BRINGING I'M CPH TO I CT tOM -J FOR CAbEY LfW TO PUT ON U j the: taim-e. ' ' ' - - Iiivostwk. TOUTLAXD, Ore., Feb. 22. Qdllp fiio'adyr recoiptB 72. llojrs &0e lowor: reclit8 2037 (510 through and 1S22 direct). I'rimo . light i0f 10.50: smooth hoavy 250 to 300 IIjh. $9Sf 0.00 : smooth heavy S00 Ihs. and ni 18 Hi 9; rough heavy $7.50 8.50; fat piKSl 9.50i&0,75; feeders JS.50 9.75: staffs' 65.50. Sheep steady, receipts 30. Butter, ' PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 22. Bt tfr steady: extra cubes 44 44 ",4c: prints 48c; cartons 49c. Butterfat steady; No. 1, 49c. ' San 1'Yancisco Mni-ket Son Francisco markets closed. Itubci Ruth Kccovcrs. HOT SPRINGS, Ark., Feb. 22. Babe Ruth today was back to the strenuous task of reducing after a one day setback In bis battle against avcrdupoise- by an attack of grippe. Notice of Appointment of Executors In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Jackson County: In the- Matter of the Estate ofI. A. Jierriman, Deceased. Notice is hereby- given, that . the undersigned have been appointed by the. County Court of Jackson County, Oregon; as executors of the estate of L'lA. Merriman, deceased, and have qualified. . AU persons having claims against the eaid estate are hereby notified to present the same to the undersigned, at the office of F. P. Farroll, at Mod ford, Oregon; with the proper vouch ers, and duly yorlfiod within Bix months from date of this notice, dated and first published this 22nd day of February, 1923. . . , ... w.: If. MEKRIMA.V, .' V U A. MERUIMAN. C. IL MERR1MAN . . M. 13. MERRIMAN. .' Executors of, the Estate of ' ' I. A. Merriman, doceased. ' WAXTEb snSOELMXEOCS WANTED To borrow $3G00; have guilt edge security and will pay good rate. of interest. Ilox 34, Mail tribune. 280 WANTED 200 Barred Rock or R. I. Red hatching eggs at once. Phone 129. 281 WANTED Uring us your poultry, eggs, veal and hogs for highest cash prices. Poultry Producers Associa tion, Farm Dureau Exchango Bldg. Phono 929. . , 2!9 WANTED To buy team for spray work; reasonable price. Phono 407-X. 2S4 top desk and othor . office furniture. Phono 784-1 290 1 WANTED 250 lawn mowers to shar ' pen. Liberty Repulr Sho). tf .W ANTED to rent fivo room furniHhcd j house in southwest part of city. ' Phone 067-J or call at 217 Liberty building. 2 4 WANTED Anyone 'ho ia digging n basement or has dirt thoy want to disiiose of phone 390-L. 281 ' WANTED Party moving about 7th of J'.irch to point just below Snn Fran cisco would like to have someone take half space in freight car. Phone 204-W. i WANTED To buy scrap lead. Mod ern Plumbing and lloutihg Co. Phono 620. 2S5 WANTBDi Voal, must be good nual ity and have liver attached. John son Produce Co. WANTED Two pigs weight about 50 , pounds. J. A. Manke, R. 1, Medford. i i 2S6 WANTED Furnished apartment, 1 small furnished house or bungalow, or part of furnished home. Refer ences exchanged. Phono 148-Y WANTED Good 3 and one-quarter ' inch wagon. Valley Fuel Co. WANTED Cash peld for pelts, hides, . wool and furs. Johnson Produce Co.. 241 N. Fir St. Phono 91. tf WANTED House novtiig And Jrepalr Ing. Piione 48S-M tr 4 - PERL FCNKKAli BOMI ! At Vour Serrtce Uf or Slghl IaXormatlon Cordially fiiven (Vr. Oi nd 0klnW . lui&Hlnriro Servlco Ilivne 7 ' TTTTOCrsTF W'il n'LI WANTED MALE . FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING , JyOST - THREE HOMESTEADS ! FOR H.lUS-LIVESTitCK ' BUSINESS iMRECTORY'- ' i if JLaL1jEew1 WANTED Steady orchard men. - - SS- - - LOST Oo Main St, cameo broocta : FREE WoMESTK DS -1 Porte I SALE Young work and uaAllo , t . , : i V rMi t EtS Phone 61. 