i ' J PAGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREOON. TIirRSDAY, MAIifTT 1, 1023 Zocal and ' f Personal A splendid donation of uued gur inonts lias been received this week by the Thrift Shop of tho Hod Cross, from Jacksonville, Mrs. O. A. (lardnur i)C tliut pluco Superintended tho collect ing of sume. It is hoped that peoplo nil over tho county will show tho same spirit of thrift, und remember that their uued garments and furni ture, which they no longer need, ro just the things that others will be ' glad to use. Tho Thrift Shop is the clearing place for all such articles and is open every week duy from 9 to 12 and I to B. We aro now delivering slabs from the big mill, ny ordering early you will secure better slabs, mostly fir, and you will soon have dry first-class wood at the smallest possible cost to you. Valley Fuel Co. Phone 76. tf Goodwin Corset Shop. 2o a Fir. 296 The National lilflo club will hold a meeting tonight at 7:30 at the Nation al Guard headquarters in tho Nat. Evpr one interested is Invited to at tend. "Stick with Gluey." 291 We will loan you money to build or buy Homes the Insurance Man. It is reported that one hundred rooters from Hoseburg will arrive by train and aifto tomorrow for the game Friday night between the local high school basketball team and that of the Roscburg high school. Silver crope yarn for sweater. Handicraft Shop. 291 You can get it at DeVoe'B. tf Mrs. Alice I.ee Holloway arrived home today from a six weeks visit at Seattle with Mr, and Mrs. S. Vilas Dcckwilh, . former well known resi dents of Modford. What did you-say about Eta. Wil liams? He will be looking for Miss Trot and Miss Moran' at the' High School Mar. 6. 290 Dance Jackson Hot Spring. Sat.- 292 1 Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Dahlberg and I little Miss Maralee Fry were visitors j In Modford yesterday from' Giants Stamping uone to order. Handicraft Shop. 2t)i Dig dance! Central Point! Friday Murcu 2! Peerless "4"! Tickets 6&cl 291 For the annual election and the big meeting of the Elks tonight members of tho lodge living at distant points of tho county began arriving in the city this forenoon. Tonight's gather ing will begin at 8 o'clock. Fulton and Robinson, Inc., local Chevrolet distributors received word from the general manager of the Chev rolet plant that the nillllonetli Chevro let was produced last Thursday, Feb. 22nd. It Is Indeed an achievement for one company to prdduce 1,000,000 cars und a tribute to the popularity of Chcvrulets. "Stick with Cluey." 291 The Antelope school celebrated Washington's birthday by having program, given by the children of the school, followed by a box social. Miss Elizabeth Burr, the rural supervisor, gave an illustrated lecture on "Bird Life," which was greatly enjoyod by nil present. Much credit Is due the teacher. Miss Sylvia Ilukell, for the success of tho evening. What did you say about Ezra Wil liams? Ho'wlll be looking for Miss Trot-and Miss Moran-at the High School, Mar. 6. 290 Watch for the opening date of -. & E. theatre. Central Point. 288tf Mrs. U. C. Lommon and daughter returned this morning from Hood Itlvor where they have been visiting relatives. Watch for the opening date of F. & E. theatre, Central Point 288tf Now patterns in laco for your spring dress. Handicraft Shop. 291 The mombors of the Elks' Minstrel show report that they were met by a very enthusiastic reception from an appreciative audience at Orants Pass last night . , Does your grocer patronize borne industry? Ask htm for 8tewart's honey. Our phone is 960. 34 Store Closed Friday furniture Sale Saturday, March 3rd, 10 oTIock No Fake About This 1 Round Dining Table . $ 8.00 10.00 2.00 1.00 .50 3.50 1.50 20.00 45.00 3.00 5 Dressers, choice . 25 Iron Beds from $8 to Bed Springs as low as . Kitchen Chairs at, each Kitchen Cabinet 2 Commodes at, each . 1 Steel Range . ... ... 1 Electric Range ....... 2 Gas Ranges. . $4 and 6 Baby Buggies and One for Twins. 4 Oil Cook Stoves. 2 Floor Lamps. 