r TAGE TEN srroroRD yam tribunx medford. oijegos. Thursday, ferruary i:. wit ANNUAL MEETING mmME mm ls Ul lUULIUIILnLHI L7I rT, -- U linillLU I HLUiUUll i nnin it inni i iirv mi iimw nin nnii nr nni nnrmirnn AWW A AH An. II. IIIHMNV I A HI N Ilk Willi II rUIIIWHA nuJM.ni nuiiLnnu junniii uniiLouit ui iiuul u u !Uu i The Jaikttn CuuMy ruLMr Health ajxT-iticm vill hcd their annual ujUt:s in the Community hou&e at At h land Kriday. February H. A buajnes Ei--tir.g will be held in li mornlne fo.kmod " b a covered dish luncheon, and in the afternoon tU- rt-ion of the various cornmil lt will be reid and Mrs. Sadie Orr L' oritur of Portland will give an ad d re?t The a. ia i ion 1 fori una te in having Mr. Dun tar ai this time ius fche can give a derailed report of fhe work of i lie association carried on in Oregon, also of the great bene fi.n derived therefrom. The public is generally invited to aftn'! thi meetine. VISITS MEDFORD AFTER N. W. Court News (Furnished by Ihm Juu County AbKract Co. I Marriage Lictnjrt ! ! Tom Grigsby, Jr. and Mary Prank-: lin. i Mannard McCour.v and Elma Howe!! j ! AT ONCE fry This! A Gleamy Mass of Luxuriant Hair K A 1 - 1 l 5'. .'1. f V ' J wets f ' ' v , In a firw momenta you ran transform tn plain, dull, fiat lia:r. ou ran have t abundant, vift, gloy and f'lll of Mr. Junt git a . 35 lent but! If ot V.nderineM at any drugstore- Then poitcii soft clot li witb the "Dandcr ne" and draw this through your hair, .akin; one wall strand at a time, 'n.tantle, ye,., immediately, you htvc Miblcd the beauty of your hair. It will e a hum, o soft, lust rout and ao easy ! do up. AI! dust and excessive oil is removed. l-et "Danderine" put new life, ritror lirishtnrn in your hair. This 'limulating tonic will freshen your lp. check ilamlruff and fulling hair ind ht-lp your hair to grow long, thick, 'I rang and beautiful. HEAT WITH COAL Ilace Voui" Order Now for Vulrk DfliTFir Hansen Coal Co. (Hucccaaora to rjtds) 111 8. Fir HU I'hona a? - ' f r--A Jolinuy Carlsou. Juhnny Carlson, local liKhtweight boxer, who has been sojourning In the state of Washington for the past six weeks and during that time has been takhtg on some of the best light weights in that section of the north west, haa returned to Modford- He fought Ja'.-k ftursell of Van couver. U. c. during his absence and put him away in the first forty-five seconds of the bout. In his bout with Connie Karron of Tacoma, Johnny administered the K. O. in the fourth, round. I In Wnlia Walla Carlson was beaten in the third round by Burns, who had I an adiitniage in weight of ten pounds I according to Carlson. Carlson was I not knocked out however. . He wasj knocked down, threo times, having received a wallop in the wind early ! In the bout and being unable to get ! Into action. After the third knock-! down the referee called, the fight off. This was the only fight that Carl son lost during his trip and he fought! a number of good boys in addition to I those mentioned, winning over all of them. 'He is scheduled to meet Ad Manke In Walla Walla on the first of March and Chick Kocdo in Portland on the 22nd. The newly elected board of direc tors of the Pacific Cooerative Wool Growers met in the office of the asso ciation in Portland. February 12. The new directors take office as a result of the general election held by mem bers in the ten districts In Oregon, Washington, and Idaho, on February J. Tbey are T. D. Tyrer. Friday Har bor. Washington: H. G. Feci ham, Wilder. Idaho; W. E. Hunt. Maupin. Ore.; J. W. Smith. Aurora. Oregon; R. Roy Booth. YoncaUa, Ore.; C. L. Keckley. Dixouville. Ore.; C. S. Henry, Oakland, Ore.; G. 11. Thompson. Mac leay. Ore.; C. J. Hurd. O. A. C Cor vaJlis, Ore.; J. B. Cornell. Shedd, Ore. W. V. Poland, Shedd, Ore.; Wm. Rid del!. Jr, Monmouth. Ore.; Fred W. Herrin. Ashland. Ore.; E. A. McCor mack. Eugc-ne. Ore., and W. F. De Ford, Central Point, Ore. The election' of officers resulted in the re-election of F. W. Herrin an president. C. L. Beckley, vice-president, and J. B. Cornell, secretary treasurer. R. A. Ward, manager of the association presented his annual report which reviewed the world wool situation, and the status of the associ ation. C. P. Bishop, prominent wool manufacturer addressed the board on woolen manufacture, and fabric legis lation. The board discussed plans and policies for 1523. As a result of the present years