Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 20, 1923, Page 6, Image 6

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i I
ford, came oat last Fr-jlay evening! the grader that is attacfad to the
ami cent the night and Saturday truck. .-re in town Frwlay afternoon
ith her aiialer. Mm. Geo. B. Holmes, having the erader repaired ty our
the princiMl of oar school. blacksmith. W. L. Childretn.
iinj. Whetstone, another one of Mr. Ed Wolfer. who ui a citizen
our enterprising farmers, was also a I Medford and thi section for me
buainess caller the same day. j r yar. bn now of Hubbard, nea;
Marshall Minter ho reside on his SalfTO- 1 this Saturday after
homestead on Reese creek, waj a boa- x" lookir- tlfr ,h Interests of
11 ' jaT, b vl w.- 1. 1 l ar . antes
Jorden. He came In Friday after
LOS ANGELE3, Feb. 20. The trac
ing of Earle Remington's movements
Thursday evening to within fifteen
minute of the time of his death failed
to reveal the motive or the Identity
of toe person or persons who slew the
electrical engineer with a stiletto and
shotgun Jost before midnight on the
driveway of hi residence, police de
tective announced yeaterday.
. Mrttiw' m jjry today ret'jrtied the
Terdict that Remington had come to
hi death by a gunshot wound through
thev heart by a person or peron un
known, with intent to kill and murder.
ftemiaion'a last hour before bia
death were (pent In two motion pic
ture (how, according to Miss Estelie
Le3age. stenographer, who waa qaes
tlotied early today by the police and
released by them, with official state
menl that he knew nothing pert,,
nent to the murder. She aald be :
escorted her to her borne chortly be- j
fore midnight and the police Investl-1
gallon showed that the murder was
committed within some fifteen min
ute of the time he left the stenogra
pher, j
Miss LeSage told of a party at a!
downtown cafe the previous evening
at which there were several guests
but police declared no connection had
been established between this and the
Two women in the bouse adjoining
Jlemlngton's testified of hearing
iness caller Wednesday.
Mrs. Hayman and her daughter who
, used to live on the J. H. Cooley orch-
ard. but are now living south of
Phoenix, were business callers Wed
nesday, i
H. K. Anderson, a livestock inspec
tor, was here on official business,
looking over a bunch of sheep belong
ing to George and Harvey Lewis and
be decided that they were all O. K.
Our legislators are playing havoc
with some of our old cattlemen. I
heard two cf our prominent stockmen
discussing the merits of "The Bull"
law that has Just been passed requir
ing the stockmen to put one regis
tered bull on the range with every
twenty-five cows, and they talked as
though It would break them up to
have to furnish that many bulls, for
one of them remarked that they would
cost four or fire hundred dollars each
and that they would have to go out
of the cattle business, and that In
another year they will have to have
all of their cattle inspected for tuber
, culosis and that would be another
bother and expense.
11. E. Campbell, our banker, who
has been appointed to administer the
estate of James Jordan, so far as the
property here Is concerned, and Roy
jAshpole. J. frank Krown and W. jl
I Childretb who were selected to ap
! praise the property met on the pernv
! iua U."w( ncl -i w an1 mif a aralii&ttnn
on the personal and real property, but
I doubt the propriety of making It
public as the bonds and other property
had not been counted up at that time.
Mr. H. U Moore who has consid
erable interest in the timber beyond
noon and is slopping at the Sunny&id
and George Albert of Butt Falls
also came out and ipett the n.fht
Court News
(Fnrnlsnttd by the Jackson
County Abstract Co. I
Marriage Licenses
Alva Edwin Cook and Violet Gors-
William G. Pierce and Eltiaieth
moan about tha time fired as the
death hour but upon looking out the ; Uatu Falu- ' passenger on the
windows failed to observe anything
Charity Dawson, negro servant in
the Remington house, who discovered
the. body Friday morning was taken
to police, headquarters for questioning
following her testimony at the inquest
that she last saw Remington alive
Wednesday morning. That Thursday
night she returned at 9:30 o'clock and
slept until 4 a. m. and that later in the
morning upon glancing out of the win
dow, saw Remington" body.
