Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 21, 1923, Page 6, Image 6

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, .MAIL .Titlli UA'Et...-.U5DJiX)JRP,. OREGON, ,Vlvl)XI;:sj);AT1TJ:i;KrAKY !)-;!
Berkshire swine breeders or Jose
phine and Jackson counties nieotlnri
nt Motlford Inst SaturUny, huve oruan-;
lied the "Soutliern OreRon llerkshlro
llreednrs association" with Clyde K.
Nlles, mamiRer of lllvor Hanks Farms,
larsest breeders of Uerksliirns In Oro-1
(,'on, as uroHlilnnt; J. K.-McCrncknn, '
prominent Farm llureau leailer of
Ashland, vice president, and Claude 0.
Cute, county aKriculturul aKmt of
Jackson county, secretary-treasurer.
The other directors of the new associ
ation are Frank L. HoldridKe and F. 3.
Ihinkin, Talent; Floyd Charley, !
llrownshoro; Chas. Owens, Rokuo
Jtiver, and A. 'WylberB, Grants Pass.
. The object of the association is to
promote tho interests of Uerkslilre (
endorse and support pin club work.
County agents and club leaders of the
two countloB are alroady at work or
ganizing standard pig clubs under tho
usual rules and regulations for such
clubs and tho winner In every Stan
dard fiorkslsiro l'ig club Is to receive
a prize of a registered Borkshlre pig
at tho conclusion of tho season's work.
Also the winner In every Standard
J'lg club whore mixed breeds aro used
is to recelvo a prize of a registered
Berkshire pig, providing ho wins with
a Berkshire.
; Tho outstanding feature of tho pig
club work, as outlined by tho county
ugimts and club leadors of tho two
couutlos; which will recelvo especial
attention by the Borkshlre association
Ja' that of tho car-load of sixty Berk
shire barrows to be fed out by tho
boys and shown by them collectively
at the Pacific International next full.
Arrangements have been complotol
.whereby pig club members can Bocure
the sixty Berkshire barrows of uni
form! typo and breeding, each member
receiving four pigs of an avorago ago
of eight to ton weeks.
i About a week prior to tho date of
shipment to the Pacific International
all the pigs will he assembled at some
central point and thrown together for
the purpose of getting acquainted nud
having them settled onto a uniform
feeding system before shipment. I tore
the club members will practice a step
. In cooperation by choosing two or
three of their number to take care of
the pigs during the week's feeding and
shipment to Portland, all under the
direction, of course, of tho county club
An oxcellent feature of the club
work, whereby memhors receive In
struction and oxporlence in financial
mnttois, is the manner In which tho
bunks foster and eucourngo tho move
ment by loaning the boys tho money
necessary to purcliaso their pigs. Tho
members sign notes nt the bank, bear
ing C per cent interest and payable
from the proceeds of the sale or in
crease of the iI;;h at tho closo of the
Portland stock yards concerns are
enthusiastic over the prospect of
these car-lot entries by. the pig clubs
und have already guaranteed a prem
ium of from, $200 to $000 per cnrlot on
club pigs and this premium nbove the
prevailing market price together with
tho regular prize money which will be
won by the mombers will bo sufficient
it is calculated, to pay all tho ex
penses of the club members to the
Intornutional and still lcavo them tho
returns from tho salo of their pigs,
This Is a new Idoa in club work and
promises to bo very popular among
the boys as well as among thoir par
ents who seo In 1t splendid experi
ences for their boys as well ns early
returns for tho cure and Investment
In tho pigs. Furthermore, tho adver
tising which southern Oregon will ilo
rlvo from the showing of a car load of
puro bred llerkshlro burrows by pig
club members will be of inestimable
valuo to this district. The boys and
thoir pigs will always be In the lime
light at tho big Bhow; leading news
papers and funn magazines will run
feature stories of tho achievement
with pictures of tho boys and their
carlot of pigs, and all Bouthorn Oregon
will profit by tho publicity,
Tho Berkshire breed is ono of the
oldest of tho swine breedB, having
originated In Borkshlre county, Kng
Innd, and is today tho leading breed
In that country. The first Borkshlre
brought to America was imiortd by
John Brenthnll In JS35 and throughout
their history they have maintained a
wheri you find how easy and eaiy
nomical it is to make Karb Candy at
home Loads of fun, too especially
for the children. Try this recipe today:
Karo Fudge
. 3 cuh Cranutattd Su.dr
1 tupl Light Hrawn Sugar
1 UihteittHm UfatoLs
4 iiaittnan Salt
1 5i cmfl Milk S potimJ Suit
Mix brown and white iuaar thoroughly, add Karo, mil It,
MaxoIm anil talf. Cook until it formi n toft hall whrn dropped
In cold water. Remove from Are, add flavoring, and let itand
until cool. Beat until creamy, add nun, pour into pan oiled1
will Muoki and cut In ttiuaxei.
