Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 23, 1923, Page 8, Image 8

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nEnUN', Fob. 23. (By tho Asso
ciated I'rosn) The Clerman Kovern
ment demands tho relenso nt this tlmo
of nil pnllco officers still 'under ar
rest In tho French area of occupation
in 'a notb'' preaentod to tho French
povernmcnt by tho German chnnte
d'affaires nt Paris, . it wan learned
lioro today. ' ,'
IleMIn reserves tho right to demnnd
full Rntifcfnction for nets of vlolonco
In tho Ruhr nnd vlBorously protests
against such' acts.;
in tho' note tho Germnn govern
ment Rives its version of tho occur
rences' nt Oelscnkirchen on February
12 when tho French Kendnrmcs and a
Herman potion sergeant woro wound
rd. Tho xericeaiit died later.
'Tho' noto calls attention to tho sub
sequent measures undertaken by the
French occupational authorities, re
ferring to tho imposition of a flno of
100.0110,000 marks' nnd to arrest of
members - of the pollen' force. The
communication alleges that tint latter
Step was attended by "brutal ex
cesses'' on ' tho part of the French
troops.- . . -
' "Tho Herman government." the;
noto continues, "states -that tho clash
with tho individual of fliers over tho
Kchute l'ollzlc Jy French Renduimes
was considered by the French occu
pational forces as sufficient reasons
to proceed against tho entire city with
foTCVful' neftmirt.i;' tho- severity o
Which could hardly be exaggerated.
Kven In caso blame had' rested 'with
the 'German officers tho punitive ex
pedition would hnve boon a serious ;
violation of law as-not even in war
do acts of individuals permit tho Im
position of penalties upon the entire
.' "The French government appar
ently approves tho nctlon of tho local
commanders, ns these, without re
straint nro continuing tho maltreat
ment of the city."
Every Day They're Getting Younger
And Younger These Kid Prodigies
17 J WltCt
; lfETtl,If,' Feb. 22. (By the,' Asso
ciated lTeRM)-"". dispatch from Ks
sen'says that General Dedoutto hus
Issued on order forbidding tho entry
of German cabinet ministers Into the,
occupied nrea. Tho general has In
structed tho pollco nnd other author
ities to nrrest any minister disobey
ing the order nnd to take tho offend
er before tho military court.
.' EHSBN, "Feb. 22. (By the Asso
ciated 'Press! Steps to mako tho ef
fect' Of tho occupation of tho Ruhr
felt by neutral countries have been
taken'-by. German' mlno' officials as
part' of thoi passive resistance pro
gram, according to Information In tho
hands of .the French. At a meeting
In Boc'huin, attended by tho con! mlno
officials of the entire, district, it was
decided to? cancel all coal enntrnt ts
with Holland,' Switzerland and other
noutrnl countries; It Is stated.-
' Thb-'-mlnlhtf officials agroed they
would 'suppiy- only the local ineeds of
tho- lluhr district.' This" moans that
much Mess coalwill bo mined and un
employment will- bo Incrouscd.
Tho activity; of tho security police
against tho French and liolglans is
Increasing. Tho French, it appears
ore- determined to put them out of
commission and have ordered tho dis
solution of the organization, which Is
composed of f6rmcr non-command
nffienri ln thy ntiierim nrmy. - ino
Jit. Swinging head
CHICAGO "Why. whon Johnny was only a old he coultl say this nrd do thnl -." Re
member when mothers used to bfag about their orFt'lii'intt in this fuehion? .Not any mcio.'
Nowadays a mother has to be able to say "when Johnny was a-weck old he picked cut Wearer My
Hod To Theo1 with one finger on the piano," in order to cause any kind of a flutter at all.
To bo precocious nowadays, an infant must be ready for i'preic' school at ono year and collepo
at three. Witness the extremely early "take-off"' in life managed by. Johnny Sulvatore, left on
the doorstep of a Minneapolis athletic director when 12 days old, at 10 months able to chin Himself,
walk, talk and deliver a Dempsey punch on the jnw to any obnoxious baby-talking aunties. ?
Going him one better, Teddy Wright, Jr., also 10 months old, chins the bar, walks on his hanrf-i,
tui'iia eight somersaults in succession, swings head down from the rings, swims and floats. And Mia
Norma Locb, a sub-del) of nine weeks, has been sitting alone for a month, walks With assistance; ooH
you in tho eye like a paylne teller and takes setting-up exercises I
CAMBRIDGE. Twenty-two Amer
ican students are rowing with the var
ious college crows at Cambridge, but
none of them has risen to a place on
the varsity squad from which eight
meri will be choson to make the
onnuul race against Oxford, March 24.
