Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 27, 1923, Page 4, Image 4

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- Medford Mail Tribune
The Medford Huniluy Morning -Sun la
fumlshnd ButiRcii hera desirlnn a seven
day dally neWHpaper, ,
Office Mali Tribune Building, 26-27-29
North JMr mrwt. Phono 75.
A consolidation of the Demoernttc
TUnH. lh Madford Mail, tho Medford
Tribune, th Huutbcrn Oregon tan. The
Ashland Tribune.
8. SUMPTEH KM IT J 1, Manager.
UY MAIL In Advance:
pally, wllh Sunday Kun, yar 7.50
lailly, with Sunday Sun, month..- .7 r
pally, without Sunday Hun, yar.. 0.50
Dully, without Hundity Sun, month M
Weekly Mail Tribune, ono year 2.00
Huiicluy Hun. out! yf-ar ......... 2.'i(j
JY rAKRIKU In Mod ford, Ashland,
jRokHonvllWf, Ontrnl Point, Phoenix,
Talent and on HlKhwiiys:
pally, with Sunday Hun, month 7"i
lJrtllv. without Kunduv Hun. month .B.'
pally, without Hunday Hun, year.. 7.5ft
Dally, with Hunhty Hun, one yuar H.fiv
Ail irniH oy cairier, vann in uovunc.e.
Official paper of th Oily of Mmlford.
uiriciai paper oi jucKNun county.
Rworn dally averago circulation foi
nix inontha i-ndlnie April 1, V-fiZ, 358
morn than double tho circulation of un
olhr pamr publlahed or circulated U
Jrokboii County.
P.nfprml an Hfrond cifiHB matter at
MVdford, Oregon, under act of March 8,
. Th AaanMntixl I'mftn In flXclllfllVflv
enlUIMl to thn tiHfl for republication of
tt.ll news dlflnntcltoH credited to It or not
otherwltie credited In thin paper, and
alo to thn local new a punnsned herein.
All rlKhtfl of republication of special
CMHpAtchfH herein are iiiko reserved.
Ye Smudge Pot
By Arthur Perry. .
There are about 160 pipes in this
vicinity, on active service, that ought
to bo at the front in the Utah tobacco
Only 1100 starving Russians arrivod
In this country last week, to keep on
That woman Rot me down. If. I'm
anything I'm tender-hearted, and
when she started to boo-hoo! I did tho
same. I couldn't stand to sue them
hot tears washing away the powder
around, the sides of her nose, and
plunging off the end of her chin, so I
Rets sympathetic. It was the wot and
dry lBSiie for fair, and she was In
awful agony. So I said: Now! Now!
It will all come out in the wash. Dry
up that hollering, you're 19, and old
enough to face fate with a smile. That
yanked another squeal out of her, and
so I kissed her. She stopped bhittlng
then, once was enough. I wanted to
find out what was gnnwing at her
heartstrings, bo I asked. I thought
maybe somebody nt hor house had
died, or a. romance had wound up
wrong end to, like most of Elsio's do,
and 1 wanted to help out a sister In
sorrow; and besides I was curious.
Well, she sniffed a time or two, and
said, as she knocked off tho last tear:
"Ma won't let me go to the dance to
night" You don't want to hoar what
I said.
f ALIFORNIA lends the world in tho plnnting of trees along the
highways. New York stiite, .Minnesota, Michigan unci Indiumi
follow in the onler named. Orenon is I'm' down the list.
Of course, Oregon has less need than many other states for tree
plniitin"; for many seel ions are beautiful examples of the forest pri
mevnl. Hut many seetions iilonsr the I'aeil'ie highway are uncom
fortably hare, nnd in many parts of Jackson county within and
without the cities, a tree planting campaign would add much to the
attractiveness of the landscape mid the comfort of the residents,
transient and permanent. Many good citizens are rather short sight
ed when it comes to planting trees. They are inclined to look on
forty or fifty years as too long a period to wait fur results.
lint this is a decidedly selfish view point. The seedling of this
generation is the shade tree of the next. And working for the bene
fit of future generations will always be one of the real joys of an en
lightened human kind.
Arbor Day was established in 1872. Oregon celebrates the day on
ihe second Friday of April. A more general and spontaneous observ
ance of this day, with tree planting a permanent feature, would work
a decided benefit to this state and its people.
Quill Points
Year by year typewriters grow better in every way except their
So far we haven't nnlieeTl a Presidential boom that snys anythin;
more than "1'ing."
"Empires contain the seed of their own destruction." Huh. You
can say thai about umpires.
Taxation may reduce swollen fortunes, but you can't do n darned
tiling for a swollen head.
'Thrift is the art that enables a movie star to live up to the salary
bis press agent, gives him.