Setting Rtprenntativm
Johnon4iebr Co.
Portland, Ore.
T7'I J TfT? Aa1tTuf pwrrftif rdpernMf
r Cook Honk, or write to Corn ft. H.i? l f ; I
Product. Refining Co Dept. A, Arzo, UUuoll I u-fjSj. lffili' jf
Oak Show Case
Six foot long, Bevel.. Plate.. Glass top; Adjustable
Shelves, Sliding Doors iii hack..... ..$5000
An Owl Product nt tho Owl Price.
uulfoi-m high standard as the farmer's
Ideal hog. Their easy feeding qual
ities are almost universally recogniz
ed whilo the excellence of their pro
duct has won them the laurels in the
hottest competition at the big shows
of the country for years.
At tho recent groat Smlthfield show
in England the llerkshires again won
tho grand championship over all
breeds and crosses. Kvery year with
only five exceptions, llerkshires have
won all the first prizes in every class
at this groat show since 1883. At the
Chicago International Livestock Expo
sition Berkshlres have won 34V4 per
cent of all tho grand championships In
tho classes open to all breeds nnd
crosses during then twenty-ono . years
of this great show. '
At tho five principal western shows
in 19H2 llerkBhlres won grand cham
pion car load and grand champion bar
row at the California state fair; grand
champion barrow at Oregon state
fair; grand champion barrow at the
Western Jloynl Livestock show; nnd
grand champion pen of barrows at the
Pacific International. Tho Berkshlros
seem especially well adapted to south
ern Oregon conditions nnd havo ft
large representation In Josephine and
Jackson counties.
out Kid Wolfo of Philadelphia in the
third round of a scheduled eight
round bout;
NEW YORK Franco entered the
Davis cup tennis tournament, the
third to challenge the United States.
san Antonio johny McCoy.
Cleveland bantamweight, defeated
Babe Ashor, A. E. F. bantamweight
champion, In ten rounds. ' '
rNRW ORLEANS Johnny lundoe,
land Basil Gallano of New Orleans
fought to a fifteen round draw.
' CHICAGO Kenato Gardlni, Bos
ton heavyweight, won a- one-fall
match from Dick Daviscourt of Cali
fornia.' '"-
" ST. LOUIS Ed "Stranglor" Lewis,
heavyweight wrestling champion, de
feated Jim London In two out of
three falls.
The Chicago Whito Sox have en
tered the running for players with
college educations. The latest addi
tion is Tom Jovlck of Gonzaga uni
versity of Spokane. Jovick is ex
pected to give Early Sheely, star first
baseman; some stiff competition for
his position this spring. Joclck Is 21
years old, : stands five feet, 10V4
Inches high and weighs 170 pounds.
He Is a right hander and can hit from
both sides of the plate.
Two 'brothors Nick and Martin
Dumovich afo expected to win per
manent berths on tho pitching staff
of the. Chicago Nationals this spring.
Both, are southpaws. Nick was the
star of the Los Angeles club lust sea
son, winning 20 games and loBlng 10.
