rIEDPOTlD ItXTL TRTBTTXTS. 'STEDFfi'RT), OTiFiO. MON'DAY. Ffir.TUTAftY 20. T02rE INTO HIGH GEAR TO FINISH WQRK BIG LEAGUERS I OTanT nnmnnr WASHlNfiTOX, 1VI). 20. CoilKros went Into IiIkIi (,'onr todav to n ilinvor to rliun up Important 1ik1"1u tlon rauifht In tho iirs-ndjournmeiu Jain on whli.h efforts will bo con eentPiited for tho runminliiK week of Die session. While tho senate, In tho words of Its supporters, was performing the inal "obsequies" for the adinlnistru WTon BhippinK bill to make way for other leKlslHtion. the house tackled first the deficiency appropriation bill.' There was prospect of enactment of, upproxiniateiy 100 other bills. Tho fate of niany of these rests more in i the house than in the senate, where the preadjournment jam appears not as bail this year as in the house. Tho shipping' bill, tho defeat of which is conceded, coining up first on a pending motion to recommit, was expected to survive that, but was expected to bo buried finally by dis placement for the "filled milk" bill or some other legislation. TJiis will put line for action also In the sen ate fcio "truth In fabrics", bill, which raises tho prospect of another fili busterlnR move, there with threats of this seen also nftniuxt several other measures in. both houses. The senate Is expected to find time for some sharp debato on tho admin istration's proposal for conditional American representation in The llnifiic international court of justice, under the League of Nations, al-. IioukIi no action is expected on it. ' Efforts for enactment also are ex-l poeted to be concentrated on tho kov ernment employes' salary reclassifi cation nnd the foreign service reor ganization bills. Vigorous attempts to secure notion in the house will be . made in behalf of the Norris consti tutional amendment, chanim; the date of the presidential inauguration and the convening of conercss and tho flood control bill. "Cascarets" 10c For Sluggish Liver or Constipated Bowels Clean your hmvds! Feel fine! When you feel Rick, dizzy, unset, when your head is dull or aching, or your stomach ia sour or gassy, Just take one or two Cascarets to relieve constipation. Ao (jripinc nicest lnxative-culhartinon 'Brtli for grown-ups and children. 10c a ' box. Td&to like candy. Hurd Land & Investment Co. AHB PRKrAKEI TO HELP YOU, IN YOl'H IX VESTMENTS. If you wiHh to Incorporate, SECURE Insurance) of any kind. Make ji loan, Havo your tiflo examined, CALL OX US. 402 Me4fonl BldR. Tel. 42. SiPRAY RIO REPAIRING Williams Implement Service 28 H. Itartlctt Phono 20H "Spring Is v Nearly Here Von will be wanting to clean tlin olil car up and niuko it look like new. Wo hnvo a fino assortment of HpoiiKro anl chamois and an as sortment of tlio iM-st auto clean its, polishes, nuto paint and brushes to Iw had. Auto Supply Co. Just around ho coiner III X. Ilurtlett Doc Wright Blue Front Fixit Shop 111 8. Boll; St, "WE FIX ANYTHING" Phono 431 Rjiuir Iliad Sharpening HEAT WITH COAL Place Your Order Now for Quick Delivery Hansen Coal Co. (Successors to Ends) 81 H. Fir St. Phone 230-J WATCH YOUR BATTERY PREST-O-T.ITB IUTTERT STATION jTor Qnlrk Srrrtre rTione lt9 OlAK! nW Hit nilCAflO, Feb. SC. As the ad vance KUnrd of the I'hlcuKO Ameri can lciKue baseball club prepared to depart toniKht for Its sprint; ti-ainin!! ituarters at KcKuin, Texas, Harry (Irabiner, secretary of the club, an nounced that negotiations are pend ing for the purchase of a star right handed pitcher, now owned by ono of the eastern major league clubs. Secretary draliincr declined to di vulKo the pitcher's name. NEW YOHK, Feb. 20. This Is exodus day for the New York Na tionals. With the departure of n local delegation headed by Frankie Frlsch, Cllnnts in all parts of tho country entrained for Hnn Antonio. Texas where they will go into train ing for another drive upon the world's championship. CT. LOUIS, Mo., Feb. 20. The first session of practice was on the pro Rram for tho Kt. Louis Cardinals when they reach their trainlnn camp In Florida, according to dispatches received hero. About forty players arrived. ST. LOUIS, Mo.. Feb. 26. Headed by .Manager Loo Fohl, coaches and trainers, eight players of tho St. Louis Browns left hero for thoir training quarters at Mobile, Ala. LOS ANOELFK. Fen. ZG. A car's length Riivo Jimmy Murphy victory in the 20 mile national champion ship automohilu race tho first mo tor car speed contest, of 1923 at the Los A n Kt I oh speedway yesterday nnd put Dennett Hill in second place. Hill, Vho Jokingly referred to him self as a "hard luck" champion, re ceived only 15000 'and 1 200 . points toward tho 11123 . chainpionHhlp, whereas. M urphy. the brief distance Thin? Run-down? Sure Way to Get Right Weight Increase Your Red-Blood -Oil.. That's the Sure Wayl S. S. S. Builds Blood Cells; This Means Strength! Do yon know why Insurance com ta il Ips refuse to Insure a great many mes bccauite they are under weight? Slmpl because to be under weight often prev low (Jghtlng-pnwer In the body. It often minim too are mlous nerre-power, minus red-cells In your blood, minus hen 1th, minus energy, minus vitality. It is siv rlous to ho minus, but tho moment, you InrrenR tho number of your red-blnnd cells, you begin to beenme plus. Thnt's why R. S. S., slnr iS2tt, has nionnt to thousands of underweight men nnd wnmnn, plus in tbulr strength. Hollow cheek fill out. You stop being a calnmlly-loulier. You Inspire confidence. Your body fill! to the point of power, your flesh heroine firmer, the age linos (hat come from thin ness disappear. You look youncer, firmer, happier, ami you fool It, too, nil over your boflr. More rcu-bloorl-cellsl H. S. H. will build them. Ladies -nnd pontleoirn, a praky, bony fare doosn't mnke Ton Innk "ry Important er pretty, dooa It? Take S. P. B. It contains only pure TPirotnhlc mrdlrlnal