28li FOR KENT Furnished housekeeping with 4 dtamondR on monntiBR.- Raj Biiokano Wush amhiiiizcil ji'ont itarae. Frosh tuns, riiouo 2S2-Y. , '-'-'V;, UP FATHER I WANT Ttt ' MAKE. A' BANQUET WHEN HE OITb out or ju. TO iEE WWftT A FINE. VXNNPC wtr-o . ,t--. WANTED Porter. Apply in person. Hotul Medford, tf WANTED Young man stenographer. Mail application to Tonilin llox Co. 2S5 WANTED Man' of good character and wldo acquaintance in Rogue River valley to represent large fra ternal beneficiary society. Steady position to right party, good pay, answer care this paper giving ad dress for interview. Box 90. 2S3 AV ANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Washing to do at homo. Mrs. Offord. Phone 951-L. 2S4 WANTED Window cleaning, house cleaning, floor waxing neatly done, prices right, satisfaction assured. Phone 706-W, A. M,. Rhoads. 287 WANTED Teaming. , Call 7-F-4. tf WANTED Sowing by the day. Mrs. Thornton, Phone 344-Y. 2S4 WANTED Orchard or other plowing and cultivating for ono or more teams, by day, hour, acre or con tract for season, 3.00 per acre up. liox 551, MedfonU; 28 FOR RENT FCnXlSHED ROOMS FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, bath, men only. 245 N. Grapo. ' 276 FOR RENT Well lighted front sleep ing room, with bath privileges. 325 So.- Riverside, Phono 701-J, tf FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Furnished apartments for light houBekeping. oue rooin and two-room, in modern building, cen trally located; steam heat, hot and cold ' water. ' "electric light; g cooking apparatus; bath. Adults' only. Address B, Mull Tribune. 2S'i FOR RENT Furnished - three room apartment, modern, garago in con nection. 604' W. Tenth St., cor. of King. 281tf. FOR. RENT OFFICES FOR RENT Desk room in light, airy office. Phone 1003. 2SH Used Cars Late Ford Touring $250 00 ' Starter, Shock; Ab sorbers ' Chevrolet Roadster . $250.00 ' Overhauled. Painted, NewTojV . -" '..,' : MEDFORD AUTO CO. Buick Dealers Cor. Main and Holly Special Bargain Ford Delivery Real body, -good , tires Only $175 Drive an Overland and Realize the Difference j 1 A BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. friEPFORD ' MATTi TRTBlWTir METVPORD, QUEilON THURSDAY, TOnTlUAUY 22, I WANNA PAV FEP? 'EM 1 AN' TAKE. VW)TH ME i I OOM'T VANT ME. v,rE . TO KNOW rfjgSQVJ 1T- I LL. F "fOU UP A FINE.' , BUNCH or - CASaE.Y-'.-w" rJ FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms. 511 S. Central. FOR ItEM HOtSES FOR RENT Five" room modern fur nished bungalow; no children; Call at 131 Almond St. ' s 2SS FOR RENT Two modern houses. Call 333 S. Riverside. . . 283 FOR RENT Furnished house; no children. Phono 146-R. 2S4 FOR RENT Houses, 2 rooms furnish ed ; 6 rooms, unfurnished. Phone 83S-M. 2S4 FOR RENT Two - room furnished house and one three room apart ment, close In. Apply 323 N. Front St. 284 FOR RENT 8 room modern house. Phone 808. i . 285 FOR RENT Six room bungalow, modern, one and one-half miles from Medford. Phone-7-F-4. 24 FOR RENT House - at 1239 West Main, 7 rooms and garage. Not for sale: C. A. DeVoe; tf FOR RENT 5 room modern bunga low, sleeping porch, garage,, wood- shed. P.. E. Wynkoop.