.... 4 i PAGE TWO MEDFORD MATL TRIBUNE, AfEDFOKD OKEflOX, TUESDAY, FEBRITAKV 27, 1923 ocal and Personal Large delegations of Ashland and Grunts ' Pass American Legion nnd auxiliary members are expected to vlBlt Medford this evenlnK aa Buoats of the local post and auxlllury. A pro gram and -refreshments liavo been ar ranged for and the meeting will bo one of the outstanding nf full's In legion circles this year. ' Goodwin Corset Shop, 20 S. Fir. 290 Big dance! WW. night! Oriental Ballroom ! Admission 30c. 2H9' Owing' to a typographical error In yesterday's Mall 'Tribune account of the1: personnel' of the' fire department to be changed March 1st by order of Mayor Gaddls, It, was stated that the fire chief b age was 09 years, -whereas ho la only 07 years old. Big dance! Central Point! Friday, March 2! Peerless "4"! ' Tickets CBc! 291 Regular communication of Renmes Chapter, Wednesday, evening, Fob. 28 at "7:30: The 'offlders 1 from Alpha chapter, Ashland ,wil be present and put oh the" initiatory 'work.'- Meinbors are requested to bring a' dish for a cafeteria luncheon. " ' ' 288 J. W: Berrian of the Butte Falls fish hatchery, who resides In 'Medford and is a radio enthusiast during the win ter months recently repbrted to Mayor James Ralph of San Francisco the . vury huuiuiu ruiroiiuuu ui tui wiuieon by the latter from - Hale Brothers broadcasting station, In the Bay city. Mr.,- Ilorrlan recently recolvod an an-1 swor from Mayor Rolph requesting a . photo of the building In which the re ceiving Bet Is' located for insortlon In the mayor's radio scrap book. , Watch for the opening date of 'tl '&' B . theatre,' Central Point. 288tf Does your grocer' patronize home industry?; Ask him for . Stewart's honey. Our phbnals 900. . ;,"; 34 John Jim Tiadlrib, an Italian, owner of a 400 acre ranch near Ashland, upon which graze 200 head of stock, applied for citizenship papers at the. naturalization hearings In Jackson ville Saturday, but this right was de nied because during the war ho had claimed exemption because he was an alien.' The records of the draft board were produced In support of this con tention. , The naturalization commis sioner,' however ruled that Tladlno might renew" his application for citi zenship next November, . live ' years after the signing 'of tho.. armistice. Eight applications for citizenship were granted. Ashland Tidings. .' , Oriental Ballroom!', Wod, night dance! Admission 10c. ,' 289, All kinds of rough arid dressed lum ber. Wallace Wood b, phone 108.', 711 K.' Main. ',"'.,',!' i Mark" Montgomery, local Southern ' Pacific agent,; arrived home Monday from a several days absence, at Corne lius, Ore., due to the critical Illness of his mother, whose' condition is' still serlouB. Are you goltfg ' to see Petor and Inez?' Whoro? At tho High school, March 6th. ., ,, 288 Plain sowing, button hdloa, reason able. Phone 746J. 1205 B. Main. 291 .: Mrs. B. H, Morris and son of Mar tinez, Calif., arrived in Med ford last, night from her homo and will spend the Bumnier with her sister, Mrs, W. Y. CrowBOD and family,. . f - Ladles! Only one more day of sale on those beautiful dresses and wraps we'hnve Just tbcelved from New York. -Wonderful values arid styles up to the very latest In materials nnd' shades. The' Vanity Shopcornor Bartldtt and Mam. ,; '..',,;;;' ..;" : ',..;,,. .','. 288 Flowering shruDB' and' evergreens, Eden Valley 'Nursery,. Phone G80-J-2. ;.....:; t. tf The Flying' Squadron mombers fol lowing their two days visit In this city lert for Grants Pobb this morning. A large number of Roseburg rooters ore expected to arrive Friday to' be prosont at the Friday night game bo tweon" Roseburg and Modford 1 high schools which promises to bo the best game of the season, Tho game will be followod by a dance glvqn In the small hall at tho, Nat by the Fan Tan orchestra. v - Are' you going to soo Petor ntid Inez? Whore? At tho High school, March 6th. .... 