Inpredlent. B. B. 8. Is sold at all drua stores la two sIxps. Tho larcer size bottle Is the more economical. S2J v maket yovTfecl O.V.MYERS, "Tlio Truck Man" f MACK TRUCKS REO SPEED WAGONS :tO X. Holly IMtono am chunq China Herb Store Thta ta xo certiry that aim Chun ot Modford, Ore., hi cured me of Koltr and stomach trouble, 8. M, Leonard 609 J St., Oratitff Pans, This Is to certify that Olm Chuna; ot Medford, Ore., hnn cured me ot ruptuw of four yoara' atnnilln. F. Q. Iaham 418 8 St., Grants Prsh, Ore. Medford, Or-fRon, Jan. IS, 1917. Thta Is to eprtlfy that I, the under slirnM, had verv wvprn atomach troubl and had been bothered for avvernl yeart and last Aunust wan not expected tc live, and hearlna; of Qim Chung (whemf Hern atore Is at 214 Houtb Front street Medford), 1 decided to iret herbs for m stomach trouble, and I started to feellnt better as soon as I used them and toda am a well man nnd can heartily recom mend anvone f flirted an I was to e Qim Chung and try his Herbf (Hignrd) W, R, JOHNSON. WitMPWi: Wm. I-ewls. EKle Point W. I. Cl.ildreth, Eaule Point M A, AndcrwMi, I led for J, 8. B. Hlmr, EaRle Point. C K. Moore, Firie Point. J. V. Mclntyre, r-agle Point Oeo. Von dT Hellen. Eatcle Point, Tt-oa. K. Nichols, Esi Point JIMMY MURPHY BREAKS RECORD AND WINS PURSE iJu-ad at the finish, took J'JOOO and but) points. To get tho checkered flaw ahead of him Murphy was forced to set what was said to bo a new world's record for the distance un average speed of lift. 05 miles an hour nnd both Murphy mid Hill broko tho former record of J 14.0 miles an hour set by Murphy on tho sapio course IJecem bcr 3. last. Murphy made one lap at the rate of UG.& miles tin hour. Kitlph DcPulina, ateo was n victim of hard luck. After driving more than half tho race in poeond place, ho was forced Into the pits with two blown out tires. By this ho lost two full laps, but finally succeeded in reaching nnd holding third place, winning $3000 and 140 points. Fddlo Hearno was fourth. Frank Elliott, fifth, Tommy Milton, sixth, Darin Itesta, seventh, Art Klein, eighth, W. . ( 1 leu vy foot) . Morton, ninth and Jerry Wonderlich, tenth. LOS ANGELES, Cal.. Feb. 26. Mrs. May Sutton Hundy, fonneily world's champion woman tennis Oliv er, proved she still Is one of tho coun try's leading plnyers here yesterday when sho defeated Miss Eleanor Gobs of New York In tho finals In the women's singles of tho southern Cali fornia annual mid-winter invitational tournament, 1-0, C-4, T-G. C.reb to right In London. NEW YOHK. Feb. 26 Harry Greh. who lost the American light heavyweight championship to (leno Tunney Inst Friday, announced that ho had accepted terms for a bout with Jack Uloomfleld, English pugi list, in Albert hall, London, somo tlmo In June. Grcb said he had been of fered K'000 and five per cent of tho motion picture rights. NEW YORK, Feb. 26. More than 200 amateur boxoru nnd wrestler from nl) parts of tho Bountry aro ontrrcd for tho A. A. U. national fion lor nnd junior wreHtltnir slmmpion shlpH to be hold tonlht, Tuosdny nnd AWdnt'sduy at Madiaou Square Gar den. Hoxing tltloa will bo decided In all divisions from flyweight to heavy weight, whilo vresllinif ehiinipion shlps will be decided in eight classes. NEW TOIt K. Feb. 26. Loading amateur billiard players in tho coun try aro entered to play In the na tional class A IS. 2 balk lino lourna-: nient beginning in llrooklyn today, j The tournament will last until March S. Edgar Appleby, tho champion. will defend his title, but will not play until the semi-finals when ho will meet tho runners up of tho two di visions. By Mary O. Corey. There was given a social six o'clock dinner at tho pleasant, homo of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Frame of Tulent last Wednesday evening In honor of their son, Dunn, and wife, who aro visiting at home !Jut now. Only, a few of their most intimate friends were in vited. A delicious menu was serves, consisting of chicken and Knlftd hot rolls and cako and Ico cream; la fact a.l the good things for which the Ladies of tho Aid arc noted to bo able to cook nnd serve. The Talent ladles feel very kindly toward the ladies of Ashland's club, for their donation of a $50 check. This Is true neighborliness. "How much better to show this kind of ncighborlincHS than to try to grab everything for Ashland! Talent la-j dies will feel like spending their j money with their neighbors, we should imagine. This is tho kind of love which counts for the good of tho entlro valley. . Your correspondent received a let ter from Chehalls, Washington, ask ing about the Trigonia well, one day' last week. - Wc tdiould bo, glad of somo definite Information to givo out; to the inquiring public- Wo want tho true facts, in order that there bo no' come-back. If Interested persons come hero i the strength of what ia . given out. I Last week I fniled to report that Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds of Kugeno were In tho valley, guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Itoyer of Forn valley. Mr. 13. K. Oatnian, fruit inspector for this county, was in Talent oti business Saturday, and called a few minutes at tho homo of your cor respondent. Mm. F. 13. Furry of Phoenix was spending the evening with Mrs. J. W. Watkins last Thursday. Mr. A. H. Hearn is reported ou tho sick list tho last ten days. Hut Is some better at this writing. Mrs. L. A. Keumes spent last Sun day with her Hon, Earnest Kcames and family at Central J'ofnt. Mrs. T. T. UlmpHon, mother of Mrs. Noah Candler, Is recovering from her recent critical ailments, under tho ef ficient euro of Dr. Malmgrun of Phoe nix. When tho Talent ladles get their new kitchen completed, wo will call on them for ono of their good din nei'N and wo know wo will not be dis-, appointed. A delightful shower was