Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 16, 1923, Page 4, Image 4

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Th M 01 ford Bunday Morning Sun Ih
furnished nubscrlber desiring a Bpven
ay dully newspaper,
Offtoe Mali Tribune Building, 25-27-29
Nor tli I'ir hi root. mono it.
A consolidation ot tho Democratic
Timet, Hit Mcdfonl Mall, the Mod ford
Tribune, tliu Southern Oresonlan, The
A . -iti land Tribune.
B. riUMl'TEIl KM ITU, Miumifer.
TiV f1tIn Ailvnnrp;
Dally, wlili HunUuy Hun, year $7.60
, Daily, with Sunduy Hun, month ft
-, Dally, without Sunduy Hun, year.. 6.&0
" 1iUv, without Kunduy Hun, inonlh .6i
Wvkly Mail Tribune, ono your - 2.00
Sunday Hun. one war 2.00
JJY CAKKIKH In Medford, Aahland,
Jacksonville, Centn.1 Point, Phoenix,
- Talent and on HlKhwaya:
, Dally, with Sunday Hun, month. ... .75
Dallv, without Sunday Hun. month .65
ally, without Sunday Hun, year.. 7.50
Iully, with Sunday Hun, ono year 8.50
All terms by carrier, cash In advance.
Official papr of tho City of Mt'dford.
Official paper of Jackaon County.
The only paper between Eugene, Ore.,
end Sacramento. Calif., a distance of
over Sou nilli'K, having leased wire Asso
ciated PresH Service,
Sworn dully averaife circulation for
Ki months .'!! I ii k April 1, 1922, 358,
inm- limn double the circulation of any
oth.-r p.ipt published, or circulated In
.hu-knon County.
Kntered a econd claw matter at
Mtxlford. Oregou, under act of March 8,
The Associated Press Is exclusively
entitled to tho use for republication of
all news dlapatchcs credited to It or not
otherwise credited In this paper, and
also to the local newn published herein.
All rights of republication of special
dispatches herein are also reserved.
Ye Smudge Pot
By Arthur Perry.
Tho parents of the 18 year old New
York girl, Rmilten by the charms of
Reginald Vanderhilt. 43 and worth
$13,000,000, have decided not to ou
poee Dan Cupid, and reluctantly give
their consent to the nuptials.
The proposition to sell the climate
and scenery of southern Oregon is
noblo, and orders will soon bo pouring
in . for three sunny days, and a ho
mountaln. A hole-Infested thoroughfare Is
never rough, until an. autolst is
bounced out of his nethor garments
- while navigating same.
A man. 90 years old started serving
a prison sentence nt Walla Walla the
first of the week, and it's about time
he was bohavlng himself. , .
(Income Tx Report)
'" To compute the amount of mir
- tax on any amount (f not Income
In oxcobh of IC000 First: Kind
In column A tho largest sum
which Is less than tho total
amount of the net Income- subject
to surtax. Second: Find in col
umn C the corresponding amount
of total surtax. Third: To tho
amount of surtax found as above
add an amount computed as fol
lows: Subtract from tho net In
come the sum found In column A
and multiply the remainder by tho
rats shown on tho next lino bolow
in .column I). Tho Bum of thouo
two amounts Is tlo total surtax
There aro still a fow voters left In a
mood to turn hysterical handsprings
over the candidacy of 1 1 Irani Johnson
for president. Mr. Johnson will bo no
match, however, for tho candliliitu
whoso solo qualification for the White
lloLno. Is tho successful manufacture
of a impular form of go-cart.
Picking out, and of, Bprlng bonnets
Is undorway in the progroBslvo Qui-
shuviki circles. .
Tho hallucination to have a world's
fair in Portland In 1917 has arisen
anow, this tlmo In tho legislature.
There scorns to bo no way to get out
of this folly, except to eradicate Port
lnnd, or the world, either being as
feasible as the main notion.
The H. Flfor youngln wnB downtown
Thurs. successfully Shleklng tho gnl
liolfi In M-nn's, by li is wiles ami
artifices, without any appnrcnt effort
on Ills part.