By A. C. Hewlett
Among the business callers last
Tuesday was Henry Tonn of Lako
Creek, one of the thoroughgoing, pro
gressive farmers and stockmen of that
George Daley, Jr., who bought the
small farm known as the Jacks place,
who was formerly the miller in tho A.
A. Davis mill of Medford and later
was In charge of a grist mill in Klam
ath Falls, and when purchased the
farm of about seven or eight acres a
large part of it was covered with tim
ber and brush but now he has it all
cleared up and Is making It into a
.lovely home.
Mrs. irvln Daley of Medford, was
also a caller the same day and stop
ped at the Sunnysido for dinner. She
bad been up to IJrownsboro coming
for her mother, Mrs. Hesaler who was
quite slok, but Is on the -road to
. Royal 0. Drown, one of tho firm of
Oeorge Brown & Bon of this place
who ha been down In Bun Joso visit
ing with bis wife,. their daughter Mrs.
Hazel Bteuor returned lost Tuesday,
leaving his wife to care for their
daughter and baby boy.
Elmer Wilson and wife of the Mod
for Furniture & Hardware Co., Mod-
tlutte Falls stage on his way to Butte
Falis Wednesday.
Mayme Winkle and Alma Frezeen
of Ban Francisco, called for dinner
Thursday at the Sunnyslde. They
bad come up to visit Miss Winkle's
father and family and her sister, Mrs.
Alva Mathews and other relatives.
A. C. Husen. the foreman on the
J. H. Cooley orchard, was a business
caller Thursday.
Wm. Prultt, Thomas Vestal ' and
family of Reese creek, J. Wattenburg
who Is living on the Andrews place,
one of our best farmers in this section
was here on business also and so was
Ed Dutton, our ex-road supervisor and
one of our prominent stockmen.
A man by the name of Jim Olson
who gave his residence as Medford,
came out from Ilutte Falls on the
stage Thursday on his way home. H'J
said that he had been up In the tim
ber putting In a skldway for a lumber
O. A,. Mack and wife who are on the
Fred Pclouie (Meadowbrook) farm,
wore here trading Thursday. I under
stand that tho farm belongs to a man
by the name of Collins and Dr. J. J.
Emmens of Medford. I have never
met Mr. Collins although I under
stand that ho passes through here
every few days g ilng to and from the
farm, and that they have it stocked
Willi thoroughbred stock and poultry,
horses, cows, pigs, chickens and tur-
Mrs. Frank Ktlllo and Mrs. 8. K.
CokIiIII wi-ro hi-rw Tliursdriy visiting
Circuit Court.
Harrison Bros. vs. Wm. Nortridge.
Chattel Lien.
Murphy Electric Shop vs. O. C
Goodlett, et ux. Chattel lien.
State vs. Jim Ross. Sentence.
fiute vs. Lowell Grim. Sentence
fttato vs. Nona Dunlap. Sentence.
State vs. Mary Doe Glen. Sen
Htate vs. M. M. Hefflin. Sentence,
Lida Meadows vs. Matthew Lee
Meadows. Motion.
Lucy M. Huitt vs. Francis M.Uuitt.
Citizens Bank of Ashland vs. Geo,
G. Hewett. Motion.
Jake A. Kelts vs. Laura Kelts,
Bullock Merc. Agency vs. Earl
Carestables. Motion.
John F. Rocho vs. W. A. Barns et
al. Amended complaint.
O. H. CcConughey vs. Geo. Wolf.
School District No. 4 vs. Lawrence
McPhergon et al. To quiet.
M. S. Johnson vs. Gold Coin Cor
poration. To recover deed and re
straining order.
State vs. John Doe. Possessing in
toxicating liquor.
Slates vs. L. A. Winters. Order on
Florence W. Hart2ell et vlr. vs. H
C. Hansen et al. Notice of appeal.
H. E. Chllders vs. Grand Land and
Live Stock Co. Lien.
Pine Belt Banking Co. vs. Roy
Stanley et al. For money.
Clara Wells vs. Mary Tedford et
al. Proof of publication.
Ely Leroy Warfleld vs. Laura Olive
Warfield. Motion and affidavit.
