r MK7YFOT5D MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OREOOX. FRTDAY. FETVRFATJY Ifi. PAfiTC TD7REE Something New Sugar This mixture of Maple Sugar, Cane Sugar, and Corn Syrup, is the finest combination that can be blended into a delicious spread for bread, hot biscuits and pancakes. PUT UP IN SMALL CONVENIENT JARS. ORDER ONE TODAY. Hi E. Marsh Phone 252 GROCER Phone 252 Mr. and Mrs. Fmuk llomu'tt of Lus Angt'li'S ure tlio parents of n son born in January. Frank was known as KrauclB Jlonnett when a resident of this city anil has many friends here. Ho was u student in tho local liiKli scliool and later served with an utnhu lauvo iletuelunent dilrinn tho war. KollowinK the war lie attended Stan ford university. Ho is tho sou of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Dennett now of Joplin, Mo., former residents of Medford. llonulno Ilosch Mngnoto parts und repairs. Electrio Shop, Eighth and llartlott. ' tt UliiK cherry trees. Eden Valley Nursery. Phono CSO-J-2. tf Saturday niKlit daneo! Oriental ltallroont! Launspaeh's orchestra. 2S0 Tito bis outuuioliile and motorcycle raco meet on Juno Ifith and Kith will liiinR thotisands of visitors to Med ford Peoilo will ko u lonK way for sport especially for hazardous sport. It has been said tli.it people haven't the money to spend for aniusoments. Those having this opinion are request ed to send In their commont on the question after tho Juno races. Med ford Pear-Iscopo. Thore's a busy business Collogo In your homo town. OWN. For fruit trees of all kinds see Jas. IiikIIs, representing the Salem Nur sery company in suuthern Oregon. Headquarters. Holland Hotel. Special long tonus of payment to reliable par ties requiring same. Kim class stock only. Call, phono or write. tf LEAVES FOR GAME pilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilM THE CRATER LAKE Ice Cream Parlor and Confectionery Beginning Saturday, February 17 1 WILL SERVE SANDWICHES, COFFEE, SALADS, PIE AND f EVERYTHING PERTAINING TO ICE CREAM AND Ft)UN- 1 TAIN DRINKS. 1 MISS SALSBURY in the Med ford Center Bldg. FOR THE LENTEN SEASON A GOLD GONE"" ; in e ties 'Tape's Cold Compound" '. Acts Quick, Costs Little, Never Sickens! In a few hours your cold is gone, head and nose Clear, no fcvorislmess, headache, or stufTcd-tip feeling. Drug gists hero guarantee these pleasant tab lets to break up a cold or the grippo quicker than nasty quinine. They never make you sick or uncomfortable. Buy a box of "Pope's Oold Compound", for a few cents and get rid of your cold right now. , Shlue Edwards, who Is serving out a bootleg sentence in the county Jnll and who is one of the jail prisoners allowed to work outsido for the coun ty during the day, was a visitor at a local restaurant this noon to get a sandwich, whilo enroute with a county truck to Talent where the truck and its driver was to haul some material, with Shine as aid. The hitter's thrco months sentenco has been served out, and lie is now serving out his JiflO line, which will kep him a county pris oner UOO days yet unless ho pays tho fine. Fruit, nut and shade trees. Eden Valley Nursery. Phone 6S0-J-2. tf Dance! Sat. night! Oriental Ball room. Admission 10c. 280 Oriental Ballroom! Oriental Ball room! Saturday night dance! 280 Edmund Gurnoy, an instructor in tailoring will bo at the public library and will give instruction' in tailoring at two o'clock Monday afternoon and at 7 o'clock Monday evening. This is the first of a series of high school ex- ! tension courses for adults under the auspices of the local high school. ' We have eood values in used cars. Patton & Robinson, Inc. tf Tbornless blackberry plants. Eden Galley Nursery, Phone 680-J-2. ' tf Grafted Franquetto walnut trees. Eden Valley Nursery, phone G80-J-2 tf The many friends of Mrs. John W. Johnson, who has been seriously ill all winter, will be pleased to learn that she Is much better and now enjoys short nuto rides. Auto Insurance Brown & White. All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108. 711 E. Main. Grafting wax. Eden Valley Nursery, Phone 080-J-2. tf A 20th Century Store THE SAFE STORE Study them, their methods, and their prices. In them you will discover the pinnacle of neatness, courtesy, of quality of Merchandise and fairness of treat ment. Such characteristics have built for them the reputation of saf eness. SATURDAY AND MONDAY QUOTATIONS ARE: Shrimps Brand new pack, No. 1 cans 15$ Codfish 1 lb. bricks 20 Ivory Soap 4 bars for 25 Swift's White Laundry Soap Bar , 3 Blue Rose Rice Pound 71-2$; 10 pounds 69 ' Golden Gate Coffee 21-2 lb. cans 85; 5 lbs. cans $1.69 Sardines Norwegian fish, Iris brand 2 for 25tf Blooker Cocoa Finest Dutch Co coa 15?, 30?, 58? Heinz Catsup 29? California Soft Shell Walnuts Pound 29? Golden Bantam Corn Can 22 1-2? Preferred Stock Catsup Pint bottle : 25? Tomatoes, Canned. Take your choice l)el .Monte. No. 2 .1-2 cans 171-2?; Del Monte No. 2 cans, 15?; Preferred. Stock, No. 2 1-2 cans,' 17 1-2?. Standard Tomatoes No. 2 1-2 cans, 12 1-2? 