' Farmers havo launched their spi lnn
playing around In tho dirt, on their
smiling acres.
It is respectfully suggested that the
church fill up tho pews by announc
ing thoy will unload a car of uulos,
morning and evonlng. This delicate
engineering font draws a crowd like a
porous plaster.
' The efforts of Astoria, stricken by
flio. to secure financial relief are
futile, all the money being spent In
tho Near East, Instcud of Near Home.
There have been o many compli
mentary romurks about the local
woatlier of late, thut a typhoon would
create no surprise. Man has never
boon able to flatter the elements, with
any degree of security.
Now that women have taken to
tmoklng pipes In the leading social
centers, it will not be long until they
muster the art of letting the weoKn
dangle nonchalantly from the Jnw by
the simple process of catching the
botch, In the stem, on a front tooth.
The allegod tux reduction will now
be In the nature of a "Horizontal
cut." What tho masses voted Tor
was a porpcndtcflJar .B-natwdi.wutJic
middle of the spinal column.
Tl M ANY GOOD people feel the
lTX cifie Coast is merely racial
wunte committee in Salcnl the
Innil law spoke very eloquently of the good qualities of the Japanesi
settlers in Eastern Oregon, and deplored the fanning of racial hatred
which he declared would only bring disaster to tho civilized world.
The excellent qualities of Japanese- settlers in Oregon can not be
denied, the peaceful, hard-working, truly admirable, traits of many
Japanese in this state may be conceded. Hut on the other hand, sus
picion of the Japanese nation, as
prejudice, it is founded upon the
fact is Japanese diplomacy is tricky; and until there is a radical
change in the political methods of official Japan, friendly confidence
between the two nations is impossible.
An article in the February Atlantic, gives a striking illustration
of why fair minded Americans,. who detest blind prejudice based
merely on racial differences, still have a deeply-grounded suspicion
toward Japan. This artcile, shows that at the disarmament confer
ence in Washington 14 months ago, the Japanese delegation insisted
upon the United States abandoning further fortifications of Guam
and Cavitc as a condition of disarmament, but at that time and for
several months previously, Japan had been secretly rushing fortifi
cations on her own islands, liouin, Amami, Oshima and Yajuna,
end her delegation knew that before the conference adjourned, her
island defenses would be complete.
The, United States government was not informed of this, knew
nothing about it, therefore, today is confronted with a most dis
agreeable accomplished fact.
Japan agreed to stop further fortification, provided the United
States would stop, and yet knew that this agreement would leave the
United Stales undefended and would leave Japan, with her island for
tifications completed.
It is iiot the individual Japanese in this state. It is the old
fashioned imperialistic and untrustworthy methods of the Japanese
government, that renders feeling against Japan among intelligent
and fair-minded Americans, a sentiment that can only be removed
by a complete change of methods and spirit at Tokio.
The most satisfactory substitute
Another thing that causes many failures is an appetite for sym
pathy. . .
Lois of Americanism was hard
klan disguised it.
It is only a question of time
car or wings.
The only nation that is decently
norities, is discrimination. . .
The lean man has one advantage. He doesn't have to pin all his
faith on a suspender button. '
Speaking of rulers there are the
greatest of these is the jack.'
In this free country almost every boy can look forward to climb
ing the ladder of fuiuc except Jackie Coogan.
In India you can tell a man's
here you can tell it by the way his
l'oise is the quality that keeps
he feels while matching a piece of
"What profit is there in a radio that will do away with the tele
phone and not do a darned thing about the saxophone!
Another fine thing about being rich is that yon can wear jewelry
from the ten-cent store and get away with it.
Correct this sentence: "I try
ihe landlord, "and I am reducing
The epldumlc of bad colds and
soro throats seim to bo over 111 ths
Mrs. Tracey lloothby has been
quite Blck fur several wcuks. Shu
has been under the cure of lr.
Sweeney and Is now ablo to bo about
.Mrs. Mooncy had quite a severe at
tack of tonsllltlus, but Is (tulle well
.Mrs. Manning, who has been stay
ing with her daughter, Mrs. Tracy
lloothby, left for her homo lust Fri
day. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Welch ciiino
homo In a Ford, purchased while
out on a holiday visit.