288 Sandwiches, salads, enko, pie and coffee t all hours. Crater Lake Ice Cream Parlors, Modford Coutor Bids. "' ' " ' 307 The Fireman Cries ' "Insure!" insure' with us' toilay and . siifoguurd your property. It will ennbli) you to iivoitl nil 'firo' losses.'" Th ' pri'iiiimim jnrc small; tho bom-fits grout. McCURDY Insurance Agency ' ' ' V.''"' S'VTol.'l23 Medford National Hank Mdg. Modford,' Oregon Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Orr, Frank Orr und Hugo Maylock returned Monduy to Rogue River, aftor spending Sunday night in Medford on their way home from Madoria,' Calif., where they at tended the second trlul of George Har low, charged with tho murder of his wife, the daughtor of Mr. and Mrs. Orr, last November. A verdict of manslaughter was returned in this ! trial, and the dofendant was given, the ) ...... ,.P 1...., , u,,n. n.ur.u lull daiuui VI nio u pulii vanoa, ton years. The' custody of the little : daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harlow was awarded to Mr. and Mrs. Orr. The first trial of Mr. Harlow resulted in a I hung Jury. The result of both- trials was the cause of considerable adverse comment by press and public. You can get It at DoVbe's.' tf Watch for the opening date or F, & E. theatre, Central Point. 288tf F. G. Phelps of tho California Oregon Power company left last night for a several days business visit in Portland. - Are you going to see Peter and' Inez? . Where? At the High school, March Cth. .288 Just received a fresh lot of Rogue River sorghum 10c per pound. Hutchi son & Lumsdon. - - i ,, 290 The state department of the Ameri can -Legion onnounces that the Del bert Reeves poBt No. 7, American Logtort of Silvortoni Ore., which has Increased its membership from a 1922 standing of 43 to 201 to have made tho largest Increase In point of mem bership of any of the 112 posts of the legion in the state of Oregon, and now ranks third in point of membership, although the city of Sllverton Is com paratively not a large city. The White Booth- restaurant and lunch-counter, two blocks north of confectionery, A. Hanna,, proprietor, regular meals, lunch counted serves from 7 a. m. to 10 p.' m. Free lunch Thursday, Feb, 28, public invited. 293 Just a line to remind you that I will gladly duplicate any bonafide . order booked by a transient, agent for the same or less money and give you bet ter service. . N. S. Bennett, prop. Eden Valloy Nursery. Phone 680-J-2. tf 1 Mrs.' Florence McElhoso,' who re- has cently underwent an operation been removed to the home of her slater, Mrs. II. E. Marsh, where she Is convalescing. Auto Insurance. Brown & White. Hot tamales and chili con earns at De Voe's. -.. - , , tf .- Alpha chapter No. 1, O. E. S., has accepted an Invitation from Reamos chapter No. 06, O, E, S.,' of Medford, to visit thorn Wednesday evening, February 28.' The'ot'flcers of the Ash land chapter will oxompliry the work. When bettor automobiles are built, Bulck will build them. . tf -, Wuteh for the opening , date of F. & E. theatre, Central Point.- 288tt ' Mary Wheeler, who has been con fined to her home for the past week on account of Illness has- returned to her duties in Swem's Studio, - ' Milk and cream at DeVoe's. tf " Rhubarb and asparagus roots. Eden Valley Nursery. Phone 680-J-2. tf Mis.' E. G. Owen of Weed, Calif., and her son William J. Virgin, loft yesterday by, auto, for ;Wood aftor TM.o - rWt-An hml unnnt nnvArnl flaVA ' here with Mr. and Mrs. Virgin. Mr. Virgin will return to Medford tomor row. - - ; ...;.,. ' Toko your kodak films to Palmer's studio. " First class work and prompt service. . tf Homo made sorghum 10c per lb. Hutchison & Lumsden. ; , 290 .-"Why,, Peggy," , exclaimed , her frlonds admiringly, "where did you got that poach of a hat?. It looks JuBt dondy on you?" ''Well,, girls, 1 11 juBt tell you. I'd given up hopes of having a new Enater bonnot, till I went Into tho Thrift Shop, and there I got the surprise of my life." A whole lot of the prettiest lints, up-to-tho-iulnuto and so cheap. You go up there nnd seo for youraolveB," "We sure will," they all exclaimed. Tho Thrift Shop is going to have a big spring opening the Inst week In, March. All kinds' of nice garmontB for Bale. ..Come and'. see. Sparta building. , . ' ; - ; Grafting wax. EOon Valley Nursery, Phono B80 J-S. , . ' tf ; There's a busy bualneBS Colloge in your home 'town.' OWN. ,'; Guy Karl Fleetwood, an nttornoy of Savannah, Oa., wanta the Gold Croat brand of