Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 19, 1923, Page 8, Image 8

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According1 to residents of Jackson
ville, Willing II. Johnson, former
nwhler of the difunct bank of Juck
ennvi'.le, spent a few day last week
visiting friend and relatives In the
county seat on a furlough from the
atatb prison at Salem, where he Is
serving a ten-year sentence for his
connection with the bank failure,
inhnum returned to the state instl--
tu'tlon Tuesdny evening, and was not
accompanied by a guard. Johnson Li
s, truhty. and model prisoner, nas tne
complete confidence of tho prison of
friils. Ho visited with his aged
' uWher, who Is a resident of the
cVmnty seat,- and was, according to
report. In good health and spirits.
The bank of Jacksonville collapsed
In August, l!iiO. and many county
t(mi residents lott heavily In the
crash. Jackson county being the
heaviest loser. Johnson plead guilty.
All the civil and criminal actions
nrlslng from the failure have been
disponed of, with the exception of the
Kulill and Owen cases now on appeal
MNthe supreme court.
fTRe Jacksonville Post makes the
following comment on the visit of
Johnson to his old home town.
"Evidently tho prison officials have
more faith In the honesty of 'Bank
luotrr Hill' than our citizens have,
as- he came alono without a guard.
fost people here would not trust him
nf:ir ns you can throw a bull by
the tall."
j-'Be a real sportsman. There Is
morp honor In giving tho game a
nqunw deal than in getting tho limit.
i -'.Make sure It's a buck. If you can't
see his horns sho hasn't got any."
. This Is from a list of hnlf a dozen
rules published on tho bnck of the
but lesue of the map of Crater Lake
National forst, put out by the U. 8.
forst service.
A useful list of suggestions for
campers pertaining to equipment re
quired by visitors In this district is
also among the Items listed.
' In the list of rules for sportsmen Is
thi.' appeal to help enforco the game
law. Onmo and fish, the folder de
clare', nro public property. "Only
a'gamn hog will take more than ills
fair and legal aharo. Violations
should bo reported to tho nenreBt
deputy warden, forest ranger or game
nrotectleve association.
The other rules follow. "Ilcspcct
lm . ranchmnn's properly. He care
ful with your campfires and matches.
! And lastly, tho sportsman is urged
to take care of his campfire, to be
iure that It Is entirely out before
paving. . ,
p .
? Mrs. Jfarrlson Released.
I MOSCOW, Feb. 19. Mrs. Margaret
R. Harrison of Baltimore, American
magazine writer, arrested several
Veeks ago at Chita, has been relensed
from prison and Is to leavo Moscow
Jhurndsy, It was stated at tho for
iyn offlco today.
Women May Depend upon
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound
Minneapolis, Minn." I had heard so
much about Lydia E. Pinkham'i Vcee-
ltaoie iompouna mac
I when I realized I
(needed totakosome-
I thing to relieve my
pains and backache,
and to help build mo
I up I began to take
that. I had been
sick ofT and on for
(years and barely
weighed a hundred
Inoiimls. hut now 1
J V., "Jp' Ihave had auch good
Lresult that I am
recommending the Vegotable Compound
to every one.r'-Mrs. J. J.Biebek, 3SW9
18th Ave. South, Minneapolis, Minn.
Fin- a True Friend
itv,tfmmtniihn values her health
ahould be proud to have a true friend !
like tho Vegetable Compound," says j
Mrs. W. E. Shaw, 3227 Walnut Street,
Chicago, Illinois. "I had female weak
ness so badly that I could not stand on
my feet. Half of my time was spent in
bed and I had pains in my back which
nlBrnhlft. 2 tried evervthim? I
' eould uiinK 01 to neipmyseii.anawiienu
friend advised -yaiar,. rinanam a yeg- future of tho dedication. This will
etable Compound 1 began taking it at , , flri)t of ln CntPril ,
once. Ji recommend it without hesi.jtn,,r now ,mnqU(,t ,lU nn, ,00 ppr
tation. ronl nllendnnce U nntli-lpnteil.
An Owl Product nt the Owl Price.
