Ill BRINGING - n Lllt TO HAVE "YOU COME OUT TO NIX HOOtJE To DIMISER " Livestock PORTLAND, Ore., Fob. 26. Cattle Blow and weak; receipts 3458 (484 through), y: Choice, steers $7.50 7.75; medium to good $6.60 ( 7.25; fair to jnedlum $5.756 5P; common to fair ijSE'.SO 6.75; choice heifers $5.756; choice cows and heifers 5.26 5.75; medium to good $4.60 5.25; fair to medium $4 4.50; common cows $3 4; canners $1.6003; bulls $3 4j 4.50; choice feeders $55.50; fair to good $46; choice dairy calves $10(jri0.50 prime light $10 10.50: medium light $9.50 8 10; heavy $5 9.50. Hogs weak, lower; receipts 3970 (770 through). Prime light $9 75 10 smooth heavy 230 300 lbs. $9 9.50; do 300 and. up $8 9; rough heavy $7.608.50; fat pigs $99.60; 'feeder pigs $9 9.50; stags, subject to dock age $6 6. Sbeep'Bteady; receipts 2GSC. East of mountain lambs $13.50 14; choice valley $13.6014; medium $12.50 13.50;, common $10.50 12.50: culls $8.50U0.60; light yearlings $1011; heavy $9.50010; light wethers $9 9.60; heavy $7 9; ewes $2 7. Portland Wheat PORTLAND, Ore., Fez. 26. Wheat: No quotations. Today's car receipts; Wheat 29; flour 8; corn 2; oats 1; way 20. San Francisco Markets SAN FRANCISCO, Fob. 26. nutter fat, pound 62c f.o.b. San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 26 (U. S. Bureau of Agriculture. Economics). Eggs, extras 28c; extra firsts 27c; extra pullets 26c; undersized pullets 22c. , BAN,, FRANCISCO, Feb. 26.-H State Division of Markets). Fryers 4245c brdllers 35 60c; young roosters 23 J 38c; old 1418c; hetm 2030c; ducks 18?20c; live turkeys 20 24c; dress-j ed 30 32c j hares, Hve, pound 18 20c;, squabs, doz. $3 3.50; jackrab- bits, doz., $2.50 3. l T, . 1 T, . 1 , .. Tk.u. , I. PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 26. G. Tikanbw was burned to death In at f ire which early today destroyed, his . J 1.4,.. Un IJIa wIFttl 11V() tllUl J I .III;, uutc. ,a,o n.w was not at home when the fire oc curred, and- police said they were un abie to locate her today. The cause of the fire had not been, determined today. ' LONDON, Ont. Thomas W. Shaw, said to be the last survivor of the fa mous Light Brigade that charged to destruction on a Russian battery at Balaklava in 1854, died. - Notice In the County Court of the State of Oregon In and for Jackson County. In the matter of the iSstate of Mary r. v Klrkpatrick, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that O. C. Boggs, Administrator of the above en titled estate, has' filed his final ac count therein and petitioned for dis charge, and that Saturday, March 10, 1923, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. in the court room of the County Court, Jacksonville, Oregon, has been fixed as the time and place to hear said petitioner. All persons Interested are notified to appear and then and there i show cause, if any they have, why said account Bhould not be approved and said Administrator discharged. Dated this 26th day' of January, 1923. O. C. BOGGS, Administrator. HELP WAXTBr. FEMALE WANTED Olrl for general house work on ranch. Family of two, good wages. Box 85, Mail Tribune. 298 HELP WANTEDMALE WANTED Insurance Reporter. Man I to make confidential Insurance re 1L, ports at Medford during spare time. State ago anil occupation, u. Farley, Box 228, Portland, Oregon. 288" WANTED Porter. Apply In person. Hotel Medford. tf PKRL FUNERAL BOMI rmmmm At Your Service lj or Night Information Cordially Given Cor. flth and Oakdale Imbalance Scnrlca ' . 7 j h" ITP rATHFD m. m. I m. ft & i : FINE MV VsIFE YtLL. EE CLD TO KNOW I'M WITH THE r . PRE-olOENT ,W ANTED SITUATION'S WANTED w'lndow cleaning, house cleaning, floor waxing neatly done, prices right, satisfaction assured. Phone 705-W, A. M. Rhoads. 