PAGE FOUR MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OnEflOX, FRIDAY, FEBKUAftY 23, 1923 I CITY OF WORLD , U. S. A. LOUISVILLE. Ky. Picture a cot orlo of eighteenth century London gentlemen, fired with the Bplrlt of the creator and pioneer, Intently poring over a graphically Illuminated churt of "tho Ideul city of th world," ondj vlmmlizlnn 'ocr their inuna of alo thoi day when tho virgin hilltops of that frontier region of tho New World : called Kentucky, beyond the mir- I tredest edge of tho lands aHHlmllated by thoBe recalcitrant colonists should rise this wonder city, "LjS' tra!" "Tho chief city of Kentucky," wan the designation put to Lystra on a London map of 17S4. But Lystra never materialized. I Otis M. Mather of QIodKonvIUo, Ky student of early Kentucky his tory, tells of tho Intended metropolis. "The primeval forest still waves over tho spot," Mr. Mather declared. "Tho Kile is located In the extreme eastern part of La Hue county, Ken tucky, and the only thins that marks It Is tho postofflco and general store of Gleanings, a.littlo village several miles nway." Muldraugh Hill, a landmark in the vicinity, was to ho tho approximate center of the city und is still there. Lystra was to cover 15.000 square acres, divided Into Iwenty-flvo blocks each block with its Individual park. Streets were to be 100 feet wide, and visionary structures and Improve ments were located and planned on a map In London. But tho Englishmen never came to Kentucky. In tho days that have elapsed Blnco, however, tho HlueginsH country to tho cast of Lystra's pro posed location has boon transformed into a prosperous region known ns one of the richest communities in the "New World." TO MAKE RESTRAINING R. R: ORDER PERMANENT, IX) S ANGELES, Fob. 23. Denota tions to support tho plea of tho gov ernment that tho rcHtruining order It obtained In Chhago September 1. Inst, against tho Fedmuted Shop CruflH unions, ono of tho resultH of tho milwny Hhopnu'n'H Htrikn of July 1st lout, bo pornmnont, wens tnkon In- Lob Angoles recently by Or- ville J. Taylor, Hpeclul usilunt tu tho attorney general. Mr. Taylor mild ono of tho qucH tlon to bo covered in Lob AiikoIoh was tho daiiuiKO Buffered by Califor nia fruit growers by the transporta tion tieup which followed tho Htrlko. Ho also oxpected to talto statements from railway officials concerning al leged acts of violence, damngo td property nnd ,tho genera! effect of strike conditions on business, he said. it's the baking powder that tells the story of delicate cakes, light biscuits, and dainty muffins. Science has discovered that a baking powder combining the two necessary leavening units, produces best results with out worry over careful door closing, tip-toeing, or frantic hurry. Experiment has shown that Crescent Baking Powder meets every test of a per fect baking powder. , From any grocer Crescent Manufacturing Company 8eQU), WMRhlnKton ( Crescent Poiltiovlv rfoe C fHsrWr :J NOT mnioin Alum. WATCH YOUR BATTERY PREST-O-tlTIS BATTERT STATION For Qnlrk Scrrtr! Phon Jt lit HEAT WITH COAL 11 see Your Onlrr Now for Oukk Dellvonr Hansen Coal Co. (Slirretvir to I'ndx) 01 S. Fir HU I'lmno S30O SOlliriV AT MI.M IJUACHi I Miss Oloniu Nicholson of Now York ii a striking bathing milt. HARDING OECIOES 10 SHELVE NEW WASHINGTON', Fob. 23. Presi dent Huriling was said by his friends today to have virtually decided not to nppoint Hcnulnr Jlarry H. New of In diana to a place in tho cabinet. For a time tho Indiana senator, who failed of ronnmlnntlon nnd ro- tires from the senate on .March 4, was under consideration as a suc cessor to Posi master General Work, when Ihe latler Is