srmroriD ttxtl rmzrrrE. Mmro?.r otct.ccx. tttday. ffdpxat.t y. v.??. iill a iste3Uir o:'- a aio- BERGER RESIDENCE : CHARGE LAVYERS GIRL DR01E0 Ifl i CLOSED GAR, TWO RAILROAD LABOR . af ued far a ro-1 "Cascarets" 10c &n'ricaaili aa of tin enaU. isQ.,. Tif siwuts cf .- tier u no cs3J w MS 0HAJ1CE 10 REFUTE CHARGES NEAR CENIM PL lid Ti -e t9 jftstjon tl b... .aa niioncTnp.oniwn ILSl SENATORS ESCORTS ESCAPE! LSORY Constipated UltU Coriett. Ltoaiii. UUIUH) ! U U.i'J I : i : TACOMA. fo. i'.V 3C:m Ed-ri WA3KTXGTOX'- Fi. 11 T5 ra nuul Lbcr bcjir cu asiT? w exr- .rt:o. &iii. Saw E-'r iil Cart Aniirscii. IT ef t'Tj.a Cry aauiy int ti'-r iia ti ssC Ti'iJr. T'ze. U;t&n. "7 bar t. inuiwwie C KJuwj. ft. rja Tl "raj fta-rn-'g-ij ' o lis p-tnr Ia3 ferry au j rtrs m currjtn to ui cf Fi? Sooaii. Ti zia wr arrest- 4tnfi ir ti tuLrri, ti g-i-rrru Tier 7TCTTT Sit-'r ef Ch-i'Ui w-r -iajpiat:? r I -tis in -i-lar fld rt-x i-.! ;r a. rt; ;r a" its-"?. tJiar it 1 Tie cn.m3r..rzaK' aa- iff'i ajrfry.. I-i -- .rr.Kni l2-.:u fefi-w! Tie ?-aJI'a.i f.i vti av lad-asa. hy KX'.m is w-r' he w-i rr. pii v J-,r I- 7n-. wiri jrvre v T.x S-a-iar-f c? rt-aa. awrrT-d r.i r-ta-jFs rtuui ivy uv, wr se EiTM7. wrair Wrri'. Jt. J part ci sxa-'froa cf A2rr ea ltUV.r who wlU fly frs FIcrt aii at tie a'-ttu if a. ftHi.i".r- ; fi fL- ajii ci ca cf i: 13 aa Ti tst-!T firs-tir- af altJifinza. an. icr:;c wu na-l ; Ti -w'jiC- van ft'-rajirfy ctJ by S. i i-at ajui irf tii F'i ? vr j Va!?7 FriX ai Prt i-je ajati;a. j1.i.-'t A i.ier it'll etlrjclc ac-W lr Pvar-ttiia. b r.rx iiiT.- rjs- w... tj-M t lioij cox. ct tin I 3s" nrat 4wJ II i-i tjt isil-iar ei rrr-i;a ' it Sail net Setsa rejiacwl. so i Ti awa Lai: tiT r3e fcxa ti t.ajt ?!4 ic wis 2 hr--r?2. Stoeot . - ir.'.rj ten ti jn n-:oi lm 5j- Arc C risovt Iab:r it to aj.Lt rvpoftsca-ti-Ttta ta rr nt? m-jiii T tin wia th dr.Ter of ti ear iLa- fcccl ritiflrir tt ft:? nar Th r wii'Viw iil'itnlit tit7 QUIT TOBACCO JLt I M titia aj tia kmc: i ;TW0 n 1 NE t So eisy to drop Cigarette, ; year cwi AS fnrs Slwirrly rt habit 1 ecaa V!y kmrtf ti. 2l jtrx r t"t off rtSLtJlT, pz.Ti-rz.'-i7. Wt frum a.1 erarir-jc for tofcaitto (a aoy fftrro, jtit 4 7xxi:t if ill refus-i 7ftr ' ei.i; m-ij-j; azH t isci. Tils ec- : cajLi'-iiK hall zzd CraXArs are anT:c Mrs. S. Vilaj Eci:tX trar r ixia fjt tii city sott LtIt: la &at t, ail rx A!j L Kc-ray cf Meui-ri via ia ti;r tco git. rh ; --"7. a l'saia.y. j Mir -t P- ir'-Dr ' Caw. hM i.t chs INDICTMENTS KGROUNOEDDMPQLE . r-Ti"-ijr rxl;h:R cr-iifraarjs frctnf broadra-fC-j: scan-em aU git NortiJ : A2inca The pnca w-t turseij ti j. rrattl ty ' trxic cr.i?il ti tajejioce pole to; w-'Ji jtira rcwecinrTiia. Tt nil- utn ef tie rtn'r-i Ia.':r fcard tc sf :rr ir. riir a. 1 wca a ti L"istt S'Jts tsirt eur it Ci--ajx fcee l2c witea tis cos vii ticea to tie se-reari circx cocrt BANQUET THURSDAY 'Ml f rear.c.! cat. vjia. a hay pece aln l.r- j tire irita a Iwct oa cm e5. catii-tviT-.'