287 HELP WANTED Male and Female WANTED Married couple for ranch work: no children. Box C, Mall Tribune. ' . tf WANTED MISCF.LLANROl'8 i WANTEDTlTbrTgooTT I horse. Call 591-J-2 between 6 and I 7 p, m. tf WANTED to buy 0 or 8 foot floor showcase. Monarch Seed Co. W WANTED 20 tiers wood cut. Phone 539-J-3. .... - 2S9 WANTED Bungalow or house to rent for long term; must be mod ern, large rooms, sleeping porch, two bedrooms, unfurnished, by re sponsible people. East Side pre ferred. Phono 1038. 292 WANTED Bring, us your poultry, eggs, veal and hogs for highest cash prices. Poultry Producers Associa tion, Farm Bureau Exchange Bid;. Phone 929. - 289 WANTED Flat top desk and other office furniture. Phono 784-L. 290 WANTED 250 lawn mowers to shar pen, Liberty Reiir Shop. ' tf WANTED Veal, must be good qual ity and have liver attached. Johnson-Produce Co. WANTED Furnisfied apartment, small furnished house or bungalow, or part of furnished home. Refer ences exchanged. Phone 148-Y. WANTED Good 3 and ono-quurter inch wagon. Valley Fuel Co. WANTED Cash paid for pelts, hides, wool and furs. Johnson Produce Co., 241 N. Fir 8t Phone 97. tf WANTED Rouse moving and repair-. . Ing; Phone 4S8-M or 488-X. ' FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR ; RENT Newly furniBhed two room apartment; also bachelor's apartment and garage. G16 N. Cen tral. Phone 91-M. 293 FOR RENT Newly finished ; three- mnm nnnrliriMIt will he Vacant March 1st. Apply F. L. Clark,, 127 N. Riverside. 289 FOR RENT Furnished three room apartment, modern, garage In con nection. 604 W. Tenth St., cor. of King. ..' ' 28HP FOR RENT -HOUSES FOR RENT Cheap, furnished house. Phone 76, valley l"Tiei co. FOR RENT Five room furnished house, 421 S. Front St.! for $36 a month. See Claud Miles at Hlttson Motors. " " ' tf FOR RENT Furnished houso, close in. 6 E. Third St. ' 287 FOR. RENT Eight room modern home. Phono 80S.; .. 291 FOR '. RENT House at 1239 West Main, 7 rooms and garage. No for sale. C. A. DeVoe. If FOR' RENT 5 room modern bunga low, sleeping porch, garage, wood shed. P. E. Wynkoop. . TOR 'RENT OR SALE 7 room house, East 9th St., easy terms. Inquire Jackson Co. Bldg. & Loan Assn. tf FOR. RENT 7 room house. furniBhed, or would sell on payments like rent. Gold Ray Realty So., No. 15 N; Grape St.,.'Pbone '4G5-J. " ' tf" FOR RENT Houses Crown & White." j SNAPS f ON USED CARS Easy Terms to Responsible ; Parties. 1 Dodge Tourixig Car...'.$200.00 Good condition. Chevrolet' Roadster..'..$250.00 Overhaul, new and top. Velie Six- Touring, 1919 $350.00 Runs Finn, Looks Good Maxwell 1-Ton Truck $275.00 Ovcrhnulod.-. -; Medford Auto Co. Buick Dealers Cor. Main and Holly MEDFOKD MAIL TRIBUNE, BEDFORD, OWIXiOX. MONDAY, l'EMJUAUV litf. WELL' OON'T STAJSD THERE UKE. A. W- TAKE THE OENTLEMAN"b , HAT AISIO CATSe FOR RENT-FURNISH KD ROOMS FOR RENT Sleeping rooms and . light housekeeping. Adults. 21 Genessee. 287 FOR SALE Sleeping rooms. 204 N. Ivy. 291 FOR RENT Pleasant, furnished room with bath privileges. ' Phone 696-Y, 611 S. Oakdale.' 28? FOR RENT Sleeping rooniB, bath. I men only.' 245 N. Grape. 276 FOR RENT Well lighted front sleep- Ing room, with bath privileges. 326 I - ho. Klverside, Phone 70U. tf ! FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT Th re!Tiousckeopaig rooms, close in. Apply 323 N. Front St. 289 FOR RENT Furnished light house-! keeping room. 325, E., Jackson St. I Phone 211. 290 FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms. 611 S. Central. FOR KENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT 34 acres good 'soil 2M: , miles from Medford, on good road to rent on shares. Address Medford P. O. Box 1124. 