PAGE TWO MEDi-'OUD MAIL"' TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OlfWiON. FRIDAY. FERRFAU'V Focal and &J Personal The Vnlted State deputy Internal revonuo collectors. Kred jt'olvls und licurgn Hewitt lire dolus rushliiK luminous at their office in tlio Federal liuildliiK, collecting and usHistinj; per sons in lilliiii; out blanks lor the col lection of their income taxes. Kvery income tax payer Is ttijred to see them as soon as possible, us next Mon day is the lata day of their stay In this city. Party who got brown hat lit Wood man dance last niKht please return to su:ir Howl. 279 Hemstitching at Deuel's. iS9 A number of hiuli schuol students left this forenoon for ItoseburK by nuto and will uttend the game between HoseburK and Mcdford hiKh school basketball teams at HoseburK tonight. Camel cigarettes at Louie's for 1.1c. 270 ' "Hell '0 Pear" 10c. Get it where they soil candy. 1!.S0 Teachers of Jackson county will have an unusual opportunity to hear an educator of California tomorrow, ' at the senior hiKh school In Ashland. Superintendent Wilson of the llerkeley schools will Rivo his address at 10 o'clock. The public Is cordially In vited. 2000 yards spring zephyr 22-inch pinhoms, 29c. M. M. Dept. Storo. 279 The Hub Shoe Store will hold un other dollar sale Saturday. Oxfords up to 414. boots to 514. One lot white canvas shoes, most all sizes and widths, at one dollar. 279 D. U. Potter of Hilt, Calif., has re turned to his home after a short stay in the city on business. "Hell 'O Dear" 10c. Get It where they sell candy. 280 ' llance, Jackson Hot Spring, Sat. 270 Tho Grants Pass Irrigation district will be tho first section of Oregon given attention by tho Oregon State chamber of commerce In Its coloniza tion and settlement plan. V. G. Ido, who has been selected to handle the work, will nrrivo In tho city Friday morning to classify and appraise the lands of the local district. Mr. lde will go over all lands within the dis trict and ns soon an possible, artvertis- ing of the Hogue lands will be under- takon.-Grants Pass Courier. Hard Time dance at I. O. O. F. hall Talent, Sat, Feb. 17, 1923. Loveland orchestra. Tickets J 1.00. Chicken supper extra. i 279 J letter to have it and not need It, than to need It and not have It? In surance with It. A. Holmes, the Insur ance Man. tf Iloy Davis, circuit court stenogra pher, attended to official business In Grants Pans Wednesday and Thurs day. Tho Mcdford Center Woman's ready-to-wear concession Is to he taken by n Senttlo firm In tlio very near future. Tho ivmulnlng winter stock is not included In the transfer and, beginning Saturday, Feb. 17th will bo on tho racks at slaughter prices. Some very select garments remain. Special line spring taffetas on sale. 2i9' 1 1600 yards spring percales, nil new pnttxrns, 20c. M. M. Dopt Store. 279 Tho highway between Modford and Rosehurg was opened full width Wed nosdiiy of this wook according to autolsts who havo recently come through from tho north. Traffic Is no longer held up and let through only at stated periods' as was tho case up until Wednesday. Dollar Day at the Hub Shoe Storo. One lot white canvas shoes, good sizes and widths, all at ona dollar Saturday. 