RINGING LlvONUM'k Portland, ore., rob. 21. cattle. fhoga. sheep nomlnnlly steady; no ro- nutter PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 21. Butter steady; extra cubes 44 iM4 ic; prints 48c; cartons 49c. Buttcrfat steady, f KO. 1 49c. Sau Francisco Market . SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 21. (U. S. tlureau of Agricultural Economics) Eggs, extra pullets 27c; undersized 23c. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 21. t (fitato DIvlHion of Markets) Poultry VE MUbTTl I WILL I I too BCT I I I niMNb d 'ii t 1 iv .1 tm . j '.!: unchanged.-'- - - BAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 21. But lorfat, pound 02 Vic fob Ban Fran cisco. ... Portland Princial Dies. . PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 21. Thorn Ben T. Pa vis, for 21 years principal of Lincoln high school, died here today from heart dinaasc brought on by a severe cold. He rai 71 years old. . IV AKTED SITUATIONS WANTED Washing to do at home. Mrs. Offord. Phone 951-L. 284 WANTED Window ' cieauing, house cleaning, floor waxing neatly done, prices right, satisfaction assured. Phone 705-W, A. M.- Rhoads. . 287 WANTED Light work by hour. Good cook, Ironer, mender. 408 W. Sixth St. - 283 WANTED Teaming. Call 7-F-4. tf WANTED Sewing by the day. Tborntop, Phone 344-Y. Mi-r. . 281 WANTED Orchard or othor plowing and cultivating for one or more . teams, by day, hour, acre or" con tract for season, $3.00 per acre up. Box 651, Medford. 280 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS , WANTED Flat top desk and other "office furniture. Phone 784-L. .290 WANTED 250 lawn mowers to shar ped. Liberty Repair Shop. tf WANTED to rent five room furnished house In southwest part of city. Phono 057-J or call at 217 Liberty .; building. 284 A' ANTED Anyono who is digging a basement, or has dirt they want to dispose of phoue 390-L.. 281 WANTED Party moving about 7th of March to point Just below San Fran cisco would like to have someone take half sjiace in freigbt car. Phone 204-W. 286 VVANTED Bids for baling 75 tons alfalfa hay at my place near Star Ranger Station, by Fob. 26. Reserve right to reject any or all bids. F. E. . Schneider, Jacksonville. 282 WANTED To buy scrap lead. Mod em . Plumbing and Heating Co. Phone 020. . 286 WANTED Veal, must be good qual ity and have liver attached. John . son Produce Co. WANTED Two pigs weight about 50 pounds. J. A. Manke, R. 1, Medford. 2Se WANTED Furnished apartment, small furnished house or bungalow, or part of furnished home. Refer ences exchangod. Phone 148-V. WANTED Good 3 and onoquartor Inch wagon. Valley Fuel Co. WANTED Cash paid tor pelt, hides, ' wool and furs. Johnson Produce Co.. 241 N. Fir SL Phone 97. tf WANTED House moving and repair ing. Phone 4S8-M or 488-X. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished sleeping room 440 S. Kiversme. rnone tui-n. too FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, bath, men only. 246 N. Grape. t 270 FOR RENT Well lighted front sleep ing room, with bate privileges. 326 So: Riverside, Phono 701-J.- tf PERL FtTCSKRAL BOMB At Your Service. Imj or NlKht Information Cordially Given Cot. 6tn and uaKnaie Imbulanto Sf rrlco HIODO IT l II I I UP FATHER HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Woman to do small fam ily washing at her home. Call 622 N. Riverside. tt HELP WANTED Male Ana Female WANTED Clerks for. postal mall and government departments. $120-133 monthly. Experience unnecessary. For free list positions now open write J. Davis (former Civil Service examiner), 758 Fleming Bldg.. Washington, D. S. 283 HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Young man stenographer. Mall application to Tomlln Box Co. . 