Ml'T.POUT) MATL TRTUUNE. MEDFORD. OUKfiON. THURSDAY. KKIJlilTAIiV 1". Htt:i "PACK i THREE SAY "BAYER" when you buy Aspirin links you see the iinine "Haver" on lm-kafia or on tablet you are not get ting the genuine Hny'er product pre seribwl by physicians over twenlv-two ' years niiil proved Kite by millions for voids, headache, tool lioclie, earache, neu ralgia., lumbago, rheumatism, neuritis, Blue Front Fixit Shop 111 S, Holly St. "WE FIX ANYTHING" Phono 454 Razor llludo Sharpening H. W. CONGER UNDERTAKER Successor to Wecks-Congcr Co, Modfnnl. Ore. SPECIAL OFFER ON MUELLER PIPELESS FURNACES Modern Plumbing & Heating Co. Sparta will make a mm was made m0W$r into this jj& Write for our free catalog tlescrthtnd UrrtA nitmhlA (if tree, Hhrubs anil CI ants, and one undre varieliej of Rums ffi Washington Nursery Co. r1 and for pain in general. Accept only "Haver" package which contains proper directions. Handy boxes of twelve tab lets cost few cents. Druggist also Bell bottli of 24 and IOC. Aspirin is tho trado mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaccticacidcster of Salicylicacid. , USED CARS That have not been misused Priced right Crater Lake Automotive Co. WATCH YOUR BATTERY PREST-O-I.ITE BAXTERT STATION For Oniric Sorvtrn Phone. 110 Call 620 MODERN PLUMBING & HEATING COMPANY and ask about, easy payment plan. We now have six installations. A satisfied customer is our best adver tisement. Take advantage of this special offer and have a warm com fortable home this winter. Give us your floor plan, and we will secure for you a factory guarantee. Building House into a Home TKis House nil immmj That indefinable something called "homi ness" is not attained by lavish expenditure for ornamentation of the dwelling, but it i3 in reach of the humblest property owner, yes, even the tenant. A small expenditure for a few vines, flow ering shrubs, shade trees and roses trans forms the commonplace surroundings into a real "home" in the fullest sense of the word. Just a few dollars wisely expended for correct ornamentation of your property makes it more livable, and adds to the selling value many times the cost of the plants. ' Write for folder and ask our salesman for suggestions as to how you may obtain the most pleasing results in your own particu lar case. Sdlesmoi Everywhere More Wanted -,, LAROLST IN THF. WF.ST MANY SPEEDERS GIVEN FINES IN E The first three days of Ibis work were busy ones fur Justice tllenn U. Taylor and deputy statu motor ve hicle Inspector J. J. MeMaJion. Throe i run ic cuaes vern uikimi ueium nivi luctil juhUco on .Lincoln n mrinuay and one was uttended to yesterday afternoon. Lawrence Myers of Central Point, wuh fined $50 yesterday afternoon, ftir haviiiR- pleaded fcuilty ho vera 1 days ago to n charge of falling to re Jiort an automobile aeeident. Accord - ins to McMuhon, Myers minded with the car of Mrs. L. C. Seluti'lVr on the 20th of December near the Lincoln school. A wheel was torn from Mrs. Syhaffer's car and she and her three little children were left Hittlnu in the car while Myers backed away andj drove off without offering any as sistance whatever. I If did not re-, port the accident to authorities, asl required under state law. Anyone having an auto accident Is required : by law to report it within ;M hours. Mnck Seymour was fined for; .speeding when ho ploaded guilty on j the 12th before Justice Taylor. i Louis Ylmont was fined $ 15 si ml I was given a suspended jail sentence of ten days on a charge preferred by McMuhon. The officer alleged that Vimont drove a truck past the Wash itiKton school at a speed of 2S mites per hour. A plea of guilty was en tered. Grace Hall was fined $25 and her driver's license was suspended for a period