290 FOR RENT Buck Lake pastures, 2000 acres; inquire The California- . Oregon Power Company, Medford, Ore. 290 FOR RENT 80 acres or land under water, 2 miles of Medford, good bouse. Address Bert Anderson, room 302 Liberty building. tf FOR RENT Vory deBlrable offices in the Medford Building, single or In . suite, beBt In Medford. Steam heat, janitor service, reasonable. Inquire room 414 Medford Bldg. or Phone 642. 250tf FOR RENT Garage at 1103 W Tenth , St. Phone 82. ' tf BUSINESS OPi'DBTCNlTIES ' FOR SALE Furnished apartment house, paying $80 per month, close in- -jiuou win nandle. Address Box 2G, Tribune. 292 GOOD BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES at No. 16 N. Grape St., Phone 466-J. tt ' TAKKN IP TAKEN UP One black and whito cow, no mark or brand visible, Phone R-13-X. 289 NOTICE. I have moved my office to the Medford Center Building. I am 'organizing 'my Real EBtato Business more especially to take care of Orchard Tracts, Business Property and Timber; also land that can be .subdivided or that 1b for immediate sale at a bargain. I have connections in Portland, Eugene, San Francisco and Los .Angeles who are cooperating with me. If you have a pear orchard that Is partly In Boac or could be .grafted U Bobc, our company will be interested. Phono 784 -L 3. O. BARNES '411 Medford Center Bldg. F(R SALE OK EXCHANGE A HIGHWAY HOMF. SMALL RANCH -CLOBIi IN ' 22 acres, half of which is creek bottom land, fine for truck garden or alfalfa; about 7 acres now In alfalfa, balance In other crops. . Can ' rent water for irrigation. Fine big barns and sheds; 2 good chicken houses, brick milk houBe, GOOD NINE ROOM HOME, bath, etc., city arid well water. Just stone'B throw off Pacific Highway north of Med ford, close to schools. A real opportunity for small dairy or truck garden. Cleur of debt. (Will exchange for town property or farm.) SEE US TODAY FOUR-SITE REALTY AGENCY Rooms 400-UO Mwlford Ccntro Bldg. Business OpIHji (unities Real Estate MONEY MAKING INVESTMENTS For poultry. 5 acres located ono and one-half miles west of Medford. Just the place for poultry and small fruits; irrigated and fenced. Neat tour room plastered cottage; largo pantry and screened porch; well . und pump: wood bouse and stuhlo. ' Price $200(1. C'aBh payment of $r0T 00 and $600.00 per year for three ypnrs, noven per cent Intorcst. 30 acres for alfalfa and poultry. Located two nilliw east of Medford, alt ran be Irrigated; 5 acres good bearing pears; small houso. All good for alfalfa, grain, fruit, and vegetables. We are Instructed to sell this for 300fl.OO; cash payment of $1000.00 and $500.00 per year for four years with Interest at six per cent. Does this sound reasonable as au Investment. 12 acres natural woods only ono and one-half miles from Medford; can be Irrigated: Bandy loam soil. Just tho placo for raising turkeys and chlrkoiis. No buildings. You cannot afford to pass this up. The price is only $1000.00, with a cobIi payment of $275.00 and $25.00 per month. Talk about "you bargains, this is one. Suburban home site of 4 acres fronting on tho paved highway two miles out; all cultivated and plenty of freo water for the pumping. Best of soil for Intense farming. The price Is about the same as a good city lot on paving, and carries the conveniences of paved road; electricity; dally mall and telephone. Do you realize what you can produce on 4 acres of good land?. Price $1300 00; terms. We are in noi'tlon to make farm and city home loans on n six per cent basis for a straight term of years and on easy payments. We offer you a safe Investment for year savings account which will make you six per cent compound Interert. J. W. DRESSLER CO. Phone SMK. 12 Kant Main rlt. YK8, WE WRITE FIRE INSURANCE J M-Y I WONDER IF I AWV awake: MONEY TO LOAN FARM LOANS Medl'ord National Furin Loan Association. F. P. Par rel!, secretary, Jackson County Dank Bldg. LOANS City and business properties Building loans. W. 0. Wright. 