- FOR. RENT OR SALE 7 room house, East 9 111 -St, easy terms. Inquire Jackson Co. Bldg. & Loan Assn. tf TOR RENT 7 room bouse, furnished, or would sell on payments like rent, . Gold Ray Realty So., No. 16 K. Grapo St, Phono 465-J. tf FOR RENT Houses Browu & White. FOR RENT SnSCELT.ANEODS FOR RENT Buck Lake pastures, 2000 acres; inquire Tlio California - Oregon Power Company, Mediord, Ore, ' , 290 FOR RENT 80 acre9 of land tinder wator, 2 miles of Medford, good house. Address Bert Anderson, room 302 Liberty building. - tf FOR RENT Very desirable offices in the .Medford Building, single or in suite, best in Medford. Steam heat, janitor service, reasonable. Inquire room 414 Medford Bldg. or Phone 542. 250tf FOR RENT Oarage at 1103 W. Tenth St.- Phone 82. tf NOTICE '" I have moved my office to the Medford Center-Building; 1 am organizing my Real Estate Business moro especially to take care of Orchard Tracts, Business Property and Timber; also land that can be subdivided or that Is for immediate sale at a bargain. - . : t ; I have eonnections lti Portland, Eugene, San Francisco and Los Angeles who are cooperating with me. If you have a pear orchard that Is partly in Bosc or could bo grafted to Bosc, our company will bo interested. Phono 71-L J. C. BARNES- ! 1 1 Medford Celitor BlilK. SPLENDID CHICKEN RANCH, AND SMALL DAIRY FULLY EQUIITED ' 8 Head Stork, 123 Chickens, Geeso, Dnclss 20 acres, 1 acres irrigated and water part paid tor, 4-room nice bungalow, cement cool house, good barn, 7 cows, 1 bull 125 chickens, geese, ducks, cream separator, all farm machinery, nice shade; two miles to town. OFFERED FOR QUICK SALE AT 13500. On terms. Also we offer nnother snap as 1 acre and 7 -room -house, modern, brick foundation, barn, some fruitr three blocks off paving, near city limits, ono block to school. PRICE ONLY J2S00, on terms. v . ; - FOUR-SITE REALTY AOENCY ' ' Rooms 4KI-I l Mcdfottl Centre iSidR. Real Estate Business Opportunities Exchanges PEARS WILL MAKE YOU MONEY We are offering a small pear orchard near Medford, which, last year paid "6 per cent on the selling price This is irrigated and in fine condition to produce a heavy crop this year. No buildings. You cer tainly will bo Interested as the price is only $5000.00. Another- man says: "I have- too -much land and' must sell that which commands the most ready sale,-so sell my twenty acres of bear ing pears." These trees are in good (tearing and are growing on the very best soil In tlio valley. The land Is - Irrigated and contains a Btrletly modern Bix-room bungalow. You will make no mistake In in vesting in this properly at the pries of $12,000.00. , Anothor man who Is not n farmer has as 8-acre ranch close to school and Irrigated; one-half in alfalfa.1- Good barm large poultry house and yard; fine shado trees; very nent five Toom home all nicely finished and well furnished; electricity and dally mall; Price $3500.00, Our beautiful river front tracts are just the place-tor your home. The best of garden soil; Ideal for poultry? best fishing water along Rogue river and only thirty minutes from Medford, Buildings now un der construction on tracts recently sold. Prices- $25(1 to $450 per tract. Small payment down and balance-at fire per cent Interest. We have a splendid location along the paved highway and Rogue river for a service station, supply store nnd rsinp ground. U will be a money maker. Can furnish cottege -for right partyr must-have-some-capital and be a huslter. Adjacent to best fishing waters on the river. J. W. DRESSLER CO. Tear we write Fire Insurant. Phone SMS. LOST On Main St, cameo brooch with 4 diamonds on mounting. Ho-1 turn to Mail Tribune ami roceiva ; reward. 