fruit from tho Rogue Rlvor1 valloy bocauBB it is bo good. TIiIb Ib tho brand of Guy Connor, who has just rocolved n letter from Mr. Flootwood. ! Closing out all our farm machinery, sevoral good buys. - Patton & Robin eon. Inc. i Afior the fire it ts too late to Insure. Sen Rcddon & Conaday now. 1 - Word has boon received by frlondB of tho Rov. Daniel A. Poling, associate president of tho United Society of chrlatlan Kndonvor and former En deavor worker In this state, that he has been offered tho position of asso ciate sonlor pastor of the Collegiate Hoformod ProtOBtnnt Dutch ohurch or Now Yolk city. . Dr. Polliig Is woll known hero nnd In Ashland through his Boveral visits nnd talks hore. Grnftcd Franquotte walnut trooa. Eden Valloy Nursery, phono 680J-2 tf Clonn cotton raga are wanted at Mall Trlbuno office. tf All Modern Woodmen of America nnd their wives will bo entertained by tho Royal Neighbors at Althca hall, Wednesday evening, Feb. 28. Good clean rags wanted at Modford Printing Co. A No. 1 alfalfa hny, dellvorod, 18.00 per ton. Phone 7-F-4. 20 Seats for tho RoBoburg contest which w ill decide the championship of southern Oregon In high achool bas ketball will go on sale tomorrow mor ning at 9 o'clock at Crowson's nnd a crowd even lurger than that, of last night Is'. expected. Thoao wishing front row reserved seats will have to got them nt an oarly hour. Modrord Auto Painting. Call and sue our work and got our prices. All work guaranteed. 127 N. Riverside nnnoaltn tha Nat E. O. Bradley, prop. , , Gcoigo Lfndley left this morning for Klamath Falls after having spent several days here visiting his fumily. Ho was accompanied by his daughter Josephine who will spend sevoral Weeks with him In that city. This office is prepared to print ledger sheets, bills, etc., used on the your orders to traveling men and have them printed out of Modford.' Phone us and we will-call. -.- tf Miss Leila Debley,. tolephona opera, tor at the California-Oregon Power company's offices' is again on duty having fully rocovorod from an appen dicitis operation which was performed about ten days or two weeks ago. For sand, gravel, sediment and team work. See Sam). Bateman, 302 Maple i St., Phone 912-J. - , Nothing has yet been -heard as to when the Southern Pacific depot clock will be back again from Port land. The clock was sent to tho clock repairer of the railroad about five weeks ago to be fixed, as it was out of order. , No timepiece In the city, is more missed, as waiting passengerB for trains feel lost unless they have watches. Bets were made at the time tho clock was sent away that It would not bo back and In place on the wall of the depot waiting room until July. ' Clean: cotton rags are wanted at Mall Tribune office, j - tf Claudo Miles arrived last night from his homestead In the Butte Falls dis trict and will remain' in Medford for a several days visit. We have good values in used cars. Patton & Robinson, Ino. . tf C. A. Swigart of the. California-Oregon Power company left Sunday ' for San Francisco where he will spend several days on business.'- . Thornless blackberry plants. Eden alley Nursery, Phone 680-J-2. tf' "F. W. Hutchinson was taken to Jacksonville Sunday evening and placed in a padded cell to prevent him from Inflicting injuries to his person as a result of losing his mind," says the Ashland 'Tidings. , "Hutchin son was very til with the Influenza lost fall and coupled with worry, thlB Is believed to be the cause of his dis order. He had been gradually getting worse with each passing day, and ap parently realized his condition for he kept calling out that he had lost his mind and asked someone to bring It back to him. He has a wife and five children." ' . - ' ;" - Spring Is here! The face should be protected again outdoor exposure and dirt with fitting preparations rft my ladles' service. Medford Beauty Shop, Phone 191-L, Modford Bldg.' 290 All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace. .Wood, phone 108. 