of ten days when she pleaded guilty to a chargo of speeding. This was her second arrest on such a charge. According to authorities speeding is becoming too prevalent and the failure to report automobile accidents Is entirely too common. Lumberman Is Killed EVERETT, Wash., Feb. 15. OUie Dawson, aged 31, employe of the Kbey Logging camp, died at an Arlington hospital Monday from injuries' re ceived when ho was crushed between cars. He is survived by his wife and three children at Oso. NOTICE The Medford Cigar Store has as sumed the name of Davidson News Co. Legal notice. O. U' DAVIDSON'. For fruit trees of all kinds see Jas. Inglis, representing tho Salem Nur sery company In southern Oregon. Headquarters, Holland Hotel. Special long terms of payment to reliable par ties requiring same. First class stock only. Call, phone or write. tf Kidney and Bladder Troubles Conquered or Money Back For 4 0 yours, said Dr. Carey. I have prescribing my Proscription No. 777 (known for years as Marshroot) for kidney and bladder sickness and now that I havo retired from active practice I havo mndo urranRomonta with leading druggists to disponso this wonderful prescription nt a mod erate piico, on tho money back It dissatisfied plan. Ilmvare of kidney disease thous amis die of It every year who ought to he enjoying tho blessings of life and health. Watch the symptoms. If you. havo specks floating boforo tho eyes, puffy eyes, clammy feet or moist palms, backache or sideacho, you ought to get a bottle of Dr. Carey's famous Prescription N'o. 777 right away. It has wonderfully benefited tens of thousands of enscs of kidney and bladder troubles and is tho medicine you can always depend upon. Re sults are guaranteed. NOTE Wr. Daniel O. Carey was a practicing physician for many years and his great Prescription No. 777 aided thousands of sufferers from kidney and bladder troubles. Here after you can ulwas get this offec live prescription in both liquid and tablet, form at all druggists and all reliable pharmacists tho country over. ' Adv. A Big Value Sale Towels Stamped, ready to embroider 20 and 25 cts Each Friday and Saturday Feb. 16 and 17. at the Handicraft Shop 'NEW SUPT. GRATER LAKE ARRIVES 10 Charles (1. Thomson the newly appointed superintendent of Crater National Park to succeed Alex Spar row, recently resigned, and his wifo and two young sous, arrived in Med ford this morning, accompanied by Mr. and Mr. Alex Sparrow, who went to Portland to meet them several days ago, and have been entertaining them in that city. Their future residence plans until the Crater lJke season opens are un certain as yet, but -Mr. Thomson and family have taken temporary fur nished apartments on West 10th street, corner of-King street, and thoy went to theso quarters from tho train at once, chaperoned by Mr. Sparrow. Tho gonial new head of Crater Lake park, when a local weliomer Apologized to him for Oregon having Mich bad weather, especially up around Portland, since his arrival in tho slate, and tho chilly and some. what foggy weather of this forenoon here, smilingly said: "Oh, that is nil right ond Oregon is all right. I well understand that Ill's stato has had unusual weather, hut it is not bad ut all. I've seen so much worse." Neither did the new superintend ent have anything to say as to his fu lure plans for Crater Lako except that he hoped to get his foet on the ground us soon as possible, and re ferring to his remarks on that mat ter published in the Portland inter views with him and Mr. Sparrow. In this connection the Portlnnd Oregoti ian published tho following: " 'I am, going quietly down to Medford and slip into the place left vacant by Mr. Sparrow's retirement. I shall carry forward his plans. There will be absolutely no change in pol icy so far as I can prevent It, and so far as possible I want to havo the name personnel. Mr. Sparrow iB most highly regarded at Washington and the department was most reluctant to see him leave. ' " 'The national parks are in for a great year,' said Mr. Thomson. 