Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 28, 1923, Page 4, Image 4

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Medfobd 31ail Tribune
The Medford Sunday Morning Bun la
furnished HUbNcrlhere duitlrlnif a seven
aay cutuy nvWHjmpcr.
Office Mull Tribune Itulldlng, 25-27-29
worm j-ir turei, mono vu.
A consolidation of the Democratic
Tlmen. the Medford Mall, the Medford
Tribune, the Southern Oregonlau, The
ABiiianu iriuune.
ROriEHT W. KU1IL, Editor.
8. SUMI'TEit SMITH. M imager.
BY MAIL In Advance:
Dally, with Sunday Sun, year $7.R0
Dally, with tiunday Hun. month..- .75
Daily, without Sunday Hun, vear.. 6. 60
Daily, without Sunday Hun, i.'.unth .65
Weekly Mull Tribune, gnu your 2,t)l)
Sunday Bun, one yuur 2.0U
,HY CA n HI IS H I n Med ford, A ahlu nd,
Jacksonville, Contra I Point, 2'hoenlx,
Talont and on Hlthwava:
Daily, with Sunday Hun, month .75
Dallv. without Sundav Sun. month .65
. Daily, without Sunday Sun, year.. 7.60
Dally, with Sunday Sun,' one year 8.-0
All terms by carrier, cunn in aovunco.
Official papnr of the City of Med ford
Official paper of Jackson County,
Entored as second on a matter at
Med ford, OrtiKon, under act of March 8,
Thp ARRoriatod ProHH In oxclualvely
entitled to tho uho for republication of
au news dlapntcboa credited to it or not
otherwise credited in thin paper, and
also to the local news published herein.
All rlKhta or republication or special
dispatches hpreln are uIho reserved .
Ye Smudge Pot
By Arthur Perry.
March Is duo tomorrow, uncording
to tho calendar, und barring the un
foreseen, will mnko It. "llewaro the
Ides of March" also tho Snides there
of. This month comes in like a lamb,
and tcoes out vice versa. The vice
versa has nothing at all to do with
the inevitable deluge of spring poots.
It will be a windy month, both in
climatic and legal circles.
, It is in March that Spring officially
arrives. Then nil Nature awakens,
and some of the victims of tho world
rest and unrest, start to toss in their
sleep. The meadow lark and the robin
and the oval-tailed bluejay, start to
sing, but they have no taxes to pay,
on the 5th and 15th Inst.
Youth gets exuberant in March, and
feelB-of its oats, playing hookey, and
going on nlghtriding journeys to
social hops In tho rural districts. Then
the Switch and Swat division of the
liod and Gun club steps to tho front
, and center.
The women folks In March bloom
forth in new got-ups, and Btart to plan
their summer get-outs.
(Oxark Monitor)
We have to apologize this week for
the non-appoarance of Tho. Monitor
last week, due to tho fact that at the
Jefferson Davis Memorial mooting on
tho Saturday previous, our foreman,
'I-iige Perdue, partook too fraoly of the
moonshine distributed, which Haiti
moonshine, being too now for good
drinking, overcame him. As 'Ligo is
tho only man In this office, who enn
manipulate tho type-setting machine,
and no printers can bo obtained short
of Jefferson C'lly, wo wero compelled
to omit an Issue.
, Wo regret this exceedingly. Wo
wanted to comment extensively on the
death of Storllng Prlco Torwlllger, a
worthless old coot who has Bponged
a living for the lust fifty years on the
good peoplo of fancy's Fork, never
doing an honest day's work or a dls
honost one in all that time, and being
about the fctch-takedest, ornery, good-for-nothing
that ever dragged out
sixty years of no-account existence.
Also wo wanted to say a few words
on the elopemont of Beth Morgan's
oldest girl who ran away with a St.