285 WANTED Man of good character and wldo acquaintance in Rogue River vulley to represent large fra ternal beneficiary society. Steady -position-to yight party,; good pay, answer care this, paper giving ad dress for interview. Box 90. 2S3 FOR KENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR .RENT Buck Lake pastures, 2000. acres; inquire. The California Oregon Power . Company, Medford, Ore. 290. FOR RENT 80 acres or land under water, 2 miles of Medford, good i house.. " Address .Bert, Anderson, room 302 Liberty building. .- - v . tt FOR RENT Very desirable offices in the Medford Building, single or in suite, best in Medford. Steam beat, janitor service, reasonable. Inquire room 414 Medford Bldg. or Phone 642. ' 250U FOR RENT Oarage at lioi W. Tenth St. Phone 82. . v . tf LOST LOST On-Main , St, cameo brooch with 4 diamonds on mounting. Re ' turn to Mail Tribune and receive reward. ' 284 MISCELLANEOUS CALL DRESSLER Square Deal Hatch ery for chicks, eggs ana naicnings, Tancred Leghorns and Reds. Phono 951-L. 284 USED CAR BARGAINS 1921 Starter, Ford Touring, Fine Condition $250.00 Lade Dodg-e Touring, Lets of Extras $750.00 Studebaker 7-Pass. Touring, Starter, New Tires $150.00 MEDFORD AUTO CO. ' BUICK DEALERS Cor. Main and Holly Special Bargain Ford Delivery Real body, good tires Only $175 Drive an Overland and Realize the Difference BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. MEDFOKD MATTj TRIBUNE, MEPFOUD, PRECOX. WEDNESDAY. ERURrAltV 21, cmmjshter. will, too Ft up FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Furnished apartments for light housoltoping, one room und I two-room, in modern building, cen trally located; steam heat, hot and cold water, electric light: gas cooking apparatus; bath. Adults only. Address B, Mall Tribune 2S'i FOR RENT Three room furnished apartment. 603 N. Holly. Tel. 715-J, $10.50, including lights and water. 280tr FOR RENT Furnished three ' room apartment, modern, garage in con nection. 004 W. Tenth St., cor. of King. s 281tf FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. 221 N. Holly. - 285 FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms. 511 S. Central. ' FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Five room hiodern fur nished bungalow; no children. Call at 131 Almond St. 285 FOR RENT Two modorn houses. Call 333 S. Riverside. 286 FOR RENT Furnished house; : children.' Phone 146-R. no 281 FOR RENT Houses, 2 roorna furnish ed; 6 rooms unfurnished. Phone 938-M. 284 FOR RENT Two room furnished house and one three room apart ment,, close in. Apply 323 N. Front St. .- .,. . .. 281 TOR RENT 8 room modern house. Phone 808. 285 FOR RENT Six room bungalow, modern, one and one-half miles from Modford. . Phone 7-F-l. . 284 FOR RENT House at 1239 West Muin, 7 rooms end garage-; Not for sale. C. A. DeVoa. tf FOR RENT 5 room, modern bunga low, sleeping porch, garage, wood Bhed. P. E. Wynkoop. . . TOR RENT OR SALE 7 room house, East 9th St., easy terms. Inquire . Jackson Co. Bldg. & Loan Assn. tf FOR RENT 7 room house, furnished, or would soli on payments like rent. Gold Ray Realty So., No. 15 N. Grape SL, Phone 465-J. tt FOR RENT Houses Brown & White. NOTICE ; I havo moved my offlco tp the Medford Center Building. I am organizing my Real Estate Buslucss mdro especially to tako caro of Orchard Tractsv Business Property and Timber; also land that cau be subdivided or that is for immediate salo at a bargain. . I havo connections In Portland, Eugene, San Francisco and Los AngbloB who are cooperdllng with ino. If you have a pear orchard that is partly In Bosc or could bo grafted to Bosc, our company will be Interested.