Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 01, 1923, Page 6, Image 6

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    wiui .w.uij J uiiiiiAiy MH.uvijiiu, UKhOU.V. miK.SUAi. .MAK'Cll 1.
When Sick, Bilious, Headachy, Constipated, for
Sour Stomach, Gases, Bad Breath, Colds
Clean. your bowel then foci Unci
When you fwl sick, dizzv, njMfi-t,
bilioiu, when your head is ilnll or aeh
ing, or your stomach in sour or gassy,
jubt take one ur two Cuwan lh.
A non u the bowels Iwiin acting
sod bowel poison and liuwel itusmm me
cleared away, you will feel like a new
Guscarcta never silken or cramp you.
Also hplimlid or constipated children.
ID icms a box, alto 23 and CU cent
sires. Any drugstore.
' New
III detooit i III
1 11 1 " At the new lowprice the Ford I I
llll . 1 ' Sedan represents a greater val- - II
HI ue than has ever been offered.
HI , It provides enclosed car com-
HI fort in a dependable, quality
l' product at a minimum cost. ' I Ijll
HI Your order placed now will II
III insure reasonably prompt de-;
llll . livery, Terms if desired. II
I C. E. Gates Auto Co.
llll Corner 6th and Pacific Highway I llll
the Beauty
and Value
of Your
Two Yw
FtoU Grown
Write for our frr
Catalog ilrftcrihlntf
a lartte aortmnt
of trees, shrub
nil plants,, "d
n bunrirrri vrU
etk ol Hotel
Roses symbolize beauty and beauty
is a yital need in every life. The Pa
cific Northwest is famed the world
over for its Roses.
50,000 roses bloomed at one time last
summer in one of our nursery planta
tions a veritable sea of color and beauty.
You will appreciate our hardy two-year
field-grown roses. You don't have to
wait for results they bloom the fust
year planted.
Washington Nursery roses are field
grown not delicate hot-house creations.
We have worked with nature in the de
velopment of hardiness, vigor and unusu
ully good roots. Outdoor culture makes
for vigor and hardiness. Thorough culti
vation developes good roots which ure
the very loundation of a plant and insure
a vigorous growth..
Beautify your home with War.hinron
Nursery roses. Over one hundred choice
varirties from which to select.
It miiLes life more worth living and cer
tainly makes your home more attractive.
Salesmen Everywhere Afore Wanted I
V&shSttfiton Mirsery Co.
l AkCt sr IN THE Wt.ST
An effort Is being made by the Red
Cross to help to sell a most beautiful
bedspread, made entirely by bund and
represents four years of work by a
skilled and artlstlo needle woman,
who lives In the mountains and who
has shown wondorful Industry and
ability In the creation of this beautl
ful spread. It Is made entirely, of
Imported mercerized thread, the de
sign is artistic and perfectly balanced,
and the work is on a par with the
famous crocheted work of the peas
antry of certain European localities
and also of the work of similar native
craftswomen in the Appalachian
It Is interesting to realize that in
our Oregon mountains thero are hid
den away real artists, who with pa
tience und skill can conceivo and
execute lasting contributions to art
and industry.
Valentino at Page in
"The Young Rajah"
"Wives, husbands nnl friends of
stockholders of the California Oregon
Power eomimny. are welcome to at
tend the Informal KtoclthoUlenV meet
ing which will he In-let lu . thM di
vision Saturday nlht, .March 3rd at
8 o'clock In the C'opco lmlUUiiK, 21G
W. Main street in Med ford.
There; will he a disciiKHion of the
actlviticH of Die company during the
past year and tho pinna for the
coming year. Htereojitlcun views of
(lie construction of tho Pronpuct
Hprintifk'ld lino nnd tho Copco plant,
the. two major operationH of the past
year, will be kIk.wii along with pio
turen of the other properties of- the
company. The Hpeakci-H who will de
scribe, tho different phases of the
compnny's work are. Joseph D.
Grant, chairman of the board of di
rectors; John ' D. McKee. president;
Puu! H. McKee., vice-prcFident and
general manager: F. O. ('rawford,
chief engineer; W. M. Khepard, gen
erul agent ami II. I Walther, division
All those who nro Interested In the
company are cordially invited to'be
Box D
Toppcnitsh, Washington
Wonderful Picture at Rlalto
Freemasonry among married men Is
the theme on which Peter B. Kyne
built the story of "llrothors Under the
Skin," at the Rlalto this week., It has
to do With two husbands and their
One of tho husbands is a shipping
clerk with $30 a week. He HveB in
the llronx with his wife, who, we nre
told, shares all of his Joys, but nono of
his sorrows. Tho other husband is
vice president of tho sumo firm, and
whilo his salary Is $30,000 a year and
ho lives on Riverside Drive, his trou
bles are nono tho less numerous.
