VAGI) SIX IS SCEPTICAL OF ROME, Fob. 17. ny AsHocloted Pros). Ratification of the Waliine tnu conference agreements by the Italian sonnto joatorday was marked by a speech by Premlor MubbuIIhI In which he characterized United StatoB Senator Borah's npioal for an Interna, tlonul conference too excessive. The premier said Mr. Borah's position did not Klve him sufficient prestige to comi)el the acceptance "of his collec tion of more or Ihbs fantastic appeals." The premlor added that If "reBKn Bible government officials," above nil from those governments immediately Interested In participating in the situ ation, appealed to Italy, ho "would not hesitate a minute to respond." He expressed pleasure over tho Anglo-American debt settlement, but asked wholhor nnyono could now ' nourish any illusions" ns to the pos sibility of debt cancellations. Turning to tho Jluhr question, Mus solini denied that Italy was mediating between Germany und Franco. . He said he hod made It his business to conduct a searching inquiry Into the whole situation und had concluded that the existence of the cntento wa3 doubtful. "Italy must mako some choice as to nor policy with Germany," Mussolini continued. "She Is mindful of Ger many's generosity toward her, but sWo' cannot afford the luxury of generosity when It means tho welfare of 40,000, 1100 Italians. "Although Italy could not he absent from the Huhr Invasion, it does not moan, actual participation bocause sho needs German iron nud coal for her industries." Thn premlor urged passage of the Santa Margharlla treaty with Jugo fllavla, establishing tho Independence of Flume and pluclng Zara under Ital ian sovereignty. RESIGNS A! LAST WASHINGTON. Fob. 17. Presi dent Harding had before him today the renlgnatlon of K, Mont Kelly as ttovornor of Porto Itlco, an office In which ho was Inaugurated in July, lnsi. Tho resignation, cabled from Han Juan and nssigning ill health as tho reason was received at tho Whlto House Inst evonlng and was mado public without comment. ; Although no Indication has boon given, It was believed In administra tion circles that President Harding would accept the resignation which suggested April 1 as tho effective (Into. Among those mentioned uH pos sible selections for tile post In suc cvxslon to (Jovernor Holly have boon Major General Clarence It. Kdwnrds, retired, nnd Itepresent alive Towner of Iowa nnd Campbell of Kansns. The Noted Dead PARIS Mmo. Hone Vivian!, wlfo of former Premier Vlvianl, died lust night. I LONDON Mrs. Ijiura, Ormlston Chant, preacher, writer nnd com poser, died hero yesterday. CLEVELAND William J. While, Inventor and for years known ns tho rhewlng gum king," died hero last night. 1'iHiillv Peart From Gas. CHICAGO. Feb. 17. William Lorn eke. 04, Ills wlfo nnd their 15-yeni-uld daughter, were found dead in their gas-filled homo In llolton, 111., today. (Standard MUSSOLIN BORAH SSCHEME Klnnilnnl Iik uIhiIoik nnd llruoilrr nro inniln In nil Mos, Electric or Hot Water heat a patented feature found only In tho Standard. Made In the West for WcMtern rendition. Practically every largo poultry plant In Southern Oregon equip ped with Standard Machines. There' n Iteason. I. i t u show Von how to nuike MHI'i profit per yinr on the cit of on Ini'ultnlor. What other business can show such returns? ; Standard Manufacturing Co. -So, 1 MItrlN-ll Way Tel. nciH-H-jl Aledford, Ore. SAYS LAST WORD ON PEACE APPEAL DUBLIN, Fob. 17. (fly Associated Press). President Cosgravo today is sued a "last word" statement on the pcaco question in which ho says the government "is determined to put down this revolt against democracy regardless of tho cost. "Let no man bo deceived," the state ment says, "if any one continues in this unnatural war tion his own people after the expiration of tho stat ed period of amnesty ho must be pro parod to pay the price in full for there will be no going back upon this. "Furthermore, It must bo clearly understood that thoro will bo no meet ing for negotiations on the part of government with DoValera, Llam Yyncb, or any of their collaborators in destruction, male or female." (Tho amnesty 'period proclaimed by the free state government on Febru ary 8 ns tho result of Llam Doasy's peace appeal, will expire tomorrow.) President Cosgrave's statement shared public interest with the truce proposal of the Association of Neutcal Members of the Irish Republican Army. This organization, which Is understood to havo been Interested Jnr flomo time in finding a solution for Ireland's internal troubles, suggests that tho free state government and the republicans cease their hostilities for one month