Sophisticated people seldom brag; most of the horn tooling is the
greenhorn kind. .
Correct this sentence: "The. man lay in lied two weeks nnd did
not once speak crossly to his wife."
WASHINGTON, Feb. 27. A resolu
tion to carry out the new administra
tion propositi for American member
ship In the International court of Jus
tice, organized by tho League1 of Na
tions, was Introduced In thn senato
yesterday by Sonutor King, democrat,
Utah. There was no discussion and it
went over Indefinitely.
Senator Uoblnson of Arkansas, act
ing democratic leader, gave out a for
mal statement declaring that on pre
liminary study, "lie had a feeling of
friendliness" for the administration
plan, but adding that it indicated a
policy of "timidity and half linarted
ness" by tho administration In its for
eign policies .
Senator UohlnBon said it was unfor
tunate that tho president hud acted
so late In tho present session of con
gress. Ho also declared that tho plan
was a repudiation of tho policy ot non
participation In European alia I in.
Senator King Incorporated In his
resolution the matters outlined In tho
letter of Secretary Hughes which in
corporated th president's message
Saturday submitting the proposal.
MOW YORK, Feb. 27. With four
officials of tho state anti-saloon
league under subpoena, Acting Dis
trict Attorney Pocora presented to a
grand jury yesterday evidence con
cerning the manner in which Superin
tendent William H. Anderson handled
the organization finances.
.Mr. Anderson, speaking yesterday
In an Albany pulpit declared he was
tho victim of a "far reaching conspir
acy in which tho Tammany wet ma
chine politicians and wet financial in
terests wore Involved.
"Is charges that the conspirators
wero using Raymond H. Fosdick. legal
representative of the Rockefellers, as
a "del'ucto" to help their fight, brought
an immediate response from J. D.
Rockefeller, Jr.
Telephoning from Ormond Roach,
Flu., Mr. Rockefeller authorized a
stiitemenUwhich said of Fosdick:
"1 have fully approved his every
nctlon and lie has had and still retains
my full confidence."
We arc becoming saner every year, nnd greatness no longer con
sists in a signature nobody can rend.
You can't make a silk purse of n sow's car, but you can take a fat
purse nnd make an nss of n man.
It is only n question of time until there will be a board or com-
mittec'or something to elevate censors.
An efficient wife is one who can keep both sides of the argument
goinj; when her husband retires to the sporting page.
(Albany Democrat)
Portland has begun to discover
tho effects of the oarthqunka they
had down there lust Novomber.
Rip Van Winkle, would bo a llvo
man there, anyway.
(CO YEARS AGO colum).
Spring dresses are showing up on
the leading Galshevikls. They are as
checkered bb a long political career.
Tho road to J'vlllo Is being Ironed
out, and hopes are entertained tho
Implements will run away on the Main
Stem, West.
As ono looks ovn tho list ot pros
pective candidates for tho proaldency
In 1924, from O. Undorwood to 11.
Ford, thorn Is a fooling of sadness
that all can't bo the clilof executive of
tho nation at tho Biime time.
Tho Improvements to tho Hill Gore
spondulicks rofugo nre now completed
und considerable change Is upparent.
All over the valley, finoly toniperod
hunks of Bhnrp stool aro bolng syste
matically Inscrtod Into terra flrinn.
I can torglvo tho wrong you do
-Forgive at least, If not forget:
I hate your sill, but pardon YOU
. If you're a momber ot "our set!"
Hut If your color, face or crocd
Or station differ much from inino
In" vain for pardon you may plead
For mercy, human or Divine!
Wo nil do wrong nnd pay In pain
We sin and for our BlnB atone,
nut no forgiveness shall ho gain
' , Whose fuillngs differ from our own!
God fashioned man In many moulds,
. Of many sizes, shades and styles:
Each all the others acorns and scolds,
I fancy Ood looks down . . . and
smiles! Howard Hllllee
To B. R. Oatmnn: Was that you
' who skinned up tho Main Drug Sun.
; ander a straw lint, and, If so, hat do
' you mean by It?
' The Eli minstrels wore consmn
t mated last evo. It Is tho concensus of
I opinion that Al Jolson con retain his
I Job but belter tend to business, This
t is also Oet-Away-From lloine-Weck
for the hitched brothers.
, Here lies sweet Jennie Robs.
Who failed to beat a train across:
Sho was young nnd happy and very
.".'!. i .... H. rluli nf WI1V.
And clutieron m
ana itosobiirK Nows-Hotlew.
Only the rich can go abroad as diplomats. The poor man hns very
little chance to get n drink in these days.
An engineer says we are learning more nbnnt internal combustion.
At any rate we are eating yeast and chasing it with grape .iuiee.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 20. Investi
gators appointed by Secretary Weeks
to report on charges made by. Major
General Adelbert Cronkhlic, retired,
that flies of the war department had
been tampered witli and. records con
nected with the death of his son.