- -- - Phone 7S4-L .T.C.BARNES 411 Medford Center Bldg. SOUTH OAKDALU HOME 9 rooms and extra .largo "closed In" sleeping porch, fully modorn, furnace heat, dandy, lot 75x185. CITY ASSESSMENTS AND PAVING ALL PAID, cemont basement and garage, located In a good residential part of South Oaktlale. This is a very convenient and comforlablo homo, will lease for $00.00 per month. A REAL BARGAIN AT PRICE ASKED WILL TAKE SMALLER PROPERTY AS PART PAYMENT SEE L'S TODAY. FOUR-SITE REALTY. AGENCY Medford Building, Medford, Ore. Business Opportunities Real Estate PEARS WILL MAKE YOU MONEY Wo are offering a small, pear orchard near Medford, which, last year paid 70 per Cent on the selling price. This la Irrigated and in fine condition to produce a heavy crop this year. No buildings. You cer tainly will be interested as the price is only $5000.00. Another man says:. "I have too much land and must Boll that which commands the most ready sale, so sell my twenty acres of boar ing pears." These troes are In good bearing and aro growing on the very best Boil in tho valley, t The land Is Irrigated and contains a strictly modern six-room bungalow. , You will make no mistake in In- I vesting in this property at the price . . Another man who In not a farmer has an 8-ocro ranch close to sohool and Irrigated; one-half In alfalfa. Good barn; largo poultry houso and yard; fine shade trees; very neat five room home all nicely finished and well furnished; electricity and dally mail. Price $3500.00. Our beautiful river front tracts are Just the place tor your home. The best of garden soli; Ideal for poultry; best fishing water along Rogue river and only thirty minute from Medford. Buildings now un der construction on tracts recently sold. Prices $250 to $460 per tract. Small payment down and balance at flvo per cent IntoreBt. We have a splendid location along the paved highway and Rogue river for a service station, supply store and camp ground.. It will be a money maker. Can furnish cottage for right party; must have somo capital and be a huslter. Adjacent to best fishing waters on tho river. J. W. DRESSLER CO. Yet, we write Fire Insurance. Phone 888. a. jwell Fr re READ , I . .gla'o'se: 1923 iy iNfu FOR SALfc DOMES FOR SALE Four houses. Owner who lives In California will bo In town for a f9W days. Phono 093-L. 284 FOR SALE Modorn four room house and good lot; 'assessments all paid; easy payments; room No. 4, College Bldg., 31 N. Grapo St. 28Hf FOR SALE Good seven room house at a bargain, on paved streot. Good tonus. See 518 lloatty. 285 FOR SALE Six room modern house, four large lots with ull kinds of fruit, nuts and berries. Phono eve nings 820-R. 285 FOR SALE Modern two-story house, sleeping porch, garage, shade trees, large lot, close In on pavement, as sessments paid. Terms. Fred Mears, 401 South Nowtown. 