during which time the neutrals would put forth their peace proposals. Tho suggestion has been sent to leaders on both sides, with a request for a reply by Fobruary 23. As a condition to tho proposed truco tho republicans would coane all mili tary activities and all aggressive acts against porsonB nnd property. The free state government on its part would suspend all trials and execu tions as well as military activities and would nuike no arrests. The associa tion expressed a willingness to name a neutral chairman to preside over the peace negotiations. Confessed Radical Spy Is Arrested On Charge of Libel . CHICAGO, Feb. -ft. (By the Assoolnted PresB ) Albert Ballln, alias Balanow, confcBs. ed labor and radical spy, was1 arroBtod today charged with S criminal libel as a result of his 4 sworn testimony Jn a deposition being taken by Frank K. Walsh, for use in tho defense of twon- ty-two communists ut St. Jo- soph, Mich., February 26. WORLD MARVEL FOUND (Contlnuod from page one.) his predecessor, Akhnntton. "In the midst of his eight year rolgn, however, ho changed his name to Tutonkhamun, indicating a return to tho polytheistic Amnion worship of IiIb ancestors. "Mr. Welgal's thoory is that tho 'Aton' worship was In reality the Jehovuli worship Initiated In Egypt by Moses nnd that when Tutonkhamun returned to tho worship of Amnion he begun the oppression of tho Israelites, including tho enforced brick making without strnw, which resulted In the exodus. "A comparison of the biblical record with records giving tho Egyptian side of the story long has boon awaited by critical students of the bible with keen Interest." Incubators MEDFOIM) MAIL TftlBUNW, MEDFORD DEFEATS ROSEBURG FIVE IN CLOSE GAME Playing n , slashing, whlrlwjnd brand of bull tho Medford flvo de feated tho Hoseburg team at Ilose bprg last night by a scoro of 47-34, and nractlcally established itself as; tho southern Oregon champion flvo. I The-Jtoseburg team, following the: first basket of tho game by Blngler, 1 started an attack, which tho red and black was unable to check for seve ral minutes and tho score stood 14-4 ln tt.vnw at tt .tanltiipir fnnt- mlrilitoH before tho end of the first half. Med-1 ford took a spurt nnd brought the scorn to 18-22 In favor of Hose burg at the end of tho first half. Iiurr, Kosehurg star forward, made nlno field goals in tho first half and only two In tho second half. Hurr missed three uttempts ut fouls which were all that wero called on Medford players. Ileeney nnd Singler, Medford for wards tied for first honors with eight baskets each. Bocney did not play for three minutes during tho second half, Itlddlo being played In his place for that longth of time. Bnughmun converted three out of four fouls called on Roseburg and made three field baskets. Haugh nmn played an excellent defensive ginno and usslsted materially In the rapid teamwork shown by tho locals in the second half. C'liastaln, wljo played In Batoman's place nfter the middle of tho first half did stellar work at guard and played a wonderful passing game. He caged throe markers from the field for the locals. Williams, although ho did not score, matched his teammates for fe rocity and defense and played an ex cellent game. Despite tho dangerous aspect of tho gumo for Medford In tho first half the superiority of the Medford team, both In system of play and In In dividual players Is readily seen. Burr, forward for ItoBeburg, however, has it on any of the Medford men for basket shooting, or at least he did last .night. The Hoseburg team (inu onto the floor confident in the second half, but when llaughman, Singler nnd Beeney fed the ball to each other in turn and rocelved nceurato passes from WUllamB and Chastuin, caging two points at each pass tho confi dence was lost and the score was tied 20 all. 28 all, 30 all and finally 32 all. At this point, Medford's pace began to tell on Hoseburg und in tho lost eight minutes, Hoseburg mado only one basket. That was mado by Burr, with no support' or assistance from tho rest of the team. . Singler was Medford's malnstny !n breaking up tho , Hoseburg attack, passing opponents, dribbling down the floor and whisking, tho ball away from them as he passed with a quick ness that was amazing. Medford's ability to hang onto the bnll, although not ns good us It might havo been, exceeded that of Hose burg and stood them in good stead. Tho two teams meet hero on Mnreli second at tho Nat and tho best contest of the year Is expected. De spite tho 13 point margin pf the locals' victory tho game last night was a stirring one and was doubtful up until tho last seven