making garden."
H. W. Davtssoa. owner of the TnMe
Bock store was examined by Alter
ney Boggs, and stressed his morning
contention of the effect of newspaper
articles. The venireman said he naa
formed no opinions, and that while
he had heard discussions of the case,
it was his policy to listen, and Dot
say much. No opinions had been
formed from this source. Davisson
said he knew Hale, "through a piano
dea-.." and was also acquainted with
J. F. Hittson in a social way-
The talesman said he had never dis
cussed the case with anyone in Med
ford and was acquainted with C. E.
Gates and Sheriff Terrill- He took no
part in the late political campaign
The talesman said he "believed a
crime had been commuted-" but fixed
no responsibility. He further said if
the character of J. F. Hale was
brought into the case he would be
influenced. Under questioning by the
state Davisson said he would discount
th evidence of 'Hale. He declared
he was for the orderly enforcement
of law. The questioning then shift
ed again to the ereditibility of Hale.
as a witness, and the court took up
the query and asked if be could allow
the evidence to overthrow his preju
dices, and accept the rules under
which the case will be tried.
Davisson said he could not and was
excused and disqualified.
A short recess was taken until the
jurors c'necxed off the names of
grand Jury witnesses they knew from
a typewritten list. -
Mrs- Mattie A. Coleman said she
had read all Portland and local
papers and had no opinions. She
knew Hale, the chief witness, and de
fendant Hittson and the wives of
many of the witnesses. She heard no
campaign speeches and said she had
known W. H- Gore. Gus Newbury and
Elan Keames for years-
Fred F TVahl. Medford bank;
cashier knew most of the grand j
jury witnesses, and said this wide
acquaintance would not prevent him
giving a fair and impartial trial. He
also declared that he could disre
gard all newspaper accounts and
formed no opinion from any press,
article. Wahl said he would render'
a verdict according to the evidence!
and the law. He was thoroughly,
questioned by Attorney Winsiow for .
the defense.
State counsel drew from Wahl that
he was prepared to let no outside in- ,
fluence affect him. and had no fuel
ing that either-side "nettled to bj
vindicated" by the trial outcome. j
Stromberg Carburetors
A Stromberg on your car will pay for itself
the first thousand miles after it is installed.
for all makes of cars, trucks and tractors
We carry a full toe of parts for the Stromberg Carburetor.
General Automobile Overhauling
Williams & McCurley
Across from Nat. phne 615-B
Greasetess Combing Cream Costs Only
Few Cents a Jar at any Drug Stare
HAIR jf i
Keeps Hair Y r I ;
J Combed I '
Even obstinate, unruly or shampooed i
hair stays combed all diy in any style J
you liel "Hair-Groom" is a dignified
combing cream which gives that natural
gloss and well-groomed effect to your
hair that fcial touch to good dress both r
in business and oa social occasions- j
Millions use greaseless, stiut.ess
"Hair-Groom" because it does not show
on the hair. It is absorbed by the
sci'p. therefore the hair reraiins so
soft and pliable and so natural that no
The venire one can possibly tell you used it. Not
Just to Answer a Question1
"We are often asked if it isn't tine that we put excep
tional rubber and fabric into Gates Super-Tread
We do use the best materials that can be bought but
some other factories do this, too.
The extra miles you are getting from Gates Super
Tread Tires are due to having more rubber jn the
wider and thicker tread. More rubber to' wear
more rubber to protect the inside fabric naturally,
. more miles.
Petty's Tire Shop
132 South Riverside
Phone 163-S
Eczema Vanishes
In a Few Days
Mlelitr. POTu-rfal AnU-c-ptk Prescrip
tion StfM lu lling Instantly, and
by It I I tem, Ho4b Abrrox
and C'arbciM-in Arc Quickly
It acta the same way with any ekin
disease, such aa barber's itch, aah
rheum, redness and inflammatory
kin troubles. ,
So powerfuj and penetrating Is
I jiwnr tsinrraia yni mat piles are
Bw.iutTj. nwinn ana wens are maae
to disappear and abeee, boil, car-hunolf-a.
ulcers and open sore are
hasted in a few days. Moone's Emer
ald Oil in not a patent medicine, but
ia a surffvons prescription that for
JMr has been successfully used in
private and hospital practice. Heath's
Druie Store and West Side Pharmacy;
di5pen.T4i it. and complete directions
for hAme ue wi(h fih fwvftle. Adv. j
woman stated she had no prejudices stjerr or smeilr.
from n relijfious matierr. that she was tol-
anat he had heard and read and the
court proceedings now under way.