.j ei a. ; iz the aru! wire wxris tie fc-aok. a tala:tii f -c ' Tb fre end e tie Jteay wtre wu ; iin wnj.5-i aroai j eaiie t- ar tire ' ta fic. a A fcaa-Tiit for rsrreraitT of Orega tie ftrZesc dereiiiit of rie sra.: aiiTersiry -will fc at ii c Bedford Tirsiiy fiY 7f:i-fcH BU IjWX TTi- was icce trrv: -d iietic - te -wji Jtsc a kI trtck cr 12 act to i hc.-!r trie ei3r:iffct5j wcri: teti' i-ooe by lis- fro- yc-n ia 30c : '. ka-jTra- Ti5i& efSCTpraa.ticca ad stter?;tt, wim., r3. ti vwic h;iaT ast cf ETifctc to 'jLjlLozz.&br mirror!::; to ecty cocs-Kiaaic-ar. still U bllvi -wi-Jt Is-.a; trw t-iowa diiTra in. Uat t-wlt'i tonn- la ta bi Uaiwr ttc ta GcL-lr aai is ia rs- port4 tiit fctiri-s ! a-fj frn wr hLi-wn rrn r1 tez'n-mzr Cfli.. cer tie hH w.tis a'' wejfit ia a dcyrarA irp'. to ca en t-ae rsir.r cf Frary 1- rharre ir-nf-a--i ftf tJs forxry U:ra s-:'r. To a.-3Th,r-t-e a;:-s that tae r-.rt.- &f fci all 07 tie ci-;cf a.32ac to t carri ci by Cre-V'-Dnr.i.'l is wait-.! at Vale, O'.'cr . b-rl eoaJjJ fc fear-S wth ti. ra-; J'ia. aloaii ta JidtJ-aa ecaTy. f.;r t-.T.TT- I5 fcd stt whiie tiw grcur.'i irxs j Mra. Ola Ans?i?cr is eiairiajt J-;fcs a 7'T.h. cr? pa- cnnr-ftH ac4 ttj wrrh tiis fcia4-r-c tie perioral csix:irtet. Bill Va- "ti cf tie tt-i-Tcriity iz; ia -viae tiey caa t filfUle! dcu3i ii plaaa wiii fonax- !atM .'cr th.e cxecitica ef src?ra.3i tec, on ti t ci tsmrx "r a ta- Criaa a 3,irl7i3r. tie irpe- f if Lit eh-i-y t?it h- sie Ji ; i o the 4 nil. tittj MA5"!"5 The Best Goods for the Price. No Matter What the Price MANN'S Wednesday Specials Save Money on These Tomorrow PETTICOATS 25 new all siik jersey petticoats, new spring shades, heavy quality, up to $7.50 values Wed nesday QC AA special each TAFFETA SILK 36 inch heavy black taffeta silk our regular $2.25 grade C1 no Wed., yd. . . JM.Vo CREPE DE CHENE 40 inch crepe de chene many new shades to choose from $1.80 value on sale ot A 0 Wed., yard . !L4o PONGEE SILK 24 in. imported pongee silk $1.50 val. ot a Wed., yard . 01.29 SHEETS At Great Savings 63x90 wearwell sheets $1.50 values 01 n r Wed. each .. $L3d 81x90 wearwell sheets $1.90 values ot rn Wed., each . Ql.oy DRESS GINGHAM 1 case fine quality dress gingham, new patterns fast colors cheap at 20c Wednesday t n yard 17C SHEETING At Great Savings 72 in. unbleached sheet ing Wearwell brand cheap at 55c A 0 Wednesday, yd. 4C 81 inch Wearwell sheet ing 65c value j-q Wednesday, yd. 3 Best Spool Cotton, 6 for 25c Mann's Department Store THE 8T0EE FOB EVERYBODY MED FORD, OEZGON 32-inch Dress Gingham 25c yard EXPECT BiG RUN OF N tcasrjcaui for tie eTsaig. I Prsi.i-t Carjt5fc;i cf tie Cui- j Trsity aid Lioiir Tocm. Efi:-! teaiett of ti find eaa-i paiza for ti tfrxyrtir-: cf tie I ;; SEATTLE. Feb. . 