minutes. Unless Medford suffers defeat on tho homo floor on March second sho will go to tho stato tournuinent. If sho Is defeated here, another game will havo to bo played to decide who shall reprosont tho southern section of the stuto at the tournament at Salem In March. Lineup: Medford 47 Hoseburg 34 Singler 10 f Burr 22 Beeney 16 f Hupp 4 Bnughmun 0 ...C...P. Singloton S Williams g Porrin Bnteman B G. Singleton Chnstnin G s Patterson Hidille s lteferee: Kdblom, U. of O. Among those who came up to see the gnmo were: ,1. W. Klrkpntrlck. Leo K. Watson, Dan Wntson. Elbert Coleman, Stan Sherwood, Milan Ja cobs, Harold Glascock. Elmer Knips, Sherman Welch, Ted Leonard and a dozen high school students. Conch Eddie Durno left Hoseburg Friday night for Eugene, where he will visit with his mother nnd other relatives over the week-end. Hoy Prultt also attended tho bas ketball game In Hoseburg Friday night. Tho girls basketball team of the Medford high school was defeated BO to 7 by tho Weed high school In a game nt Weed Friday night. The second team of the Medford high school, led by Dick Singler. defeated the Weed boys 3" to 18. Tho two tennis will play Etna Mills, Calif., to night. ARMY DOCTOR INDICTED - 1 (Continued from Page One) cd no definite conclusion as to wheth er an operation was attempted. While tho evldenco presented be fore the grand jury leading to tho In dictment of Dr. Jacobs is being with hold, It Is known that County Detec tive Wlsler has been netlvo on Investi gations hero nnd elsewhere over since tho doctor was rclensed from custody alter his first detention. Card of Thanks Wo wish to thank our many friends for tho sympathy and kindness shown us during our recent bereavement. Also for tho many beautiful floral offerings. .1. M. CLEMENS. J. K. CLEMENS. J. L. CLEMENS. Wanted Young mail with know ledge of stenography. Sou CI. W. Newbury, MHC. 2t0 MEDPOUD, OK'KOOX, SATUltDAY, FMRARV BANK PRESIDENT L i CINCINNATI, Feb. .17. Recovery of $73,000 worth of bonds, part of (205,000 stolen in a holdup by ban dits from tho Hamilton County Bank in Walnut Hills, this city, last Sep tember, und $80,000 In unused fed eral reserve bank currency stolen in the holdup In front of tho Denver mine, was revealed today by federal officers and private detectives. This recovery was the .result of the matching of wits by H. M. Mat thews, who was president, of the Hamilton county bank, with a band of crooks who were trying to dis pose of stolen securities of many kinds, the total faco value of which Is .believed to bo about a million dol lars. ; Tho story of how tho securities were recovered Is ono of long and delicate negotiations -with an agent of the band of crooks, in which susr plclon had to be avoided and utmost secrecy maintained. The final "ne gotiations" for the stolen bonds were consummated In Minneapolis. The $73,000 recovered by Mr. Matthews was at n cost of $28,000. The Hamilton county bank was Bold recently to the Union Savings bank and Trust company. It was said today that arrests of several members of the "syndicate" that has been trying to soil securities that were the plunder of a half dozen sensational robberies in various parts of the country, would bo made soon. I TO BUY ELECTRICITY HOSEBUnC, Feb. 17. Tho towns of . Myrtle Crcennd Riddle, south of here, may connect their light and poWer distributing systems with the California Oregonr Power company, a contract to this effect having been placed in the hnnds of , Dexter Hlee of Roseburg,' who will Investigate its legality. The towns will own their own systems, by the terms of the con tract, but will buy power from thj Oregon-California company. A con necting lino will bo built south ot Myrtle Creek, tT tap' tho main lino nt' a convenient point. Portland Journnl. , BUILD RECOVERS $73 000 Those who havo built homes without the aid of experts or without the use of architecturally correct plans, know that ex perience is a severe and expensive teacher. Correct Plans Are Necessary Build from plans that arc prepared by experts. You will eliminate the expense, inconvenience and dissatisfaction of the takc-a-ehanoc method of building. . ' : Wc have a large collection, of modem plans at this office. It costs no more to build from architecturally correct plans they arc free to customers. Telephone, write or call in person for ad ditional information. ' : BIG PINES LUMBER COMPANY Exclusive Representative of National Builders' Bureau. 