PAGE FOUR MEDFORD MATL TRTTSUNE, MEDFORD, OT?TCCiOX, TTTlTRRnAY, FEHR1TARY V 192?, Mepford Mail Tiubune AN IN'DKI'l-'N'nKN'T KKWSl'Al'HIl 1'UUMMI Kl i : KUV Al THItNOUN i:(M-:iT HL'NUAV, MY T1IK A1KDIOKD 1'ltlNTINti CO. The Mfdfonl Hiunlny Morning Hun 1h riirnjHiMii Hiib.scritu'! 3 amiwuu a bovon lnu 1illu i..u n..r Office Mail Trlt.imr HuUiIIiik, 25-7-9 north Jir Btici't. j'hoiiu A consolldtitlon vt llif IcmoeruUc Time., tin .Mciitoril Mail, tlm Mt.-Oforc Tribune. tlm K-jiUJiiTn orcfcunlan, Tho AnmuhU Tribune. llOHKltT W. 1IUML, Kditor. fl. HUM J'TKH SMJT1I, Maimer. 1V MAII In AilviitiPi: Dully, wltu Hundiiy Sun, year $7. TO Dally, with Suruliiy Kun, montli 75 Tuiilv, without Humliiy Kim, your.. 6.&0 Dailv, without Sunday Hun, month .-r "Weekly Mull Tribune, ono year .00 Sunday Sun. one yar -.ou UV CAltltlKlt In Mdford, AbIiIhiuI, JackRonvllli'. Cent nil Point, I'hoenlx, Talent and on Jlinhwnys: Dullv. with Sunday Hun. month "5 Imify, without Huiuluy Sun, month Dally, without Sunday Hun. year.. 7.M Daily, with .Sunday Hun. mim year S.i'iU All terms by currier, cash In advauro. Of mini paper of tho City of ModforJ. Of kin 1 paper of JuckKou County. Tho only papor between Ku,rem Ore.. And Siieraniento, Calif., a distanco of over mllew. having leased wire Asho ciated PresB Service. Sworn dally avnniRn circulation for nix months umlhiK April 1, 3fjJ8, uiort thnn double I ho circulation of any other papr published or circulated In Jackson County. ttntorpd ns Rocond clnftft matter nt Modfoni, Oregon, under ucfc of March 8 1M79. WHY NOT "SELL" THE CLIMATE. M1SMUEHS OK TUB ASSOCIATED pri:sh. , , t The Associated I'ii-hs In exclusively entitled to tho use for rpuniicaiion m nil iicbh urn x. vt . i " - otherwise credited In this paper, mid also to tho local news published Herein, All rlnhtfl of republication of Hpicial Ye Smudge Pot By Arthur Perry. Citizens of the Innd must feel tlUc going out sonio place, and having a good bawl, after roadlng of what the mean detectives did to the domestic and Imported hellraisers still at large. All the H. It.'s wanted to do was to ostabllsh the Soviot form of gov ernment with dynamite, and, the "tools of Wall street," aided by the "hostile press," grossly jiindered the work. QUESTIONS OF GKAVITY IJK FOUE LKOISLATUItK-IIdlino Eu gene Register). They will fix it so what goes up will not come dow'n, if 30 days notice is given beforo the ascension. ' There were only 10 dogs in tho biz. dlst. Wed. pm., In two blocks, which comes close to bolng tho quoin. At this rato, tho Main Stem will bo tho Dowory, by fall. GOOD WORK, JOHN 1 (Siskiyou News) China New Year .Yesterday was tho grand China New Year but John cclobrutes tho whole week, ono day. i A COHRKCTION Tho report that the west ond of the loading thorough faro is pocked with shell holes, Is a base fabrication, as anybody knows who has flitted through tho libelled vicinity In a gasoline propelled vehicle. Next to tho observance of tho 10 miles per hour rule by schools, noth ing is bo 'strictly adhered to us the curfew luw. A carload of new uiKoh wore un loaded yesterday, and only attracted more people than voted for coronur in 1920. . IT'S STILL WINDY (Oregon City Enterprise) Remember tho community sing noxt Sunday night. The storm will surely bo past, but there in 'enough in town to malto a good ' uudlcnco anyway. Sinco the publication of tho Informa tion that the Dunk of (.old Mill cele brated Washington's Ulrthdny lust Monday, 1I.G1G peoplo have suggested that tho institution observe July 4th on March 17th. Tho fluolla form of tho flu is preva lent throughout tho valley. 