Ixmla drummer nnd will probably go
to the bad, hecauso in nil tho twenty
two years of her llfo the poof girl has
never had a decent dress or a pair of
shoes to fit Jirr on account of tho
Btlnginess of her Pud, who has labored
under tho impression that all women
are good for nro to work. Whatover
happens tho girl cannot bo any worse
than her homo llfo, although wo hope
uho will not bo led astray and aban
don tho paths of rectitude, because, in
spile of her handicap at having old
Setli for a father, uho was a good girl
at heart.
Thoro wero several other mutters
wo would huvo discoursed upon, but
It is too lute now.
As for' l.lgc. ior, repentent old
'I.lge, wo haven't a word of reproach
for him. Ho fit with .Marmaduko all
through tho war between the Suites
und was wounded several times, lie
was a devoted adherent to the Lost
Cause, lost but glorious vital, and car
ried tho Stars und liars to many and
many n victory. That ho wuh a faith
ful man Is manifested by the fact that
ho refused to bo reconstructed until
Cleveland's second election and bus
soceded every time there has been n
republican president since. Ulght now
ho is out of tho union In remain until
the screaming bird of Victory again
perches on tho banners of Democracy.
'Liige Perdue has earned the right to
got on a high lonesome on such occa
sions as these, and far bo it from us
to reproach him.
However, noxt year when the time
for thlB festival draws niyh we shall
greet it with less misgiving than we
ordinarily would, because we are tuk-
., lnfi lossons In typesetting, so that If
'Llge should fall In the contest with
white llkker, tlilnBB will go on Just the
Melt in spoon; Inhale vapors;
apply freely up nostrils.
V V A o Rub
Owr 17 Million Jan Vtti rW
ASCOKK of individuals in Salem ask that tlu-ir names "hi taken
from a petition dumundiiift Ww leiiovnl of State Hank Kxuiu-
ini'f Rramwell. They signed the petition, it seems, uikWt u .lusiiiipre.
Of course, A large imiiilitT of petition Boners never know what
they ure si;iiiii(,'. Jt, is a inuttT of. common knowledge Unit a peti
tion demanding anything, from free heel- to compulsory hair clipping,
can secure the required niimhcr of signatures if a Mifficient fund is
raised to pay a sufficient mimU-r of professional petition circulators.
The abuse of the initiative is .notorious, and the ubif'iit'i! of sensible
safeguards has reduced this esscidly desirable privilege to the very
brink of farce. '
Yet at the recent session of the legislature a finmt hue. and cry
was raised, vociferously led by the TeVtliiihl Journal, whejn it was siitf-
Kcsted that the Initiative be safeguarded and reformotl. Tim idea
was, in brief, to have the voter to the petition instead of liavhif?
Ihe petition brought to the voter. Utttt this sane and excellent pro
posal never hud a chance. Nor did a measure which wVnild do away
with the sale of signatures at so much "f. er."
. The reason of course was the sanctity of the initiative. Such a
flawless mm of nomilar government must not bo touched. No one
denied the present abuses. No one denied ample room for improvement.
lint the first suggestion of modification was promptly interpreted
ns an assault upon the inalienable rights of a free people and every
nrononent of the measure was promptly labelled unclean, " a ser
pent lurking in the stand-pat grass."
Of course, the reverse was true. To stand-pat means to stand still
, to stubbornly oppose all change, to hang out until Hades con
goals for the status quo.
That was the attitude of the majority. They refuse! to budge.
The Initiative must be held inviolate. Any suggestion of change was
So the stand-pat minority, so called, formed the real Progressive
Bloc. They refused to consider any legislative enactment saneros-
anct. They didn't wish to kill tho initiative. They did want to im
prove it. They held it to be quite possible for a group of sensible men
to amend the initiative law, do away with some of its most flagrant
abuses, without outraging the Oregon system or destroying civiliza
tion. lint the tribal taboo was too strong. The time honored supersti
tion too potent. Any reform of the initiative law is, therefore, post
poned for another two years.