transferred to the Interior portfolio. It wan Indicated today, however, that Mr. New prob ably would bo given some other place, lie may bo made governor of Porto Hlco. succeeding K. Mont Itellv The president's reported Intention to make Mr. Ne(v postmaster general u,..iu,i ii uiM,nii (uiimiih some in dlana republicans. STUDENTS GIVE SUN ' YAT A BIG OVATION ; HONG KONC, Feb. 23. (Uy tho Associated l'ress) Kun Yut Hen, hero on his way to Canton to resume Ills old plnco us head of affairs in south China, waa truest of tho Cnl vorslly Cnlnn today. Ills arrival at tho Kate of tho university where as a yotfcth ho atlonilctll Queens colleffe, was the shinal fur an outburst of eheerlnir sltuleiilM wlm Hii-rii bti shoulder IiIkIi from his nmlof car to tne uudiiorlum. An assembly greeted him with (leafenliiK applause. In file liliKoncn if tint P.i-IMul, chancellor, the colonies seerelary wel comed thn jmlit In. en ,..l 11. Sun responded With . n address in wnicu no discussed his Ideals. TOKIO, Feb. 2i. ( By tlio Associ ated Press.) The lower Iioubo of tho diet today dofnatod by a large ma jority n motion' expressing lack ot confidence in t ho government. Tho action of the lower house camo a few hours after tho upper house ot peers had shattered all precedents by unanimously adopting resolutions calling upon tho Kuto government to consolidate its diplomatic policy which speakers described us rotro i;ressivo and weak. Court News (Purntshed by the Jackson County Abstract Co.) Itenl l'late Transfers, W. W. Perkins et us to Karl W. Moore, pt. lot t, blk S, Park Add. to Medford 10 Win. y. Wnlmiiuolt to .1. It. HoiIkit. pi. lot .', blk. 1. Min gus Sub.illvisiiin. Medford 10 Chu. A Nutter t tlx to 1M. G. Harding, lots 3, i. blk, 2, Kims Add. Medford 1 (.'has. V. Thurston to R 11. Don aldson. laud In t). I,. ('. 61, tp. 38, 3. It. 1 West 330 Chas. A. Nutter et n to Kd. G. Ilurdlnr. lot 6, blk. Itnss Add. .Medford 1 i i 4 Mwtraf I INDIGESTION, GAS, UPSET STOMACH Instantly! "Pape'sDiapepsin" Corrects Stomach so Meals Digest Th vmi suit, a ffihli. .if 'Tape's biapepaiu" your indigestion is gone.- No more distress from a sou, ncid, tipnet stomach. No flatulence, heartburn, palpitation, or miacry-making cents. Kacli package guaranteed by drugidt to overcome stomseh trouble. County Court Procmllng. , The following is a schedule of ex penditures of Jackson County, Ore gon, together with a list of the claim ants and articles of service for which tho claim in made and which were passed upon by the County Court of Jackson County during the month of December, ivli. The following bills wero' allowod an follows, . with tho exceptions shown: County Court and Commissioners Victor Uursoll, county, com missioner's salary and ex- penso $ 67.20 U. A. Gardner, county judge's salary 166.66 James Owens, county com missioner's salary und ex pense 142.00 G. A. Gardner, county com- , jntsHloner's travel and ex pense 49.37 Homo Tel. & Tel. Co., county judge's telephone bill for Novemuor 7.05 Homo Tel. & Tel. Co., coun ty judne's .telepuono bill' for October 7.35 Fostul Tel. Cable Co.. county judge's telegram .82 Total 1551.05 - Circuit Court P. Ilov Davis, court report er's salary , $ 110.66 A. R. Thompson, circuit court crlor 42.00 F. M. Calkins, circuit judges supplies 78.00 Home Tol. & Tel. Co., No vember telephone bill cir cuit court 3.7S Homo Tel. & Tel. Co., Octo ber telcphono bill circuit court 4.00 Mary Dugnn, circuit court bailiff 9.00 Total . $253.41 Sheriff's Offcel Geo. B. Alden, deputy . sheriff's sulury $120.50 L. I). Forncrook, deputy sheriff's salary 110.00 L. D. Forncrook, finger print work 15.00 Geo. I.. Howard, work in sheriff's offico 80.00 Katherine n. Johnston. work in sheriffs office... 