Major Alexander Cionklilto, at Camp
Lewis III 1918, were Incomplete, it was
learned today, have found certain
papers once In the possession of the
department to be missing.
Secretary Weeks said tho Investiga
tion had not been completed and it
was not known whether the investiga
tors will be successful' in their search
for the missing documents.
Instantly! End Indigestion
or Stomach Misery with
'Tape's Diapepsin"
As Boon as you cat a tablet or two
of "Pupil's Diapepsin" your indigestion
is gone! Heavy pain, heartburn, flatu
lence, gases, palpitation, or any misery
from a sour, acid stomach ends. Correct
your stomach arid digestion for a few
cents, liach package guaranteed by
' 1, conn nl Wood's Son Hurt.
MANILA, Feb. 1!". rilly the Asso
ciated I 'less) LiPUU'iuint Osborne
"Wood, son und uhlo 1 of Cinvernor
(Jem-mi Lcnnunl Wootl. Vns slightly
Injured when an automobile In which
he was returning from ''fTupfiilo over
turned lust night. , The nontenant
suffered u lm-orated hand.
NEW YOniv Frederick DoHelle
vllle. distinguished actor on the
Amrienn nnd KnuHsh K'nsr1. died.
How to Solve Apple Problem
To the Kdltor:
Tho I'nclfle northwest produces n
superior quality of apples, but the
Hale of apples has been u very unsatis
factory thing to tho producer. Many
aro badly discouraged. In my opinion
this Ih due entirely to bud marketing
methods. On two occasions we have
attempted a conference in Portland to
remedy this condition. An organiza
tion to handle tho sale of tipples
should bo determined by the territory
from which tho apples come, rather
than by stnto or county lines. Such
nn organization should carry the fruit
from tho producer direct to the re
taller of fruits In tho markets of the
world, nnd should not ho an organi
zation to collect grndu and pnek
simply In order to turn over to some
sales organization the result, of their
efforts. I say thisi berauso it will
probably not bo practicable for the
producer to Bell IiIh applca directly
to tho consumer, nt least for a mini
her of years, but ho can organize,
seek out markets and control tho dis
tribution of his fruit by the retail:
dealer. I
Mr. Pavld It. Mefltnnts of Oakland.
California, a co-operator of long ex
perience nnd a member of the Jlaisin
Growers' association has returned I
from a trip to Central America. That
country produces no apples; when a
pretty girl is noticed on tho streets
of Ihicnos Aires bystanders say, "Isn't
she an apple," instead of calling her,
as wo do a "peach." Apples of tho
grade of our best boxed apple sell
in that city at &2o npieeo and the mar- (
itet for tipples In Central America Is
sufficient to take the enllro crop, not
only of tho Pacific Northwest, but
of the best grade nf apples of the'
rn(l,l Ul,it,.u Tlinun lilti.lnu rfllllll hf
shipped In refrigerated vessels from
Portland, travel all tho way ny water,
go Into cold slot-ago In Central Amer
ican ports, and be distributed from
there to the dealers of tho Central
American cities. If the reader will
tako a map of Central America and
make a list of the largo cities of that
country, he will seo at once that the
market possibilities are practically
unlimited. If tho apple growers of
the Pacific northwest would only sink
petty Jealousies nnd local pride In the
ilntilri in net for thn common uood.
wo can market our magnificent grade
or nonnwest noxeu apples ai a ngure
that will make the apple grower pros
pern lis, nnd this without any danger
from over-expansion In business,
(!KO. A. MANSKlKld),
President Oregon State Farm Bu
reau Federation.
uascarets iuc
Best Bowel Laxative
Spring Is
Nearly Here
You will be wanting to clean
the old car up and nuiko it look
like new.
We hnvo a fino assortment of
sponges und chamois and un as.
soi llncm of the best unto clean
ers, h1LsIicm, auto paint und
brushes to bo hail.
Auto Supply Co.