2 Graphophones. A $150 Do-Nut Machine going at half price $75.00 3 $10 Electric Percolators go ing at . . ..... . $5.00 Just Hundreds of Bargains ALL MUST GO We Have to Make Room The Cheapest Store in the West The Store Without Competition WILSON'S 32 N. Front St. Sale of round-trip winter excursion fares from points on Southern Pacific lines In California and Oregon to vari ous points on the west coust of Mex ico which were to have expired March 31, will be extended until April 26,' according to announcement by Chns. S. Fee, passonger traffic manager for the railroad. Tickets will be sold dally until April 2G, with final return limit six months from date of sale. Tho reduced lares apply to the follow ing Mexican points: Acaponota, Cullacan, Guaynias, Hermoslllo,' Ma zatlnn, Sun lilus and Tepic. Hutchison & I.uuiBilen offer for sale on Saturday only ladles' silk hose at 79c pair. 291 Flowering shrubs and evergreens. Eden Valley Nursery, Pbone B80-J-2. tf Today was the last day of the two days clothing school held by the wom en of Valley Vlow Bectlon, and con ducted by Miss Grayce Tcich, county home demonstration agent. Plain sewlnR, button boles, reason able. Phone 746-J. 1205 E. Main. 291 Let's dance, Jackson Spring Sat 292 The fine spell of weathor seems near at nn end, at least temporarily, as the official weather prediction of this morning lor tomorrow's weather is for rain. The maximum temperature of yesterday was 72 degrees. All kinds ot rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Woods, phone 108. 711 E. Main. "Compare the work." 291 Early on Wednesday morning eight Rogue River basketball players and their conch left for Crescent City on their way to Areata, where they are to enter a tournament. The Rogue River team was given a spocial Invitation to represent southern Oregon and the invitation was nccopted without delay as the boys wanted to show the Cnli fornlnns what a small high school can do if it tries. Eloven teams are to be represented at the conference, most of them being champions .ot counties In northern California. A loving cup will be awarded the winner of the tournament. The boys making the trip with Coach Browne are Cleland Hanks and Alva Laws, forwards; Elli ott Dutler, center; Orvil Dengler and Victor Hirdseyo, guards; Walter Wakeman, Walter Dennis and William Moore, subs. They play on Friday and Saturday at Areata, double head ers being slated for' morning, after noon and evening. Grants Pass Courier. Ladies' silk hose on sale for Satur day only at 79c pair. Hutchison & Lumsden. 291 SandwlcheB, salads, cake, pie and coffee at all hours. Crater Lake Ice Cream Parlors, Medford Center Hldg. 307 T. O. Bradley, superintendent' of power houses for the California-Oregon Power company; arrived this mor ning from Copco,' Calif., and will re- mailt here until Saturday on business. Beads for bags .and embroidery. Handicraft Shop. 291 Just received a fresh lot of Rogue River sorghum 10c per pound. Hutchi son & Lumsden. 290 At the meeting ot Hillali ' temple, Mystic Shrine, tomorrow night at Ash land plans for tho coming ceremonial to bo held by tho temple will be dis cussed and there will be other impor tant business up for consideration. Special for Saturday only,, ladles' silk hose, 98c values at 79c pair. Hutchison & Lumsden. 291 Owl Confectionery, 15 N. Central, F. M, Wilson. Everything new; tf J. J. McMahon, deputy state motor traffic inspector, spent yesterday in looking out for traffic law violators In Ashland and vicinity. The White Booth restaurant and Lunch Counter, two blocks north of Talent Confectionery on highway. A. Hanna, proprietor, rogular meals, lunch counter serves from 7 a. m. to 10 p. m. The best coffee and pies served. Try us. 294 Take your kodak films to Palmer's studio. First class work and prompt service. tt Mrs. Jack Allison, Mrs. R. E. Mor ton and Mrs. J. Johnson, left this afternoon for Medford. where they expect to meet Fred 0 if ford of Port land, n cousin of Mrs. Johnson' Grants Pass Courier. Mrs. John O. Cupp who recently moved hero and Is an e;qorleneed musician, has oponed a studio of music at her home 913 North Central See her nd elsewhere tn this paper. Just a line to remind you that I will gladly duplicate any bonaflde order booked by a transient agent tor the same or less money and give you bet tor service. N. S. Bennett prop. Eded Valley Nursory. Phone 6S0-J-2, tf P. C. lUgham, stago