78.00 Mrs. Ernest McKoe. work in sheriff's offico 24.00 F. J. Newman., work on tax matter 300.00 Edna Snyder, deputy sher iffs salary 93.00 C. E. Terrill. sheriff's sal ary 1 208.33 Hazo! Tetherow. deputy sheriff's salary 83.00 Dalton Terrill. donutv sher iff's salary 80.00 Geo. B. Alden. deputy sher. iff's travol expense 5.40 Ashland Tidings, printing sheriff's offico '8.00 W. A. Illshop, freight, sher iff's office 8.00 Burroughs Adding Machine Co., sheriff's supples 5.74 Dailoy's Taxi, sheriffs sup plies 4.00 L. D. Forncrook, doputy sheriff's trip to Salem, prisoner 11.31 h. D. Forncrook, doputy sheriff's travol oxpenso.... 50.47 Farmor's Directory Co., sheriff's offico expense 5.00 Homo Tel, & Tel. Co., No vember sheriff's tele phone bill 27.75 Homo Tel. & Tel. Co., Octo ber shorlft's telephone Hill 16.90 Jacksonville Post, printing for shorlff .' 6.50 Goo. J. Kunzman, sheriff's suppllns 3.73 Nash Taxi, sheriff's ex pense 11.50 Poslnl Tel. Cablo Co., sher iff's tolfgramB 55.00 Stockwoll Lock Inspection Co.. sheriff's expense 10.00 C. E. Torrill, stamps for sher iff's office 3.10 C. E. Terrill, sheriff's exponBO .82 C. E. Terrill, sheriff's trav eling expense 60.57 Western Union Tol. Co., sheriff's telegrams 42.25 Mon too Calculating Machine Co., sheriff's expenso 200.00 L. I.. Low, sheriff's expense 9.20 Medford Printing Co., sher iff's expenso 191.00 Medford Hook Store, sup plies sheriff's offico 9.85 Pntrick & Co., supplies sher iff's ofNco 1.31 L. D. Forncrook, deputy sheriff's traveling ox penso 15.40 Total S1963.26 Clerk's Office Chauiicel Floroy, county clerks' salary $ 166.66 Mildred Nell Florey, deputy rlork's salary 123.00 John Harris, work In clerk's offico "''-00 Irma Marl In, work In clerk's office 73.00 Rubertn Penrco, doputy clerk's salary 90.00 Ihm M. Pearce, deputy rlerk's salary 37.00 Maltie Stevens, deputy clerk's salary 73.00 Dollllii Stevens, deputy clerk's salary 110.00 Murv Trnax, work in clerk's offico 70.00 W. A. Illshop, freight, clerk's offico .13 Chauurey I'lorey, stamps clerk's office 17.00 Gins & Prndhomme, sup- pliin. clerk's office 10.00 Home Tel & Tol. Co., clerk's office telephone bill for November 16.4X Homo Tel. Tel. Co., clerk's office telephone bill for C.70 coo clerk's office 2.81 Jucksonvllle Post, clerk's supplies , 14.00 Kilhuin Stationery Co., clerk's suplles 96.14 Medford Printing Co.. clerk's supplies 141.25 Medford Doook Store, clerk's supplies 10.50 Totuf ..11105.10 Treasurer's Office James M. Cronemlllor, work in treasurers office 6.00 Verl G. Wulker. deputy treasurer's salary 90.00 A. C. walker, county treas urer's salary 150.00 uurroughs Adding Machine Co., treasurer's Office supplies 3.00 Home Tel. & Tel. Co., No vember telephone bills 3.80 H. & M. C. Co., treasurer's supplies 5.25 Home Tel. & Tel. Co., Octo ber telephone bill 3.85 Stockwell Lock Inspection Co., treasurer's expense.... 10.00 A. C. Walker, stamps, treas urer's office 10.00 A. Walker, stamps, treas urer's office 1.00 Jackson County Bank, treas urer's office expense.. 16.00 Medford Printing Co., print- ing, treasurer's office 27.00 Patrick & Co., treasurer's supplies 4.15 Brown & White, premium on treasurer's bond 45.00 Kllham Stationery Co., treasurer's supplies 24.93 Medford Book Storo, treas , uror's supplies 1.30 Total .'. $401.28 Coroner's Offico II. F. Cope, examining phys ician 3.30 School .Superintendent's Offico Elizabeth Burr, school su perintendent's salary $ 120.00 Susanne H. Carter, school , superintendent's salary.... 