The circuit court convened thla
morning, and set tentatively tho cal
endar for tho term of the petit Jury
beginning next Monday, February
i6th. Tho first of the nlghtrldlnc
cases, that of Dr. Jouett P. liray. was
set for the first on the docket, under
the Indictment charging riot. The
oher defendants will be tried. In
order after the conclusion of the Bray
A number of law and equity cases
were also set, the court making up
,ne calendar for the term thls after
ln open court this morning, the
county clerk and the sheriff, drew 75
names for a special venire to serve
as tho petit Jury term, the action
being necesnary on account of the
regular venire being depleted by fail
ure to report. Out of 15 women on
the regular Jury list, only one signi
fied a willingness to report.
The special venire is as follows:
Kugh I.. Cox. Butte Falls; D. L.
Forrest, F. L. TouVelle, Jackson
ville: La vina 8. Carkln, Medford; Al
bert E. Btratton, Talent; Luke Lewis,
Jacksonville, A. Crablree, Fred Puhl.
Medford: K. I). Dlmmlck. Ilogue
Klvor; Ed Huston, Trail; Harry F.
Sheets, Talent; T. W. Hnlley, Med
ford; C. 8. Newhall, Medford and F.
L. Chlldreth, Eagle Point.
Anna N. Oray, Oold Hill; M. Her.
rlan. Medford; 8. H. Moore, Fred W.
Weeks, Medford; Ellen FlBh, Med
ford; Kobln L. Oore. Medford; H. W.
Davidson, Medford: Joo M. leader,
Phoenix: B. F. VanDyke. Phoenix;
Mattlo A. Coleman. Medford; Bertha
E. Adams. Gold Hill; A. E. McKay,
Medford; Leona Furnlss, Medford.
N. 13. Hildreth. Butte Falls: Alda
O. Swink, Butte Falls: Mary E. Loi
ier, Medford: Gordon Cox, Trail;
Clyde A. Richman, Central Point;
Ceo. W. Dunn. Ashland: John Norris,
Eaglo Point: iuy C. Jacobs, Ashland;
F. K. VVahl. Medford: Leila H. Fouts,
Medford: George Hooker, Med.ord;
Elsie Klingle, Lake Creek and Har
vey O. Fields, Medford.
Maud Lyons, Medford: W. H. Eber
hardt. Medford; W. L. DeFord, Cen
tral Point: Tom Lamb, Cora E. Hill,
Medford; N. W. Atwood, Medford;
Mollle Hay, Ruch: W. H. Day, ABh
Iand; Benton Poole, Applegate; Abel
Loomls, Ashland; Leon B. Haskina,
Medford: Louise Harr, Jacksonville:
Minnie Ouy, Bock Point; George
lleers. Rogue River; E. I. Johnson.
Medford: I.uella N. Llndley, Medford
and N. 1). Putnam, Medford.
James O. La, Central Point; Earl
C. Ciadills, Medford: lien Edmlston
Butto Falls! Mary A. Webber. Med
ford: Minnie Jloardmnn, Medford: J.
A. Nordstrom, Ashland: Mary L Ood
lovo, Medford: Eilna A. Hoag, Med
ford; George L. Trelihler, Medford;
Sarah A. Fraley, James Fireslono.
Ashland: T. E. Dorn, Applegate:
George E. Maddox, Medford; Minnie
Slnde, Gold Hill; Annie Brophy, Eagle
Point: William 8:irr and C. It. Dun
nington, Jacksonville.
CAPETOWN A young English girl
came out to South Africa recently to
marry her fiance, but on her arrival
found that she did not love him and
decided to return home on the noxt
Tho other 150 unmarried English
men ln Cape 8t. Vincent, persuaded
her to allow them to spin a coin, anil
If she guessed wrong she was to re
main and marry ouo of them. If she
won sho was to depart. Tho girl ac
cepted the challengo and lost. Slio
later a man from among the
100 and married him, her former
fiance acting ns best man.