207tf FOR SALE Houbos and bungalows, furnished :or unfurnished; also acreage. Insurance. C. S. But terfield, Medford National Bank. Phoue 389. FOR BALK REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Forty-four acre creek bottom ranch, alfalfa, grain and orchard. Full equipment and build ings, noar town. Sell whole or rent orchard... Box 48, Mail Tribune 288 FOR SALE OR TRADE Modern new suburban . home, all city . conveni ences, ten miles south of Portland on highway. Easy terms. C. L. Squler, Route 1, Grants Pass, Ore. . . . : . 2877 FQR SALE One hundred acres over looking Roguo rjvor two mllos north of Gold. Hill; sub-irrigated fruit dand.- Price 80p dollars. Wood, will more than pay for the land. Add. James Anderson, Box 144, Gold Hill, I Oregon. 284 FOR SALE 7 room modorn bungalow O IMnA Mint... builtln features, sleeping porch! I ...... . ., , , ' . 1 $iDuu. wmnanuie, uaiauce on eusy terms. 7 room story and half house. 4 bedrooms, good sized kitchen, $800 will handlo, balance on easy terms. The above- properties on paved street and in best residential sec tion. , . . Owners leaving town; must be sold. . Phono 1028. 19 Carglll Court. . tf KOR SALE, RENT OR TRADE Alf alfa, grain, stock ranches, orchards, also city property. Gold Ray Realty Co.. No. 15 N. Grape St., Phono 4G5-J. ... tf Exchange of $12,000.00. 1241 Eaiit Main HL I VAJHT XQO TO IT I A. FINE MEJSU- HOE"3 DOEVRE'b POTAC,C PA.Rr1EJHTlEt? -PETIT OMELETTE UD THA.T FEZO ten t wk . IT OUT LOUD - FORCOT ME FeTune Servics, Inc MONEY TO LOAN I FARM LOANS Medford National Farm lx)n Association. F. P. Far roll, secretary, Jackson County Bank Bldg. LOANS City and business properties Building loans. W. G. Wright. 701 W. Eleventh St., city. Phone 415-Y. '.".... 290 ' MONEY TO LOAN on Improved ranch socurtty, $6000 or less, 6 per cent Interest. O C. Bongs, Attorney for State Land Board, Jackson County. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GOOD BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES at No. 15 N. Grape St., Phone 4G5-J. tf FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES 1' OR SALE Cheap, Oakland Six, or will take a smaller car. . 1004 Mny j St., or P. O. Box 930. ' 264 I FOR SALE POULTRY AND EGGS FOR SALE Fine year old Barrel Plymouth Rock rooster. Phono 200. . 283 FOR SALE Four hundred hatching eggs if taken this week. Remem , ber wo trapnost continuously. White i Wing Poultry Farm. 284 FOR SALE 10 Brown Leghorns, 10 Bantams, laying good. Also chicken wire. Will sell all for $10. Must bo sold at onco. Call at 322 E. 12tli St., or phone G90-L. 283 FOR SALE Hatching eggs. Dark ' Barred Rock, $3.00 for fiftwn. J. ': AV. Cook, R. 3, Box 48. Phono 9C9-R. 311 FOR SALE O. A. C. Barred Rock. R. I. Red and White Leghorn roos ters, your cholco $2 each. 818 S. ,' Peach St. . ' ' ' 285 '""J SALE Whlto Leghorn day elifekn or efrirH . fnr luitelilni; f old chicks or eggs . for hutching from selected pens. We also run hatch ings. 1'inehurst Poultry Ranch, one mile west Central Point. B. L. Sanderson..- 285 FOR SALE Two purebred Light , Brahma roosters. Call 341-J-l. 294 FO!l SALE Hr.tching eggs $0.00 hun . Jred, from Single comb White Leg- horns. All breedors selected by use of the trapnost. No pullots or low '. producers used. Dr. C. A. Wlnans, : Phone 344-M. . -200 FOR SALE Barred Rocx. eggs for hatching, O. A. C. strain. Phone . 201-J. , i . ' 28 TOR SALE R. I. Rod hatching egg. Phone 573. . c:.r . 