The weather man played us quite
a shabby trick after leading us on
with wurm sprlngllko weather, puii
sls and daisies In bloom, hyacinths
There are so many ways to serve Kellogg's
Bran the one great aid fo humanity!
Tou will enjoy rating Kellogg's
Ilrnn because its mitliko llavor appeals
to tlio taste. Anil, think what each
I mouthful in doing to drive constipn-
I' tion out of your system and to re
establish health! That's because it is
ALU Hit AN. Kellogg's llran is Helen
tificaliy made to relievo suffering
hiiimtnltvlT WILL IX) THAT A3
Physicians recommend the regular
uso of Kellogg's llran or mild or
rhronio cases and as preventive.
Bran, entrn each duy nnd in proper
quantity, sweeps, cleanses aad purities
tho alimentary tract,
I Get sway from pills and culhartlrs
Kellogg ' llran will givo you ermn
rent relief from eonstlpatlon,
Do not confuse Kellogji ' llran with
eoaunoa bran. Kvllvgg ' is cooked,
anti - Japanese sentiment oa the l'a
prejudice. A speaker before ti
other night, opposing the anti-alien
a - whole, does not rest upon racial
hard rock of experience. ' The plain
for coal is spring.
enough to recognize before the
until every pedestrian will have a
frank about its treatment of mi
, , ' -
. -
King, Queen and Jack. And the
caste by the way he dresses; over
wife dresses.
a man from looking as foolish as
to keep abreast of the times,'
your rent thirty per cent."
poeplng through tho ground. Then
almost without winning gave us six
teen Inches of light feathery snow
and almost zero weather. Hut it is
moderating now, and tho snow is
thawing fust.
During tho cold snap .Mr. Ingles
has been hustling tho Ited llliinket
logs to the Aiken mill. Ho bus haul
ed qulto a number for Tracy llooth
by, and Sam Welch and now Is haul
ing for F.d Hollt-nbeak.
I'M llollenbcak mnilo a trip out to
Medford Friday to tako out cream,
and get dairy feed. Tho price of but-
tcrfat is very uncertain this winter,
wliile thu prico ot feed Is qulto high.
Mr. nnd Mrs. James Grieve und
Dewey 11111 have gone to Los Angeles
tor their usual winter vacation.
Mr. Wnniplor Is back among his
Prospect friends once more. I think
wo wero mistaken in tho Idea that
he had gone In search for a new lo
cution In which to trap. It Is more
than likely hu wus looking for a
krumblcil and ready to serve, H enn
be used In tho most delightful Imking
protliiets without in any way reducing
Its regulatory value. Try raisin bread
or inullins or Rriddln-cakes made with
Kollogg's Bran. Kecipes are printed
on caih package.
Kellogg's Bran is nationally futon
for health ' sake as a cerenl in winter
timo with hot milk. Others prefer it
sprinkled over hot or cold eercsls.
Another way is to mix it with hot
cereals just lc.'oro serving. U can
also be rooked with cereal. In each
eas add two tablespoon! tils of
Kellogg's Tlraa for each person: in
chronic rases as ninth with each meal.
Kellogg's Bran Is sold by all grocers
and Is supplied in individual packuges
aliiuV-fOla-'S '"'yfr f"' clubs. Ask
for it at your rcatuurnutl
1 i
, :
By Mary O. Carey.
Ed French and his wire havo moved
from his father's place to Phoenix.
They are renting the small house be
longing to Mrs. CarlesB, formerly oc
cupied by Mr. and Mrs. Ited Nowlund.
W. M. High has been trucking
canned fruit to .Medford, from the
Talent Cannery company. They havo
several car loads or canned goods to
be sold, and they surely had soma of
tho finest fruit this country produces.
The cannery was always strictly clean
as I had tho chance to know, having
worked there myself for a while last
Work is still progressing nicely
along tho highway. Mr. Corlies who
has charge of the work seems to be
able to keep the sanio men who com
menced with him, and each man
knows his job und keeps moving.
There have been several brush
patches removed that have been fa
miliar objects for years. One of the
more noticeable ones was near Ander
son creok. Much tiling has been laid.