Mllllo, tho wife or tho clerk, spends
considerable time figuring ott how to
got out or debt, but is willing to go In
deeper, nevertheless. Sho buys every
thing on sight and repouts km install
ments. Hut, worst or all at least
from her husband's point of view
she's a delicatessen bound.
Dorothy Klrtland, the other wife,
like .Millie, knows notlhng about earn
ing money, but everything about
spending It. Countless misunderstand
ings lu the two monagos result over
money matters and then there is the
Inevitable "othor women." Each hus
band believes himself to be horribly
houpcuked, und while each agrees at
iremienl intervals that life with bis
wife Is Impossible, at equally frequent
Intervals hn agrees that life without
her is also !uiHssll!n.
Ono day tho husbands strike. The
vlco president Insists on n more eco
nomic household midget and tho clerk
demands home cooking. '"Yoii'vo Ixjon
a cat and I've beon a mouso long
enough," says the young man In a fit
of rugo to his wife. "Now I'm a bull
dog!" Whllo tho final scene shows
tho "silver lining," nnd the pieco ends
very Bweotly ami charmingly In the
conventional manner. It leaves yon
Willi a feeling that all concerned had
better keep their fingers crossed.
The cast includes Helene 'hadwick.
Clnlro Windsor, l,.ue lluscb, Put
O'Mulloy and Norman Kerry.
Rodolph Valentino's legion of ador
ers have tholr cui of bliss filled to
brimming this week at the Page the
ater, where that popular star Is ap
pearing in "Tho Young Rajah,
filming or J. A. Mitchell's enchanting
romance, "Amos Judd." Rodolph ap
pears not only in the habiliments of
Occidental civilization, but In the gor
geous robes of an Indian ruler.
He has Wanda Hawley for his
vis-a-vis, a fine contrast for Rodolph's
dark beauty.
The story has to do with an Infant
Rajah who Is taken to America by
Amos Judd to save him from death at
tho hands of men who want hie
throno. Judd raises him as his own
son, keeping for him the great fortuno
In Jewels and Kngllsh gold until he it
: When ho goes to Harvard he is the
richest boy In tho university, and this
makes enemies for him. Then the
man who has stolen his kingdom
sends a baud of Hindu cutthroats to
kill the young man, hut the adherents
of his father save him and set him on
the throne.
In the supporting cast are Pat
Moore, Charles Ogle, Fanny Mldgoly,
Robert Ober, Josef Swickard, Bertram
Clrassby, George Pcrlolat,, Maude
Wayne and others.
A he-man fighter, and yet a gentle
man, Reginald Denny is winning new
admirers in the second of "The New
Leather ' Pushers" series, an added
feature on this week's bill. 'There are
six in the series, all fast-moving prize
fight stories.
i (furnished by the. ,laekou ...
" ' County Abstract Co.) 1 .
Marriage Licenses " ' , "
Louie Biass and Olga Blborstodt.
Fred L. Lusy, Jr., and Lee Halley.'
Goo. " Sherman ' .Mamie and Freda
Jay J. Simmons and Ollya Lamo.
Frank Yashlm and Josephine Ore
Hilts acts
at once
mtnours -v
ft fint wen o(.i ctl tali HOB twatl A
wnulc Quinine. Oiiick ifl.KvSafotV
Hills Q.icam Bionmfe Quinine
Babbitting and Welding
Crater Lake Automotive Co
Circuit Court
Wm. Von der Hellen vs. Talent
Irrigation District. For money.
First State Bank of Eagle Point va.
F. G. Brandon, et al. Foreclosure
State va. Martin R. McDonald. Or
Stato vs. John McMastors. Orders.
Statement and petition.
State vs. Juan Martinez. Not a
truo hill.
J D, PaBarow vs. Mrs. F. E. Man
ning. Dismissed.
Porter J. . Ncff vs. Rogue River
Canal company. Dismissed.
Thos. J. Fuson vs. Karl Knapp
J. W. Carter & Co. vs. E. W,
Schmitt. Answer.
Citizens Bank of Ashland vs. Geo
G. HowettirMotion.
Gus .Nowbury vs. A. W. Walker et
al. Default. Decree.
Lida Meadows vs. Matthew Lee
Meadows. Citation. Order.
Tillamook County Bank vs. D. Bur-
ford et al. Notice.
Stato vs. Martin R. McDonald. As
sault. -
Stato vs., John McMastors. Lar
ceny. '
Medford vs. E. J. Bashford et al
Affidavit. Order.
M. S. Johnson vs. Gold Coin Fi
nance Corporation. Summons.
City of Modford vs. E. J. Bashford
et al. Affidavit.
George R. Mooro vs. Bessie M.