given by thu ladies of thu Legion Oak Clrclu No. 24, for Mrs. Neil Franklin of Medford, on , Washington's birthday, at tho heuAtiful home of Mm. Lloyd C'olver at Phoenix. Mrs. Franklin 1h a former Phoenix girl, tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Furry and a great grand daughter of the late Hani uel C'olver, one of tho first settlers In tho Hoguo IUver valley. Tho many- beautiful gifts were handed to Mm. Franklin by tho little Missed Agnes Coleman and Charlotte Furry, us gift hearers in a very charming way. Mrs. Franklin, after rucvlvlng tho glftH nnd reading tho little verses that accompanied them, thanked her many friends In acccp-j tunco. : Fruit salad, salted wafers, enko and coffee were served as refreshments, and tho colors appropriate to the day were carried out In both the lunch eon and the decorations. Commltteo In charge were: Deco ration Mr. Wm. Carle, Mm. W. S. Klancliff. Kocoptlon Mr. L. A. He a men, Mr. M. Itosc, Mr. F. K. Furry, Ms. Walter Alien. llefresh ments Mm. C. Carey. Mm. F. K. Furry, Mm. E. O. Coleman. Hostess Mrs. Lloyd Colver. ! EDEN PRECINCT j DfondiT N nn it'll Judr.v. MARION, III.. Feb. 26. Angus W. Kerr, chief counsel for the men ac cused of participation in tho Herrln mine Huvings. has been appointed city Judge nt lteiiton, it became known today. The appointment wus made by governor Small. NOTICE AND bUfe'ONS. IN THK t'lIU'lIT iVPItT OF THE STATE UK OUKOON, Foil JACKS' N IHU'STY JAi'KSON CO V NTT, a body politic and v.n-ptrrue oi uio diuio oi ureHoit, Plaintiff, VH. Clurn M. Hawk. Mrs. Ihituui HtllWill. Agm-H II. Suiuletson, U. It. I.litl.s O. It. Little and Benjamin and Ana lu-all, Ivun Magruder, W. B, Price and Joo K. Daniel, itruwn A Vun dcr HrlWm, S. H. Uarnlah. T. E. Nichols and Fred .. llialh, Hrown & Von der llidlen and V . C Clements. Hrown un def Helb-n, et nl. Ciiri V. Itlnger. 11. A. and F. 1. Hprugii, Fluyd 1. Snr;iiruia, Hrown & Von der Hellfti nml A. .1. Huicher and 11. ft. Ib lwiK. M. c. Har mon. 11. O Hlldretti, Stisi 10. tiar- Mom HelHt-Y, jMUtc llotis, MoldiT, :-n. C. Oiurctt, A. StimltlinK. N.-ttlt Thompson, .lo Pope, Sain Witlsh, Mrs. P. Applettate and Jtm Hecho. L. M. .Miller, Orue A. Lulluoi.. Imnl.-l Wtl llums. J. F. ILtKHdiilc. Nttl. Plttnitli. California lt'X Spray Company, liurn I w ren t z, John J . W 1 1 k i n hon, C. B. C'nrleton and A. L. Ttinner, Hudolpli A. Conrad mid Anna Connoi. John L. I eimm-r, et uv, J. L. I 'enuner and f'ltv of Medford. fieo. HtMl. Juinti ii. Ward, et ux, IL II. Toft and CUv of .Meniorn. r;. i-. itutnrie, l. inwn mmil, C. A. Knight unit 10. M. Wilson. In-rt Anderson and Mary Aj:iiv Kver itt, Herbert K. Smith. It. II. Toft, At. E. Uoijehy, 11. It. Itundlott. llora 10. Humeri. L. M. Hhods. S. F. Itickeri and Alex hparrow, i-.iiza J. Im-wIh, ., M. KhooeN unci unn tuishotiir, i. .:. White. J. T. Sulllvfin. Lola Ada p. tch. Fred K. Gore, Walter K. Martin, Ib-ienl L Kat'dtcor, St;. Anthonv lr. urn) , Arthur L. Hill. St. Anthony Inc. B. H. I'Hivls, A. If. Miller. City of Med-: ford and Lainoillf Suvtni; Hunk and Trust Oomminv, tirace Wold and CUv of Medfurd, H'lle Cochrun. J. B. Toft and CHy of Medford. L. O. Crawford, ' City of Medford and T. O. Carney, MiitfRlo M. Butcher, MoJlte T. Pluck. John E. Lnnluun. H. S. Hudley, W. A. Jones, Herbert L. Alfird and It. H. Toft, T. It. Tanner. J. T. Gannon and llmt National Hank of Medford, John W. Kldun and U. K. (ttmtuu, Lexington Hisilty Co., and Frank B. Iteese, C. L. Burton, J..W; Kenny et ux, Lexington Healty Co; and W. C Foster, Lex Inn ton Iteolty Co. and Agm-s C. Cmn dnll, U. M, Stewart and Stewart Lund Co., L. I. March, Walter M. Seward. Anno iVdude. S. C. Stlmsun, H. C. Stoddard, Lewis Lager and hstucadu Statu Hank, H. K. Oliver. J. W. Pitt and Mary Kilgore, K. J. Llpson und Lexington Itenlty Co.. S. S. BuUla. John Arnelt and Oncar Johnson. Li-x-lngton Itealty Co. and A. B. Ueumert, J. F. Gilbert. J. A. Hose and Lena 11. McKitmie, and L. A. MeKensle, KimI Hwurtz et al.. F. M. ApdiTson. Pruden tial .Mining Co. arid W. 1. Iktnnvun. Li' x in k ton Itealty Co.. .V T Florey and lAxlngton Ht-jilty CV. Wltlium ii. Sherld. Frm-r & Frultarowera Hank. Iavls ft Miller, A. H. Miller. James i. Minun, i:. it. tvrvy, iiena liarr. Idella CSordon, L. H. Samuels, F. K. . Merrick, Trustee. J. n. oiwell. Alfrtd A. Coles and A. C. Ftero, Alfred A. Cowles, M. and B. J. A. lams. J. 11. Carklu and B. W.. L. Carkin. J. B. Iashain. and each and every rrson. lirm and corporation nannHi in tho to) lowing lists as belnc the owiivr or owners, uccording to the tnx toh of JucHon County. State of Oregon, of tracts and purcvlH of land, lota and block therein described and following thlr respective names anil each and every person, firm and corporation owning or clnlmlng to own or having or claiming to nave any tnter'Hi, ner or claim therein and uhto t 11 other persons and parties unknown claiming iny right, title, estate, lien or Intui-'Si in the real estate described In the Complaint and Appllcatl'.i for Judg ment una iA-cive Herein, uexenuaius. To. Clara M. Hawk, Mrs. Hanna Stllwoll, 'Agn'S II. Sanderson, O." U, . Llttl, O, H. Little nnd Henlamln and Ann Henll. Ivan Magrudi-r, W. B. Price and Joe r, imnieis, iirown von uvr ueinn. S. H. Harnlsh. T. 12. Nichols and Fred L. Heath. Brown A Von der Hellen and W, C. Clements, Brown & Von der Hel- lert ei m (tin v. longer, If. A. and F. V. Sprague, IHoyd l). Sprague, Brown & Von der Ibd len and A. J. Rutcher nnd II. fl. Helwlg, M. O. Harmon. II. C. Hll- dreth, Susie B. liarnlnh. Flora Kel- sey, Isaac HoiiKoholdtT, Geo. (!. Gar- - rett. A. Sclunlt tnrr. Nettlo T homnron, Joe Pope, Sam Walsh, Mrs. P. Apple gate nnd John Hocbo. L. M. Miller, Gnuce A. Lnthrop. Hanlel Williams, j . v . itagsfiaie, rsetue I'liman, uinior nla Rex Horny Comnany. Laura Lmw rentz, John