All of which is both ridiculous and stupid. There is no good rea
son why the abuses of the initiative should x allowed to grow and
multiply. Nothing made by human hand is incapable of improve
ment. To oppose all suggestions of improvement with the parrot cry
of political treason is merely to emphasize the reformatory need.
Quill Points
Thrift consists in the knack of saying ''No" when friends come
Friendly nations are those that pretend to see altruism iu one
another's grafts.
NKW yOIMv, Teh. 28. With more
Ramos to spare thai) last year, the
.sew J oi k (.Hunts will win the Na
tional league eliaiiinionsliln ami re
tain their world's title nexc season, in
the opinion of .Manager John J. JW
Gruw, en route from Cuba to his
team's training ramp at Sun Antonio.
McOi-aw, according to thoso who
quote him here today, will use O'Con
nell, 7u,000 star from the Pacific.
Coust league regularly at center field.
nltely set for Juno 14 in London. The
innteh was previously scheduled for.
.May Jl.
At Kulcm: University of Oregon
CI: Willamette university 20.
At Pullman: Whitman enlkgo 23;
Washington State college 15.
Modest people wouldn't be so annoying if Mhey had anything to
be modest about.
Our idea of zero temptation is licrlin's offer of marks to keep
the IJulir miners loval.
The widow at Doom was old enough to know better, and if she
has to take in washing, we shall waste niTSynipnthy on her.
France didn't intend to annex the Huhr, but she may have bitten
off more than she can eschew.
Ilcinie's stubborn determination not to give an inch would indi
cate that he has changed since 1913.
There is something pathetic, also, about the fender till furrowed
and wrinkled with careless driving.
The average man can't tell the, difference, between a spiritual
blessing and the way he feels after a good dinner.
Correct this scntenue: "They hail been married eight years, aud
his heart beat madly as he bent to kiss her lips."
It is the ignorance of the mass that makes war possible; it is the
mass of ignorance that makes peace impossible. ,
What man, being flattered by a newspaper write-up, ever was
wholly satisfied with the number and vigor of the adjectives used?
py wen rreon
THK NlliHT was dark and windy, the raindrops on mo beat,
the thunder raised n shindy, as I went down. tho street. My
lonely way pursuing "I'll walk around." I said, "note what the
boys are doing, and then go back to bed." The night was wild
aud juti'eful, no stars were iu the dome; it. was no errand useful
that took me from my home. A vain and foolish longing had led
me thus astray, to see the people thronging along the limit White
Way. And ns 1 passed an alley, two highwaymen took toll; while
one of them kept tally, tho other pinched my roll. They smote
me with a spanner and knocked me cold and flat, and, in a brutal
manner, they spoiled my Sunday hat. And when the twain ske
daddled on brisk and lawless legs, my brains seemed badly ad
dled, like last year's storage tugs. Yet I had sense remaining,
enough to see the truth, as. struggling, weeping, straining, I jour
neyed to. my booth. I sighed while pouring cruses of ointment
on my dome, "1 would not have these bruises had I but stayed at
home. My nutty, dippy yearning to roam the streets by night,
and sec the white lights burning has got me in this plight. Here
after l'l be wiser. I'll stay at home and read the Memoirs of the
Kaiser, and then mv head won't bleed."
TAJtlK. Kel. 28 Ueferring to the
arrangement for a bout between
Cicorges C'arpentler nnd Hattling Sikl
tho Keho des Sports, say that tho
winner will tako 25 per cent of tho
gate receipts and tho loser 20 per
cent. Tho Petit Parlsien says that
the contract will bo signed today.
PARIS Negotiations are said to
be under way for a boxing contest for
tho world's light heavyweight cham
pionship between Georges C'arpentler
and Buttling Slkl us the principals.
CHICAGO Jess WUIard, who is
matched to box Floyd Johnson of
Iowa 10 rounds May 12. announced
ho would establish a training camiii
at Kxcelsior 6prlngs, Mo., before
going to New York to complete his
conditioning for tho bout.
i no r.iKB .Minstrels again scored a
hit last night before the second largest
.Medtord audience at the Pago theatre.