John F. Rocho vs. W. A. Barnra
et al. Ordpr.
Harriet State Bank vs. W. G. Mc-
collum et al. Summons.
ProbuUi Court.
Estate of Noah L. Townsend
milted to Probate.
. Rufus Edwards, estate. . Claims
Edith May Roblson et al (minors),
estate. Bond.
Ernest Wolgamolt, estate. Peti
Jacob Conley, estate. Order.
A. E. Kellogg, G. J. WeBt, L. L.
Sweet, trustees of M. E. Church of
Cold Hill incorporate as "The Meth
odist Episcopal Church of Gold Hill,
Oregon." '
Jacob Crowley, estate. Bond. In-
Mrs. Ktllle's parents. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ivenlory and appraisement.
Uonaker. who live in tho old Puol
hotel, now ouned by Mr. W. P. Mor
gan and Mr. nnd Mrs. H. E. Cog
i hill are the people who havn moved
into tho James Jordan house.
John M. Miller, one .of our
esteemed dltizens, had the mlsfor
tune to lose one of his work horses
the first of the week
George Given, one of our prosper1
ous and well-to-do farmers, who sol
dom comes to town, was hero Friday.
Mr. Long, who Is running the
fruek nnd Mr. fimve who Is running
V OarrsMTSlia
BMt Bjr Test
remember the lowest priced
Baking Powder is often the
most expensive that, baking
powder economy cannot be
based on purchase price it's
results that count That's why
The feeonomy BAKING POWDER
is the biggest selling brand in America.
You, save when you buy it you save
when you use it.
Use the same Baiting Powder that
guards the purity of bakings in millions
of homes that retains its unfailing
leavening strength to the very lust spoonful.
The sale of Calumet is over lf0
greater than that of any other baking
A pound can of Calumet contain full
' 16 onncct. Some baking powder i coma
in 12 ounce instead of 16 ounce cans. Be
' tara you get a pound when you want it.
George E. Gates, Jr.. estate. Bond.
Oath. Order.
Ttcal Ksuito Transfers.
E. O. Hnyder, et ux to Fred
A. Daly. Q. C. D. to N'.i of
NE, 8W of NE. ICW of SE.
sec. 22. twp. 24 H.. It. 2 East!
Jackson Co. Bids'. Loan Ass'n.
to llert M. Sullivan, et ux.
deed to lot S, hlk. i. Central
Huladlviaion to Medford
F. O. Hwedunburg, et ux, to Geo.
J. Klnz, et ux, W. D. to lots
9 nnd 10, blk. 60, Summit
Add. to Ashland
W. J. Albert to Irwin R. Bate
man, et ux, W. D, to part lot
7, HarKSdlnt? Tract, Ashland $
Earl S. Tumy. et ux, to Clyde L.
Smith, W. I. to lot 11. blk. 3.
Hlsklyou Heights Add. to
Medford .
P. L. Froed, et ux to Oscar
Shepherd, et a I, W. I. to land
In sec. 3. twp. 30 S. It. 4 West
Harrison M. Morrison, et ux, to
Frvd A. Taylor, et el. W. U.
to lnnd In Anhlnnd
John Marlon Elliott, et ux, to
L. E. HedKpeth, et ux. W. P.
to part lot 2. Ilk 2. Orchnrd
Homo Association Tract ...
J. (1. Gore, et ux. to J. F. Wort-
mnn, W. D. to lnnd In UI.C
4. twp. 37 a. R. 1 West, aluo
NE of NE. sec. 36. twp. JS
H.. n. 2 West
C. F. Willis, et ux. to W. II.
Starr, deed to lnnd In DIAJ
64. Wn. 37 S.. It. 2 West ...
H. C. Moore et ux to Oscar
Johnson et ux. Land in sec
tion 14, twp 39, 8, Rango
1, East
Kate Howell to Emerson W.
Howell. Lot on Factory
street. Ashland
John Smith to R. H. Toft.
North half of SW. Sec. 24.
Tkp 3S S. Knngn 3 West ...
Nellie. V. KnUkern et vlr to H.
J. Barrett. Sw. Pec. 4, Twp.
3 S. Range ! East
II. J. Barrett et ux to H. W.
Ilartman. SW Sec. 4, Twp.