'Just when community vocalists liavo their throats cleared to sing The Notchtulled liluejay Warbles Sweetly Whoro Flows tho Hoguo, to tho blfz-zard-Bwept upstate, along comes un Invigorating fog of, unprecedented thickness. IT LOOKS MORE LIKE A CIVIL WAR EVERY DAY (Pendleton Oregonlan) "Ther Is no doubt (hut men tire liocomlng more effeminate. We have inalo customers for marcel Ing. As to powder, lipHtick and other articles of makeup, I noticed several compacts for snlo In the window of a men's furnishing store lately. What arc they there for If men don't use them? There will be a big crop of every, thing (ills your, Including whiskers und suckers. CLIMATIC' value lire relative. AVliclhor or not t lie climate! in a pnrlieiilnr district is ootid or ;nl, depends iimhi tilt; cii ninte is in other districts id the same time. licnriiiK this in mind, Jledl'onl and 1 lie If-ojjue Kivcr valley, inelnd intr every section from the l'iii)(iia Divide to the Siskiyons, has reason lliis year tn boast of the climate which is the ;irticulnr good iYirliine of Southern Oregon. ; I'rolinlily never before has the clinnrte in this section shown up to hetter advantage. Shortly ufter the first, of the year, there were. e .viistutinn floods throughout, the i'neifie Northwest, 'transportation v.its paralyzed, losses in properly find stock were tremendous, but there were no floods in Southern Oregon, there were no losses. . The past few days the 1'iicifie Northwest north of (irants l'ass has been .swept by one of the worst blizzards in recent history. In Se title, the storm hint! took ti toll id' seven lives. In Portland the liter enry reached ten above, schools were closed, traffic wits paralyzed. At this very tune tho sun was smiling in tin; liogtie itiver valley iind everythiufi climatically wits lovely. Thus far since the first of the year. Southern Oregon lias enjoyed a winter with much sunshine, umipiirativcly little wind nnd snow, n winter t;ood for the crops, tfood for the stock nnd tfixid for the human beiiijrs. Moreover if records of the pust.decnde were examined, we believe it would he found that the climate hero year in nnd year out, par ticularly in February, is superior to any thins i" the 1'iu'ific North west. It isn't the climate, of Palm Pencil. The climate is more rigor ous nnd vigorous. Put it is free from extremes, it is stimulatini; tnd varied without boiii;? unpleasant, it is year after year, a type of went her difficult to beat. Therefore, we believe a pamphlet giving the comparative weather reports of Southern Oregon nnd the other districts of the Northwest would be nn excellent proposition for the various Chambers of Com merce to publish and circulate. Let tho world know just how the weather man treats Southern Oregon, particularly when he is mis treat ing practically every other district in other parts of the country and the Pacific Const. Editorial Correspondence HAL12.M, I'Yb. 14. To find outlThey avv ..j Wils in the ninln. all what is the mutter with the bouse calculated tn standardize taxed from one must go buck to -the election. j ,n" standpoint (,t tho statu and clls- euuiuKo ino lenuency to piiu up ex penses lu-re. tliei-i, anil evervwherH tUSO Of j without lelfin-,! In II,.. fnluro M.-llar.. of the people who must pay them. If IbesB bills had been 'left to their offielnl champions we venture to Miy none of them would have passed. The reason H lierc. Only n small group composing tho committee to which a nieiiHiun Is referred ever havo an In tlmtite knowledge 'of -'It. The majority usually see the 0111 for tho first time when it is up for final passage, or at least examine it in dotal! for the first time. As a result the majority uepenn largely upon the way the case for that bill Is presented lo deter mine their vote. If It l presented poor'.y, tho average legislator 1 con cludes that If that Is thi best the champion of tho bill can offer It must ho a pretty doubtful measure, and the one overshadowing rule in most legislatures and particularly In this one is, when In doubt vote "no." tutlves were not cleeted bi their ability, but because they were either demagogues or fanatics. The main issue. In the legislative contest, was religion. In a vast majority of cases, par ticularly in Multnomah county, men were elected either because they were members of the Ku Klux Klun or liecuuso they accepted the Ku Klux program for pollticul advantage. As u result tho house assembled under tho banner of religious bigotry und the organization was perfected under this banner. The Important committee, assignments went not to the men best fitted by expel lenee nnd attainments for