1 MEDFOUTI TO TRIBUNE. WfifcFGftrt OR FfiONV TUESDAY. TETTCrttRV '(). ifcM PARTNER OF SLAIN 4 rr ' The ONE BEST SHOE in the U. S. at the Price The Edmonds Shoe Company of Milwaukee, makes just ONE shoe, on three lasts. Army last, medium toe and narrow toe. Every pair is made of the highest grade of mohogany calf. It is impossible to make a better shoe. They are able to produce much better value in this way, and we in turn pass it on to the trade. The Wonderful Shoes are sold at $8.00 per pair. It pays you best to buy "Edmonds Foot-Fitters." PRICE $8.00 C M. KIDD&CO. Open for Business THE OWL CONFECTIONERY 15 N. Central Avenue Around the corner from tire Medford National Bank Cigars, Tobacco, Cigarettes Ice Cream Soft Drinks of all Kinds F. M. WILSON, Prop. 1 Great Oah from UttleJlcorns grow" "Your first Deposit is ike start of your xortune. MAKE IT NOW Jackson County Bank ESTABLISHED 1888 HAVE YOUR CARPETS CLEANED WITH ilSH-KA-BIBBLE A PERFECT CLEANER AND CLEANING SYSTEM nemoves greases and nil form of dirts. Tightens (ho colors nn! mnkes the surfaco like new. It don't destroy I ho sizing. Will mil for thriii. Wc specialize on Oricntnl nnd Persian runs. lino up hoist cry nnd treatment for moths. H VVKYOVU CAKPKTS lU Ttr.KIl.SIZKD. THEY WILL WK.It TWICK AS l.O.NCJ. ASK ABOUT OUR CLUB RATES IS A telephone messago from Duns mulr, Calif., this morning said that the coroner's 1urv. had hound over to the Siskiyou county grand jury, llurtl V. .McMartin. charged with tho death' of Fred Hurst, a nativo born son ot Jackson couuty, and well known in this city, as tho result of a shooting affray at Slsson, Calif. Tho warrant for the arrest of McMartln, a business partner of tho slain man, was sworn to by Frank Hurst ot this city, a brother of the deceased- McMartin Is hold in the county jail at Yreku, Calif., pending further action. The body of Fred Hurst will arrive this evening from Dunsmulr, Calif., and tho funeral services will be Held from the Conger undertaking parlors at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. McMartin, who was charged . with murder, has been a resident of Siski you county for twonty years. Hurst was 3S years of age. and was born on a furm near Kagle Point anil was a mombor of a well known pioneer family of this section. According to tho story of tho trag edy brought back to this city, tho af fray occurred about ten o'clock Fri day night, in a small house at the tear of tho soft drink establishment, operated by tho two men. A party of Hurst's friends from Weed, Calif,, wero visiting him, among them Glen Thompson of Weed, tho only eye witness of tho shooting. Hurst arranged to take Thompson and the others home in his auto, and heforo leaving, went with Thompson to the small house, whero McMartin was resting. They were admitted, and hot words followed, and as a climax McMartin ruBhod . into tho main building, and camo buck with a revolver. Tho men grappled, and tho first shot tore oft a finger on Hurst's hand. Hurst tnon grabbod McMartin by tho throat, while en deavoring to tako the gun away from McMartin. Three more bullets wero fired, two striking Hurst in tho calf of the leg, and one cutting tho main artery in the thigh. The wounded man .collapsed, so the story goes, and McMartin returned to the establish-1 ment and announced: "I've shot, Fred Hurst." j Hurst was then taken In an nuto truck to Dunsmulr, Calif., for medical I treatment. He was resting easily i until about noon Saturday. In prob-l ing for the bullet In tho thigh it was found that tho artery had been scv-j ered, nnd In spite of a heroic opera-, Hon, tho wounded man slowly sanki to death. . According to the Sacramento Bee of Monday evening, McMartin will plead self-defense. 