Sit S, Hanco 2 East
Summon for Publication in Suit to lordr was ma!e aad dated the l&th !
Quiet Titie day of Feb.-uary. 14i3 and the tiate of
In the Circuit Court of tb State of the first publication of this surnuou
Oregon in and lor the Coanty of is the ;vth day of Febroarv. i
Jacltaoo. ; FRED W. ilEARS. i
City of Medford. Oregon, a municifa! j Attorney for the Plaintiff.
corporation. Plaintiff, vs. . J. hash- Address: liK-S Liberty Buiidins.
ford, widow of George W. P.ashford. ; Medford. Oregon.
deceased, and M rs. C. A. Dickison. i
Mrs. C. AWiison and E. L. Paih-; Summons for Publication in Suit to
ford, heirs of George' W. Bashford. 1 Quiet Title
deoeaseal. Ceorse E. Corey and Dora Ia lt Circuit Court of the State of
E. Corey, his wife. Mai Haaschiid. ! Oregon in and for the County- of
Arthur J. Lupton and Clara M. Lup- i Jackson.
ton. his wife, and Mrs. Kate Hiiis. ' CilT of Medford. Oreetn. a municipal
widow of W. J. Hills, deceased, and ! corporation. PiaictiSf, vs. H. 5. Stine,
Vnrti U !fn. sitilir haaie U' t
Hills, deceased, and also all other j
persons and parties unknown claim-,
Ing any right, tltie. estate, lien or ;
interest in the real estate described i
In tie cornDlaint herein. Defendants. I
To E. J. Bashford. widow of George i persons and parties unknown claiming
W. Bashford. deceased, and Mrs. C. A- i ia? right, title, estate, lien or Interest
Dackison. Mrs. C. A. Wilson and E. L. i in 'he real estate described in the
Bashford, heirs of George W. Basn-1 cornpiaipt herein, the above name!
ford, deceased. George E. Corey and j defendants:
Dora E. Corev. his wife. Max Haus-! In the name of the Sute of Oregon:
child. Arthur J. Luj.ton and Clara Al. i yu and each of you are hereby sum-
Lnpton. his wife, and Mrs. Kate Hills, moned and required to appear an I
widow of W. J. Hills, deceased, and answer the complaint of plaintiff filed
Ford W. Hiite. only heir of W. J. Hills. against you in the above entitled suit
deceased, aod also all other persons ! within six weeks from the date of the
anil also ail other persons and par
ties unknown claiming any right.
ti:!e, estate, lien or interest In toe
real -estate described in the com
plaint herein. Defendants.
To H. S. fttine, and a'.ao all other
Oak Show Case
Six fV.t Inn?, IJevr-l.. Plate.. Glass top; Adjustable
Shelves, Sliding Doors iu back --- 50-00
and parties unknown claiming any
right, title, estate, lien or interest in
the real estate described in the com
plaint herein, the above named defen
in the name of the State of Oregon:
You and each of you are hereby sum
moned and required to appear and an
swear the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled suit within six
weeks from the date of the first publi
cation of this summons, and you and
each of you are hereby notified that
if you fail to appear and answer said
complaint, or otherwise plead thereto,
within said time plaintiff will apply to
the court for the relief prayed for in
its complaint on file in said cause, to-wit:
For an order and decree of this
court quieting the title in plaintiff to
the following described real estate,
situated end tein? In the City of
Medford, County of Jackson and State
of Oregon, to-wit:
All of Block number Five (5) of the
Town (now City) of Medford, Oregon. J
designated, numbered and de
scribed on the official plat thereof,
now of record.
That plaintiff be decreed to be the
owner of Bald described premises and
that the title of plaintiff in said prem
ises is good and valid: that the said
defendants and each and every one of
them be decreed to have no right,
title, claim, lieu or interest therein or
thereto: that the said defendants and
each and every one of them be forever
barred, enjoined and restrained from
asserting or setting np any claim,
right, title, lien or interest in or to
the said above described premises or
any part thereof, and for such other
further and different relief as to the
court may seem just and equitable in
the premises.