160.66 Luclle Goold, school super intendent's assistant " 85.00 Elizabeth Burr, school su perintendent's travel ex pense 98.43 Susanne II. Carter, school superintendent's expense 2.36 Home Tel. and Tel. Co., No vember telephone bill 7.S8 Home Tel. & Tel. Co., Octo ber telephone bill '"3.55 Minnie Schleichert, work school superintendent's office 3.00 Elizabeth Burr, school su perintendent's expense.... 60.00 Susnnno H. Carter, school superintendent's travel expense 80.30 Susanne H. Carter, educa tional board exponse.1 19.00 Modford Printing Co., print ing school superintend ent's office 55.53 Mrs. C. H. Christner, attend ance school board con ference : 2.00 Mrs. Annio Davles, attend ance school. hoard confer ence, 2.00 Mrs. Mary Gygor, attendance Bcliool board conference.. 2.00 S. II. Gallatin, attendance school board conference.... 2.00 Mrs. Josephine Goppert, at tendance school board conference 2.00 Mrs. S. "W. Hutchinson, at tendance school board conference 2.00 Kathorlng Kellogg, attend- nnce school board confer ence 2.00 D. A. Lyons, attendance school board conference.. 2.00 Modford Book Store, super intendent s supplies .30 Mrs. J. W. Pruett. attend ance school board confer ence 2.00 Flora Thompson, stamped envelopes, school superin tendent 109.43 Homer York, attendance school board conference.. 2.00 Total $833.44 Fruit IiLspoctor'H Offico E. 11. Oatinan, fruit Inspec tors salary and expenso.. 182.00 E. Howard Warner, fruit in spectors salary and ox penso . 161.00 Totul $343.00 Assessor's Ofifco J. B. Coleman, assessor's of fico $ 166.66 Bay Coleman, deputy asses- sessor s salary au.uo Linnlo Huuscam, deputy as sessor s salary llti.uo Dolpha C. Terrill, work In nssessor s offico 7o.00 Ashland Tidings, assessor's supplies (.." J. B. Colemun, stamps for assessor i wu J. II. Coleman, assessor's travel expense 63.23 Home Tel. & Tel. Co., No vember telephone bill .... S.lo Homo Tel. & Tol. Co., Octo ber telephone bill J.'io Medford Book Store, asses sors supplies 4.' Total $528.11 Tax Itelwtc Bert It. Lnwrv, tax refund....$ 13.81 Widow's Tension Ella Abbott, widow's pension 23.00 Efflo Mnrio Unor. widows pension 2j.OO Mrs. Juaulta Butler, widow's pension - 20.00 Floreneo M. Baker, widow's pension - S'.OO Calla Card, widow's pension 54.00 Mm. Nettio Green, widow s pen sion 15-00 Mrs. Ina Huson, widow's pen sion 61.00 Mrs. Alice P. Howell, widow's pension . 2a.00 Mary Roberts lllgglns, widow's pension lo.uo Mm. Dolly Love, widow's pen sion - llo.uu Mrs. Rosa A. Poffley, widow's pension Jo.uu Mm. Anna Preacott, widow's pension 10. uo Myrtle M. Palmer, widow's pen sion - 18.0" Retha M. Richardson, widow's pension - 32-60 Glsdys Rowen. widow's pension 20.00 Addle ebb Shnnks, widow s pension - moo October Jacksonville, Post, printing clerk's office .. Chuuncey I-'lorey. frelgl't Mrs. Rose II. Slngler, widow's i ponslon 32.50 Mrs. Eliz. Sevey widow's pen- i sion 17.50 Mrs. Lydia Sunders, widow's ' pension 17.50 Mrs. Amy it. Thorn, widow's ! pension 25.00 Care of Poor at Poor Farm Dr. W. W. P. HoU, county phy- . slclan's salary $ 75.00 Mrs. Irene Wells, supt.'s salary county farm 126.00 Ed. llluns, county farm supplies 2.35 Cad Ellis, county farm expense 37.50 E. C. Gurdnur, county farm ex pense 5.72 Hubbard Bros., county farm supplies ..L. 8.45 Hauklns . Drug Store, ' county farm supplies 1.60 Hutchison &' Lumsden, ' county farm Bttpplies 46.20 Mrs. Mary March, labor at coun ty farm ; 40.00 Medford Furn. &. Hdw., ex pense county farm 75 John Noon, nursing at county farm - 10,00 W. M. Petri, county farm ex pense 500 J. N. Pace," county farm, sup plies" Paul's Electric Store, county farm supplies 12.45 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., county farm expense 4.00 Talent Garage, county farm ex penso Sacred Heart Hospital, county farm expense 5.71 Total $394.69 Care of Poor Not at Poor Farm .s. Nellie Boardman, regular indleent ! $ 25.00 A. D. Beardsley, regular indl cent i".u Mrs. Castlls," regular indigent. 