10 VISIT BUSINESS FORECASTS AT Leonard R. Cornell nnd James Tj. Albert of the Alexander lltumllton In stitute will give a business tnlk to business men at the forum luncheon of the Medford Chamber ot Com merce in tho annex dining room of the Medford hotel tomorrow. Tho subject of this tnlk will ho "Basic Fundamentals and Business Cycles." with a forecast of business conditions for 1923 and 1924. Exceedingly Interesting topics and addresses havo been presented at the forum and the ono tomorrow will not be nn exception to the rule. Tho luncheon will be served at noon. Influenza From Neglected Colds Stop your coughs and colda before they become serious. If neglected they - lead to Influenza, la grippe, asthma and bronchitis. Three genera tions of users have testlflod to the quick relief given by Foley's Honey and Tar from coughs, colds, croup, throat, chest and brouchlul trouble. Largest selling cough medicine in the World. Mrs. S. L. Hunt, Cincinnati, Ohio, writes: "Foley's Honey and Tar cured me ot a hacking cough, wheez ing and pains In chest" Refuse sub stitutes. Sold everywhere. Say "Bayer" and Insist! Unless you see the namo "Bayer" on package or on tablets you are not get tine the genuine Bayer product pre scribed by physician over twenty-two years ana provea eatc ny minions iot Colds ITcadaclio Toothache Lumbago Knrache lllicuniati.m Neuralgia Tain, I'ain Accept "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" only. Kacli unbroken package contains proper directions. Handy boxes of twelve tablets coot few cents. Dnig iriits also sell buttles of 24 and 100. Aspirin is the trade mark of Buyer Manufacture of Monoaccticacidester ot alicylicacid. Teams standing to date: v w ret South Methodists 4 4 1000 North Methodists 4 3 7T.0 Christians 4 2 C00 Baptists 4 1 2 .". 0 ' l'resbytorlnns 4 0 000 Last night's sosslon proved a bet ter ono than was expected, which goes to show that percentage columns uro poor premises from which to prog nosticate. Tho North M. E. -Baptist tannic! was a slow gume for tho most, part, replete with fouls many of a' personal nature, with ono man dlB- qualified for same and soino others; perilously near tho limit. Tho North M. E.'s threw.only three field goals and accrued tho rest ot their 10 points on baskets from tho foul line. Tho Baptists hooped five field ones, and accounted for the remainder byi tosBlng from the lino. They made 14 in all and missed tho long end of the score only by a hair. Twcnty-ono fouls were called on the Baptists and seventeen on tho Methodists, which shows ill somo measure why tho gamo was slow. Thirty-eight fouls In ono gamo hint rf a lack of knowledge of tho finer points of basket ball. The second gamo was u distinct surprise to tho crowd and nt least to ono team. What the. Presbyterian . boys oro training on is a mystery, j Though they havo uot won a gamo I this season, they put up a scrap last night which brought tho bleachers to, their feet many timos. Composed of! more boys in tholr early toens, not one of whom has even attained tho glory of tho high school squad, they, staged such a whirlwind attack upon tho seasoned and experienced top notchers as at times mado them look liko tho rankest brand of bustiers The intontions of the older team were of the best but like tho plans of Burns' "mice an' men," they "gang' aft agley." Liko a fickle March wind catching away one's headgear nt tho very moment ouo's fingers are clos-i Ing on it, tho smaller, lighter nnd more active team repeatedly whisked the olusive ball out of danger. The only department of the game In which the Presbyterians, proved themselves weak was in hooping the ball. Time after time when hard and accurate passing and perfect receiv ing and handling had won them an opportunity, tho trick which shows in the score column and wins games could not be turned.., Compared to this, tho deadly accuracy of Gentry, ably seconded by Caldwell and Schaef fer of the South Methodist team con verted a majority; olrtholc chances Into tallies. Toan. obsbrver It seemed that a third of the Bhots at tempted by tho Presbys If success ful