1H2H Tun iv'ffi'i S.P. NATRON COT OFF SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 17. The construction of tho gap in the Nutron cutoff between Oak lXidgo and Kirk! Oregon, will be begun b soon as the courts upprove the Intor-Btate com merce commission's recent decision permitting the Southern Pacific company to retain the Central Pa cific system, Julius Kruttschnltt, chairman of the Southern Pacific board of directors announced hero to day. "A final decision by the court In our favor will satisfy the conditions sot forth In a telegram of mine made public last July wboreln the South ern Pacific wob pledged to construct tho Natron cut off whenever and as Boon as Its title to the Central Pa cific was Bure," Kruttschnltt Bald. Kruttschnltt, wha Is hero on a tour of tnspoction, said he bad re ceived many telegrams from resi dents of Oregon, Indicating the be lief that the Inter state commerce commission decision finally decided the matter that completion of the Natron cut-off wonld be taken up Im mediately. . X Tho closing of the Natron cut-off gap of 118 miles over the Casmde mountains will provide a new line from Weed, Cnl , to Eugene, Ore. Decision Is Sustained. CINCINNATI, Feb. 17; The Uni ted States circuit court' ot appeals sUBtalnod. the decision of the lower court In sentencing Thomas Ham merschmldti former socialist candi date for mayor of Cincinnati: Lotta Burk and eleven others, charged with obstructing tho selective service law. ONLY A SPARK NEEDED (Continued from Page One) electricity upon tho arrival of the French in Oberhauscn, contended that he had carried out the instruc tions of his superiors. Sehaefer tes tified that it had been impossible for him -to carry out technically tho French orders,: which. Imposed upon him tho task of furnishing motor transportation and fuel. He received a two-year jnll sentence and ' was fined 10,000,000 marks. Busscmnnn was fined 5.000,000 marks on chages of interfering with the supply of electricity in tho Kni serhof hotel, the Fronch headquar ters. . , .. Five hundred thousand children are to "bo "sent 'out ofJtho occupied territory by tho Brandenburg people's alliance. ' FROM PLANS 17, 1!)'J.S Tnewfinance I PLAN FOR CITY TALI ... moetlnir of the Talent council TucBdny evening the must important action was tho appoint ment of a committee, consisting ot Wm. H. Breese-Mayor, A. T. Mc Mahon and F. M. Center, with full power to Investigate and act upon tho proposed plan of purchasing a twenty thousand dollar (20,000.00 sinking fund bond from tho In vestors' Syndicate ot Minneapolis. Minn. , ., Tho ndoptlon of this plan by the city of Tnlent guarantees tho retire ment of tho $20.00(1.00 Issue of water bonds, when they mature In ten years and In addition, declnres tho company's representative, will save tho taxpayers $6200.00. Their an nual deposit In this fund amounts to $1480.00, which Is placed ot Interest drawing 5Vj per cent compounded annually. This plan embodies tho application to city' finances the amortization sys tem, which is mooting tho approval and being adopted by municipal and civic organizations, . wherever due consideration Is given to tho best In terests of tho taxpayers. During twenty-nine years of suc cessful operation tho officials of the Investors' Syndicate declaro It has met every obligation ns ngrecd. But in addition the city of Talent Is se cured In Its sinking fund Investment as specifically stated in their ccrtlfl .cato that tho company agree to main tain and keep on hand at all times first mortgages on Improved real estate in an amount equal to at least $110 for ench $100 of Its liability. This' security is placed under the di rect supervision of tho commissioner of corporations of the state of Ore gon. Hlg&Mt Quality Jewelry Sepalrlng luamono. EMra&ff, waica Satisfaction Assured In quality and price. Mall us your wants. MARTIN J. BEDDY Apples Apples All sorts; all prices. Hurry if you want 'em . OREGON GROWERS i v End North Central Phone 128 INT ADOPTED New Stuff! Ill , You know the sort of drama that only Marshall Neilan can shoot! Remember what he showed you in "River's End," "Go and Get It," , "Dinty"? Only a foretaste ,, that's all Just an appetizer . for the thrill, the action, the surprise, the romance you'll find in III MARSHALL NEILAN'S A drama of fools who vcero tliinvc.q nnd thlovcs who were fooled. Adapted by Frances Marion from Hugh McN'nlr Kahler's "Snturduy Kveninjj Tost" story. And Hugh Wiley wrote, tho titles. That's Just the start of what makes "Fools First" nil cntertnlnmoiit. Great Cast Includes . Claire Windsor, Richard Dix and Claude Gillinjrwater A Mint Xutional Attraction Starting ' Tomorrow for 3 Days Only Positively The Last Times Today The Late Wallace Reid In His Last Picture "30 DAYS" RIALTO liui L.II.J ,iK alum yjjiO ii