PAGE SIX MEDFORD MAIL- TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREOQNV THUID AY, FEBRUARY 22. 192:1 OF SEES 28 HR. THRU AIR E 5,322,708 BARRELS OF APPLES STILL THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK OF IN UNITED STATES In New Offices PRESIDENT i WARREN, Mass.. Feb. 22. Willi Frank L. Taylor. president of tho First National bank of Worren under arrest In ChieiiBO. lorul nuthorltie today turned their attention to 11 Kfarch for Joseph ft, Man ino, alleged to bo tho linilim behind the dlxap pcarance of J213.00U in bonds and no curltles from tho bank's vaults. Marclno, reported to have been miming since February 12, was be lieved to be on his way to South America, officials said. Wh true name wan Bald to be Joseph II. Dlata, who. It wan deelared, was being nought for similar bank looking In two California cities anil or the .uocnnnics aim .uereuumi bank of I'hlladolphla. , CIIICAOO, Fob. 23 Frank I. Tay lor, president of tho First National bank of Warren, Mass., closed by bank examiners Investigating tho re ported disappearance of $213,000 In securities, today was under nricst hero nnd detectives awaited the ar rival of his wlfo to apprehend her. ; A search was being Instituted for Abraham Goldman of Chicago, owner of the controlling Interest in tho in stitution nnd Joseph 11. Mnrclno, who. it was said, had purchased a controlling Interest in Hie Morchanlsi and Mechanics' bank at rminocipnm and tho Niagara Ufo Insuranco com pany .of lluffalo, N. Y. . Arrested by prlvato detectives hero last night, Taylor said tlui first news of his bank's fulluro reached him through nowspnpors. A suspicion that all was not well at tho Inslltu .in. Tnvlnr told tho officersbrought him to Clilcngo to confer with Ooid inan. Marclno, Taylor's Bon-lnlaw, i hod disappeared a woeK ago wiui me key to a safety deposit box contaln iug the bank's ptocks and bonds. Taylor said In his conference with Goldman tho latter voiced a suspic ion that Marclno had lied with the bans ti tunas, rjxrraauion was waivfuj by Taylor und he expressed a willing-1 ness to return to warren at once. PIRMINrjIIAM. Alu., Feb. 22. Hrforo many youra imvo puBBod every Important buHitiPHH center of tho na tion will bo connoctcU by ulr mail ronton and transmission of nmll be tween tho trntiTH will b by moans of alrplunofl flying at nlitht ov?r lltfhtotl airwayH, Colonol l'aul Hon d!hon, tjecond aHsl.stant postmantcr K'nrTal told Alabuma poMtmnstorH iwrntly. TtnnKmrHlon of malm ny airplane l a hu rerun, McndiTHon dec lu red. An efficiency of U1.39 pop cont was maintained during tho ffwal yenr ending Junr 30.11122, ho stated. From July 10. 1921. until Kcptember 7, 1922 poHtal fllti-H traversed 2,000,000 mllcfl without a fatal accident. Experiment) and atuily hnvo (lorn oriHtrattd, Colonel HemUTnon Kald, that night flying 1h Hafo und practi cal. "Our cxperlmentH mid study bavo reached tho Hinge whore It 1h, I think, Hafo to conclude that It is entirely at night," ho wild. "Wd nro now engnged in Ihe tank of locating emergency landing fleldn every 25 mltcR between C'Utengo nnd ('heyenno. Kach of thene fields will ho lighted with llghtH thought nereKsnry to mako them proper for nirjht naviga tion. Jietwoon pitch field will bo a lino of Hiimller lights, solely to keep tho aviator properly on IiIh route. "If wo arc HUcceHHful In this. It will mean that wo V'lU be able to make trans-continental flights from New York to Chicago In tho daytlmo, Chi cago to Cheyenne at night, and from Cheyenne to Han Francisco in tho early part of tho second day. Wo should bo ablo to establish and main tain a schedule of from 28 to U0 hours between New York nnd Sun FmneJoco If this night flying- experi ment proves out. Tho entire aviation fraternity in watchinff this experiment of ours between Chicago and Chey enne hopeful of a BUccfiuful accomplishment." BPRINOFIF.I.D, Ohio, Feb. 22. Confidence as to the outcomo was ex prersed today by counsel for both de fenso and stato ns the preliminary hearing of the ease of W. M. Conner kleaglo and organizer of the local Ku Klux Kl.