director' of" the Elks Minstrels left this morning with the scenery and baggage of the com pany for Klnmath Falls, to prepare tho stage thore for tho performances which will be given by the minstrels tomorrow and Saturday nights. Tho other members leave for Klamath Falls tomorrow morning. Anto Insurance. Brown & White. Hot tamales and chill con came at Do Voe's. tf Tom Mcrrlraan began to resume his duties at' his place of business tho first of the week after a several weeks Illness, llance Jackson Hot Spring. Sat. 292 When belter automobiles are built. Bulck will build tbotn. tf Ed Andrews, formerly of Medford nnd recently leading comedian with tho American Light Opera company which delighted Medford a few weeks ago. has arrived In the city and will be the guest of his brother, George Andrews, for two or three months. After two ye an steady work, day and night, Kd declares he is ready to take a rest, and has refused several offers to enter the opera field In the east. The American Light Opera company has been reduced to a tabloid organi sation and will go on Use l'nnlanen Circuit. Mr. Andrews Is accompanied by hi. adopted daughter. Miss Victoria Andrews, who ti a yonng lady of un usual musical and dramatic ability. James Ownby ldft this afternoon for his home in San Francisco after a several weeks visit with his daughter, Mrs. H. X. Findlay und family. Good clean rags wanted at Medford Printing Co. A No. 1 alfalfa hay, delivered, $18.00 per ton. Phone 7-F-4. 290 The Lincoln school Parent-Teachers circle will meet tomorrow to enjoy u program including talks by Superin tendent Aubrey Smith, Dr. Holt and Miss Fern, Dally. Refreshments will be served, and members of the circle are to bring dish towels for tho Lincoln school kitchen. Clean cotton rags are wanted at Mall Tribune office. tf We have good values In used cars. Patton & Robinson, Inc. tf A dance for Applegate high school students will be held at Ruch tomor row night and a large crowd will be present. The dancing, it Is reported, will start at eight and continue until two a. m. Call at Hotel 'medford Beauty Par lors and see the latest In cornet braids. 295 For sale Good repacked Newtowns. Inquire Sgobol & Day warehouse, South Fir. Phone 172. 293' , Spring vacation, a week in duration, begins on March 16th at O. A. C, and a number of local young people who are students at the institution are ex pected homo at that time. Knife pleating for dress trimmings. Handicraft Shop. 291 . Watch for tho opening date of F. & E. theatre, Central Point. 288tf Skeptical citizens scoffed this mor ning when they. noticed the black flag hung out by the weather predicting office of C. C. Cnte, while others re plied to their scoffing at the predic tion by saying that a rain storm is due in the valley and tha they bave been expecting it all along. Medford Auto Painting. Call and see our work and got our prices. All work guaranteed. 127 N. Riverside, opposite the Nat. E. O. Bradley, prop. Phone 26. 290 This office is prepared to print ledger sheets,- bills, etc., used on the your orders to traveling men and have them printed out of Medford. Phone us and we -will call. tf C. M. Davis loaves tomorrow for Portland where he will spend the next week visiting his daughter whose home is In that city. Following his visit In Portland he and his wife and son Charles will leave for southern California where they intend to reside permanently. Mr. Davis has been as sociated with the Medford Auto com pany, local Bulck agency, for the past Beveral years in the capacity of ac countant. Thornless blackberry plants. Eden falley Nursery, 'hone 680-J-2. tf Gregg review and dictation work in day or, evening class; expert Instruc tor; special rates. Medford Business College. GWN. 292 Judge and Mrs. W. H. Canon of Roseburg. are down for a few days to visit their sons and to see soruo real weather. , Rhubarb and asparagus roots. Eden Valley Nursery. Phone 680-J-2. tf ' Orehardlsts Take Notice Bees in your orchard during the blooming period moans more and bet ter fruit- For a small consideration we will place them for you during that time." Make your arrangements right now. Phone 960; Stewart. 