Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 28, 1923, Page 5, Image 5

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    i (
pint ftpr
Jne bottle of pure, emulsifjed Norwegian cod liver oil takei
now, may do you more good than a dozen taken a month
hence. It's more economical to give your body help before
resistance to disease is broken down. A very little
Scott's' Emulsion
goes a long way in sustaining strength and keeping up re
sistance. Resolve that you wilt buy a bottle of Scott'i
cmmsion at your druggist's on your waj
home, and start protecting your strength. '
li?imrnl,,ri,.I ni. " '" ,N,,r""v '""1 i ,.nr own Amriirun
Labotaloncs. II is n giuninlrc of purily pt.alal.mtjr uiiurmVa
1'iir Fonlson Tractor
Scientifically built to meet all modern requirements. Handles
easily, always lifts C incites above ground for turning or transport
ing, regardless of depth of plowing. Unusually good penetration.
Practically all steel construction. Friction safety releaso tractor
hitch. Unclose positive power lift. Shares changed with perfect
case; either standing or sitting.
Approved by Ford Motor Co., for Use with tho Fordson
The No. 2 6 Tractor Plow is tho embodiment of modern ideas and
up-lo-dato manufacturing methods into a superior implement to
fill a necessary present day farming need. This plow has required
two years to perfect. It has withstood every severe test. Our ap
proval has been put upon it and our guarantee goes with it, because
It has made sood.
221 Xoi lli Fir AGF.XTS FOR . I'liono 777
"Friend" Kpinycrs Molino Fiiim MarhJiiory (Dolco) Light" anil
Pumps Wood 1'ipe for Initiation Simplex Silos Simplex Cream
Separators Papcc Cutters.
William U. Tail who recently re
turned hero from his homo In Los
Angeles, is a business visitor ill Port
land. Closing out all our farm machinery,
several good buys. Putton & liobln
son, Inc. tt
After tho tiro it is too late to Insure.
See Hodden & Canaday now.
March luth Is tlio final day for fil
ing income tax returns for 1922. The
Income tax may bo paid in full at the
time of filing tho return, which must
ho filed not later than March IS, or
it may bo paid iu installments. At
least one-fourth of the tax must be
paid on or beforo March 15 and tho
remainder, may bo paid In equal in
stallments on Juno 10, September 15
and December 15.
Drafted Franquotto walnut trees.
Eden Valley Nursery, phone (iSO J-ii tf
Clean cotton rass lire wanted at
Mail Trlbuno office. tf
IL E. Morton was a business visitor
in the city yesterday from Grants
Good clean rags wanted at Mcdford
Printing Co.
A No. 1 alfnlfn hay, dolivered, $18.00
per ton. Phono 7-F-4. ' 290
The Fan Tan orchestra will not give
a dance Friday night after tho gamo
at tho Nat according to present plans.
It was announced yostorday that the
new popular high school musical or
ganization would do so but othor ar
rangements have been mado by them.
Clean cotton rags are wanted at
Mall Tribuno office. tf
. Dick Bessie, n former resident of
Jackson county who has been employ
ed at a logging camp in Klamath coun
ty for the past throe years, was in
Mertt'ird yesterday visiting old time
w o havo good values In used cars.
Patton & llobinson, Inc. tf
Hemstitching at Deuel's. 289
Jess Took Last Chance
i .
! "After three years of doctoring for
my stomach, I becamo discouraged
: arid swore I wouldn't take anything
i else. 1 was bloated with gas all the
j time. Someone praised Mayr's on
' derftil ltemedy no highly that I de
i elded to take a last chance. I am now
! feeling like a new man." It is a sim
: pie, harmless preparation Hhat re
moves the catarrhal mucus from tho
, intestinal tract and allays tho inflam-
mation which causes practically all
I stomach, liver and - intestinal ail
j menu;. Including appendicitis. One
i dose will convince or money 're-
funded. For sale by nil druggists.
I Adv.
I The storm is coming, I Y
but your roof protects I
C ..L- A JnlA I
yuu iruiu uiv; ulciiv-iuu uiu-.
Neither rain nor snow nor baking "
sun, nor the attacks of sparks TViiilrS lf fMldrm
and fumes can shake the conn- . JS"?