2..S4 MISCELLANEOUS CALL DRESSLER Square Deal Hatch. cry for chicks, eggs anil hatchings, Taacred Leghorns and Reds. Phono 95VI,; . 2S4 MONEY TO IXJAN FARM ' LOANS Medford National Farm Loan Association. F. P. Far roll secretary, Jackson County BanV. Rldg; LOANS- City nnd bnsinosB proporties liuildlug loans. W. G. Wright, 701 W. Eleventh St., city. Phone 445-Y. 290 MONEY TO LOAN on improved ranch security, $5000 or less, 6 per cent interest O. C. Boggs, Attorney for State Land Board, Jackson County. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GobbijLINSPPORTONlflEi at No. 15 X. Grape St, Phono 465-J. tf FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES' FOR SALE-Cheap, . Oakland Six. or will take a smaller car. 1W4 May St, or P. O. Box 930, 24 FOR SALfc HOMES FOR SALE Four houses. Owner who lives in California will bo in town for a few daysj Phono D93-L. 281 FOR SALE Modern four room house and good lot; assessments all paid; easy payments; room No. 4, College Bldg., 31 N. Grape St. . 281tl FOR SALE Good seven room house at a bargain, on paved street.' Good terms. Sea 618 Boatty.. 285 FOR SALE Six room modern house, four lingo lots with all kinds ot fruit, nuts and berries. Phone eve . nings 820-R.. . 285 FOR SALE--Modern two-story house, . sleeping porch, .garage, shade trees, . largo lot, close in on pavement, as sessments . paid.. -Terms.. Fred ' Mcars. 401 South Newtown. 2$7tf FOR SALE Houses and bungalows, furnished or tmfurnlsoeds also acreage. Insurance. C. S. But terfleld, Medford National Bank, Phone 389. 123 East Main m. VOU WOW ME. WIPf bNW5Bnw MlfSOEQ tlH PACT vT'b -i3 NW?row I OON'T iTl-Vini, MA MY Vfi. WARKEO CAfcJH NUW. KCP FREE HOMESTEADS J. I.. ierte. Hnoknno, Wash,, anthnrlzcd asent of the gorcrumeut of tin Dominion of t'nnmla. will be at tlio Medford Hotel, .Medford. Oregon on February tlie 24th to give t'reo intorttimti to parties who are interested in Bwur lnff free homestead land in etom Canada, and will also isxuo irt'! rates to ldnd-soekoi-s entitling them .to greatly reduced mim wtailo trav eling in western Cnnada. FOR BALK REAL I-STATU FOR SALE Oil TRADE M odorn new ' subwrbati homn, all: city convoni onees. ten miles south of Portland oiii highway. Easy terms.. C. 1 Stjuior, Kouto 1, Grstnts Pass, Ore, , . - 2877 FOR SALE Forty-four aore cr;ek . bottom ranch, alfalfa, grain and orchard. Full equipment and build ings, near town. Soil whole or rout orchard. Box 4S, Mail Tribune. 288 TOR SALE Oua hundred acres over looking Roguo river two miles north of Gold Hill; sub irrigated fruit land. 'rice 00 dollars. Wood will more than pay for the land. Add. .lames Anderson, Box 144, Gold Hill, ; Oregon. 2K4 FOR BALE 7 room modern bungalow 3 ' bedrooms, good slzod ' kltehn, bulltin features," sleeping porr.h. ?!500 will handle, balance on easy , terms. 7 room- story and half liouso, 4 . bedrooms, good sissed kitchen, S00 ( will bnmllo, balance on easy terms. Tho- abovd properties, on pavBd street and III best residential see tlon. - , Oaoors feaving lown; must be sold. Phone 102S. 19 CargHl Court, tf fOR SAL2, RENT Oil TRADE Alf alfa, grain,' stock ranches, orchards, also city property. Gold Uay Realty CoU No. 18 N. Grapo St, Phono 5 4t)5-J. , tf ;POR SALE POUiA'iiiT ANI EGOS FOR SALE Four hundred hatching eggs if taken tills week. Remem ber we trnpnest continuously. White Wing Poultry Farm. 284 IFOR SALE Hatching egga. Dark Barred Roelt, $3.00 for fifteen. J. W. Cook, R. 3, Box 