J. Wilkinson, C H. Carles- ion nnu a. ii. runner, uuooipu a. Conrad, and Anna Conrad. Joim L. I)emuier, et ux, J. L. Demmer and City of Medford, Gco. Recti. Jtimes p Ward, et ux, It, II. Toft and City of .Mcnioni, Ij. i' . wuinrie, c. i own send. (!. A. Knlsht. and K. M. Wilson Hert Anderson and Mary Agnes By. M. B Dauchy. H. H. Hundlett," Flora K. iiarncH. L. M. KhOdes. H. K. Kies . ert and Alrx Sparrow. Kliza ,T. Lewis. L. M. Khodea and Tom Huahonct. L. C. While, j. T. Sullivan, Loin Ada Pet eh. Fred E. Gere, Walter R. Martin. Iteleji B. Snedtcer, St. Anthony Inc. and. Arthur L. Hill. St. Anthony, Inc.. fcj. i(. Ltnvis. a. it. Mil lor. i y ot Aiemnrn, ljnmoiJio tavinffs nani and Trust Compsnv, Grace Wold, and City of Medford. Helle Cochran, J. B. Toft and City of Medford, L. B. Crawford. tty of Medfurd and T. G. Carney. Maggie M. Butcher. MolHo T. Black, John B. La sham, II. H. I.wdley, W. A. Jones, Herbert L. A) ford and K. II. Toft, T. n. Tanner, J. T. Gagnon and First ftniionai Hank or Mouioro, John W. Blilnn und R. B. Gordon, Lex ington Real IV Co. and Frank B. Heesri, C L. Uurton, J. W. Kenny et ux, Lexington Ileal tv Co. and W. C. Foster, Lexington Itealty Co. and Airne C. Crandall. I). M. Stewart ami Stewart Land Co., L. J. March, Walter M. hteward. Anna Uel title, . t:. Hiiiiilv son, H. C. Stoddard, It-wls Lager and lOHtftcadoi Hlate jinnK, m. K. Oliver, J. W. Pitt and Mary Kllifore. B. J. Lipson and LexlnHtm Itali y Co., S. K. IlulllH. John Arm) and Oscar John- ron. A. C. Tarbell and S. H. Tarbcll, Lexlnirtoii Realtv Co. and A. B RenmeH, J. F. Gilbert. J. A. lt?e nnd Iena B. McKlnsie. and L. A. McKln sle, led Swart r. et al., F. M. And-r- son. I'npieniiai .Mining i o. una w. i. lonovan. Ixlnirtoii Haltv Co.. A. 1. Florey nnd Lexington Heal I y Co., wmium it. Mierio. mrmers Fruit growers Hank. Davis A Miller, A. H. Miller, Jos. G. Smith, C. 11. Corey, Rena Parr, Idella Gordon. L. It. SamtiHs. F. B. Merrick. Trustee. J. I. OlWi-11. Alfn.il A. Coles und A. C. Fiero, Airred A. owie, .v. und i;. J Adams. J. II. Carklu und K. W. L Carkin, J. 10. LuHham, and each nnd every- pr?o7i, firm nnd corporation named in the following lists an be I tin the owner or owners, accord in ir to the tax rolls Of Jackson County, HtJito of Oregon, or tracts ami pureeis or Pino, lots nnd blocks therein discrlted and following their resptlve names und each nnd uvery person, firm and cn porotion owning or claiming to ov. n or bavlnff or claiming to have any In terest, leln or claim therein nnd also an other persons ann pnrti"s unknown claiming any right, title, est Hie, en or interest In t ho real estati ilcicrl'j Cfl In Jim Comnlnlnt. nnd Annlleallon for Judgment nnl Pwree, herein, thu aoovo namen nerepoanis. 27 otic tud Summon. TV THE NAME OF THE STATE OI OREGON: You. and each of you us owners, claimants, or holders of an In terest, lien, claim or i-itutn In and H the bfr!lnnftr described reul piftperi." situated In Jackson County, State e f Oregon, and all persons owning or claim ing t o own or niving an interest inerein, are herehv notified that Jackson Conn- tv, Adiilv oriianUed cointy and body noil tic und coriHjrate under and bv vir tue of the constitution and laws of the Slate of Oregon, tlio plaintiff above named, is tne ownr no noiner or cit tain Ortlflcotes of Dcnllnquency iiiim bered as st out In lb complaint on fib herein. Issued on the 1st doi of January. 121. bv the Sheriff and Tax Collector of jnckpon County. State of Orxo;i. to n)d county, and bound in nook form as n-ojilred bv law for th dcllnipw-nt taxes for the vear 1!I6, uin nnd Including ull Hie m-niHTtv on the tax rolls In said Sheriffs and Tnx Colleclm office for iwld year, upon which no Certificate of iVIInqnency havo prevlnusly ben Issued or ihNUou ot au, unu uiiicii saiu ucr- tlflcates of Dellnquem-y so Issued to siild county Were filed by said Hherlf! and Tax Collector In tho ofi'leo of the ''ountv Clerk of said county on tin' V'lrC lay of January, t ;--, and conttltiltn ant' .UK puhlie recirrds of KUld county urn "pen to the inspection of all iM'ihoiiH ln-'t-rested ".herein: vou and each of you are further notified that the descrip tions of the property includi d In s ih1 Certificate of I'elimiucncy, the natno and person or peraous apinnrlny nipou tlu 'test Tax Rolls In the bunds of the Sheriff and Tax Collector nl' Jacksoh "omity. Slate of Oregon, at the dale of i in I irst uuoinvitiou ui this isoi ee un Suiuuums as the owner or owni-rs of su d urouertv. and 11 unknown, so stated and the total tax. Interest, penalty and fonts due to January 1, li'i'l, the date of the Issuance- uT su HI C'ertltlcateS oi Do- 'i'uiueiicy are us follows: Nnini of owner, Clara M. Hawk. Cer tificate No. CI 1 10. lot a. ;t and 4, Town ot Central I'uim, una on. Amount yy.67. Name of owner, Mr, Hanna Stllwcll, Certificate No. C1U1, lots 11 and 11'. block H of the Town of Central Point. Ore.m.. Amount fcsMU. Name of owner. Agnes H. Sanderson. Certiflealo No. CllU, lut 1, block 1J of the Town of Central Point, Oregon. Amount 7. "0. iVitnu uf owner. G. B. Little, Certifi cate No. Cll-S, lots 1 and block 31 of the Town uf Central l'vint, Oregon. Amount 10.:i&. Naino of owners, G. B. Little and Hen lamln and Ann Ilea II, Certlfleates No. ClKy. lolft 7 and 8. block 31 of the Town of Central Point, Oregon. Amount Name of owner, Tvan Mn cruder, cr tlfieale No. Cll.H'. lots 1 and 2. block 3. of the Tmvn of Central point, Oregon. Amount 7.51. Name of owners. W. B. price nnd Jo' B. DunMs. CVrtlflcato No. Cl LIS. lot 1. block of the Town ot Central Point, ureinm. Amount Nanto of ntvners. Brown & Von del Hellen. et al. Certificate No. C1247. b'ts 7, 8 and 9. block 3 or the Central Addi tion to tlie Town of Bugle Point, Oregon. Amount i.t.n-i. Nmiiu ot owners. Brown & Von der Hellen, et