should have returned tho team a winner. One of the finest examples of sportsmanship ever shown on a floor was given by Warren Conrad, captain of tho Presbyterian team, falling thd fourth personal foul ngatnst a South Mothodist player, the referee was about to disqualify and remove h'.m from tho gamo In accordance with the rules. Conrad camo for ward and explained that such dis qualification would leave the crippled team with only four players, as no Bubs wero present. He requested ac cordingly that tho man bdallowcd to continue. Considering that tho Methodist team was then ahead and that the legitimate removal of tho player would havo given the Presby terians an Immense advantage and quite probably tho gamo, Conrad's sportsmanship is most commondablo. It is Incidents liko this which are re membered longer than who wins any particular gamo. If the Y. M. C. A. leaguo is teaching ideals like these It is immeasurably Worth while. Jewett of Central Point refereed both games and did so in bis usual able mannor. Ho called 'em without fear or favor and his decisions wero prompt and unbiased. A largo per centngo of personal fouls registered indicato partly somo carelessness or unsportsmanlike playing, but must In a considerable number of cases be laid to the sllppory condition of the floor, nnd aro consequently uninten tional. Tile first gamo lineup: No Mothodist 16 vs Baptist 14 Rollins F Waldron Phtpps F. Campbell Hurt C Neff, A. Evans O Noff, F. Haertlo CI Neff, Adlnl Substitutes: North Methodist, II. Glasscock for Phlpps: L. Glasscock for Hurt. Baptist, Homer for A. Neff. Iloferee Jewett. Bcoror White. Tho second game S. Mothodist 30 vs Presbytorlan 20 Gentry V Harriet Schaeffcr F McDonald Caldwell C Mcars Perry O Conrad Jackson O Chastain Substitutes: Presbyterians, Hoff man for Harriet, Green for McDonald Referee Jewett. Scorer Sherwood. Boratiso of the Itogtie lllver-Med- ford High School gamo next Monday night, the regular Y. M. C. A. Leaguo games will occur on Tuesday, tho 27th, instead. Next games nro North M. E. vs Christian: Baptist vs Presbyterian. 1 PORTLAND, Feb. 20. Mrs. Hannal Sheehy Skefflngton, Miss Lynda I Kearus and Miss Kathleen llolaud. representing the Irish Women's Mis-, slon In Amorlca, will arrive In Port-1 land on next Saturday morning, nc-1 cording to present schedule, and will bo tho guests of the United Irish soci eties of Portland for a couple ot days. They will nddi'ess a public mass meet ing Sunday evening, Feb. 25th, In Hlbcrnla hall, 310 Russell street, on the Irish question. Mrs. Skefflngton, the widow of Francis Sheehy Skefflngton, Irish Pa cifist Journalist, who was shot with out trial in Dublin by British military authority in 1U10. will present the present crisis in Ireland and tho rea sons leading up to it. Miss Kearns, who has served in the Irish republican army since 11)10, will tell of her experience during tho Black and Tan regime. Miss lloland, sister of tho late Hurry Boland, will bo tho third speaker. The delogatlon is touring tills coun try in behalf of tho widows and or phans of Irish republican soldiers and as they aro tho first official body of women from Ireland to visit Oregon oxtenslvo preparations have been mado for their welcomo. A feature of their visit to Portland will bo a special conference with nil friends of Ireland regarding tho pres ent status ot conditions in Ireland and in order to give an opportunity to tlioso Interested in tho welfare of Ire land who reside outside o( Portland, this special conference will be held on Sunday afternoon, February 25th In tho Portland hotel nt 2 o'clock. Tho mass meeting which they will address on Sunday evening will be In addition to tho conference. The United Irish Societies jf Portland who havo charge of their visit extend a cordial invita tion to all friends to be present at tho conference nnd mass meeting, nnd personally meet these distinguished ladies. Movies