Moore. Motion. Affidavit.
W. W. Cameron vs. Frank Schnel
dor. Foreclosure.
Embra S. Young vs. James R. How
ard et al. Affidavit, order.
I A. Murphy (Guardian) vs. Henry
Francis Whetstone et al. Petition,
reply, ordor.
C. L. Deming vs. Mrs. Berulce
Hngomeister. For money; attachment.
RageDressIer Co. vs. 11. V. Meader
at al. Motion and notice, Objections
to interrogatories opinion.
A. A. Schuchnrd et ux to . W. Hell-
man et ux. Affidavit, motion.
Florcnco W. Hartzoll et al to It. C,
Hanson et al. Stipulation, order, bond.
O. S. Butler vs. 11. C. Messenger et
al. Summons. Writ of attachment.
J. A. Kelts vs. Laura Kelts. Motiou
and affidavit, order.
Stato vs. Dewey Miller. Transcript
from justice court
Linda Simmons va. James Simmons.
Affidavit, ordor.
Edward J, Jesse Wlnburn
Sadie A. A lion. vs. Chns. L. Allen.
City of Medford vs. 11. S. Stine et al.
First State Bonk of Eaglo Point vs,
F. S. Brandon et al. Summons.
Thomas F. Foley vs. Porter J. Neff
(as udminlstrtaor). Motion.
Proluite CVinrt
J. Tercy Berry, estate. Final ac
Wm. V. Gibbon, estate. Final nc-
count. ...
Jacob Conley, estate. Petition.
Dietrich and Carollno Lc liners, es
tate. Proof of mibllcution. Proof of
posting. Oath. Bond. Report of
sa le.
Est. Jumna llnvit Annliciitlnn. order.
affidavit, receipt, final account, order.
ivtt. irulnta Kales, tinier.
Est. Benton Bowers. Petition.
Est. Selma ltlrhter. Order.
Est. Hugo C. A. Von dor Hellen.
Order, petition.
ltrnl Kstate Transfer.
C. M. Staples, ul ux. to Evange
line Sihoiup, W. D. to. lot on
Oranlte Street. Axlllnnd ...$ H00
Mauulo l;, Jones, et vlr, to Ar-
tliur Abbott, et ux. W. D.
to tut In H- U. t.'urti-r Add.
to .Medford
A. P. Conger to Mis. Joi Myers.
W. 1. to N'.i et N'i of B'.-i of
NV of Mi see.,80. twp. .37 S.
It. z West
Elbert II. Hicks to Victoria D.
Hicks, W. 1). to HE sec. 2 twp.
84 8.. It. 3 West ...........
Anron Wllkinon, et ux. to Rich-
aid F. I't'i-ilfer. W. D. to lot 3,
blk. ti. Oak Grove Subdivision
-to Medford (450.00
W. J. Webster to W. W. Hart
ley, et ux. W. 1). to lnnd In ;
DLC S3, twp. 37 8., It. 2
west -
Ttoscoo Applognte. et ux, to
Chester A. Applegute, W. I
to land in sec. 2tfi, twp, 38 8.,
It. 2 East
K. O. lii-jigg, ct ux, to 8. A.
Ix-averlon. W. D. to 8. BO feet
lot 10. blk. 1, Cottage Home
Add to Medford
John E. Nye, et ux, to John H.
Bachelor. W. D. to NK se.e.
.30, twp- 35 8.. It. 4 West
Harry H. Itrislow, et ux, to
Weys Mann, W. D. to land in
sec. 7, twp. 37 S., P.. 1 West
Charles L. Donoboe, et ux. to
Charles L. Donohoo Co., deed
to V!i of NW. NW of 8W.
hoc. 34, EVj of NR. NE of
8E, seo. 33, twp. 34 S.. R. 4
Thos. C. Norils, et ux, to Chas.
It. Heimroth, W. D. to land in
see. 35. twp. 37 8., It. 3 West: 2000
Lewis F. Loader, et ux, to Itan
kin Estes, ct ux, W. D. to pnrt
lot 4, hlk. 1, Lumsden's Add.
Mai-y E. Wikstrom, et vir, to
L. F, Lazier, et ux, Q. C. D;
to lot 4, and 13, blk. 1, Lums
den's Add. Medfortl
Leila Oodlovo, et vlr to R. Orvis
Stephenson, et ux. W. D. to
lots 8 and 0, re-subdivision of
Perry Hubdivlsion 10
Mary J. Rumniel et vir to Ever
ett M. Rummell, hind in sec. .. .
20, tp. 37, S. R. 1 West ?
Mrs Roso D. Dell et al to J. C.
Sappenfleld et ux, land in Ash-.
land ,
E. D. llriggs to J. S. Warren, land
in sec. 10, tp. 39, S. R, 1 West.. Deed
Will U. Gentry et ux to O. R.