296 FOR SALE Dark tiarrod rock cock erels; also hatching eggs. J. W. Cook, R. 3, Box 48, Phono 969-R. 289 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Young work and saddle horses.; Fresh cows. Phono 292-Y. 285 FOR SALE O ratio, pure bred and registered Duroc .lorsey sows, '. to farrow In March and April; nlso ono prlzo winning registered Duroc bonr ' Call Bert Anderson, Medford, or Miruviata Orchard. tf FOR SALE House dog, real beauty. Phono 691-R-l. tf FOR SALE Sound biack horse, . weight 1200 lbs., works either slnglo or double. Also two heifers. Lack of pasturo reason for selling. Ixk ilu.m over and name vour price. 11 M Clarke. Seven Oaks. 281 FOR SALE N'ieo mm months old Colllo pup, $5.00. Phone 201-W. 283 FOR RALE Good horso 1100 pounds, or will trade for cow. Phono D91K-1 287" To better accommo date our fast grow-; ing; Valvoline Oil r trade we have con structed' another new rack and will continue' to drain Crank Cases and Transmissions free. JONES & KIRKPATRICK , ' Next to Nat. A Real Service Station 192?. By George FOR SALE LIVESTOCK I TOR. SALE Cows just fresh, select, It-MIHUl ll.BlUtl. .(. HINU, 1H1U llllld NE of Medford on Crater Lake read. 307 FOR SALE Puppies, rlcrs, real beauties. Arabian tor Phone 691-R 1. . 28 1U FOR SALE Bay' Oily, coining 5, weight 14S0, price $125. S. A. N.vo, oip. Experiment Station. 283 TOR SALIC Cholco registered Jersey cattle, both bpxoh; excellent Ash- t.-inri roHiilnncnr Innir-heililml Itnntiei- bllicirv. Address Dux 273 Ashland. ! Oro. 2S4 FOR SALIC MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SAL15 Small Iowa croam sopnr ator. Phono OOil J. 289 FOR BALE Don't forgot, apples, . elder and vinegar at all timos at 317 k. Jackson St. 280 FOR SALE Two electric light fix tures for dining room and living room, $10.00. Phone 197. 281 TOR SALE Early Sunrise seod pota toes. Phono 189-W, C. M. Parker. 2SS FOR SALE Typewriters, Royal, Cor ona, Remington Portable; second hand machines all prices. Medford Book Store. , 284 FOR SALE Progressive Everbearing strawborry plants; olso Tancred chicks 15c each. Mrs. Dressier, Phone 951-L. 284 FOR SALE Manure Phone 951-L. , 284 TOR SALE Beardless BCed barley. James Campbell. Phone 17-F-21. .-..'. ..287 FOR SALE 2 'A h. p, Morse engine. 927-M. Fairbanks- V.: 21 FOR SALE llnlod clean alfalfa, $20 a ton. Salado Ranch, Central Point. ... . . ..' ' 287 FOR SALE Extra large, oil reed $70 baby carriage, In good condition. Will sell for $30. 605 S. Newtown. Phono 190-X. 283 FOR SALIC Sewing machine, Mon arch range, largo refrlgorator, port able typewriter.' Phone 204-W. 808 Dakota Ave. 28? FOR SALE Soloct nursery stools Bhade and ornamental .shrubbery, . grapes, flowering 'bulbs, and roses. Washington Nursorles, call E. 0. . Wolcli. COO W.. Fourth St. 2S4 FOR SALE Alfalfa hay. O. B. Slm, mers, threo miles -southwest of towri,"balt mile woHt ot Morrlniac Orchard.... ; 283 FOR! SALE Several thousand five quart capacity smudge pots, price 10c each. Call D. R. Wood, city or Modoc and Klamath orchards at meal hours. Terma cash. 284? FOR SALE Cory ThornlesB Black berry rootod tips: $1.60 per do., $12.00 per too. T. J. Noonon, Cen tral Point, Oregon. 291 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Chiropractic Physician DR. HARVEY P. COLEMAN Chiro practic and Electro-Therapy. .427 28 Medford Bldg. Pbone 965. tf DR. A. R. HEDGES Neo-Eclectlc Physician. DR. LOUISE E. HEDGES Naturopathic Chiro practor. Mochano-Therapy, Spori dylotherapy, Food Sciences, Cblro practice. Offlco: Stewart Bldg., 235 E. Main St. Phones: Office, 170; Res. 170-J-2. DR. E. W. HOFFMAN Chlroprao tic Physician. Office hours 9 to 12, 2 to 5, Suite 203-04-05-06, Lib . erty Bldg. Office Phone 680, Rot 1027.