This summons is published in the
Medford Mail Tribune by order of the
Hon. C. M. Thomas, Judge of the
Circuit Court of the State of Orenon
for the Coiint7 of Jackson, and said
the family uugh syrup
Tortured Many Years By Kidneys
"I bare had kidney trouble for
welve years." writes H. P. Pinknoy,
West Jackson. Mlsa. "Pains In back.
Joints, catches in the hips, run down
nnd gelling up tio much during the
night But since taking Foley Kidney
Pills, my suffering Is over, and I feel
ike a new man." Backache, rheumatic
pains, kidney and bladder trouble
quickly relieved with Foley Kldne)
Pills. Ref'ne substitutes. Insist upon
Foley's Honey and' Tar. Sold every-hcre.
Has Built a Reputation Excelled
by None.
If you will come in and look
this tire over you will see for
yourself the reason
Wo enrry n complete lino of
Cords nnd Fabrics.
Auto Supply Co.
Just Around the Corner
.11 North llnrtlett
Good send is the founiln.'
tlon for n iskmI crop.
llil catalog bow ready.
New crop seed. All varie
ties. For Farm anil Gnrdcn
Try our new Sweet Corn,
New Table Pea,
New Table lleim,
Xew "Norton Tomato."
1 litrjro pocket riirh 41
varieties (postpaid) tlOc.
Retail store 1H Market St.
'rancisco. CaI. 7
first publication of this summons, and
you ana eacn of you are hereby noti
fied that if you fail to appear and
answer said complaint, or otherwise
plead thereto, within said time plain
tiff will apply to the court for the
relief prayed for in its complaint on
file in aw-u cause, to-wit: 1
For an order and decree of this :
court quieting tiie. title in nlaintiff to i
the following deoeriheil rani aetata '
situated and being in the City of M1
ford. County of Jackson and State of
Oregon, to-wit:
Lot numbered Three (3i In Block
numbered Four (41 of the Town (now '
City) of Medford. Oregon, as designat
ed. numbered and described on the I
official plat thereof, now of record.
That plaintiif be decreed to be the ;
owner of the said described premises
and that the title of plaintiff in sail! ;
premises is good and valid: that tho !
said defendants and each and every :
one of them be decreed to have no i
right, title, claim, lien or interest
therein or thereto; that tho said de-1
fendants and each and every one o; 1
them be forever barred, enjoiued and ;
restrained from asserting or setting
up any claim, right, title, lien or inter-
est in or to the said above described
premises or any part thereof, and for ',
sush other, further and different re
lief as to the court may seem Just aad ,
equitable in the premises.
This summons Is published in the
Medford Mall Tribune by order of the
Hon. C. M. Thomas. Judge of the
Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for the County of Jackson, and said
order was made and dated the lath
day of February. 193 and the date of
the first publication of this summons .
is the -'0th day of February. 1M3. ;
Attorney for the Plaintiff.
Address: 217-S Liberty Building,;
Medford. Oretron. :
1 f . '
Profit by- .
Reduced Fares to
The saving in Round-Trip Fares
. the train comforts while you Journey,
and sprin-Iiko days In the Sunny
Southland arc- good reasons for going
Fares from Medford to:
Scnta Barbara $51.25; Los Angeles,
Sale dates daily to March 31.
Limited April 30.
.'rcquent and convenient service.
For further particulars ask your
local ticket agent, or write
General Passenger Agent
Portland. Oregon
r When Time S- i
Means Money j
j ., "pONT slight the preparation of your seed-beds in order to 1
U plant on time. Better seed-beds mean more bushels " II
i i per acre' i'l
& Fordson power and the Roderick Lean Automatic Engine J
M, specially to work with the Fordson. will get your
PJ land into shape for planting m plenty of time. 25 acres a day fill
E can be covered with this compact, one-man outfit. " if I
SKJ , T!ie eri,ck Lean Automatic Engine Disc prepares a deeo I
jkij . level and finely pulvemed sed-bed in one harrowing. With the li! 1
T ordGon it provides the most rapid, thorough and economical I
jJ) , means of getting your spring tillage done. I "
I eujpmentfladly advana of this " T j X
j J
1 -i -' L