279 ThlB office Is prepared to print ledger sheets, bills, etc., used on the your orders to traveling men mid have them printed out ot Mcdford. Phono un and we will cull. tf he bride knows that "HE" really is human after all, and does enjoy good cooking. For years she has seen her mother take down a can ol Crescent Baking Powder and has known that some thing good was in the mak ing. So her first grocery order starts with "Crescent Bak ing Powder, please." Back ed by years of satisfaction in homes of the West. No Bitter Taste With Crescent Creaccnt Manufacturing Company Seattle, Wash. According to dispatches from Salem a bill introduced in the state legisla ture this week provides that livestock must hereafter d'v lay proper head and tail lights wlr 1 promenading upon the public highways after dark. The bill holds the owner of the offend- ! Ing livestock for any brench of the lighting regulations and makes him liable to a line of not less than $" nor more than t"o. Clean cotton rags nre wanted at Mail Tribune office. tt Let's all dance, Jackson's Sat. 279 Mrs. D. O. Weaver and son, who bad been visiting Mr. and Ans. uiuiwi Strang and family for the past several weeks left yesterday for their home In Gardiner, Ore,, near Koseburg. Elks dance, Frl Feb. Kith. Tickets $1.10. Launspacli orchestra. 279 Camel cigarettes at Louie's for 15c. 279 ' Mike Ilanloy has returned from a short business trip to northern Cali fornia, where ho Is wintering some stock, and reports that tho worst bliz zard he ever encountered raged at Willows a week ago. Mr. Hanley wore no overcoat on tho trip. Tho MCdford Center Woman's ready-to-wear concession ta to-be taken by a Seattle firm in the very near future. Tho remaining winter stock Is not Included in the transfer and, beginning Saturday, Feb. 17th, will be on the racks at slaughter prices. Some very select garments remain. Special line spring taffetas on sale. 279' All kinds of rough and dresBed lum ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108, 711 E. Main. Rehearsals for tho fifth annual mln stels show of the Elks lodge nre beinn held nightly, and are rounding Into shape. The four end men are Larry Mann, Jerry Jerome, Vernon Vawtor, and Paul McDonald, with George Col lins as Interlocutor. The song num bers Include selections by the come dians, and William Vawter, Fletcher Fish, and Don Nowbury. The chorus personnel Includes George B. Gates, Ralph Lewis, Victor Danlelson. Ted Fish, Evorett Drayton, Don Newbury, number will be given by Robert Hoy!. Alford and Newbury, Juy Gqre, and the saxophone Bipiad. The music is under the direction of Wilson Waito, and this year's show Includes a num ber of surprises. The Hub Shoe Store exclusive sale for Medford and all southern Oregon for Selby Arch Preserver shoes. Ox fords ten dollars, boots twelve dollars. Special fitting room in charge of A. W. Hubbs, shoe specialist. 279 New white goods, for spring sewing on display M. M. Dopt. Store. 279 A largo crowd attended the Jackson Hot Springs dance at the pavilion near Ashland last Wednesday night A number of Medford people were In attendance. . Your favorite waltz, Jackson's Sat 279 "Hell 'O Dear" 10c. Get it where they Bell candy. 280 Mrs. Walter T. Sumner loft last night for Los Angoles, San Francisco and other California cities to visit relatives. Mrs. Sumner has been here for the past week, from Portland, with Hlshoyp Sumner who left for that city today. Call and sea the Eastern Millinery, socond floor ot the Mcdford Center Store. 279 Goodwin Corset Shop. 20 S. Fir. 2BC Tho towns of Myrtle Crock and Riddle, south of Koseburg, muy con nect their light and power distributing systems with tho California-Oregon Power company, a contract to this ef fect having been placed In tlio hands ot Dexter Rico of Rosehurg, who will Investigate Its legality. The towns will own thoir own systems, by the terms of the contract, but will buy power from tho California-Oregon company. A connecting lino will bo built south of Myrtlo Crok, to tap the main line at a convenient point. Elks nttontlon! lllg dance Friday, Feb. 16th. Hlg night, don't miss it. 279 A. W. Hubbs, shoe specialist nt the Hut) Shoe storo. Siiecial fitting room for Selby Arch Preserver shoes. Ox fords ten dollars, boots twelve dollars. 