20th Century Coffee It satisfies; your taste will prove it. Per lb. 33?; 3 lb s 95? Why pay more, (luaranteed to the last ounce. Dried Fruits Royal Anne Cherries, per lb., 15?; Sunniaid Seeded Raisins, No. lb package, 15?; Seedless Raisins, Thompson's Seedless per lb 15?; 25 lbs. $3.50 " ; Cane Sugar 11 lbs. $1.00... Limit, one lot to a customer. Crisccls, 23?; 1 l-2s, 34?; 3s, 67?; Cs, $1-27, 9s, $1.85. Really no use to look for a better place and so conveniently located. MEDF0RD Center Bldg, Medford ASHLAND About twenry-flvo couples attend ed tho daneo last niulit In the small hall of tlio Nat, at which John C. Mann entertained tho employes oC his store and their famlUeH. The dance was preceedod by a dinner nt which Mr. Mann was host und each employe was presented with a bonus check. Tho following is the dinner menu: Oysters a la "King" Celery au "Moffat" "Mollio Darling" Olives Consomme au Jus "Campbell" Fried "Lena" Chicken Sweet "Steward" potatoes Young "Child" l'ens Combination Salad a la "IJooCrec Mell" Itnqucfort "Kiddle" Cheese "Wheeler" Pencil Melba Coffee from the ".Meadows" Coach liddle Duino left this morn-l lug with his Mcdl'oid litKh school basketball squad for lSoKeburg, wheroj one of the deeidiiiK names of the; southern Oregon cliainpiunship will' be played tunlKht. The men who made the trip are: ltudy SlnBler, Heeney. Kiddle, liauKhinnn, W11-, Hams, llatuman and Clmstuln. Tho Koseburp Buuad is reputed to have, a strong defenso and tho con test is expected to be an exceedingly close one. The score will he tele phoned to Crowson's as soon as the game Is'over. . Another team Vft for the south this morning: and will meet the Weed' team tonight at Weed. This team, under T. Steward of the high school! faculty is as follows: O. Knips, Wat son, Allen, ltelchstein. Illchard Sing-1 lor. Hurt .and Deinmer. They will; also meet the Ktna Mills high school tomorrow night. I The gills' team and 'coach Ollle Oglo left this inclining with the sec ond boy's team for tho south anil will ilso meet Wood and Ktna Mills. The Weed girls- defeated the local girls here this year by a very small score in one of the most Interesting games of the season, nnd a hot contest is ex pected when the locals meet the Weed team tonight. The girls who made tho trip are Thelina Ileeson, Margaret Van Scoy oo, Until Orover. Until Stevenson. Zita Kinder, Juanlla Oriffin., lidith Campbell and Joan Kent. Kcsulta from all games will be re ceived at Crowson's tonight. The outcome of tho Itoseburg game Is a source of interest to every Medford fan and It will show Koseburg's strength and Medford'a chance to capture the southern Oregon cham pionship and roproRent this section of tile state at tho state tournament at Salem in March. OBITUARY LANGDOX Ur'.V W. C. Ungdon, who passed away at his home at 19 S. Orango, on Tihursday morning, was a comparative' stranger to .Med ford people, having been a resident of the city only since la3t July, com ing; here from Watervillo, Washing ton. Ho was by profession a veterin ary surgeon, a griduate of the de partment of Veterinary Science of the U. S. College, Washington, D C. Dr. Langdon was born in Mt. Plenrant, N. J , in 1S51!, where his earllor years were spent. At 20 years of age he became foreman of a mine lit Virginia. Deciding to study vot erlnary science, ho,, on the comple tion of his course In that profession, went to North Dukota. After estab lishing himself in his profession, he was for three years professor of that department In the State Agricultural college at Fargo, i. D. While thore he was married to IHsb Margaret Al sop, to which union wore born two children, Jesse Langdon new of W'en atchec, Wash., and .Mrs. 0. D. Ilar lun of Seattle, who will bo present for tho funeral service.' Leaving North Dakota, ho took up his residence in Omaha, Nebraska, where be practiced his profession for seventeen years. His first wife hav ing died, ho was married while there to Miss Jessie Nolson of Iowo. To (his union wore born throe children, all of whom aro hore Thclma, Web ster and Sarah. Kor health's sake ho loft Omaha and come to Waterville, Washington, In 191C, moving to Modford last July, also