al. Certificate No. Cl 248, lots 3 and -l or mock s or me. (.tMurai aoui tlou to the Town of Bugle Point, Oregon. Amount I.i. l 2 Nitmu of owners. Brown Von der Hellen. et al. Certificate No. CUM. IoIh 7, X a, 10 and 11, block 4, of the Central Addition to the Town ot I'-uhio rutin, Jrepu. Amount iu.ki. K'litii.i rtt ow-neru llrnU'ii Sr Von tlni flellen, et al. Cortlficato No. CU'Sa, bts K Lt und 14, block 4 of the Central tuutiou to tne town oi j--ugio lonu Ire iron. Amount 1 108. Nama of uwners. Brown & Von der Hellen, et al. Certificate No. l?ll'64, lots 17. IX. lit. 2u and 21. block 4 ot the len 'nil Addition to the own uf Buglu Point. Oregon. Atnouni u.i;. . Naiiiu of owners. Brown & Von del" Hellen, et al. Certificate No. C125S, lots iC and I'i. block 4 of the Central Addl Ion to tlie Town of Baglu 1'olut, Oro gon. Amount $ri.li:. Name of owners, Hrown & Von der Hellen, et al. Certificate No. Clb7. lots I, 2, 3 and 4. block 6 of the Central Ad- litlun to the Town of Baglu Point, Ore .ton. Amount lit. 35. Name of owners, Hrown & Von der Hellen, ot al.. Certificate. No. CKftH, lots a. 6. i, 8 and V, block 8 or the Centra, Addition to thu Town of Luglo Point, Jreton. Amount $14.10. Name of owner.. Brown & Von der lellen, et al. Certificate No. C120", lots W anil ix. block b ot the t'entral Ainu tlon to the Town of Kuglo i'oinL mount flt.Gt. Name of owner. S. TI. I furnish. Cor tificate No. C1.UGI, lots 22 und 23, block S of the Central Addition to thu Town n kukIu I'olnt. On'gon. Amount JlU.oO, Name of Owners, Brown & Von der Hellen, ot nl. Certificate No. CI20r, lots in, Zb, Zi, ana zu, tuocic u or tne nntral Addition to the Town of Bugb Point. Oreuon. Amount $4 2.12. Name of owners, T; B. Nichols nnd (Ted I. Heath. L'eriiricate o. ot 30, block ti of the Central Addition to tho Town of Buglu l'oiul, Oruifoi Vinoimt $i.i7. 1 Name of owners. Brown & Von der I hellen, et nl. Certificate No. C12tW, lots 11, 32 und 33, block 6 of the Central ddlllon to Hie Town of Kaglo Point, Jregon. Amount $17,29. Naino of owners, Brown & Von uVr fellen and V. C. Cluineiiis, Cwtlflcuto No. C12fiH, lots 31. 3T-. 36, 37, 3S. 3U ana 0, block ti of tho Contra) Addition to the Town of Buglu Point, Oregon, mount $27.34. Name, of owners. Brown & Von der lellen, ct al, Certificate No. C12G9, lots I. 12, 43 and 4 4, block 6 of the Central Vddltion- to the Town of Bug to Point, Jregon. Amount 18. 2'.). Naino of uwner, Carl W. P-Ingcr, Cer ificato No. C1270, lols 1 nnd 2, block 7, of the Central Addition to tho Town of Bugle Point, Oregon. Amount $H.3I. Name of owner. Brown & von der Hellen. et nl. Certificate No. C1271, ots &. 6. 7. tt, 9. 10 and 11. block 7 of tho Central Addition to Hie. Town of BukIc I'olnt, Oregon. Amount $24.21. Name of owners. Brown & Von der 'lellen, et al. Certificate No. C1272. bits 12. 13, II, lfi and 16. block 7, of the Central Addition to tho Town of Bugle .'olnt, Orcjton. Amount $ll.l."i. Name, of owners, II. A. and V, D. ipragu:, CVrtlflcttte No. C1273, lots 1 md If. block 7 of the Central Addition .o the Town of Bugle Point, Oiugon. mount 3a.28. Name trf owner, Ployd P. Hprnguc. rtiricate No. ?I27I, lot 20, block T f the Central Addition to the Town of Cugle Point, Oivgnn. Amount $7.77. Name of owners, Brown & Von der fellen and A. J. Butcher nnd H. O. lelwig, Certificate No. C1276, lols 22. 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27, block 7, of the ,'entrul Addition to tho Town of Bugle rn1nt, Oregon. Amount 42.12. Name of owner, M. G. Harmon, C"rtlf cnltt No. 127K. lot 31, hliwk 7 of the Jentral Addllton to the Town of Bugle, Point , Oregon. Amount $ "7. Nmno of frwners Brown & Von der delicti, Ccrtlflrulo No. CI 27H, lots 33 ind 31 of block 7, of the Ontrnl Addl ;lon to the Town of Kaglo I'olnt, Oru ;on. Amount IH.GI. Name of owners. Brown & Von dor lellen, ct ut, Certlflento No. ClKHI, pus 11, 12 and 13. block K of the Central Ail llllon to the Town of Battle. Point, Oro ;on. Aniount 9 lfi. 33. Name of Owners, Brown A Von der lellen, Certificate No. C12ft2. lots IB, 10. IK. 15, 20, 21 and 22, block H of the Jentral Addition to the. Town uf Bugle Point, Oregon. Amount $30,32. Name of owners. Brown & Von der -lellen, el al. Certiflealo No. CI2S3, lols 23, 21, 2:.. 20, 27, 2H and 29, block 8 of 1 he Central Addition lo the Town of B'IkIo Point, Oregon. Amount $23. Hi. Name of owners. Brown Ac Von dr Hellen, et nl. Certificate N. C12VI, lols 32 und 33. block 8 of the Central Addi tion tot tie; Town of Buglu Point, Ore on. Amount H.8 1. Name of owners. Hrown & Von d r Hellen. ot al. Certificate No. C128f', lota 7. H, 5, 10, 11, 12 and 13. block U of the Central Addition to the Town of Bugle Point, Oregon, Amount $37.39. Name of owners. Brown & Von dr Hullen. ct al, Certiflealo No. C12HH. lots 14, K. 1. 17, If I and 20, block 5, of the Central Addition of the Town of Bacbt poitit, Oregon. Ammint $33. IG. Name of owners, Hrown A Von der Hilllen, et al, Ctrtificutc No. C12H7, lots 21 and 22, block 5 of the Central Addition to tho Town of Baiflo I'olnt. Ori-Kon. Amount pJ.HU. Naino of wvner, 11. C. Tllldrclh, Cer tlflcatn No. 2HH. lot 23, bbwk t of the Central Addition to the Town of Bugle Point, Oregon. Amount $7.77. Name of owners. Hiown Von der Hellen, ot ui, Certificate N. CI 290, lots 30, 31, 32 and 33, block U, ot the Central Addition to the Twn of Buglo Point, Oregon. Amount $ 1 7. ft I. Niimu of nwm-r, Husio K. llarnlsh, Certlflcnte No. C132&, land in the Town of BhrUi Point, uot platted, being lot de!