701 W. Eleventh St., city. Phono 445-Y. 290 MONEY TO LOAN on Improved ranch security, $000 or less. 6 per cent IrftnrHst. O. C. llngga. Attorney for State Land Floard. Jackson Oountv. TOR S.W.F REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Small placo adjoining Mudford, 22 acres, suitable for dairy ing or farming; good soil, modern house and bam. Prico $1800. Ad, dress P. O. Box 1054, Medfonl, Ore. 290" FOR SALE Stock ranch, :S0 ncretf, 25 miles from Medl'ord, Little Butte valley, about 100 acres cultivation; irrigation, 7 room house. 2 barns, prlco $22 per aero. Bargain. E. S. Tumy, 209 Liberty Bldg. 290 FOR SALE OR TRADE One of the finest 16 acre tracts one mile north of Medford on the highway a fine ten-room modern house, large barn, two acres of clover pasture, 7 acres of Bartletts and D'Anjous with all equipment. If you are looking for a nice home this is iL J. W. Smylio, Phone 314-W. 291 FOR SALE Property netting 10 per cent on purchase price of $2250. Certainty of big increase In value as business block. $650 down, balance like rent. Box 541. 290 FOR SALE Forty-four acre creok bottom ranch, alfalfa, grain and orchard. Full oquipment and build ings, near town. , Sell whole or rent orchard. Box 48, Mall Tribune. 288 FOR SALE 7 room modern bungalow 3 bedrooms, good sized kitchen, bnlltln ' features,,, sleeping porch. . $1500' will bundle, balance on easy terms. .. . . 7 room story and half houBe. 4 bedrooms, good sized kitchen, $S00 will handle, balance on easy terms. Tbo above properties on paved Btreot asd In betf residential sec tion. Owners leaving town; must be sold. Phone 1028. 19 Cnrgill Court, tf rORSALETllENT"bR TRADE Alf alfa. grain, stock ranches, orchards, also city property. Gold Ray Realty Co., No. 15 N. Grape St., Phone 466-J. tf Exilmngr'K f uQVE II 7 V bV -WHAT'S THE MATTER? AREfOO DEAO? Kfe V-U )- LJPWITH iwi THAT FOOD OR I'LL dd OUT TO EAT ' K8TRAYE!) STRAYED From my plnee two miles . southeast of Gold Hill, black cow I branded Nl) on hip. Mrs. C. W. Stauley, Central Point, R. 1, Box 60. 287 ' FOR SALE AUTOMOIHLKS FO"K""SALK Dort touring car, motor overhauled, In fine condition. Tires almost new including spare. Bum per, stop light, now license. Excep tional bargain for quick sale. Phono 1063. : 287 FOR SALF LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Cows. Phono 639-R-4. FOR SALE Good horso 1100 pounds, or will trade for cow. Phone 691-R-I. FOR SALE Grade, puro bred and j rcgistorod Duroc Jersey sows, to farrow In March and April: also one j prize winning registered Duroc boar , Call Bert Anderson, Modford, or J Mlravlsta Orchard. tf FOR SALE Cown Just fresh, select, federal tested. M. Walsh, one mile NE of Medford on Crater Lake road. 307 FOR SALE Puppies, Arabian ter riers, real beauties. Phone 591-R 1. 2Sltf FOR SALE One good team wolght 2400 lbs., wind mill with 30-fot. tower and good pump. Frank Hous ton, Trail, Ore., throe miles north of Dodge bridge on west Bide of river. VOTi SAiiK POULTRY AND EGGS FOR SALE Muacovy and 1. Runner drakes; also hutching eggs one dol lar por sotting. W. H. Arnold, route 1, Box 31. 289 FOR SALIC Brown Leghorn hens. Coll after 6, T. W. Scott, S. Poach. . 287 FOR SALE Bred-to-lny W. L: pullets ten months old; produc;ng heavy now. Can show record. Phono 86-Y. 288 FOR SALE Single comb White Leg i bora eggs for hatching. Mrs. SI oili er. Phono 86-11. 