marketing, many new members are joining the association, and indica tions are that the volume of wool han dled will be double that of Prices secured by members were gen erally satisfactory and averaged high er than similar wools brought outside the association in other states. The Pacific Cooperative Wool Growers is now the largest wool marketing asso ciation west of Ohio, and has been cited by the American Farm Bureau Federation as being the best organ ized and most efficient of any of the associations in the United Slates. SHASTA IS HELD HERE 5 HOURS BY FREIGHT LOS ANGELES. Feb. 15. Ted Thye of Portland and Tony Ajax of Los Angeles. Los Angeles middle weights, will wrestle tonight at the I-os Angeles athletic club. Johnny Meyers of Chicago, claim ant to the world's middleweight chumpionship has announced he wants to meet the winner. 11EVELSTOKE, B. C. Feb. IS. Nels Nelson today claimed a new world's amateur ski jumping record. He leaped 202 feet at a tournament here yesterday, or one foot more than the previous record made by himself last year. Ila.sk et ball. As Moscow: University of Idaho, tt; Willamette U. !3. At Berkeley: University of Cali fornia. ?G: Stanford U. J3 Southern Pacific traffic was held up this morning for five hours when a broken wheel on a freight car in Southern Pacific special freight train No. 2091, northbound, caused the front trucks of the car to jump the track and tear up the right-of-way for a distance of about 200 yards, one mile south of Phoenix. When the train came to a standstill the front trucks of the trouble-making car were at right angles to the rails and were partly buried in the dirt torn up by the disturbance. No one was injured and none of the cars capsized which simplified the work of the wrecking crew which was called out from Ashland and which had the right of way cleared by eight a. m. Train No. 11, northbound which ar rives in Med ford at 6:05 a. m. was de tained by the accident and the south bound Shasta Limited which passes through Mod ford at 3:54 a. ni. was de layed five hours. Circuit Court Sarah E. BurseU ts. ii aggie Petl et al. Foreclosure. Mildred Pefley vs. Ora L. Pefley. Divorce. John A. Kelts vs. Laura Kelts. Divorce. Citizens Bank of Ashland vs. Geo. G. Hewett. for money. W. C. Foster vs. E. 1L Sander et al. Order. State vs. Hart man Syndicate et al. Demurrer, motion. Bullock - Merc. Agency vs. Lilly Strouff. Judgment, cost bill. First National Bank of Medford vs. R F. Farmer et aL Summons. M. J. Morris ts. N. G. Holmes et ux. Proof of publication, default, decree- John F. Rocho vs. W. A. Burns et al. Notice. Joseph D. Morrison vs. Dallas El more et al. Findings and conclusion, default, decree. Jackson Co. vs. Kenneth McRea et al. Affidavit. Jackson Co? vs. J. E. Boswell et al. Supplementary motion, order, motion, order amending complaint. State vs. M. M. Hefflin. Order. State vs. Ray Carpenter. Order. State vs. Harry Stewart. Arraign ment, plea, sentence. State vs. Walt Painter et al. Orders. State vs. Nona Dunlap et aL Orders. I. E. Schuler et al vs. J. W. Opp. Chattel lien. Medford Lurflber Co. vs. Byron J. Merritt et al. Lien. Medford Lumber Co. vs. W. S. Bar num et al. Lien. ' O. L. Davidson assunis the business name of Davidson News Co. Probate Court Est Ethel Mary Robison et al (minors). Admitted to probate. Est. Charles W. Hammond- Admit ted to probate. , Est Virginia Fales. Affidavit. Est. Theodore T. Provost Order. EsL Jennie L. Cator. Bond. Est. Emily I. Bingham. Affidavit. EsL Rufus Edwards. Petition. EsL Henry Moore. Order. Est. Selma Richter. Proof of publi cation. Est. Olive Amanda Wolters. Order. EsL I. A. Merriman. Inventory and appraisement Est- Benton Bowers. Affidavit Est L. A. Neil. Administrator's re port. Est. Michael Faley. Final account order, proof of publication. Est Ernest llichter. Report peti tion, order, vouchers. Est R. K. McLaughlin. Petition, order. Est Fred H. Cook. Petition, order. . Est Robert B, Grieve. Notice, let ter, affidavit Est Francis W. Quigley. Reports. Eliz. B. Miller et vir to Rotu O. Brissenden. lot 2, and SW of NW of NW. and NW of SW Sec IT, tp. S9. S. R. 1 E Harry D. Mills. ux. to Charles I. Ritton, w. D. to lot 11. Ilk. t! and lot li and TV'S lot II. blk. tt. Pxitte, FalU Emma Jamej to AU N. M.lls. W. D. to one-third int- in lot 11 and WVi k4 11. b!k. It. Butte Falls llay C- Spencer, et ux. to Ala X. Mills, et