'Tourists have been going abroad o see devastated Franco, hut that urge has about subsided. Never has there been such a desire to set out by au tomobile and be housed by a tent for tho summer, taking In the national parks on the way. Crater. Lake will get its share of this big movement." " 'The Columbia gorgo is wonder ful,' ho told Alex Sparrow, retiring superintendent, who, with Mrs. Spar row, came up from Medford to meet did' now boss of tho lake. 'I saw It from tho train coming in this morn ing.' '.' " 'You haven't Bee half of It,' bark ed out Sparrow. "It tomorrow Is a decent day wo will go out there and really look it over. You havo to got It from the highway.' " 'Thomson Is showing tho proper appreciation,' confided Sparrow. 'Walt until he sees the lake, that el fin sea of blue that, as Frank llranch Riley says, is the most perfect gem Ciod ever made. -"Why, If there were no Crater lako at all, the aO mile circle about it would still In cludo tho greatest outdoor country on the continent.' " Market Nem Uvc.-tloek PORTLAND, Oro Fob. 15. Cat tle, hogs, sheep nominally steady; no receipts. Portland Wheat. PORTLAND, Ore, Feb. 15. Wheat, hard white, blucstom, baart. L35; soft whito $1-27; western white J1.2C; hard winter, northern spring $1.21; western red $1.20. Today's car receipts Wheat 0; barley 1; flour C; outs 2; hay 7. ltuttcr. .' PORTLAND, Ore.i Fob. IB. Hot ter firm. Extra cubes 42.V6 j43 Wc; ordinary grudes 40 H 41c'; cartons 43c; prints 48c; butterfat firm No. 1 churning croam 43c . fob -Portland; undorgrades 40c. San Francisco Market. . , SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. IS. (U. H. Ilureau of Agricultural Economics) Eggs, undersized pullets 24c. SAN FRANCISCO. Fob. 15. (Slate Division of Markets) Poultry un changed. ' SAN FRANCISCO, Feb, 15. llut terfat. pound C3c fob San Francisco. Tortured Many Years by Kidneys "I have had kidnoy trouble for twelve years," writos H. P. Plukney, West Jackson, Miss. "Pains In back, joints, catches in tho hips, run down and getting up too much during, the night But since taking Foley Kidney Pills, my suffering la over, and I feel like a now man." Backacho, rheumatic pains, kidney and bladder trouble quickly relieved with Foley Kidney Pills. Knfuse substitutes. Insist upon Foley'B Honey and Tar, Sold everywhere. Bond Redemption State of Oregon, Comity of Jackson. Troaxury Department. Jacksonville, Ore., Feb. 14, Wa. Notice is hereby given that there are funds on hand for the Redemption of II nils Nns. U, IH, 14 of School Dis trict No. 49, dated April 8th, 1908. Bonds payable at the office of the County Treasurer. A. ( WALKER. Treasurer of Jackson Count v, Oregon. 27 ANEWH. SCHOOL' i Need fr n new blub stlioul in Med; ford that would have facilities for' providing recreation and wholesome amusement fur young people was ex-1 nroHHi'd bv I'.islion Walter T. Sum ner of the Kpiseopal church In an ad- drees to the t'npco forum at Hh regu lar monthly, meeting last night in the Copco building, llislinp Sumner rhuse "Service" as his subject, and outlined tho many avenues by which service j could be rendered to humanity. II"', need of the world today, he said, is for people to take n greater interest, in persons and a lesser Interest lnj things. Among the other speakers of the evening was L. J. Knox, member ot the faculty of tho Medford high t'.i-hool. who talked on 'The Outlines of Pusiness Success." The