1 287 FOR SALE White Loghoru prlzo winning eggs $4.60 per , Hundred. Tel. 252 Jacksonville. 291" FOR SALE Dark tarred rock cock erels; also hatching eggs. J. W. Cook, R. 3, Box 48, Phone 969-R. 289 FOR SALE Bronze turkey hens, one and two years oia, n.uu eacu. ruime 91-M. ' .287 tOR SALE Baby chicks and hatch ing eggB from 2 year old Hoganlzed hens, S. C. Rhode Island Rods, win ners and Inyers; won 6 firsts Ash land show, and 3 special ribbons from Rhode Island Red club of America. 8. C. White Leghorn pure Tancred Btrnln. Rod Wing Poultry Yard, phone 805-Y, Medford, Ore. .1 309 FOR SALE Hatching eggs. Dark Barred Rock, $3.00 for fifteen. J. W. Cook, R, 3, Box 18. , Phono B69-R. 1 311 FOR SALE Two purebred Light Brahma roosters. Call 341-J-l. 294 FOIt SALE Hr.tchlng esgs $0.00 hun dred, from Single comb White Leg horns. All breeders selocted by use of the trapnest. No pullots or low producers used.' Dr. 0. A. Wlnans, Phone 344-M.. 200 FOR SALE Burred Rock eggs for batching, O. A. C. strain. Phone 201-J. . ' ' . 238 PGR SALE R. I. Rod batching egns, PhonA 573. ' 29B IT'S A WONDERFUL OIL The 'mnny- compliments paid us foy'Users of Vnl volinc Oil eoHviuecs us we arc frivinf? the auto ist more for his money than ho can get else where. JONES & KIRKPATRICK Next to Nat. A Real Service Station i 1 ' ' .. Ifi23 By Geo:' fie FOR SALlv DOMES FOR SALE Four room houso with hutli, partly furnished, truit ami berries, large outbuildings. , 63 7 Austin St. 283 FOR SALE My attractive home on W. Tenth St. Phono 244. 2SU- FOR SALE If you want to buy a home 1 have many nlco homes in a ( real home town. ' Prices are now ! lower than thoy will over be again. Can give terms on some. Can suit 1 every one, grounds from ono lot to five acres. J. L. Roe, Jacksonville, Oregon.v , 291 FOR SALE Cheap. 6 room house and 16 'ucrro on Spring St.! In cultivation J. N. McCuno. R. 3, Box 39. 311 FOR SALE OR TRADE Modorn now suburban home, all city conveni- onces, ten miles ROtith of Portland' on highway. Easy terms. C. L. Squler, Routo 1, Grants Pass, Ore. , - ' 2877 FOR SALE An eight room house, modern conveniences, centrally lo cated, $2000 down, the rest on easy payments. Phone 593-R. 21H) FOR SALE Modern four room houso and good lot; assessments all paid; easy payments; room No. 4, College IlldK.. 31 N. Grape St. 281 tf" FOR SALE Houses and bungalows, furnished or unfurnished; als9 acreage. Insurance. C. S. But torfleld, Medford Natloual Bank. Phone 389. , FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE7-Hannrhen barley for seed.. Pure and clean, 2V4c per lb. Phono 4 F-13, Eaglo Point. 289 FOR SALE Thioc-burnut oil Btove I with oven. Alno a cook stove with . reservoir at halt prlco. Phono 201-W. .. ,.f 288 1 FOiru&Studonts violin outfit : I crystal radio set, phones, aerial. ' wdii at dzo in. ivroni auor p p. 111. st FOR "SALE Choice Iron bod. SB Newtown. 287 FOR 8ALE St. Regis everbearing, ranpberries, $1.00 per doi. Slewurt, Phone 900, : . 290 FOR S-ALE Homo canned fruit. Phone 943-J. '408 "W. Sixth St. 887 i FOR SALE 8 Vi tons first class grain ! hay. baled, $24 por ton. Iwrulro H. I A. Fergus, R. 2, Box llfl. 290 FOR SALE Small Iowa cream separ ator. Phone 900-J. 289, FOR SALE Early Sunrlso seed pota toes. Phoua 189-W, C. M, Parkor. ' 288 1 .. . 1 FOR SALE Hoardless seed barley. James Campbell. Phone 17-F-21. 287 FOR SALE" Baled clenn alfalfa, $20 a ton. Salade Ranch, Central Point 287 FOR SALE Cory Thornless Black berry rooted tips- $1.60 per doz., $12.00 per too. T. J. Noonon, Cen tral Point, Oregon. ' 29f ni'SINUSH DlHKOTOHY Chiropractic Physician DR. HARVKTi p. COLEMAN Chlro practlc and Electro-Therapy. 