711 E. Main. Rogue River defeated Talent last Friday night In a hard fought game nt Talent by nBCore of .22-19. ,-Another game will bo played between the twq teams at Rogue Ttivor i in the near future to decide tho championship of tho rural league of the valley. Rogue' River Is the champion of the northern end and Talent of the -southern end and a second defeat of the Talent team will .clinch the championship for Rogue River according to school of ficials. It is said that tho expulsion of Talent's star! player Friday night on porsonal fouls was the cause of the defeat. ' , - Auto Insurance, Brown & White." ' Bllig chorry trees. Eden' Valley Nursery. Phone. 080-J-2,'' ... , tf Mr. and Mrs. Harry T; Flndlay have sold 'their home oil. Summit avenue' to Myron Root arid family who Will take' possession In the near future.' The Flndlays wlll move Into the.resldence now; occupied. by the Roots at Elev enth and King streeta. All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108, 711 E. Main, - .- ,,v , Gregg revlow and dictation work In day or evonlng clasBt expert Instruc tor; special .rates. - Modford Business College ' OWN. . , 292 : The first Pickwick stage soon here in some 'weeks passed through this noon en routo from Seattle eouth. A number of passengers were making tho Hiip in' the'; bus -which 'wob an enclosed Whlto. ' ' ' .. , Fruit,' nut and shade trees,' . Eden Valloy Nui-Bory. Phone 680-J-2. tr Homatilchihg at Deuel's, j T 289 w HOOPING COUGH No "cure but helps to re duce paroxysm of coughing I C KS VapoRub Otxr 17 Mllllmjan Vied Ytarb V , A. S. Rosenbaum, former Medford resident and local agent for the South ern Pacific, now, claim agent for that company, is in Medford for a eoveral days visit. , .-. . Let mo tell you about my big White Minorca hens. Eggs for hatching. W. A. Crane, Medford. 287 - N,- S." Brajnwell, Frink-.Amy, and II en J. Collins drove three ' Maxwells down from Portland Monday. They also, received a carload, of . Maxwells.. The opening will occur about March lOtll.' ; . ' ; -' ' ( Genuine Bosch. Magneto parts and repairs.' Electric Shop,' Eighth 'and Bartlett. tf Mrs. Wm. Crosby of Talent, was among tho city vlsltorB today. ' For sale Good repacked Newtowns. Inquire Sgobel & Day warehouse, South Fir. Phone 172. 293 WEDDING BELLS Withdraw U, hi. OH Laud. WAWHINOTON", Feb. , J27. -Withdrawal of 20,000,000 acres of land in Alunka to- form a new naval oil re servo wiih announced today by Secre tary Full of tho interior-department. Important to All Women . Readers of This Paper A wedding of interest to many in the city was that performed at tho home of Mrs. Gregory at 923 S, Cen tral yesterday at 12 noon when MIbs Josephlno Gregory and Mr. FVank Yaskln were united in marriage by flov. E. P. Lawrence who rend the beautiful ring ceremony. Only the Immediate' relatives of tho family were present', a -brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Gregory of Central Point, and two sisters, and their husbands, Mr. ana Mra. ii. u. ryo or jaient ana .Mr. and Mrs.. Peter M. Kershaw and son, Gordon of Medford. Tho bride is well known, not only In tho social circles, but also In the business- circles of Medford, having been for seventeen years the faithful bookkepeer and treasurer of the Deuel' Brothers department storo. Tho irroom has been , for several months expert cabinet maker for tho Medford Planing mill. Two years affo he van principal mechanic for tho forest patrol airplanes nt the Bar ber field, having, come from field ser vice at Crlssy field, Presidio and other 'government camps where ho had served In the' airplane depart ment, holding the title of first ser geant, 91st squadron.' iHe was one of the four export mechanics who built tho Di-lluviland airplane which flew the non-atop flight from California to Florida and was destroyed by ac cident on the return trip. Thesa youhg people have tho con gratulations and. best wishes of their many' friends. - A delicious 'chicken dinner was served following the wed ding ceremony, which was greatly enjoyed by the guests , . . , OBITUARY VONDER NAU.CIIER Leo Vonder Nauchor, passed away, at Sacred Heart Hospital yesterday, at the age of 66 years, 4 mouths nnd 15 days. Deceased was a native of Belgium, born' October 11, 1856. -, He' loaves no relatives 1n this country, so far as Is known. -.For.jBoine years past he had made his home with Richard Straus of Gold Hill. - Remains are at the Conger funeral parlors, and a service will be held at tho gravo in I. O.. O. F. cemetery at 10 a. m. tomorrow. Orehardlsts Take Notice Pecs In your orchard' during the blooming period means more and bet tor fruit. For a Bmall consideration wo Will piaco'them for you during that time. Make your arrangements right now. Phone 960, Stewart. 