The White Wing Poultry Farm has
turned down orders for 3700 baby
chicks, and cannot nearly supply the
orders for hatching eggs. This is just
recognition of a worthy homo indus
try. Mrs. Lulu Van Tassel of Medford
was visiting at the pleasant home of
Mrs. Wulter Stancliff this week, and
visited Oak Circle Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Allen were
guests nt dinner Wednesday evening
with Mr. and Jjrs. Bob Furry of
Mrs. Hayman and her daughter
Miss Bertha, went to Kaglo Point
Wednesday to visit with friends there
for a few days. Mrs. Haymun and
family lived at Eagle Point for a year
or more before the death of Mr. Hay
man. We are sorry to havo to chronicle
the death of another one of our most
dearly beloved and respected pio
neers, thut of Mrs. Jane Clemens, at
the home of Mrs. T. T. Simpson, at 5
o'clock Feb. 14, 1923, on South Central
avenue, Medford. Mrs. Clemens was
in her S3d year. She came to Oregon
In the early days, residing at Eagle
Point for many years. Funeral an
nouncement later. ,
Last Saturday Jack Halston of Med
ford -with his assistant, installed a
now telephone for C. Carey. There
will bo several patrons on this new
Hue-which will bei served from the
home office at Medford.
The Ladles' Aid of Phoenix held
their regular meeting which was tho
day for their ten-cent tea, They had
a good attendunco nnd a very enjoy
able tlmo. They had some important
business which they disposed of.
' Ornndma Wo6ds who but lately
camo to Phoenix, passed away last
week after several weeks of illness.
Burial was in the Phoenix cemetery.
Horn, to tho wife of N'orvin Wolters.
of Phoenix, a fine baby girl. Mother
and child aro doing, nicely.
Mrs. A. H. Fisher and her grand
daughter, Mrs. Hnyso, nee Inez Fisher
who Is hore from Los Angeles, visit
ed Mrs. Wulter Allen last Tuesday.
Mrs. Hayse Is accompanied by their
little son.
Tho Neighbors of. Woodcraft, circle
No. 212 of Phoenix, held their regular
monthly meeting Wednesday, when
they Initiated one candidate, Mrs.
Wnlter Allen, Into the mysteries of
tho order.
About two weeks ago Joo Tinder j
missed a three weeks old calf, which
was with Its mother on tho hill above
tho house, but not until this week
did Mr. Under find out just what had
become ot the calf. Louie Colver was
plowing In his Held adjoining tho
Under pasture, when his dog cnnio
off the hill dragging something which
for infants.
Invalids &
The Original Food-Drink for All Ages.
RichMilk, MaltedGrain Extract in Pow
derSiTabletforms. Nourlshlnc-No cooking.
" Avoid Imitations and Substitutes
A Guarantee of Complete and
Permanent Cure
"T HADbccn asufTcrcr from Piles
JL 25 years, but today feel like a
different woman." This is one ex
pression out of hundreds of sim
ilar letters received from gratified pt
tients whom I have completely and
permanently cured of Piles.
If you tre interested in knowing the
facts about YOUR case, send for my
FREE Illustrated book. It tells WHY I
use no knife, clamp, ligatures, stitches,
burning or other disagreeable and dan
gerous methods.
Remember my guarantee
means a positive and per
manent cure no matter
how severe your case
may be. a
Place Your Order Now for
Quick Delivery
Hansen Coal Co.
(Successor to hauls)
81 8. Hr St. Phone 2M.-J
attracted Loulo's attention, and upon
examination, he found the. hide Intact
of Joo Uader's milk veal. Evidently
It had been butchered, and the hide
burled, which the dog scented and dug
up. Can you bent it?
Mrs. S. P. Itarneburg informs me
that sho lias a fine young (nrkcy gob
bler which she sent to Dakota for.
that weighs thirty pounds und is only
seven months old. Tho father ot this
bird weighed forty-five jiounds and
the mother twenty-five. Mrs. Hume
burg will raise a flue flock of bird ; for
market next summer. -
I inumi uun uiiu j
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ross and baby
of Medford wero week end visitors at
tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Vic Shaw.