48, Phono 969-R, "i 311 FOR SALE O. A. C. Barred Rock, It 1. Red and White 'Leghorn roos ters, your choice $8 each! 818 8. Poach St. iiS FOR SALE White Leghorn day old. chicks or eggs for hatching from selected pons. We nlBo run hatch ings. Plneltui st Poultry Ranolt, one milo west Central Point. B. L. San derson, i, - 2sfi TOR SALE Two purebred Light Brahma roostcra. Call 341-J-t. 294 FOX HALE HrJching eegs $a.00 hun dred, from Single comb White Leg horns. All breedora selected by uso of the trapnest. No pullet or ;louf producers used. Dr. C, A.' Winansr Phono 344-M, . 2U0 FOR HALE Uarrod Rock eggs for hutching, O. A- C strain. Phone 201-J. 2S8 f'OR SALE ft. I. Rod hatching eggs. Phone 573, 298 FOR SALE Dark tmrred rock cock erels; also hatching eggs, J. W. Cook, R. 3, Hox 48, Phone 9S9-R, 28S FOR SALE MVKSTOCK FOR SALE Choice registered Jersey cattle, both sexes; excellent Ash land residence; long-bedded Banner buggy. AddresB Box 273 Ashland, Ore. J ;2M FOR SALE Good borso 1100 pounds or will trade for cow, PIioeo 591-11-1. 2S7 To better accommo date our fast grow ing Valvoline Oil trade we have con structed' another new rack and will continue to drain Crank Cases and Transmissions free. JONES & KIRKPATRICK Next to Nat. A Real Service Station 1923 By George McManus ) I V'l.GRS'aT taENT -C FOR SAI4'-i;radp, pare . bred and registered LHiroc Jtry sor-s, 1 1 farmw in Mnreh-and April; also one prize winning rogistored Duroc bjar Call itrt Andrson, Modford, or Miravista Orchard. , , tf FOR S,U-l-r-Sound bck Iwrse, weight 1200 ibs., works it her sincUi or double. Aio two beifers. Iack of pasture reason for sulling. 1,'Mk tlR-n over and name your prie. II. II. t'larko. Seven Oaks. 28 J FOR SALE Cows Sunt fraslt, sslact, federal tasted. 1. Walsh, one mile NE of aicdford ou Crater Lake road, 3v" FOR SALE Pupules, Arabian ter riers, real .beauties. Phoue 561-R t. . . SSltf FOR SALE One good team weight 2400 lbs., wind' miii -with 3-fot. tower ami good pump. Frank Hous ton, Trail, Ore., threa miles nurth of Dodge bridge on west B.uO of river. for s.ii.n JtiscEuaxEors FOR SALE Loose alfalfa nnd grain hay; also -baled grain hay. Pbene suo-r-s. . - FOR SALE Child's tricycle cheap. 504 8. Holly, Phone ?iSJ. FOR SA1.E Small lown cream separ ator.. Phone WS-J. . ' 2S9 IXR SALE Itoa't- forget,- tdes, cider and vlnogui" at all timuB at 31" E. Jacksoa St "Sb FOR SALE Two clertrie light fix tures for dining room and living room, PhoM 197. 2SI FOR SALE Burly Siinriso -Bncd pnta . toes. Phone-18-W, a 31. Parlor, .-.- 2S!i -i FOR SALE11 Typewriter!!, Royal, Cor ona, Remington Portahio; eocend haud machines all prices. Medford Book Store. 284. FOR SALE Progressive Evorlmarfns j strawberry plants; also Tanered chicks iftc each. Mrs. Dressier, Phone 951-U , 281 FOR SALEr-Maimre. Phone 951-L. - ..-284 FOR SAlK-nHoardl6R ; seed - barley. James Campbell. Piibtae 17-P-31, , .'287 FOR SALE 2 . It, , B, . Fairbanks Morse .engine,- 927-M. . f 3 FOR SALE HaM clean alfalla, $20 . a ton. Solado Ranch, Central Point. FOR ' SALE tplect nursery stock,' shmlo and ornamental Bhrubiwry; graphs,1 flowering bulbs, and roses. Washington. Nurseries, cull E. ,'. .Welch, COS W, Fourth St, 2is S FOR SALE Cory Thontless Black , berry motefl tips'-. $1.M per dox., ; 'i,i0 iter too,' T.'J. Noon)jj, Cen ttni Point, Oregon, , . ' 291. HUSl.VIMS IHHKCTORV tljiroprnctic Physiolon DR. HARVBV 1. COLEMAN Chlro practlo and -Electro-Therapy. 