The Americans will have their com
petitive spirits put to 'Po test soon,
however, when t'ac annual Lent Bump
ing races take place.
Every afternoon nowadays the oars
men on the varsity Bquad dip their
shell into tho Cam, on whose narrow,
twisting course they Will practice
until the lnttor part of February. Then
the shell will taken op to the more
favorable water at Ely, and soon after
ward to the upper Thames. The fort
night just before the' race, the crew
will be housed in the traditional quar
ters ut Putney.
Last year, with a shell full of vet
erans,: Cambridge' won. It was the'
fourth successive victory over Oxford.
Tills year only three old Blues are
back to take places in the Cambridge
boat, II. O. Ivory, K. N. Craig and
T. D. A. Collet, all of Pembroke. There
are few . good heavyweights from
whom to' pick, but tho lighter tryouts
are quite promising. . The undergrad
uates are confident of another triumph.-
Colonel D. A. Wauchope; who strok'
ed the '06 boat, .Is directing the dally
workouts. Later on the coaching will
be conducted by Pealo, the old Row
ing Blue. Although there will prob
ably be many shifts in the seats before-
race 'day, R. A. L. Balfour,- a
nephow of Lord Balfour, is almost
suro to hold bis job as coxswain; Bal
four does not sharo the size of his"
undo. He weighB only 125 pounds.
Every Womniaflu
r " that bakes with
i ' Calumet and there
. : aremillionsofthem
, has learned three im
portant baking facts.
First; that she never has
any failures, which means
no loss of time and ma
terial. Second; that her bakings
are always pure and
wholesome, which goes
a long way toward perfect
Third; that the- greater
than usual leavening
strength of Calumet
stands for economy De
cause she uses less.
Ofl.fiM7ElT .
sales are 150 greater than that of;
any other brand.
' A pound can of Calumet contains full IS ounces. Somm
baking powders come in 12 ounce instead of 16 ounc
cans. - Be sure you get a pound when you want it.
V tanntllA
. Bocrotary W. h. Van Nuys of Port
hind will speak on Sunday evening,
aermnns nrn nlaUIng efforts to keep Feb. '25, at the Phoenix church, at 7:30
tho security police' in nativity.
,Jlosr of tho' security ponce,
and also brlnflv ill tlin C. V. ntentlhe-
"f beginning nt 0:30. Dr. Van Nnys is
Whom thorO nro- about 10,000 In the Bcerotnry f()r Oregon or Presbytorlan
uumv navB uecn ...... ' Sunday school
hnvo doffed their uniforms. Cases of ,. ' .,,
ftAbotngft,- chiefly, among tno tele
phone and telegraph lines nro con
tinuing greatly to hinder communi
cation between' tho French nnd Bel
Klnhs.' ' ' -
and young - people's
work, nnd will hnvo some' things of
Immediate Interest and Importance to
suggest.' Special mimic morning and
At tho morning boi-vIco there will
Every Minute Counts in the
against constipation!
Once let constipation get a grip on
you, and your system is wide -open to
1)0 of human ailments. Statistics
how' that to bo the proportion of
Illness that hits' constipation for n
starting point.' Pills and cathartics
are n dangerous to tho system ns
YOnr physician will recommend
Kellogg s Bran, beentiM It is nature's
own relief from constipation.' It is
scientifically prepared to relievo suffer
ing liUTucnily from const km nnd
it Will do what no other food can dol
It will givo every sufferer permanent
'relief If it is 'eaten regularly nt least
two tablcspooiifuls dully) as much
with ouch meal in-chrouio cascsl
Kellogg 's Bran is wandorful In Its
nntural, positive 'action:' It sweeps
and oleuusva and purities .tho bowel
tract; It scours out tho dangerous
toxio poisons i it puts you back on
schedule tirno without irritation or
discomfort 1
Don't delay eating Kellogg's Bran
each day in somo form I Try it ns n
cereal sprinkled over your favorito
hot or cold cereal or couk it with hot
cereals. In the latter case, add two
tablespoonfuls for each person nnd
mix wit It tho regular cereal and cook
as usual.
Kellogg's Bran 's simply delicious
mndo into mutlius, popovcrs, raisin
bread, macaroons, pancakes, etc.
ltecipes are on every paekagel For
health's snko get Bomo Kellogg's Bran
immediately. All grocers.
First-class hotels and clubs sorvo
Kellogg's llrnn in individual pack
ages. Ask for It at your restaurant.