-in. charged with riotous con Heveral witnesses have been sxib- poenaed for tho State, It was an nounced today. Among them are Cleorgo E. McCord, superintendent of tho public schools, and Arthur It. Tllnnd an' official of tho Indiana, Co lumbus and pastern Traction com-puny. First Intimation that the state would endeavor to bring the Fulton schooj ruse Into tho proceedings was received with the appearance in court of Mont C. Hambrlght. clerk of the common pleas court with the papers in tho enso. Tho Fulton school caso Involves tho efforts of tho board of education to establish an all-negro school In the Fulton district. Officials of the civil rights protective league (negro) sued tho board, asking for nn Injunc tion to rentniln tho transfer of pupils In or out of tho district on tho basis of rnco or color. Tho court granted tho injunction. During tho pendency of tho ense, tho negro residents estab lished pickets around the school and considerable feeling was aroused. BEAUTIFUL IN A MOMENT Try This ! A Gleamy Mass of Luxuriant Hair :V''v.f 1 At oneel You can transform cvpn plain, dull flat hair. Yon cun have it kuuiidant, oft, gloiisy unit lull of life. ,1ust Ket ft 3r cent nottlo of "Dander' ino" at any drugstore. Then inoistc. a, soft cloth with the ''Duiidcrjiw" am. draw this through your htir, takiuir one Bioall strand at a lime, lnnliintlv, yes, linmodlutely, you linvo doubled the beauty of your' hair. It will be a mass, so soft, lustrous and so ciuy to do up. All dust und exeexsive oil U removed. Let "Datiderino'' nut new life, vitnii M.l VtAl.4.,A-u I.. I.uir '1'liln atlinulatlnff tonic will freshen your ' scalp, check dandruff and fulling li< and help your hair to grow loiij?, thick, strong and beautiful. I W. I HEARST FILM CO. JOINS WITH GOLDWYN By PACIFIC UNER NEW YORK, Feb. 22. Tho Inter national Film company of which Wil liam Randolph Hearst Is head, and which controls tho Cosmopolitan productions, 'haK merged with tho Ooldwyn corporation, It was disclosed today. Tho merger, however, affects only the distribution of pictures and each company will continue to pro duce films ns a separata organization. There will bo no changes In the execulivo branches of tho two com panies. I Tho Hearst pictures havo for seve ral years been distributed by tho Fa mous I'laycrs-lJiflky . corporation, which now hi facing prosecution by tho federal trade commission, charg ed Willi unfair competition and mo nopolistic policies, 3 TOKJO, Fob. 22.-HIiy Associated Press). Tho Pacific Mall liner Presi dent Lincoln, from Snn Francisco for Yokohama, made port today with the disabled United States shipping board freighter llcffront in tow, winning a stiff battle of skillful seamanship against mountainous seas and slash ing gales. The passenger linor for four days struggled nhcad in tho storm with the Teffron, crippled by a broken propel lor, dragging at the end of the line. On Sunday the hawser parted but the liner again picked up her charge, ' although with great difficulty and to day tho two made port undamaged except for the HeMron's broken blades. Tho freighter's officers gave the highest pntiso to the seamanship of tho liner's officers. 'Omar the Tentmaker' Wins Page Audience ALTUNY. N. Y.. Feb. 22 Tho son ate concurred today with tho assem bly In adopting a resolution to mem orialize congress to legalizo wlno and beer by mollification of tho Volstead act. An amendment was approved by both houses providing that tho gov ernor sign tho resolution and trans mit copies to all niombers of congress. USED CARS , That have not been misused Priced right Crater Lake Automotive Co. H. W. OONGEB UNDERTAKER ; Baewot to Weeks-Oongrr Oo, , l Miwlfnrri. Ow FLOUR, and FEED Ijow price on flour and fowl by rw ownctn Central.. Point Flour MltU Procem I tolled Ilnlley, 70 lbs. $1,110 MJIlfoed, HO lb. sack Home Itun Itrun nnct Nhorls $I.S1 HtinlM Corn, H-r t J.OO HtTfttrlt Fowl, per cn t 'J."il Vm Mnsh, UO'c protein, cu t .. :.(M1 Flour, Mt. Iltt blond 40 lls f I.OO l. PHt t Flour, 10 Id. fk U.t)0 Attrartlrc pHrtw on ton lots. i MOHT MOIiTOX ! r Vvutrul Point Thrills In "Ebb Tide" For thrills,- rirumatla action and ex ceptional appeal ouo can safely recom mend "Kbb Tido," a picture which was shown nt tho Klaito theater yesterday for the first times. It Is u delightful pleturizatlon of Robert Uiuls Steven son's famous story, nnd thero isn't a dull moment In It. Tho plot Is nn Interesting ono, nnd the characters aro played by actors anil actresses who nro worthy of the tusk of portraying a group of fiction's most famous folk. Mia Ix e, '.lames Kirkwoml, Haymond lliitlon, (loorge Kawcott, Noah Ileory nnd Jucnuellno Uignn nro tho featured players. The night scenes In this picture are the most artlstio and realistic that we have yet seen on the sliver sheet. Tho locale of tho story Is party In Tahiti and partly In a pearling Island. There mo several scenes that are real thril lers, a fight with an octopus, a burn ing ship, a storm nt sea.1 "Kbb Tide" Is a picture with n punch nnd will piny the remainder of the week. Guy Mates Post in "Omar the Tent maker," Richard Walton Tully's sec ond great contribution to tho . Bllver sheet, was given its premiere yester day at the Pago theater and more than duplicated tho success or "The Mas I quorndor." In plcturesquo beauty It suriiaasos tho descriptive powers of Omar himself. Post's