'rnM dence of those who are protected Jfe1 Vtrtb Lertmtl-Teeg
X v Certain-teed Slate Surfaced Shin-
rj . ' gles. Beneath the outer beauty' of Sw
y their mellow red, green or blue- mt
black surface, there is a through- 'XWmM
find-through quality which resists . fmMMMSf
Wm the ravages of time and weather. MmMMmWMmM? IT"
Pl and can be made the most attract- YnmSm
ivt itdiuit ui juui noun., iuiu- WiCi''m'lmW
1 biIity'is ndal,:rv mmmmMMiSmmM
Im ancc no tubs. . . wuim-uxu mSmmmmfWMmmFmMl Mil 1
I economical cost. . IwJ'w-WJ
1 .BffiffiaaMM
Ashland's basketball toam defeated
tho team of tho Talent high school
last night by u score of 53-24. Tho
game was played in tho Ashland high
school gym.
Call at Hotel Medford Ueauty Par
lors and seo the latest In cornet
braids. 295 ;
For salo Ootid repacked Nowtowns. '
Inquire Sgobel & Day warehouse.
South Fir. Phono 172. 293' ;
Z. N. ,Agee of Eugono arrived in ,
Medford yesterday and will spent tho i
next several days hero on one of his 1
periodical business visits.
Medford Auto Painting. Call and '
seo our work and get our prices. All !
work gunrnntoed. 127 N. Riverside,'
opposite tho Nat. E. O. Dradlcy, prop. !
Phone 26. 290 j
This office la prepared to print j
ledger sheets, bills, etc., usod on the
your orders to traveling men and have
them printed out of Medford. Phone 1
us and wo will call. tf
Tho American Legion sign over j
Main stroet, announcing that a meet-'
lug would bo held there last uight was j
an innovation for Medford and at-1
tractod considerable attention.
Thornless blackberry plants. Edon
falley Nursery. Phone 630-J-2. tf ;
Gregg review and dictation work in I
day or evening class; expert instruc
tor; special rates. Medford llusiuesa
College. OWN. 292
Dob Galligau, Canadian world war
veteran and local nowsboy with the
loud voice, ' has returned from a
mouth's nbsonce for his health lu ;
California, including stays in Chlco,
Modesto and towns as far south ns
Los Angeles. Bob who is a consistent
booster for tho Iloguo River valley
climate, says that California Is nil
right In its way.' but that ho had W !
como back hero to get real sunshine
uy railroad tno pnsi lew weens uns
been very uncomfortable as tho
freight cars aro not heated.
March 1st, tthe Marinello Shop will
start marcelling at their former prices.
All kinds of rough and dressed lum
ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108. 711
E. Main.
T. D. Fetch, manager of the South
ern Oregon Gas company Biient yestor
day in Grants Pass attending to com
pany business.
.... a n'klt. .
IAUio insurance, uruwu cc
Blng cherry trees. Eden Valley j
' .Mirsery. rnone os-j-. h
I Among tho articles of incorporation
filed yestorday with the state corpora
tion commissioner was that of the
Crater Heaver Fur Farms, of Medford,
capital J20.000, by A. P. Smith, T. Q.
Heine and B. F. Lindas.
Fruit, nut and Bhade trees. Eden
Valley Nursery. Phone 680-J-2. tf
' A delegation or Blue Lodgo Masons
from Medford were tho guests of the
i Grants PaBs lodge last night at a
spocial meeting, and assisted iu the
initiatory work. A banquet was Berved
at 6:30, followed by work In the M. M.
Genuine Bosch Magneto parts and
repairs. Electric Shop,.. Eighth and
Bartlott. - - -r-r-. .-- tf
Harry E. Hawk nnd Ooldio May
Drown wore married last night at tho
home of the groom's parents, corner
of West 1 1 til and Laurel street. Rev.
D. E. Millard of tho First Christian
Church officiating. The ring cere
mony was performed in tho presence
of a number of friends and relntlvos
including tho parents of tho bride.