Oak Show Case
Six foot long:, Bevel.. Plato.. Glass top; Adjustable
Shelves, Sliding Doors in back $50.00
be reception of now members on pro
fession of faith and by letter, mid a
special sormon by the pastor.
Saturday ovonlng, Fob. 24,' a box
social will bo given by tho C. IS. socl
oty, at Clyde hall at 7:30, with a short
Program. Proceeds for piano fund.
Coffee and cako' will be sorved to all
desiring it or who may not enro to
buy a box. Candy iiIbo will be sold.
All intorested In the Lincoln-Leo
Legion pledgos of membership (with
out charge), or In helping to support
that work by some offering, are asked
to bring tholr membership cards, or
any offering thoy may wish to give,
on Sunday morning, Feb. 25, at the
Sunduy nchool hour, or nt 11 o'clock,
so a final report can be made.
About l,ri Indies gathered at the
home of Mrs. T. J. Mnlmgron on Wed
nesday afternoon and enjoyed n par
ticularly good program on ''Tho Amer
ican Indian" and "Korea." Some quaint
and strikingly bountiful Indian music
was sung by Mrs. J. M. Under.'
Membership in 'tho Phoenix Boy
Scout Troop is growing fast, and next
Tuesday evening will be "enrollment
night" for thoso who have by that
tlmo pnBsed tholr "tenderfoot tests"
nnd desire to becomo loyal "scouts."
Plans for n hlko open to all members
wl II bo discussed. Ex-Scoutmaster
Cash Wood will bo with us again nt
this meeting to givo somo ndvancoJ
work (In signaling, -etc:) to those who
are ready for It.
theatre. For action and Interest It
has few superiors. Robert Louis
Stovenson's thrilling story has been
transfurred to tho ccreen bxy George
Molford with artistic results. The
characters created by Mr. Stevenson
are skillfully portrayed and tho many
scones of suspense and thrills are of
tiie kind thnt make the audience gasp.
Tho photoplay is artistic, and in every
other respect "Ebb Tide" is a cinema
tofrnphlc gem.
Spasmodic Croup is frequently
relieved by ono application of
Vapo Rub
W 17 Million Jan UKdYcath)
Mftlflw an mnonlU;lit-
surl hm flttlitp; for
mvniorabte ovciuloni,"
THERE'S a touch'
of sweet signifi
cance that Vogan's Tan '
Jar chocolates add to
place and play. . .
$1.50 the p o n p a
vhfi-ecr they well
cova candy.
Blue Front Fixit Shop
111 S. Ilolly St,
Phone 434
Razor H1i1h Hhnrnnfnir
Standard Incubators
.';t. R
Standard Incubators and Iiroodcrs nro niado In nil sizes, Electric
or Hot Water heut a patented featuro found only In the Standard.
, Mndo In tho West for 'Western conditions.
Practically every large poultry plant in Southern Oregon equip
ped with Stundard Machines. There's n Reason. Let us show fou
how to iimko 100 profit per year on tho cost of an Incubator.
What other business can show such returns?
Standard Manufacturing Co.
So. 1 Mitchell Way Tol. 508.R-3 Modford, Ore
An Owl Product nt the ,Owl Price.
.' - "fibb Tide" Excellent
When such screen stars are Llla
Lee, James Kirkwond. Iiaymond 'lint
ton, tfeorgn Fnwcetr, Noah Hoery'nnd
Jacmiellno l.ognn are featured In n
picture excellent entertnlnnient is
sure to result.
This Is the caso with "Ebb Tide." a
picture now showing nt tho Hlnlto
So easy to drop Cigarette,
Cigar, or Chewing habit
No-To-Hno hfin hrlptMl tliouwin(Jn
lo bronk thi costly, norvo-styUtorinff
tobnero ImMt. VhrnoVOf you have
a lnnKhiR for ft snioko or chow, Jmt
plnre a hiirntlcHd No-To-Unc TuMot
in your mouth Instead. All dotre
stops. Shortly tho habit ifl rom
plotoly brokon, nnd you are bettor off
mentally. phyolerUly. financinlly. It's
n cniy, no slmplo. fiot a box of No-To-Uao
nnd if it dorsn't rolea?) you i
from nil rrnving for toharoo in any i
form, your druggist will refund yor(
money without question Adv.
50 -- PEOPLE - 50
Medford Lodge No. 1168, B. P. O. E.
PRICES Lower fl oor $1.S5; balcony, first
four rows, $1.65; balance $1.10, in
cluding war tax.