34 Thousands" upon' thousands of women " havo - - -kidney - or bladder troublo and never -Ruspcct it, :. Women's complaints often prove to be nothing else but kidney trouble, or tfid' result of "kldii'ey "of btuddef dls- easo. If the kidneys are not In. a healthy condition.' they may cause tho other organu to. become diseased. You may suffer pain In tho back, headache and loss of ambition. 'Poor health makes you nervous. Ir ritable and may bo despondent; it makes any one so. . But hundreds of women claim that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot,' by restor ing health to tho kidneys, proved to bo just the remedy needed to over come such conditions. Many send for a samplo' bottlo to see what Swamp-Root, the great kid ney, l)ver and bladder medicine will do for them." By enclosing ten cents to Dr.' Kilmer & Co., ninghamton, N. V'., you may receive sample size bot tlo by Parcel Post. You'enn purchnse medium and- large size bottles at all drug -stores. i. ' .- Adv. ANNOUNCEMENT Having purchased the E. U Thurher stock of giWries, wc respectfully solicit your patronage. Our motto: "The best gootls for the money, and a square deal to all. ,,; J. E. . WEAVER, Central Point, r AUTO SUGGESTIONS . Perhaps M. Coulo does not drive a Jewett, but there 18 a vaBt and rapid ly increasing Multitude of Jewett owners who are every day In evory way liking them better and better. The unfailing method for deter mining definitely what realy' 13 the BEST automobile buy for 1923 is to drive a Jewett over steep, rough roads and Bee for yourself why it has been christened the "Sturdy Perform ing Six." - Call 202 for a demonstration. See it at 123 South-Front street. County- .Treasurer's Fourth Call for - Prohibition Enforcement Fund Warrants , Stato of Oregon, County of Jackson. Treasury Department, Jacksonville, Oregon, Feb. 27, 1923. - - Notice is hereby given that there are funds on hand for the redemption of Warrants Nob. 37, 38, and 39, drawn on the Prohibition Enforcement Fund. Interest on the- above called war rants ceases on this, the 27th day of February, 1923. A. C. WALKER, Treasurer of Jackson County, Oregon. '..... 28S Handicraft Shop. ' Hemstitching Plcottng 8o per yard. Buttons covered Now offers for sale a great number of bargains bought and traded for during the winter months 1920 Studebaker Big Six 1919 Buick Roadster 1921 Ford 1921 Chandler We have a roadster in good running order at $100.00. V f . Several other cars up to $200.00 We sell on very liberal term policy "Hit the Trail for Hittson's" Hittson Motors too Late to claim FOR SALE Chovrolet, good '." condT Hon, $190. Phone 458-H. 288 .Health!: 'OpelhnpuTttlesuiih Dt KINGS PILLS for amstlpatkm a. W. CONGER UNDERTAKER Bnccesmr to Weela-Oangnr Co. Medford. Ops. ' MACHINE WORK Repairing ' Babbitting and Welding Crater Lake Automotive Co. TONIGHT Is Your Last Chance to See the Iks Minstrels at the PAGE THEATRE They Made a Hit Last Night! Watch Their Smoke This Evening! PRICES Adults 50c Children.. ..23c HERE TOMORROW AT 1:30 The Screen's Perfect Lover I RODOLPH VALENTINO -in- Young Rajah" TOO WILL SEE ., I From the play "Amos Judd" by Aletha Luce. and the novel by John A. Mitchell - A henrt-brenkliig boat ruco betweon Ynlo and Harvard, With the Ray, chwrlng thousands and Valentino pulling o mighty stroko for Harvard. a a - w nurning low semes between Valentino and Wandn Hawloy. The (.hiinniCTing beauty or tho llrmcarnatlon Ball given by a New-port millionairess. . The kldnnpptng of Valentino In tho midst of his hnppinoss by Hindu assassins. The 'wooing of Valentino In the Hajnli's linrcm 1- a pretty dunclng girl. . Tho worlil-fniuoiis Indian Durbnr, tlio king of all spcclaclos. The most spiTtnciilar of all tho famous Valentino lovclramas. AND another of those Knockout LEATHER PUSHERS entitled "He Raised Cain," ill I'honn 20. 290 i