Tho house was packed und the audi-.
enco was appreciative.
Delegations from Grants Pass and
Ashland wore present at tho American
Legion meeting of tho local post lust
night. lingular meetings of tho post I
and auxiliary were held. Tho Ashland '
women took charge of tho auxiliary j
meeting and put on initiation cere-!
monies, while paBt commanders of
post No. 15, Ralph Cowgill, Frank Fur-;
rell, George Codding nnd Elmer Wil
son were presented with watch chains
containing past masters' jewels. Cow
gill was the principal speaker of the
evening rcixirting on legislation dur
ing tho past session of the state, legis
lature,, which was of intorest to the
legion. The moetlngs of ost and aux
iliary were followed by dancing and
Studio Light, a magazine issued by
tho Eastman Kodak company for tho
information of the profession contains
four reproductions, in tho last issue,
of Oregon scones. Crater Lake, Cres
cent lake, the McKonzio river and a
section of highway are shown in this
magazine which reaches thousands of
photographers all over tho country.
Sure Relief
I.OS ANGELKS, Feb. 2S. Ad San
el of San Francisco, claimant to tho
llght-hcuvyweight wrestling chain- j
plonshlp of tho .world, nnd Cleort-o
Vassell of Houston. Texas, will meet
In a two out of throe falls, two hour!
time limit match hero tonight.
i.o.ij., Keb. 28. A return
n,,.i..l, t .... .1
OenrgoH Cnrpontier has been defi-1 5 and 75 Pockanes Everywhere
If "
t-"- rrX "tLL-ANS
Sr0"ot water
fs&l Sure Relief
-vH rr . r-
An Owl Product at the Owl Price.
The Pacific Mutual Life
Cannot be cancelled by company
Covers every disability
Pays a monthly income for life
House confinement not required
Renewable through age 60
Premium cannot be increased after issue
Cannot be restricted after issue by rider or endorsement
Issued subject to medical examination
Pays a pension for life for loss of one hand or foot or eye
10. Pays a life income for loss of two limbs or sight of both
eyes. ,
Rooms 202-3 First National Bank, Medford
Effective March 1, 1923
Change in Schedule of Stages
With through service to Portland
and way points daily
Leaves Medford daily 8 :45 a. m. ; for Grants Pass and Roseburg
with direct connection to Portland; also 2:00 and 0:00 p. m.
for Grants Pass only.
Leave Roseburg daily 4 :20 p. m.
Grants Pass 12 :00 noon, 4 :00 and 8 :05 p. m. I
For Medford and Ashland.
Medford-Grants Pass $1.15
Mcdford-Rosoburg .'. 4.15
Medford-Portland 1 7.85
We Save You Money
Stopovers permitted at Roseburg, Eugene, Salcra if desired.
Tickets on sale at
Nash Hotel BUlg. Phone 309
Odorless, Economical
Easily Applied
Hundreds of sacks sold to Medford home
owners and valley gardners each
We can give you names of many satisfied
users of Wizard, who will be glad to rec
ommend this great fertilizer.
Seed & Feed Co.
Phone 260 317 E. Main
General Mill Work
Windows and Doors
Door Frames .
Window Glass
Window Frames
All Kinds of Interior Finish
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V disabled rtr
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West Coast Life
HOME offics-:am fiuncisco
Silinilkl opimmitnu? ow& for Dlsli-lit
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Agt llrh-w. ;04-. Oimo WiIr., IVrtlnl
West Coast Life Insurance Co.
60S Marker Slrtet, Sin FranctKO
(Jfiitfetnrn: Wiiftntil oMi'fali'on on my part,
send me more tnormutioii.
Name ..h..,
"Tho Truck Miin"
SO X. Holly riwno IU
'! Blue Front Fixit Shop
I 111 8. noil; St.
Phone 434
Ror Hindu ShurjHMilnjt
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St.- y