-crl1ed In Vol. f8, png! 312. Peed Ilecords of Jackson county, Oregon Amount fl!t,f'-. Nunio of owner. Dora Kelsny, Certlfl ento No. C.IH7B, land di scribed In Vol Ml, pa go MiO Heed Ilecords of Jackson con tily, Oregon, less bind described In leud lb-cords of Jackson county. Ore gon, Vol. 106, p:ig 3)9, and I'eud HeConls vt Jackson county, Oregon, Vol. 102, page 11G nnd Hed Iterords of Jackson countv, Oregon, Vol. Ill, page 171, and Deed Ilecords of Jackson county, Oregon, Vol. ft, page 272, being part of lot 1, block 2.1, Hekums Amended Addition to the Town of Gold 11111, Oregon. Amount $1.30. Nnmo oil owner, Tsaan Householder, Certificate No. CI377, land lescritK'd in Heed Itccnrds of Jncknon conniy, Ore gon, Vol. 10, durm 3if, being fiO feet by ::() fe t, part of lot 1, block 2i of Ie sniiiH Amended Addition lo the ToWtl uf Gold Hill, Oregon. Amount $fl.2T. Vhiuh of owner. Geo. C. Garrett. (- i Hflea. No. CI. 110, a tract of land So ret deep )oundei on the 4omn oy w. k (. right of way; on Hie north bv o street; on the w at b land disc rl bi d In Vol. HM, puge 273. Heed Hooords of lack ion county, Oregon : and on t ho as y iae south line or hecuon it in u 'itinis A nu nded Addition 10 the Tirwn lid! Hill, Oregon. Amount $2.31. Name of owner, Plora A. Kelsey. ( ep if:cate No. 13, 17 acres of laud d Cl Ihed In Pet'd Kccords of Jli.'ksn ountv, Oregon, Vol, loA, pane 3,i, les und sdd. HectHtn 1 Township i'i Soul) f Itttigc 3 Weft of the Wlllameit Mer hi luu In Jucksua county, ore t;on Amount $33. HK. Name of owner. A. tfchinllllmr. Cer tlHcate No. C1411, 7(1 feet on Mali it reel und h7 feet on Oregon si reel, li ' in viiy on jncKHon villi-, orvgon, ue crlbed In Heed Hccolds of .l.tcltHOl ?ouuty, Oregon, Vol. 31, pnim -'Od, helm mrt of lots 1 nnd 2. block 27 of tin Mty of Jackson viHe, tlrcKon. Amoun (2G.4S. Naino of owner, Nettle Thoinpson Vrtlt'icate No. C14I8. lota fl and ti. bloc! 34 of the City uf Jacksonville, On on, Amount M.u. Namn of owner. Nettl Thompson Certificate No. C1419, bus 5 and fi, blool 3.r., of the City of Jacksonville, Oregon Amount $7.29. Namu of owner, Net tin Thompson Certificate No. C1430, lots 11 and 12 Mock 3 J of the City of Jacksonville .regnn. Amount $6.y2. Naiiirt of owner. Joe Pope, Certifi cate No. C142H, 129 f.vt on the Appleitati Road In block 61, of tho Cily of Jack :ontllo, tireuim. described us follows et'Inuing at a point on the wsst line o: in id rond 2u0 f,et south of the northern, orner of said block; thence northerly a -Icht auKh-a to the Applegate road 16 feet: then southeasterly at right auglet '25 feel; thence easterly at right anklet 160 feet to the West lino of said rond 'hence, north 41 degrees cast l2.'t feet tt olncv of beginning. Amount $7.30. Nam of owner. .Too Pope, Certificnti No. C14.1U, 3,'.& fiet on tho Applcgat 'oud. being part of block Cl of tho Clt7 f Jacksonville, Oregon, and descrtil.et' .jh iohows: iH'ginning ui me souinenu corner of said block Gl, running thenct north 4 1 degrees c-,ist 3&5 feot; thenct westerly Mia leet: lhnie southerly o. feet to place of beginning. Amount Nume of owner. fSam Walsh, Ccrlifl the Cltv ot1 Jacksonville, Oregon. mount ?i.i.u. Nume of owner. Mrs. Nettlo Thomp on. Certificate No. C1437. lots I. 2. 3. 4 "i and fi. block 1 of Iewla Subdivision It tho City of! Jacksonville Oregon. Amount 12.4.r. Name of owner. Mrs. Nettio Thomp son, Cortificalc No. 143K, lots 6. R, 9 and ana i;i, uiock a 01 iewis Miuxuvision 1 1ity of Jucktionvlllc. Oregon. Amount I lo.fi 3. Nume of owner. Mrs. Nettle Thomp son, Curtiricato no. C1441, lots a, 1: anu 13, mock j or L.ewiH Hunuivision 11 the City of Jacksonville, Oregon Mtimiui n,sx. Name of owner. Mrs. Nettlo Thomn son, Certificate No. C14I2, lots 1, 2, 3 I and C. block 4 of Lewis Hubdlvtsloi to thn City of Jacksonville, Oregon imount siu.:iZ. Name of owners. Mrs. I. Applegate ind jonn hoc no. teriiiiciate ro. i;n land descrllNd In Deed Records of Juck sun county, Oregon, Vol. 11G, page 413, east of idocK 02 ot tlio city ot jacsson vide. Oregon, not plutted. Amount JlU.Ji. rate No. C14&K. lot fi . 'block of the Town of I'hoenlx, Oregon. Amount Name of owner. Orac A. fathrop, Certlf cnte No. C14G6. lota 19 und block 33 of (he Town of I' hoe nix, Oregon Amount ? fi.V Name ut owner, Pnnlcl Williams. CVrtlftcnto No. Cl 186. lot I. b K-k if the Town of Tolo, Oregon. Amount f3.cz: Namn of owner. J. P. Hairs dale. Cer tificate No. C14K7, lots 14, 1G und 16, block 32 of the Town of Tolo, Oregon mmtni i.vj. Name of owner. Nettlo Pitman. Cor tlfleuttf No. C14!17, lota 18 and 19. blocH it of Curner and Sabia Addition to the Town of lloguu Hlvcr, Oregon. Amoun iir.no. . Name of owner.CalifornIa Hex Bnray Company, Certificate No. CU00, land being pari ol 101s a unu u 01 ihii ivoui- described In Vol. 108. page 4il of the iieed ilecords or .lacKSOii county,, .re iron. Amount tt.70. Name of owner. Laura LnwrontE. Cer llflcntu No, ClfiU2. lots 6 and fl, block H, at the original town (now clty of uetirord, uregon. Amount i,i.j-i. Kit me of owner. I.mirn LiLwrmitz. Cer tlfiral,i No. C1S0.1. lota 7 and H. block 3fi of the Original Town (now city) of .iedioro, t'regon; Amount Nume of owner. John J. Wilklnsoti ortficnte N. (?1&08. part of lot 1, block Harr s Atiuition to tne uny or moo ford. Oreiion. as described in Volume 87, ,mge 2UH, led Records of Jackson county, Oregon. Amount $9.30. Name of owners, C,. H. Carb'ton and A. L,. Tanner, ten r cate no. t:i&u:i. lot block 8, of Curletom's Addition to 'he Olty uf Medford, Oregon. Amount $3.91. Name of owners, Itudolph A. Conrad nnd Anna Conrad, Ceruricuic io. L'liiiu. norm itu reel or i ne sou in iw ieei o: ot 3. block I of Cottnae Addition to 1h Cltv of Medford. Ore no n. Amount S5.73 Nume of owners, John I. Pciumer, ct ux. Certificate No. C1MR, lota 1 and 2, block 3, of Fairmont Addition to thu City if Medford. Orecrm. Amount $9.r,i. Name of owners, J. L. fiemmer nn "Ky of MHlford. Certificate No. ClolO. lot 9. block d of Katrmout Addition to 'he City of Medford, Oregon, Amount I.M. Name of owner, Oeo. Peed, Certifi cate No. H20. lot 12. block 1 of Fruit- dale Addition to the City of Medford, 'ire eon. Amount ft 1 2. 