279 Leo B. "Dub" Watson loft today for Rosehurg where ho will attend the baHkotball game between Medford and Rosehurg high schools tonight, lie was accompanied by Ted Leonard nnu they are making tho trip by nuto. Colored linens for spring dresses. all shades. M. M. Dopt Storo. 279 Cnmel cigarettes at Louie's for Kc. 279 No trace has been found of the reckless nutolst who crashed into n drove of cattle near Central Point, ten dnvs ago, striking Henry Meyers and Inflicting a severe cut on his leg, from which ho hns not entirely recovered. The autolst did not stop to sec what damage ho had caused. At tho time of tho accident Meyers was riding a horso at tho edgo of the pavement on the Pacific Highway. Ono moro dollar day nt the Hunt) Shoe store Saturday. Oxfords up to 44 size, boots tip to 6Vi size. 279 Lady Elks Valentino dance, tmi Temple, Friday, Feb. 16th. You'll be . 71 surprised. ' Harry K. Tomlinson was ono of the business visitors from Ashland wno spent a part of today In tho city. Dance! Saturday!, Oriental nan room ! - 51 Clean cotton rags are wanted at Mall Tribune office. r A poor attendance greeted tho ex cellent Fnn Tan orchestra of the high srhool nt tho American Legion hall last night, but the few that were there enjoyed good music nnd danced until midnight. I-ast night's dnnco was the first given by tho Fnn Tan orchestra which Is a credltnblo aggregation ot high school students which will stage a series of dances for high school stu dents nnd alumni In tho future. Now white goods for spring sewinc on display M. M. Dopt. Store. 279 2""0 yards sprlns zephyr ni lnch gliighams, 290. M. M. Dept. Storo. 279 You cau got It at DeVoe's. tt From present indications it will be impossible for the state legislature to adjourn until next Wednesday or Thursday, as It will take that long with the most diligent hustling for action to be taken on the most Impor tant bills. Noel L. Erskine gives piano lessons at pupils' homes. Phone 729-W. 2S4 Just a line to remind, you that I will gladly duplicate any bonafide order booked by a transient agent for the same or less money and give you bet ter service. N. S. Dennett, prop. Eden Valley Nursery. Phone 680-J-2. tf Lucky day nt Deuel's Jan. 24th. 286 The Applet' Growers' association of Hood River was charged with' ship ping four carloads of mlsbratuled up ple to San Francisco in u complaint filed in tlio lederal court in Portland this week by Assistant I'niled States Attorney Allan llynon at the direction of tho attorney general. According to the complaint the labels on the boxes were incorrect as to quantity and quality. The association has 20 days In which to answer the complaint. When better automobiles are built, Iluick will build them. tf Colored linens for spring dresses. all shades. M. M. Dept. Store. 279 Milk and cream at DeVoe's. tf Mr. and Mrs. Norvin R. Walters (formerly Ruth Ilroks) of Phoenix are the proud parents of a girl born Feb. nth, 1923. She hus been named Helen Pauline. Both mother and daughter are doing nicely. Lucky day at Deuel's Jan. 21th. 2RG Sale of guest towels. Handicraft Shop. 279 1500 yards spring percales, all new patterns, 20c. M. M. Dept. Store. 279 Much interest is being manifested In the coming appearance of the Rogue River basketball team In their game with the Medford high school, Monday, Fob. 20th, nnd one of the largest crowds that ever attended a game in this city is expected to bo on hand. Practically the entire popula tion of Koguo River will he on hand to root for their favorites. The local team will play the Hill Military acad emy of Portland In this city next Thursday nnd Friday, and also has a game scheduled with Rogue River. For Diamond coal brtcquets, phono Valley Fuel Co. Phono 76. Guest towels on sale at 20c and 25c Friday and Saturday. Handicraft Shop. 2 New novelty edgings for