-- SPECIAL 1918 STUDEBAKER SIX We will accept best cash offer made between now and noxt Sat urday noon. Look it o,ver. Some one will get a car at their own price. Many real bargains in used Chevrolets, Overlands and Fords, 1 Buick Delivery at a very low price "t"t C.E.Gates Auto Co. " V 7 v. CHOP T- ME THW CORNE.O DEEP AN' I O VE. VAJHT TO KNOW 3 I Hi VHAT AIRE. PA OF, SEVEN ' McManus BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstractors . . ' "r MURRAY BROS. & GREENE Abstracts of Title. Rooms 3 and 5 No. 32 North Central Ave., UV stairs. " Jnrkfton County rl '; ABSTRACT CO. rw The only complete Ti tle System in Jackaon County, - Abstract of Title and Titlo Insurance. ... WATSON & KELLOGG , Rellablr Jackson county abstractors of ti tles, Gold Hill, Oregon. - - e- Attorncys O. 0. HOGGS Lawyer. .: Specializes lu Ronl Estate and Probate Law. . .30 North Central Ave, .. . .. .. i A. E. REAMES Lawyer,.. office Liberty Building. Building Materials MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK 41 BLOCK WORKS Specialise In U kinds of cement building product. Cor. Fir and Tenth Streets. Dentists DR. O. J. JOHNSON Dentist, 22 E. Main St., over M. M. Dept. Store, Medford, Oregon. Phone 469 Res, 1002-Y. Office hours 9 a. ID' 6 p. tn. Evenings and Sunday by appointment. Expert Accountant WILSON AUDITING CO.-E. M. Wil son. C. P. A. Attontlon given to anything in accounting and In- . come Tax requirements. Look Into our simplified accounting method. . Liberty Bldg.r .Modford.. Phon ". 157-R ' .'',;'. -V Money to Loan 3. n. ANDREWS Buys and Bel! 'mortgages and loans money 05 good security, 31 N. , Grape 'St. Phono 53-M. . 24$'": Monument :m THE OREGON GRANITE. CQ.--Monumeuts. E. A. Hicks, general manager. P. M. Kershaw, (aid manager, 103 K. Sixth St.. Med io rd. tt Osteopath . DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic Physlelani 410-418 Liberty Bldg. Phont 904-J-3. Residence 26 South Laurel fit . DRW."r.-OVAnDOBeopatKl9 Physician. Special attention given to eyo, ear, nose and throat.' 100 Liberty Building. Phone 496.; 'f Physicians and Surgeons. . '.,;-' DR. WM. W. P. HOLT Physician and Surgeon. Offices Medford Bldg. Phono 165. Residence 118 Genesee St. Phone 165-J-8. . '- DR. A. BURSELL Physician and Surgeon, 312 to 314 Medford Bldg. Entrance 36 N. Central. ,' Speajal attention to spine. Phone 29. ',' I'lano Instruction i-.. FRED ALTON 1IAIGIIT Teacher! Piano and Harmony. Composing, Arranging. Studio . 318 Liberty Bldg. Phone 72. . ? Printers and Publisher MEDFORD PRINTING CO.; ha the best equipped printing office 10 Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing lysteQia, otc. Portland prices. $7 N. Fir 8t Rug Weaving MEDFORD FLUFF RUQ WORKS make fluff rug from old end worn carpets and rug . Phons 610-M. 706 Pine St. Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE) CO Office 42 North Front SL Phon 815. Price right. Service guar anteed. DAV18 TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. Anything , moved, da or night. Service guaranteed, 89 8. Grape. Phone: Office 644, ..br residence, 847-R or 206. tf Upholstering , WEIS Upholstery, Manufacturer of overstuffed furniture. Full line ot materials. Draperies made to order. We do all kinds of uphol tertng. We deliver and will call and show sample. Phon 101. - - l IUU O Audlilkf Accounting ! AYSTEMSERVIttlO; M. P. SCHMtTT M Wdg. 9mA rimv ..I .