8.00 Kate Copple, regular indi gent s.uu Mrs. Millie Dosier. regular in- uiccnt !" Dave Daniels, rocular indlgnt 8.00 A. M. Ford, regular indigent 6.00 Mrs. B. H. Hatch, regular ludi- Eent .'. I"-"" Mrs. Hudson,- regular indigent. 8.00 I. W. Ingram, regular indigent. 8.00 Albert Johnson, regular indl-. stent Mr., and Mrs. J. A. Kane, regu lar indigent la.uo Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Kelsoe, regu lar indlirent u Mrs. Lena Lee. regular indigent 8.00 ra. L A. Montgomery, regular ' Indigent WW rs. Carrie E. Miller, regular Indigent J. JUeese, regular indigent. 8.00 John Morlet regular indigent. 10.00 Margaret Noble, regular Indi gent 10-00 Mary Price, regular indigent... 8.00 Eliz. Patterson, regular indi gent - 800 James Pough, regular indigent 10.00( Doc Parsons, regular indigent. 8.00 Jean Ross Smith, regular Indi- gent - -'- 8-0 Mrs. L. Schieflin, regular Indi gent - 800 Alex Wilson, regular indigent. 8.00 Mrs. Nancy Sisemore, regular i indigent I000 T. D. Stafford, regular indigent 7.00 Annio Watkins, regular Indi gent 800 Z. Wolgnmott, regular indigent 15.00 Community Hospital, indigent. 25.20 Hutchison & Lumsden, indi gent supplies 40.00 Phoenix Mercantile Co., indi gent supplies - 10.00 II. C. Stock, burial of indigent. 20.00 E. M. Thurber, indigent sun- plies - Lewis Ulrlch, indigent sup plies lss Godward Morcnntlle Co., in digent supplies l-so Jacksonville Cash Store, in digent supplies 6.00 Pollett Cash Store, Indigent supplies 41.68 Jno. Williams &' Co., indig ent supplies o-OO American Red Cross, indlg- cnt supplies 13a. 36 A. U. Evuns, indigent sup- plies 10-00 Mrs M. E. Mlddlobusher, In digent supplies H.45 Totul $650.71 Court Houso l-xpenso Vlctqr Johnson, work on court houso 7.0 B. L. Moses, janitor's Balary C2.50 California Oregon Power Co., work for court houso 4.50 Fred J. Frlck, court house cxponao 9-23 People's Electric Store, court house expenso 11.40 People's Eloctrle Storo, court houso expense 1.20 Peoplo's Electric Store, court houso expenso 238.90 Continental Chemical Co., court houBe expense 144.00 Jno Williams M & Co., court houso expense 5.75 California Oregon Power Co., court houso expense.. 84.12 Total : $349.72 Jail 1 Anne Schmidt, meals for prisoners $ 70.70 K. 1). Collins, Jailor's snlary 50.00 Mordoff & Wolff jail ex penso 20.10 Optimo Cafe, meals for pris oners 6.93 Efflo M. Terrill, meals for prisoners 253.00 Godward Mere. Co., jail sup plies 16.55 Jacksonville Cash Store, jail supplies 27. So Jno. Wllllnms M. & Co., Jail supplies 22 35 Medford Domestic Laun dry, laundry for Jail 13.35 Mordoff & Woolt, jail ex- ponse 20.10 t.eona Smith, jail matron 89.08 C. L. Woolf, lull oxpenso.... 65,04 West 8ide Pharmacy, jail expense - ."0 Will H. Wilson, jail expenso 14.90 Totul $670.47 Juvenile Court Salem Woolen Mills, Juven ile supplies $ 49-10 C. E. Terrill, Juvenilo court. 46.43 Total $95. S3 Aflvertljiln and County Printing Ashland Tidings, printing s 142.90 Gold Hill News, printing county notice 14.90 Modford Mall Tribune, coun- tv printing 4S.40 Medford Mail Tribune, print ing fVuinfy notices S.80 Ashlumt Tidings, printing. county notices 10.60 Ashland Tidings, couuty printing i-vu Modford Printing Co., coun ty printing 17IT9J Total Klei tlon Kxponso Lucllo Koontz, deputy clerk's salary $ 81.00 Ashland Library, election expense " J. W. Antle. election expense o.VV W. H. Bailey, olectlon ex Dense 8.00 Big Pines Lumber Co., elec tion expenso 95 II. W. Barron, election expenso''....