dresses and underwear. Handicraft Shop. 2i9 Of Interest to the Methodists of the valley is the announcement that Dr. A. L. Howarth will be the speaker at the morning services of the First Methodist church next Sunday. It Is understood that Dr. Howarth's visit will have a vital bearing on develop ments regarding the proposed new church. Rhubarb and asparagus roots. Eden Valley Nursery, Phone 680-J-2. tf Hot tamnles and chili con carne at De Voo's. tf Take your kodak films to Palmer's studio. First class work and prompt service. . tf' For the third day In succession the prediction Is for rain or snow, for to morrow. Just a trace ot rain fell dur ing last night in the city. Today was nn ideal ono with aunshin and bracing weather, Tho minimum temperature of this morning was the highest of the week, 33 degrees above. Flowering shrubs and evergreens. Eden Valley Nursery, Phone 680-J-2. tt Cords for stringing beads. Handi craft Shop. 279 Dance with the crowd! SaL night! Oriental Ballroom! 280 William A. Hanna returned this morning from a several duys business visit In Portland. For fruit trees of all kinds see Jas, Inslis, representing the Salem Nur sery company in southern Oregon, Headquarters. Holland Hotel. Special long terms of payment to reliable par- ties requiring same. First class stock only. Call, phone or write. tf All kinds of rough nnd dressed lum ber. Wallace Woods, phone 108. 711 E. Main. Closing out all our farm machinery, several good buys. Patton & Robin son, Inc. tf Amazing How l"Gets-It" Peels Off Corns Stops All Hurting Instantly It' fust wonderful how tt-It" enrft corns tnd callouses. lA-t (owdrorwor "Ccu-H' on hut Unit torn and Iratol ThS pain ttopr) at once, forever. Scon the corn lomen (rom Ihe tnie tksh and you just lift the torn off Hh the fingers root and all complete. Money back Iuorantet. Cos it but a trifle everywhere. Uwraicc&Ca,Mfr., Chicago, SulU hereby vvnwcs iur; stout. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOIW'I) On my premises, a good black felt mans hat. Owner or friends can have same by railing for It. 31 J K. Jackson St. W FOR SAI.K Day innre 7 years old. 1100 pounds; small saddle horse, good set heavy harness, iron wheel wngnn, 3 tn alfalfa hay, IS.ofl a ton. J. Terp. 104 S. Kir. 2S2 FOIt SAI.K Select nursery stock. Biiaiie ann ornamental snninncry, grain's, flowering bulbs, and roses. Washington Nurseries, call K. C. Welch, W. Fourth St. !M Handicraft Shop. ITemstltchlnit per yard. Klamath post of the American Le- gion piuiis to hold a minstrel show and high JinkB February 22 and 23. The post also plans to organize a bugle corps. Growers Lime sulphur right at Plant, JS.G0 cash, $2 added deposit for bbl. Phone 8-R-l. 278 For fruit trees of all kinds see Jas. lnglis, representing the Salem Nur sery company In southern Oregon. Headquarters, Holland hotel. Special long terms of payment to reliable par ties requiring-sumo. First class stock only. Call, phone or write. tf After the fire it Is too late to Insure. Seo Kedilen & Cnnaday now. Albert Garris pleaded guilty yester day before Judge Glenn O. Taylor to a charge of being Intoxicated on the city streets ana was sentenced to serve three duys In the city jull. It was his second offense and as he had no money with which to pay a fine a term in the local hoosegow was imposed. The arrest was made Wed nesday night by Patrolman Cave. Oriental Ilallroom! Sat. night dance! . i!S0 Dance Saturday night In Oriental Ilallroom! 