Plead Cuilty UNION HILL. N. J., Feb. 20. Eight motion picture exhibitors to day pleaded gnilty to violating the vice and Immorality net by giving shows on Sunday nnd were fined $1 each. Sas His Prescription Has Powerful Influence Over Rheumatism Mr. Jnmcs H. Allen Of Koohostcr, X. Y Kiiffei'otl for yearn whit rlu-u-matisni. Many tlmos this terrible Uh enao left him help lea and unablo to work. Ho finally decided, nfter yenra of censeleHH study, that no ono enn be free from rheumatism until the arcumnlated impurities, commonly called uric acid deposits, wero dls Holved In tho Joints and muscles and expelled from tho body. With thin idea In mind ho consult ed phyHieians mado experiments nnd finally compounded a prescription that quickly and completely banished every sign and wymptom of rheuma tism from his system. Ha freely fr.ivo his discovery, which ho called Allenrhu, to others who took It with what minht bo called marvelous success. After years of urging ho decided to let sufferers everywhere know about his discovery throtiKh tho newspapers. Ho has therefore Instructed druxKlsts every where to dispenso Allenrhu with the understanding that if tho first pint bottle does not show tho wny to com plete recovery ho will gladly return your money without comment. All driiKK'sts can supply you. Adv. Must Be Sold at Once i Saturday morning, February 24th all shoes, suit cases, traveling bags and all accessories will bo plaoeil 011 , .' , Sale at Price See window and read Friday's Tribune for prices. JZCldZU, 21 North Central ood Shoes" E. F. Schmidt, Agent THE NEW YORK LIFE INS. CO. lias appointed tho following as their authorized agents with head, quarters In Medford: MRS. ROSE G. SCHIEFFELIN 813 East Slain St., Medford, Phono 151. E. W. GOULD 517 South Newtown, Medford. Phono 100-H They will gladly glvo any information or help on anything pcrtulnlng to insurance. Bier-Better Than Ever 6TH ANNUAL E LIS' MINSTRELS 50- PEOPLE 50 page Feb. 26 and 27 MAIL ORDERS NOW BOX OFFICE OPENS FRIDAY, FEB. 23rd. . Entire lower floor, $1.65; Balcony, First 4 rows $1.65; Balance $1.10; including war tax. Si jjj Relieve It with glasses M a correctly fitted h.V K j our modern methods. New U. S. Navy Rubber Overshoes Worth $4.00 Now $2.98 clLJ made of pure gum rubber 16 inches high, 8 eyelets and flap. Front and back lined with felt. Has double rubber soles, rein forced seams, made on full fit ting last. Sizes 7 to 11... This is a wonderful wet weather or snow rubber, is absolutely waterproof and warm. Tower's Fish brnnil nnd Sawyer's Protest BUckors, long or short, new $2.08 Slicker l'mits with bib, new ....1.88 HIkIi top Kubbcr Hoots, V. H. Army, new... 4.H3 Army Itnln Coats, rcclii lined 1.00 Army Overcoats, reclaimed 1.D3 Hbcop lined Conts, 30 Inch, new j. 7.88 New heavy serviceable Aluminum Doublo Itoaster. 1.23 A (lnntly O to 8 cup Aluminum Percolator - 1.23 Wool rlnruro Shirts 2.75 Army llljinkcts, reclaimed 2.43 I'm fo will make your old clothes and shoes waterproof. Come in nnd wo will show you whnt it will do. TRADE AT THE ARMY STORE AND SAVE MONEY United Army Stores 32 Central Ave. South CORE THROAT Gargle with worm ult watel uien appiy over throat V A aVf-k Qlin Ovtt 17 MtlUmJttt Uk4 Yurly Arrested But Not Convicted T wns niTc.tcd Sntuiilny on the clinrge of selling high quality Hpoitlng floods anil Hardware at such low pi ires on the k'iiIiik day. Yesterday, when the In uring was held, the JudKc naked what 1 had to say. I pleaded guilty of the dini'ito, giving ns my reasons efficient, nnd economical inuntiKcniont, direct pur. cliasintf from factories, comparatively low cuerhond nnd continuous patronage. The Jury (lid not hesitate to dismiss tho case with a recommendation that I continue the samo business policy In Hie future. . , ' M. M. HKR.MAX, l'lulntlff. Medford Hardware & Sporting Goods Co. .127 I". Main Phone 200 "WIlKItlK A DIJIK IS A 1IAKY DOM.AIl" ' I'l M