forty members of the Copco forum who wero present declared tho meeting one of tho most successful In the history of tho organization. For Colli 8, infisienza and as a Preventive Take Laxatlva Brosno tablets The First and Original Cold and Grip Tablet The box bears this signature 30c. free Demonstration of Crown Flour -and Crown Cereals -at- Hall & Hall Cash & Carry Grocery 318 E. Main Street Feb. 12 to Feb. 17 THREE THINGS it will pay you to know t about my Spring fabrics: That means STERLING SERVICE 2 Big variety of pat terns. That means EASY SELECTION. 3 Last but not least, Klein's prices. That means GENUINE VALUES These are three, sound reasons why you should stop in here before ordering your new gar ment. (WW 128 E. Main' Cherro Poultry Feeds Contain- The riftlit iiiimimt of I'ruloiii. 'Kit I, Ash mid Fiber, ('berfi feeds lire UVown for their low f ,biT contents. This low Fiber contents slufcvs Unit no Out hulls or cheu)) ingredients tire used. I Must foods have tlu: riht iiniount of Protein, but too. much Fiber, mid KontTuily the p(iulli'iiicn think that high Protein food is nil Unit is inquired for u nood food. This istot true, however, trs .Fiber is just tis important. When you pjot n liiffh l'rotoin and it hiy;h Fibored food you can be sure you nre not Ti'ttiiijr a olonu food, because the composition of Fiter comes from hulls and low tirade inured A'lits. Therefore, ii not Use a biuh Fiborodjfedd regardless of tho Protein contents. High Fiborod foods usunJly contain Out hulls ground finoi, cull pat' tirotos, and unclean other products. Just, to illunlrnte how to initio n 20 Protein lutd an 8 to 10 Fiber food; use 'JO pounds 70 Meat Meal, 40 pounds Mill Kun, 10 pounds of cull Oab 0 rotes ground fine 120 pounds Oat hulls ground, 5 pounds Gwnmoal, 5 pounds Oil Meal. 'Would you want to food this t;o your chickens or any of your birds? 'We believe that many are doing so and do uot know it. The nnalysjsl. of Cherro Poullrys Foods arc herewith shown. You bo the judge. Cherro Chick Mash Protein l(i, Fat '1, Ash -1, Fiber f.. Cherro Developing Mash Protein 17. Fat 4, Ash 4, Fiber 5. Cherro Scratch Food Protein 9. Fat 3, Ash 2, Fiber 2. Cherro Egg Mash with Puttormilk Protein 20, Fat 41,, Ash 31L,, Fiber 5. Capital Egg Mash Protoin 17, Fat 5, Ash 41,, Fiber 7. Also tho Analysis of Cherro Cow Chow l'rotoin 18, Fat 5, Ash C ,. Fiber S. Carried by Lee Watkins, Rogue River Milling Co. Phoenix, Mercantile Co., of Phoenix, Ore. Jess Richardson, Central Point, Ore. This Is Your Last Chance and the last week of our 25 Discount Sale Army Overcoats, reclaimed $1.03 Army Kain Coats, reclaimed , $1.00 Army Hals, roblockcd and new liands '. 95c New. Towers and Sawyers Short. Slickers .$1.88 New Sawyers ProteS Slickers....! $2.98 New Bib Overalls, heavy $1.39, High Top Kubbcr Boots $4.85 Knbbor Overshoes, 14 inch top .'..' -...$2.08 Aluminum Koastei's $l.i25 Aluminum Percolators : $1.25 This is good, heavy, .serviceable wear and worth double, what wc ask for it. AYc also have hundreds of other bargains. Conic and. sec. TRADE AT THE ARMY STORE AND SAVE MONEY United Army Stores ' 32 Central Ave. South A Good Chance for Someone Our Bakery business has increased to such an extent, it will require all of our atten tion, therefore, we offer for sale the res taurant and confectionery departments. Anyone interested in getting a good loca tion with a paying business, enquire at our store. Talent's W. Main and Grape I Cherro Chick Feed , Protein 11. Fat 2, Ash 2, Fiber 2. CheiTO Growing Scratch Protein 11, Fat 21,70, Ash 2, Fiber 2. Capital Scratch Feed Protein 9, Fat 21,, Ash 2, Fiber 21,. ' Cherro Egg Builder . Protein 19, Fat 0, Ash' 4, Fiber 5. St. Phone 505 3 lVpl. Toppcnish, Washington