for health reasons. He leaves two brothers and three sisters who resldo In tho east In New Jersey. In his earlier life ho had been a member of tho Knights of Pythias lodge, which organization is provid ing tho ushers for the fuenral ser vice. In Fargo, N. D., he was a mem ber of tho JCpiscopal churoh, hut In rccont years has worshipped In the Presbyterian church. Ho leaves to mourn his loss, his wlfn and five children two by tho firet and three by I ho second marriage. The funeral service will be hold from tho Perl Undertaking parlors at 2 p. m. on Saturday afternoon, Hev. K. P. Lawrence will have charge. Funeral Notice Tho funeral services for .Mrs. Wll hclmlna KruzUcr, wife of Paul Krutz lor who passed nway at their homo on Itoss Lane, Feb. 11th, will be held nt the Conger Funeral Chapel, Sunday at 2:011 -p.- m. Interment In Medford I. O. O. F. cemetery. Holland Herring in small kits Choice Red Salt Salmon Smoked Bloaters Princess Mackerel Oval Sardines (large) in Mustard, Tomato and Spiced Sardines in Oil, from 5c up Lobster, Salmon, Oysters, Clams, Crab, etc., in all sizes. Special, 4 Cans Del Monte Baked Beans 25c LOUIE'S Free Delivery Phone 271 STAR MEAT MARKET SATURDAY SPECIALS Beef Pot Roast..... 12 1-2 to 15o per lb Beef Stew . 121-2c per lb Fresh Side Pork 20c per lb Pork Shoulder Roast.. : 20c per lb Good Bacon 25c per lb Fish of AU Kinds Phone 273 ... We Deliver ' Murderer KleotrocuteHl. COLUMBIA, S. C, Feb. 10. Ira Harrison was electrocuted at the stalo prison here today for his part In tho niurdor last May of J. C. Ar nelte of Columbia. Laughing in His Sleeve "I wjik tM fiothlnw lint nn opcni- tlon would help my ntntnurh trouhlr, and wan getting ndy for the oprni ttnn when n frlond QUvtaort mo to try Miyr'H Wonderful Itemdy. Thfl firnt duHf hohii'd inn, I am now nn wo 1 1 flu r-vitr tn my life, ami nm liuiKhlnK lip my kVh'VO at 1h dnrtnri." It in ft nlrnptc, hnrmlf'H TtrcparatWin that rn- move the catarrhal muctiH from tlio InK'Ntlmi) tract nnd nJlnyn tlio Inflam matlnn which rnuppft practically ntl Htnmach. liver and Intestinal all tncntfl. IncluditiK nppcndicltlft. One done will convince or monejr re funded. For mi hy nil driiKRlut. QUIT TOBACCO So easy to drop Cigarette, Cigar, or Chewing hapit No-To-Unc has helped tlioufmndn to break tho contly, nerve-shattering tobacco habit. Whenovor you havo a longing for a mnoku or chew, jUHt placo a harmlenH No-To-liao Tablet in your mouth Instead. All desire stops. Shortly tho habit 1h com pletely broken, and you aro bettor off mentally, physically, financially. Its no ensy, so simple. Oct a box of ro To-Jlac and If it doesn't releaHo you from all craving for tobacco in any form, your druggist will refund your money without question. Adv, Medford Center Sanitary Market Every Should Know These Facts About Baking Powder that a big can at a low cost many times results in bakings that are unfit for food. that lack of proper leavening strength means failure and disappointment on bake:day. that one cent's worth of inferior Baking Powder many times ruins one dollar's worth of other ingredients. that millions depend on ' ' , V ! BEST BT TEST not because of quanti ty but on account of quali tynot because of price but by reason of results. ' That is why the sale of Calumet is 2 times as much as that of any otner baking powder. , V Buy it try It never fail to use it., A pound can of Calumet contain! full 16 ounce. Some baking powdtri come in 12 ounce instead of 16 ounce can. Be sure you get a pound when you want it. THE WORLD'S GREATEST BAKING POWDEU GOOD LOOKING as our Pork, Lamb, Beef, etc., are, they aro even better tasting. We handlo only the choicest , and bo even our cheapest cuts are tastier and more toothsome than the most expensive cuts , from inferior Btock. Try them you'll enjoy the experionco. If you can't come yourself just call 255, and we'll do the rest. SATURDAY SPECIALS Moiti'II'h Hams, lui!F or wholi; 29c MoitcH'm lliicon, Imlf or whole 29c KiistiTn liiii'k liiicon 29c I'icnin IIimiM 19c I 'urn Open Kcttlo Lard 171-2c l'ius I'Vct, 2 1I)h 35c liibrrty Skiik, 2 lbs.,... 35o (iooil Tender Sleitk, 2 llm 35o lioilinjj Beef, 2 lhs 25c Pol HoiinIh of lieef '..150 to 18c Pure Country Suuwigc. In the Medford Center Dept. Store ! ,4 . utter-Nut BREAD Is made by the Peerless Bakery, which em ploys modern, sanitary equipment and uses only the very finest ingredients. ASK YOUR GROCER for a loaf of Peerless Bakery Butter Nut Bread. You'll find that it can't be equalled anywhere for its delicious taste and gener ous measure for the money. PEERLESS BAKERY .ii m in,.