aL W. . D. to lot I, and WS lot 11. b!k. H. Butle FalU Sylvester M. Wertz. et ux. to Ben F. Wertz, W. D. to S4 of SW of NW, sec. 4, twp. I) S. It 1 West Eva Pellett, et vir, to Charles C. Wolters, et ux. Q. C. D. to land in Talent . -.' CharU-9 C. Wolters. t ux. to Eva Pelittt. et vir. Q. C. L). to land in Talent and in DLC 4. twp. Jn S-. H. 1 West... Sylvester M. Wertz. et ux. to Ben F. Wertz. NH of SW of NW and NW of NW. lot 6. sec. 4, twp. a S. K. 1 West ie i io ! i; 400 - 10 10 IO "CASCARETS" FOR BOWELS When Sick, Bilious, Headachy, Constipated, for Sour Stomach, Gases, Bad Breath, Colds Your bowels may seem reeulsr move everT daT Tet your thirty feet of bowels inav 'he lined with po:tonous watte which is being sucked into your blood, keeping you half sick, nervous, despondent and upset. Whether you have headache, colds, sour stomach, in digestion, or heart F,:P'tt'on uniailv from bowel poison. Horry! One or two Cascarets to night will clean your bowels right. By morning ali the constipation poUon and sour bile will move out thor oughly! Cawarets will not sicken you they physic fully, but nerer gripe or inconvenience. Children love Cascarets too. 10 cent boxes, also 25 and 50 cant sizes. Any . drugstore- Real Estate Transfers Emma Merriman to M. B. Mcrri manf land in sec 15, tp. 36. S. R. 3 W . - i M. B. Merriman et al to W. H. Merriman et al, land in tp. 3 S. R. 2 W Mollie Songer to Katuryn Long, land in Ashland . 1 Grace Gibbon Orr to John Al bert lots 3 and 4, b'.k. 6S, Cen- tral Point 3-9.60 A. R. Dunham to Fred U. Hick man, lot 7. blk. 31. Gold Hill.... G' C Morris et ux to Carson Fowler Lbr. Co., lot S, blk. ",B" R. R. Add. Ashland Hiram W. Fordney et ux to H. Howard et ux, lots 7 and 8, blk. 1, H. L. White Add., Ashland 10 1000 500 10 i Lift Off with Fingers j 1 Doesn't hurt a Kit Timn . iT4l 'Fwzone" on an aching corn, instant Iv viaz corn 5 to pi hurtmr. then shortly von lift it rijrht off with finders. Truly! ( Your drupjrist sells a tiny bottle of "Freezone" for a few een(. uffieirnt to remove every hard corn, toft corn, or corn between the toes, and the calluses, without soreness or irritation. FLOUR and FEED Low prices on floor and food by dctv owners Central.. Point Flour Mill. IVoccss Rolled Barley, 70 lbs. $1.00 MJUieMl. 80 lb. sack $1.50 Homo Bun Bran and Shorts 91.25 Shelled Corn, per cwt ...SS.t0 Scratch Feed, per cwt $2.70 EK Mash, 30 protein, cwt... 3.tX) Flour, Mt. Pitt blend 49 lbs..... ?1.JK Mt Pitt Rye Flour, 40 lb. sk &2.U0 Attractive prices on ton lots. MORTON & MORTON Central Point SPRAY RIG REPAIRING Williams Implement Service 2S 8. Rartlett Phone 263 RUNABOUT New Price F. O. B. DETROIT With One -man Top and Slanting Windshield The Ford Runabout at this new low price is the most economical means of trans portation salesmen can employ. With the new one-man top and slanting wind shield, it is a more wonderful value than eer before. Time-saving, absolutely de pendable transportation at the minimum cost. Buy now Terms if desired. Starter and Demountable Bims Extra C. E. Gates Auto Co. Grand Opening Saturday, Feb. 17 of the Medford Hardware 6 Sporting Goods Store That grand opening headline is only to' get your attention, so now that you have started reading, keep on till you have read all of this announce ment, as it will be of benefit to you in the future. and assist I have returned to Medford after selling out my business here eight years ago, and am to start in again with a modern, up-to-date store fixtures and clean new merchandise. I have the services of Mr. AI Piche, formerly with the Southern Oregon Hardware Co., who will a ",c " s"e; c peopie or itogue ruver vauey what they have long wanted. We are your servants, and will keep open every working day in the year from 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. One and all are cordially invited to come in to Medford's new store, whether you buy or not. A trial will convince you after which you may be thejudge, as to IOW PRICES, QUALITY MERCHANDISE AND COURTEOUS SERVICE. The lines carried are Guns, Rifles, Ammunition, cutlery, fishing tackle, leather goods, athletic goods, tools, builder's hardware, heavy hard ware, Brass Goods, Household Utensile, Paints, Oils, Fittings and Pipe. . . Yours Truly, M. M. HERMAN, Prop. Phone 296 Medford Hardware & Sporting Goods Co. 327 East Main St. 'WHERE A DIME IS A BABY. DOLLAR'