34 A dunce for members of the Order of Do Molay will "be held at the Ma- j sonic hull at 8:"0 this evening. A number of member of the recently I Installed Grants Pass chapter ure ex pected to uttend. For sand, (ravel, sediment and team work. See Suml. Bateman, 302 Maple St., Phone B12-J. Milk and cream at DeVoe's. tf Beats go on sale Saturday morning for the Klamath Falls-.Medford game which will be played at the N'n( Mon day night The seats go on sale at Crowson's at 9 a. m. March 1st, tthe Marinello Shop will start murcelliug at their former prices. 295 All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Wood, phone 103. 711 E. Main. J. A. Calles departed this morning tor Sisson, Calif., on business. Tomor row he will go to Klamath Falls for the performances of the Elks' Min strels In that city. Home made sorghum 10c per lb. Hutchison. & Lumsden. 290 Grafting wax. EQen Valley Nursery, Phone 680-J-2. - tf Kidney and Bladder Troubles Conquered or Money Back For 40 years, said Dr. Carey, I hftvo prescribing my Prescription No. 777 (known for yeurg at Murshroot) for kidney and bladder sickness und now that I have- retired from active practice I have made arrangements With leading druggist a to dlKpcnno this wonderful prescription at a mod erate price, on the money baclt if Ui spa Us fled plan. Keware of kidney disease thous ands die of it every year who ousht to be enjoying the blessings of life and health. Watch the symptoms. If you have specks floating before the eyes, puffy eyes, clammy feet or moist palms, backache or Bid cache, you ought to pet a bottle of Dr. Carey's famous - Prescription No. 777 right away. It has wonderfully benefited tens of thousands of cases of kidney and bladder troubles and is the medicine! you can always depend upon. Re- j suits are guaranteed. i NOTE Wr. Daniel G. Carey was a ! practicing physician for many years; and his great Prescription No. 777 aided thousands of sufferers from kidney and bladder troubles. Here after you can alwas get this effec tive t prescription in both liquid and tablet form at Heath's Drug Store and AVest Side Pharmacy and all re-1 liable pharmacists the country over, f Adv. I - (-MiiH,, FLORSHEIM Style is not "rouge" that a wet day. will wash off; fine workmanship, excellent ma terials give permanency to Florsheim style. Long wear makes the Flor sheim a money-saving shoe. The Parkway $1 C. M. Kidd & Co. ANNOUNCEMENT Having purchased the E. SI. Tlmrber stock of groceries, we respect fully solicit your patronage. Our motto: "The best goods for the money, and a square deal to all. J. E. WEAVER, Central Point ROD VALE O N LPH TIN O F. & A. M., Medford Lodge No. 103 A Special communication on V t Friday afternoon and even ing, March 2nd, commencing at 2 o'clock. Work in If. M. degree. Supper will be served at 6:30 p. m. and a cordial invitation Is extended to all members as well as visiting brethren. By ordor of the W: M. Is NOW at the Page in his farewell picture si "The Sheik!" IKK 291 O.' H. FRAZliE, Secretary. Ml. 5U"f T " . .. pt . 1 ' Shrine Stated Session k 'jP4vt v . tlllllah Temple meets . &il r In Masonic Hall. Ash- If t S,V ' 5 laud. Friday evening. ' N v . 5 f ! - m March 2. Special bus- J K ICX O . IL Y Iness. hence full at- livCV- JA W tendance Is desired. fl Uefrcshments. I "o, M T. II. SIMPSON. Potentate. NrfVt i f$h I 291 W. II. DAY. Hocorder. v tV HS" Wj -''am x'' i N : py 4L2Eh ! . 1HE Young Rajah 1 1 The Fireman Cries "Insure!" Insure with us today and safeguard your property. It will enable you to avoid all fire losses. Tho premiums are .small; the benefits great. McCURDY Insurance Agency Tel. 123 Medfon! National Bank Bldg. Medford, Oregon Handicraft Shop. HemitltcMni PI co ting tt par yard. Bottom eoTr4. and another of those 'knockout LEATHER PUSHERS entitled "HE RAISED KANE" Never lias Valentino been piven sneli wonderful opportunities ns in this picture. Kirst as nn Ameriean eollege hero, th.'n as a jeweled prince of India, he offers his greatest perfoinianee tn date. Ill a story vibrant with passionate love seenes. dazzling with gorgeous settings and costumes, thrill-swept with adventure and mystery Sup porting east includes Wanda Ilawley and Charles Osle. COMING SUNDAY 'THE KENTUCKY DERBY" J