Rumors nro being whispered among
members of tho Craters club that
surprises nro being planned for to
morrow night when they assemble
for their regular seml-monlhly blow
out. The dedication of tho new
Crater's banquet hall In tho basement
of the Hotel Medford will be the
pvnt of tn" meeting. Just what
these surprises will be has not been
announced, but tho members nt the
program committee promise nn en
tertainment more than equal to the
usual Crater's program and that
would be going some.
iwo rcini.inn speakers win con-
trlbuto to this program as another
SPOKANE. Feb. 19. The Univer
sity of Washington up to Saturday
night lod both the northern section of
the Pacific coast and the Northwest
Intercollegiate conferences in basket
ball according to official standings
compiled by Dr. J. F. Ilobler, secretary
of the Northwest conference. The
standings, which do not include Sat
urday's games, follow:
Pacific coast conference:
Northern 6eetlon
O. A. C.
Oregon 2 3
W. S. C 2 4
Southern Section
Stanford 4 1
California 3 2
U. S. C 2 6
Northwest Conference
Washington 7 2 .777
O. A. C 6 2 .750
Idaflh -5 3 .f.25
Oregon 5 3 .625
Whitman 5 4 .555
W. S. C 4 5 .444
Pacific, I 4 .200
Montana 1 3 .250
Wlllametto ..0 8 .000
O. A. C.'s victory over Washington
Saturday night places Corvallis In the
lead however.
One Medford fighter won a bout
and another local fighter lost one In
tho big boxing exhibition at Klam
ath Falls last (Saturday night, re
garding which tho Klamath Falls
Horn Id nays In part:
" 'Wildcat' Welly lived up to h.H
namo nt Scandinavian hall last night
when ho poll Hh oil off Sid Herbert In
the eighth round of a scheduled 10
round go. Herbert's right jaw wan
broken and ho frilled to come out for
the ninth. Tho bout was a lively one,
but Herbert did not nppear up to the
excellent form ho displayed in bin
last bout here.
Joo Walters was helpless before
the attack of Jack Harmon, the local
favorite, who added to his string of
victories when tho bout was stopped
In the third, Walters was not in Har
mon's class."
Y. M. C. A Notes
The ninth and tenth games In the
Y C. C. A. league schedulo will be
played this evening nt the Y. M. C. A.
ball on North Riverside In the
first the North Mothodlsts will meet
the Baptists and In the second the
South M. E.s will face the Presby
terians. With the advent of warmer
weather this old hall will be more
comfortable for both players and
spectators than it has been on some
game nights.
Mr. II. P. Jcwott of Central Point,
qulto well and favorably known here
as an official, will referee tho two
games. The first Is called tor 7:15
p. m.
It Is probable that a church team
from Central Point will apply for ad
mission into the league for the sec
ond hnlf of the schedule, as it Is cer
tain that tho I'nton church there
would be able to put out such a team.
If such application is mado the mat
ter must come up before a league
board meeting for consideration.
Jacksonville church has also discuss
ed tho matter. If theso out of town
teams aro not nblo to enter Imme
diately tho leaguo will look forward
to tho baseball schedulo as a depart
ment of sport In which they could be
Included. It Is tho ambition of the
county Y. M. C. A. to cover the coun
ty of Jackson with a permanent ath
letic leaguo of this nsturo. Indoor
and outdoor basoball, swimming, ten
nis, as well as basketball are entirely
feasible. I'crhapal tho rather wide
Interest In tho time honored gamo of
"horseshoes" might be crystallzed
Into Intcr-town competition. Volley
ball already enjoys Inlcr-elty contests
under tho patronage of the Y. M.
C, A.
Tho Junior Pnskolball league nt
Ashland Is hnvlng a very successful
season, tire Sunday schools being in
terested. Practice days In tho local league
this week are as follows:
Keb. 20, Tuesday, North Metho
dists. Ken, It.
Keb. 22,
Keb. 21,
Feb. 24,
Wednesday, Christians.
Thursday, South Xletho-
Krlday, Presbyterians.
Saturday, Ilaptists
N. Y. Central Official IVnit.
CHICAOO, Keb. 19. Martin Tor
Ulauvclt. 67, vice-president of the
Illinois Central railroad, died here
The grand jury for the February
term of the circuit court convened
at Jacksonville this morning, and
were re-instructed In their duties by
Judge C M. Thoma3.
In his Instructions, the court said
"there was Bentlment that the prohi
bition law could not be enforced, but
that the grand Jury was not to take
this sentiment Into consideration, ln
their deliberations, as any law could
be enforced, If the officers did their
The court also made mention that
complaint had been received that the
prohibition law was not being enforc
ed against the higher ups," and ob
served thero should bo no distinc
The court also stated objections to
the carrying of concealed weapons
by citizens had been made, and that
the "practice should be discontin
After the Instructions the grand
Jury began Us deliberations, and
heard witnesses.