2roir aa.1 ! , eastrs iwre- tci f-vr a b j? i ; j kswoc A artase ef euaetl &taon l Is alrea-ir a;parit axi tie prirt ia I , &:2ir tia prTiMsiy ia to year. it la icated. " P-raetieany ererj ea ; . aT ia tie Pi;t Sooad district is et ! : pecteil to o?rat. Tbce fa.T.f ;ar wtti i salxoo tabus ps-eifiet a lag ma cf : tinJ.- as.i a Uzit occ of r?tij j ; STeral local eonceras are pUasia? j V iul fxtjag canoeries ta .VaVua ijwaiera. j ; Ti PaeiCc American Pjfceries cf E:::siaai wiici tiis eajoa will op ; ' erite eiore casaenes in J'xVi. kal : tie jAeazier HeA-myj& seioiaie'l t 1 leare fcr tie sortli toJar "ita ', aia aa4 toes of nppties. the i Catherine D.. Marca I. ita ?J mea Xfl l'"' totu of sppties aa4 the Nor : !. Jlarci i wltii :. to&s cf s-:?-: t-iies- , 1 , I KAIL 1 1 b1!5 i' ' i ETHERIDSE TRIAL rnTL.Xt. Ore, Feb, 2 TrUI n.t:3;si of bondj ct Hons Drw Ia cf whirh he wa preat4tit. ; u pont prized axaia tcta f r a weti -r C:rci:i Jtlge S:atrItoc rvpoct i h haj rerotajIy tsittd to f tie J jror ihow illr.ess caused C-o-nr rr.r,: two aiO- Tie eyiirt : iCTori a protest by Depty Datn:t , Attomy Mo-wrey a?xir..t firtivr p-;rp:-T:nr.r:t arU his 2rr-ii4 tliat t.K- .''iry te durrts?d a-J a new one 2Ir. Oeore Week ard ciiJr wre caHers at llr. Hxrt'sr T-znd.i7 Ceo. Fiaier ia don frcai E'k Crtei. ceZpiay ilr- woc-i tiie EroTm of Flaieriea Static-W-Ifr. W. C XcDocaLd aad EL. EL Aafc were iiiiard rtair Friiay We are giad to report II r. aad Mr. Saafoe-'l" tct3Z btttr each ti- proTed. Mr. a-d Mrs. D- W. Perce w-'e TraI Tiiitocf Eatiriaj. Mr. Pr-- I'iOjhas reccTertd frora the boop: 5 rirrir:ect to oe o-t axaia Mr. and Mr. S. W. Er'-hwrt: were pleasant capers at iiid-ile- bher's Fn-iiy. E-.i.I M:dd:ebMher i ferher. aDfCJi were Mtlfgni callers Eatir- da7- T?!e riia Is sire werrc:eI ty all arovsd TraiL as it is tajtis tte tal- retsreed wita thnr Mr. and Mn C K- Prttrhe-t were T-jrtor at J. J. liairs Fri-iar- The Stewart brntjier airi L Hr.Tj were looiurr af'-r eanle iow3 the rvrer Mcdar. DEUEL'S RATINE Our Entire Stock of this Fashionable Spring Material ON SALE At Extraordinary Prices $1.35 quality reduced to . . . $1.12 Vi 1.45 quality reduced to . . . 1.19 1.60 quality reduced to . . . 1.49 1.75 quality reduced to . . . 1.59 1.85 quality reduced to . . . 1.69 2.45 quality reduced to . . . 