the various .positions, but to the men who liau yelled the loudest against tho Catholic church.' In other vonl Injecting nn issue Into tho campaign which never should have been Injected, which was not a real issue, then, and is no issue what ever now, tho least competent men wero placed In positions of influence and importance, and tho most com petent men wore left out in tho cold. The outcome bas been, particularly in the house, un organization without a head, without ability or leadership, in short no organization nt all. And to understand tho present confusion, dissatisfaction and general chaos, one has merely to go back to the sturtlng point, nnd place the blame souarely upon thoso men, who for their own political ndvuntago, injected the re ligious issue Into Oregon politics. Quill Points Silence is golden, 'but the silent ones envy the brass of the good talkers. An a general thing, the boss of the house is the one who can be most disagreeable. Adam was lierc first, anil when he felt peeved at Eve he prob ably culled her a darned alien. A closet is a place where you keep the things you are ashamed to wear and too stingy to give away. The man who said ignorance is bliss never was caught five miles from town with an empty gtts tank.. The bachelor has some advantages, but he bus no children to spank when he has u bad day at the office. The next time we decide to have a war, lei's shop around a bit and see if we can't find il cheaper one. .i The world is learning that, forgiving one's enemies is good busi ness policy as well as good Christ inn doctrine. Correct this sentence: "Mamma," said the flapper, "Billy has invited me for a ride and I'd like to have you go along." Man is the only creature endowed with sufficient reasoning power to convince himself that his pet vice isn't hurting him any. "When Kronen finishes driving the. Gorman murk to the bottom, perhaps she can bo induced to do something about our price murks. Tho man who said "What you don't know doesn't hurt you, never saw a gossip suffering for information. And so the Germans will fight if imposed upon loo much? Let's see; who was il imposed on them the last time? The difference between a elenii table cloth and a soiled one is that you seldom spill anything on a soiled one. Correct this sentence : "Kun out and play in the slush and snow, said the f nd mother; "n little exposure will toughen you." . T;et us be grateful for these pompons individuals who feel very im portant. There are. so few things iit Ihe world to make us smile. r- RipplingRlujvps Valt Mason Hit u THE SLOGAN. arc ivjj7t, Tho " legislature will make no chunges In tho Oregon primary, law. so a new arrival w ill not have to wait until after supper on , the day of bin landing In the state, to start iniiuiim for Ttoscburg has a new policeman, one Otto Hunt, nnd he wull.s a beat with I. Ketch, hid superior officer and chief. Teeth have been placed In the Pro hibition law, by Ihe iIoiim. All bit inc. ulioulii start nt Koine, ' "D AY BY OAY," my neighbors say, "we're get tiny better, Tho Incapacity and general futility of the nominal committee leaders in the house is shown every day, as the bills come up for passage. The heads of tho committees have charge of the committee bills und nro dele gated to lead tho debate for thoso bills. Tho rcsuLMins been pitiful. A number of excellent bills might well have been killed for no other reason than that they were incapably handled, that tho men selected to ex plain them, had neither the parlia mentary ability nor the knowledge of the subjects concerned, to elucidate tlio proposals favorably and clearly nnd thereby securo the necessary votes. Fortunately for Oregon the origi nal Ku Klux machine has long since been scrapped. There is nothing left of It but an unpleasant memory. Kx cept for the farm bloc, which is only a unit on distinctly farm-benefit measures, there Is no working organ ization in the house at all. Kvery member has boon for sonic weeks, a free laliee, voting, we( believe con scientiously for tljose measures be lieved to be right, but In the general hurry and confusion, .necessarily