3 H. Name of Owners, James O. Ward, et UX, I ITHUIIUO iO. .lil.l, IUL , o, of Frultdaln Addition to tho City of dedford, Oregon. Amount $13.37. Name of owners, H. H. Toft nnd Ctty of Medford, fArtlflcnte No. C1522, lot 17. block 2 Of prays Addition to the jliv 01 ftieuroro, uregon. Amount fK.m, Nninu of owner. K. F. Guthrie. Cer tificate No. C1&23, lot 11, block 1 of Highland Park Addition lo the City of Bedford, wreiron. Amount n.r. Name of owner, K. F. Guthrie. Certlfl rain No. C1K24. lot 7. hlock 2 of HlirTi land Park Addlton to the City of Med ford, Oregon. Amount $f.lR, Name of owner, K. F. Guthrie, Certifi cate No. C162C, lots 2 and 3, block 3 of Highland Park Addition to Hie City of Medford, Oregon. Amount $11. flt. Nume of owner. N. I,. Townscnd, Cer tificate No. CI520, lot 0, block 3 Of Highland I'nrk AddMion to Urn City vt Medford, Oregon.- Amount $8.75. Name of owner. K. F. Guthrie, C'ertlf 'cnte No. CJf,27. lota 11. 12 and I I, block 3 of Highland Park Addition to the Cily of Medford, Oregon. Amount $26.4 7. Nnme of owner, 15. F. Guthrie, Cer tificate No. CK.28, lot 4. block 4 of Highland Park Addition to thn City 01 M d font, ( !'-gon. A moun t $ 1 r.2U. Nnmes of owners, C. A. Knight and T). M. Wilson, Certlflrato No. Ciu3U. bd 3 block 1 of Humphrey-Andrews Addition 'o the Cily of Medford, Oregon, Amount $17.20. Names of owners. U, H. Toft ond City of Medford, Certificate No. C1&3I, lot 7, block 6. of Imperlnl Addition to the City of Medford. Oregon. Amount $8, 1ft. Naino of owners. Pert Anderson und Ma r v A gnes Kverot 1; CVrl I flea t No. CWiiPi, lot 10, block X of Imperiut Addi tion to the City of Medford, Oregon. Amount $3. 63". Name of owner, Herbert Tt. Bmllh, Certificate No. C1&3R, lot lrt. block 8 of Imperlnl Addition to the City of Med ford. Oregon. Amount ffi.33. Name of owner, It. If. Toft. Certlflcnte No. ClMI. lot 7, block PJ. of Imperial Addition to lb" City of Bedford, Ore gon. Amount $0.05. Nnme 'if owner, ST. K. Punchy, Cer tificate No. CIR13, lot S, block 3 of Kenwood Addition to the City of Med ford, Oregon. Aniount $lt.13, Nii.mr, of owner. 11. H. Hundlett. Cer tificate No, Cir,4l. led 2, block 1 of King Addition to the city or Mudioru, Oregon. Amount $9.97, Name of owners, Flora B, Barnes, Is. M. Rhodes. H. F. Itfckort and Alex Kparrow, Certificate No. C lfi Hi, lot ' of i-wis Addition to the city ot Mouioru, Oregon. Amount $ 1 0,7 ft. Names of owners, l.lzu J. Lewis. Tj. r. Rhodes and Tom Hushong. Certlflcat No. Cir.lK, )ots 9 and 10 of Lewis Addi tion to the City of Medford, Oregon, Amount $33.51. Nume of owner. D. C. White. Certifi es to No. Cf,al, lot i, block 2, of Oak Grove Addition to the City of Medford, Oregon, Amount $3.32. Nnme of owntr, .1, T, Hnlllvan, Cer tificate No. Clfif.S, lot 1, block 1 of Osk Oroe Hnhdlvlslon to the City erf Med- toro, Oregon. Amount zi.u. Nam of owner. It. II. Toft. Certlfl ente No. CK..17, lot 9, block , of Onk iirnve Htib-iiviston to th t.'ity or Aieti ford. Oreuon. Amount Namn of owner. Loin Ada Peteh, Cer- tlflcatn No. . C1MWA. lots 16 und 1. blick 3 of Orchard Addition to tho Cily of Medford, Oregon. Amount $fl.i. Name of owner, Fred K. Gere, Certlfl- ftt No. Cir.58, lot 4. tdoek 1 of Png nuiion 10 the city or ueuroru, uregua. 1 on n 1 t?'J. Name of owner. Walter H. Martin, 'tllftcute No. lri60, e-iMt half of south ilf of lot (i. block 9 of Park Addition Jhe City of Medford, Oregon. Amount N.tnto of owner, Helen K. Snedlcer, riiflcate N. C1561, west half of the orth half of lot 6, block 9 of Park dditloti to tho City of Medford, Oregou, mount $ 15.3!). Nuims uf owners. St, Anthony Inc. ,d Arthur L. Hill. Certificate No. '1502, lots 3 and 4, block 3 of Guoeri mi Addition to the -City of Medford, regon. Amount $H.5S. Names uf owners, St. ' Anthony Ino, d Arthur L. Hill, Certificate No. 15i;3, lots 6, 7, 12 and 13. block 3 of ueen Ann Addition to the City of Med nd, Oregon. Amount $28.fi9. Name f owner. St. Anthony Inc., Cer flcate No. (.'1564, lots 15 and Hi, block of Queen Ann Addition to the City of edford .Oregon. Amount $11. 03. Nunu-s of owners, K. H. Iavls. A. H. filler, City of Medford and Lamoille tnviiiKS Punk und Trust Company, Cer Iflcato No. C1505, lots 4 and 5. block 0 of Oucvn Ann Addition to the City of Medford, Oregon. Amount Names or owners, uraco woia una Ity of Medford. Cortlflcalu No. Clfptitl, ot 11, block 1 of Riverside Subdivision o the City of Medfurd. Oregon. Amount 6 95. Nmo of owner, Helle Cochran, Cer ficate No. C15fii, lots I, 2. 3 and 4, 'ock J of Riverside Hubtllvlslon to tho ' V of Medford, Oregon. Amount 13.20. Name of owner. Hello Cochran, Cer 'flcate No. C1&68, lots 6. . 7 and 8, lock ti of Riverside SulKllvlslon to tho ltv of Medford. Orciron. Amount Name or owner. Hello Cochran, ror Ificate No. Clf.n9. lots 1, 2. 3, 4 and C, n block 7 of Riverside Hubdlvlslou to He City of Medford. Oreuon. Amount 110.58. Nume of owner. Pell Cochran, Cer Iflcate No. C1570, lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and 0, In block 7 of Riverside Subdivision 1 the Cltv of Medford. Oreuon. Amount 20.11. Name or owners. J. 13. Toft and city -f Medford. Certificate No. C1&71, lot I. block 3 Rose Avenue Addition t.i tbe ""It y of Medford. Oregon. Amount $11.78. Name of owners. L. D. Crawford, C,ty f Medford and T. O. Carney, Cert If I ata No. CH.72, lots 1 and 2, block 2 f Koss Addition to the City of Medford, re gon. Amount $3.17. Namo of owner. Maggie M. Tlutphc?, rtlflcntH No. C1575, lot 0, blck 8. oHH Addition to the City of Mtalfurd, Oregon. Aniount $7.65. m Nnme of owner. Molllo T. Black; Ccr iflcato No. C1576, lots 10, 11 and 13, lock 1 of Siskiyou Heights Addition to City of Medford, Oregon, Amount $9.42. Name of owner, John Ti. Lasham, Cor fflcate No. C1578, lols 5 and 6, block Z f Siskiyou Heights Addition to the City f Medford, Oregon. Amount $14.81. Nume of owner, IL S. Dudley, Certifi cate No. C1579. lots 4, G and , block A f Siskiyou Heights Addltloa to the "?lty of Medford, Oregon. Amount 111.18. Name of owner. H. B. Dudley, Cortlfl at No. C1580. lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 Irt Mock 5 of Siskiyou Heights Addition to the City of Medford, Oregon. Amount 18 41. Name of owner. If. B. Dudley, Cert If 1 ato No. C1&82. lot 5, block 5 of Rlakl--ou Heights Addition to the Cily ot 1 el f ord. O re go n. A mou n t $4.13. Name of owner, H. S. Dudley, Certifl nte No. C1584. lots 19. 