Mr. Ross is a brother of Mrs. Shaw.
Mrs. Fred Illicit was called to Med
ford on Thursday to nurse a friend,
Mrs. Brown (nee Miss Winnie Knox)
who has pneumonia. Mrs. Brown is a
daughter of Oscar Knox of Jackson
ville. Mr. and Mrs. Vic Shaw wero visit
ing Mr. and Mrs. Will Joidon last Sun
day. M. F. Bingham delivorcd dressed
turkeys to the Farm Bureau in Med
ford on Wednesday and Friday.
Herbert Elmore had the misfortune
to lose a couple of cows a few days
ago by being kicked by a horse or
horses. Tho cows and horses were in
the same corral when they wore
kicked. One was killed, the other was
so badly "crippled It had to be shot.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Connolly were all
day visitors at lc Shaw's last Mon
day. Mrs. Will Jordan was on tho sick
list for a fow days, but seems to be
ail right ut this writing. V
Mrs. John Bingham spent the day
at M. F. Bingham's last Tuesday.
Mr. und Mrs. Bob Polalrd, who
lmVA l,..n rr,'llM,, nii(n n ltr viuifl
here with Mr. and Mrs. S. Pollard,
left last Thursday for their home in
Klamath county.
' Mr. and Mrs. It. E. Moore and Ella
and Victor Chapman attended the
dance at Eagle Point ' Saturday
Quite a number of neighbors goth
ered at tho Antioch school Friday
and the men cut the brush off the
Varicose Veins Are Quickly Reduced
i And Terrible Eczema Goes Quickly
Strong, Powerful, Yet Sure, Siirfci-ons'
I'rrsrriptiuu C'alloil Mooiic's Kmcruld
Oil, ila.s Astonished I'hysiciaiLS.
Tlure is out? slmpto and inexpen
sive way to reduce da rigorous, swol
len veins and bunches, and get them
down to normal, and that is to apply
Moone's Emerald Oil night and
morning. People who have painful,
enlarged vein should not neglect
I hem for they gome, times hurst and
cause much misery and loss of time.
Moone's Enu'raUl Oil, besides being
so marvelouKly antiseptic that it at
once destroys germs and poisons,
Feath 's Drnpr Store.
For Men and Young Men
All Dress Pants Blue,
Brown, Grey
65 Pair of Pants 65
Sizes 29 waist to 46 waist
$5.50 to $7.50 values 1 V
$422 ! I
Mann's Department Store
school grounds und the women wash
ed the windows and oiled tho floor,
after which they enjoyod a fiuo picnic
dinner. ', .
Mr. Lucus went to town the first
of the week with Mr. Swunson and
brought back his car which has been
under repairs at the garage.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Scott and
Walter Shared spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Chapman.
Bert Chapman and Karl Case are
going to cut quite a lot of wood.
Frank Mayfleld and Mr. Wilde
pero up in tills neighborhood look
ing for stray cattle.
Mr. Dinkens walked out from his
i ranch to town this week.
Court News
(Furnished by the Jackaon
County Abstract Co.)
Marilugo License.
Kdwiu 1. Johnson und llernleo M.
ltnymond Wilson Dix and Flora
' Circuit Court.
CI. S. Untler vs. II. C. .Messenger,
et al. Motion.
Mildred Tefley vs. Ora L. I'efley.
H. U. Latimer vs. Jackson Co.
Cost bill.
Cos Newbury vs. A. W. Walker, et
al. Summons.
Emilia S. Young vs. Jas. It. How
ard, et nl. To quiet.
.1. F. Pratt vs. Mrs. C. A. Calhoun.
John Owens vs. Louise Owens.