unable always" to know the precise meaning of tho measures under discussion. House Hill 140 which came up the other day, a bill to supervise taxes within tho various counties, und con trol local extravagance, a very de sirable measure, would undoubtedly havo failed If no one had come to the help of the committee. Fortu nately John Carkin sprang Into tire breach, and In a clear and convinc ing speech, showed Just what tho bill would do. Just why it was particu larly needed If any real relief to the taxpayers is to be obtained, und with a decidedly forceful closing, nroused so much enthusiasm, that several other speakers Joined in, notably Jlott of Astoria, ono of the best speakers and clearest thinkers in tho house, and tho measuro carried. This is only one example of many. Tho people of Oregon can be thankful for tho spirit of public service and loyalty, which has impelled those men who were left out-in the cold nt tho opening of the session, to forget grievances they might have had, and devote their energies to getting tho best that can be gotten out of the legislative mess. For tho Inst two days tho house has been consldertpg tho assessment and taxation ' mea'sures exclusively. There is a great hue, nnd cry about what a rotten income tux bill has been presented. This condemnation is rather premature. Tho provisions in the published bill are entirely ten tative, and there is every reason to believe that tho final bill will be both moderate nnd -fair. It will probably not please the radicals, but it has a chance of pleasing as tiinnv people as can be pleased by uny sort of tax ation. Moreover it Is highly probable that the people of Oivgon wilt finally de termine whether or not there is to lie an income tax bill. If no" bill is passed nt this session ono will un doubtedly lo initiated, and It a bill IS passed, it will In nil likliliood lie referended. So in either event the people of Oregon won't pet anything they don't vote for which is not, wo might add, the same thing as saying they won't get anything they don't want. tr:-..!.i i FRONT LACE BACK LACE Woman feels no joy so fcreat as the assurance oi herself at her best, combined with the secret knowledge that the reason for her &race and beauty is as dainty and superiors her charm itself. " The GOODWIN corset enhances the beauty of every ' line in the feminine figure, nnd is modeled from the most exclusive unci dainty fabrics the looms yield for the highest art in corsetry. GOODWIN CORSET SHOP 20 S.' Fir ALTA NAYL0R Phono 1M8-W R EX CAFE "THE PLACE TO EAT" STEAKS OUR SPECIALTY THE BEST COFFEE IN TOWN Try a Cup, 5c STORM KING SWEEPS U. S. (Continued from Page One) MILWAUKKE. Wis., Feb. 15. .Mil watikeo nnd the. rest of Wisconsin are slowly digging out from the havoc wrought by tho cold wave of the last 36 hours. With the temperature four above zero early today, it was thought that rail mid telegraph servlco which was impaired would bo back to nor-mal. SAN FltANC'lSCO, Feb. 15. dales lashed the Washington coast last night and today bringing disas ter to shipping and prostrating wire communications at many points, while mild, spring-lnko weather pre vailed throughout California. At the height of tho storm period hist night a 72-milo south wind swept over tho region of North Head at the mouth of the Columbia river. A 60 nille northeast wind was recorded at Tatoosh island at tho entrance to I'ttget Sound' ami in tho region where the shipwrecks occurred. Wires failed when tho gulo had reached the figures noted, and it was necessary for tho weather bu reau hero to depend upon wireless reports. Storm, warnings wore continued today both nt North Head and Ta toosh island nnd other warnings were added for inland Fugct Sound points. ch.mtini? still this phut refrain; l'tl talU with them if vital things, of n)sot thrones nnd east-tiff hins, of income taxes we must vy, lutt they neiiil forth their "Day hy tiny." 1 visited the comity .jail, to net the hasis for tale, uiul thought to find the felons there lunvctl down ly Muck and trrini despair; lint they were liruncinit in their cells, its tlio!ii;h th'ey all were wearinir