20, 21 and 22, block 5 of Slsklvou Heights Addition to ;he City of Medford, Oregon. Amount 13.02. Name of owners, J. K. Toft nnd City f Medford. Certificate No. C1G39, lot 6, block 2 of Wolter Addition to thw City of Medford, Oregon. Amount $8.76. Name of owner. W. A. Jones, Certifi cate No. C1600, lot 9, Woodlawn Heights ddltlon to the Cily of Medford, Ore gon. Amount $3.31. Names of owners, Herlwrt L. Alford ind It. II. Toft, Certificate No. C1805, 75 foot front on eust side of South Oak dale avenue us describetl tn Vol. 98, puge 573 of Deed Records of JuckHon county, regon. Amount $31,11. Name of owner, T. It. Tanner, Certif icate No. 1609, lot 14, Francis Addition to the City of Medford, Oregon, Amount , $2.0C. Nume of owners, J. T. Gngnon and 'irst National Hank of Medford, Oregon, Certificate No. C161C, the east 250 feet of the north H14 feet of lot 4, block 1, Nickel's Addition to tho City of Med ford, Oregon; less south 13 feet, streets, alleys and R. IU right of way. Amount M7.C5. Names of owners, John Eldon and It. E. Gordon, Certificate No. C1653, south west quarter of southwest quarter In Section 24, Township 3.1, South Rang) 1 Fast of the Wlllametto Meridian Tn Jackson county, Oregon. Amount $9.13. Names of owners, Lexington Itealty "?o., and Frank I). Iteese, Certiflealo No. C1C72, south half of northeast quarter if Section IB, Township 37, Houth, Ran go 1 Fast of the Wlllametto Meridian in Jackson county, Oregon. Amount $1&.3L Name of owner, C. L. Uurton, Certifi cate No. C1B91, land descrlled In Deed Records of Jackson county, Oregon, Vl. 103, page 299, containing G acres, locat d in Section 2, Township 36, South of Range 2 Knst of the Willamette Meri Mnn In Juckson county, Oregon. Amount $5.12. Names of owners, J. W Kenny, et ux. Certificate No. C1693, southwest quar ter of northwest quarter and northwest luurter of southwest quarter of Becttou II, Township 37 Houth Ran no 2 Fast f tho Willamette Meridian In Jackson county, Oregon. Amount $5.09. Names of owners. Lexington Realty ?o., and W. C. Foster, Certificate No. CHIOS, south half of northwest quarter ind north half of southwest quarter of flection 28, Township 36, Houth of Rung 3 Fast of the Willamette Meridian In Tnckson county, Oregon. Amount $43.21. Names of owners. Lexington Realty -Co. nnd Agnes C. Crandall, Certificate No. C1701, southwest quarter of north west quarter and went half of south west quarter of Hcctlon 10, Townohlp 39 South of Run no 3 Fust of the Wll lametto Mdlrlan In Jackson county, Jregon. Amount $24.35. Nutnes of owners, I). M. Stewart ana Stewart Land Co., Certificate No. C170S, southeast quarter of Section 34, Town , thlp 30, South of Range 4 Fast of tho Willamette Meridian in Jackson county, Jregon. Amount $11.10. Name of owner. L. J. March, Certifi cate No. 1707, land described In Ieed Records of Jackson county, Oregon, Vol. . 95, puge &50, situated In south hnlf of northeast quarter of Section 4, Town ship 31, South Range 1 West of 1h Wlllamotlo Meridian, Juckson county, Oregon, contulnlng 1 u. ucres. Amount $1.37. " Nnme of owner, " Wsltor M. Reward, Certiflealo No. C1711, north half ot southeast quarter of mrrthcaut quarter of Section 3 4. Township 34, Houth ilunuo 1 West of Wlllnmettu Meridian hi Jack son county, Oregon. Amount $3.l!. Numo of owner, Anna iH-ludo, Certifi cate No. C1712. south hnlf of onthest Quarter of northenst quarter of Section 4, Township 34, South of Itunge 1 West of thn Willamette Meridian la Jacltart county, Oregon. Amount $3.19, Nnme of owner, S. C. Htimpson, Cer tificate No. C1725, northeast quarter ot southeast quarter of Section 34, Town ship 3fl South of Range 1 West of tho Willamette Meridian In Jackson COUnl, Oregon. Amount $10.43. N'11 mo of owner, II. C. Stoddard. Cer tificate No. 11737, land described 1 Hi Deed Ucoorda of Jackson county, .Ore gon, In Vol. 102, pngo M6. lows land described .in Deed IltHVTrilK of JaCksn county, Oregon. In Vol. P8. pnge 44M, situated In Section 19, Township 3t South Hango 1 West of thn Wtllnmetto Meridian In Jncksou county, Oregon. Amount $3.00. Namo of owner, Lewis Lager and Kutacuda State Hank. Cert If lento No, C1730. bind described In Deed Records of Jackson county, Oregon, in Vol. 80, page 620, situated In Sections 21 and 28, Township 38 South. Range I Went of the Willamette Mertdiun In Jack son countv, Oregon. Amount 19.10. Name of owner. If. K. Oliver, Or- Hficate No. CI735, land described la Deed Records of Jackson county, Ore gon, in Vol. 84. page 45, In Section 3 Township 3S. South Rango I West of tho Wlllametto Meridian In Jackson countv, Oregon, and In Section . Si. Townfhlp 38, South Rango I Kast Of the Willamette Mer 'dim in Jackson county, Oregon, containing . 2 acres. Amount $1.67. Name of owners, J. W. Pitt nnd Murv Kllgoro, Certlf icate No. C1 73b, smitheast quarter of northwest quar ter of Section 3d, Townnhlp its, Houth Range 1 West of tho Wllluinotlfl Mtjri Amount $8.54. . , Name of owners, K. J. Lipson onl T'Xinglnn Really Co., Certificate No. Cl 74 1, west half or northwest quarter, southeast quarter of northwest quar ter and northeast quarter of southwest r p