-. " "'00 E. E. Ash, election expense . .. 5.00 Georgo Beers, election ex pense 460 C. W. Clarke, election ox- 5.00 5.00 6.00 5.00 46.98 6.00 pense Emlle Conrad, election ex pense Davis Transfer Storage, elec tion expense Mae Deeker, election ex pense I. H Drake, eloctlon ex pense F. C. Elliott, election ex pense Geo. E. Fox. election ex penso 2.00 D. S. Force, election ex pense 4"0 Mrs. F. E. Furry, sec, elec tion expense 5.00 G. M. Grainger, election ex penso 11 50 A. A. Gillett, election ex pense 1-25 Gold Hill News, printing county notice election:..... 22.40 ,E. A. Hildretli, Jr., election expenso ."8 Chas. Humphrey, election expenso o-0 Sarah J. nail, election ox- pense - 0.00 Banj. Haymond, election ex pense 5.00 11. Hatfield, registering votes 1-8" Geo. Irwiu. election expense 7.00 J. L. Kershaw, election ex pense 0.60 James ICirkpatrlck, election expense 1-50 Olln Knox, election expense 9.00 Nowt Lewis, election expense 7.30 Geo. Laldley, del. ballot box 2.50 D. V. Luke, election ex pense '. 3.50 D. W. Luke, election ex pense 5.00 Newt. Lewis, election ex pense 6.90 W. H. McGowan, election ex pense 17.40 Mrs. A. G. McCarthy, elec tion expense " 5.00 W. H. McDnniel, election expense 1.60 A. E. McKay, election ex pense 3.50 H. G. Myer, election expense, 4.50 Geo. McDonough, election expenso 3.00 Mary. Moore, election ex pense ..4 5.00 M. D. Olds, election expense 5.00 Pacific Record Herald, printing election notices.. 13.50 W. O. W. Phoenix, election expense 5.00 People's Electric Store, elec tion expense 5.80 Edith Randier, election ex pense 6.40 C. M. Ruch, election expense 5.00 W. H. Smith, election ex pense 2.50 F. A. Southwell, election ex pense 3.00 W.. H. Stinson. election ex pense 5.00 W. C. Stancllff, election ex pense ; .25 G. W. Stevens, election ex pense : 5.00 Ira Tungnte, del. ballot box.... 7.20 Elmo "rTiorckniorton. elec tion expense 5.00 S. B. -Tarbell. election ex pense . 1.00 Earl Ulrich, election ex pense 10.00 Valley Fuel Co., election ex pense 2.40 Whittle Transfer & Storage, eloction exponjB 20;7D C. B. Watkins, election ex pense 5.00 Ida E. Wood, eloctlon ex pense .i -- 1-00 H. II. Weaver, election ex pense 2.50 Geo. Zimmermah. election expenso 5.00 Chauncey Florey, payment of election boards 188,48 Chauncoy Florey, payment 1 of emergency fund elec tion expenso 500.00 Ashland Tidings, printing election notices 23.80 Medford Printing Co., print ing couuty offices 13.00 Mordoff & Wolf, election expense 7.50 Alleen McKoo, work on can vassing board 10.00 Oakdalo Grocery, eloction expense 0-00 Joseph Wittcner, work on canvassing board 16.00 J. E. Whltlatcll, eloction expense 0..00 I. W. Shirley, election ex pense 10.13 California. Oregon Tower Co., lights eloction 3.00 Total $2952.97 Indigent Soldiers q; O. Van Nntta, indigent soldier relief $ 100.00 County Nurse Marie E. Falldine, county nurse's salary 123.00 Colonial Garage, county nurse expenso 5.00 C. E. Gates Auto Co., county nurse supplies 13.45 Jones & Klrkpatrlck, elec tion expenso 17.30 C. E. Gates Auto Co., county name's expense 12.40 Total '- $173.13 Surveyor' Oflfee ", Eva Hooker, surveyor's sten ographer 40.00 R. A. Holmes, premium on surveyor's board 13.00 Frank C. Rhodes, surveyor's offico expense 12.00 Total $67.00 RoalT of Weight and Measures E, A. Bond, sealer of weights and measures $ 20.63 Vatr Maxtor Fred N. Cummlngs, water master salary $ 125.00 Fred N. Cummlngs. water maslor expense 28 92 F. E. Nichols, deputy water master 2.70 F. E. Nichols; deputy water muster hire 10.00 Total--:. '. N $166.62 County Attorney Rawles Moore, district at torney office expense.... $" 50.00 Medford' Printing Co., dis trict attorney office ex- , pensa 48.10 Total $98.10 Health Registration Sophia Childreth, health registration 2.75 Dr W. S, Gary, health reg istration ;. 