Mr. and Mrs. George Denny, and par
ents of the groom, Mr. and Sirs. S. M.
lawk. After tho ceremony iirs. .
d. Hawk served the wedding party to
i Invnlv 1nnr-hrnn. Air. H.IWk nnd Ills
bride will make their homo for the
present with tho grooms parents
after which they will move near
Dutto Falls where the groom will en
gage in lumber making Industry with
his father. For tno first tlmo in
many years tho entlro Hawk fumlly
wcro at homo at the same time. The
many friends of Mr. Hawk and Miss
Drown Jolu in wishing them happi
ness and success.
Orchardlsts Take Notice
Bees In your orchard during the
blooming porlod means more and bet
tor fruit. For a small consideration
we will place them for you during that
time. Make your arrangomeuts right
now. Phono 960, Stewnrt. 31
FOR SALE Seveu room close-in
house, $2000. Clear. Terms, $1000
cash, balanco liko small rent. P. n.
Box 659. 293
FOR SALE Ladies' tan tweed riding
habit, size 3(1, never usod, $15. Cen
tral Point 197. 291
FOR SALE Dodge roadster, 1920
model, good condition, has 1923
license, cord tires and other extras,
$400. Can be seen at 13C N Oak
dale Ave. - 291
FOR RENT Small furnished house
with sleeping porch. Call 729-L. 291
Mason, Ehrman & Co.
Wholesale Distributors of Certainteec! Products
CoufHt rtultinrr from Wtittne
CoUfh La Gripp and Influanaa
quickly rahovad with
', ,v,' ar vraa
-1 ii..
NoOplat IiM
Vradlanta print
i on wrapper.
Stood th lent
of llm, Mrvlnc
Mann's Department Store
MTiDFonn. onuaoN
New York Is Wearing
Capes Again This Year
In the smart shops nnd
hotels in the vicinity of Fifth
Avenue, one sees many
eajies with new and eharrn
iiig variations, such as the
lengthened side panels and
new, deep collars, which
characterize some we have
just received from Miss
Suits Are Popular,
Of course, no wardrobe
can call itself complete
without a suit, and the
Miss Manhattan suits for
Spring show a wealth of
interesting details in the
way of pin-tucks and set
in pleats. The three-piece
suits arc especially popu
lar and we are showing
them in a number of new
materials in the wanted
shades. .
' 9
Youthful Dresses
Miss Manhattan has de
signed for us some really
charming frocks bearing
in mind always that the
season's mode is essential
ly one of youth slender,
willowy youth. The flat
back and the slim straight
ness which Fashion de
crees are achieved in be
coming materials in
dresses suitable for all occasions.
Miss Manhattan Creations
Emphasize Youthfulness of Style
Mann's Exclusive Miss Manhattan Representative in Medford
Why thousands of women
are now making
their own Mayonnaise
IT Is very easy to make the most, delicious mayonnaise you
ever tasted, with Mazola.
Mazola-madc Mayonnaise is delightfully smooth and creamy,
and always firm and fresh. And it keeps longer without getting
rancid or "separating out." You can be certain that Mazola
Mayonnaise is always pure and wholesome, and that the eggs
you use in it are absolutely fresh.
You'll find, also, that Mazola thickens your mayonnaise more
quickly. This saves you considerable time and labor.
Why not use the Mazola you have, or get a can from your
. grocer, and try the recipe given here? See how simple it is to
make perfect mayonnaise. Mazola is packed and scaled in
sterilized tins, on our own premises, under expert supervision.
Your grocer sells it in pint, quart, half-gallon and gallon tins.
The large sizes arc most economical.
Mazola is never sold in bottles or in bulk as are ordinary
salad oils. If Mazola is not satisfactory, return it and get your
money back.
Order Mazola from your grocer today.
Mayonnaise Dressing
1 cup Matola ' K teaspoon Salt 3 fablcrpooni Lcmnn Juice fr Vlnraaf
1 Egg Yolk it ttaipoon bugar W teaspoon Paprika
Add well mixed caoninst to egg, with one tcmpooo lemon juice beat well, adding one teaspoon Mazola at a time
until mixture thicken), after which the Matola may be added
more rapidly. Thin with lemon juice or vinegar when necessary.
FREE Beautifully Illustrated sixty-four
taee Cook Book. Write Co Johnson,
icber Company, Portland, Oregon.
Best Jbr Salads and Cooking
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