280 For sand, gravel, sediment and team work. See Sanil. Hateman, 302 Maple St., Phone 912-J. A. F. & A. M. JL Stated communication of V Medford lodge No. 103, Frl- r day evening, Feb. lfith at 7:30 p. m. Visitors welcome. By order of the W. M. 279 O. D. FItAZEE, secretary. The WeluKkovk Medicines op tub f g Famous Kecedt Book Airnioa i The Well-Known medicines op thb Yamovb Keceut Book avtiiob Ointment A Time-tried Home Remedy for All Skin Irritations, Ec zema, Pimples, Piles. Black heads, Chilblains and Frostbite The pure, healing, soothing' oint ment, remarkable for it control over nil forms of itching skin dlteascl. Particularly beneficial In the treatment of eczema, that tort urine ailment to which to many people are subject, ,Best for children chapped hands and face. Insect bites, sore feet. Not Injurious to ths most delicate, tender skin. Kead below what Miss Lillian Durban of 136 E. Miller St., Alpena.Michlgan, says: "I willsjiythatDr. A.W.Chase't Ointment lirtpert roe wonderfully. It took tliepimplexand blackheads off my none ami inmle my skin clear. You may use tny testimo uia I rt t lint it utuy bene At oLIiers as it did roe.' Your can buy Dr. Chase's Oint ment at all drug atores. TobeauiO of getting the genuine, see that portrait and signature of A. W. Chase, M. p. a re on each boa your protectioo against imitations. Dr. A W. CHASK MEDICINE CO. 257 Washington St., Buffalo, N.Y. Continuous Shows Tomorrow and Sunday, 12:.l0 to It 1. M. IVtor ll( Kyn,c Homniitlc . . Triumph rTl 2 PAYS Jfuus to a 77?e PRIDE of PALOMAR" Here's to you who love it rli-nn, Ixilil fiKlitrr, who thrill at uor Ktoiii romance nnd MrIi al vi'iitiirr This is YOlll pic. tnrp. Mnrjorlo Paw ami Korrtwt Stanley head tho all-star cast. Also KNTTUV rOMKDY IMTHK WKKKI.Y "IlKTTY" BKOWX nt tho M l IIMT.KIt SIXDAY THOMAS MKKill AN In (ioorRo Ado's "hack iiomkanh hhokk" ' irt. 192:1 EGOfflflHff THE HOME OF BREAD LIKE MOTHER HADE Your dollar! will' go farther here because we keep down the overhead expense. No clerks, credits or deliveries enable us to price in the bottom notch, as well as to give you promptest ser vice. No waiting for a clerk, just go ahead and help yourself and. we can serve a hundred at once. CI IC AD ; 25 lbs. in a cloth sack. 1 QQ O U VXA I Limit one sack to a customer M..JJ CRACKERS Small Salted Soda Wafers in boxes weighing from 4 to 5 lbs., always 90c or $1.00. For Saturday, ' 63 C while 100 boxes last Krause Marshmallows in the round 1 lb. tin boxes. New stock. Just in, 39 C per box ; i. . . Crystal White Soap, 11 bars . 48c Corn Starch, 1 lb. pkg., 3 for ....... ............ .( 25c Oysters, good quality, per can 15c Large Oval Sardines, per can 14c Crimson Rambler Cane and Maple Syrup, 5 lb. can 58c Crimson Rambler Cane and Maple Syrup, 2 lb. can 33c Crimson Rambler Silver Bubble Syrup, 101b. can 93c Crimson Rambler Melomar, 5 lb. can . 32c Pure Buckwheat Flour, 9 lb. sack 55c Graham Flour, fine or coarse, 9 8-10 lb. sack .. 43c Whole Wheat Flour, 9 8-10 lb. sack 44c Fairy Soap, large bars, 3 for 25c Tomatoes, standard pack, No. 2 cans, 2 for 25c Tomatoes, fancy solid pack, 3 cans . . Honey, 5 lb. pails 65c Honey, 10 lb. pails . . : . $1.20 Fancy scented Toilet Soap, box 3 bars 19c BAKERY SPECIALS CAKES Our regular 35c French Mocha, or Devil's Food. For Saturday, each ..... 23c COOKIES-Regular size and quality, 2 dozen .28c and an 8c loaf of Bread free with each two dozen. GATES LYDIARD Buy here and bank the difference aturday Specials Capon Chickens 45c Per Lb. ! Home cured Ham, per lb. . . ; . 25c Home cured Bacon Backs, per lb 25c Pork of all kinds, per lb 20c CITY MEAT MARKET Free Delivery Phone 324 Safety First Don't Take Chances A GOOD HORN will save you from many an accident. The Auto Supply Co. Just Around the Corner Phone G2 Doo Wright KODAKS Useful Every Day in the Year 1 ; . I Agents for the Eastman Kodak Company. A Apples Apples All sorts; all prices. TCTiyjffi Hurry if you want 'em , . OREGON GROWERS SPRAY RIG REPAIRING End North Central Williams Implement Service Phone 123 s. rtanirtt mono se.t i ,5h