NEW YORK. Fob. 21. Baseball
has been given back one of Its most
popular heroes, tho man the back-lot
boy emulates, Cnrlsty Mathewson,
who it was announced, in Boston last
night, returns from his hnttlo With
tuberculosis to the diamond as presi
dent of the Boston National league
baseball club, which has been pur
chased by a Now York syndicate
'Big Six" thus becomes one of the
few players who has become a busi
ness executive from tho ranks. More
than that, .Matty is ono of the few
mon to emerge as much an Idol when
he finished his untarnished playing
days as at tho heydey of hiB career.
Turning from tho success of a de
cade and a half to tuko the reins of
tho Cincinnati club , ns manager,
Muthewson wus on tho road to estab
lished success when he stepped uslde
to got Into tho war. He served In
France as an officer In the Intelli
gence service.
Matty gained fnmo as originator
of tho "fadeaway," tao first of the
froak curvos which others hav
copied with tho aid of emery paper.
Only the other day, McGraw, ono of
tho severest critics and strictest dis
ciplinarians in the game, said he
didn't believe Matty over made a mis
take on the diamond or off It.
O. A. C. In Triple Tie.
SEATTLE, Feb. 21. With Idaho
Oregon Agricultural college nnd
Washington in a triplo tlo for the
championship of tho northern sec
tion of tho Pacific coast conference,
Husky funs are looking to the games
that the first two named will play In
Moscow tonight. It Washington can
win a contest scheduled bore Thurs
day night with tho University of Ore
gon, tailondors, then tho Huskies will
bo tied with tonight's victors.
PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 21. Tho
Portland baseball club got a tele
gram yesterday from Frank Brazil
tho second baseman, accepting terms
That leaves only four regulars not
signed. Charley High, Tex Gressett,
und Frank O'Hourko, third Barker
purchased from tho .Boston Hed Sox.
SEATTLE, Feb. 21 Vic Foley of
Vancouver, B. C, claimant to the
lightweight championship of Canada,
knocked out Eddie Buell of tho U. 8.
S. Connecticut in tho fourth of six
scheduled rounds hero lust night.
George Burns of Portland got a
decision over Owen Roberts of Seat
tle nt tho end of si rounds.
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. Tho date of
the international . collegium moot
was unnoniicpd for July 21.
featherweight ohnmplim, knocked
"Rape's Cold Compound"
Acts Quick, Costs Little,
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Kvery druggist here guarantors null
Kmlcngii ol "lSinfi't t'M Compound" to
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in ft f"W hours or money returned.
KtuUinrx, pain, headache, fovpriithnpM.
inllnmed or e'ngelod nose and head
relieved Willi llrst dow. These safe,
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in. I mill., in now takv them iuitcad of
- ..Uning uuiuiue.
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All Children Should Get a Shinoli
. Home Set to Use With Shinola
A genuine bristle dauber and big .
lamb's wool polisher' give quick,
easy, and economical shines ! ,
The polish to choose for family shoes
Shinola improves the appearance
and makes the shoes wear longer;
Fifty shines in handy key-opening box!
Black, Tan, .White,' Ox-blood, Brown .
" The S hi he for Mine"
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Mr. Durant is one of the foremost authorities on motor
lubrication. This unsolicited letter proves the super
iority" of Cycol Motor Oil on land or sea.
The big reason for the perfect ftibrication that Cycol
gives is in its different chemical characteristics. Cycol
is free from destructive "sulpho" compounds. These
impurities are removed by the new Hexeon process
an advanced method of oil refining " used only by us.
As a result, Cycol does not break down nor thin out
rapidly under engine heat. It maintains the essential
lubricating film between moving parts. It prevents
many serious motor troubles.
Flush your crank case with fresh lubricating oil and
refill with the correct grade of Cycol as shown"by the
Cycol Recommendation Chart. ..
Executive Oflk-es, 79 New Montgomery St., San Francisco
motor: oih
Free from destructive
"Sulpho" compounds