The personnel of the grand Jury Is
as follows:
Gus Nichols, Eaglo Point; Jas. W.
Dates, Medford; John F. Lawrence,
Medford; John S. Owens, Wellen; J
J. Rltter. Gold Hill; Frank Rotli-
rock, Medford, and Mlnnlo L. Stick-
els. Gold Hill.
The grand Jury Is expected to be
In session the greater part of the
Today's News in
U. S. Congress
WASHINGTON, Feb. 19. A bill
authorizing an Investigation and re
port of congress on the feasibility of
the Columbia River basin irrigation
project in the state of Washington
and its bearing on the Umatilla irri
gation project was passed today by
the house.
WASHINGTON, Feb 19. Propo
nents of the administration shipping
bill lost a strategic battle today, the
senate voting, 44 td 42, not to table
a motion by Senator Ladd, republi
can. North Dakota, to lay aside the
shipping legislation and take up the
filled milk bill. '
WASHINGTON, -Feb. 19 Anoth
er resolution proposing a world s
economlo conference in Washington
was introduced in tho senate today
by Senator Owen, : democrat, Okla
homa, who endorsed tho similar
pending measure of Senator Borah,
republican, Idaho.
WASHINGTON, -Feb. 19. The
fight for the action of the house at
this session of congress on Henry
Ford's otter for Muscle Shoals was
renewed today before the pules com
mittee, with Chairman Campbell re
Iterating his opposition contained In
the bill reported by the military com
mittee. Urging action before March 4,
Acting Chairman McKenzie of the
military committee declared Muscle
Shoals was the "paramount" ques
tion before the house.
Skin Ablaze
Constant Itching; Almost
W know then Is ont thine thtt steps
lextma, and that is more red-blood-ceilal
J. 8. S. bnllda them by the million I ton
a Increase your red-btood cells to tbo
point where U Is practically ImpoMlbl
(or to exist. Wo know that aa
Mood-cells Inrrnio in number. Mooa lm
panties vantah! Wt alio know that ntfht
follows dir. Both aro facts! Uut hart
you, ecseina auffercra, ever actually taken
advantage of thla wooderful factt Toon
sanda Just Ilk you aaro nsrer thought
about It I Kkin eruptions, ectema with all
Ita fiery, tkio-Ulctiiiiir torture and Its aoul
tearior, unreachable Itching, pltuples,
blackheads and boils, they all pack up and
go, when tho tide of blood-cell begins to
roll In I Klovd-cells are the flglitlng-gtanta
of natnrcl 8. s, 8. builds them r ths
million I It has been doing It alnce ISM I
V. 8. S. la one of the greatest blood-cell
builders, tVod cleaners and bodybuild
ers known to us ntortalal When tou put
these facts togei her, then to continue te i
hare ecsema and akla eruptions looks
more like a akn than a disease, klra. i
Arthur ,N. Smith, Pearl Su, Newark. Okie, i
U, firt keel e eery Ud eeeo .
erteme. 5e fcpo tmt-ine1 3. 5. S. ene is :
rttl Mate. ,' tkink yow ry muck. I tttt
I ri.nWt -kot e fM mcJirins it . I (
eafMict tmlk (ee mack eeoMI iU or I knew
I is O. A."
Hers Is your opportunity. 8. 8. R. eon.
talr.s enle Trctshle medicinal Ingredients.
Itrvauve S, S. S. build red-blood-rells.
It r.nls rhcuinsilm, builds firm flesh,
fills out h.!..w checks, beautifies the com- !
pietlon. ImiIIvIs ?u up when you are run. ;
down. R. M. 8. ta n.,1,1 at all drug stores, '
lu two sUe. The larger aiie bottle is ths j
wore economical, q -
C? maket you fttl j
?!rBf fti?.tf?
Cost of Living Shows
1 Cent Decline in Jan.
WASHINGTON", Feb. 19. The aver
age family paid one per tent les3 for
its food in January than in December,
the department of labor announced to
day. lletween December 13 and January
IS, eighteen articles of food advanced j
in price, onions and cabbage leading.