L. M. Langley vs. M. Colwell, ct al.
"Pape's Diapcpsin" for
Gas, Indigestion or
Sour Stomach
Instantly! Stomach corrected! lou
never feel the slightest distress from
indigestion or a sour, acid, gassy stom
ach, aftr you cat a tablet of 'Tape's
Diapcpsin." . The moment it reaches the
stomach a'.l sourness, flatulence, heart
burn, gases, palpitation and pain dis
appear. Druggists gmiranleo each pack
ago to correct digestion at once: Ksd
-our stomach. troul'Ie for fev w'
raused by germs is Hiich a remarkable
healing agent that inflammatory skin
uruptions go in a low days. Piles are
quickly absorbed and even goitres,
Wens and enlarged glands are dis
solved. l-or years it has been used in hos
pitals for boils, carbuncles, ulcers,
abcesses and open sores, and with
the most perfect success. With each
original bottle which any pharma
cist can supply you, is a folder that
gives instructions for use in all of
the above distressing complaints.
Your druggist will be glad to sup
ply you.
AVokI Side IMmrmaev
"For nine yours," iloclurod Mm.
Kiln VuKi-naar, SOS Graham Ht.,
rorilnml. Oro.. recently, "I was
almost a nervous wreck and never
knew what it was to feel well.
"1 wus BUfferiHB .from n general
bronkdnwn nnd. oh, It's Just Impos
sible to describe the lialn and misery
1 endured. .My stomach was so dis
ordered 1 could scarcely retain u mor
sel of solid food. 1 lost forty pounds
and was so weak I tottered like an
infant when I walked. .Many nluhts
1 never slcnt a wink, and I had weak
spells when 1 fainted dead away,- -
"After spending over a thousand
dollars trying to get well, my husbnnd
finally persuaded mo to tako tho Tan
lac treatment. Well, that wos tho
turning point, for all my troubles aro
gone now. I have almost retrained
my lost weight, and I've ncvor en
Joyed finer health. I will always be
lieve Tanlac saved my life, and I'm
so happy and grateful that I Just
can't help praising it."
Tanlne Is for sale by all good drug
gists. Over 35 million bottles sold.
Adv. Ctrd
vitk 1M0
stepped out
ahead of the tire in
dustry once more
this time with the
new beveled All
Weather Tread
Goodyear Cord. It's
the greatest tire
that we ever sold, or
that you ever used,
for that matter. We
have your size in
stock now, and will
he pi eased to expl a i n
fo you in detail this
tjcw tire's impor-
int advanteges. .
- Goojytar Service Station
itzaiera toe telt anri recom
mend Goodyeer Tiret and
' .ck them up with Mtandard
Goodyear Service
Medford Service Station
For Qnlr.k ServKe Phone 11
Babbitting and Welding
Crater Lake Automotive Co.
Picture Framing
Swem's Studio
Hurd Land &
Investment Co.
1 1' you wish to Incoiixiriili-, SECt'ltlO
Insurance of nny kind, Muko n loan, -
ii .... .
title examined.
Ilfj Mi-ilford UldK. Tel. 12.
China Herb Store
kiTJ' J" i "'"7 that aim Chunir ot
Mrdforil. Or., has curert ma of goltra
?,, i"!,0"1? '""hie. 8. M. Leonard.
J..J M" rant Pass.
.'" certify that Olm Chun of
Jieiirorii, Ore., hs cured nio ot rupture
?fi 2uc. yW"' "Hilling. l' O. lBhsm,
1J S St., lirnnts I'aas, Ore.
Medford, Orenon. Jan. 1.1. 117.
This la to aertlfy that I. the tinder
iKnrd. had very severe stotnicli troubla
and hart been bothered for several yeare
anrt lust AiiKuat was not expected to
live, and hearing of dim Chung (whoee
Herb tore e at 211 South Krnnt street,
Meiifonl). I decided to get herba for my
Jtomach trouble, and I started to feellna
belter bs soon aa I used them and today
am a well man and enn heartily recom
mend anyone affllrted aa I was to af
Sim Chung and try his Herba.
(Signed) w. II. JOHNSON.
Vm i,ewia. Ragle Point.
J. U Clilldreih, Kagie Point.
M. A. Antltraon. Medford.
8. n. Itolmea, Ragle Point.
C. K. Moore. Eagle Point. ..
A v- Mdntyre. Eagle Point.
mtiira. Von der Hellen. Eagle Point.
Thoi. K. NI-hole. Kagie pntnL
wr "lf. f 'TIL'"' -