1-2S Miss Mary Meo, health reg istration 1.50 Nellie Reed, health, regis tration 1.30 Nellie Reed, health registra tion 2.00 Dr. F. C. Swedenburg, health . , registration 13.25 , Tota' $20.73 ' County Iralr Ashland Winter County Fair. advertising expense $ 300.00 County Agent State of Oregon, atnte exten sion work 1000.00 Library Fund E. Fay Woolsey, librarian's salary $ 60.6G E. Fay Woolsey, enrront llr hrary expense 20.00 Mildred Bliton, assistant ll- brarlan'e Balary 70.00 Marjorlo Myers, assistant li brarian's salary 23.00 Gavlord. Bros.,llbrary Bup- pllos 2.03 Modford Public Library, li brary expenso 3.40 Tho J. K. Gill Co., library books 2-00 Paxson Drug Co., magazines 25.00 Mrs. Pruo E.. Piatt, maga zines 49.00 : Totul ...$264,07 Rood Fund District No. 1 N. L. Hugh, expense District No.. 1 $ 22.00 Standard Oil Co., expenso dlBtrlct No. 1 18.33 Jack True, payroll, district No. 1 75.50 Standard Oil Co., expense dlBtrlct No. 1 - 27.00 Total .....$142.85 District No. 2 Win. Bruin, payroll district . No. 2 $ 567.86 Standard Oil Co., expense pense district No. 2 485.24 Total $1053 10 District! No. SI Wm. Perry, payroll district No. 3 $434.08 District N. 4 W. M. Tetherow, payroll district No. 4 433.21 District No. B F. J. Watson, payroll district No. 5 210.24 District No. O Associated Oil Co., expense ' market No. 6 35.03 Hugh Jones, labor market road No. 6 9100 i Wm. Perry, payroll market , road No. 6 41.0J) Standard Oil Co., expense market road No. 6 81.09 W. L. Van Houten, payroll market road No. 6 195.00 John Welch , payroll, market road No. 6 110.72 John Walch. payroll market road No. 6 233.99 Standard Oil Co., expense market road No. 6 127.07 General Road Fund, expense market road 790.00 Total .71720 50 District No. 7 John M. Allen, payroll dls- . trict No. 7 ....$ 15.50 John M. Allen, payroll' mar ket road No. 7 173.00 Bishop & Thomas, contral markot road No. 7 264.00 C. Frank Rhodos, oxpenso market No. 7 2471.27 General road fund, market road expenso 242.60 ' Total ........I... ...:.;.;.....$3168. 27 District No. 8 Tf. L. Gregory, payroll dis trict No. 8 $ 254.57 District No. Standard Oil Co., expense district No. 9 23.74 R. B. Vincent, payroll dis- trict No. 9 .'.. 1042.23 Standard Oil Co.,. expenso dlBtrlct No. 9 33.2u ' Total :...$1099.22 District No. 10. Marvin Abbott, labor mar ket No. 10 u $ 101.23 Wm. Corwln, labor market Xo. 10 77.00 Ike Coffman, labor market No. 10 00.40 ' A. I. Goodman, payroll mar ket No. 10 363.83 A. L. Goodman, payioil mar ket No. 10 40.10 J. Hartman, expenso market No. 10 608.99 Robert Hughes, labor mar- ket No. 10 43-75 Hugh Jones, labor market No. 10 ; 44.00 Elmer Rowden, labor mar ket No 10 , 70.8.) Rav Mnthew, labor market No. 10 33 25, Thos. Roseherry, labor mar- 4 ket No. 10 144,00 J. K. Stakes, labor market No. 10 16.60 Shell Oil Company, expense market No. 10 107.50 Standard Oil Co., expense Mkt. road No. 10 183.04 Gaddls & Dixon, expense Mkt road No. 10 . 5.91 Standard Oil Co., expenso Mkt road No. 10...... 507.80 General road fund, Mkt road No. 10 872.50 Total .'. ....$3340.82 District No. 11 Chas. Magerle, payroll dint No. 11 $1098.24 District No. 12 Standard Oil Co., expense $ 157.95 W. L. Van IJouten, payroll dlst No. 12 1443.36 W. L, Van Houten, pnyroll dlst No. 12 BI.00 Standard Oil Co., market road 157.50 Total $1809.81 (To bo continued.) 4