4iT 28 Mwiford Bldg. Phone MS. tf DR. A. R. HEDGES Neo-BcieeUc . Physician, DR. LOUISE E. HEDGCS Naturopathic Cairo, praetor. Mechano-Therapy, Spon dytotherapy, Food Sciences, Chlro practice. Office: Stewart flidg., , 2. IB K. Main St .Phonos; OIIlcs, 1?0; Res. I70-J.-2. DR. E. W. HOFFMAN Chlroprno tie Physician. Office hours 9 te 12, 2 to 5, Suite 203-V4-O3-M, Mb erty Bldg, Office Phone B80, Res 10T SPECIAL 1918 STUDEBAKER SIX We will accept best cuh offer made between now and next Sat urday noon. Look It over, Sorrm one will got a' car' it their own price. Many real bargains in used Cbovrolets, Overlands and Fords, " -. - .? i 1 Balck Delivery at a very low price, C. E, Gates Auto Co, Mt4t P. A J 'BROS, ft- GREENS--AhMriM'nt TIllo Rooids 3 and i 'No,' 58 - North Csatral Are., u T siairs.J -" ' Jwksou County -ABSTIIACT tX. The only complete Ti tle Byteia in Jackson mity, '. A' Abstinrts of Title wi Title Insaraujce, -. WATSON fi. KELLOGG ReHabtf Jacksou county abstractors ol X, ties, CoW Hill, Oregon, Attorneys O, C. HOOGS Lawyer, Specializes 1n Renl Estate and Probate taw. 30 North Cenlra'i Ave. ,s A. E. ItEAMES I-awyer, office 4a Liberty Building. . ' BulWlTiB Materials UEDKOllD CEMENT BRICK- ; ft BLOCK WORKS SpeetalUM in all kinds of cement building products. Cor. Fir and Tenth Streets. - - Demists- : 'Mr OR. O. J. .! OH V SON Dentist, 22i S, . Main St., over M. M. TJept. Store, iledford, Oregon. Phone SBSj Res. lfl2-Y. ; Offfeefcom S fc Otf 8 p. iuj Evenings and Sunday jbj wppoirttmect. j - ICvfM'rt Arcounlant' WIlON ACWtKfi CO. E. Jt. WH son, C. 1. A, . Attention given to ' aiii t!:'iK In ; accounting and In come Tx Tetjuitemeste. Look into our simplified accounting method. Liberty.," Bldg,, ,. MwUonL' PiQB : 157-r . .-. . .,. . '-. .; ...'-..i Mosey to loan! J. II. ANDREWS Boys and ael! mortgages and loans money a good BectiTily, SI - N. Grape "Sv I'heno 53 -M, 3 :. r :rr Mmramcnta SHE . OREGON ORAN1TS CO,- Monuments. E. A. Hicks, teserat manager. P. M. Kershaw, satct manager, 143 E. Slitli St., H fori, m CiRtcopaths DR. F. G. CARLOW. DR. EVA MAXhJ CARLOW Osteopathic Phrstotan 416-41 Liberty Bldg. Pht 904-J-3, Residence 26 . Bout Laurel St - ' tmrVTV. JWWARb OnteopstJilc PhyBlclan. Special attention g'.Ten to eye, ear, nose and throat. 80 Liberty Building. Phone 4S6. riijstcinns and Surgeons. DR. W W.- P, HOWT Physician , and; Surgeon. Office Medford Bldg. Phono IBS. Residence 118 Genesee St. Phoua I65-J-2, . DR. A. BURSELI Physician and Surgeon, 313 to 314 Medford Bldg. Entrance 3C N. Central. Special attention to spine. Phone 28,. - i Pluoo Instruction FRED ALTON 15A1GHT Teacher of Piano and Harmony. Composing, Arranging. Studio 318 Liberty Bldg. Phons T2. ; ,V Malen and Itklbhera V MEDFORD PRINTING CO., hat S bent - equipped printing office Id Soutfwsrn Oregon. Book Mnd'ag, loose leaf ledgers, billing systemi, ete. Portland prices. B1 N, $tt St Hug YVMrtng . MEDrORD 'FLUFF. RUG WORtS makes fluff rugs- from old aid morn carpets and rugs Phso 610-M. T0 Tine St. Ji Transfer EADS TRANSFER & ST OR AGS CO Office 42 North Front 8t Phooa 815. Prices tight.' Berries gma. a n tees.- DAVIS TitAKSi'KR AND STORAGE CO. Anything" moved, day ' or night Service guaranteed. 2 3 8. Orap.. Phone: OIIIco 844. ot residence, 4 ?-R or 206. tf Upholstering 4, WE IS Upholstery, Manaactrr of oveistuffod furniture. FnlUln of material. Draper! made to order. We do all kinds of ur-hc4-terlnf "VVe deliver aad wll! eaB and show samples. Phoaa 10$ iYSTEMERVICElO: M. P. ftCHMTTT 9A Floor-