Hjginbtohnm, land In D. L. C.
40, tp. 30, S. It. 2 W.j..... 50
W. M. Hlllla nt ux to Albert An
derson, land lu seo. 'J, tp. 117,
S, 11. 1 W 1 10
1!)-J:) . i gg"8ga
V " """"""7
Help Kidneys
by Drinking
More Water
Take Salts to Flush Kidneys and
Help Neutralize Irrl
. tating Acids
Kidney and bladder irritations often
result from acidity, says a noted au
thority. The kidneys help filter this
acid from the blood and pass it on to
the bladder, where it may remain to
irritate and inflame, causing a burning,
scalding sensation, or getting up an irri
tation at the neck of the bladder, oblig
ing you to seek relief two or three
times during the night. The sufferer
in constant dread ; the water passes
sometimes with a scalding sensation and
is very profuse; again, there is diffi
culty in voiding it.
Bladder weakness, most folks call it
because they can't control urination.
While it is extremely annoying :n ct
sometimes very painful, this is '.i-'i
one of the most simple ailments to over
come. Begin drinking lots of soft water,
also get about four ounces of Jad Salts
from your pharmacist and take a table
spoonful in a glass of water before
breakfast. Continue this for two or
three days. This will help neutralize
the acids in the system so they no longer
are a source of irritation to the bladder
and urinary organs, which then act nor
mal again, - ,
Jad Salts is inexpensive, and is made
from the acid of granes and lemon juice,
combined with lithia, and is used by
thousands of folks who arc subject to
urinary disorders caused by acid irri
tation. Jad. Salts causes no bad effects
Here you have a pleasant, efferves
cent lithia-water drink which may
tuickly relieve your bladder irritation.
:5v all means have vour physician exam-
Ve your kidnevs at least twice a year.
Good seeil Is the founda
tion for a good crop.
lf)2:i cntnloij now ready.
New crop goed. All varle.
lVr Farm and Garden
Try our new Sweet Corn,
New Table. Pen,
New Tahlo Bonn,
New "Norton Tomato."
xnrleties (potttpaid) 60c.
1 largo packet each 4
C.C Morse &Ca
.Retail Store IIS Market St.
i Francisco, C
JjuCSan Francisco, Cal VIf
Place Your Order Now for
Quirk leUvci7 "'
Hansen Coal Co.
(Successors to Hd)
84 8. FJr Bt, Phono S30-J
Wonderful Home Bargain
... .. rrtrt..itfn1
... i mi enii nur Beautiful
W. are moving to Southern Cantor n u
Home on West Uth St., 4 blocks from uslimgi on v
bargain. House all modern. C roo;.s and bath break
large sleeping porch. , Built t Tea.8 and side
two cars. Lot 75x117 feet w lib be. u " .h s'le 500
walks all In, and assessments ad paid. I rice ior h
Some terms If desired.
See Owner, 1. E. MILLARD, or phono 133.
Beautiful Edgewood Park
at greatly reduced prices from ,
' " "' t March 1st to Mmch 201 li. ' . : i-a i
Will sell lots ut $100.00 each, terms If desired.
Now is your chance to get a lot oa Rog e Klver at
dirt cheap price. First come first choice. I will ue in Edgewood
Park all day Thusday and Friday.
Phone 133 If you want n showing
Business Opportunity
For sale or lease, one of the finest Summer nosort. Auto Cam'
Cround proposition in Southern Oregon. On Rogue River a .
Crater Lake Highway. Exceptional opportunity for live wire.
.121 W. 11th St.
Seo 1). E. MILLARD, Owner
rhono 133
"The Place to Eat"
ME. AND MBS. CARL E. BEEBE, Prop.. Phona 998
Effective March 1, 1923
Change in Schedule of Stages
With through service to Portland
and way points daily v -
Leaves Medford daily 8 :45 a, m. ; f or Grants Pass and Eqseburg
with direct connection to Portland; also 2:00 and 6:00 p. m.
for Grants Pass only.
Leave Eoseburg daily 4:20 p. m.
Grants Pass 12:00 noon, 4:00 and 8:05 p. m.
For Medford and Ashland.
, ' FAEES,.
Medford-Grants Pass .........$1.15
Medford-Boseburg ...i 4.15
Medford-Portland 7.85
We Save You Money
Stopovers permitted at Eoseburg, Eugene, Salem if desired.
' . , Tickets on sale at ' 1
Nash Hotel Bldg. ; , . Phone 309
fit, i
Broadway at Stark
Portland, Ore.
You Are Assured a Personal
Hospitality and Individual
through tho combined efforts of a staff, who
after years of training, uudcrstnnd the needs
of the traveling public.
Arthur H: Meyers Uu