hells; and in their dungeons Idenk and gray they sirniitr their tuneless "lay liy day ". And when the niylit was grtiwing dark I mut'le a journey throtif-'h the i;irk; the wind was cold and rain and sleet fell on the vtijs nn every scat; they shivered in the bitter breeze, iiutl drew their runs around their knees, and vhantcd their sepulchral lay. "We're gottine; better every day." Tltis slojfiin. wonderful and new. has swept the country like the flit; one hears it everywhere he walks, and sees it painted on the rocks. I preatly hope Hint every jay who breaths his hopeful "Uny byvlay" wilt live to sec his hopes conic true, nnd find himself ns e-ood as new. (ill. by suggestion may we ditch our eonu, and wens nnd barber's itch, dissolve the spavins on our knees, tun! bid farewell to till disease DKXVKK. Teh. 15. General mod eration' of low temperatures in the tocky mountain states south of Wyoming wns reported by the weath er bureau here today in the wake of the most severe cold wave of the win ter, llelow zero temperatures still prevailed In the northern states of tho region with no relief In sight. In Montana and northern Idaho today temperatures remnined from 10 to 20 degrees below r.ero, in cen tral Wyoming the mercury touched eight and ten below, while zero weather held sway in tho terrltory east of Wyoming to Illinois. 1'OltTI.ANn. Ore.. Feb. 1... Mod eration of Ihe cold spell for Oregon was forecast today by the local weather bureau. Traffic and busi ness renditions were getting bark to normal, following the partial tleup yesterday due to a 2 1 hour bltaunl. The minimum temperature here last night was IS avolie zero. SPOKAXK, Feb. . Washington apparently was emerging today from the blizzaiM conditions which held sway for 'three days. While below .zero temperatures wero recorded last night nt Wenalehee. Walla Walls and Yakima, the thermometer today was rising, and had passed the zero mark. Meanwhile the snow has ceased. Ifepmts from western Washington eitiei told of thawing iemperatut'es with ruin last night. The minimum temperature here last night was 7 above and tho ther mometer was rising today. Trans continental railroads reported their trams, both east bound and west bound, moving, although In most cases several. hours late. Ar.EKDEEX, S. D.. Feb Three children of Fred Ileek, farmer living near Klltcka, were frozen to death in Monday's blizzard and their bodies discovered In their sleigh yes. terelay according to word received hero yesterday. The children, a girl of ami two boys of 11 and 7, were caught in the snowstorm en route home. SAX KHAXC1SCO, Feb. 15. The ruscun Prince, a freighter of 5275 tons, owned by the Prince line, lim ited, sailed from San Francisco for Scnttlo last Sunday. Her homo port is Newcastle, England. VK'TOltIA, 1!. C., Feb. 15 Although the operator at Estevan wireless station had sent out peated calls to the steamer Tuscan Prince, there had been no reply up to one o clock this afternoon. The only message received from th9. vessel canio at 4:55 a, m., and snid lirontciiipr 'tip fast." ' 'She was asked' lnmiedlnlcy to give her position, but there was no re sponse. "BABY SOUNDS CROUP.Y" Then don't wait got the bottle of B1NZ tSronehi-Lyplus and jrivc the chld a sip. You can btl sure that it will safety and ar re ly relieve 'the little throat of mucous anil prevent that dreaded night visitor Spas modic Croup! "NIP IT IN THE BUD WITH. BINZ PRODUCTS" Have Your Old Spring Hat Remodeled -, to the , 1923 Styles for $l.oo ASK ABOUT OUR CLUB RATES A-. !W--'-.- possibly You' Didn't Know A Oood Time ' c ' to Visit the WEST COAST ' OF MEXICO Low i'ound trip tickets on sale Feb. 14th-Mar. 31st , When going East you muy Include th: t longed-for trip to California at picclically no additional cost. You may choose one of several de llchtfttl routes each distinctive in itscir. Then, too, you have liberal stop over privileges. Four "Shasta Itoute" trains aro at your service every day. Let yeitr local ticket agent furnish detailed information, time tables and booklets, or write .10 1 IN M. SCOTT Oenernl Pasenger Agent Portland, Oregon rUNESl J