Beiieres In Lyncb Ljiw, boathu
"The Klan membership issue."
held the stage for a brief period at
yesterday afternoon's session of the
irL-iI of Jouctt P. Dray and co-defend
ants during the examination of Guy
erant of all sects and creeds, and no
df-:re to ??rve on the Jury.
Mrs- Cok-man said that the mem
bers of her family belonged to no
organization involved in the case at
Xeon B. Haskmft. drus?-Lt. said he
hd -a fixed r.pinion." and the d'
U Kichardscn. farnu-r of the Central fens askeJ that h excused and
the state did. not contest tne cna
len ge.
Newt Lewii. farmer for 55 years.
resident of this section, said he had
formed no opinion from reading of
newspaper?, and heard no campaign
speeches last fall.-
The tnllrnan snid he had known
Gus Newbury and Evan neames.
"ince they were boys." but that his
acquaintance would not influence hi)
verdict. He said he nevyr discussed
tne nigntnoing cases.
Questioned by the stare Tewis de
Peter B. Kyne
Helene Chadwick
-Ue ItUM-b Kt 0-Ullry .Normsa Krrrjr
Urriiier is no Uuclilnjr matlrr, bui Jon will howl at flip trials
and Iribulallons cf (wo husbands who ditevvrr that strong -arm
ntt-tbuds make nlvrs all Itw more loving.
(lalre Windsor
4 f&t-oU J
Toint district, in response to queries
by the state, if he approved of law
enforcement outside of regular chan
nels, declared' it "depended oa the
latitude. It was drawn from the
talismen, that "outrages in the south"
were condoned by him. and he ex
plained that he had been a resident
of Dixieland. The venireman also
said, that this view would cot influ
ence him in any way. in rendering a
fair and impartial verdict." in the
Under the objections of the defense
and for the purpose of keeping the
record clear, the court permitted As
sistant Attorney General Liljeqvist to
ask Richardson, the following series
of questions, all of which he answer
ed in the negative. ,
Are you a member of the Ku Klux
"Are you a naturalized ciilsrn of
the Invisible Empire of the Ku Klux
"Have you any opinion relative to
thst organization, that would in any
manner influence or prejudice your
veraict 7"
Have you been interviewed by
anyone since yon were called as
Juror, relative to this caser
"Have you any religious prejudices
that would bias your verdict, or dis
qualify you as a Juror?"
tticnardson was asked, "do you
know that your approval of lynch law
In the south is contrary to the law."
the talisman replied unhesitatingly,
Can t help it." and maintained hi:
views on "Justice according to laii
At the morning Judge Thomas had
ruled that the state could not ask
iKjmr juror 11 ne was a mem
ber of the Ku Klux Klan. but that the
state might cover the ground with
general questions.
Another crisis in the case is due.
when the Jury is selected and testi
mony begins, and witnesses, admit
ling Klan membership, are railed to
the stand. A legal test of strength is
certain to follow this stage of the
nightriding trials, and Is the crux of
tne action.
Many Are Ewunrd.
me ciose ot tne first -day. six of
tne original veniremen drawn, had
oeen excused, and slow proervss wa;
made in the selection of the Jury
wnen court sojourned, nine jurors
ere in me oox. At the present rate
11 in oe tne urn of next week tie-
tore the taking of evident !rin
U-on It. Haskins and Kred V. Weeks.
Medford merchants, were excused on
account tf having "fixed opinions."