polished artistry Is doubly ef fective. As young Omar ha is the Impetuous, ardent lover, an ideal Itomoo of ancient Persia; as the older mau, ho is sincere, philosophical, tol erant and sympathetic. I "Omar tho Tentmaker" Justifies j amply its advance heralding as the I screen's most colorful production. Rich In the luxurious background of tho Persia of the cloventh century which constitutes Its locale, the screen shows us several populous cit ies that wero erected on the studio grounds for this production. An ex ceptionally sterling cast supports Post, headed by Virginia Drown Fnlre, and Including Nigel do Uriillero, Wal lace Ileory, Rose Dlono, Patsy and Ruth Xlillor. Round one of tho "Now Leather Pusher" series, starring Reginald Denny, makes tho current program at tho Pago one of the host It has offored In somo time. Kver since tho rirst "Leather rush ers" wero .completed last summer, eager patrons of tho Pago have been demanding n continuation of these IHipulnr prlzo ring romances taken from tho II. C. Witwer stories in Col lier's Weekly. Cut This Out It Is Worth Money Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c nnd mall It to Foley & Co., 2S35 Shef field Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clenrly. You will rocelve In return a trial package con taining Foley's Honey nud Tar Com lound for coughs, colds nnd croup; Foley Kidney pills for pains In sides and back; rheumatism, backache, kid ney and bladder ailments; and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and tlioToiiBhly cleansing cnthartlo for con stipation, biliousness, headaches, and sluggish bowels. Sold everywhere a nttlna tor 4 IN compliment to the hostess make Vogan's Tan Jar choco- -latcs another distirt' guished guest at the party. fcrrrr the? aeU out rafl. 0 iTJf "WASHINGTON, Feb. 21. Employ. ment throughout tho country during January Increased 1.4 per cent over the preceding month, liccordlng Jo a report rnado public today by tho bu reau of labor statistics whtlo u dcT creaso of 2.8 per cent was registered In the total amount of wages paid. The figures are bnsed on reports frpm 4,103 establishments In- i3 In dustries, -i Increases In tho number of em ployes for January as compared with December wero Bhown in 24 industries nnd decreases In 18, white employ ment In one Industry remained sta tionary. Increases In the total amount of payrolls for January as compared with December were shown in only 12 industries, and decreases In 31. Increases In employment for the year 1922 wero shown in 10 Industries and decreases in three. Automobiles, Iron and steel, car building and re pairing, showed increases of 42.7, 4.2 and 25.8 per cent respectively, while mens clothing showed a decrease of U.3 per cent. Of tho 43 Industries reporting for January, 81 per cent was operating on full time, 17 pes cent on part time and two per cent were closed down. Wage adjustments effective be tween December 15 and January 15 showed increases In various establish ments of forty industries that report ed, with tho .exception of three in stances, whero decreases wero reported. TRAIL ITEMS Mr. nnd Mrs. 8. W. Hutchison spent tho week-end in Mcdford shopping, and visiting with friends. Mr. John Hill and Burt Gaugo of the Hill Construction Co., are expected here this week to arrange to remove their rock crusher, and settle up their business here. Mrs. M. E. Middlebusher and son Denzil have returned from the Apple gate where they have been visiting the former's daughter, Mrs. M. Pence and family. S. W. Hutchison has been hauling lumber from the Elk Creek sawmill to build a small house for the renter on his ranch. Tho steel work on Trail Creek bridgo being completed tho men arc busy placing the steel on the Elk Creek bridge. ( The public will be glad when theso two bridges are completed as the detours aro very muddy to have to travel. . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Houston had as Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rainey, Mr. and Mrs. Will Houston nnd Mr. and Mrs. S. Houston. A bountiful chicken dinner with all the goodies to go with it, was served, which was greatly enjoyed by all. CORNS Lift Off with Fingers 1 - h fra w ) t CHICAGO, Feb. 22. While apple trees ore putting forth blossoms fori this season's apple crop, persons who I follow tho old adage will have no trouble obtaining their fruit, accord ing to a report mndo public today by the United Htntes bureau of agricul tural economics. This month's report of apples In cold storage, exclusive of - those In wholesale houses and retail stores, showed that thero nro 6,322,708 bar rels of apples yet to be removed, an avernge of about five pounds of apples for every Inhabitant of the