427 28 Medford Bldg.- Phone 966. tf DR. A. R. HEDGES Neo-Eclectlc Physician., DR. LOUISE E H EDO ICS Naturopathic Chiro practor. Mechano-Therapy, Epon dylothorapy, Food Sciences,' Chlro ' practice. Offlco: " Stewart Bldg., 235 E. Main St. Phones: Office, 170; Res. 170-J-2. ' " ' DR. E. W. HOFFMAN Chlroprac tlo Physician, Office hours 9 to I 12, 2 to 6. Suite 20S-O4-06-O8, Lib er'ty Bldg. Office Phone 6K0, Res 1027. Oakland . Completely . - Overhauled ' Good Tires $350 Sea this before buying;. Term if desired C. E. Gates Auto Co. rxttr-jL 1 1 .- re a 1920 PAG 13 SEVEN MoManus ni'KINKSS DIRECTORY Abstractors MURRAY BROS. & GREENE Abstracts of Title Rooms 3 and 5 No. 32 North Centra) Ave., up stairs. ..... Jarkson County ABSTRACT CO. The only complete Tl-. I le System In Jackson County. Abstracts of Title nd Title Insurance. I WATSON & KELLOGG Reliable j Jackson oounly abstractors of t , ties. Guld Hill. Oregon. . ; Attorneys O. C. BOG OS Lawyer. Specializes In Real Estate and Probate Law. 30 North Central Ave. A E. REAM ES Lawyer, office In Liberty Building Building Materials MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK . A BLOCK WORKS Specialize in all kinds of cement building products Cor. Fir nud Tenth Streets. Dentists DR. O. J. JOHNSON Dentist, 228 K. Main St., over M, M. Dept. Store, Medford, Oregon. Phone 669, -Res, 1002-Y. Office hours 9 a. m--6 p. m. Evenings and Sunday by appointment. Kxpcrt Accountant ! LIS On7j3 dTtI N G CO. -IS! M Wit son, C. P. A. Attention given to .anything In accounting and In come Tax requirements Look Into", our simplified accounting method. Liberty Uldg.. Modford ' Phone 157-R ' Money to Loan J. R, ANDRE WS-Buys and soli) mortgages and loans money 0. ' good security, ' 31 N Orapo St" Phone 63-M. ' :' 248 -1 Monuments ;HE OREGON QRAN1TE ' CO. Monumcnls. E. A. Hicks, general ' manager. P. M. Kershaw, salei manager,' 103 E. Sixth St.. Med lord. tf.' Osteopaths DR. F 0. CARLOW. DR. EVA MAINS: CARLOW Osteopathic Physician!' 41G-418 Liberty Rldg. Phons 904-J-3. Residence 28 . South; Laurel St . ,; DR.WrV. HOWARD Osteopathic Physician. Special attention given , to eye, ear, nose and throat. 800. Liberty Building. Phone 496. . ' Physicians and Surgeons. DR. WM W. P. HOLT PhyBiclan", and Surgeon. Offices Medford'. Bldg. Phone 165. Residence 118 ; Uenosee St. Phone 165-J-2. ' DR. A. BURSELL Physician and Surgeon, 312 to 314 Medford Bldg. ' Entrance 36 N. Central. Special 1 attention to spine. Phone 29.' -'' ' Piano Instruction FRED ALTON HAIOHT Teacher Ot . Plnno and Harmony. Composing, , Arranging. ' Studio 318 Liberty Bldg. Phone 72. .' ": Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO., has the , ; best equipped printing office in.. Southern Oregon. Book binding. loose leaf ledgers, billing systems. I etc. Portlnnd prices. 27 N. Fir St Rug Weaving MEDFORD FLUFF. RUO WORKS ' : makes fluff rugs from old and! : worn carpets and rugs , Phont , ! J. Fin" St'' ' ' ' ' '' ' Transfor v;. EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO ottice 4Z nous Front Bt. pnone,. 816. Prices right. Service guar- 5AV18 TRANSFER AND STORAGE.. CO. Anything moved, day or ' night Service guaranteed. 29 8. ; Drape. " Phone: Office 644, 01 1 residence, 647-R or 20. ' ' tf Upholstering J. WEIS Upholstery, Manufacturer ; of overstutred furniture. Full line , of materials. ' Draperies made tO order.' We do nil kinds of nphol' storing. , We deliver and will call , tnd show samples lt,iVnnvlll . 0 Phnn 101 if Auditing. AYSTEM ERVICEIO:' iriaurejvtcwcylrvvestmentsrf -: Und Floor r MtsUf Bld(, ,