2.19 Mail Samples on Request Orders Promptly Filled OBITUARY Hl'RST William Harst was bora ia Jakjoa toantr Jaae j. 1 i 5. and aj tfi yaiaf-s ri;M of a pioceer fansily ka3a as tie U:e llartia aad Iifrare flint. He ii aar at Siioa. Calif . Fei. H. ar-d IT years. He leaTw besides bis srife. cae eti:-!. Mar-.ia-AIso s;t Jesters aai three brcbers. Vrs. Tcs Kilej-. Ea! Poict; Mrs Mfrritt Clartey. Jletfford: Mrs. W!U Jar'tsa. Sacraceslo. Cal : Mrs. Mela 'Uoa. Pcrtlaad: Mrs. Ciara lh!er. fpoiaae. Va : Mrs. Mrn Bortoa. Mrcrd; Walter Harst. Prtaeetoa. B C.: F.-aak Horst. Medford. aal CUad iiant. Ta.-oava. Wo. Yri u well kaova. sad lored :i tics- 5o kaew him. He bore a iJe a.iiaaiataace. bant tfnt his tcjhood 4a - la Jacksoa Co. He was of a fcniTiar aatare. aad tboacb j conv.ioas (o the lait. weaid act coa at to tbe arrest of the ose wto firerl the shot troa wiHrh his death reraised. Tie retnaias are eijecsed to ar rire ta Mdrorj this eTeainr. an-! fanral rTie will be h14 at fr i Fi:araJ chajel at !:) p. ta .i3.liT. Ker. D. C Millard hate ti.-t of the serri-. tater mat still ke la the faxity plot ia 'i. O. O. r. c artery. EDOY SCHOOL BILL BEATEN (Coatjaaeil froa Paa Oae) trim iearai h5;:-laTS wfcea GarLuii c-:t h:ai off b coSa? octrtit tiat tie Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect It Applicant for bnntce Of!s Eejtcted Jidar-r: from reporr f.-ora !n:j?-' rata who are cotivn'ly ta tiirert lorirh with hte polic. there la one preparatiia tht has bea very ly resafal in OTrc;T: th3e co-di- tioss. The mild and heaLr. irf;a-; n-! of Dr. Kilmer's Swarap-Roo is! tcm reaiixed- It sraads the h:cht' for itt rtmirkiN record cf iTarmm.: Aa eur-unri phvjurua ffr oo fo the procineat LiJe Cwr.M-1 n:r. in aa xatrrtew ef the jtjt, made the atknishinj; a:ttnt that one rram whr r..-T appi;:ant f.r ara.T te re ret:ted fct beiratiw k:dsey tmabJe is f efcnsir-oa t the Amrv-an people aad the lanr ma-; ritT of th?e who apliratio-ns are W.:ned d'J not eves jTivtr-ert that they the die-ase. Dr. K;Imr 5warr.p-fl(v is cr; m at aH drv? tor in hott.Va rvf two s.i. wedurr. nd la nre. Mrw-Tr. If y5tt wLH f-r to tet :hi crt prrratKiTi. etd trrt cenr to Dr. Ki:r:r A C- BJiihimca. N. T. fc wTzp bottle. When wr'.:--he wrr ar. mfstia this r-ifr- 1 NEW SHOW Kerer has such & wocder-stcry of the South Seas "bea r.Ka as SteTszsocs "Ebb Tide." Kerer hive ssct breathless thrills, such cclorfd rontce been packed into - cae picture. Produced with a marvelous cast by the an who raids '"The Sheik." "EBB TIDE" PUyed by this great east: Lila Lee, James Kirkwood, Eayiaond Hatton, George Faw cett, Noah Beery and Jacqueline Logan. Last Times Tonight Marshall Neilans "Fools First " H RIALTOj Adults, S35c; Kiddies, 10c; Loges, 50c. 1