country. As early as October 1 last year, 1, 452,000 barrels of apples went into storage, an unusually large amount, duo to a enr shortage in nearly all producing areas, fairly heavy produc tion nnd low prices early In tho sea son. The peak was reached in De comber when about 6,743.000 barrels, ono million more thnn m 1021, were held. Hut the holiday season mndo an Impression on tho Immense storage and thereafter tho stock began to di minish and will eventually be wiped out by April or May. A Inrgo pro portion of stored apples require no further transportation by rail as they New York Ilaldwln apples wero va aro held In the cities, rlously quoted at tho leading markets this week from $4.60 to 5.50 a bar rel. Little advnnco was noted be cause of tho large storage. Effects of the cold wove of Inst week and tho week before wero seen In the shipments of potatoes recelvou j last week. Only 2400 cars were marketed, a decrease of 800 com pared with tho provlous soven days. As a result prices held, firm In all j markets. Kidney and Bladder Troubles Conquered or Money BacK -r. A A ...... re anfri Tlr. CarOV. I have prescribing my Prescription No. "77 (Known lor years an i.i.. e nnH Hintiripr sickness and now that I havo retired from active practice I have mnao arranscmem. with leading druggists to dispense this wonderful prescription at a mod erate price, on the inonpy back It dissatisfied plan. Beware of kidney disease -thousands die of it every year who ought to ho enjoying tho blessings of Ufo nnd health. Watch tho symptoms. If you havo specks floating before tho oyes, puffy eyes, clammy feet or moist Mi.D l.4i.1in,.in nr sldeache. you ! ought' to get a bottle of Dr. Carey's famous Prescription ino. hi rum away. It has v.-onderfully benefited tens of thousands of cases of kidney and hlndder troubles nnd Is the medicine you can always depend upon. Re sults are guaranteed. NOTE Wr. Daniel O. Carey was a practicing physician for many y.-nrs nnd his great Prescription No aided thousands of sufferers (rum kidney nnd bladder troubles, llore nftor you can alwns get this effec tive prescription tn both liquid and tablet form at nil druggists and all rellablo pharmacists tho country' over. Adv. Doesn't hurt a bill Drop a little "Frcczoiie'-' on an aching corni instant ly that corn stops hurting." then shortly you lift it right off with lingers. Truly! Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of ''Fnwono" for a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft rorn, or corn between tho toes, and the calluses, without, soreness or irrltatiun. 1 Let tho coal man save you money on King conl. Little waste, burns up all tho coal nnd throws out nn Intense heat. You will need less than other kinds. So It's a renl economy and saves dollars. "Read the Conl-nmn Chats" IIAXsr.N COAL CO. (Successors to Kads Coal Co.) Phono 1 a. Fir SI. FISR REDTOP Has Built a Reputation Excelled by None. If you will comp In and look this tire over you will see for yourself tho reason Wo carry a rnniplclo lino of Cords and Fabrics. The! Auto Supply Co. Jnst Around tho Corner 31 North Uortlott DOO WIUGHT VISIT THE Armory Servjce Station RED CROWN and ASSOCIATED GAS and OILS Tiret Tubes and Accessories Drive a block and save your dollars. Paoifio Highway at Jackson W. 0. TAYLOR 0. L. WOLFF Proprietors, Is now equippt'd in every detail for prompt and efficient transaction of your business.- Open o checking account with us for your own protection. . -' ' Conserve your funds in a Savings Account or Time Deposit at Vc Seini-nmnial Interest. Our Modem Vaults have been constructed for the protection of your valuable papers and prop erty. Safe Deposit Boxes 2.00 and up. Many Customers of large means make their in vestments through this bank. . . Our Officers are experienced in the selection and purchase of high grade bonds and securities. This service is worth money to you It is yours for the asking. HAVE YOUR CARPETS CLEANED WITH ISH-KA-BIBBLE A PERFECT CLEANER AND CLEANING SYSTEM RcmoTcs greases and all forms of dlt-ts. RrfKtitcns the colors and makes the surface like new. It don't destroy tho sizing. Will call for them. Wo specialiw) on Oriental and IVrslan rugs. Klne up holstery nnd treatment for moths. IT AVE VOril CARPKTS HlRllKR-SIZED. THEV WIIX WEAR TW1CB AS LONG. ASK ABOUT OUR CLUB RATES SEDAN New Price F, O. B. Detroit Equipped with electric start ing and lighting system, de mountable rims, extra rim and non-skid tires all around the Ford Sedan, at the new low price of $595, F.O.R Detroit, is the greatest motor car value ever produced an enclosed car of comfort, convenience and beauty. Buy now. Terms. Comoletelv Equipped C.E.Gates Auto Co. Comer 6th and Paoifio Highway 7