Listen. A drama made just an Marshall
Nellan makes them. A picture with new
thrill suspense that holds you all through
an nmazinj; story of a crook who "came
bnck" and tho woman who brought lilm.
There's a laugh for every thrill, too!
It's something ab-so-lutely new ln screen
Coming Wednesday
-a RIALTO -y
P. K.
feeeWe -
flmwwmd f'
ace .
TheFlavor jk
t-r. -j
It In
( HBr
Bulk Seeds
Are Fresher
Monarch Seed Company
317 E Main
The Fanners '
with a rise of 11 per nt- whlle 10
articles declined, strictly iresn eggs
going down 18 per cent, and ten re
mained stationary. Forty-seven cities
reiwrtcd declines in the average fam
ily expenditure for food.
I'olndexter Nominate!.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 19. The
nomination of Senator Miles Pcindex-
. . . i. .mlinssndnr
ter of wasningion 10 oe ---
to Peru was sent to the senate today
lv President Harding.
The Great American Sweetmeat
Top off your meals with
V RIG LEY'S and ive your
stomach a lift.
It aids digestion It
provides the "bit of sweet"
In beneficial form.
Helps to cleanse the
teeth and keep them
WRIGLEY'S pays very
big dividends on a very
small investment.
It's the best chewin. i
that can be made and It
comes wax-wrapped to keep
good condition.
Phone 260
Service Station
HUVs acts, at once
chrcs touts ?it '
Hills C-3m IJromicIc Ojjmiac
and other
Beautiful Flowers
Illustrated Catalogue Free
upon Application
Clarke Bros.
287 Morrison St.
Portland, Oregon.
Have You Ordered
Spring Planting?
How about Bartlett,
Anjou, Cornice and
other pears?
We have thorn in mighty
nice, clean, thrifty trees.
and apples, cherries,
prunes, walnuts, small
fruits, shrubbery, roses.
' We Have Them All
prune with a date flavor,
certainly the finest prune
ever produced by nature. If
you don't know all about
this new and marvelous fruit
ask for our special de
scriptive folder. ITS FREE.
If you desire a sample of
fruit send 15 cents.
Tf you're a good salesman
nnd have a knowledge of
Horticulture we have . a.
worth while offer for you.
Oregon Nursery Co.
Orenco, Oregon
Horticultural Specialists
China Herb Store
Th ii to certlrj that aim Chun of
Medford. Ore., has cured me of goitre
ind etomach trouble. S. M. Leonard,
5"9 J St., Grants l'asa
Thle Is to certify that Olm Chung; ol
Metlford. Ore., has cured me ot rupture
of four years' standing. F. O. Ieham,
I1J 8 St., Grants Pass. Ore.
Medford. Oregon, Jan. II, 117.
This la to certify that I, the under
signed, had very severe stomach trouble
and had been bothered for several year
and last August was not expected to
live, and hearing of Olm Chung (whoa
Herb store Is at 214 8outh Front street,
Medford), I decided to get herbs for my
atomach trouble, and I started to feeling
better as soon as 1 used them and today
am a well man and can heartily recom
mend anyone afflicted as I was to see
aim Chung and try his Herbs.
(Signed) W. R. JOHNSON.
Wm. Lewis, Eagle Point.
W L. Chlldreth. Pael- Point.
M. A. Anderson, Medford,
S B. Holmes, Fagle Point.
' . E. Moore, Eagle Point.
J V. Mclntyre, Eagle Point
Jeo. Von der Hellen. Eagle Point.
"1 Ni.hnu. Eajrle Pnlnl
Powell St. at O'Farrell,
osefo7?ie3fres ,
3 nd Shopping District.
Ant ly bes.tiii.itd Hltl Mmmt
wit h tiaiior to Sm Fran
cneot New fanuthinft el nugil
ctunn and contlort lobby dmrxd
! provYtJc the aimoiph of a
hnuriom hotn and a new Dicing
Room. cotiMdeml on el the mori
inicrtatmc in America all eontnbvM
to rout weUkrel h ia tb only hotel
with running Ice Water in'otmy teoo
IV. I. .L - (T m rt a can use
meet djefS,