Just around tho corner
31 X. Hurtled Doc Wright
When Bilious,
For Quick Service Phone 110
Wdlt Mason
11)0 NOT know my noijililior's ercoil, nor how he likes to vole;
I know Ihnt he's n friciul indeed, when I hnvo lost my Roat,
When I inn stricken in my shuck with spiisnis dire nnd fell, he
puts n poultice on my litiek nnd soothes nie when I .veil. He herds
the hens nnd milks the cow nnd (rives the pi ji its swill, and hnnds
inc. ns lie funs my hrow. the powder mid the pill. Men do not
know wlnit he believes, they know not where he stands; nnd this
condition rather peeves the chew-nnd-nruiie hands, lie is it
strangely silent num. who sticks nronnd his slinek, nnd people do
not like this plan they say all tonirnes should clack, lie never
will (tet out. and root as statesmen wise direct, he doesn't seem to
care a hoot what has-been wo elect. We've heard him say it
makes no odds who triumphs nt the polls, that all the candidates
are frauds, out to increase their rolls. And people roast him pro
and eon, and also to and fro, nnd (,'ossips gather on my lawn, and
ask me, "Ain't it so?-' And 1 reply, "My neighbor, .links, does
me a kindly turn; ho brings me larijo and cooling drinks when
1 with fever burn; and when my corns aro burninu red with fierce
internal heat, he deftly stands me on my head and poultices my
feet. 1 know not what my neighbor thinks, nor what his faith
may be, but I am always slroni; for .links, who is so uond to me."
To clean out your bowels without
onunpiiiR or orornVtinp, take Cafcarets.
Sick headache, biliousness, gases, indi
gestion, sour, upset stomach, and nil
such distress gone by morning. Nicest
physic on cnrlh for grown-ups nnd chil
dren. 10c a box. Tnslo liko candy.
Place Your Onler Now for
Quick Delivery
Hansen Coal Co. ,
(Successors to Eads)
l H. Fir Nf Phono 030-4
Florsheim Shoes
An assortment of the, new styles
for the season arc now ready. 'A
fetter selection of fine shoemak
ing will be hard to find anywhere.
The present low price makes
Florsheim values higher than
ever before.
Tin Dollars
C. M. Kidd & Co.
Every spoonful cf Kellogg's Bran
helps frea you from toxic poisons.
Constipation is largoly responsible
for nuto-intoxlcation that leads to
dangerous diseases unless it is not
nuly checked but permanently relieved.
Constipation, in fact, ia tho basis of
it majority of human ailments which
could ba headed off if peoplo Mould
only help Tid themselves of this serious,
health-undermining condition, which
uau bo easily done.
Constipation must bo fought to a
finish not with pills and cathartics,
which aro dangerous to tho delicate
membranes of tho intestines and tem
porary ut bout but with miture'd
greatest cereal health food Hrun
Kellogg h Uran, which 5a aa delicious
us it is beneficial.
Kellogg 's Bran is wonderful in its
work because it is ALL Bit AN. And,
to get permanent rulief, ALL 13 It AX
is n necessity, for it is tho "bulk" of
Kellopg's lirnn that sweeps and puri
fies, ridding the system of poisons nnd
bringing conditions to normal. Eat
Kellogg s Urau regularly atx least
two tablespoonfuls daily; as mudi with
each meal in chronic cases and wo
guarantee that you will get relief per
manently aud naturally.
Kellogg 's Bran is delicious. You
do not have to learn to liko it.' Eat
it as a cereal or sprinkle on or mix
with hot or cold ccivaIs. Or, cook it
with hot cereals, allowing two tuble
spoonfuh for each penon. Kellogg 'a'
makes wonderful muffins, griddle cakes,
raisin bread, macaroons, etc. llecipes
on package.
Leading hotels, clubs and restau
rants servo Kellogg 'a Bran in indi
vidual packages. All grocers.
The Pacific Mutual Life
1. Cannot be cancelled by company
2. Covers every disability "
3. Pays a monthly income for life
4. House confinement not required
5. Renewable through age GO
6. Premium cannot be increased after issue
7. Cannot be restricted after issue by rider or endorsement
8.. Issued subject to medical examination
9. Pays a pension for life for loss of one hand or foot or eye
10. Pays a life income for lo3s of two limbs or sight of both
Rooms 202-3 First National Bank, Medford
Effective March 1, 1923
Change in Schedule of Stages
With through service to Portland
and way points daily
Leaves Medford daily 8:45 a. m.; for Grants Pass and Roseburg
with direct connection to Portland; also 2:00 and 6:00 p. m.
for Grants Pass only. , . . ' .
Leave Roseburg daily 4:20 p. m.
Grants Pass 12:00 noon, 4:00 and 8:05 p. m.
For Medford and Ashland.
Medford-Grants Pass $1.15
Medford-Roseburg 4.15
Medford-Portland 7.85
We Save You Money
Stopovers permitted at Roseburg, Eugene, Salem if desired.
. . Tickets on sale at
Nash Hotel Bldg. . Phone 309
1. El M h
Profit by-
Reduced Fares to
Tho saving In Round-Trip Fares
tho train comforts while you Journey,
nnd uprlug-llke days in tho Sunny
Southland aro good reasons tor golns
Fares from Medford to:
Fanta llarbara Los Anselcs,
Salo dates daily to March 31.
Limited April 30.
frequent and convenient service.
For further particulars ask your
local ticket nger.t, or write
General Passenger Agent
Portland, Oregon