A. K. Stratton of Central Point, an
orvnaroist. ia excused for "forming
opinions" from reading newspaper
srunra. ana 11. w. Davwson of Con
tral Iint. a storekeeper was excu-d
for having prejudices against J. F.
Hale, main actor In the "necktie"
party. haing no faith in the credi
bility of the star witness for the
sUte. J.imcs O. Love, farmer of Cen
tral Toint. and Ed Houston of Trail
were eiruel for cause.
The burden of the defense query
ing of talisman was if they had form
ed opinions from newspaper articles
anent the case, and but one said he
had. Their campaign activity, and
scquinianceshlp with leading citl
ten, who have opposed the Ku Klux
Klan. and their bonnes, relation
with defendants, in the fruit business
were the other remaining quetio
The etate asked regarding the views
e.f the ro-pcctivc jurors oo lasr en-
H. B. Dick
If You're Rundown wilh
Lowered Vitality. Try This
Portland. Oreg. "I don't belter
I wou!d be alive today were it not for
Lr. Tierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery. Two years ago I disposed of
my ranch and came here to be n
our children, for I had been sick for
over a year, not able to do anything.
and never had a moment's freedom
from pain. I had headaches, sharp
and shooting pains all through my
body. I felt miserable and low
spirited for I could get nothing tc
help me. A friend said. '"Why dont
you try Dr. Merce's Golden Medical
Discovery it may help you. I tried
it, and now feel greatly indebted to
my friend for recommending it tc
me. Three bottles of this wonderfu
medicine drove all the aches and
pains out of my body and. so far.
they have not returned." H. li. Dick
4 Umatilla Ave.
Obtain Dr. lierce s Discoverr now
In taMc-ta or liquid. Ton wil quickly
frel the beneficial effect. Write Dr.
Fierce. President Invalids' Hotel in
Buffalo. X. Y for free medical ad
vice. Send 1 V if you wish a trial
pkff. of the Tablets. Adr.
In 6 to 14 Day
A3 DnuuUtj ar authorized tq,
refund maoey ii PAZO OINT
MENT faU to cor any case of
ordinary cases la days, ib
went cases in 14 days,
PAZO OtSTMEST Instantly Rs
Iitrss ITCHING PILES aod yoa
ran get restful sleep after the
tat irruicittca. E9a
Just Received, Another Shipment of
in the Very Latest Models with a thought of yoiir coming requirements. Style,
Fabric. Price. Workmanship, and Value are the five essentials of good dresses
which guarantee purchasers of genuine satisfaction in making selections from
our line.
All the latest and newest designspf the season in Ladies' Trimmed Hats and
Flowers. Something new arriving daily. Come in and make your selections.
The saving in price will surprise you.
We have it, A new and lovely miracle in Knitting Yarns, soft, radiant, in
Fashion's favorite hues, mineled with silky threads. It's beautiful and just the
thing for your new Spring Slip Over Sweater.
Agents for Excella Patterns.
222 W. Main
Tennis and
Baseball Players
The Medford Hardware
& Sporting Goods Co.
Carries a line of Thos. E. Wilson Co.'s Tennis and
Baseball material which is nationally advertised and
known everywhere
rr in a puMiiuu to scu you uus iun nwi nicrrlwiuOiv. whirli U inr,.nliiinn.,iir .
. , . 1.. Tk. 1- w . 1 1 ... 1 , .
v j V. ""'"' mrrnants Dur other lines for. Wo purchase-
direct from the Factory and sell at wholesale prices instead of retail.
sou arc invited to come in and loot over this line and be convinced
can make.
as to the saving yon
SI. 73 to 15.00
None cheaper or better made.
Klajr Korts OvforUs
Klay Korts IlcM
Xew and Krch, lOil
50c each. Iorea lots -40c each
I V to SKJ.oo
OfHcul Adapted and ued by ihe I'acific
CoaM league ?I.T3
l-V to IU.'."
louivil)e .Sluc-n
."Or to li00
A Mork h dne from the factory of BATHING S11TS, SWEATEE. (OVTS iiut ov WITH V
Our Motto:
Medford Hardware & Sporting Goods Co.
o v
t 4